Cursor not working properly.. Gives every record last records' entry.

hi all.
a simple one for someone I'm sure...
Ive just added the cursor:
-- Cursor to get Oracle_Loc_Code from SU CHRIS vs ORACLE Locations Table into a variable..
     CURSOR csr_ora_loc_code IS
     WHERE std.STD_LOCATION_ID = sil.CHRIS_LOC_code; the script I'll paste below in order to populate every record with whats in sil.ORACLE_LOC_CODE field.
But, although it works fine when you have 1 record to run in, when several records are to be loaded in together, the script, although enters the records into ORACLE fine, populates every record with the same location code - whatevers in the last record (instead of treating each one individually). How can I fix this?
Thanks for looking..
The code..
/* Formatted on 2009/04/29 11:52 (Formatter Plus v4.8.7) */
SET serveroutput ON SIZE 1000000 FORMAT WRAPPED
SET verify OFF
SET feedback OFF
-- Debugging/error handling
-- Work variables
   ora_loc_code number                     := 0;
   p_emp_number                     VARCHAR2 (14);
   v_rec_cnt                        NUMBER                          := 0;
   insert_flag                      VARCHAR2 (8);
   err_num                          NUMBER;
   err_msg                          VARCHAR2 (150);
   err_line                         VARCHAR2 (350);
   err_seq                          NUMBER                          := 0;
   l_validate                       BOOLEAN                     DEFAULT FALSE;
   l_std_business_group_id          NUMBER                          := '0';
   l_default_code_comb_id           NUMBER                        := '217269';
   l_organization_id                NUMBER                          := '0';
   l_set_of_books_id                NUMBER                          := '1';
   l_job_id                         NUMBER                          := '10';
   l_obj                            NUMBER;
   l_datetrack_update_mode          VARCHAR2 (30)             := 'CORRECTION';
   l_assignment_sequence            NUMBER;
   l_name_combination_warning       BOOLEAN                         := FALSE;
   l_assign_payroll_warning         BOOLEAN                         := FALSE;
   l_org_now_no_manager_warning     BOOLEAN;
   l_other_manager_warning          BOOLEAN;
   l_spp_delete_warning             BOOLEAN;
   l_entries_changed_warning        VARCHAR2 (30);
   l_tax_district_changed_warning   BOOLEAN;
   l_person_id                      NUMBER;
   l_assignment_id                  NUMBER;
   l_special_ceiling_step_id        NUMBER;
   l_per_effective_end_date         DATE:= TO_DATE ('11-Jul-2049', 'DD-MON-YYYY');
   l_people_group_id                NUMBER;
   l_group_name                     VARCHAR2 (30);
   l_assignment_number              VARCHAR2 (35);
   l_effective_end_date             DATE := TO_DATE ('11-Jul-2049', 'DD-MON-YYYY');
   l_date                           DATE                           := SYSDATE;
   ip_p_address_id                  per_addresses.address_id%TYPE;
   ip_p_object_version_number       NUMBER;
   ip_p_party_id                    per_addresses.party_id%TYPE;
   l_per_object_version_number      NUMBER;
   l_asg_object_version_number      NUMBER;
   l_full_name                      VARCHAR2 (240);
   l_per_comment_id                 NUMBER;
   l_per_effective_start_date       DATE;
   l_concatenated_segments          VARCHAR2 (240);
   l_soft_coding_keyflex_id         NUMBER;
   l_comment_id                     NUMBER;
   l_no_managers_warning            BOOLEAN;
-- Get employee details info from work table
   CURSOR get_employee_details
      SELECT std_hire_date, std_last_name, std_sex, std_date_of_birth,
             LPAD (std_employee_number, 8, '0') std_employee_number,
             std_first_name, std_marital_status, std_middle_names,
             std_nationality, std_title, std_national_identifier,
             std_address_line1, std_address_line2, std_address_line3,
             std_address_line4, std_post_code, std_telephone_1, std_country,
             std_region, std_location_id, std_organization_id,
             std_supervisor_id, std_person_id, std_position_id
-- checks employee details info from PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F table
   CURSOR c_check_employee (p_emp_number VARCHAR2)
      SELECT per.person_id, per.business_group_id, per.last_name,
             per.start_date, per.date_of_birth, per.email_address,
             per.employee_number, per.first_name, per.marital_status,
             per.middle_names, per.nationality, per.national_identifier,
   , per.title, padd.address_id, padd.primary_flag,
             padd.address_line1, padd.address_line2, padd.address_line3,
             padd.town_or_city, padd.postal_code, padd.telephone_number_1,
             paas.assignment_number, paas.object_version_number
        --  padd.telephone_number_2, padd.telephone_number_3, paas.job_id, paas.location_id,
        --  paas.organization_id, paas.assignment_type, paas.supervisor_id,
        --  paas.default_code_comb_id, paas.set_of_books_id, paas.period_of_service_id,
      FROM   per_all_people_f per,
             per_all_assignments_f paas,
             per_addresses padd
       WHERE per.employee_number = p_emp_number
         AND per.person_id = padd.person_id
         AND paas.person_id(+) = per.person_id;
   emp_rec                          c_check_employee%ROWTYPE;
-- Cursor retrieves latest Object Version Number from per_assignments_f table..
   CURSOR csr_ovn (cp_person_id IN per_all_people_f.person_id%TYPE)
      SELECT MAX (paas.object_version_number)
        FROM per_assignments_f paas, per_all_people_f per
       WHERE paas.person_id = per.person_id
         AND per.employee_number = paas.assignment_number
         AND per.person_id = cp_person_id;
-- Cursor to get Oracle_Loc_Code from SU CHRIS vs ORACLE Locations Table into a variable..
     CURSOR csr_ora_loc_code IS
     -- INTO ora_loc_code
     WHERE std.STD_LOCATION_ID = sil.CHRIS_LOC_code;
-- Process each record in the work table
   FOR v_emp IN get_employee_details
-- determine whether customer already exists
      OPEN c_check_employee (v_emp.std_employee_number);
      FETCH c_check_employee
       INTO emp_rec;
      IF c_check_employee%NOTFOUND
         insert_flag := 'I';
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Employee No: ' || v_emp.std_employee_number);
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT (CHR (10));
         insert_flag := 'X';
       RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20001,  'Employee No: ' || v_emp.std_employee_number  || '  already
exists - please  UPDATE  manually..'    );
       END IF;
      CLOSE c_check_employee;
-- Obtain the most recent Object Version Number..
      OPEN csr_ovn (v_emp.std_person_id);
      FETCH csr_ovn
       INTO l_obj;
      -- IF csr_ovn%NOTFOUND     THEN        RAISE NO_DATA_FOUND;   END IF;
      CLOSE csr_ovn;
-- Open Oracle Location Code cursor
      OPEN csr_ora_loc_code;   -- (v_emp.std_person_id);
      FETCH csr_ora_loc_code
       INTO ora_loc_code;
      CLOSE csr_ora_loc_code;
-- Create new PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F and PER_ADDRESSES record from
--            info in  table record
      IF insert_flag = 'I'
--         BEGIN                             -- Importing Employee Procedure --
                 (p_validate                       => l_validate,
                  p_hire_date                      => v_emp.std_hire_date,
                  p_business_group_id              => l_std_business_group_id,
                  p_date_of_birth                  => v_emp.std_date_of_birth,
                  p_email_address                  => v_emp.std_email_address,
                  p_first_name                     => v_emp.std_first_name,
                  p_middle_names                   => v_emp.std_middle_names,
                  p_last_name                      => v_emp.std_last_name,
                  p_sex                            => v_emp.std_sex,
                  p_ni_number                      => v_emp.std_national_identifier,
                  p_employee_number                => v_emp.std_employee_number,
                  p_person_id                      => l_person_id,
                  p_title                          => v_emp.std_title,
                  p_assignment_id                  => l_assignment_id,
                  p_per_object_version_number      => l_per_object_version_number,
                  p_asg_object_version_number      => l_asg_object_version_number,
                  p_per_effective_start_date       => l_per_effective_start_date,
                  p_per_effective_end_date         => l_per_effective_end_date,
                  p_full_name                      => l_full_name,
                  p_per_comment_id                 => l_per_comment_id,
                  p_assignment_sequence            => l_assignment_sequence,
                  p_assignment_number              => l_assignment_number,
                  p_name_combination_warning       => l_name_combination_warning,
                  p_assign_payroll_warning         => l_assign_payroll_warning
                                  (p_validate                     => l_validate,
                                   p_effective_date               => v_emp.std_hire_date,
                                   p_pradd_ovlapval_override      => NULL,
                                   p_validate_county              => NULL,
                                   p_person_id                    => l_person_id,
                                   p_primary_flag                 => 'Y',
                                   p_style                        => 'GB_GLB',
                                   p_date_from                    => SYSDATE,
                                   p_date_to                      => NULL,
                                   p_address_type                 => NULL,
                                   p_comments                     => NULL,
                                   p_address_line1                => v_emp.std_address_line1,
                                   p_address_line2                => v_emp.std_address_line2,
                                   p_address_line3                => v_emp.std_address_line3,
                                   p_town_or_city                 => v_emp.std_address_line4,
                                   p_region_1                     => NULL,
                                   p_region_2                     => NULL,
                                   p_region_3                     => NULL,
                                   p_postal_code                  => v_emp.std_post_code,
                                   p_country                      => v_emp.std_nationality,
                                   p_telephone_number_1           => NULL,
                                   p_telephone_number_2           => NULL,
                                   p_telephone_number_3           => NULL,
                                   p_party_id                     => ip_p_party_id,
                                   p_address_id                   => ip_p_address_id,
                                   p_object_version_number        => l_obj
                        (p_validate                    => l_validate,
                         p_effective_date              => SYSDATE,  -- l_date,
                         p_datetrack_update_mode       => l_datetrack_update_mode,
                         p_assignment_id               => l_assignment_id,
                         p_object_version_number       => l_obj,
                         p_supervisor_id               => v_emp.std_supervisor_id,
                         p_default_code_comb_id        => l_default_code_comb_id,
                         p_set_of_books_id             => l_set_of_books_id,
                         p_concatenated_segments       => l_concatenated_segments,
                         p_soft_coding_keyflex_id      => l_soft_coding_keyflex_id,
                         p_comment_id                  => l_comment_id,
                         p_effective_start_date        => l_date,     --IN/OUT
                         p_effective_end_date          => l_effective_end_date,
                         p_no_managers_warning         => l_no_managers_warning,
                         p_other_manager_warning       => l_other_manager_warning
             (p_validate                          => l_validate,
              p_effective_date                    => SYSDATE,       -- l_date,
              p_datetrack_update_mode             => l_datetrack_update_mode,
              p_assignment_id                     => l_assignment_id,
              p_object_version_number             => l_obj,
              p_organization_id                   => l_organization_id,
              p_location_id                       => ora_loc_code,
              p_job_id                            => l_job_id,
              p_position_id                       => v_emp.std_position_id,
              p_special_ceiling_step_id           => l_special_ceiling_step_id,
              p_effective_start_date              => l_date,
              p_effective_end_date                => l_effective_end_date,
              p_people_group_id                   => l_people_group_id,
              p_group_name                        => l_group_name,    --IN/OUT
              p_org_now_no_manager_warning        => l_org_now_no_manager_warning,
              p_other_manager_warning             => l_other_manager_warning,
              p_spp_delete_warning                => l_spp_delete_warning,
              p_entries_changed_warning           => l_entries_changed_warning,
              p_tax_district_changed_warning      => l_tax_district_changed_warning
         v_rec_cnt := v_rec_cnt + 1;
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT (CHR (10));
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (   'There were '
                               || v_rec_cnt
                               || '  records read in..'
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT (CHR (10));
-- End of customer related details
      END IF;
      err_num := TO_CHAR (SQLCODE);
      err_msg := SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 150);
      err_line :=   'ORACLE error occurred processing record.. ' ||  err_msg;
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (err_line);

     CURSOR csr_ora_loc_code IS     SELECT sil.ORACLE_LOC_CODE
     -- INTO ora_loc_code
     WHERE std.STD_LOCATION_ID = sil.CHRIS_LOC_code; OPEN csr_ora_loc_code; -- (v_emp.std_person_id);
FETCH csr_ora_loc_code
INTO ora_loc_code;
CLOSE csr_ora_loc_code;Obviously yes.It will select one sil.ORACLE_LOC_CODE, as you are fetching one. That can be any one of the sil.ORACLE_LOC_CODE, as you didn't tell Oracle to pick a particular one.
If you want to get some particular sil.ORACLE_LOC_CODE, you need to put some filter on that.     CURSOR csr_ora_loc_code(p_your_parameter NUMBER) IS -- whatever datatype you wan to pass
     -- INTO ora_loc_code
     AND your_column = p_your_parameter;
      OPEN csr_ora_loc_code(v_emp.std_person_id);   -- (v_emp.std_person_id); -- I'm not sure why did you comment this out.
      FETCH csr_ora_loc_code
       INTO ora_loc_code;
      CLOSE csr_ora_loc_code;By

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    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities!
    See this article for some tips about troubleshooting AirPlay:
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    Thanks for the question. I understand you are having issues with your keyboard. The following article provides some great troubleshooting steps:
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    Did you check your security software (firewall)?
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    * [[Server not found]]
    * [[Firewalls]]

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    Check out the articles below go through troubleshooting steps for your iPhone when the screen is unresponsive. You may want to try and restore your iPhone as a new device and then test out what happens when you miss a call to see if the issue is still present afterwards.
    iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Troubleshooting touchscreen response
    Use iTunes to restore your iOS device to factory settings
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    My Firebug is still working.
    * What version are you using ?
    * As a troubleshooting step Try in a new Firefox profile. Disable all extensions and Plugins other than Firebug in the new profile.
    **[[Use the Profile Manager to create and remove Firefox profiles]]
    *The Firebug mailing list may be able to help

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    My Flash player version :, but I tried with version 9 too, with same problems.
    I have tried to uninstall, reboot, reinstall several times, ... witch did not worked.
    In fact, it works correctly on some sites, like youtube, but not on some others like : => black screen instead of videos, right click gives flash context menu => videos does not load, right click gives flash context menu => no audio player, right click gives flash context menu
    some games in => black screen instead of games, right click gives flash context menu
    I have no problem with shockwave in
    No problem too with flash player on
    But in the Global Privacy Settings panel ( l), I cannot change any settings :
    I cannot check boxes,
    My changes are not saved.
    In most of flash animations, videos, ...,
    when I click on parameters, I cannot do anything, even closing.
    when I am in full screen mode, the message "press escape to exit...." does not disappear.
    Last thing, all those problems was not there when I was on Windows XP, few weeks ago, and appear with my registered Windows 7 premium familly edition, with the same hardware configuration...
    Thank you for your help

    Hi eidnolb
    Thanks for your answer.
    This is what I have :
    Verify user permissions
    I have an administrator account.
    I tried (uninstall, install and run) with super-administrator account for same results
    Install the most current version.
    I am running the latest version (
    Run the Clean Installer to Fix 3rd Party Flash Player Cleaners
    I did not "clean" my computer.
    Troubleshoot Pop-up blockers
    I have no Pop-up or esle blocker  software.
    Ensure that Internet utilities do not block Flash Player
    I tried (uninstall, install and run) without Avast.
    I have windows 7 firewall. I do not know where I can allow ActiveX  controls and Flash (SWF) content. I do not see anything relative to ActiveX an Flash in allowed program list.
    Fix machine crashes when displaying Flash content
    I have no freez or crash.
    Using IE, Shockwave Flash Object is Enabled and vs
    Using FF, I have SWF vs and it is Enabled
    I really do not understand !!

  • WRT1900 AC V1 - Linksys is aware that the router is not working properly. Help spread the word.

    I just had a conversation with Linksys' Customer Service via chat: Daphne L. J: Hello Fernando Paramo. My name is Daphne L..
    Daphne L. J: Welcome to Linksys Global Chat. Is this your initial contact or do you have a case number?
    You: Case number is 04971062
    Daphne L. J: Please give me 3-5 minutes to pull up and review your case.
    You: OK
    Daphne L. J: Thank you.
    You: I have a WRT1900 AC, V1. The router is not working properly. I have disconnections every few minutes.I already installed the new firmware version and I still have the same issues. I already reset the router to factory defaults and same issues. I have changed the settings back to my personal preferences: Changed the SSID, changed the wireless security settings, changed the DNS and deactivate WPS. That's it.I'm using 5 Ghz mode with my laptops (5 Ghz adapters) and 2-4 Ghz with a few devices (Chromecast, Nintendo 3DS).
    Daphne L. J: Thank you for waiting.
    Daphne L. J: Please confirm if the following information is correct:
    Name : Fernando Paramo
    Phone Number :
    E-Mail Address : 
    Model Number : WRT1900AC
    Serial Number : 13J10609406280
    Country : United States
    You: That's correct.
    Daphne L. J: Okay. Were you able to check if the devices have stable connection wired to the router?
    You: No. I do not have devices with Ethernet ports. Well, only the cable modem.
    You: But the modem is fine. No disconnections from my ISP.
    You: It is the router.
    Daphne L. J: Alright. What is the current firmware version of your router?
    You: I tried to return the router to Wal-Mart yesterday with no luck. This is a useless device. And I have been reading comments on the community forums and a lot of people are having problems.
    Daphne L. J: We are actually aware of the issue and are working on a resolution. What is the current firmware version of your router?
    You: Ver.
    You: Latest one.
    Daphne L. J: Yes, so you reflashed the firmware, reset and then manually reconfigure it after, not using backup configuration, is that right?
    You: That's correct.
    Daphne L. J: And it is intermittent on all devices connected to both 2.4 and 5 Ghz networks, is that right?
    You: That's correct.
    Daphne L. J: Thank you for the information. Please give ,e 3-5 minutes to verify this with my superior.
    Daphne L. J: Thank you for waiting.
    You: I want to send you my WRT1900 AC and get a V2 or I want a EA8500 and pay the difference myseld.
    You: I do not want my current hardware.
    You: It is useless for my needs.
    You: I can't believe I had an older E3000 that didn't give me any problems.
    Daphne L. J: We have already exhausted all possible troubleshooting steps for your concern. As verified with my Supervisor, we will forward your case to our Customer Assurance Team. They are highly technical and knowledgeable when it comes to advanced troubleshooting. They will contact you in the next 24 to 48 hours. By the way, who is your Internet Service Provider? And do you Cable or DSL connection?
    You: Cable connection.
    Daphne L. J: Who is your Internet Service Provider?
    You: A company called .
    You: How are they going to contact me?
    Daphne L. J: Alright. By the way, on the device itself, on its FCC ID, please check if you have WRT1900AC or WRT1900AC v2.
    You: Are you paying attention to me?
    You: I already told you it's V1.
    Daphne L. J: They will call or email you. Please double check if these informations are correct:
    Name :
    Phone Number :
    E-Mail Address :
    You: I told you I want to send you my WRT1900 AC and get a V2 or I want a EA8500 and pay the difference myself.
    You: I want them to contact me to my email. I can't answer the phone during work hours.
    Daphne L. J: We can't assure you if we will be able to replace it with Version 2 or if you are allowed to have the EA8500 instead.
    Daphne L. J: Just in case, do you also have an alternate number?
    Daphne L. J: Also, what time zone are you in? And what is your preferred time and day for them to contact you?
    You: I have the one from my office in Mexico. Central Time. Any time is good.
    Daphne L. J: So, you are currently in Mexico?
    You: I work in Mexico but I have the house in USA. I live in the border.
    Daphne L. J: I see. Do you have any other questions or clarifications?
    You: I live 10 minutes away from the International Bridge. But that's not an issue. I bought the router at Walmart in Laredo, TX.
    Daphne L. J: Thank you for the information. Would that be all for now?
    You: I want a clarification: Do you realize that there is an issue with the current WRT1900 AC? Are you aware of that?
    You: Because this is a very expensive router that is not working as it should be.
    Daphne L. J: Yes, we are aware of the issue and are working on a resolution.
    Daphne L. J: Would there be anything else you need?
    You: That would be it. I will wait for you to contact me.
    You: Thanks.
    Daphne L. J: Alright. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to serve you through Linksys Live Chat. You may also visit our support site at For your reference, your case number is 04980394. Thank you for choosing Linksys and have a great day! We paid $250 for this piece of equipment. That's a lot of money for a device that doesn't work. I just want to get a V2 replacement, or better yet, an exchange for a EA8500. We should all demand this. It is not fair for us. The current WRT1900 AC is a useless device. They even should do a recall of the product. I will wait for them to contact me, but I'm thinking if I should send the information to The Consumerist or someone else. What to do?

    FernandoRocker wrote:
    Well... instead of looking into this with Engineering, I would prefer you to talk about this with the Sales department and exchange my WRT1900AC for an EA8500 (I will pay the difference if needed).  Seriously. The device is useless. Not just a paperweigt... an expensive paperweight.Actually I looking into the swap for you because I think that would be best in your case. Keep this in perspective. There is laterally millions of WRT1900AC V1 out there with very few issues with latest firmwares and of course the odd exception. In your case it could be a defective WRT1900AC.

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