Custom HTTPService and bindable XML

Sorry if the question was asked before, tried to search but did not find the exact solution. I created a custom HTTPService (extending the one provided in the Flex SDK). The custom service receives a text string and converts this to XML using a public, bindable variable like:
[Bindable] public var xmlContent:XML=null;
This works fine in all types of data components like grids, menus, trees, etc (using the binding notation {}). No problems except in cases where we have 2 data grids and they allow drag & drop between each other. The results are being weird, in some cases the dragged row is not moved but removed from the source grid and in other cases is copied but not removed. I think the problem is related to some event not being triggered to the data provider or grid to inform that the data changed. Researching this topic I found references that were saying we need to wrap this variable to an object proxy. I did this but the result is the same. If the HTTPService is set as:
Then everything works fine. Any clues on what I am missing?

Thanks for the reply. In short and abbreviated, below is my custom service. I am not going to enter in details how the text is converted to XML, the function "convertTextToXML" returns a XML object already. The variable "xmlContent" is used in many data components, working fine in binding expression "{customService.xmlContent...}" except on the situation I described above: two grids (mx:DataGrid) having the same columns with the properties dragEnabled="true", dropEnabled="true" and dragMoveEnabled="true" so the user can move rows between them (in situations like selecting filter values, adding privileges, etc).
package com.classes {
    import mx.rpc.http.mxml.HTTPService;
    public class CustomService extends mx.rpc.http.mxml.HTTPService {
        [Bindable] public var xmlContent:XML=null;
        public function CustomService(rootURL:String=null,destination:String=null) {
        private function resultListener(resultEvent:ResultEvent):void {

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    l_num_cust_site_id NUMBER;
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    , x_site_use_id => l_num_billing_site_use
    , x_return_status => l_chr_retcode
    , x_msg_count => l_num_count
    , x_msg_data => l_chr_errbuf);
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    It might be a crossdomain.xml problem.
    Please make sure that the server hosting the xml allows the domain where the swf is hosted.
    You can start with:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <allow-access-from domain="*"/>
        <site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="master-only"/>

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    MusicSkin 3.fla
    MusicSkin 4.fla
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    (<?xml version="1.0"?>
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    Note JAVA_OPTIONS has -verbose:class and -Dssl.debug=true set
    <Jan 26, 2010 4:00:26 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Ignoring not supported JCE KeyAgreement: SunPKCS11-Solaris version 1.6 for algorithm DiffieHellman>
    <Jan 26, 2010 4:00:26 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Will use default KeyAgreement for algorithm DiffieHellman>
    [Loaded com.certicom.ecc.scheme.DH from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/EccpressoCore.jar]
    <Jan 26, 2010 4:00:26 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Will use default KeyAgreement for algorithm ECDH>
    [Loaded com.certicom.ecc.scheme.KeyAgreement from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/EccpressoCore.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.ecc.scheme.ECDH from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/EccpressoCore.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.ecc.scheme.KDF from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/EccpressoCore.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.provider.Cipher from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.provider.cipher.NullCipher from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.provider.cipher.ECCpresso_RC4 from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.provider.cipher.des.ECCpresso_DESCBCNoPad from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.provider.cipher.ECCpresso_AESCBCNoPad from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.provider.cipher.JSAFE_RSA from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.provider.cipher.ECCpresso_RSACipher from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded weblogic.jce.WLCipher from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/wlcipher.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/ext/sunpkcs11.jar]
    [Loaded$Padding from file:/usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/ext/sunpkcs11.jar]
    <Jan 26, 2010 4:00:26 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Ignoring not supported JCE Cipher: SunPKCS11-Solaris version 1.6 for algorithm DESede/CBC/NoPadding>
    <Jan 26, 2010 4:00:26 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Will use default Cipher for algorithm DESede>
    [Loaded com.certicom.ecc.scheme.DES from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/EccpressoCore.jar]
    <Jan 26, 2010 4:00:26 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Ignoring not supported JCE Cipher: SunPKCS11-Solaris version 1.6 for algorithm DES/CBC/NoPadding>
    <Jan 26, 2010 4:00:26 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Will use default Cipher for algorithm DES>
    <Jan 26, 2010 4:00:26 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Ignoring not supported JCE Cipher: SunPKCS11-Solaris version 1.6 for algorithm AES/CBC/NoPadding>
    <Jan 26, 2010 4:00:26 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Will use default Cipher for algorithm AES>
    [Loaded com.certicom.ecc.scheme.AES from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/EccpressoCore.jar]
    <Jan 26, 2010 4:00:26 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Ignoring not supported JCE Cipher: SunPKCS11-Solaris version 1.6 for algorithm RC4>
    <Jan 26, 2010 4:00:26 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Will use default Cipher for algorithm RC4>
    [Loaded com.certicom.ecc.scheme.ARC4 from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/EccpressoCore.jar]
    [Loaded com.sun.crypto.provider.RSACipher from file:/usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/ext/sunjce_provider.jar]
    [Loaded javax.crypto.spec.PSource from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/jce.jar]
    [Loaded javax.crypto.spec.PSource$PSpecified from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/jce.jar]
    <Jan 26, 2010 4:00:26 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Using JCE Cipher: SunJCE version 1.6 for algorithm RSA>
    [Loaded java.util.regex.Pattern$BranchConn from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded java.util.regex.Pattern$Branch from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    <Jan 26, 2010 4:00:26 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Using JCE Cipher: SunJCE version 1.6 for algorithm RSA/ECB/NoPadding>
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.interfaceimpl.CertificateSupport from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.provider.KeyFactory from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.interfaceimpl.SessionDBImpl from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    <Jan 26, 2010 4:00:26 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <SSL Session TTL :90000>
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.interfaceimpl.ProtocolVersions from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.interfaceimpl.ProtocolVersion from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded$NullHostnameVerifier from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded$DefaultHostnameVerifier from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    <Jan 26, 2010 4:00:26 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <DefaultHostnameVerifier: allowReverseDNS=false>
    <Jan 26, 2010 4:00:26 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <SSLSetup: loading trusted CA certificates>
    <Jan 26, 2010 4:00:26 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <SSLSetup: using pre-mbean command line configuration for SSL trust>
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    <Jan 26, 2010 4:00:26 PM EST> <Notice> <Security> <BEA-090169> <Loading trusted certificates from the jks keystore file /opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/DemoTrust.jks.>
    [Loaded weblogic.jndi.ClientEnvironment from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded weblogic.jndi.Environment from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded$JKS from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded$TrustedCertEntry from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/jsse.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/jsse.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/jsse.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/jsse.jar]
    <Jan 26, 2010 4:00:26 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <SSLContextManager: loaded 5 trusted CAs from /opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/DemoTrust.jks>
    <Jan 26, 2010 4:00:26 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Subject: CN=CACERT, OU=FOR TESTING ONLY, O=MyOrganization, L=MyTown, ST=MyState, C=US; Issuer: CN=CACERT, OU=FOR TESTING ONLY, O=MyOrganization, L=MyTown, ST=MyState, C=US>
    ... The Certs ....
    <Jan 26, 2010 4:00:26 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Subject: CN=CertGenCAB, OU=FOR TESTING ONLY, O=MyOrganization, L=MyTown, ST=MyState, C=US; Issuer: CN=CertGenCAB, OU=FOR TESTING ONLY, O=MyOrganization, L=MyTown, ST=MyState, C=US>
    <Jan 26, 2010 4:00:26 PM EST> <Notice> <Security> <BEA-090169> <Loading trusted certificates from the jks keystore file /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/security/cacerts.>
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor9 from __JVM_DefineClass__]
    [Loaded sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor10 from __JVM_DefineClass__]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor11 from __JVM_DefineClass__]
    [Loaded sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor12 from __JVM_DefineClass__]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    <Jan 26, 2010 4:00:27 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <SSLContextManager: loaded 76 trusted CAs from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/security/cacerts>
    ... The 76 Certs ...
    [Loaded sun.nio.cs.ISO_8859_1$Decoder from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    <Jan 26, 2010 4:00:27 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Subject: OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU="(c) 1998 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only", OU=Class 1 Public Primary Certification Authority - G2, O="VeriSign, Inc.", C=US; Issuer: OU=VeriSign Trust Network, OU="(c) 1998 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only", OU=Class 1 Public Primary Certification Authority - G2, O="VeriSign, Inc.", C=US>
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded$Header from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.provider.kf.ECCpresso_ECKeyFactory from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.provider.kf.JSAFE_RSAKeyFactory from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.provider.kf.ECCpresso_RSAKeyFactory from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.provider.kf.DSAKeyFactory from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor13 from __JVM_DefineClass__]
    [Loaded sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14 from __JVM_DefineClass__]
    [Loaded sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor15 from __JVM_DefineClass__]
    [Loaded com.certicom.locale.Resources from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.locale.jSSLPlusResources from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.locale.jSSLPlusResources_en from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.bea.logging.ThrowableWrapper from file:/opt/bea/modules/com.bea.core.logging_1.4.0.0.jar]
    [Loaded weblogic.logging.ThrowableInfo from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    <Jan 26, 2010 4:00:27 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Failure loading trusted CA list PKIX: Unsupported OID in the AlgorithmIdentifier object: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11
         at<init>(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.interfaceimpl.CertificateSupport.addTrustedCertificate(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at com.bea.sslplus.CerticomSSLContext.addTrustedCA(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.identity.authentication.AuthContext.login(
         at com.sun.identity.authentication.AuthContext.login(
         at com.sun.identity.authentication.AuthContext.login(
         at com.sun.identity.agents.common.ApplicationSSOTokenProvider.getApplicationSSOToken(
         at com.sun.identity.agents.arch.AgentConfiguration.setAppSSOToken(
         at com.sun.identity.agents.arch.AgentConfiguration.bootStrapClientConfiguration(
         at com.sun.identity.agents.arch.AgentConfiguration.initializeConfiguration(
         at com.sun.identity.agents.arch.AgentConfiguration.<clinit>(
         at com.sun.identity.agents.arch.Manager.<clinit>(
         at com.sun.identity.agents.weblogic.v10.AmWLAuthProvider.initialize(
         at com.bea.common.engine.internal.ServiceEngineImpl.findOrStartService(
         at com.bea.common.engine.internal.ServiceEngineImpl.findOrStartService(
         at com.bea.common.engine.internal.ServiceEngineImpl.lookupService(
         at com.bea.common.engine.internal.ServicesImpl.getService(
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded$5 from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded$1 from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded$1 from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded$3 from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded$2 from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded$3 from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.event.HandshakeWouldBlockException from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/jsse.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/jsse.jar]
    [Loaded from /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/jsse.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.record.Message from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.bea.sslplus.TwoWaySSLHandshakeStageSocketException from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.TLSSession from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.record.alert.AlertHandler from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.record.handshake.HandshakeHandler from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.record.alert.Alert from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.record.handshake.HandshakeInputBuffer from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.interfaceimpl.TLSSessionImpl from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.record.CryptoRecordState from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.record.handshake.HandshakeTypes from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.record.handshake.HandshakeState from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.record.handshake.ClientStateSentHello from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.record.handshake.HandshakeMessage from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.record.handshake.MessageSSL2Error from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.record.handshake.MessageClientHelloVersion2 from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.record.handshake.MessageClientHello from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.interfaceimpl.SessionID from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.record.handshake.ServerStateNoHandshake from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.record.handshake.ClientStateNoHandshake from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.record.WriteHandler from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.record.MessageEncryptor from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.record.MessageFragmentor from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.record.ReadHandler from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded com.certicom.tls.record.MessageInterpreter from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded weblogic.socket.SSLFilter from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    [Loaded weblogic.utils.collections.PartitionedStackPool from file:/opt/bea/modules/com.bea.core.utils_1.4.0.0.jar]
    <Jan 26, 2010 4:00:27 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <Filtering JSSE SSLSocket>
    [Loaded from file:/opt/bea/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar]
    <Jan 26, 2010 4:00:27 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <SSLIOContextTable.addContext(ctx): 16880245>
    <Jan 26, 2010 4:00:27 PM EST> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <BEA-000000> <SSLSocket will be Muxing>
    Edited by: user585541 on Jan 26, 2010 1:23 PM
    Edited by: user585541 on Jan 26, 2010 1:29 PM

    Faisal Khan wrote:
    <BEA-000000> <Failure loading trusted CA list PKIX: Unsupported OID in the AlgorithmIdentifier object: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11
    at<init>(Unknown Source)
    The root problem is the Certicom SSL does not support SHA256 algorithm, which is required with the trusted certificates of “ttelesecglobalrootclass2ca" and "ttelesecglobalrootclass3ca"
    A fix is included in JDK 1.6.0_13 wherein WLS just ignores these certificates.
    You can get more information on the fix for Oracle Support
    You can delete these certificates yourself using the keytool utility..Thank you. I removed them all, but WebLogic still loads the Demo and JDK keystores and not the custom keystores before loading the security realm.
    Is there a way to specify the KeyStores for the security realm?
    I've provided the following to the JVM but to no avail:
    Password=***** -Dj*****

  • How to store and retrieve XML messages in AQ using ESB/ BPE

    I am having a requirement which I feel should be fairly common - store and retrieve XML messages in AQ. However, I am struggling to decide which type of queue to use AQ or JMS...Here is the requirement
    1. In an ESB, I want to read different kind of files using file adapter. Different kind as in, having different structure or schema
    2. I want to create a queue that is capable of storing any kind of xml data. To this queue, I want to enqueue the message read in step 1.
    3. In another process, say a BPEL, I want to dequeue the message and write into a file. The filename is retrieved from one of the header properties. I want to dequeue using a stored procedure, not by using a JMS or AQ Adapter (reason being that these adapters poll the queue, and consume a message immediately. However, I want to consume the message only when there is a business need)
    My questions are:
    1. What kind of queue I should create in the DB (What should be its payload type...XMLType? )... I guess the answer would also determine the adapter to be used - JMS or AQ
    2. How I should map the xml data read from the file in step 1 to this adapter
    Any help is highly appreciated.

    You are right in suggesting that I dont need to store my XML data as xml in the DB...I dont want to too :) but its just that, thats the only option I can see at this time (the other track i am exploring is :
    File adapter(XML) -&gt; Convert to opaque (base64binary) -&gt; Enqueue opaque to JMS (aq$_jms_bytes_message) -&gt;Dequeue Opaque -&gt; Write file opaquely.
    In this I have hit the roadblock in trying to convert XML to base64binary...maybe some custom java function is needed...anyway)
    Coming back to this thread, where I am trying the following
    File adapter(XML)  -&gt; Enqueue as XML to queue  -&gt;Dequeue XML -&gt; Write file opaquely.
    PS: I think its important for me to mention that I am using SOA
    I tried the steps you gave...after creating the queue, I am trying to create a JMS adapter. But the queue I created doesnt show up in the browse window of destinations for the JMS Adapter..That had led me to infer that JMS adapter cant be used
    {color:#99cc00}CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE batchupdate_row_type AS OBJECT
    (update_queue_id NUMBER
    ,upc VARCHAR2(20)
    ,price1 NUMBER);
    {color:#99cc00}CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE batchupdate_rec_type AS VARRAY(9999999) OF batchupdate_row_type;
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE payload_type AS OBJECT ( payload batchupdate_rec_type);
    EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE ( queue_table =&gt; 'jmsuser.batch_update_queue_table', queue_payload_type =&gt; 'payload_type');
    EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE ( queue_name =&gt; 'batch_update_queue', queue_table =&gt; 'jmsuser.batch_update_queue_table');
    EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.START_QUEUE ( queue_name =&gt; 'batch_update_queue'); {color}
    I also needed some opinion on whether the last step of my proposed solution ( Dequeue XML -&gt; Write file opaquely) is possible. As I want to develop a service oblivious of the structure of the file, I dont want to create a file adapter based on a particular I want to write whatever xml I am getting from the this step possible

  • Need HTTPService and play video in flex 4.6 Air Mobile App

    We are porting a flex 3.2 app to mobile app. The 3.2 app uses mx.rpc.http.HTTPService to send XML requests for data and launch video web pages. Will a flex 4.6 Air Mobile app be able to do the same? If so, what replaces mx.rpc.http.HTTPService? I read that mx components will not work in Flex mobile apps.

    Its working fine.And the mxml components which are displayobject should not be used in the mobile application except the chart.
    So nothing wrong with using "mx.rpc.http.HTTPService",you can also use  <s:HTTPService/>
    Also there is a nice way to see which components should be used or which not for the mobile application.
    Simply mouse over on the component when you have used it.You can see a message on that if that is not optimized for the mobile application like for the combobox you can see this message:-
    "Adobe discourages using ComboBox when targeting profiles: mobileDevice."
    While this is not the case with <s:HTTPService/>.
    with Regards,

  • HTTPService POST with XML does not declare charset encoding

    Hi all.
    I'm trying to do a HTTP POST of some XML using HTTPService
    and I've got it working apart form the fact that the HTTP message
    sent does no declare what charcater set it is using for encoding.
    As a test I send a 'ñ' character and it seems from the
    resultant bytes that the charset being used is UTF-8.
    My ActionScript is...
    var xml:XML=new XML(<root/>);
    var httpService:HTTPService=new HTTPService();
    And what seems to get sent over the wire is (shown in
    POST /null HTTP/1.1
    Host: app.localhost
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US;
    rv: Gecko/20070914 Firefox/
    text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png ,*/*;q=0.5
    Accept-Language: en,en-us;q=0.7,en-gb;q=0.3
    Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
    Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
    Keep-Alive: 300
    Connection: keep-alive
    Content-type: application/xml
    Content-length: 77
    <root testCharacter="A±">
    <login username="bob" password="secret"/>
    Anyone know (1) how I can control what character set gets
    used for encoding and (2) how I can get either XML or HTTPService
    to declare what the encoding is?
    Thanks in advance, Neil.

    XML parser product managers who might be able to help you on a parser-specific issue like this "hang out" here on OTN in the XML forum. Have you tried posting there to catch their attention? Thanks.

  • Custom view in onet.xml?

    I'd like to create a custom view in my custom site definition, but I'd like to avoid unnecessary complexity. An extra feature that completely redefines an oob list in order to change a single default value to be used only once strikes me as, to not use
    the phrase "extremely retarded", kind of silly. I'd much rather keep everything, I guess, still scattered all over the place, but slightly less so. Is it at all possible to define a custom view in onet.xml? The goal is to have a task
    list without a timeline on the default page.

    1. Save Site As Template can be basis for your solution, and in no means it should be left as-is. It should be cleaned up, IMO, anytime you import it to VS and create your own solution. Yes, 130 files and few thousand of XML is really too much.
    2. Timeline is displayed as separate web part in custom sites (at least we used it that way). You can turn it of by simply using appropriate view in your ListViewWebPart, as the timeline is in fact "ProjectSummaryWebPart". Of course, you need to define that
    view first in schema.xml for your list.
    Dragan Panjkov []

  • Comparison of number of bytes transferred over network while using HTTPService and RemoteObjects

    If I have to transfer data(say records of 100 employees in a DB) from Server to Client, I could use HTTPService and fetch the data as an XML file and then convert it to ArrayCollection in the Client. Or use RemoteObject and transfer the data in binary. Lets ignore other methods(Web Services etc) of data transfer for the moment.
    Now, for the same data, if I implement the application using HTTPService and RemoteObject, I notice that the number of bytes transferred over the network is less in case of HTTPService(XML) when compared to RemoteObject(AMF) which is a shock to me. My understanding is that AMF transfer should be more compact than XML. Ofcourse, once the data is available, RemoteObject result processing is noticeably faster than HTTPService result processing. My concern is why data transferred using AMF is larger than XML. As an example, you may refer to the samples provided in TourDeFlex. Refer to the following:
        Found in : Flex Data Access->HTTPService->BasicExample
        Link:;illustIndex=0;sampleId =12700
        Click on the 'Get Data' button to fetch the data.
        Bytes transferred - 1050
        Found in : Flex Data Access->RemoteObject->BasicJavaRemoting
        Link:;illustIndex=0;sampleId =13300
        Click on the 'Get Data' button to fetch the data.
        Bytes transferred - 1440
    This is a significant size difference. You may see the data transfer size by using developer tools like the HTTPFox Firefox extension.
    Am I missing something here? Any help will be very much appreciated.

    There is definitely problem with your tool or you looked at something else. Please check the attached snapshots of the session using charles capture tool. The response sizes are way bigger than what you mentioned but remoteobjects is almost half of httpservice for the complete transfer including request and response. Check below -
    httpservice -
    amf -

  • Custom classpath and custom jar entry in R12

    Hi all,
    I have created the custom classpath and custom jar file for isrore process. I had put custom jar and custom class entry in orien_application.xml file. But it was working on R12 at doveloper mode. It will creates the classes for custom jsp file using custom import class or custom jar. But once i revert back the devloper mode means it won't work.
    Could you please help..

    Oracle apps R12 - Compiling JSP with custom classpath
    We all know that to compile JSP manually on the Oracle Application R12 instance, we need to run the file $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/
    Its help is as follows:
    syntax: ./ COMMAND {ARGS}
    COMMAND --compile               update dependency, compile delta
    --create                rebuild entire dependency file
    -delta.out update dependency, list delta to file
    -dep.out update dependency, output heirarchy to file
    ARGS -s matching condition for JSPs filenames
    -p number of parallel compilations
    -log to override logfile from ojspCompile.conf
    You are
    recommended to set the log file location
    outside of any network file system shared (NFS) area/drive.
    -conf to override ojspCompile.conf
    --retry         retry previously failed compilation attempts
    --flush         forces recompilation of all parent JSPs
    --quiet         do not provide an actively running progress meter
    --fast          instantly fail jsps that are possibly invalid
    example1: compile -s 'jtf%' -p 20 retry
    example2: compile -s 'jtflogin.jsp,jtfavald.jsp' flush
    example3: compile fast --quiet
    If your JSP uses custom classes, then compiling jsp manually can fail if proper classpath is not set. Yes, even though if you have setup the classpath correctly in orion-application.xml, it will fail because this jsp compile utility does not read orion-application.xml classpath.
    So, the problem is to identify where to set the classpath so that above utility can pick it up. After several search and looking into code, I found following:
    By default, the jsp compiler script uses following configuration file
    This conf file has a classpath field in it which is usually pointed to file
    This property file lists the classpath used for JSP compilation.
    So if your classes are not listed in this file, your jsps will not compile by ojspCompile.
    Ofcourse, you can always set the "main_mode" to "recompile" in orion-web.xml, but that for production you do not want to change it and compile the JSP on file deployment.
    458338.1 How to Enable Automatic Compilation of JSP pages in R12 Environment
    433386.1 JSP Pages Hanging in R12 After Removing Cached Class Files in _pages
    783094.1 Compile jsp files at Application R12 at Windows

  • Help on creating and deleting xml child elements using Toplink please.

    Hi there,
    I am trying to build a toplink xml demo illustrating toplink acting as the layer between my java code and an xml datasource.
    After pulling my custom schema into toplink and following the steps in related to
    Click on Mapping Workbench Project...Click on From XML Schema (JAXB)...
    I am able to set up java code which can run get and sets against my xml datasource. However, I want to also be able create and delete elements within the xml data for child elements.
    i.e. in a simple scenario I have a xsd for departments which has an unbounded element of type employee. How does toplink allow me to add and or remove employees in a department on the marshalled xml data source? Only gets and sets for the elements seem accessible.
    In my experience with database schema based toplink demos I have seen methods such as:
    public void setEmployeesCollection(Collection EmployeesCollection) {
         this.employeesCollection = employeesCollection;
    Is this functionality available for xml backended toplink projects?

    Hi Nick,
    Below I'll give an example of using the generated JAXB object model to remove and add a new node. The available APIs are defined in the JAXB spec. TopLink also supports mapping your own objects to XML, your own objects could contain more convenient APIs for adding or removing collection members
    Example Schema
    The following XML Schema will be used to generate a JAXB model.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xs:schema xmlns:xs=""
         elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
         <xs:element name="department">
                        <xs:element ref="employee" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
         <xs:element name="employee">
                        <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"/>
    Example Input
    The following document will be used as input. For the purpose of this example this XML document is saved in a file called "employee-data.xml".
    Example Code
    The following code demonstrates how to use the JAXB APIs to remove the object representing the first employee node, and to add a new Employee (with name = "Carol").
    JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance("your_context_path");
    Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller();
    File file = new File("employee-data.xml");
    Department department = (Department) unmarshaller.unmarshal(file);
    // Remove the first employee in the list
    // Add a new employee
    ObjectFactory objectFactory = new ObjectFactory();
    Employee newEmployee = objectFactory.createEmployee();
    Marshaller marshaller = jaxbContext.createMarshaller();
    marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE);
    marshaller.marshal(department, System.out);---
    Example Output
    The following is the result of running the example code.

  • Sending Custom Java Objects over XML!!

    Hello all !
    Can anybody please tell me how can I send custom Java Objects through XML? For example we can set attributes for a node using the setAttribute method, it accepts only strings, also the setTextContent method requires text and sets the node's value.Can I some way set my own Java object as the value of a particular node or attach it to the node?
    Thanks in advance.

    Kami_Pakistan wrote:
    So I should rather go for Marshalling or Serialization or is there any other work-around possible?I don't know. You didn't say what you had against text formats. Since all Java objects are composed of primitives when you get right down to the bottom, everything in Java can be serialized as text versions of those primitives. So you're going to have to explain why you think a work-around is necessary at all.

  • Weblogic 10 jaas and login.jsp and web.xml/weblogic.xml security constaints

    I struggled through and got the and into eclipse where they compile. A bean I made can call SambleCallbackHandler like such:
    mybean.logmein(username,password,url). I can then do a mybean.getStatus() or even a mybean.returnCode(). It does seem to correctly identlify that it is authenticating me (I see in stdout logs that it shows success or failures. The problem I have is I do not know how to apply this weblogic and web.xml/weblogic.xml so that if authentication works it redirects me to the page requiring the authentication. In web.xml I have the following set up:
              <description>These pages are only accessible by authorized users.</description>
    <description>These are the roles who have access</description>
         <description>This is how the user data must be transmitted</description>
    My weblogic.xml has:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <wls:weblogic-web-app xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:wls="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    With this set up, if I try to go to a page in /admin folder in my application, it correctly pops up the login page. The jaas in the bean is doing a loginContext.login(), which I thought does authentication too, but it never goes back to the /admin page I was going to that needed the authentication. With jaas, can I not use the web.xml FORM security option? Do I Need to use j_security in the login.jsp's form's action= option and j_username and j_password for the input type names? How do I use j_username/j_password things if I am using jaas? I could just ignore using the web.xml security stuff and put something in the pages that need authentication, but it would be easier if I could use jaas with the security featurs without doing all that. Note that my code above is using a realm called default just because that was what was in the example I got from the web. Does that need to be something else?

    Hi John,
    I would like magic of course. However, in this case I want something special: my authentication provider uses special means and contents of headers, cookies and service from external identity management systems to determine the user's identity.
    I do not want the application to present the login dialog! I want to derive the identity and the fact that the user is logged in from whatever the authentication provider returns in terms of Subject.
    Ideally, the flow is something like:
    - user accesses an unprotected resource - resource is shown, no interaction with authentication provider
    - user presses a link or button that takes him/her to a protected resource
    - the authentication provider is contacted to work with the identity asserter to establish the identity of the current user and create a subject object for this user
    - the application can access the subject and principals
    - ADF Security recognizes the identity and the roles (based on the principals) and coordinates access based on this.
    the authentication method is client certificate. presumably this prompts WebLogic/OPS to use an identity asserter to work with custom headers and cookies ("... when you configure a web application to use CLIENT-CERT authentication. In this case, WebLogic can perform identity assertion based on values from request headers and cookies. If the header name or cookie name matches the active token type for the provider, the value is passed to the provider."). No login form should be presented to the user, as all information required to perform the authentication is already available.
    I am trying to understand what I must do to have the ADF application adopt the subject set by the authentication provider - if anything?!
    If you more ideas to share - I would love to hear them.
    best regards,

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