Creating you own class

Iv'e created an empty movieclip in my main fla. and assigned
it's AS 2.0 Class to a custom class i created in an external as
I want my custom class at some stage to draw an
emptyMovieClip into this containing movieClip on the main fla.
I tried using, in the class draw procedure:
this.createEmptyMovieClip(all the gubbins in here);
But it doesnt work, i tried changing the "this" for "_root"
and this works but i'm not sure where its drawing the movieClip
too, surely that would be drawing it onto the root stage and not
into the movieClip container.
Another methods i did to get around this was in the draw
method of the class pass in a movieClip target i.e. would use:
This works fine but it seems a little stupid to me, is there
not some way to reference the containerMC in the class definition
(given containerMC wont be a constant name, i.e. depends on
instance name).
Anyway hope that makes sense, thanks for any help you can

>> Iv'e created an empty movieclip in my main fla. and
>> assigned it's AS 2.0 Class to a custom class i
>> in an external as file.
As Jensen mentioned, your class will have to extend
MovieClip for this
to work.
class MyCustomClass extends MovieClip {
If you don't do that, your class is just a class; in other
words, it just
instantiates an object (whatever object you define in that
class). If it
extends MovieClip, then it *is* a movie clip -- plus whatever
else you
>> I want my custom class at some stage to draw an
>> emptyMovieClip into this containing movieClip on
>> the main fla. I tried using, in the class draw
>> this.createEmptyMovieClip(all the gubbins in here);
That would only work if the "this" reference resolves to a
movie clip.
Since your class doesn't extend MovieClip, none of the
MovieClip features
are available to it, including createEmptyMovieClip(). If you
don't extend,
you'll have to use composition here -- meaning, declare a
MovieClip property
in your class and use *that* as your movie clip reference.
>> i tried changing the "this" for "_root" and this
Sure thing. _root always points to the main timeline of the
active level. The main timeline is, effectively, a movie
>> but i'm not sure where its drawing the movieClip
>> too, surely that would be drawing it onto the root
>> stage and not into the movieClip container.
>> Another methods i did to get around this was in the
>> draw method of the class pass in a movieClip
>> target i.e. would use:
>> containerMC.drawChart(containerMC);
That's a thought, sure. Otherwise, how would an instance of
your class
know where this container clip was? Attaching it to the movie
clip isn't
enough. Seems like it should be -- I can see that -- but that
business is only for classes that extend MovieClip (as far as
I know).
stiller (at) quip (dot) net
Dev essays:
"Luck is the residue of good design."

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    Strings cannot be modified. What this line does:
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    return u.toUpperCase();
    u = u.toUpperCase();

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    You can create your own class as mentioned in above replies or one more way,
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    Class.forName does not create an object. It returns a reference to the Class object that describes the metadata for the class in question--what methods and fields it has, etc.
    To create an object--regardless of whether it's your class or some other class--you could call newInstance on the Class object returned from Class.forName, BUT only if that class has a no-arg constructor that you want to call.
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    The short answer is yes. NI sells toolkits. There's also OpenG. How you code the guts is up to you - you can do it non-LVOOP or LVOOP.

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    before anyone gets upset, I did post a shorter version this to the Java Prog forum a couple of days ago. I'm reposting here because the thread was pushed down the list just as comments were getting interesting, and I was tossing up which forum was most appropriate anyway...
    OK, I'd like to pose a general question on the use of interfaces with your own classes. I am totally behind the concept of using appropriate interfaces for declaration of vars, parameters etc (i.e. use "List" rather than "Vector"), but what about your own classes?
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    2. Make the constructor private and manage all the creation of instances of MyClass through a factory that returns objects of type MyInterface.
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    A little sketchy but I hope you get idea. Is this complete overkill? Is there a down side to this? Does anyone do anything like this?

    Although the pattern you describes adds flexibility, it also adds complexety.
    Imagine somebody is looking at your code and from what he sees he deducts that the next thing to look at is the concrete class which is used at a given place.
    If you used an interface, he must find out which implementing class is actually used at this place. It's not a big thing, but if every single class has its seperate interface and factory I would consider it overkill ... after all you have to write all the boring code for this.
    In the case of doubt I'd agree it's better to throw in an interface and a factory instead of refactoring thousand lines of codes afterwards. But if nothing hints toward a second implementation of the interface, or another reason for using an interface don't bother to write one.
    As a general rule I use something like: Don't use a general rule. ;-)

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    thanks in advance.

    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. To create a complete theme with all the different pages takes considerable coding knowledge.
    I think it would be more expedient to start with a blank page of the white theme and add your shapes, colors, photos, etc. that you want to use. Be careful regarding use of non web safe fonts. If you do it can change how the site looks when viewed by visitors on PCs which might not have that font on their machine. See the following regarding web safe fonts:
    Common fonts to all versions of Windows & Mac equivalents

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    Actually, the .nth files used as themes for S40 phones such as the 6300 are very simple and you don't really need any software other than a text editor to create them.
    These .nth files are in fact renamed .zip files. Rename one back to a .zip file, unzip it and look at the structure. At the core of it you have a simple XML file describing the various aspects of the theme. If any media (wallpaper, screensaver, ringtone etc.) is referred to in the XML file it'll be bundled in the archive along with the XML.
    Make any changes you want, zip the lot up again, rename it as a .nth file and you're done.
    Was this post helpful? If so, please click on the white "Kudos!" star below. Thank you!

  • Is this the start... Verizon is blocking Google Wallet which is very nice, and you probably don't know they are creating their own Verizon Wallet

    I have been with this company for over 10 years and frankly I always overlooked one thing wasn't to keen on and that was some of the services Verizon offered on their website which many of the account related services they have as apps so you can view from your phone are good and useful.  I have been an Android user since the first Moto Droid to the Incredible and Inc2, then I though I was gonna go iphone, until I was able to use one for a month.  Don't get me wrong it wasn't bad it was my brothers 4G on another network when he upgraded to the 4GS.  Anyway no real problems other than Android just has more to offer so I went with the Nexus Galaxy and stayed with Verizon, after I was flipping a coin to go to Sprint.  Anyway the reason I am leaving Verizon is due to their attempt to create apps to try to compete with googles apps and Verizon charges...  you can find most for free from the droid market(which is the Play store now) such as Navigation.  The free Google Nav is awesome, I also have google voice(free)  so I get text messages emailed to me and vmails emailed and texted to me as well as being able to listen straight from phone by pushing play by the missed call.  Verizon continutes to create these apps that also cost money and aren't near as good.  I actually feel bad for the people who think the VZ nav is in fact the google nav.  Now they are blocking a new service of Google's called Google Wallet.  It's free and really cool, but Verizon blocks you from installing it or using it and Verizon is spending over a 100,000,000 dollars to create their own Wallet APP  that i'm sure won't be free.  So it's not that one app as to why I am leaving, its a number of things that as an experienced user and add the fact that  I work in the tech industry, in sales that I Verizon taking advantage of customers, and I don't work that way or like it.   Okay you go buy a verizon phone, it will have the VZ Nav right there on the home screen, however there will be no google Nav, and for newbies they usually think this is the navigation everyone talks about.  You have to go download the Google Maps which is a turn by turn navigation always up to date and is awesome.  I watch my kid driving down the road at all times for free.   My point is now that their blocking Google Wallet because they are creating there own wallet, which won't be as good, and probably cost money to even spend money meaning they will charge for it.  What is the next brilliant thing that Google comes out with  that you can intergrate into your Google services.    So what is the point of trying to compete with Google on apps, I mean the Verizon wallet?  Why it makes no sense.  Why block an app thus not giving you the luxery.  They have their reasons of course such as security, and other reasons that it could cause problems but, hey if you dare to spend the outrageous amount of money to activate your hostspot to connect your computer wirelessly in a park.  75% of the people who do this are going to be on an unsecured network that anyone can connect to even with security turned on.  So they say there worried about security on the wallet app, because someone may cold get access to your small amount that most people keep on the google wallet but the wireless hotspot is putting much more that money out there. it's putting personal things and files on your computer out there.  I just dont' get why they can't provide their songs and ring tones and apps that allow you to see you data usage and leave the apps for the Google market.  For you who don't know please download google maps and you will have an awesome navivation.  Also google talk, voice, chat, and there apps on the google market for free such as a punch clock for time.  I saw one for over $14 on the verison app store.  So stick to what you are good at ,and don't block apps that other companies aren't blocking including at&T now, and they were in on the $100,000,000 to create this app along with Tmoblie and Verizon.  I use an android because of the capapbilites that google gives you, and the apps that they offer for free or no money.  Go look in the Verizon apps and see how much you will pay.  Most that cost money come preinstalled on your phone so all you have to do is use it and you start getting charged.  This is a 3 year decision making.  I don't like that people can easily get charged for services without even knowing just because the app was installed and they used it once.  Just stay with what your good at and let the android users rightly use the google apps.  After all Google Saved your business if you really want to think about it.  If you didn't have the android OS, how many sales would you be getting?  Where would your company be.  This app was developed by Google which means it ties into everything else such as making online payments with the google card.  Blocking APPS developed by the developer of the Operating System that single handedly changed  the game, and has Made  you as a company far better off than you would have ever been had they not developed android.  Not a good Idea.  Bite the hand that feeds you.

    I have been with this company for over 10 years and frankly I always overlooked one thing wasn't to keen on and that was some of the services Verizon offered on their website which many of the account related services they have as apps so you can view from your phone are good and useful.  I have been an Android user since the first Moto Droid to the Incredible and Inc2, then I though I was gonna go iphone, until I was able to use one for a month.  Don't get me wrong it wasn't bad it was my brothers 4G on another network when he upgraded to the 4GS.  Anyway no real problems other than Android just has more to offer so I went with the Nexus Galaxy and stayed with Verizon, after I was flipping a coin to go to Sprint.  Anyway the reason I am leaving Verizon is due to their attempt to create apps to try to compete with googles apps and Verizon charges...  you can find most for free from the droid market(which is the Play store now) such as Navigation.  The free Google Nav is awesome, I also have google voice(free)  so I get text messages emailed to me and vmails emailed and texted to me as well as being able to listen straight from phone by pushing play by the missed call.  Verizon continutes to create these apps that also cost money and aren't near as good.  I actually feel bad for the people who think the VZ nav is in fact the google nav.  Now they are blocking a new service of Google's called Google Wallet.  It's free and really cool, but Verizon blocks you from installing it or using it and Verizon is spending over a 100,000,000 dollars to create their own Wallet APP  that i'm sure won't be free.  So it's not that one app as to why I am leaving, its a number of things that as an experienced user and add the fact that  I work in the tech industry, in sales that I Verizon taking advantage of customers, and I don't work that way or like it.   Okay you go buy a verizon phone, it will have the VZ Nav right there on the home screen, however there will be no google Nav, and for newbies they usually think this is the navigation everyone talks about.  You have to go download the Google Maps which is a turn by turn navigation always up to date and is awesome.  I watch my kid driving down the road at all times for free.   My point is now that their blocking Google Wallet because they are creating there own wallet, which won't be as good, and probably cost money to even spend money meaning they will charge for it.  What is the next brilliant thing that Google comes out with  that you can intergrate into your Google services.    So what is the point of trying to compete with Google on apps, I mean the Verizon wallet?  Why it makes no sense.  Why block an app thus not giving you the luxery.  They have their reasons of course such as security, and other reasons that it could cause problems but, hey if you dare to spend the outrageous amount of money to activate your hostspot to connect your computer wirelessly in a park.  75% of the people who do this are going to be on an unsecured network that anyone can connect to even with security turned on.  So they say there worried about security on the wallet app, because someone may cold get access to your small amount that most people keep on the google wallet but the wireless hotspot is putting much more that money out there. it's putting personal things and files on your computer out there.  I just dont' get why they can't provide their songs and ring tones and apps that allow you to see you data usage and leave the apps for the Google market.  For you who don't know please download google maps and you will have an awesome navivation.  Also google talk, voice, chat, and there apps on the google market for free such as a punch clock for time.  I saw one for over $14 on the verison app store.  So stick to what you are good at ,and don't block apps that other companies aren't blocking including at&T now, and they were in on the $100,000,000 to create this app along with Tmoblie and Verizon.  I use an android because of the capapbilites that google gives you, and the apps that they offer for free or no money.  Go look in the Verizon apps and see how much you will pay.  Most that cost money come preinstalled on your phone so all you have to do is use it and you start getting charged.  This is a 3 year decision making.  I don't like that people can easily get charged for services without even knowing just because the app was installed and they used it once.  Just stay with what your good at and let the android users rightly use the google apps.  After all Google Saved your business if you really want to think about it.  If you didn't have the android OS, how many sales would you be getting?  Where would your company be.  This app was developed by Google which means it ties into everything else such as making online payments with the google card.  Blocking APPS developed by the developer of the Operating System that single handedly changed  the game, and has Made  you as a company far better off than you would have ever been had they not developed android.  Not a good Idea.  Bite the hand that feeds you.

  • Hi, I need to take my daughter off from our Apple account and set up her own. So, delete her from one account and create her own. Realize I sound imbecilic for not knowing how to do this. Any ideas? Thank you so much. Jules

    Hi, I need to take my daughter off from our Apple account and set up her own. So, delete her from one account and create her own. Realize I sound imbecilic for not knowing how to do this. Any ideas? Thank you so much. Jules

    You don't have to take her off your account exactly: she needs to sign out from your account on her computers and devices. Then she can obtain an Apple ID at and use it to sign into System Preferences or Settings>iCloud.
    However, there are some issue about this. If she has been syncing her calendars and contacts to your account then the data will disappear from her devices, but remain on your account. Individual calendars can be exported  as .ics files and reimported into her account, but if she has her contacts mixed up with yours she will have to enter them individually in the new account (or export yours, import them into hers, and delete the ones she doesn't want.
    More intractable is the email issue. She cannot move an address from your account to hers, so if she has been using a alias on your account to have her own address she cannot transfer it. She will have to create a new email address.

  • Do you own 100% of the copyright of the materials you create from using Adobe products?

    I'm thinking of getting the CS6 Creative Suite or Master Collection (Student & Teacher License) for my new iMac. I do alot of original graphics, videos and illustrations, and plan to start making my own music using the different Adobe software. I also plan to sell the original materials I make from using Adobe products, or use my original materials commercially. I know some other software or programs have in their user agreements terms that would not allow you to use the original materials you created (from using their programs) commercially. Is Adobe the same? Or, do we own 100% of the copyright of the original materials that we create from using Adobe software?
    I've actually tried to read the licence agreement in my older Photoshop CS2 program to find out, but didn't read anything about this.
    As I'm planning to purchase the Student & Teacher License of either Creative Suite or Master Collection, I'm wondering if there is a difference in terms of my copyright to my own materials I make between the "Full version" of the CS6 programs vs. the Student/Teacher License? i.e. are you only allowed to produce original materials only for school use, education use, etc and not for commercial use if you purchase the Student/Teacher collection? Or do we own all the copyright for all original work produced by the software, regardless of which you buy?
    Please advise,
    Thank you!

    On behalf of Adobe Systems Incorporated ...
    Michael Kazlow's response is in general current with a major caveat.
    You do not own the copyright for any material from third parties that you embed in your content unless you have made special legal arrangements with the owners of said material.
    For example, you license royalty free artwork (vector or raster image, it doesn't matter) and place it into a CS document (Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, etc.). You may display, print, and/or even distribute the derivative material subject to the license terms of the artwork that you license. That normally does not transfer the copyright to you. The same is true with fonts used in such artwork. Your ability to embed those fonts in your document (primarily PDF or PostScript/EPS output) is subject to the license terms of the font foundry/vendor; but you don't own the copyrights to those fonts.
    In other words, you own the copyright to the derivative work, but not to the third party components under most conditions.
              - Dov

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