CS6 Capture: Doesn't find camera

I've been using Capture in PPro CS5.5 with no problems on WIndows 7. Trying to capture in CS6 generates error: "Can't Activate Recorder. Try Resetting Camera" and Premiere locks up. Tried connecting/disconnecting camera, powering camera on and off, switching firewire drivers between legacy and default, rebooting, etc. I go back into CS5.5, and Capture sees the camera just fine. This is not a show-stopper since I can capture in CS5.5, but am wondering if I am doing something wrong.

Try other software
SD capture http://windv.mourek.cz/ or http://www.exsate.com/products/dvcapture/
HDV capture http://strony.aster.pl/paviko/hdvsplit.htm

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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. Some cameras have two selectable protocols for conntecting to other devices. I don't remember what they are called but check the menu's in the camera or, heaven forbid the manual-but don't let anyone see you reading it, to see if your camera has that option. If so then change to the the other one and see if that won't fix it.
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    You do not need to download drivers nor do you need to install anything. Most likely its the Legacy driver.
    Read though this document.
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    For me it's a little faster than 7.1 to initially show the dialog on an open (by a small fraction of a second), but about the same as 7.0.  It's a bit slower to open an image into Photoshop once the button has been hit, though.
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    What OS do you have?  You say you have explained what you had (computer/opsys) but I honestly don't see it here.  If you had mentioned that my advice would have been different; I believe you can only upgrade as far as Camera Raw 8.3 on an older Windows system.  There is more information here (look specifically for the "Revert to 8.3 ..." titles).
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    And as far as I can recall, that version can work on Windows back to XP:
    System requirements | Photoshop
    I don't think you're out of luck, but you seem to be leaping into doing things without having the full story, and are jumping to conclusions a bit too quickly.
    Here's what I suggest you try:
    1.  Remove Photoshop entirely with the Creative Suite Removal Tool: 
    Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6
    2.  Install Photoshop CS6 from your original media or from here: 
    Download CS6 products
    3.  Update the application using its own Help - Updates process.  That really should get you the latest Camera Raw version that will work.  If that does not bring you a Camera Raw that works with your Nikon, use the "Revert to 8.3" instructions above.

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    MacKeeper is considered Malwear and has destroyed many iPhoto libraries - read the user tip on it - https://discussions.apple.com/community/ilife/iphoto?view=documents - my best guess is that your problem was caused by MacKeeper - I suggest you remove it according to the instructions in that user tip
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    http://blogs.adobe.com/lightroomjournal/2013/04/camera-raw-7-4-and-dng-converter-7-4-now-a vailable.html
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    Hi G-Man,
    It's probably something in the Preferences folder; Users/herusername/Library/Preferences. Start by removing com.apple.ImageCaptureApp.plist and trying again. If that doesn't do it drag the entire Preference folder to the desktop, log out and back in. Launch it again and if it works you can either reset preferences for all System Preferences and apps or drag the preferences files a group at a time back to the new Preference folder in Library and test Image Capture each time. That way you can narrow it down to the one offending preference file.

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