Creating presentation from multiple pictures automatically

I want to create a presentation from a photo album automatically.
Is it possible?

Dunno. I have plug ins for Powerpoint (both Win and OS X versions) which automate importing all the photos in a folder/directory. It was a third party item. Perhaps if you search (Google?) you can find something similar for Keynote -- but likely only for OS X version; iPad version is probably too new.

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    Batch processing
    *Step one. Make sure everything in every sequence is rendered.*
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    o| TOnyTOny |o

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    TChange the data model so you don't have 1 table for a day.
    You just have a DATA table, and a column to denote the day of applicability.
    Then you don't need a view, don't need anything dynamic, don't need to smash your head against a wall for a simple query ... etc.

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    Did you upgrade your Office / Word installation?
    PDFMaker-compatible applications for Acrobat 7 with regards to MS Office:
    --| Office 2000
    --| Office XP
    --| Office 2003
    Be well...

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    Yes you can open Writer (the word processing/text module) and use it like a blank word document. You can copy and paste from other sources, import image files, tables and objects and save as PDF.
    This is how it looks:
    Click to enlarge

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    Go to 'Window' > 'Show Keyword Controls'.
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    Paul K

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    If you make PDF presentations out of Bridge, you are inserting compressed JPEGs into the pages with no control of compression, color management, bleeds or other Press requirements.
    You need to use InDesign for this purpose.
    A PDF containing a page-sized image and created in InDesign for Press Output made a 26 MB file;
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    That indicates where your image-quality went!

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    Hello na59er,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information, take a look at:
    iPhoto '11: Create your own photo CDs and DVDs
    Have a nice day,

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    If you have PSE7 or later (not sure about PSE6), you can set the album name when you import photos from a folder. Its in the photo downloader, under advanced options.
    An even simpler way to "recreate" your folder structure is to use Folder Location View (Alt-Ctrl-3), although there are some bugs that affect the operations of Folder Location View on occasion.
    But ... the point of the Organizer is not to duplicate your folder structure as albums, or to organize by folders. If that's all you're going to do in the Organizer, I wouldn't bother, as it seems like a waste of time to me -- import, set the album name, and when you're all done, you have the same structure and have no benefits that you didn't have before in the folder structure. The Organizer is not a file browser, as Picasa is.
    However, if you plan to create these albums, plus use the more powerful tools in the Organizer: (tags, captions, notes) you will have a much more powerful organization of your photos. These tools allow you to organize your photos in non-hierarchical ways (folder organization must be hierarchical). If you want all of your pictures of Churches, regardless of which folder they are in, you click on the Church tag, and you've got them all. You really can't do that in Windows, or with your folders duplicated into albums. If you are going to use these tools (along with your albums), or use the Organizer to make creations, then great, its probably worth your time.

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