Creating dynamic file through web Dynpro

Hai All,
     Please tell information about my question.
Best Regards,
S.V.Selva Bala.

Hi Saravanan,
   Go through Re: IP problem in UME this thread. It might help you.
Message was edited by: Satyajit Chakraborty
Message was edited by: Satyajit Chakraborty

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  • Download files through web Dynpro

    Hai All,
      Now i am working in web Dynpro2.0.9. "IWDResource" property is used to download and upload files in web Dynpro. "IWDResource" is not supported by web Dynpro2.0.9.what is the alternative way for to download files other than using "IWDResource" property.If you have sample codings send it.
    Thanks in Advance,
    s.v.selva Bala.

    Hallo Anilkumar,
    read my tutorial on Uploading/Downloading Files in Web Dynpro NW04:
    <a href="">Uploading and Downloading Files (39)</a>
    You are right, that the new on-demand-stream concept based on the IWDResource-API (Resource Simple Type) is not applicable in NW04.
    Regards, Bertram

  • Create dynamic table in web dynpro abap

    Hi Friends,
    I want to create several tables in a web dynpro. For this reason I have created a View, a group1 and a context node.
    Now I want create a table for each characteristic group from cabn in the ui group1.
    For this reason I want to use create_table_from_node and I have to craete dynamicly attributes in the node.
    Is it the propper way  or is there a different approach.
    So in this case
    1. I read the node
    2. craete attribute for each characteristic group in this node
    3. create a UI Table with create_table_from_node for each attribute
    4. bind the data to the UI Table
    Can I do the same without to craete attributes?
    Thank in advance.
    RG. Jimbob

    Hi Jimbob,
    Have you looked at using the row-repeater UI element? You could then have as many tables as per your characteristic groups.
    Although this would be more difficult if the attributes of each table were to also be only known at run-time. (I'm not sure that this is the case though from your description of the issue.)
    so have a context of the form:
    Context Root
    --->node_characteristic_group (0..n)
    >node_char_group_details(0...n) (non-singleton child node)
    then bind your row repeater to node "node_characteristic_group " and bind the table inside the row repeater to node "node_char_group_details".
    Each time you had a new element in the node_characteristic_group you would get a new table...
    Much easier to support that anything dynamically created.

  • Download Excel file through Web dynpro with no windows open?

    Can we have a web dynpro application that just returns an Excel file in the response with no open windows? Similar to a java servlet that is used to download a Excel file?
    This basically means that I cannot use wdComponentAPI.getWindowManager().createNonModalExternalWindow()
    Java Servlet Code
    HttpSession session = request.getSession();      // get a handle on the session id
    response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "filename=RTIS_Report.xls");
    PrintWriter out = null;
    out = response.getWriter();
    String report = request.getParameter("REPORT");
    JCO.Table lines = download(request, session, report);
    for (int i = 0; i < lines.getNumRows(); i++) {
         String content = lines.getString("LINES") + "\n";

    I think you can use IWD Cached Web Resource to achieve this..
    See the below code FYI..
    public void downloadToExcel( )
        String fileName = "Customer" + ".xls";
         IWDCachedWebResource cachedExcelResource = null;
              File f = new File("Customer.xls");
              WritableWorkbook workbook =   Workbook.createWorkbook(f);
              WritableFont black = new WritableFont(WritableFont.createFont("Trebuchet MS"),WritableFont.DEFAULT_POINT_SIZE,WritableFont.BOLD,false,UnderlineStyle.SINGLE,Colour.BLACK);
              WritableCellFormat blackFormat = new WritableCellFormat(black);
              WritableFont blue = new WritableFont(WritableFont.createFont("Trebuchet MS"),WritableFont.DEFAULT_POINT_SIZE,WritableFont.NO_BOLD,false,UnderlineStyle.NO_UNDERLINE,Colour.BLUE);
              WritableCellFormat blueFormat = new WritableCellFormat(blue);
              WritableSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("Customer", 0);
                   Label label;
                   String[] header={"Corporate Code","Batch ID"};
                   for (int i=0;i<2;i++)
                        label = new Label(i,0,header<i>.toString(),blackFormat);
                   WritableCellFormat integerFormat = new WritableCellFormat(NumberFormats.INTEGER);
                   jxl.write.Number number;
                   // Reading the contents
                   for(int i=0;i<wdContext.nodeVn_DownloadToExcel().size();i++)
                        String strCorpName = wdContext.currentContextElement().getVa_CorpCode();
                        String strBatchID =     wdContext.nodeVn_DownloadToExcel().getVn_DownloadToExcelElementAt(i).getVa_BatchID();
                        label = new Label(0,i+1,strCorpName,blueFormat);
                        label = new Label(1,i+1,strBatchID,blueFormat);
                   workbook.setColourRGB(Colour.LIME, 0xff, 0, 0);
                   FileInputStream excelCSVFile = new FileInputStream(f);
                   IWDCachedWebResource cachedWebResource = null;
                   if (excelCSVFile!= null)
                        cachedWebResource = WDWebResource.getWebResource(excelCSVFile, WDWebResourceType.getWebResourceType("xls","application/ms-excel"));
              cachedExcelResource = cachedWebResource;
         catch (Exception ex)
              wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager().reportException("Error in Excel Download"+ex.getMessage(),false);

  • Upload and Attach file to Service Notificacion through Web Dynpro

    I need to upload and attach a file (Word, PDF, TXT ...) to Service Notificacion (TX - IW53) through Web Dynpro.
    I have used the integration component "File Upload" to obtain the "fileName" atribute. Also, I have used the functions SO_OBJECT_UPLOAD, SO_INSERT_OBJECT and BINARY_RELATION_CREATE_COMMIT.
    But have a problem, because the function SO_OBJECT_UPLOAD use the class "cl _ gui _ frontend _ services" and that clash with Web Dynpro.
    My question is: how could I resolve that problem?
    I look forward to your response.

    IV_NAME     Importing     Type     STRING
    IV_CONTENT     Importing     Type     STRING
    IV_CONTENT_HEX     Importing     Type     XSTRING
    IS_LPORB     Importing     Type     SIBFLPORB
    IV_OBJTP     Importing     Type     SO_OBJ_TP
    RT_MESSAGES     Returning     Type     BAPIRETTAB
    method save.
      data ls_message type bapiret2.
        filename     type string,
        filefullname type string,
        mime_type    type string,
        size         type i,
        offset type i,
        offset_old type i,
        temp_len type i,
        objname type string,
        l_obj_type type so_obj_tp,
        hex_null type x length 1 value '20',
        l_document_title type so_text255,
        file_ext type string,
        lt_objcont type standard table of  solisti1 initial size 6,
        objcont like line of lt_objcont,
        lt_ls_doc_change type standard table of sodocchgi1,
        ls_doc_change like line of lt_ls_doc_change,
        lt_data type soli_tab,
        ls_data type soli,
        lt_xdata type solix_tab,
        ls_xdata type solix,
        l_folder_id type sofdk,
        ls_object_id type soodk,
        l_object_id_fol type so_obj_id,
        l_object_id type so_obj_id,
       l_doc_info TYPE sofolenti1,
        l_object_hd_change type sood1,
        l_tab_size type int4,
        l_retype type breltyp-reltype,
        lt_urltab  type standard table of sood-objdes.
    get foler
    l_folder_id = 'FOL29000000000004'.
      call function 'SO_FOLDER_ROOT_ID_GET'
         owner                            = sy-uname
          region                           = 'B'
          folder_id                        = l_folder_id
         path_table                       =
      if iv_objtp = gc_type_file.
        size = xstrlen( iv_content_hex ).
    get file name and extension
        call method split_path
            iv_path           = iv_name
         E_PATH           =
           ev_filename       = filename
         E_PSERVER        =
        call method split_file_extension
            iv_filename_with_ext = filename
            ev_filename          = objname
            ev_extension         = file_ext.
        ls_doc_change-obj_name = objname.
        ls_doc_change-obj_descr = objname.
        ls_doc_change-obj_langu = sy-langu.
        ls_doc_change-sensitivty = 'F'.
        ls_doc_change-doc_size = size.
        offset = 0.
        while offset <= size.
          offset_old = offset.
          offset = offset + 255.
          if offset > size.
            temp_len = xstrlen( iv_content_hex+offset_old ).
            clear ls_xdata-line with hex_null in byte mode.
            ls_xdata-line = iv_content_hex+offset_old(temp_len).
            ls_xdata-line = iv_content_hex+offset_old(255).
          append ls_xdata to lt_xdata.
    set object type relation type and other header info
        l_retype = 'ATTA'.
        l_obj_type = 'EXT'.
        l_object_hd_change-objnam = ls_doc_change-obj_name.
        l_object_hd_change-objdes = ls_doc_change-obj_descr.
        l_object_hd_change-objsns = ls_doc_change-sensitivty.
        l_object_hd_change-objla  = ls_doc_change-obj_langu.
        l_object_hd_change-objlen = ls_doc_change-doc_size.
        l_object_hd_change-file_ext = file_ext.
      prepare header
        data lt_obj_header type standard table of solisti1.
        data ls_header type solisti1.
        concatenate '&SO_FILENAME=' filename into ls_header.
        append ls_header to lt_obj_header.
        clear ls_header.
        ls_header = '&SO_FORMAT=BIN'.
        append ls_header to lt_obj_header.
    change hex data to text data
        call function 'SO_SOLIXTAB_TO_SOLITAB'
            ip_solixtab = lt_xdata
            ep_solitab  = lt_data.
    for note
        size = strlen( iv_content ).
        objname = iv_name.
        ls_doc_change-obj_descr = objname.
        ls_doc_change-sensitivty = 'O'.
        ls_doc_change-obj_langu  = sy-langu.
    put content into table
        offset = 0.
        if iv_objtp = gc_type_note.
    it's a note
          l_retype = 'NOTE'.
          l_obj_type = 'RAW'.
          l_object_hd_change-file_ext = 'TXT'.
    read note content into table
          while offset <= size.
            offset_old = offset.
            offset = offset + 255.
            if offset > size.
              temp_len = strlen( iv_content+offset_old ).
              clear ls_data-line.
              ls_data-line = iv_content+offset_old(temp_len).
              ls_data-line = iv_content+offset_old(255).
            append ls_data to lt_data.
    get title from content , if it's initial
          if objname is initial.
            read table lt_data index 1 into l_document_title.
            while l_document_title+49 <> ' '.
              shift l_document_title right.
            shift l_document_title left deleting leading ' '.
            ls_doc_change-obj_descr = l_document_title.
    it's url (not note)
          l_retype = 'URL'.
          l_obj_type = 'URL'.
          if objname is initial.
            split iv_content at '/' into table lt_urltab.
            describe table lt_urltab lines l_tab_size.
            read table lt_urltab index l_tab_size into ls_doc_change-obj_descr.
          while offset <= size.
            offset_old = offset.
            offset = offset + 250.
            if offset > size.
              temp_len = strlen( iv_content+offset_old ).
              clear ls_data-line.
              ls_data-line = iv_content+offset_old(temp_len).
              ls_data-line = iv_content+offset_old(250).
            concatenate '&KEY&' ls_data-line into ls_data-line.
            append ls_data to lt_data.
        ls_doc_change-doc_size = size.
       l_object_hd_change-objnam = ls_doc_change-obj_name.
        l_object_hd_change-objdes = ls_doc_change-obj_descr.
        l_object_hd_change-objsns = ls_doc_change-sensitivty.
        l_object_hd_change-objla  = ls_doc_change-obj_langu.
        l_object_hd_change-objlen = ls_doc_change-doc_size.
    save object
      call function 'SO_OBJECT_INSERT'
                folder_id                  = l_folder_id
               OBJECT_FL_CHANGE           = OBJECT_FL_CHANGE
                object_hd_change           = l_object_hd_change
                object_type                = l_obj_type
               ORIGINATOR_ID              = OWNER_ID
              OWNER                      = USER-USRNAM
               OBJECT_FL_DISPLAY          = OBJECT_FL_DISPLAY
               OBJECT_HD_DISPLAY          = OBJECT_HD_DISPLAY
                object_id                  = ls_object_id   "l_doc_info-object_id
                objcont                    = lt_data
                objhead                    = lt_obj_header
               OBJPARA                    = OBJECT_PARA
               OBJPARB                    = OBJECT_PARB
                component_not_available    = 01
                folder_not_exist           = 06
                folder_no_authorization    = 05
                object_type_not_exist      = 17
                operation_no_authorization = 21
                parameter_error            = 23
                others                     = 1000.
      if sy-subrc <> 0.
        message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
                with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4 into ls_message-message.
        ls_message-type = sy-msgty.
        ls_message-id = sy-msgid.
        ls_message-number = sy-msgno.
        ls_message-message_v1 = sy-msgv1.
        ls_message-message_v2 = sy-msgv2.
        ls_message-message_v3 = sy-msgv3.
        ls_message-message_v4 = sy-msgv4.
        append ls_message to rt_messages.
    create relation
      data l_obj_rolea type borident.
      data l_obj_roleb type borident.
    MOVE-CORRESPONDING wd_this->ms_lporb to l_obj_rolea.
      l_obj_rolea-objkey = is_lporb-instid.
      l_obj_rolea-objtype = is_lporb-typeid.
      l_obj_rolea-logsys = is_lporb-catid.
      l_object_id_fol  = l_folder_id.
      l_object_id = ls_object_id.
      concatenate l_object_id_fol l_object_id into l_obj_roleb-objkey respecting blanks.
      l_obj_roleb-objtype = 'MESSAGE'.
      clear l_obj_roleb-logsys.
      call function 'BINARY_RELATION_CREATE'
          obj_rolea    = l_obj_rolea
          obj_roleb    = l_obj_roleb
          relationtype = l_retype
          others       = 1.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        commit work and wait.
       wd_this->MV_UPDATE_FLAG = 'X'.
        message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
                with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4 into ls_message-message.
        ls_message-type = sy-msgty.
        ls_message-id = sy-msgid.
        ls_message-number = sy-msgno.
        ls_message-message_v1 = sy-msgv1.
        ls_message-message_v2 = sy-msgv2.
        ls_message-message_v3 = sy-msgv3.
        ls_message-message_v4 = sy-msgv4.
        append ls_message to rt_messages.
    Edited by: Reyleene Hunt on May 26, 2009 10:05 AM

  • How to call PDF file in Web Dynpro Appl?

    How to call PDF file in Web Dynpro Appl?

    Hi Gobinath,
    1. Create a value attribute of type byte called pdfSource.
    2. Insert an UI element called Interactive Form in your layout
    3. Set the source property of this Interactive From UI element to the context pdfSource.
    4. Insert a button which would open your pdf file.
    public void onActionsubmit( wdEvent )
        //@@begin onActionsubmit(ServerEvent)
       IPrivate<viewname>.IContextElement contextElement = wdContext.currentContextElement();
             byte[] bytes = contextElement.getPdfSource();
                   File file = new File("C:
                   FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file);
                catch (IOException e)
                   // do something
    Warm Regards,

  • Import data from excel/csv file in web dynpro

    Hi All,
    I need to populate a WD table by first importing a excel/CSV file thru web dynpro screen and then reading thru the file.Am using FileUpload element from NW04s.
    How can I read/import data from excel / csv file in web dynpro table context?
    Any help is appreciated.
    Thanks a lot

    Here are the basic steps needed to read data from excel spreadsheet using the Java Excel API(jExcel API).
    jExcel API can read a spreadsheet from a file stored on the local file system or from some input stream, ideally the following should be the steps while reading:
    Create a workbook from a file on the local file system, as illustrated in the following code fragment:
              import java.util.Date;
              import jxl.*;
             Workbook workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File("test.xls"));
    On getting access to the worksheet, once can use the following code piece to access  individual sheets. These are zero indexed - the first sheet being 0, the  second sheet being 1, and so on. (You can also use the API to retrieve a sheet by name).
              Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(0);
    After getting the sheet, you can retrieve the cell's contents as a string by using the convenience method getContents(). In the example code below, A1 is a text cell, B2 is numerical value and C2 is a date. The contents of these cells may be accessed as follows
    Cell a1 = sheet.getCell(0,0);
    Cell b2 = sheet.getCell(1,1);
    Cell c2 = sheet.getCell(2,1);
    String a1 = a1.getContents();
    String b2 = b2.getContents();
    String c2 = c2.getContents();
    // perform operations on strings
    However in case we need to access the cell's contents as the exact data type ie. as a numerical value or as a date, then the retrieved Cell must be cast to the correct type and the appropriate methods called. The code piece given below illustrates how JExcelApi may be used to retrieve a genuine java double and java.util.Date object from an Excel spreadsheet. For completeness the label is also cast to it's correct type. The code snippet also illustrates how to verify that cell is of the expected type - this can be useful when performing validations on the spreadsheet for presence of correct datatypes in the spreadsheet.
      String a1 = null;
      Double b2 = 0;
      Date c2 = null;
                        Cell a1 = sheet.getCell(0,0);
                        Cell b2 = sheet.getCell(1,1);
                        Cell c2 = sheet.getCell(2,1);
                        if (a1.getType() == CellType.LABEL)
                           LabelCell lc = (LabelCell) a1;
                           stringa1 = lc.getString();
                         if (b2.getType() == CellType.NUMBER)
                           NumberCell nc = (NumberCell) b2;
                           numberb2 = nc.getValue();
                          if (c2.getType() == CellType.DATE)
                            DateCell dc = (DateCell) c2;
                            datec2 = dc.getDate();
                           // operate on dates and doubles
    It is recommended to, use the close()  method (as in the code piece below)   when you are done with processing all the cells.This frees up any allocated memory used when reading spreadsheets and is particularly important when reading large spreadsheets.              
              // Finished - close the workbook and free up memory
    The API class files are availble in the 'jxl.jar', which is available for download.

  • Upload file in Web Dynpro and add to Workflow container as SOFM object

    I have a Web Dynpro for ABAP application that should send attachments of uploaded files to a workflow container. I have already managed to do this, and it works fine for TXT files, but when I try to attach a WORD (.DOC) file the file looks corrput when I open it from the SAP inbox.
    When uploading files in Web Dynpro it is as an XSTRING. I have tried out the following alternatives regarding convertion of the XSTRING before it is inserted in the SOFM object:
    1) Convert from XSTRING to STRING using codepage 4110.
    Then it is split into a string table of 255 chars
    2) Convert from XSTRING to STRING using codepage 4102
    Then it is split into a string table of 255 chars
    3) Convert from XSTRING to BINARY format
    I use function module 'SWL_SOFM_CREATE_WITH_TABLE'
    and then swf_create_object lr_sofm 'SOFM' ls_sofm_key.
    before I call some macros to fill the container.
    Anyone else who have tried to do this with success? I'm greatful for any help.
    Regards, Tine

    I had the same problem in the last days and finally I got a quite simple solution:
    I had a look at the FM SWL_SOFM_CREATE_WITH_TABLE an noticed that it calls another FM (SO_DOCUMENT_INSERT_API1) which has a tables parameter for HEX data and is actually able to  create a SOFM object from HEX data.
    I simply copied SWL_SOFM_CREATE_WITH_TABLE as a customer FM and applied a few changes to make it accept HEX data:
    First I added a new table parameter in the interface which gets the HEX data from the calling application (uploaded data using BIN format):
    Here is the code of the FM (I marked all additional and changed lines with a comment):
    function z_test_sofm_create_with_table .
    *"*"Lokale Schnittstelle:
    *"  TABLES
      data: region like sofd-folrg.
      data: folder_id like soodk.
      data: l_folder_id like soobjinfi1-object_id.
      data: document_data like sodocchgi1.
      data: document_info like sofolenti1.
      data: object_content like solisti1 occurs 0 with header line.
      data: lines like sy-tabix.
    *- set default
      if document_type is initial.
        document_type = 'RAW'.
    *- create office object
    *-- get dark folder
      region = 'B'.
      call function 'SO_FOLDER_ROOT_ID_GET'
          region                = region
          folder_id             = folder_id
          communication_failure = 1
          owner_not_exist       = 2
          system_failure        = 3
          x_error               = 4
          others                = 5.
      if sy-subrc ne 0.
        message e696(wl)                       "<== Add message class
                raising error_sofm_creation.
    *- get description
      if note_title is initial.
        read table note_text index 1.
        note_title = note_text.
    *-- create office document
      document_data-obj_name = 'ATTACHMENT'.
      document_data-obj_descr = note_title.
      document_data-obj_langu = sy-langu.
      object_content[] = note_text[].
      describe table object_content lines lines.
      document_data-doc_size = ( lines - 1 ) * 255 + strlen( object_content ).
      if object_content[] is initial.                     "<== insert
        describe table object_content_hex lines lines.    "<== insert
        document_data-doc_size = lines * 255.             "<== insert
      endif.                                              "<== insert
      l_folder_id = folder_id.
      call function 'SO_DOCUMENT_INSERT_API1'
          folder_id                  = l_folder_id
          document_data              = document_data
          document_type              = document_type
          document_info              = document_info
          object_content             = object_content
          contents_hex               = object_content_hex   " <== Insert line
          folder_not_exist           = 1
          document_type_not_exist    = 2
          operation_no_authorization = 3
          parameter_error            = 4
          x_error                    = 5
          enqueue_error              = 6
          others                     = 7.
      if sy-subrc ne 0.
        message e696(wl)                              "<== Add message class
                raising error_sofm_creation.
    *- set export parameter
      sofm_key = document_info-doc_id.
    The returned  SOFM key I added to a container element. The element refers to event parameter of type OBJ_RECORD in my ABAP OO Class
    Using this function I was able to raise an event by using Method cl_swf_evt_event=>raise
    that invoked a workitem containing an Excel-File i had uploaded as binary file and passed to the FM z_test_sofm_create_with_table as document type 'XLS'.
    In the woritem preview when clicking on the attachment the file was opened directly in Excel.
    Actually the new lines for calculation the file size is not yet quite correct. At first glance it does not seem to cause any trouble, but I will stll check that. In FM SO_OBJECT_INSERT the size is again checked and calculated if initial, so leaving size initial might also be an option.
    I hope this helps anyone having a similar issue.
    Michael Gulitz

  • Search for users in a particular LDAP through Web Dynpro code...

    Hi Experts,
    Let me try explaining my problem. In my project we are using two ADAM LDAPs. One for storing internal users and the other for storing external users. I have configured the portal to connect to both the LDAPs. I am able to search for the users created in both the LDAPs through portal Indentity Management.
    I am trying to search for the users in a specific LDAP through Web Dynpro coding... I am not lucky enough to get it done. Let me explain you what I did.
    I created a custom attribute for UME through config tool. Gave a physical mapping for the custom attribute in dataSourceConfig_xxx.xml to the LDAP attribute distinguishedName which returns the distinguished Name for the user in ADAM LDAP.
    For Example: Custom attribute in UME is ldapuser which is mapped to distinguishedName attribute in ADAM LDAP in dataSourceConfig_xxx.xml.
    When I do a search for the users in a particular LDAP, I am trying to put a filter to the newly created ldapuser attribute to distinguish between the two LDAPs.
    The search will result if I pass the value as '*'. If I try to specify the user path for the LDAP in this attribute it doesnt result any data.
    For example:
    The above code will not return the data, whereas
    Will result with user list from both the LDAPs.
    If anyone tried searching for users in a particular LDAP through code, please help me with this issue.
    Thank you in advance.
    Rekha Malavathu

    I just figured it out. Under "group-policy GroupPolicy_COMPANY_SSL_VPN attributes", I had to add "vpn-simultaneous-logins 15". Apparently, it was using the value "vpn-simultaneous-logins 0" under the NOACCESS group policy.

  • Adobe Forms - Table control data Saved in Database table through Web Dynpro

    Hello Friends,
    I Am facing a Problem in Adobe Forms through Web Dynpro.
    i Want to Make Interactive online Adobe Forms - In Table Control user enter the multiple entry in the table control and after that Click on SAVE button , entry will saved in Database table.
    Please guide me.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Gaurabh,
    For interactive form you have to check the property DisplayType = native and PdfSource should be a Context Attribute of type 'Xstring'.
    For data retrieval, create a NODE and have all the required attributes within that node of AOBE form.
    Fetch the data in WDDOINIT.
    Also check, that the offline senario for this form is working.
    Hope it helps you.

  • How to create value help in web-dynpro-abap

    Hi ,
         can anybody tell me detailed step for creating value help in web-dynpro-abap .

    Web Dynpro provides two types of pre-implemented search helps :
    1. ABAP Dictionary Search help
    2. OVS
    Input Help for WDA
    There is  a blog on implementing OVS help in WDA. You can refer below link for sample code.
    In addition, you can also provide help through Drop Downs and Select options.
    Working with Select options in WDA
    Plz reward if helpful.

  • DM152 - Creating Interactive Forms in Web Dynpro for Java

    I'm looking for the "initial" Web Dynpro project used in "DM152 - Creating Interactive Forms in Web Dynpro for Java". Does anyone know where I can get this zip file?
    Thanks in advance,
    [email protected]

    Hi Geraldo,
    Refer the forum and ask Abdul or Ken to send the code
    /thread/24464 [original link is broken]

  • File Visibility in uploading the file using web DynPro java

    i have gone through the tutorial " uploading & downloading the file using web DynPro java".
    the upload functionalty is working fine. but i need to know thw path where these files are getting uploaded ??
    Waiting for the reply..
    Viren Gupta

    Hi Viren,
    Are you are refering to the below tutorial for upload and download:
    If yes, then answer is that the file is stored in the context of the application only as "" object. Please read through the tutorial to understand the full process.
    WD doesn't really upload to server automatically unless there is any explicit code written. All it does is to store the file in a temp context which you can access and write your own code to store it in a particular location.

  • Upload and Reading Excel File in Web Dynpro

    Hi all,
    I have a requirement in my application( in 04s), where in, i need to upload an excel from a client through a web dynpro application(using fileupload UI) and read each and every the content of that excel file in web dynpro and process the data accordingly.
    The format of the excel is fixed and pre-defined.
    I went through a lot of blogs, but could not find a direct and exact solution to this requirement.
    Please help me.
    Looking forward to your contribution
    Thank you,
    Gita KC.

    Reading Excel Sheet from Java without using any Framework
    Enhanced File Upload - Uploading and Processing Excel Sheets
    Reading Multiple Sheets of Excel Sheet from Java

  • How do we scan for viruses of uploaded excel file in Web Dynpro for JAVA

    Hi All,
    Please let me know "How do we scan for viruses of uploaded excel file in Web Dynpro for JAVA"

    Hi ,
    pl go through this note "Integrating a virus scan into SAP applications 817623 "
    SAP Virus Scan Interface
    Sample Application

Maybe you are looking for

  • Error in the data loading

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  • V.15 Back Order List

    When running the V.15 transaction with 'Fast display / Document overview' selected it doen not display any values for 'Net value', 'Ship-to party name', 'Material', 'Description' etc.  The list seems to be reading from structure VBVFE which in turn i

  • Upgrade FCP HD to X on Lion 10.7.3

    I just bought a mini. I had no idea my FCP HD would not work on this computer. Very bummed. I cannot seem to find an upgrade, only the 800 dollar full versions. Any help is greatly appreciated!!! Thanks! IX

  • Call transaction mb51 : performance issue

    Hi, I have written one report where I am calling Tcode mb51 and getting the records from it and displaying those in my report. Is there any way to have better performance in my report. Since its taking too much time if I select all materials for spec

  • Different databse tables affected during the creation of a PR

    Can someone please explain the different databse tables affected during the creation of a Purchase Requisition except EBAN?