Creating an LOV from month

Hi all,
I have a report that uses the select extract (month xxx) function to select the month number from a date field from another table.
I wish to filter these months by using an LOV. How would I go about doing that?

Try to ask it into Forms<br>

Similar Messages

  • Creating an LOV from function returning Varray

    I have a select statement which runs in PLSQL and runs in the SQL Commands of SQL Workshop, but when I try to use the select statement as an LOV, I keep getting "LOV query invalid, a display and a return value are needed, the columns names need to be different. if your query contains an in-line query, the first FROM clause.....must not belong to the in-line query." My select statement is as follows:
    select a.obj, a.ename from THE (select cast(getxmlnodes('filename.xml') as NodeTableType2 from dual) a;
    The function getxmlnodes reads an xml file and returns the nodes from my xml file. It works fine from SQLPlus etc. but the LOV balks. Can anyone out there help? Thanks

    For anyone who sees this. My select statement didn't work because I had put a
    ';' at the end of the statement. I accidentally left off the ; in one of my tests and the select statement worked like a charm. Everyone likes to have a person answer their own question.

  • Creating a LOV by using a Command Object

    Hello All,
    I have a report that's driven by a parameterized sproc, which is a year parameter.  However, we have a table that I would like to use in my object command to populate this parameter with the values from the select statement to enforce consistency. A new year is inserted into to this table yearly by another process, which would keep me from having to go into a static list to update the year options yearly. 
    I've created the command object and saved it to the repository, but I can't figure out how to associate it to the report as the parameter.
    Can anyone point me in the right direction?
    Thanks in advance.

    hi DevinM,
    two choices:
    A) add the Command to your report
    1) you can add the Command to your report...don't link it to any tables'll get a "Generally not supported error" but you can ignore it for this test
    2) now in your prompt you will have the Command available for the dynamic values
    3) check that the number of records on your report remains the same as should...any test i have run on this is aok
    B) create a Business View
    1) go into the Business View Manager and create a business view from the data foundation up
    2) once you've got the business view built you can create an LOV from there which is available to your current report and all other reports

  • Can't create multiple dependent LOVs from the same bind variable

    Hi all,
    I'm having difficulty creating multiple dependent LOVs from queries based on the same bind variable in my JSF application (JDev Basically I have a static LOV in a af:selectOneChoice component from which users select a value which then becomes the bind variable value for two separate queries that generate two different dependent LOV. Having developed the code along the lines of Steve Muench 's blog (, the first dependent LOV works really well. The first dynamic LOV gets refreshed whenever the list from the static LOV changes, and I can execute other queries based on the values selected.
    The problem arises when I want to create the second dynamic/dependent LOV that has the same bind variable based on the same selected value from the static LOV. Here I would also like the functionality whereby the second dynamic LOV is also refreshed after the selected value in the static LOV changes. Thinking that all I had to do was replicate the methodology used in creating the first dependent LOV, I created the second iterator, invokeAction and other binding components in the PageDef. The executable section now looks like the following:
    <iterator id="SelectStaticQueryViewObjIterator"
                  Binds="SelectStaticQueryViewObj" RangeSize="-1"
    <invokeAction id="refreshDynamicQuery1BindParameter"
                  Binds="ExecuteWithParams1" Refresh="prepareModel"
                  RefreshCondition="#{empty requestScope.VariableChanged}"/>
    <iterator id="SelectDynamicQuery1ViewObjIterator"
                  Binds="SelectDynamicQuery1ViewObj" RangeSize="-1"
    <invokeAction id="refreshDynamicQuery2BindParameter"
                  Binds="ExecuteWithParams2" Refresh="prepareModel"
                  RefreshCondition="#{empty requestScope.VariableChanged}"/>
    <iterator id="SelectDynamicQuery2ViewObjIterator"
                  Binds="SelectDynamicQuery2ViewObj" RangeSize="-1"
                  DataControl="DMSApplicationModule1DataControl"/>I now have a problem whereby everytime I change the value of the static LOV, multiple HTML components for the same ADF component are being generated (the LOVs are refreshed via PPR). The surprising thing is that this duplicating behaviour applies to all ADF components listed after the first dynamic LOV in the *.jspx source. For example, I have a <af:outputText="Test Text"/> component created after the first dynamic LOV. Each time the value in the static LOV changes, a duplicate HTML component is created. This also applies to the 'related' second dynamic LOV which is bound to a af:selectOneChoice component - multiple dropdown lists are created. I've checked with the browser's Page Source and there are actually multiple html components being generated with their own unique ADF-generated IDs. I've tried all different options for the Referesh and RefreshCondition attibutes in the second invokeAction element but nothing seems to eliminate this issue.
    Any suggestions about how I might create multiple dependent LOVs from the same bind variable that get refreshed when the selected value changes would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi all,
    Just updating the thread on how I've overcome this issue. As it stood the manner in which I was trying to solve my use case, as described above, was creating an absolute mess. Then with a blank sheet of paper I quickly realised that a much simpler solution would be to create a whole series of master-detail VOs and build my components around them. Thankfully I haven't had any issues going down this path as yet.

  • Create LOV from OID entries

    I do not know how to build a LOV from the available list of user ids in Internet Directory. My intention is to use the Internet Directory as my "system of record" for Personnel and reference the User ID in records in the database. Is there a way to build a materialized view for this? or is there some other mechanism you can point me to?
    I am building a slew of data capture forms of which I would like to enter the userid of the logged in user. I know how to use wwctx_api.get_user_id however my user may want to override their name with someone else.
    Ergo, my need for an LOV.

    I had the same problem
    not sure about going to the tables direct, a little messy
    have a look a d the OID developers guide there is an example of querying the OID using DBMS_LDAP
    here is my fucntion to get the parameter that i need form OID it returns any array of records then you can process the array
    type user_profile_rec is record (
                                            first_name varchar2(100)
                                            ,last_name varchar2(100)
                                            ,cn           varchar2(100)
                                            ,dn          varchar2(200)
                                            ,displayname          varchar2(200)
                                            ,jpegPhoto     varchar2(10000)
                                            ,orclisvisible varchar2(10));
    type profile_array is table of user_profile_rec index by binary_integer;
    function user_profiles ( ldap_host VARCHAR2 default portal.wwsec_oid.GET_OID_HOST
                                  ,ldap_port VARCHAR2 default portal.wwsec_oid.GET_OID_PORT
                                  ,ldap_user VARCHAR2
                                  ,ldap_passwd VARCHAR2
                                  ,ldap_base VARCHAR2
                                  ,search_letter varchar2
                                  ) return profile_array
    -- this function uses the dbms_ldap package to query the ldap repsoitory
    -- to get the user details.
    -- this will search the named source
              -- create ldap parameters
              retval PLS_INTEGER;
              my_session DBMS_LDAP.session;
              my_attrs DBMS_LDAP.string_collection;
              my_message DBMS_LDAP.message;
              my_entry DBMS_LDAP.message;
              entry_index PLS_INTEGER;
              my_dn VARCHAR2(256);
              my_attr_name VARCHAR2(256);
              my_ber_elmt DBMS_LDAP.ber_element;
              attr_index PLS_INTEGER;
              i PLS_INTEGER;
              my_vals DBMS_LDAP.STRING_COLLECTION ;
    --          ldap_host VARCHAR2(256);
    --          ldap_port VARCHAR2(256);
    --          ldap_user VARCHAR2(256);
    --          ldap_passwd VARCHAR2(256);
    --          ldap_base VARCHAR2(256);
              -- value to hold the return string from ldap
         -- create the varray variables ( define find in the package spec      
              profile_rec user_profile_rec;
              profile_varray profile_array;
              retval := -1;
              /*ldap_host := '' ;
              ldap_port := '4032';
              ldap_user := 'cn=orcladmin';
              ldap_passwd:= '1vindaloo';
              ldap_base := 'cn=users,dc=uk,dc=evotecoai,dc=com';
              -- Choosing exceptions to be raised by DBMS_LDAP library.
              my_session := DBMS_LDAP.init(ldap_host,ldap_port);
              -- bind to the directory
              retval := DBMS_LDAP.simple_bind_s(my_session,ldap_user, ldap_passwd);
              -- issue the search
              my_attrs(1) := 'sn'; -- retrieve all attributes
              my_attrs(2) := 'dn'; -- retrieve all attributes
              my_attrs(3) := 'cn'; -- retrieve all attributes
              my_attrs(4) := 'givenname'; -- retrieve all attributes
              my_attrs(5) := 'orclisvisible'; -- retrieve all attributes
              my_attrs(5) := 'displayname'; -- retrieve all attributes
              my_attrs(6) := 'jpegPhoto'; -- retrieve all attributes
              retval := DBMS_LDAP.search_s(my_session, ldap_base,DBMS_LDAP.SCOPE_SUBTREE,'sn='||UPPER(search_letter)||'*',my_attrs,0,my_message);
              -- count the number of entries returned
              retval := DBMS_LDAP.count_entries(my_session, my_message);
              -- get the first entry
              my_entry := DBMS_LDAP.first_entry(my_session, my_message);
              entry_index := 1;
              -- Loop through each of the entries one by one
              while my_entry IS NOT NULL loop
              -- print the current entry
                        -- return the dn for the current user row
                        my_dn := DBMS_LDAP.get_dn(my_session, my_entry);
                        profile_rec.dn := my_dn;
                        -- gets the arribs the check to make sure one is returned then assign to the array
                             val:= dbms_ldap.GET_VALUES( LD=>my_session, LDAPENTRY=>my_entry, ATTR=>'givenname' );
                        -- check if returned
                        if val.COUNT > 0 then
                        -- loop thought the values
                        FOR i in val.FIRST..val.LAST loop
                             -- set the value in the array
                             profile_rec.first_name := SUBSTR(val(i),1,200);
                        end loop;
                        end if;
                        -- get the sn
                        val:= dbms_ldap.GET_VALUES( LD=>my_session, LDAPENTRY=>my_entry, ATTR=>'sn' );
                        if val.COUNT > 0 then
                        FOR i in val.FIRST..val.LAST loop
                             profile_rec.last_name := SUBSTR(val(i),1,200);
                        end loop;
                        end if;
                        -- get cn
                        val:= dbms_ldap.GET_VALUES( LD=>my_session, LDAPENTRY=>my_entry, ATTR=>'cn' );
                        if val.COUNT > 0 then
                        FOR i in val.FIRST..val.LAST loop
                    := SUBSTR(val(i),1,200);
                        end loop;
                        end if;
                        -- get orclisvisible
                        val:= dbms_ldap.GET_VALUES( LD=>my_session, LDAPENTRY=>my_entry, ATTR=>'orclisvisible' );
                        if val.COUNT > 0 then
                        FOR i in val.FIRST..val.LAST loop
                                  profile_rec.orclisvisible := SUBSTR(val(i),1,200);
                        end loop;
                        end if;
                        -- get orclisvisible
                        val:= dbms_ldap.GET_VALUES( LD=>my_session, LDAPENTRY=>my_entry, ATTR=>'displayname' );
                        if val.COUNT > 0 then
                        FOR i in val.FIRST..val.LAST loop
                                  profile_rec.displayname := SUBSTR(val(i),1,200);
                        end loop;
                        end if;
                        -- get orclisvisible
                        val:= dbms_ldap.GET_VALUES( LD=>my_session, LDAPENTRY=>my_entry, ATTR=>'jpegPhoto' );
                        if val.COUNT > 0 then
                        FOR i in val.FIRST..val.LAST loop
                                  profile_rec.jpegPhoto := SUBSTR(val(i),1,200);
                        end loop;
                        end if;
              -- itterate thoguht the array
              -- set the values of the record to the array
              profile_varray(entry_index).cn :=;
              profile_varray(entry_index).first_name := profile_rec.first_name;
              profile_varray(entry_index).last_name := profile_rec.last_name;
              profile_varray(entry_index).dn := profile_rec.dn;
              profile_varray(entry_index).displayname :=profile_rec.displayname;
              profile_varray(entry_index).orclisvisible :=profile_rec.orclisvisible;
              profile_varray(entry_index).jpegPhoto :=profile_rec.jpegPhoto;
              my_entry := DBMS_LDAP.next_entry(my_session, my_entry);
              entry_index := entry_index+1;
              end loop;
              -- unbind from the directory
              retval := DBMS_LDAP.unbind_s(my_session);
              -- return the arreay
              return profile_varray;
    end user_profiles;

  • Creating LOV from 2 different tables

    I tried doing some searches on this, but haven't been able to find an answer. Can I create an LOV (to populate a select list) from two different tables? Both tables have the exact same column names/datatypes, just different data.
    Or if this isn't possible, should I just create a new table, and then do a union query to populate it with the values from both of these tables? Just wondering if anyone's had experience with this situation. Thanks!

    Hmm. That is weird. Wonder why it's not working for me.
    The SORT_ORDER column appears in both tables. I was hoping to be able to sort by the number value that appears in this column in both tables (could duplicate values in this table be causing an issue?).
    I even tried changing it to:
    ORDER BY SORT_ORDERBut still get the same error message.
    Message was edited by:
    OK. It appears the ORDER BY SORT_ORDER was causing the issue. I took it out and it worked. The only problem is that I have 1 duplicate entry, called "Other" that now appears twice in my LOV. Any thoughts on this? The value of CONTENT_KEY is different, but the value for DISPLAY_AS is the same. Is there anyway to pull out one of these?

  • Create From Month and To Month Prompt

    Create From Month and To Month Prompt
    Edited by: user10422576 on Jul 29, 2009 8:26 PM
    Edited by: user10422576 on Aug 4, 2009 6:39 AM
    Edited by: user10422576 on Jan 21, 2010 7:46 AM

    user10422576 wrote:
    Edited by: user10422576 on Jul 29, 2009 8:26 PM
    Edited by: user10422576 on Aug 4, 2009 6:39 AM
    mma1709 wrote:Use "in between" in the prompt and is prompted in the report.
    user10422576 wrote:It worked!!!!.....Thanks a lot.....
    Edited by: user10422576 on Aug 4, 2009 6:40 AMWTF?!

  • Not able to create an event in month view of iCal?

    I used to be able to create an event from the month vien of iCal, and it doesn't work anymore. Anyone knows how to fix this?

    So sorry to not have a solution but I wanted to chime in and say "me, too!". Not only create an event, but I can't edit it in month view, either. I thought it was my entire iCal program, since I just upgraded to Lion today, but after reading your post I realize I can edit events in week mode, just not month mode.

  • Need help in creating a chart from 3 datasets

    Need help in creating a chart in SSRS from 3 datasets
    Can someone help me in creating a chart from 3 datasets, however datasource is same.

    Thank you Olaf...
    could anyone help me in using union all with the below
     WITH a AS (
    DATEPART(year, row_date) AS 'Year',
    DATEPART(month, row_date) AS 'Month',
        value ,
        CASE metricid WHEN 16 THEN 'FCR' ELSE 'Cases' END AS metric
    WHERE metricid IN (16, 11)
    AND row_date BETWEEN '2012-01-01' AND '2014-10-01'
    AND value IS NOT NULL)
    , b AS (
    SELECT     clientid ,
        Year ,
        Month ,
        value AS 'Cases',
    FROM a
    WHERE metric = 'cases')
    , c AS (
    SELECT     clientid ,
        Year ,
        Month ,
        value AS 'FCR',
    FROM a
    WHERE metric = 'FCR')
    , d AS (
    SELECT b.YEAR, b.MONTH, c.FCR, b.Cases 
    ON c.clientid = b.clientid
    AND c.[YEAR] = b.[year] 
    AND c.[month] = b.[month]
    WHERE c.fcr <> 0 AND b.cases <> 0
    ,E AS (
    SELECT [Year], [Month], SUM(FCR) AS FCR, SUM(Cases) AS Cases
    FROM d
    GROUP BY [Year], [Month])
    select YEAR, MONTH, 
    WHEN 1 THEN 'Jan'
    WHEN 2 THEN 'Feb'
    WHEN 3 THEN 'Mar'
    WHEN 4 THEN 'Apr'
    WHEN 5 THEN 'May'
    WHEN 6 THEN 'Jun'
    WHEN 7 THEN 'Jul'
    WHEN 8 THEN 'Aug'
    WHEN 9 THEN 'Sep'
    WHEN 10 THEN 'Oct'
    WHEN 11 THEN 'Nov'
    WHEN 12 THEN 'Dec'
    END AS MonthName
    ,e.FCR AS FCRCases
    ,e.Cases AS TotalCases
    WHEN [month] IN (11, 12, 1) THEN 1
    WHEN [month] IN (2, 3, 4) THEN 2
    WHEN [month] IN (5, 6, 7) THEN 3
    WHEN [month] IN (8, 9, 10) THEN 4
    END AS 'Quarter'
    --,CONVERT(DECIMAL(18, 2),(e.FCR/e.Cases)*100) AS FCRRaw
    from e
    order by YEAR, MONTH
    **************2nd query*************
    WITH a AS (
    DATEPART(year, row_date) AS 'Year',
    DATEPART(month, row_date) AS 'Month',
        CASE metricid WHEN 56 THEN 'numerator' ELSE 'denominator' END AS metric
    FROM XXXXXXX.[Values] AS V
    WHERE metricid IN (56, 10)
    --WHERE metricid IN (11,16)
    AND row_date BETWEEN '2013-10-01' AND '2014-02-01'
    AND value IS NOT NULL)
    , b AS (
    SELECT     clientid ,
        Year ,
        Month ,
        value AS 'numerator',
    FROM a
    WHERE metric = 'numerator')
    , c AS (
    SELECT     clientid ,
        Year ,
        Month ,
        value AS 'denominator',
    FROM a
    WHERE metric = 'denominator')
    , d AS (
    SELECT b.YEAR, b.MONTH, c.denominator, b.numerator 
    ON c.clientid = b.clientid
    AND c.[YEAR] = b.[year] 
    AND c.[month] = b.[month]
    WHERE c.denominator <> 0 AND b.numerator <> 0
    , e AS (
    SELECT [Year], [Month], SUM(numerator) AS numerator, SUM(denominator) AS denominator
    FROM d
    GROUP BY [Year], [Month]
    SELECT *, 
    WHEN [month] IN (11, 12, 1) THEN 1
    WHEN [month] IN (2, 3, 4) THEN 2
    WHEN [month] IN (5, 6, 7) THEN 3
    WHEN [month] IN (8, 9, 10) THEN 4
    END AS 'Quarter'
    FROM e
    ORDER BY 1,2
    ******************3rd query**************
    WITH a AS (
    SELECT --L.[LocationGroupId],
    -- T.locationid,
    -- T.AccountId,
    /*Convert(NVARCHAR, DatePArt(year, TR.datestamp)) + '-' + Convert(NVARCHAR, DatePArt(month, TR.datestamp)) + '-01'*/ 
    TR.Period AS ValueDate,
    CASE WHEN TR.TargetResultState = 0 THEN 0 WHEN TR.TargetResultState = 1 THEN 1 WHEN TR.TargetResultState = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS Met,
    CASE WHEN CONVERT(DATE, Convert(NVARCHAR, DatePArt(year, TR.datestamp)) + '-' + Convert(NVARCHAR, DatePArt(month, TR.datestamp)) + '-01') > T.Startdate AND CONVERT(DATE, Convert(NVARCHAR, DatePArt(year, TR.datestamp))
    + '-' + Convert(NVARCHAR, DatePArt(month, TR.datestamp)) + '-01') < T.Enddate THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS ActiveTarget
    INNER JOIN dbo.Target T ON TR.TargetID = T.ID
    --INNER JOIN dbo.Location L ON T.Locationid = L.Id
    WHERE --locationid <> - 1 AND 
    TR.Period IN ('201306', '201307', '201308', '201309', '201310', '201311', '201312', '201401'))
    select ValueDate, SUM(Met) AS Met, Count(ActiveTarget) AS ActiveTargets,
    right(ValueDate,2) as Month
    ,left(ValueDate,4) as Year
    WHEN right(ValueDate,2) IN (11, 12, 1) THEN 1
    WHEN right(ValueDate,2) IN (2, 3, 4) THEN 2
    WHEN right(ValueDate,2) IN (5, 6, 7) THEN 3
    WHEN right(ValueDate,2) IN (8, 9, 10) THEN 4
    END AS 'Quarter'
    from a
    group by ValueDate
    order by ValueDate

  • IOS 7 Calendar on iPad I cannot go from month view to day view. When I tap on the day of the month nothing happens.

    I use to be able to look at my month in the month view and when I wanted to make an appointment for a specific day I just tapped that day and it would open up the day and I could add my appointment to the time slot I wanted. Now when I am in month view and I tap on the day I want to make an appointment it does nothing. If I hold my finger on the day it creates an All Day event which is not what I want to do and even if I add a start time to the event, I don't know what times I have available on that day because the Day view hasn't opened. This is extremely frustrating. On my iphone it works properly...I can go from month view to day view by tapping on the day I want to view. Why can't I do this on my iPad?? If I could go back to ios 6 I would, calendar is not impressive at all!!
    Please help with any suggestions or PLEASE APPLE.....FIX THIS!!!

    I just tested, and this unfortunately still seems to be a bug in the latest iOS 7.1 release of the Calendar on the iPad, which is too bad since the release notes suggest that this iOS update included both bug fixes and enhancements to the Calendar.
    To my knowledge the bug has never been an issue on the iPhone version of the Calendar which behaves exactly as you would expect it should.
    It seems inconcievable given the obvious broken-ness of the current behavior coupled with what I would expect is a massive number of people who use the Calendar on the iPad, but is it possible that this bug isn't on Apple's radar?
    I'm happy to submit a bug report; does anyone know offhand the process for how the public can report bugs?
    This has been persistent in the product for nearly six months; it's well overdue that this bug be squashed.

  • Creating a LOV based in a Web Service

    Hey guys...
    I need to create a Lov based in a Web Service Result, but in always getting the same error:
    LOV query is invalid, a display and a return value are needed, the column names need to be different. If your query contains an in-line query, the first FROM clause in the SQL statement must not belong to the in-line query.
    Queries that I'm trying:
    Original Query:
    select extractValue(value(t),'/*/imgLocation','xmlns="http://oracle.ovs.api/types/"') "imgLocation"
    , extractValue(value(t),'/*/imgName','xmlns="http://oracle.ovs.api/types/"') "imgName"
    from wwv_flow_collections c,
    table(xmlsequence(extract(xmltype.createxml(c.clob001),'//getAllTemplateResourcesResponseElement/result','xmlns="http://oracle.ovs.api/types/"'))) t
    where c.collection_name = 'P1_GETALLTEMPLATERESOURCES2_RESULTS'
    Other Query that I tried:
    select imgLocation, imgName from (
    select extractValue(value(t),'/*/imgLocation','xmlns="http://oracle.ovs.api/types/"') "imgLocation"
    , extractValue(value(t),'/*/imgName','xmlns="http://oracle.ovs.api/types/"') "imgName"
    from wwv_flow_collections c,
    table(xmlsequence(extract(xmltype.createxml(c.clob001),'//getAllTemplateResourcesResponseElement/result','xmlns="http://oracle.ovs.api/types/"'))) t
    where c.collection_name = 'P1_GETALLTEMPLATERESOURCES2_RESULTS')
    And I tried creating a view, but I dont know where I have to put this.. Maybe in another process?
    create view as
    select imgLocation, imgName from (
    select extractValue(value(t),'/*/imgLocation','xmlns="http://oracle.ovs.api/types/"') "imgLocation"
    , extractValue(value(t),'/*/imgName','xmlns="http://oracle.ovs.api/types/"') "imgName"
    from wwv_flow_collections c,
    table(xmlsequence(extract(xmltype.createxml(c.clob001),'//getAllTemplateResourcesResponseElement/result','xmlns="http://oracle.ovs.api/types/"'))) t
    where c.collection_name = 'P1_GETALLTEMPLATERESOURCES2_RESULTS')

    I'd start by adding column aliases D and R to the query and see if that helps.

  • Calendar from month view to day view

    why isn't it possible (like on my iPhone) if I'm in the month view to tip on a specific day and see this day in the day view?
    I adressed this already at the Apple Feedback page but it seems to be thaat even in iOS 7.1 it has not made into the finals - or am I doing it just wrong?

    I share your frustration Joerg - when I switch from MONTH view to DAY view, I seem to end up on a random day rather than the day I'm trying to choose.
    My 'workaround' is to double-click on the chosen day to create a New Event, then click across to Day view, then hit erase o get rid of the unwanted new event.  Surely there must be a better way?

  • Creating custom LOV in

    We are new to Web ADI and are having problems with creating custom LOV. It seems that custom templates can only have poplists defined. Is this true? And if so, how do we get around the problem of the 256 row limitation? Has anyone created lovs for custom templates for

    As of now am tracing them blindly with oradebug... but guide me to find solution for normal trace.Bhanu,
    The only supported way to enable trace concurrent requests from the application is what you already know. So, I believe there is no other way to enable trace. Since the issue with custom concurrent requests only, then I believe it is something with the reports/module registration.
    I am not sure why there are no values stored in FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS table (for some columns) when you submit such reports, and I believe if this is resolved you will be able to see the trace files generated. So, is it possible to register any of these custom reports in one of the standard responsibilities and see if the values in the table are populated and/or the trace file get generated then?
    Can you tell me what is OP meansOP = Original Poster (internet newsgroups and message boards)

  • How To Create an LOV in Jdeveloper

    Could anyone tell me as to how one can create an lov in this version of jdeveloper
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi John,
    Thanks for the detailed solution . Also i would like to clear some doubts.
    Earlier i was using session.scope to pass value from one page to another. But since i have one jsp lov page and two fields 'from' & 'to' how would i be able to assign separate values when i am selecting them from same jsp lov page.
    In other words how would i be able to reuse the jsp on other fields because if i change the values once it will be changes for all the fields.
    one more query in the older version of jdeveloper it was much easier to create an lov as u have options from the component pallete why have they removed it.?
    Because i will have to create duplicate jsp pages if i have from & to fields for my search forms.
    I hope i am able to get my problem through.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Message was edited by:
    Madhur Pant

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