Custom Styles in TextEdit - Background Highlighting

Hi, I defined a custom/'favorite' style for use in TextEdit which applies yellow background highlighting to selected text. (The style was added to the GlobalPreferences.plist file, as I'm on Snow Leopard). The issue is that when I highlight text and apply this style, it overrides any prior formatting like bold, italic, or underline, and reverts the selection to plain text when applying the background highlighting.
I understand this is mechanically correct, because my user-defined Highlight style induces [plain text + yellow background color]. My question is this: is there any way to modify my defined style to preserve the original formatting of the text, adding only the background color without modifying the pre-existing text attributes? Basically I would like my bold, italic, underline, strikethroughs, font size, etc. to be preserved when applying a background color to selected text.
For reference, I defined the style by electing to 'add to favorite styles' a selection from one of the similarly pre-formatted rich text files that's available, and did NOT include the font or the ruler as part of the style. I understand that I could create separate favorite styles for highlight+bold, highlight+italic, highlight+underline, highlight+strikethrough, highlight+[each font size], and all combinations thereof, but applying each different style to each subsection of text would be as cumbersome as reformatting each subsection as +bold, +italics, etc. after the highlight it applied and text style is reverted to default.
I have extracted the NSFavoriteStyles section from the ~/Library/Preferences/GlobalPreferences.plist file and located the style I defined, it appears like this:
Highlighter =     {
        NSBackgroundColor = <62706c69 73743030 d4010203 04050615 16582476 65727369 6f6e5824 6f626a65 63747359 24617263 68697665 72542474 6f701200 0186a0a3 07080f55 246e756c 6cd3090a 0b0c0d0e 5624636c 6173735c 4e53436f 6c6f7253 70616365 554e5352 47428002 10014831 20312030 2e3200d2 10111213 5a24636c 6173736e 616d6558 24636c61 73736573 574e5343 6f6c6f72 a2121458 4e534f62 6a656374 5f100f4e 534b6579 65644172 63686976 6572d117 1854726f 6f748001 08111a23 2d32373b 41484f5c 6264666f 747f8890 939caeb1 b6000000 00000001 01000000 00000000 19000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 b8>;
What would I need to add to this string to retain existing text formatting when applying the style? It should be possible, as applying the 'Underline' style does not override an existing 'Bold' style, for example, but I don't see any commands in those styles that supplement the information that appears in my defined 'Highlighter' style.
I also understand this may be pre-Lion specific, as I've heard the TextEdit program is now sandboxed in such a way as to prevent the definition of new styles. I'll have to try on my Mountain Lion machine when I have a chance. I appreciate any help, thanks!

It's been a while and I'm not sure you're still listenting to or interested in this.
Anyway I finally had some time to play with and come up with an implementation via system services.
There are three files to make the service, whose codes are listed below.
• main.m (wrapper executable)
• main.rb (service body)
• make (bash script to make .service from source)
# Recipe
1) Create the three plain text files (in utf8) by copy-pasting codes listed below and place them loose in a new directory, e.g., ~/Desktop/work.
2) Issue the following commands in Terminal, which yield a package named TextHighlightServices.service in ~/Desktop/work.
* You need to have gcc installed, which comes with Xcode.
cd ~/Desktop/work
chmod ug+x make
3) Move the TextHighlightServices.service to ~/Library/Serivecs
4) Log out and log in to let the new service be recognised.
(This may not be necessary for .service, but I'd play for safety. Also you may use the following command in Terminal instead of re-login, if necessary:
# in 10.5
# in 10.6
/System/Library/CoreServices/pbs -flush
5) Done.
# Usage
If everything goes well, you'll see two services named "Text Highlight - Add" and "Text Highlight - Remove" in Services menu in TextEdit when you select some text in rich text mode. (In 10.6, services only appear in its applicable context, while in 10.5, they may yet appear in non-applicable context and be grayed-out.)
Invoke the serivces on selected rich text via menu or keyboard shortcuts and see if it works. Keyboard shortcuts are currently defined as Command-9 for highlight and Command-0 for unhighlight.
You may change the menu item names, keyboard shortcuts and highlight colour by changing the values in the #properties section at the beginning of make file. (Or you may directly edit Info.plist file in the package. But 'make' is instant and it'll be faster to re-make the package than to edit it manually)
# Notes
• Highlight and unhighlight are implemented as two services and you cannot assign one keyboard shortcut, e.g., Command-Y to both to toggle highlight state. (One 'toggle highlight service' is possible but you need to re-write the code as such)
• Keyboard shortcut is case-sensitive. E.g., J means Command-Shift-j.
• If keyboard shortcut is ignored, it is most likely that the key is already used for something else.
• This service is written to terminate itself if idle for ca. 20 seconds. It will be re-launched on demand. To keep the service running is not a problem, usually, but I noticed this rubycocoa code constantly uses ca 1.1% CPU and decided not to let it waste energy. If you rewrite the code in Objective-C proper, it would be 0.0% CPU usage in idle.
• Tested with 10.5.8 and 10.6.5.
# Files
// file
//     main.m
// function
//     wrapper executable to run Contents/Resources/main.rb
// compile
//     gcc -framework RubyCocoa -o PROGNAME main.m
#import <RubyCocoa/RBRuntime.h>
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
    return RBApplicationMain("main.rb", argc, argv);
# file
#     main.rb
# function
#     to provide text highlight services
require 'osx/cocoa'
include OSX
class Services < NSObject
    attr_reader :last_invoked
    def init()
        @last_invoked =
    # utility method
    def highlight_pboard_colour(option, pboard, colr)
        # int option : 0 = remove bg colour, 1 = add bg colour
        # NSPastedBoard *pboard : pasteboard passed via service
        # NSColor colr : background colour for highlight
        raise ArgumentError, "invalid option: #{option}" unless [0,1].include? option
        @last_invoked =
        # read rtf data from clipboard
        rtf = pboard.dataForType('public.rtf')
        # make mutable attributed string from rtf data
        docattr =
        mas = NSMutableAttributedString.alloc.objc_send(
            :initWithRTF, rtf,
            :documentAttributes, docattr)
        rase ArgumentError, "zero-length rtf is given" if mas.length == 0
        # add or remove background colour attribute
        r = NSMakeRange(0, mas.length)
        if option == 1
                :addAttribute, NSBackgroundColorAttributeName,
                :value, colr,
                :range, r)
        elsif option == 0
                :removeAttribute, NSBackgroundColorAttributeName,
                :range, r)
        # make rtf data from mutable attributed string
        rtf = mas.objc_send(
            :RTFFromRange, r,
            :documentAttributes, docattr)
        # write rtf data to the clipboard
            :declareTypes, ['public.rtf'],
            :owner, nil)
            :setData, rtf,
            :forType, 'public.rtf')
    # service method 1 : highlight rtf
    def highlight_userData_error(pboard, udata, error)
        # NSPastedBoard *pboard : pasteboard passed via service
        # NSString *udata : space delimited string of red, green, blue, alpha components to define background colour
        # NSString **error
        # set background colour from given user data
        r, g, b, a = udata.to_s.split(/\s+/).map {|x| x.to_f}
        colr = NSColor.objc_send(
            :colorWithCalibratedRed, r,
            :green, g,
            :blue, b,
            :alpha, a)
        # add background colour to rtf
        self.highlight_pboard_colour(1, pboard, colr)
    # register ruby method as objc method
    objc_method(:highlight_userData_error, 'v@:@@^@')
    # service method 2 : un-highlight rtf
    def unhighlight_userData_error(pboard, udata, error)
        # NSPastedBoard *pboard : pasteboard passed via service
        # NSString *udata : space delimited string of red, green, blue, alpha components to define background colour
        # NSString **error
        self.highlight_pboard_colour(0, pboard, nil)
    # register ruby method as objc method
    objc_method(:unhighlight_userData_error, 'v@:@@^@')
class AppDelegate < NSObject
    def init()
        @services = Services.alloc.init
        @timer = NSTimer.objc_send(
            :timerWithTimeInterval, 5.0,  # periodic check interval [sec]
            :target, self,
            :selector, :idle,
            :userInfo, nil,
            :repeats, true)
        @TTL = 20.0  # time to live in idle [sec]
    def applicationDidFinishLaunching(notif)
            :addTimer, @timer,
            :forMode, NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
    def applicationShouldTerminate(sender)
    def idle(timer)
        if @services.last_invoked.timeIntervalSinceNow < -@TTL
def main
    app = NSApplication.sharedApplication
    delegate = AppDelegate.alloc.init
if __FILE__ == $PROGRAM_NAME    # = if this file is the primary ruby program currently executed
# file
#    make
# function
#    to make PROGNAME.service package from main.m and main.rb
export LC_ALL=en_GB.UTF-8
# properties
HIGHLIGHT_MENU_ITEM="Text Highlight - Add"
UNHIGHLIGHT_MENU_ITEM="Text Highlight - Remove"
HIGHLIGHT_COLOUR="1.0 1.0 0.6 1.0" # R B G A in [0.0, 1.0]
# make package directories
rm -rf "${PROGNAME}".service
mkdir -p "${PROGNAME}".service/Contents/{MacOS,Resources}
# make PkgInfo
cat <<EOF > "${PROGNAME}.service/Contents/PkgInfo"
# make Info.plist
cat <<EOF > "${PROGNAME}".service/Contents/Info.plist
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
# make version.plist
cat <<EOF > "${PROGNAME}".service/Contents/version.plist
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
# make ServicesMenu.strings
mkdir -p "${PROGNAME}".service/Contents/Resources/English.lproj
cat <<EOF > "${PROGNAME}".service/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/ServicesMenu.strings
/* Services menu item to highlight or unhighlight the selected text */
# copy *.rb in Contents/Resoures
ditto *.rb "${PROGNAME}".service/Contents/Resources/
# compile wrapper executable
gcc -framework RubyCocoa -o "${EXECPATH}" main.m
It is fun to play with rubycocoa.
And glad if this helps.
Good luck,
cf. s.pdf
Message was edited by: Hiroto ( fixed 'make' to './make' in Recipe 2, sorry)

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    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
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    Best regards

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        selectedBoat.setStyle("-fx-background-color: white;-fx-text-fill: black;");
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    Thanks again for the help.
    Steve Webster

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    Steve Webster.

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    answers, and included them in the external
    ("pipestyles.css" style sheet as follows:
    .askmarty_QUESTION {
    font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-style: italic;
    color: #993300;
    background: #CCCCCC;
    .askmarty_ANSWER {
    font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-weight: bolder;
    color: #993300;
    In DW, the styles appear fine. But when I upload the page to
    the server (including dependent files
    and the stylesheet), the styles don't work - I'm just getting
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    in the style sheet *are* working, though.
    Any suggestions as to what might be going on, and/or how I
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    thanks in advance for any help--

    Your stylesheet is corrupt. You have a style inside of a
    style. Also your
    missing the px on a couple of font sizes.
    BEFORE - ( bad )
    .style9 {font-size: 12;
    color: #993300;
    font-weight: bold;
    .copyright {
    font: bold small-caps 9px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica,
    color: #999999;
    bottom: 50px;
    AFTER - ( good )
    .style9 {
    font-size: 12px;
    color: #993300;
    font-weight: bold;
    .copyright {
    font: bold small-caps 9px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica,
    color: #999999;
    bottom: 50px;
    ..Trent Pastrana
    "sbell2200" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:e94b3f$lgc$[email protected]..
    >I have recently begun using an external style sheet to
    control much of my
    > formatting, mostly
    > with no problem. But I've noted a couple of instances
    where the styles
    > don't
    > seem to 'catch'.
    > One recent example, a major problem, is on this Q&A
    page on a site:
    > I created a custom style class for both the questions
    and the answers, and
    > included them in the external
    > ("pipestyles.css" style sheet as follows:
    > .askmarty_QUESTION {
    > font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    > font-style: italic;
    > color: #993300;
    > background: #CCCCCC;
    > }
    > .askmarty_ANSWER {
    > font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    > font-weight: bolder;
    > color: #993300;
    > In DW, the styles appear fine. But when I upload the
    page to the server
    > (including dependent files
    > and the stylesheet), the styles don't work - I'm just
    getting black and
    > white,
    > unstyled text. Other styles
    > in the style sheet *are* working, though.
    > Any suggestions as to what might be going on, and/or how
    I can debug this?
    > thanks in advance for any help--
    > steve

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    <style name="MyColor">
          <!-- this is from the balf -->
          <includeStyle name="OraBgcolorDark">   
          <property name="background-color">#FFFFC0</property>
        </style>In the rowLayout i could specify the styleClass like this styleClass="MyColor"!!!
    I tried it but didn't get it to work. Can anyone suggest me the possible reasons or how I can reach my goal to have a stylesheet that has its own new tags that i could use?

    please disregard the post. Read the Jdev doc a bit more and found the solution.

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    There is a new suite bar in O365. What CSS styles affect the background color of the bar, app launcher button and the Office 365 text in SharePoint Online? I want to hide Office 365 text and add my logo there.

    Per my understanding, you might want to change the style of the suite bar and replace the “Office 365” text with your custom logo image.
    In Office 365 admin page, we can customize the theme of the suite bar for the whole :
    However, as there is no such option can replace the “Office 365” text with a custom icon there, a workaround is that we can use some custom JavaScript to modify the
    corresponding HTML source code to display the icon dynamically after the page loaded.
    After applying the code snippet below into the master page:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function ready() {
    var logo = document.querySelector("#O365_MainLink_Logo");
    var s = '<img style="max-height: 27px" alt="logo" src="/_layouts/15/images/siteIcon.png?rev=38">';
    logo.innerHTML = s;
    Every time when users open a page in this site, this custom code will be executed, the “Office 365” text will be replaced by a custom icon:
    More information about how to add custom code into master page(similar in SharePoint 2013):
    What’s more, if doing in this way, we can only replace the “Office 365” text with a custom icon in Office 365 SharePoint Online sites, not the whole Office 365, this
    is a fact that you might want to know. For about how to replace that text for the whole organization, I suggest you open another thread in Office 365 forum, you will get more help and confirmed answers there.
    Best regards      
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • JSF: Using own custom styles in skin css file?

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    Also, I need some other styles for use on specific parts i application, and my idea was to put these styles in same css file which is used in skin definition.
    For example:
    .footer_txt     {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 9px; color: #FFFFFF}
    My intention was to use this styles in styleClass attribute of various
    adf faces components
    But after starting application, I can't find my additional styles in generated css file (pfmskin-desktop-10_1_3_1_0-ie).
    Looks like that css generator is ignoring any styles which are not ADF predefined styles?
    I was thinking that this is possible, because at the end of srdemo.css file (in SRDemo application) there is one part like this
    /* custom styles that I made up and set on the styleClass attribute of various
    adf faces components */
    padding:6px 6px 6px 26px;
    background-color: #0099CC;
    I can put my styles in separate css file, but then I have to include this file in every application page...
    Is it possible to have custom defined styles in skin css file, and use them in styleClass attribute?

    skinning only works with the ADF faces skin selectors. There are plans to support custom selectors in a future version

  • Error while deploying, Custom Style Skin in OBIEE

    I have deployed Custom Style Skin in OBIEE successfuly (with the help of ).
    Now when we're moving RPD, Catalog & Custom Style Skin from OBIEE to OBIEE, I could deploy RPD & Catalog but am not able to deploy Custom Style & Skin Folders.
    If you are aware of the process of deploying Custom Style & Skins (as mentioned in the link above), it requies:
    1. Custom Style & Skins folder to be Deploy using Weblogic Console.
    2. Making necessary changes in instanceconfig.xml (to point to the deployed folder) ---- this is where it's failing.
    When I do add necessary tags ( <URL> & <UI>) in instanceconfig.xml and restart Services. Presentation Services dosen't come up. Error message that is in log file is:
    In element URL: Can not have element children within a simple content.
    unknown element 'UI'
    Element 'UI' is not valid for content model : 'All(URL, SocketTimeoutSec,FileSizeMB)'
    Any pointers?

    I too faced such issue, actually obiee11.1.1.5 version skin and style wont work in obiee11. and above patch ..
    u have do it once again by using obiee11. skin (because the has UI and skin different from )

  • Customer Style & Skins in OBIEE

    Did anyone configure custom style and skins in the latest OBIEE ( I followed steps mentioned in OBE here,
    but that did not work.
    Thanks in advance

    u can add the new skins from the below mentioned path as welll
    obiee 11g  image path
    mark helps

  • The custom style mapping option text still maintains the word formatting or it shows a style override in the InDesign style - how do I correct this?

    When I tell the custom style mapping option to format a Word style (from an rtf document) with the InDesign style, the text still maintains the word formatting or it shows a style override in the InDesign style. I have a large document that needs to import the styles correctly and I've followed the tutorials exactly however the placed text is still hanging onto the word RTF styles. I want the rtf text to convert to my InDesign styles completely without overrides.

    I actually need the cell styles. That's what sets my font, spacing, and GREP styles.
    I did find the solution today. In the table style or table setup, I needed to set the "Stroke Drawing Order" to "Column Strokes in Front". Even though it was previously set to "Best Joins" and I had no strokes for rows or for the table borders, it just wasn't giving priority to my dotted columns.
    Thanks for your response though!

  • Placing Word docs with custom style mapping

    I am trying to place Word 2007 docs in InDesign CS3 using custom style mapping.
    When I place the Word doc, InDesign creates a whole new set of styles with the correctly mapped new names but with the Word style definition. It records no name conflicts with the my already existing styles of the same names. Each of the new styles has the disc icon next to it, showing it was imported.
    If I delete each of the styles I can replace it with my original InDesign style, but isn't the point of style mapping to eliminate that step?

    This issue is now solved in the 6.0.4 update. See the release notes for item #2335625.
    An important update to the InCopy and InDesign products has been released today!
    To install the update, choose Help > Updates from any Adobe CS4 application, or navigate to the Adobe Updater and launch it:
    Mac: /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Utilities/Updater6/Adobe
    Win: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Updater6\Adobe_Updater.exe
    You can also download the updates from at the following locations:
    InCopy Mac:
    InCopy Win:
    InDesign Mac:
    InDesign Win:
    Release notes are here:

  • Load or import custom style mapping in link options – is that possible somehow?

    Hi Everyone,
    I'm working with Instructions for Use and Technical Manual documents in InDesign. I'm constantly fine-tuning our templates, and now I have to refresh them again, because of a brand refresh. I'm using the Custom Style Mapping in the Link Options panel a lot, because it helps us to copy the text from older documents to the new ones with the right formatting, with less effort. The only thing I miss is the “Load/Import Custom Style Mapping” option from this panel.
    Do you know if there’s any options to export/import/load these mappings somehow from one document to another? Is it possible to write a script for that? I find this part of InDesign quite unattached, it seems to me (based on my search) that no other people are using it. I feel lonely, help me here!
    (I have created many new mappings in an older document, and I’d like to be able to use them in the new templates as well, but I can only do that if I map the styles again. And it’s quite time consuming. Maybe I'm just using too many paragraph styles, I have no idea – this could be another question: what is too much when it comes to styles...)
    Thanks a lot,

    Sync is not intended to be used as a backup service like you are talking about, but it will work as long as you save the Recovery Key, as Jefferson mentioned (you also need your Sync Username ''[email address you used]'' and your account Password).
    Mozilla has just started working a new "cloud service" that is code named '''PiCL''' for "Profile in CLoud", which I am expecting will be a lot easier to use and might allow the user to access their bookmarks and other data from the internet without adding a "borrowed" PC to your Sync account.

Maybe you are looking for

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    Here is my code. I'm not able to forward to another jsp when I click on the modify button. If I display anything using alert inside the modify function, it is displaying. But when I include the forward statement, the entire screen becomes blank. What

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