Custom Webservice Using OIM APIs

How can we create and publish a custom webservice from OIM APIs??
OOTB SPML Webservice does not support all my requirements.

The OOTB Web services are mostly asynchronous, so its not mostly suitable for our synchronous activity in OIM. like create,update,enable,disable etc
So in order to develop the webservices...
first of all list down all the methods which u need to publish.
Write Java code for each methods..
after that publish all methods as Webservices (JAX-WS) on Weblogic server where OIM is running.
After that you can access your custom webservices of OIM.

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    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
    *     at oracle.iam.ui.custom.updateuser.<init>(*
    *     at oracle.iam.ui.custom.updateuser.main(*
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    RequestEntityAttribute rea = null;
    rea.setName("Modify User Profile");//This is the place where i am getting the error...
    System.out.println("I am Here3");
    List<RequestEntityAttribute> lrea = new ArrayList<RequestEntityAttribute>();
    RequestEntity re = null;
    List<RequestEntity> reqentity = new ArrayList<RequestEntity>();
    RequestData requestData = null;
    requestData.setJustification("I need this Role");
    String str = null;
    try {
    str = _service.submitRequest(requestData);
    } catch (InvalidRequestException e) {
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    } catch (BulkBeneficiariesAddException e) {
    } catch (BulkEntitiesAddException e) {
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    look at below link
    Creating a Request via OIM 11g API

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    It shouldn't matter whether you are invoking OIM APIs from standalone Java app or WebApp as long as you are able to create an instance of tcUtilityFactory. Once obtained the process remains same.
    But if you are invoking APIs from JSP that is custom built but within same xlWebApp, then it gets trivial.

  • Custom WebServices in OIM

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    Now I want to develop this webservice in OIM.
    Please add/modify the steps to integrate this custom webservice in OIM.
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    Thanks for your reply.
    The exercise which I am doing is just printing "hello world" to the console.
    It is more or less same as writing text to log file.
    Now I can able to trace the error after looking at logs. OIM is expecting the class org.apache.axis2.databinding.ADBBean.
    Actually this class is in the jar file axis2-adb-1.4.1.jar and I already copied this jar file into OIM_HOME\ext and also in lib folder. Then I have restarted the server after copying the jar file.
    I dont know the reason why I am getting this error. Below is the stacktrace in logs.
    [7/04/10 16:03:30:315 EST] 00000068 ExceptionUtil E CNTR0020E: EJB threw an unexpected (non-declared) exception during invocation of method "introspectAPI" on bean "BeanId(Xellerate#xlDataObjectBeans.jar#tcADP, D6DDC46C-0127-4000-E000-66980A34833B)". Exception data: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.apache.axis2.databinding.ADBBean
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassImpl(Native Method)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
         at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcADPClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
         at java.lang.Class.getVirtualMethodsImpl(Native Method)
         at java.lang.Class.getMethods(
         at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.util.tcApplicationLookup.introspect(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcADP.introspectAPI(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.ejb.databeansimpl.tcADPBean.introspectAPI(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.ejb.interfaces.EJSRemoteStatefultcADP_3abfd5f6.introspectAPI(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.ejb.interfaces._EJSRemoteStatefultcADP_3abfd5f6_Tie.introspectAPI(
         at com.thortech.xl.ejb.interfaces._EJSRemoteStatefultcADP_3abfd5f6_Tie._invoke(
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ADP ClassLoader failed to load: org.apache.axis2.databinding.ADBBean
         at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcADPClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
         ... 23 more
    Help me how to resolve this issue.

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    Hi Divya,
    > I have imported all the required jar files
    First, I don't know what you mean with "imported" - in any case, you should <i>not</i> put the JARs into your project but just reference these.
    Also, obviously you have <i>not</i> referenced <i>all the required jar files</i>; ResourceException is part of bc.rf.common_api.jar, which is part of portal application, at least for NW2004s.
    Please use the ClassLocator tool (search the WebLogs for this term to get some initial instruction) to avoid such questions in the future. It will make your life much easier.
    Hope it helps

  • Creating self registration request using OIM API

    Hi guys,
    When we try to create a self regisrtation request using OIM API , we ge the following exception:
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    Does user have to provide challenge information during registration = FALSE
    and passed an blank object in place of challenge question parameter in createSelfRegistrationRequest method in tcUtilityBaseClass.
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    data for Create Entity.
    at org.apache.xml.serializer.TreeWalker.dispatachChars(
    at org.apache.xml.serializer.TreeWalker.startNode(
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    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataBase.createRequestForCreateEntity(Unkno
    wn Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataBase.createRegistrationRequest(Unknown
    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataBase.createRegistrationRequest(Unknown
    at com.thortech.xl.ejb.beansimpl.tcUnauthenticatedOperationsBean.createR
    egistrationRequest(Unknown Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.ejb.beans.tcUnauthenticatedOperationsSession.createRe
    gistrationRequest(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.
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    at org.jboss.ejb.plugins.AbstractTxInterceptor.invokeNext(AbstractTxInte
    How do we create a self registration request , using OIM API , with and without challenge questions?

    Well try this piece of code. This might be similar to yours but it worked perfectly for me. For you the error might be the attribute names which you are passing, it should be the one dfined in the FormMetaData xml as below.
         import Thor.API.tcUtilityFactory;
         // define you class below
         ConfigurationClient.ComplexSetting config = ConfigurationClient.getComplexSettingByPath("Discovery.CoreServer");
         final Hashtable env = config.getAllSettings();
         Hashtable quesAns = new Hashtable();
         HashMap user = new HashMap();
         user.put("Users.User ID", "SelfTesting");
         user.put("Users.First Name", "SelfTesting");
         user.put("Users.Last Name", "SelfTesting");
         user.put("Users.Email", "[email protected]");
         user.put("Users.Password", "SelfTesting");
         user.put("ConfirmPassword", "SelfTesting");
         tcUtilityFactory.createRegistrationRequest(env, user, quesAns);
    And for the query of challenge QnA, these are the following combinations possible:
    1) Property Does user have to provide challenge information during registration set to TRUE
    - During self-registration from web console, it will show you Challenge Questions section on the right. If you do not select any questions, it will thow you an error there itself.
    - Doing it from API will create no difference(even if you pass a blank HashTable). The request will be created successfully and on completion when the user tries to login, it will ask for Security QnA.
    2) Property Does user have to provide challenge information during registration set to FALSE
    - During self-registration from web console, it doesn't show you Challenge Questions section on the right. The request will be created successfully and on completion when the user tries to login, it will ask for Security QnA.
    - Doing it from API, you will have to pass a blank HashTable as in above code. The request will be created successfully and on completion when the user tries to login, it will ask for Security QnA.
    Hope it works.

  • Request Approval using OIM API

    Hi all
    Which API I need to use to approve a resouce request using OIM API?
    I have tried with the following:
    tcReqOp.setRequestResponse(85, 1 , "java.lang.String psResponse");
    i do not know what to pass in place of java.lang.String psResponse.
    I aslo tried passing "C","Completed"
    can anyone correct what I am doing?
    Thank u

    I assume you want to run a scheduled task for this. Try this approach. Run this query to retrieve specific approval tasks that are in a pending state:
    select oti.sch_key, mil.mil_name, to_char(oti.oti_update, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
    from oti, mil, obj, pkg, orc, sch
    where oti.mil_key=mil.mil_key
    and oti.pkg_key=pkg.pkg_key
    and pkg.obj_key=obj.obj_key
    and oti.orc_key=orc.orc_key
    and oti.sch_key=sch.sch_key
    and oti.sch_status='P'
    and obj.obj_name='Test Object'
    and pkg.pkg_type='Approval'
    You can modify the obj.obj_name or remove, or do any changes you want. When you grab the time of the oti.oti_update, compare it against the sysdate to determine the time difference. If the update did not occur within that time, use this code:
    provIntf = (tcProvisioningOperationsIntf)getUtilityOps("Thor.API.Operations.tcProvisioningOperationsIntf");
    Hashtable taskHash = new Hashtable();
    taskHash.put("Process Instance.Task Details.Data", "<Insert Response Value Here>");
    provIntf.updateTask(key, taskHash) ; //---> Key is the same as the oti.sch_key field
    I have not tried this, but give it a shot.

  • Creating form using OIM API

    can anyone help me in creatig a form and assigning it to a resource object.
    please tell what all should i mention in the map which is to be passed to createForm() method.
    Thank you

    Hi all
    what attributes i need to to map to create a from using OIM API
    createForm Method?
    I have tried with this but did not work:The form is getting created , i.e I am seeing an entry in DB.
    At the same time I am aslo getting an exception which is whown below:
    formMap.put("Structure Utility.Table Name", "SAM");
              formMap.put("Structure Utility.Description", "TESTING API USAGE FOR FORM");
    The Exceptions I get are :
         at com.thortech.xl.ejb.beansimpl.tcFormDefinitionOperationsBean.createForm(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.ejb.beansimpl.tcFormDefinitionOperationsBean.createForm(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.ejb.beans.tcFormDefinitionOperationsSession.createForm(Unknown Source)
    09:05:13,772 ERROR [DATABASE] Class/Method: tcDataBase/writeStatement encounter
    some problems: ORA-02089: COMMIT is not allowed in a subordinate session
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-02089: COMMIT is not allowed in a subordinate session
    09:05:13,819 ERROR [ADAPTERS] Event: Adding Columns to SDC. has encountered an error.
    09:05:13,819 ERROR [SERVER] Class/Method: tcDataObj/runEvent Error :EVT Fatal Rejection Occured
    09:05:13,819 ERROR [APIS] Class/Method: tcFormDefinitionOperationsBean/createForm encounter some problems: maoErrors:Error Adding Column.
    How can i resolve this?
    When and where can I view the form that I have created?
    Thank you

  • Using OIM APIs

    I need to use OIM APIs from a third party web application.
    I would like to know, would it be possible as our OIM server would be at a different m/c then the client web application.
    So how would the settings be done in this case, as we set some system variables in the code for accessing the OIM APIs which include mentioning the path of Xellerate folder.
    Kindly guide.

    I have gone through this link, and have used OIM APIs earlier, but in that case both my code and the OIM server were running on the same m/c.
    But now its a third party web app which wants to call OIM APIs, hence I would like to knw, how d following settings would be done.
    System.setProperty("XL.HomeDir", "D:/NewOIM/xellerate");
    System.setProperty("", "D:/NewOIM/xellerate/config/xl.policy");
    System.setProperty("", "D:/NewOIM/xellerate/config/authwl.conf");
    System.setProperty("log4j.configuration", "D:/NewOIM/xellerate/config/");
    System.setProperty("java.naming.provider.url", "t3://blrkec87910d:7001");
    As uptil now I was giving the local location of these folders.
    But now how would I give it?

  • Provisioning OIM user using OIM APIS

    Hi All,
    Could anyone help me out on how to provision a User using OIM APIS.
    Thanks and Regards,

    public class GetGroups {
    tcUtilityFactory utilFactory = null;
    tcSignatureMessage moSignature = null;
    tcUserOperationsIntf moUserUtility = null;
    tcResultSet userResultSet,userSet = null;
    ConfigurationClient.ComplexSetting myConfig = ConfigurationClient.getComplexSettingByPath("Discovery.CoreServer");
    final Hashtable env = myConfig.getAllSettings();
    Map v = new HashMap();
    public void UserGroups(String userid) {
    try {
    System.out.println(" I am in TRY");
    moSignature = tcCryptoUtil.sign("xelsysadm", "PrivateKey");
    utilFactory = new tcUtilityFactory(env, moSignature);
    moUserUtility =
    (tcUserOperationsIntf) utilFactory.getUtility("Thor.API.Operations.tcUserOperationsIntf");
    v.put("Users.User ID", userid);
    userSet = moUserUtility.findAllUsers(v);
    long user_key = userSet.getLongValue("Users.Key");
    System.out.println( " Group Name " + grpName );
    } catch(Exception e){
    Like that
    moobjIntf =
    *(tcObjectOperationsIntf) utilFactory.getUtility("Thor.API.Operations.tcObjectOperationsIntf");*
    Map objmap =new HashMap(0;
    objmap.put("Objects.Name", "AD User") \\ just hardcoding this AD User you can pass it as variable also
    tcResultSet moResultSet = moobjIntf.findObjects(objmap);
    long obj_key = moResultSet.getLongValue("Objects.Key");

  • How to get the service name of a webservice using UDDI API

    Iam working on setting up a dynamic partner link in a BPEL, by passing the endpoint of a web service queried from the UDDI (Oracle Service Registry 10.3 ) using the API. Iam able to do it successfully.
    Now, for example I have two operations in my wsdl, one to createCustomer and the other to bookTicket. I need to get the operation name using UDDI API so that i can pass it along with the endpoint to the partner link. ie. When i need to createCustomer, my UDDI API code will need to get the service name createCustomer and the endpoint and I would pass them to the partnerlink and the createCustomer operation of my webservice would be called.
    Can any one help me to get the service names of the wsdl using UDDI APIs.

    Hi sia,
    1. Table is APQI
    2. field name for session name is GROUPID
    amit m.

  • How to install OID connector using OIM API in 11g?

    Hi All,
    We are using OID connector in OIM 11g environment. It is a simple process to install OID connector by unzipping the connector zip file to ConnectorDefaultDirectory and goto Admin console and load the connector.
    However, we are looking for API methods to simulate "load the connector " step in GUI.
    Please help.

    Hey Mahendra,
    I am not aware of this API to do the 'Deployment Manager' load task. But III try to help you using another way:
    1-You can use ICF API to do this task(creating it specifically to OID). Using ICF:
    2- And following this example that my buddy did for Open DS:
    Another helpful doc:
    I hope this helps,
    Thiago Leoncio.

  • OIM Client application development using OIM API, when user password is not available

    I am developing a cleint application for OIM. The client application is a set of services, running on a separate server from where OIM is running.
    The OIM version used is 11gR2.
    As I look into the oimClient object, the login method takes username and password. As my application is in an SSO environment, I do not have the password for the user, and just have the user's login ID.
    If I am correct, the tcUtilityFactory allowed a digital signature option, to support scenarios like the above.
    Question is, does oimClient support similar functionality? I did not find any examples in the Oracle documentation.
    I will appreciate if someone can confirm a similar usage and provide me some sample code and configuration details.


  • Problem while creating a custom document using JAVA API in the current Folder

    I am trying to create an instance of a custome type from the API. I have created a custom type via XML. I have associated a JSP with the custom type thru iFS manager. This jsp provides an interface for the user to enter various data. On submit I call some other jsp also loaded into the /ifs/webui/jsps which calls a method in the java class to create an instance of the above mentioned type. This instance needs to be created in the current directory and not in the home directory of the user. I have written a java program which when run from JDeveloper connects to the repository and creates the object, but not as a foldered object. If I load this class into custom_classes directory, I get an exception. I am attaching the code also here which does the actual processing.
    package cms;
    import oracle.ifs.agents.common.*;
    import oracle.ifs.agents.manager.*;
    import oracle.ifs.agents.server.*;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.*;
    import oracle.ifs.common.*;
    public class ContentModule extends Object {
    public static final String CLASSNAME = "CONTENT";
    public static final String TOPICID_ATTRIBUTE = "TOPICID";
    public static final String SITEID_ATTRIBUTE = "SITEID";
    LibrarySession m_session;
    public ContentModule() {
    public void connectToRepository(){
    LibraryService l_service=new LibraryService();
    CleartextCredential l_credential = new CleartextCredential("system","manager");
    ConnectOptions l_options=new ConnectOptions();
    }catch(IfsException ex){
    public void createDocument(String p_docName,String p_docContent){
    DocumentDefinition l_doc=new DocumentDefinition(m_session);
    long newId1=5;
    long newId2=5;
    FolderPathResolver l_currentPath=new FolderPathResolver(m_session);
    Folder l_currentFolder=l_currentPath.getCurrentDirectory();
    AttributeValue av1 = AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newId1);
    AttributeValue av2 = AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newId2);
    Document l_document=(Document) m_session.createPublicObject(l_doc);
    }catch(IfsException ex){
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    ContentModule contentModule = new ContentModule();
    Any help will be highly appreciated.

    Please print out the Verbose Stack Trace generated when you run this application.
    I suspect that you FolderPathResolver is not pointed at the directory you think it is. You might want to try printing out
    and I_CurrentFolder.getName();

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    How can I search a file along with its verions in the KM repository using KM APIs?

    Hi Vamshi,
    maybe you could use the following Interface:
    It has a method
    execute(IQueryExpression query, IResource resource, int depth, int maxResults, boolean includeVersions)
    which returns a IResourceList.
    I hope this helps.

Maybe you are looking for

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