Custom for loop tag

Hi all,
I am trying to implement a custom "for loop tag". But it seems to me that there is a type conversion problem. I've tried many ways to fixed it but I still cannot get it to work. I've dug through my books, searched the internet and this forum but I can't found anythig useful. I am really lost now! Can anyone help me with this? Many many many thanks!!
<%@ taglib prefix="myTag" uri="/WEB-INF/myTag.tld" %>
<% int num=5; %>
<myTag:loop index="i" count="<%=num%>">
     body1here: i expr: <%=i%> i property: <jsp:getProperty name="i" property="value"/> <br>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<!DOCTYPE taglib PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN" "">
    <info>for loop</info>
package myTag;
import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*;
import java.util.Hashtable;
public class LoopTag extends BodyTagSupport {   
    String index;
    int count;
    int i=0;
    public void setIndex(String index){
    public void setCount(String count){
    public int doStartTag() throws JspException {
        return EVAL_BODY_TAG;
    public void doInitBody() throws JspException {
        pageContext.setAttribute(index, i);
    public int doAfterBody() throws JspException {
        try {
            if (i >= count) {
                return SKIP_BODY;
                                   pageContext.setAttribute(index, i);
            return EVAL_BODY_TAG;
                    catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new JspTagException(ex.toString());
Error message:
type Exception report
description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
An error occurred at line: 4 in the jsp file: /loopTag.jsp
Generated servlet error:
The method setCount(String) in the type LoopTag is not applicable for the arguments (int)
An error occurred at line: 5 in the jsp file: /loopTag.jsp
Generated servlet error:
i cannot be resolved
note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/5.5.11 logs.

I took the custom for-loop one step further and now it can be nested with in other for-loop.
Hope this is the last time I have to reinvent the wheel. Now I REALLY apprecate JSTL!!
<%@ taglib prefix="myTag" uri="/WEB-INF/myTag.tld" %>
<% int row = 5; %>
<% int col = 5; %>
<table border=0>
     <myTag:loop index="i" count="<%= row %>">
               <myTag:loop index="j" count="<%= col %>">
                    <td>index: i=<myTag:printIndex parentLevel="2" /> j=<myTag:printIndex parentLevel="1" />, <br></td>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<!DOCTYPE taglib PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN" "">
    <info>for loop</info>
    <info>for loop print</info>
package myTag;
import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*;
import java.util.Hashtable;
public class LoopTag extends BodyTagSupport {   
    String index;
    int count;
    int i=0;
    public void setIndex(String index){
    public String getIndex(){
      return String.valueOf(pageContext.getAttribute(index));
    public void setCount(int count){
    public int doStartTag() throws JspException {
                     i = 0;
        return EVAL_BODY_TAG;
    public void doInitBody() throws JspException {
        pageContext.setAttribute(index, i);
    public int doAfterBody() throws JspException {
        try {
            if (i >= count) {
                return SKIP_BODY;
                                   pageContext.setAttribute(index, i);
            return EVAL_BODY_TAG;
                    catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new JspTagException(ex.toString());
package myTag;
import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
public class LoopPrintTag extends BodyTagSupport {
     private int parentLevel = 1;
  public int doStartTag() throws JspTagException {
          LoopTag parent = (LoopTag)findAncestorWithClass(this, LoopTag.class);
          for(int i=1; i<parentLevel; i++){
               parent = (LoopTag)findAncestorWithClass(parent, LoopTag.class);
    if (parent == null) {
      throw new JspTagException("print not inside loop");
               try {
                         JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut();
               } catch(IOException ioe) {
                         System.out.println("Error in printTag: " + ioe);
     public void setParentLevel(int _parentLevel){
          if(_parentLevel > 0){
               parentLevel = _parentLevel;
index: i=0 j=0, index: i=0 j=1, index: i=0 j=2, index: i=0 j=3, index: i=0 j=4,
index: i=1 j=0, index: i=1 j=1, index: i=1 j=2, index: i=1 j=3, index: i=1 j=4,
index: i=2 j=0, index: i=2 j=1, index: i=2 j=2, index: i=2 j=3, index: i=2 j=4,
index: i=3 j=0, index: i=3 j=1, index: i=3 j=2, index: i=3 j=3, index: i=3 j=4,
index: i=4 j=0, index: i=4 j=1, index: i=4 j=2, index: i=4 j=3, index: i=4 j=4,

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    while (i) {
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    Need more information about your XML data structure; however based on the code you provided, the synax does not look right; you have some colon sign where it is not needed etc... You could use the following (although not quite sure if you want to use Form Filed to group by or just display), but look at the example provided below.
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    Well, That did not take long.
    My mistake, Typo type.
    [Event(nane="selChange", type="")]
    That is: naNe not naMe :(
    Thank you all for your time and responses.
    I WILL check my code more closely next time I post a
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                             else     ""
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    <ns0:Items xmlns:ns0="">
      <ns0:Item type="A">
          <ns0:Destination direct="1">Location1</ns0:Destination>
          <ns0:Destination direct="1">Location2</ns0:Destination>
      <ns0:Item type="B">
          <ns0:Destination direct="1">Location3</ns0:Destination>
          <ns0:Destination direct="1">Location4</ns0:Destination>
          <ns0:Destination direct="2">Location5</ns0:Destination>
    </ns0:Items>XQuery :
    declare namespace ns0 = "";
      for $i in $d/ns0:Items/ns0:Item
        if ($i/@type = "A")
          then <Amount>{xs:decimal($i/ns0:Qty * $i/ns0:UnitPrice)}</Amount>
          else <Weight>{concat($i/ns0:Mass, " ", $i/ns0:Unit)}</Weight>
      , for $j in $i/ns0:DTL
        , <Dt>{data($j/ns0:DispatchDate)}</Dt>
        , if ($j/ns0:Destination/@direct = "1")
            then <Dest>{data($j/ns0:Destination)}</Dest>
            else ()
    </DispatchInfo>Output :
        <Weight>5 kg</Weight>

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    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE COMOES.orchid_shipment_interface IS
      -- get the com shipment header records
      CURSOR c_com_shphdr ( p_dwn_end_dt DATE ) IS
      SELECT custno client_id
           , plheadno plheadno
           , DECODE(carr_no,'FEDX',lading_no,'UPS',lading_no,carrier_pro_no) tracking_no
           , carr_no||'/'||carr_method carrier_id
           , plantid plant_id
           , carr_no
           , lading_no
           , del_custaddr ship_to_id
           , ol_type cfm_order_type
           , del_custno
           , shipterm    freight_terms
           , del_custattn attn_line
           , custaddr
       WHERE status = '9'
         AND (mod_dat) > p_dwn_end_dt;
      -- get the com shipment address records
      CURSOR c_com_shpadr (p_custaddr VARCHAR2) IS
      SELECT name1 addr_name
           , street1 addr_line1
           , street2 addr_line2
           , city city
           , state state_cd
           , zip zip
           , country country_cd
           , phone work_phone
           , email email1
       WHERE addr_id = p_custaddr;
      -- get the com shipment detail records
      CURSOR c_com_shpdtl ( p_plheadno NUMBER) IS
      SELECT pll.plheadno pllheadno
           , pll.pllineno ord_line_no
           , pll.ol_no erp_line_no
           , pll.ol_segno
           , pll.fg_id sku
           , pll.qty_shipped ship_qty
           , pll.ordno erp_ord_no
           FROM pll
       WHERE pll.plheadno = p_plheadno
                           FROM  cpi
                          WHERE pll.ordno = cpi.ordno
                            AND pll.ol_no = cpi.ol_no);
      -- type declaration
      -- type declaration of com table.
      TYPE t_com_shphdr IS TABLE OF c_com_shphdr%ROWTYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
      TYPE t_orchid_shphdr IS TABLE OF orchid_shipment_hdr_intf%ROWTYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
      TYPE t_com_shpadr IS TABLE OF c_com_shpadr%ROWTYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
      TYPE t_orchid_shpadr IS TABLE OF orchid_shipment_address_intf%ROWTYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
      TYPE t_com_shpdtl IS TABLE OF c_com_shpdtl%ROWTYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
      TYPE t_orchid_shpdtl IS TABLE OF orchid_shipment_dtl_intf%ROWTYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
      lv_company_code       com_customer.business_unit%TYPE;
      lv_erp_ord_no         com_plline.ordno%TYPE;
      lv_actual_ship_date   com_plline.confirm_date%TYPE;
      lv_po_no              com_oline.po_no%TYPE;
      lv_ord_date           com_oline.entrydate%TYPE;
      lv_hdr_batch_ctrl_no  download_batch_info.batch_ctrl_no%TYPE;
      lv_adr_batch_ctrl_no  download_batch_info.batch_ctrl_no%TYPE;
      lv_dtl_batch_ctrl_no  download_batch_info.batch_ctrl_no%TYPE;
      lv_sku_desc           com_salesitem.title%TYPE;
      lv_ord_qty            com_oldelseg.qty%TYPE;
      lr_com_shphdr    t_com_shphdr;
      lr_orchid_shphdr t_orchid_shphdr;
      lr_com_shpadr    t_com_shpadr;
      lr_orchid_shpadr t_orchid_shpadr;
      lr_com_shpdtl    t_com_shpdtl;
      lr_orchid_shpdtl t_orchid_shpdtl;
      -- variable declaration
      ln_shphdr_seq    NUMBER(10):= 0;
      ln_shpadr_seg    NUMBER(10):= 0;
      ln_shpdtl_seq    NUMBER(10):= 0;
      cnt              NUMBER(10):= 0;
      cnt1             NUMBER(10):= 0;
      ld_hdr_dwn_end_dt           download_batch_info.download_end_tstamp%TYPE;
      lc_hdr_dwn_status           download_batch_info.dwn_status%TYPE;
      ld_hdr_download_end_tstamp  DATE;
      ln_hdr_running_seq          NUMBER(10) := 0;
      ld_adr_dwn_end_dt           download_batch_info.download_end_tstamp%TYPE;
      lc_adr_dwn_status           download_batch_info.dwn_status%TYPE;
      ld_adr_download_end_tstamp  DATE;
      ln_adr_running_seg          NUMBER(10) := 0;
      ld_dtl_dwn_end_dt           download_batch_info.download_end_tstamp%TYPE;
      lc_dtl_dwn_status           download_batch_info.dwn_status%TYPE;
      ld_dtl_download_end_tstamp  DATE;
      ln_dtl_running_seq          NUMBER(10) := 0;
      -- get the batch control number details from batch information table for shipment header
        SELECT batch_ctrl_no
             , NVL(download_end_tstamp,TO_DATE('01/01/1980','MM/DD/YYYY'))
             , dwn_status
          INTO lv_hdr_batch_ctrl_no
             , ld_hdr_dwn_end_dt
             , lc_hdr_dwn_status
          FROM comoes.download_batch_info
         WHERE download_id = 'ORCHID_SHIPMENT_HDR_INTF';
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (' No Data Found for ORCHID_SHIPMENT_HDR_INTF in Download Batch Info table...!!!');
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (' Too Many Rows found for ORCHID_SHIPMENT_HDR_INTF in Download Batch Info table...!!!');
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (' Following error occured while getting batch control number for ORCHID_SHIPMENT_HDR_INTF in Download Batch Info table...!!!'||SQLERRM);
      -- get the batch control number details from batch information table for shipment address
        SELECT batch_ctrl_no
             , NVL(download_end_tstamp,TO_DATE('01/01/1980','MM/DD/YYYY'))
             , dwn_status
          INTO lv_adr_batch_ctrl_no
             , ld_adr_dwn_end_dt
             , lc_adr_dwn_status
          FROM comoes.download_batch_info
         WHERE download_id = 'ORCHID_SHIPMENT_ADDRESS_INTF';
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (' No Data Found for ORCHID_SHIPMENT_ADDRESS_INTF in Download Batch Info table...!!!');
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (' Too Many Rows found for ORCHID_SHIPMENT_ADDRESS_INTF in Download Batch Info table...!!!');
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (' Following error occured while getting batch control number for ORCHID_SHIPMENT_ADDRESS_INTF in Download Batch Info table...!!!'||SQLERRM);
      -- get the batch control number details from batch information table for shipment details
        SELECT batch_ctrl_no
             , NVL(download_end_tstamp,TO_DATE('01/01/1980','MM/DD/YYYY'))
             , dwn_status
          INTO lv_dtl_batch_ctrl_no
             , ld_dtl_dwn_end_dt
             , lc_dtl_dwn_status
          FROM download_batch_info
         WHERE download_id = 'ORCHID_SHIPMENT_DTL_INTF';
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (' No Data Found for ORCHID_SHIPMENT_DTL_INTF in Download Batch Info table...!!!');
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (' Too Many Rows found for ORCHID_SHIPMENT_DTL_INTF in Download Batch Info table...!!!');
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (' Following error occured while getting batch control number for ORCHID_SHIPMENT_DTL_INTF in Download Batch Info table...!!!'||SQLERRM);
      -- if previous run is not sucess then do nothing and return.
      OPEN c_com_shphdr ( ld_hdr_dwn_end_dt ) ;
        -- delete the collection for every cycle
        -- fetch the order header records to collection
        FETCH c_com_shphdr BULK COLLECT INTO lr_com_shphdr LIMIT 500;
        -- where there is no record in the collection the exit from the loop
        EXIT WHEN lr_com_shphdr.COUNT = 0;
        -- build your logic there to populate the data into order header collection.
          FOR i IN 1..lr_com_shphdr.COUNT
            -- accumulate header running sequence number
            ln_hdr_running_seq := ln_hdr_running_seq + 1;
            ln_shphdr_seq      := ln_hdr_running_seq;
             -- Get the business unit for the customer from com_customer
              SELECT business_unit
                INTO lv_company_code
               WHERE custno = lr_com_shphdr(i).del_custno;
            WHEN OTHERS THEN
              lv_company_code := NULL;
            -- Get the ordno, confirm_date from COM_PLLINE
            SELECT ordno
                 , confirm_date
              INTO lv_erp_ord_no
                 , lv_actual_ship_date
              FROM cpl
             WHERE cpl.plheadno = lr_com_shphdr(i).plheadno
               AND ROWNUM = 1;
            WHEN OTHERS THEN
              lv_erp_ord_no       := NULL;
              lv_actual_ship_date := NULL;
            -- Get the po_no, Entry_date from COM_OLINE
              SELECT po_no
                   , entrydate
                INTO lv_po_no
                   , lv_ord_date
                FROM col
               WHERE col.ordno = lv_erp_ord_no
                 AND ROWNUM = 1;
            WHEN OTHERS THEN
              lv_po_no    := NULL;
              lv_ord_date := NULL;
            -- To assign the Bol Number from Lading Number
            IF lr_com_shphdr(i).carr_no NOT IN ('FEDX','UPS') THEN
               lr_orchid_shphdr(i).bol_no     := lr_com_shphdr(i).lading_no;
               lr_orchid_shphdr(i).bol_no     := NULL;
            END IF;
            -- For each order header get the Shipment Delivery Adderss
            OPEN c_com_shpadr ( lr_com_shphdr(i).custaddr);
            FETCH c_com_shpadr BULK COLLECT INTO lr_com_shpadr;
            -- where there is no record in the collection the exit from the loop
            EXIT WHEN lr_com_shpadr.COUNT = 0;
            -- biuld your logic here to populate the del address collection.
              FOR j IN 1..lr_com_shpadr.COUNT
                -- accumulate the loop count into temp variable, so that will through tell each set of order header.
                cnt := cnt + 1;
                -- accumolate the header running sequence number.
                ln_adr_running_seg := ln_adr_running_seg + 1;
                ln_shpadr_seg := ln_adr_running_seg;
                -- move the order address data into collection.
                lr_orchid_shpadr(cnt).client_id       := lr_com_shphdr(i).del_custno;
                lr_orchid_shpadr(cnt).ord_no          := lr_com_shphdr(i).plheadno;
                lr_orchid_shpadr(cnt).tracking_no     := lr_com_shphdr(i).tracking_no;
                lr_orchid_shpadr(cnt).addr_name       := lr_com_shpadr(j).addr_name;
                lr_orchid_shpadr(cnt).attn_line       := lr_com_shphdr(i).attn_line;
                lr_orchid_shpadr(cnt).addr_line1      := lr_com_shpadr(j).addr_line1;
                lr_orchid_shpadr(cnt).addr_line2      := lr_com_shpadr(j).addr_line2;
                lr_orchid_shpadr(cnt).addr_line3      := NULL;
                lr_orchid_shpadr(cnt).addr_line4      := NULL;
                lr_orchid_shpadr(cnt).addr_line5      := NULL;
                lr_orchid_shpadr(cnt).city            := lr_com_shpadr(j).city;
                lr_orchid_shpadr(cnt).state_cd        := lr_com_shpadr(j).state_cd;
                lr_orchid_shpadr(cnt).zip             := lr_com_shpadr(j).zip;
                lr_orchid_shpadr(cnt).zip_ext         := NULL;
                lr_orchid_shpadr(cnt).country_cd      := lr_com_shpadr(j).country_cd;
                lr_orchid_shpadr(cnt).tax_geo_cd      := NULL;
                lr_orchid_shpadr(cnt).work_phone      := lr_com_shpadr(j).work_phone;
                lr_orchid_shpadr(cnt).email1          := lr_com_shpadr(j).email1;
                lr_orchid_shpadr(cnt).cre_dat         := SYSDATE;
                lr_orchid_shpadr(cnt).cre_usr         := USER;
                lr_orchid_shpadr(cnt).batch_ctrl_no   := lv_adr_batch_ctrl_no;
              END LOOP;
            CLOSE c_com_shpadr;
            -- For each order header get the order detail/delivery segment data
            OPEN c_com_shpdtl ( lr_com_shphdr(i).plheadno );
            FETCH c_com_shpdtl BULK COLLECT INTO lr_com_shpdtl;
            -- where there is no record in the collection the exit from the loop
            EXIT WHEN lr_com_shpdtl.COUNT = 0;
            -- build your logic here to populate the order detail collection
              FOR k IN 1..lr_com_shpdtl.COUNT
                -- accumulate the loop count into a temp variable, so that will through till each set of Order Header.
                cnt1 := cnt1 + 1;
                -- accumulate header running sequence number
                ln_dtl_running_seq := ln_dtl_running_seq + 1;
                ln_shpdtl_seq := ln_dtl_running_seq;
                -- Get Quantity for the delvery from delevery segment table.
                  SELECT NVL(Qty,0)
                    INTO lv_ord_qty
                    FROM cds
                   WHERE cds.ordno = lr_com_shpdtl(k).erp_ord_no
                     AND cds.ol_no = lr_com_shpdtl(k).erp_line_no
                     AND cds.ol_segno = lr_com_shpdtl(k).ol_segno;
                  WHEN OTHERS THEN
                    lv_ord_qty := NULL;
                -- Get Title for the salesitem from the salesitem table.
                  SELECT Title
                    INTO lv_sku_desc
                    FROM cs
                   WHERE cs.fg_id = lr_com_shpdtl(k).sku;
                  WHEN OTHERS THEN
                    lv_sku_desc := NULL;
                -- move the Order detail data into collection
                lr_orchid_shpdtl(cnt1).client_id         := lr_com_shphdr(i).client_id;
                lr_orchid_shpdtl(cnt1).ord_no            := lr_com_shphdr(i).plheadno;
                lr_orchid_shpdtl(cnt1).ord_line_no       := lr_com_shpdtl(k).ord_line_no;
                lr_orchid_shpdtl(cnt1).erp_line_no       := lr_com_shpdtl(k).erp_line_no;
                lr_orchid_shpdtl(cnt1).sku               := lr_com_shpdtl(k).sku;
                lr_orchid_shpdtl(cnt1).tracking_no       := lr_com_shphdr(i).tracking_no;
                lr_orchid_shpdtl(cnt1).container_no      := NULL;
                lr_orchid_shpdtl(cnt1).ord_qty           := lv_ord_qty;
                lr_orchid_shpdtl(cnt1).ship_qty          := lr_com_shpdtl(k).ship_qty;
                lr_orchid_shpdtl(cnt1).price_point       := NULL;
                lr_orchid_shpdtl(cnt1).pick_invoice_no   := NULL;
                lr_orchid_shpdtl(cnt1).cancel_qty        := NULL;
                lr_orchid_shpdtl(cnt1).bldg_id           := NULL;                              --lr_com_shpdtl(k).bldg_id;
                lr_orchid_shpdtl(cnt1).sku_company       := NULL;                              --lr_com_shpdtl(k).sku_company;
                lr_orchid_shpdtl(cnt1).sku_desc          := lv_sku_desc;
                lr_orchid_shpdtl(cnt1).icc_cd1           := NULL;                              --lr_com_shpdtl(k).icc_cd1;
                lr_orchid_shpdtl(cnt1).erp_ord_no        := lr_com_shpdtl(k).erp_ord_no;
                lr_orchid_shpdtl(cnt1).cre_dat           := SYSDATE;
                lr_orchid_shpdtl(cnt1).cre_usr           := USER;
                lr_orchid_shpdtl(cnt1).batch_ctrl_no     := lv_dtl_batch_ctrl_no;
              END LOOP;
            CLOSE c_com_shpdtl;
            -- build the logic to populate Order Header
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).client_id              := lr_com_shphdr(i).client_id;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).ord_no                 := lr_com_shphdr(i).plheadno;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).tracking_no            := lr_com_shphdr(i).tracking_no;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).container_no           := NULL;                            -- container number is not maintained in COM
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).carrier_id             := lr_com_shphdr(i).carrier_id;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).plant_id               := lr_com_shphdr(i).plant_id;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).erp_ord_no             := lv_erp_ord_no;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).erp_ord_no2            := NULL;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).po_no                  := lv_po_no;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).ship_to_id             := lr_com_shphdr(i).ship_to_id;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).ship_to_addr_id        := lr_com_shphdr(i).custaddr;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).scac                   := NULL;                             --lr_com_shphdr(i).scac;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).actual_ship_date       := lv_actual_ship_date;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).cfm_order_type         := lr_com_shphdr(i).cfm_order_type;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).company_code           := lv_company_code;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).no_of_order_lines      := NULL;                             --lr_com_shphdr(i).no_of_order_lines;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).pick_invoice_no        := NULL;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).ord_date               := lv_ord_date;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).orig_tender_date       := NULL;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).orig_delv_date         := NULL;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).delivery_flag          := NULL;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).delv_date_from         := NULL;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).delv_date_to           := NULL;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).orig_carr_cd           := NULL;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).routing_comment        := NULL;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).segment_type           := NULL;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).back_order_flag        := NULL;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).addr_override_flag     := NULL;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).fmx_assigned_carr      := NULL;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).fmx_assigned_ship_date := NULL;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).fmx_assigned_delv_date := NULL;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).freight_terms          := lr_com_shphdr(i).freight_terms;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).fmx_load_id            := NULL;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).asn_type               := NULL;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).icc_cd1                := NULL;                             --lr_com_shphdr(i).icc_cd1;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).trans_type             := NULL;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).ref_no1                := NULL;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).ref_no2                := NULL;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).ref_no3                := NULL;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).ref_no4                := NULL;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).cre_dat                := SYSDATE;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).cre_usr                := USER;
            lr_orchid_shphdr(i).batch_ctrl_no          := lv_hdr_batch_ctrl_no;
            -- logic to get total boxes and weight.
              SELECT SUM(no_cartons), SUM(weight)
                INTO lr_orchid_shphdr(i).total_boxes
                   , lr_orchid_shphdr(i).weight
                FROM pll
               WHERE pll.plheadno = lr_com_shphdr(i).plheadno;
             WHEN OTHERS THEN
                lr_orchid_shphdr(i).total_boxes := NULL;
                lr_orchid_shphdr(i).weight      := NULL;
          END LOOP;
        -- initialize the variables for next loop cycle.
        cnt := 0;
        cnt1 := 0;
        -- populate the shipment header interface table.
        FOR x IN 1..lr_orchid_shphdr.COUNT
          ld_hdr_download_end_tstamp := lr_orchid_shphdr(x).cre_dat;
          INSERT INTO orchid_shipment_hdr_intf
                    ( 10
        END LOOP;
        -- populate the shipment address interface table.
        FOR y IN 1..lr_orchid_shpadr.COUNT
          ld_adr_download_end_tstamp := lr_orchid_shpadr(y).cre_dat;
          INSERT INTO orchid_shipment_address_intf
                      ( record_qualifier
                      , client_id
                      , ord_no
                      , tracking_no
                      , addr_name
                      , attn_line
                      , addr_line1
                      , addr_line2
                      , addr_line3
                      , addr_line4
                      , addr_line5
                      , city
                      , state_cd
                      , zip
                      , zip_ext
                      , country_cd
                      , tax_geo_cd
                      , work_phone
                      , email1
                      , cre_dat
                      , cre_usr
                      , batch_ctrl_no)
               VALUES ( 14
                      , lr_orchid_shpadr(y).client_id
                      , lr_orchid_shpadr(y).ord_no
                      , lr_orchid_shpadr(y).tracking_no
                      , lr_orchid_shpadr(y).addr_name
                      , lr_orchid_shpadr(y).attn_line
                      , lr_orchid_shpadr(y).addr_line1
                      , lr_orchid_shpadr(y).addr_line2
                      , lr_orchid_shpadr(y).addr_line3
                      , lr_orchid_shpadr(y).addr_line4
                      , lr_orchid_shpadr(y).addr_line5
                      , lr_orchid_shpadr(y).city
                      , lr_orchid_shpadr(y).state_cd
                      , lr_orchid_shpadr(y).zip
                      , lr_orchid_shpadr(y).zip_ext
                      , lr_orchid_shpadr(y).country_cd
                      , lr_orchid_shpadr(y).tax_geo_cd
                      , lr_orchid_shpadr(y).work_phone
                      , lr_orchid_shpadr(y).email1
                      , lr_orchid_shpadr(y).cre_dat
                      , lr_orchid_shpadr(y).cre_usr
                      , lr_orchid_shpadr(y).batch_ctrl_no);
        END LOOP;
        -- populate the shipment detail interface table.
        FOR z IN 1..lr_orchid_shpdtl.COUNT
          ld_dtl_download_end_tstamp := lr_orchid_shpdtl(z).cre_dat;
          INSERT INTO orchid_shipment_dtl_intf
                      ( record_qualifier
                      , client_id
                      , ord_no
                      , ord_line_no
                      , erp_line_no
                      , sku
                      , tracking_no
                      , container_no
                      , ord_qty
                      , ship_qty
                      , price_point
                      , pick_invoice_no
                      , cancel_qty
                      , bldg_id
                      , sku_company
                      , sku_desc
                      , icc_cd1
                      , erp_ord_no
                      , cre_dat
                      , cre_usr
                      , batch_ctrl_no)
               VALUES ( 20
                      , lr_orchid_shpdtl(z).client_id
                      , lr_orchid_shpdtl(z).ord_no
                      , lr_orchid_shpdtl(z).ord_line_no
                      , lr_orchid_shpdtl(z).erp_line_no
                      , lr_orchid_shpdtl(z).sku
                      , lr_orchid_shpdtl(z).tracking_no
                      , lr_orchid_shpdtl(z).container_no
                      , lr_orchid_shpdtl(z).ord_qty
                      , lr_orchid_shpdtl(z).ship_qty
                      , lr_orchid_shpdtl(z).price_point
                      , lr_orchid_shpdtl(z).pick_invoice_no
                      , lr_orchid_shpdtl(z).cancel_qty
                      , lr_orchid_shpdtl(z).bldg_id
                      , lr_orchid_shpdtl(z).sku_company
                      , lr_orchid_shpdtl(z).sku_desc
                      , lr_orchid_shpdtl(z).icc_cd1
                      , lr_orchid_shpdtl(z).erp_ord_no
                      , lr_orchid_shpdtl(z).cre_dat
                      , lr_orchid_shpdtl(z).cre_usr
                      , lr_orchid_shpdtl(z).batch_ctrl_no);
        END LOOP;
      END LOOP;
      CLOSE c_com_shphdr;
      -- set the status to success
      UPDATE comoes.download_batch_info
         SET batch_ctrl_no = orchid_plhead_btch_ctrl_seq.NEXTVAL
           , dwn_status = '90'
           , download_end_tstamp = NVL(ld_hdr_download_end_tstamp,SYSDATE)
       WHERE download_id = 'ORCHID_SHIPMENT_HDR_INTF'
         AND batch_ctrl_no = lv_hdr_batch_ctrl_no;
      UPDATE comoes.download_batch_info
         SET batch_ctrl_no = orchid_address_btch_ctrl_seq.NEXTVAL
           , dwn_status = '90'
           , download_end_tstamp = NVL(ld_hdr_download_end_tstamp,SYSDATE)
         AND batch_ctrl_no = lv_adr_batch_ctrl_no;
      UPDATE comoes.download_batch_info
         SET batch_ctrl_no = orchid_plline_btch_ctrl_seq.NEXTVAL
           , dwn_status = '90'
           , download_end_tstamp = NVL(ld_dtl_download_end_tstamp,SYSDATE)
       WHERE download_id = 'ORCHID_SHIPMENT_DTL_INTF'
         AND batch_ctrl_no = lv_dtl_batch_ctrl_no;
      -- Update the download status to success in the interface table.
      -- Shipment Header
        -- load is not sucess then set the status to fail
        UPDATE comoes.download_batch_info
           SET dwn_status = '99'
         WHERE download_id = 'ORCHID_SHIPMENT_HDR_INTF'
           AND batch_ctrl_no = lv_hdr_batch_ctrl_no;
        UPDATE comoes.download_batch_info
           SET dwn_status = '99'
           AND batch_ctrl_no = lv_adr_batch_ctrl_no;
        UPDATE comoes.download_batch_info
           SET dwn_status = '99'
         WHERE download_id = 'ORCHID_SHIPMENT_DTL_INTF'
           AND batch_ctrl_no = lv_dtl_batch_ctrl_no;
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Following error occured while executing ORCHID_SHIPMENT_INTF procedure...!!!'||SQLERRM);
    END orchid_shipment_interface;Edited by: BluShadow on 03-Aug-2011 13:28
    added {noformat}{noformat} tags. Please read {message:id=9360002} to learn to do this yourself.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                &nb

    Please read the Forum FAQ on how to ask a question, particularly how to format code
    SQL and PL/SQL FAQ
    SQL and PL/SQL FAQ
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (' Following error occured while getting batch control number for ORCHID_SHIPMENT_HDR_INTF in Download Batch Info table...!!!'||SQLERRM);

  • For Loop in Struts ?(without Collections)

    Hi all,
    Pls tell me how can v use FOR LOOP IN JSP STRUTS without using scriplets and collections .
    suppose i want to display 20 times "hello world "in jsp .How can i display it using STRUTS as conventionally scriplets are not allowed in it.
    and Iterator is only for Collections .
    * $Id: 54929 2004-10-16 16:38:42Z germuska $
    * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the License.
    package org.apache.struts.webapp.exercise;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Collection;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
    import org.apache.struts.util.LabelValueBean;
    * General purpose test bean for Struts custom tag tests.
    * @version $Rev: 54929 $ $Date: 2004-10-16 17:38:42 +0100 (Sat, 16 Oct 2004) $
    public class TestBean extends ActionForm {
    // ------------------------------------------------------------- Properties
    * A collection property where the elements of the collection are
    * of type <code>LabelValueBean</code>.
    private Collection beanCollection = null;
    public Collection getBeanCollection() {
    if (beanCollection == null) {
    Vector entries = new Vector(10);
    entries.add(new LabelValueBean("Label 0", "Value 0"));
    entries.add(new LabelValueBean("Label 1", "Value 1"));
    entries.add(new LabelValueBean("Label 2", "Value 2"));
    entries.add(new LabelValueBean("Label 3", "Value 3"));
    entries.add(new LabelValueBean("Label 4", "Value 4"));
    entries.add(new LabelValueBean("Label 5", "Value 5"));
    entries.add(new LabelValueBean("Label 6", "Value 6"));
    entries.add(new LabelValueBean("Label 7", "Value 7"));
    entries.add(new LabelValueBean("Label 8", "Value 8"));
    entries.add(new LabelValueBean("Label 9", "Value 9"));
    beanCollection = entries;
    return (beanCollection);
    public void setBeanCollection(Collection beanCollection) {
    this.beanCollection = beanCollection;
    * A multiple-String SELECT element using a bean collection.
    private String[] beanCollectionSelect = { "Value 1", "Value 3",
    "Value 5" };
    public String[] getBeanCollectionSelect() {
    return (this.beanCollectionSelect);
    public void setBeanCollectionSelect(String beanCollectionSelect[]) {
    this.beanCollectionSelect = beanCollectionSelect;
    * A boolean property whose initial value is true.
    private boolean booleanProperty = true;
    public boolean getBooleanProperty() {
    return (booleanProperty);
    public void setBooleanProperty(boolean booleanProperty) {
    this.booleanProperty = booleanProperty;
    * A multiple-String SELECT element using a collection.
    private String[] collectionSelect = { "Value 2", "Value 4",
    "Value 6" };
    public String[] getCollectionSelect() {
    return (this.collectionSelect);
    public void setCollectionSelect(String collectionSelect[]) {
    this.collectionSelect = collectionSelect;
    * A double property.
    private double doubleProperty = 321.0;
    public double getDoubleProperty() {
    return (this.doubleProperty);
    public void setDoubleProperty(double doubleProperty) {
    this.doubleProperty = doubleProperty;
    * A boolean property whose initial value is false
    private boolean falseProperty = false;
    public boolean getFalseProperty() {
    return (falseProperty);
    public void setFalseProperty(boolean falseProperty) {
    this.falseProperty = falseProperty;
    * A float property.
    private float floatProperty = (float) 123.0;
    public float getFloatProperty() {
    return (this.floatProperty);
    public void setFloatProperty(float floatProperty) {
    this.floatProperty = floatProperty;
    * Integer arrays that are accessed as an array as well as indexed.
    private int intArray[] = { 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 };
    public int[] getIntArray() {
    return (this.intArray);
    public void setIntArray(int intArray[]) {
    this.intArray = intArray;
    private int intIndexed[] = { 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 };
    public int getIntIndexed(int index) {
    return (intIndexed[index]);
    public void setIntIndexed(int index, int value) {
    intIndexed[index] = value;
    private int intMultibox[] = new int[0];
    public int[] getIntMultibox() {
    return (this.intMultibox);
    public void setIntMultibox(int intMultibox[]) {
    this.intMultibox = intMultibox;
    * An integer property.
    private int intProperty = 123;
    public int getIntProperty() {
    return (this.intProperty);
    public void setIntProperty(int intProperty) {
    this.intProperty = intProperty;
    * A long property.
    private long longProperty = 321;
    public long getLongProperty() {
    return (this.longProperty);
    public void setLongProperty(long longProperty) {
    this.longProperty = longProperty;
    * A multiple-String SELECT element.
    private String[] multipleSelect = { "Multiple 3", "Multiple 5",
    "Multiple 7" };
    public String[] getMultipleSelect() {
    return (this.multipleSelect);
    public void setMultipleSelect(String multipleSelect[]) {
    this.multipleSelect = multipleSelect;
    * A nested reference to another test bean (populated as needed).
    private TestBean nested = null;
    public TestBean getNested() {
    if (nested == null)
    nested = new TestBean();
    return (nested);
    * A String property with an initial value of null.
    private String nullProperty = null;
    public String getNullProperty() {
    return (this.nullProperty);
    public void setNullProperty(String nullProperty) {
    this.nullProperty = nullProperty;
    * A short property.
    private short shortProperty = (short) 987;
    public short getShortProperty() {
    return (this.shortProperty);
    public void setShortProperty(short shortProperty) {
    this.shortProperty = shortProperty;
    * A single-String value for a SELECT element.
    private String singleSelect = "Single 5";
    public String getSingleSelect() {
    return (this.singleSelect);
    public void setSingleSelect(String singleSelect) {
    this.singleSelect = singleSelect;
    * String arrays that are accessed as an array as well as indexed.
    private String stringArray[] =
    { "String 0", "String 1", "String 2", "String 3", "String 4" };
    public String[] getStringArray() {
    return (this.stringArray);
    public void setStringArray(String stringArray[]) {
    this.stringArray = stringArray;
    private String stringIndexed[] =
    { "String 0", "String 1", "String 2", "String 3", "String 4" };
    public String getStringIndexed(int index) {
    return (stringIndexed[index]);
    public void setStringIndexed(int index, String value) {
    stringIndexed[index] = value;
    private String stringMultibox[] = new String[0];
    public String[] getStringMultibox() {
    return (this.stringMultibox);
    public void setStringMultibox(String stringMultibox[]) {
    this.stringMultibox = stringMultibox;
    * A String property.
    private String stringProperty = "This is a string";
    public String getStringProperty() {
    return (this.stringProperty);
    public void setStringProperty(String stringProperty) {
    this.stringProperty = stringProperty;
    * An empty String property.
    private String emptyStringProperty = "";
    public String getEmptyStringProperty() {
    return (this.emptyStringProperty);
    public void setEmptyStringProperty(String emptyStringProperty) {
    this.emptyStringProperty = emptyStringProperty;
    * A single-String value for a SELECT element based on resource strings.
    private String resourcesSelect = "Resources 2";
    public String getResourcesSelect() {
    return (this.resourcesSelect);
    public void setResourcesSelect(String resourcesSelect) {
    this.resourcesSelect = resourcesSelect;
    * A property that allows a null value but is still used in a SELECT.
    private String withNulls = null;
    public String getWithNulls() {
    return (this.withNulls);
    public void setWithNulls(String withNulls) {
    this.withNulls = withNulls;
    * A List property.
    private List listProperty = null;
    public List getListProperty() {
    if (listProperty == null) {
    listProperty = new ArrayList();
    return listProperty;
    public void setListProperty(List listProperty) {
    this.listProperty = listProperty;
    * An empty List property.
    private List emptyListProperty = null;
    public List getEmptyListProperty() {
    if (emptyListProperty == null) {
    emptyListProperty = new ArrayList();
    return emptyListProperty;
    public void setEmptyListProperty(List emptyListProperty) {
    this.emptyListProperty = emptyListProperty;
    * A Map property.
    private Map mapProperty = null;
    public Map getMapProperty() {
    if (mapProperty == null) {
    mapProperty = new HashMap();
    mapProperty.put("dummy", "dummy");
    return mapProperty;
    public void setMapProperty(Map mapProperty) {
    this.mapProperty = mapProperty;
    * An empty Map property.
    private Map emptyMapProperty = null;
    public Map getEmptyMapProperty() {
    if (emptyMapProperty == null) {
    emptyMapProperty = new HashMap();
    return emptyMapProperty;
    public void setEmptyMapProperty(Map emptyMapProperty) {
    this.emptyMapProperty = emptyMapProperty;
    // --------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods
    * Reset the properties that will be received as input.
    public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) {
    booleanProperty = false;
    collectionSelect = new String[0];
    intMultibox = new int[0];
    multipleSelect = new String[0];
    stringMultibox = new String[0];
    if (nested != null)
    nested.reset(mapping, request);

  • How do i configure a FOR loop to have the behavior of the step Loop Type: Pass/Fail count?

    I'm using the Pass/Fail count set to one Pass to capture an event generated by my DUT.  I originally used a numerical compare step with the Looping type of Pass/Fail count to accomplish this.  Unfortunately the implementation changed and now I need to execute a few steps that can not be combined within one code module as before. Nor can these steps be put into a subroutine.  One of the steps executes a .NET asembly and I haven't figured out how to pass the reference to the subroutine.  When the subroutine is intered the reference is lost and the methode does not execute correctly.
    I have an evaluation function the exits the loop when the expected conditions are met. Everything works except for the Overall Pass/Fail result of the For loop.  If the loop exits due to the first numerical compare test passing, I want the loop overall execution to report as "Passed".  If the loop reaches it's predetermined number of iterations, the overall result needs to report as "Failed".  It would also be nice to have the radio button functionality of "Record Result of Each iteration".  Some conditions require a wait over a minute for the event to occur and I don't want to generate needless data for the report.
    Currently I get the pass/fail status for each For loop iteration, but only "Done" for each loop iteration.  I don't want the initial few failures to cause the test to fail.
    Does anyone know how to do this? Suggestions?

    I have 2 steps in the loop that can not be combined into one step. This forces me to implement the behavior in some form of loop.  A While Loop could be an option.  I would need to pass the Step.Result.Status from the Multiple Numerical compaire step to the condition of the While Loop.  I tried to use the Step.TS.ID without success.  Some form of reference to the numerical compare step would be needed. I'm using a For Loop as I do want to limit the number of iterations of the loop.  In the case where the loop iterations are reached, the event I am trying to detect did not occur at the correct time and a failure needs to be reported.
    I came up with something based on my comments in the second post:
    1) To start with I configured a Locals.ForLoop_5 variable.  This is used to set the limit on the loop iterations and for comparison after the loop has finished executing. More on that later.
    2) The first step inside the loop invokes a method within a .NET assembly that has been packed in a DLL This method gets the required data from the DUT and stores it to a text file.
    3) The next step is the Multiple Numeric Limit step.  This step invokes a VI that extracts the data from the text file.  This step has been customized in several ways.
      i)  In Run Options, the Results Recording Option was disabled.  This prevents recording of "Failed" while the loop executes when waiting for the event to happen.
      ii) In Run Options, the Step Failure Causes Sequence Failure is unchecked.  Same reasoning as i)  These steps are not true failures.
      iii) A Post Action is configured to go to the nexxt step after the For Loop End step On Condition True with the logic of Step.Result.Status == "Passed".  This causes the loop to exit when the first "Passed" is encountered which corrolates with the event I'm trying to detect. On Conditon Fail remains set to default.
    4)  The step after the For Loop End is an expression step with everythin set to default except for the Status Expression logic set to: Locals.Loopindex < Locals.ForLoop_5 ? (Step.Result.Status = "Passed") : (Step.Result.Status = "Failed"). This step performs the overall Pass/Fail reporting for the For Loop.  If the number of loop iterations is less than the maximum it could have only gotten there by the previous logic triggered by the numerical compare passing, therefore "Passed".  If the loop index has reached the limit, then the event was not detected, therefore Failed.
    I have tested this work around with success, it just a pain to now have to implement this on my 40 some odd For Loops.
    If there is a better way, I'd still like to hear it.

  • Need help in creating for loop

    I want to create two different Xquery transformation by checking attribute value in the input xml.
    <n:DIAMessage xsi:schemaLocation=" C:/shashi/rewrite/DIA/DIA_Schemas/DIA_new.xsd" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:n="">
    <n:Account sourceClassName="Account" sourceInstanceID="01560900" sourceSystem="MDR">
    <n:hasAccountRelation sourceClassName="AccountRelation" sourceInstanceID="01560900" sourceSystem="MDR">
    <n:hasAccountPerson name="BRIAN C STRICKLAND" sourceClassName="Person" sourceInstanceID="01560900|$|00114" sourceSystem="MDR"/>
    <n:Account sourceClassName="Account" sourceInstanceID="01560900" sourceSystem="MDR">
    <n:hasAccountRelation sourceClassName="AccountRelation" sourceInstanceID="01560900" sourceSystem="MDR">
    <n:hasAccountPerson name="BRIAN C STRICKLAND" sourceClassName="Person" sourceInstanceID="01560900|$|00114" sourceSystem="MDR"/>
    <n:Person name="BRIAN C STRICKLAND" sourceClassName="Person" sourceInstanceID="01560900|$|00114" sourceSystem="MDR">
    <n:hasIdentifier sourceClassName="Identifier" sourceInstanceID="01560900|$|00114" sourceSystem="MDR">
    <n:Person name="BRIAN C STRICKLAND" sourceClassName="Person" sourceInstanceID="01560900|$|00114" sourceSystem="MDR">
    <n:hasIdentifier sourceClassName="Identifier" sourceInstanceID="01560900|$|00114" sourceSystem="MDR">
    From the above Message i need to create two transformation by checking
    if (DIAMessage/Customer/Account/@sourceClassName="Account")
    then call {
    then call{
    Constraint here is Account and Person block occurence will be many times.As they are in same hierarchy how to create a for loop concept here?
    Please anyone can help me on this?

    Create a numeric variable to act as While loop counter and assign value of 1. Create a boolean variable to act as a flag to exit loop and assign value of true.
    Create a while object with a condition that while flag variable is true loop.
    Then you can create a switch with a case for each of your scenarios, referencing the xth record (defined by loop counter variable) in xml using ora:getElement
    When the count of required elements in input xml is less than your loop variable, assign the variable to exit loop as false...otherwise increment counter by one to loop to next record.
    Hope this helps.

  • Garageband custom "user-loops" files missing

    I'm using Garageband '09 (Version 5.1 (398) and I am having trouble locating my custom "user loops" files.
    I know that custom made apple loops are saved in
    Library/Audio/Apple Loops/User Loops
    I have about 100 loops saved in the folder, but in Garageband I have over 200 saved custom made loops that work fine. I am able to use all of the loops, only about half of them have files in the correct place.
    Doing a spotlight search does not find anything, even when I search for the custom loop name exactly and search "This Mac" and "Library".
    One strange thing I've found is when viewing the loops browser, at the top there is a dropdown labeled "Loops" that offers the filters "My Loops" and "Shared Loops on my Mac". It seems that I can only find the files for "My Loops" and the "Shared Loops on my Mac" are the missing ones.
    Is there another place these files could be saved? I can use them in Garageband so they must be somewhere.

    How can I create loops that are "My Loops" vs "Shared Loops on my Mac" on purpose.
    Check your Preferences setting:
    In the "Loops" tab of the Preferences panel - the "My Apple Loops" option.
    If you share your loops with all users on your mac (users havg different accounts) then the loops will be installed in the System Library, but if you do not share, your loops will be installed in your user library. If you log in from a different account you will not be able to use them.
    I don't have Logic installed, but both installation places should make it possible for Logic and MainStage to use the loops. It is the standard place where applications are looking for Apple Loops.

  • Need help with a for loop

    Hi all
    I have a dir that has a list of folders that are created using php that my customers upload to. the PHP creates a new folder using the system date on the days that they upload. (using this format yyyymmdd)
    What I am trying to do is loop thou the folders and get todays folder and list the files that are in todays folder. I have been able to do this up to the point of if a customer folder does not have a folder called todays date.
    I know I need some sort of try / catch but don't know what.
    Can anyone help me please
    Thanks for you time and help in advance
      public void getfolderList() {
        File dir = new File("/Users/craig/Documents/jBuilder_Epod/copy");
        File[] getFolderNames = dir.listFiles();
        if (getFolderNames != null) {
          for (int gf = 0; gf < getFolderNames.length; gf++) {
            String store = "" + getFolderNames[gf];
            if (!store.endsWith(".DS_Store")) { // This is a mac file name Only
              String folderName = "" + getFolderNames[gf];
              if (!store.endsWith(".DS_Store")) { // This is a mac file name Only
                //I need to have some sort of try and Catch here.
                // If there is no Folder called "todaysFileName" I need to go to the next folder
                //i.e. stop the for loop and go to next
                String setTodaysFileName = folderName + "/";
                String todaysFileName = setTodaysFileName + systemDate;
                File todaysFolder = new File(todaysFileName);
                File[] todaysFiles = todaysFolder.listFiles();
                for (int td = 0; td < todaysFiles.length; td++) {
                  todaysFileName = "" + todaysFiles[td];
                  System.out.println("There is no folder Today........" +

    A quick guess would be that after the sStatement
      File[] todaysFiles = todaysFolder.listFiles();todaysFiles is null if todaysFolder doesn't exist and you get a NullPointerException when trying to access todaysFiles.length in the following for-loop.
    If that doesn't help, please be a bit more precise what kind of Exception occurs...

  • How to Implement search Refiners for social tagging in SharePoint 2013

    Hi Sharepointers,
    Scenario is that when i add tags to Site Collection I can be able to refine that Site url with the tag term in Enterprise Search. I had implemented refined search with Managed Metadata Column in Custom List and Document Library. But now I need to implement
    Refined Search for Social tags. Need Valuble suggestions

    Hi Anil Avula,
    Thanks for your reply. Already I had used "Refinement" Webpart for having Search Refiners in List Level. I had referred
    Search Refiners link. Now my requirement is that, When I add a tag (i.e)Social tagging in "Tags&Notes"  for a Site Collection and search for
    the tagged-term, Search results should be refinable for the tagging. Hope to have a reply

  • Geting ORA 936 -while building dynamic query in for loop.

    I hav written a SP and its compiled and giving me the results for the data I am quering but giving ORA936 - missing expressin and giving ORA 6512 at 2 lines. Please help me me out where I am going wrong.
    v-fdate IN DATE,
    v-tdate IN DATE,
    v_flg IN CHAR)
    TYPE opfld IS RECORD (
    Rc oplist;
    Edtab opfld;
    Selstr VACHAR2(200);
    Whstr1 VACHAR2(200);
    Whstr2 VACHAR2(200);
    Whstr3 VACHAR2(200);
    Whstr VACHAR2(200);
    Grpstr VACHAR2(200);
    Andstr VACHAR2(200);
    Fullstr VACHAR2(200);
    Selstr := ‘SELECT col1,col2,sum(col3),sum(col4) from tab1 ’;
    Whstr1 := ‘ WHERE tdate BETWEEN TO_DATE(‘||’’’’||vfdate||’’’’||’)’;
    Whstr2: = ‘ AND TO_DATE(‘||’’’’||vtdate||’’’’||’)’;
    Whstr := whstr1||whstr2;
    Grpstr := ‘GROUP BY col1,col2’;
    Whstr3 := whstr||’AND FLAG = ‘||v_flg;
    Whstr3 := whstr ;
    END IF;
    Andstr := ‘ AND id =’|| v_id(i);
    Whstr := whstr3 || andstr ;
    Fullstr := selstr||whstr||grpstr;
    OPEN rc for fullstr;
    FETCH rc into edtab
    EXIT when rc%NOTFOUND;
    Andstr := ‘’;
    Whstr :=’’;
    END; ---BEGIN of FOR loop
    END LOOP; -- for end
    CLOSE rc;
    END; -- proc end
    Created above SP and its compiled. When I try to execute the SP with below code I am getting--
    V_t LIST;
    V_t:= LIST();
    V_t(1) := 10;
    V_t(2) := 20;
    The SP is building correct dynamic querry and its getting executed for id = 10 and 20, giving the correct results but though I defined only 2 ids while executing and written FOR lOOP upto ID.COUNT its building query for third time and that time its not getting id, so for the third time the last part of where clause is built like
    AND id = (its taking blank here)
    GROUP BY ...;
    and thus its giving me ORA 936 missing expression and ORA 06152 at line of RECORD TYPE declaration and line of OPEN rc for fullstr;
    ERROR at line 1
    ORA 00936 misssing expresiion
    ORA 006152 at line 9
    ORA 006512 at line 87
    I hav put DBMS_OUTPUT statements @ every build of dynamic wuery and its correct. here I have not copid the code I hav typed hereso not wriiten DBMS_OUTPUT.
    I tried lot of ways redefining Andstr := ‘’;
    Whstr :=’’; after for endloop but its giving the same error. is this because I am using varray? If am providing 2 ids in anonymous block then how its building query for third blank ID value.
    Please help me out here..
    Thanks a lot..

    I hav written a SP and its compiled and giving me the results for the data I am quering
    Then you should have posted the one that compiles and gives you results.
    The code you posted will not compile without errors. Edit your original post and provide the corrected code.
    When you do please add \ tags on the line before and after the code to preserve formatting. See the FAQ for details.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • Having errors in basic for loop

    I am tring to write SQL script that implements a block that contains a for-loop which increments a counter from 1 to 10 and inserts the counter value into the results field of the LOOPING table that i have created. i want to insert a null val in place of the counter if the counter value is equal to either 6 or 8.
    Below are my work
    Table creation
    I am expecting a output like this
    FOR COUNTER IN 1..10
    IF ((COUNTER = 6 ) AND (COUNTER = 8 ))
    I am getting errors. I am a beginner . Please help me out .
    can you point out my errors and explain
    And finaly please tell me how to correct it .

    1) When you get an error, it's always helpful to post the details of that error (the error number and the line number). That makes it far easier for us to help you.
    2) Thank you for posting your code and table definition. That definitely helps! In the future, you'll want to use the \ tag (6 characters, all lower case) before and after any code fragments to preserve the white space & indentation.  That makes your code far easier to read.
    3) Your code fails to compile because
    - you are missing the LOOP keyword between lines 2 and 3
    - you are missing the END IF at the end of your IF statement
    - you are referring to a table named MESSAGES while your CREATE TABLE statement refers to a table named LOOPING
    If you correct those three errors, your code will compile
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  BEGIN
      2    FOR COUNTER IN 1..10
      3    LOOP -- Added
      4      IF ((COUNTER = 6 ) AND (COUNTER = 8 ))
      5      THEN
      6        INSERT INTO looping -- Changed table name
      7          VALUES(NULL);
      8      ELSE
      9        INSERT INTO looping -- Changed table name
    10          VALUES(COUNTER);
    11      END IF; -- Added
    12    END LOOP;
    13* END;
    SQL> /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    4) However, now that the code compiles, you'll have a problem that it does not meet the requirements.  It will never insert a NULL value because your IF condition is incorrect.  Since this looks like a homework problem, however, I don't want to completely give it away-- I've probably done more than I should have already.

  • Syntax for href tag in out.println

    In the jsp, the table displays document number from the for loop in it.
    I'm trying to put a hyperlink using href tag to the document number which is in the value "table.getString("VBELN")"
    out.println(var + table.getString("VBELN"));
    I do not know the correct syntax or any alternative to acheive the hyperlink for the document numbers displayed in the jsp. One that I tried is
    out.println(var + "<a href="">" + table.getString("VBELN") + "</a>");
    Appreciate your timely help.

    Thanks Ashish.
    I too had the same problem and so couldn't post my question properly and completely.
    I've sent you an e-mail in reply.
    I need to pass parameter and open the URL with the parameter and no toolbars.
    Looking forward to your earliest possible reply. Thanks again.

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