Custom sign in page OBIEE 11g

Hello all,
I have almost did it :D
I followed the instructions of rittman mead -->
But the last step is missing :/
I have a folder with sk_pageaccuei, s_pageaccueil and WEB_INF which is cold analyticsRes.
It is located here : /opt/oracle/obiee/middleware/instances/instance1/bifoundation/OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent/coreapplication_obips1/
I have changed the logo and i'm able to see it by enter the url.
The problem is, when I add these following lines in my instanceconfig, the presentation server does not restart !
Could you tell me where i'm doing a mystake ?
My OBIEE is sets up on a Linux platform...
Thanks a lot,

I seem to have found conflicting information on the resource virtual path. In one instance docs say the default is '/Res' but other docs say the default is '/analyticsRes'. My guess is if this is reserved internally to default to '/analyticsRes' and then fall back to '/Res' then attempting to overwrite the default with instanceconfig using a reserved word would throw an error.
1) Did you try the instanceconfig without the virtual path to /analyticsRes?
2) Does the saw.log indicate why the restart failed?

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  • Add hyperlink  - Custom sign in page OBIEE 11g

    I a m trying to customize the sign in page.
    We already succeeded, but a file disapeared ad we can't do it again...
    I explain, we have created the path
    In this path we have :
    In the customMessages we have :
    and the files :
    logonmessages.xml and
    So, we modified some files to add an hyperlink "help" on the sign in page.
    In the logonmessages.xml we add the line :
    <WebMessage name="kmsgSampleMsg1"><HTML><sawm:if name="logonURL"> <a href="/analytics/olh/l_en/scorecard026.htm">Help</a></sawm:if></HTML></WebMessage>^M
    of course kmsgSampleMsg1 = Help is already created too.
    So we are here.
    I have my custom logonmessages.xml file in my custom path and i have the help folder in the original path :
    When I write an existing file like scorecard026.htm (or any other file which is from OBIEE) it's okay.
    But if I copy scorecard026 and I rename it helpme.htm, if I write in the path:
    <WebMessage name="kmsgSampleMsg1"><HTML><sawm:if name="logonURL"> <a href="/analytics/olh/l_en/helpme.htm">Help</a></sawm:if></HTML></WebMessage>^M
    It told me 404 error even after retsarting the coreapplication service.
    Do you know what I missing ?
    Thank you,

    Hello JaniRautiainen and thanks for your answer !
    So you have understod quite well the problem
    I just want to add a link to the sign in page so like you said : "there is no change to the actual login behavior".
    After that, when I click on the link "help" tha I have addes on the page, the redirection is fine (the link is working).
    But the page does not work, I have a mistake if I use the name of a file I have added to :
    But if I use a file which already exists in this path ,it's working...
    So I think that there is another file somewhere which know the files which are from Oracle or not.
    A new problem now, if I use a file which exists for exemple biee0002.htm, it's working. So when I click on my help link I arrive on this page.
    But now, if I modify the file biee0002.htm and I restart the coreapplication services, the file I see is the same...
    So it appears that I am in the wrong path...
    Do you have something on this ?
    Thank you

  • How to remove the "Sign Out" in OBIEE 11g?

    How to remove or hide the "Sign Out" option from Dashboard in OBIEE 11g?
    Edited by: Siva Prasad on Jul 6, 2011 6:20 AM

    Hi Amit, Following z the file.. Plz check it out....
    <html xmlns:sawm="" xmlns:sawpg="" sawpg:cacheable="false">
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    Edited by: Siva Prasad on Jul 6, 2011 10:39 PM
    Edited by: Siva Prasad on Jul 6, 2011 11:10 PM
    Edited by: Siva Prasad on Jul 6, 2011 11:58 PM

  • Custom Graphs Tags in OBIEE 11g

    Hi, we want to add a custom tag to an OBIEE line graph that only displays the data as a tag for a specific columns (eg only the last month if the x axis is a range of months)
    Is there a way to do this and if not what route can I follow to get this done.
    Thanks, Wim

    Hi, we want to add a custom tag to an OBIEE line graph that only displays the data as a tag for a specific columns (eg only the last month if the x axis is a range of months)
    Is there a way to do this and if not what route can I follow to get this done.
    Thanks, Wim

  • Not able to save date column with custom date format. in OBIEE 11g

    I have migrated one report from OBIEE 10g to 11g. There is a date column with customized date format(i.e. Default format is 'dd-MMM-yyyy' and I have used 'MMM-yyyy').
    But when I use this custom format and try to save the report in 11g its giving this below error.
    ''Catalog object privilege validation failed for user to path /shared/ALM BI/Finacial Results/History Income Statement Detail.
    You do not currently have sufficient privileges to save a report or dashboard page that contains HTML markup.
    This HTML might be present in column headings, table headings, text views, narrative views, the print header,
    or the print footer and must be removed before saving.''
    Please let me know what changes I need to do for this.
    Ambika Nanda.

    Hi ,
    privilage issues...check the security settings once..

  • Customizing Login screen in OBIEE 11g

    Hello All,
    I know how to customize login screens and Dashboard in OBIEE 10.x Versions. There are enough articles and blogs as well.
    But how to do customizations in 11g?. Are there any articles or forums related to it?
    Thanks in advance

    You can use this as reference..

  • Customizing ODBC errors in OBIEE 11g

    I have a requirement where the user is expecting to see some Custom error messages instead of the Default ODBC errors OBIEE throws. Like the one below.
    Error generating view. Error getting cursor in GenerateHead
      Error Details
    Odbc driver returned an error (SQLExecDirectW). 
    State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 43113] Message returned from OBIS. [nQSError: 22055] First argument of Parent function must be a hierarchy in a Parent-Child dimension with a single column Member Key. (HY000) 
    Where i can find the files which has these messages.They should be on some .xml or Java file on the server. If i know that location, i can change the error into Custom error messages.
    Any help would be really appreciated.

    These kind of custom error messages,You need to do it manually for each report
    Edit Analysis Properties ---- Results Display ----- Display Custom Message
    Mark if you helps,

  • Customizing Graph View in OBIEE 11G

    I am using OBIEE In line graph data labels in graph view are coming on the line so some values are not readable, we have to show values always
    How can we move the data labels above the line or below the line. I understand its differnt then in 10g where we use corda engie for graph & with help of PCXML file in POPBIN
    we could customize the graph view. what is equivalent of POPBIN or PCXML file in 11g
    Thanks in advance

    Dealing with same issue in Help appreciated.

  • Custome sign in page

    Hi All,
    I am using OBIEE11g in Linuc box.I tried all the forumns.Each one says different solution.
    My requirment is
    When i open http://ip:9704/analytics it should be display my company logo for hole page,Not for the banner only.How will do and what are the css files to change and how to set.
    in 10g i put my login page image bglogon.jpg. same thing we have to implement 11g also.How?
    Govind R

    This document says:
    Copy the logoncontrolmessages.xml file in the ORACLE_HOME\bifoundation\web\msgdb\messages directory to the ORACLE_INSTANCE\bifoundation\OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent\coreapplication_obipsn\msgdb\messages directory.
    Edit the logoncontrolmessages.xml file as appropriate. Save your changes and close the file.
    Copy the files to modify from the ORACLE_HOME\bifoundation\web\msgdb\pages\common directory to the ORACLE_INSTANCE\bifoundation\OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent\coreapplication_obipsn\msgdb\pages\common directory.
    Edit the files in the \pages\common directory as appropriate, keeping the following points in mind:

    The files all end with the .html suffix. However, these are actually XML-based files. When editing the files, use an editor that supports XML and ensure that the resulting files are saved as valid XML.

    The Not Logged On page (kmsgAuthenticateNotLoggedOn), used for session timeout, is displayed only when users are not logged on and attempt to access a URL that does not support direct logon. For example, suppose a user accesses Oracle BI Answers and clicks the Log Off link. If the user clicks the browser's Back button and then clicks the My Account link, then the user receives the Not Logged On page.
    Save your changes and close the file.
    Could you please let me where can i placed(path) my company logo(logo.jpg).This logo is not a banner formate only its whole page logo.

  • Filter Pivot table data based on custom calculated item in obiee 11g

    I have requirement as below. Please provide your valuable suggestions
    Please note that "Diff" is the calculated item using the formula "$2-$1"
    Pivot table View:
    Sales ID 20120207 20120220 Diff
    1 0 0 0
    2 100 0 -100
    3 100 200 100
    4 100 100 0
    5 200 300 100
    6 0 0 0
    1) Filter rows where measure for both Effective dates(20120207 & 20120220) is equal to 0
    2) filter rows where measure for effective date 20120220 is equal to 0 & measure for effective date 20120207 is not equal to 0
    3) filter rows where diff is equal to 0
    expected Output:
    Sales ID 20120207 20120220 Diff
    3 100 200 100
    5 200 300 100
    Please provide an workaround to implement in OBIEE
    Edited by: Nagendran Rajendran on Jul 19, 2012 11:42 AM
    Edited by: Nagendran Rajendran on Jul 19, 2012 11:54 AM

    Many thanks for your Response.
    Actually, I have only three columns in the *"Selected Columns"* Section of Answers and they are
    Opportunity Id Effective Date Current
    Effective Date is based on Dashboard Prompts with 2 Presentation Variables say Effective Start & End Date and that has been used in answers to have a Revenue Variation report for these 2 dates ONLY.
    So, As per my Requirement,
    1) I have created a Pivot table by having Opportunity ID in Rows Section, Effective Date in Columns Section and Current in Measures Section
    2) Created a Calculated Item for Revenue Difference using the formula $2-$1
    So, Everything worked fine so far.
    and Next Requirement is to filter the rows from the Pivot results which i have mentioned in the post and they are
    Pivot table View:_
    Sales ID 20120207 20120220 Diff
    1 0 0 0
    2 100 0 -100
    3 100 200 100
    4 100 100 0
    5 200 300 100
    6 0 0 0
    1) Filter rows where measure for both Effective dates(20120207 & 20120220) is equal to 0
    2) filter rows where measure for effective date 20120220 is equal to 0 & measure for effective date 20120207 is not equal to 0
    3) filter rows where diff is equal to 0
    expected Output:*
    Sales ID 20120207 20120220 Diff
    3 100 200 100
    5 200 300 100
    Please provide an workaround to implement in OBIEE
    Edited by: Nagendran Rajendran on Aug 8, 2012 4:53 PM

  • SSO in Microsoft Application, SQL Server 2005 & OBIEE 11g

    Dear Gurus,
    Any experienced how to enable SSO(Single Sign On) in OBIEE 11g, when the application platform is microsoft instead of Oracle EBS and the data source from SQL server 2005?
    I am new on this.
    Any help will be appreciated

    Try below link
    OBIEE, OAS, OID, SSO Integration
    Check the security guide here,
    Hope thsi help's

  • SharePoint 2013 implement simple logout button which do not redirect to default sign out page using JavaScript client object model

    I am using windows authentication in my web application.
    My requirement is to implement a sign out button which will sign out the user without having him to close the browser and application should not ask him to login again.
    I tried following two options:
     1. Redirecting the user to default signout.aspx page " /_layouts/15/SignOut.aspx "
     2. Using "Sign In as a different user" URL " /_layouts/15/closeConnection.aspx?loginasanotheruser=true "
    In first case, user is redirected to default sign out page but he can press "Go Back to Site" link to revisit the site. Another major issue is that the user has to close the browser to sign out from the application completely, which is not desirable
    in my project requirement.
    In second case, the the current user is signed out of the application but if the user has saved the password in browser, he gets signed in automatically to the application.
    I also came across the solution where we replace the default sign out page with a custom sign out page, but I am not sure whether it can be implemented using JavaScript Client Object Model of SharePoint.

    I'm basically looking for the exact answer for the query.
    Meanwhile you need to go through the link mentioned below in order to understand how to do it.
    Debugging and Logging Capabilities in SharePoint 2010
    Indul Hassan
    Microsoft Community Contributor
    You Snooze.. You Lose !!

  • OBIEE 11g : Unable to see any images while customizing styles and skins

    I am trying to customize OBIEE 11g style and skin. I followed the steps mentioned at and also in oracle white paper
    I am not able to see any images on any OBIEE screens. After login, I can see the name of skin which i have created as the default skin but login page images, header images (after login) are not coming up. Can you please provide solution?
    P.S. I have not changed any images or any css files in the custom skin and style directory. I just wanted to know first whether the new skin/style works for me. If it works, then i will apply some sort of customization.

    That is correct. Also remember to delete browser cache. Here you have the folders: Re: how to insert the picture in the dashboard of BIEE
    Let me know.

  • OBIEE 11g Recent Reports in a custom dashboard

    I have a requirement to put "Recent Report" of a user in a Custom built Dashboard. I know this functionality is available in OBIEE 11g home page. But our requirement is to put the same sections in few Custom Dashboards. Please let me know if this is possible
    Edited by: user5393876 on Aug 9, 2011 1:51 AM
    Edited by: Rish on Aug 9, 2011 11:08 PM

    Ya i think it is comming due to null data, just restrict the data by specifying not null prompt or specific condition in the associate column Isnull(attribte,0)

  • OAM 11g Webgate 10g customized SSO logout page

    As stated in the title, I am using OAM 11g and Webgate 10g. I am trying to create a customized SSO logout page but am confused on a few parts. First off, in , it states the following step for their logout.html:
    Logic in logout.html redirect to the OAM Server. For example:
    welcome.htmlMy question is if this is truely required? Or is there a way to have OAM invalidate the session and do its internal part of the logout procedures without needing to force the user to redirect to the OAM server's logout URL (eg: it automatically recognizes that the Webgate URL is "...../logout.html" and handles it properly). From talking to colleagues it sounds like this should be possible, and I see some mentions of it in the above documentation, but this appears to be 11g OAM and 11g Webgate behavior. At the same time though, the line "Logout is initiated when an application causes the invocation of the logout.html file configured for any registered OAM 10g Webgate." Leads me to believe that it can work with 10g webgate as well.
    Or, is there a way to have multiple valid logout pages on the OAM server? (There is currently a customized logout page that we cannot modify, and does not meet all the requirements we have for look/feel)
    Thank you
    Edited by: mBaldwin on Apr 12, 2013 10:30 AM

    Bump Any ideas?

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