Customize Default ACL in Create Object Wizards

In preparation to add some highly sensitive content to a Plumtree 4.5WS Portal, I need to implement a two-tier admin. security model. In short, I want only one or two members in the "Administrators Group" (Tier One) who can access everything without exception and a second admin. group (Tier Two) including the entire admin team who can access most of the portal. This way, the whole team can perform admin/maintenance tasks on "normal" content while access to the most sensitive content can be restricted to authorized users and the one or two people in the "Administrators Group" only. I prepared a script to add the "Tier Two" admin group to all existing object security and now I want to add the same group to the default ACL for new objects/cards/folder. Has anyone had any experience doing this? Is there a single file where I can add the customization or will I have to modify each CreateObject Wizard individually? Any experience/advice would be greatly appreciated.

Note that the usual and recommended way of implementing clone() also does not invoke any constructor.
public class C implements Cloneable {
  public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
    C c1 = new C();
    C c2 = C.class.newInstance();
    C c3 = c1.clone();
  public C() {
  public C clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
    return (C)super.clone();
}All this is generally fine, because a c'tor is not supposed to perform any business logic. It's only supposed to get a newly created object into a valid state. Cloning and serialization are not about creating new objects. They're about preserving and restoring or duplicating the state of an object that's already fully functional.
Note also, that if you do end up needing to perform some other logic as part of deserialization or cloning, you can do so. These cases should be the exception, not the rule.

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  • Changing default ACL assignment

    What i've seen is that administrator users are created with a private ACL on all their oject and other users with a all published ACL.
    Now i'd like to create new user assigning them a different ACLPropertyBoundle by default.
    For expample i want to have a folder private and a folder protected automatically created with yhe user creation.
    Can anyone suggest s problem solution?
    It's posiible to do what I need?

    The default ACL for all objects created by a user comes from the User Profile. It can be set via the API or using iFS Manager. This will effect the default acl for all objects, not just folders.

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    I have really no idea why oracle is behaving like this. How can you create a table without a quota.
    1) Write here the oracle version for your database software
    2) Can you try connecting to the database with same user id but from a remote client using TNS method instead of logging in locally, and they try creating the table.
    3) Can you give only CREATE SESSION privilege (not create table) and then perform the same task again.
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  • SBO2004A: Runtime Error 429 ActiveX Component can't Create Object

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    Thanks in advance

    I'm using Installshield 10.5 to generate the setup file. It's much more easy and not requiered to install Framework 1.1 in each PC client before to install the Addon.
    You have to create and msi project, and write the Installscript to retrieve the install directory from parameter string passed by SAP.
    After install you must execute the AddOnInstallAPI.EndInstall to notify SAP:
    #include "ifx.h"
    prototype  LONG AddOnInstallAPI.EndInstall();  
    prototype  LONG AddOnInstallAPI.RestartNeeded();
    // OnFirstUIBefore
    // First Install UI Sequence - Before Move Data
    // The OnFirstUIBefore event is called by OnShowUI when the setup is
    // running in first install mode. By default this event displays UI allowing
    // the end user to specify installation parameters.
    // Note: This event will not be called automatically in a
    // program...endprogram style setup.
    function OnFirstUIBefore()
        number  nResult, nLevel, nSize, nSetupType;
        string  szTitle, szMsg, szOpt1, szOpt2, szLicenseFile;
        string  szName, szCompany, szTargetPath, szDir, szFeatures, szTargetdir;
        BOOL    bLicenseAccepted;
        LIST listID;
        nSetupType = COMPLETE;       
        szDir = TARGETDIR;
        szName = "";
        szCompany = "";
        bLicenseAccepted = FALSE;
    // Beginning of UI Sequence
        nResult = 0;
        szTitle = "";
        szMsg = "";
        nResult = SdWelcome( szTitle, szMsg );
        if (nResult = BACK) goto Dlg_Start;
        szTitle = "";
        szOpt1 = "";
        szOpt2 = "";
        szLicenseFile = SUPPORTDIR ^ "License.rtf";
       // nResult = SdLicense2Rtf( szTitle, szOpt1, szOpt2, szLicenseFile, bLicenseAccepted );
        if (nResult = BACK) then
            goto Dlg_SdWelcome;
            bLicenseAccepted = TRUE;
        szMsg = "";
        szTitle = "";
       // nResult = SdRegisterUser( szTitle, szMsg, szName, szCompany );
        if (nResult = BACK) goto Dlg_SdLicense2;
        szTitle = "";
        szMsg = "";
       // nResult = SetupType2( szTitle, szMsg, "", nSetupType, 0 );
        if (nResult = BACK) then
            goto Dlg_SdRegisterUser;
            nSetupType = nResult;
            if (nSetupType != CUSTOM) then
                szTargetPath = TARGETDIR;
                nSize = 0;
        if ((nResult = BACK) && (nSetupType != CUSTOM)) goto Dlg_SetupType2;
         szTitle = "";
        szMsg = "";
        if (nSetupType = CUSTOM) then
    //          nResult = SdAskDestPath2( szTitle, szMsg, szDir );
            TARGETDIR = szDir;
        if (nResult = BACK) goto Dlg_SetupType2;
        if ((nResult = BACK) && (nSetupType != CUSTOM)) goto Dlg_SdAskDestPath2;
        szTitle = "";
        szMsg = "";
        szTargetdir = TARGETDIR;
        szFeatures = "";
        nLevel = 2;
        if (nSetupType = CUSTOM) then
           // nResult = SdFeatureTree( szTitle, szMsg, szTargetdir, szFeatures, nLevel );
            if (nResult = BACK) goto Dlg_SdAskDestPath2; 
        nResult = OnSQLServerInitialize( nResult );
        if( nResult = BACK ) goto Dlg_SdFeatureTree;
        nResult = ShowObjWizardPages( nResult );
        if (nResult = BACK) goto Dlg_SQLServer;
        szTitle = "";
        szMsg = "";
        nResult = SdStartCopy2( szTitle, szMsg );     
        if (nResult = BACK) goto Dlg_ObjDialogs;
        return 0;
    // OnSetTARGETDIR is called directly by the framework to initialize
    // TARGETDIR to it's default value.
    // Note: This event is called for all setups.
    function OnSetTARGETDIR()
    number nId, nIgnore, nResult;
    string szId, szTARGETDIR; 
    string wCMDLINE;
    LIST listID;     
        // In maintenance mode the value of TARGETDIR is read from the log file.
        if( MAINTENANCE ) then
            return ISERR_SUCCESS;
        // Set TARGETDIR to script default.
        if (CMDLINE != "") then 
           wCMDLINE = CMDLINE;   
           StrReplace (wCMDLINE, '"', '', 0);
           listID = ListCreate (STRINGLIST); 
           if (StrGetTokens (listID, wCMDLINE, "|") > 0) then
              MessageBox ("Parametros incorrectos.", SEVERE);
              ListGetFirstString (listID, TARGETDIR);  
              //MessageBox (TARGETDIR, INFORMATION);
           ListDestroy (listID); 
           return 0;
        // Read TARGETDIR from the media.
        nResult = MediaGetData( MEDIA, MEDIA_FIELD_TARGETDIR, nIgnore, szTARGETDIR );
        // Use the TARGETDIR from the media if anything was read.
        if( nResult >= ISERR_SUCCESS && StrLengthChars( szTARGETDIR ) ) then
            TARGETDIR = szTARGETDIR;
         // Customize the default TARGETDIR for multi-instance application.
         // TODO: If you want something different customize the code below.     
              // Start with the current multi-instance count plus one.
              nId = MULTI_INSTANCE_COUNT + 1;
              // Find a unique TARGETDIR.
              while( ExistsDir( TARGETDIR ) = EXISTS )
                   // Convert to string.
                   NumToStr( szId, nId );
                   // Update IFX_MULTI_INSTANCE_SUFFIX
                   IFX_MULTI_INSTANCE_SUFFIX = "_" + szId;
                   // Update TARGETDIR
                   // Update nId
                   nId = nId + 1;
    // OnEnd
    // The OnEnd event is called at the end of the setup. This event is not
    // called if the setup is aborted.
    function OnEnd() 
    string  wCMDLINE;
    LIST    listID;     
    INT     nValue;  
    LONG    nRC;
    NUMBER  nResult;
    if (CMDLINE != "") then
           wCMDLINE = CMDLINE;   
           StrReplace (wCMDLINE, '"', '', 0); 
           listID = ListCreate (STRINGLIST); 
           if (StrGetTokens (listID, wCMDLINE, "|") > 0) then
              MessageBox ("Parametros incorrectos.", SEVERE);
              ListGetFirstString (listID, DLL_FILE);
              ListGetNextString (listID, DLL_FILE);  
              // MessageBox (DLL_FILE, INFORMATION);
           ListDestroy (listID); 
           nResult = UseDLL (DLL_FILE);
           if (nResult != 0) then
              MessageBox ("No se ha podido cargar\nAddOnInstallAPI.dll", SEVERE);
           if AddOnInstallAPI.EndInstall() > 0 then
              MessageBox ("Error al ejecutar AddOnInstallAPI", SEVERE);

  • CTC DI all-in-one fails at Step: Upload Default ACL Settings

    i need your help.
    I tried to install a NWDI on a SolMan (Rel. NW7.01 SP06).
    I deployed the necessary SCAs (DI_CBS, DI_CMS and DI_DTR =7.01SP6).
    At the next point I'd like to use the wizard for the initial setup (DI all-in-one) and here are my problem.
    At the step "Upload Default ACL Settings" it aborts with the error: Not a valid URL: Unexpected character found [':' at position 7]
    Here an an excerpt from the log:
    Exception Class:
    Exception Message: Not a valid URL: Unexpected character found [':' at position 7]
    Stack Trace Not a valid URL: Unexpected character found [':' at position 7]
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    Caused by: Not a valid URL: Unexpected character found [':' at position 7]
    I checked the default Users. The NWDI_ADM, NWDI_DEV and NWDI_CMS (The NWDI_CMS was manuel created) exists and have the expective roles/groups and actions (e.g. NWDI_ADM = Group NWDI.Administrator = Role NWDI.Administrator + Action LcrInstanceWriterAll)
    I checked the log/protocol and the strange argument there is dtrUrl : http://:/dtr.
    I think the wizard is missing the right hostname an port for the as java. I tried to execute the Wizard with FQDN, simple hostname, localhost and edited also the host-file (like in other threads proposed).
    The check of the SLD-Connection in the SLD-DataSupplier in the VA are OK (the http-settings and CIMClient Test works fine).
    I spent a lot of time at the VA and configtool to finde the possible key with the missing value for the host an port, However with no success.
    So now im here and hope some of you can give me an advice.
    Best regards
    Edited by: Denis Stricker on Jan 6, 2012 1:48 PM

    Hello Denis
    I have checked the attached error together with our expert for the DI
    configuration wizard and found that the problem is most liked caused
    by some variables that are not properly set by the underlying
    framework (CTC framework) due to problems with the data bindings.
    To investigate the problem in more details it is important for us to
    know how the engine was being setup. Can you please let us know if you
    directly installed the engine or if you upgraded an existing
    engine? In case of an upgrade can you please tell us
    which SP had the engine before the upgrade?
    So if you upgraded from an earlier SP this might explain
    your problem and we would directly know in which area to look.
    Unfortunately we cannot offer automatic configuration
    after an upgrade case (see our central CTC note: 923359) exactly for
    such reasons (besides of that CTC don't know the state after the
    upgrade). Configstore does not offer to add new parameters only to
    As workaound you can try to run DI template and everytime where it
    stops, do the step manually and skip the not working step.

  • Problem with database schema objects in the entity object wizard

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    When creating a new entity object, I am facing a problem with database schema objects in the entity object wizard, database schema objects (check boxes for tables,synonyms...) are disabled. Actually I am using a synonym but I am not able to select the synonym check box.
    Can any of you folks tell me how to enable the database schema objects (check boxes for tables,synonyms...).
    Thanks in Advance.

    Make sure your using rite version of jdeveloper..
    Make sure your using apps schema and check whether your able perform DML operations in the schema vis sql developer.

  • Creating objects with proper stereotypes

    I'm just trying to create Architecture Areas and Business Functions using VB. This all works as expected, besides of one small but important exception:
    I want to create Architecture Areas and Business Functions of a given type (Stereotype).
    When I create the Architecture Area or Business Function, assign the code and name, and then set the Stereotype, everything looks OK. The Stereotype is appearing on the symbol etc., but ... the graphical symbol differs from what we have configured for this element.
    In the script I'm doing it this way:
    L2Process = EamL2.ArchitectureAreas.CreateNew(PdEam.cls_ArchitectureArea)
    L2Process.SetNameAndCode Trim(L3SubSubFolder.Name), Trim(L3SubSubFolder.Code)
    L2Process.Stereotype = "Process"
    The Architecture Area is created, the Stereotype is assigned:
    But the graphical symbol is not the expected one, it"s rather the "default" one ...
    What I have configured is:
    Is there a way to create Architecture areas and Business Functions, so that the configured Custom Symbols are used? MAybe a parameter for CreateNew like in the CreateModel function, where we can set the Diagram Type?
    CreateModel(PdEAM.cls_Model, EvaluateNamedPath("%_MODELS%") + L3SubSubFolder.Name + ".eam" + "|" + "Diagram=CityPlanningDiagram", omf_DontOpenView)
    I can't find anything in the documentation in regards to this issue...

    Hi Rafal,
    Could you try creating object directly in the collection using the GetCollectionBySteretype("Process") on model ?
    Something like:
    Dim processes
    Set processes = EamL2.GetCollectionByStereotype("Process")
    Set L2Process = processes.CreateNew()
    L2Process.SetNameAndCode Trim(L3SubSubFolder.Name), Trim(L3SubSubFolder.Code)
    This should assign stereotype at initialization and may be fix your issue...
    PS. I did not check code, take care of potential typo.

  • DOC BUG: View Object Wizard and a Question

    First the question: What is the Passivate property for in the View Object Wizard's Attribute Settings page?
    Related Doc Bugs
    Topic: Define New View Attribute Dialog
    (click Help button in New Attribute dialog when creating a view object attribute)
    Problems: The description for the "Attribute" property is "foo"; Descrimator, Updateable, and Queriable have single letter descriptions. Key Attribute and Passivate are not listed.
    Topic: View Object Wizard - Attribute Settings Page
    (click Help button in Attribute Settings page in View Object Wizard)
    Problems: Query Column Type and Passivate are not listed. Attribute Settings column lists properties in a strange order (not a bug).
    Peter Koletzke

    For more information, you could read the "About Application Module Pooling" topic in the online documentation. Passivation is what happens when the application module's state is saved to the database - and activation happens when an application module instance retrieves passivated state from the database.


    hi all!
    I need know, what method or property i have to use, for set up the filename by default, for the workbook that i created.
    thank in advance

    You assign the file name when you save the file.
    For example......
    data: e_sheet type ole2_object.
    data: e_appl  type ole2_object.
    data: e_work  type ole2_object.
    data: e_cell  type ole2_object.
    data: e_wbooklist type ole2_object.
    parameters: p_file type localfile default 'C:Test.xls'.
    * Start the application
      create object e_appl 'EXCEL.APPLICATION'.
      set property of e_appl 'VISIBLE' = 0.
    * Open the file
      call method of e_appl 'WORKBOOKS' = e_wbooklist.
      get property of e_wbooklist 'Application' = e_appl .
      set property of e_appl 'SheetsInNewWorkbook' = 1 .
      call method of e_wbooklist 'Add' = e_work .
      get property of e_appl 'ActiveSheet' = e_sheet .
      set property of e_sheet 'Name' = 'Test' .
    * Position to specific cell  in  Column 1
        call method of e_appl 'Cells' = e_cell
                    #1 = 1
                    #2 = 1.
    * Set the value
        set property of e_cell 'Value' = 'ABC'.
    ** Close the file
      get property of e_appl 'ActiveWorkbook' = e_work.
      call method of e_work 'SAVEAS'
                #1 = p_file
                #2 = 1  .        " Don't ask me when closing
      call method of e_work 'close'.
    Rich Heilman

  • Error: ActiveX Component Can't Create Object

    When I run the ADI on Windows Server 2003R2, it show following error when startup:
    Error connecting to Language Object, defaulting to US English.
    Error: ActiveX Component Can't Create Object
    Anyone know how to fix it?
    Many thanks in advance.
    Chris Lee

    You need to enable Trust access to Visual Basic project.
    Tools->Macro->Security->Trusted Publisher
    Enable Trust access to Visual Basic project there.

  • Bug Report: Create Tree Wizard

    Just a minor one...
    1) The create tree wizard doesn't clear it's pages when it's called again, that's why all the old values of the last creation are displayed as default -> problem is that the page number, ... is already used.
    2) When selecting "Existing Application Item" as Link Option, the LOV on page 118 also shows page item buttons (eg you can select the P101_LOGIN button from page 101). But I don't think that's a valid target...
    *** New *** Oracle APEX Essentials ***
    My Blog, APEX Builder Plugin, ApexLib Framework:

    Bug filed, thanks.

  • JDeveloper 3.1 Crashes when using business objects wizard

    I am having a problem keeping the business object wizard from crashing the program. When i select my tables to create objects from the wizard crashes when it is generating the java code and xml files. If I select one object at a time the program seems to behave better.
    There are other instances where either the program hangs or crashes. Is there something wrong with my environment? I am running windows 98 on a laptop with 128Mb of memory. I am using the Java vm that came with Jdeveloper 3.1 as far as i know.

    Ahh .. boy I feel silly. I am trying to use the tool for about 44 tables. Again if I create objects for one table at a time it seems to work better.
    The other problems I have is the random hanging or crashing. If I am patient and rety my operations a lot the tool's functionallity generally works.
    Is there any plan to certify this tool on 98?
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JDev Team (Laura):
    JDev 3.1 is not certified on Windows 98, only Windows NT and 2000.
    That said, how many tables are we talking about, and what version of the database?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

  • Error creating Objects with Reflection

    This is the code:
         System.out.println("Restart - test 1 - sub == " + sub);
         c = Class.forName(sub);
         con = c.getDeclaredConstructor();
    catch(NoSuchMethodException e){
         System.out.println("Unknown event type\t" + e);
    Restart - test 1 - sub == Mouse
    Unknown event type     java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: Mouse.<init>()I have a Mouse class with a declared Constructor. Why can't it find the Constructor?

    SquareBox wrote:
    almightywiz wrote:
    Your code is trying to find the default constructor for your Mouse class. If you don't have a default constructor specified, it will throw the exception you encountered. What does your constructor signature look like?
    public Mouse(int weight){
         this.weight = weight;
    }How do I get the Constructor if it contains parameters?This is answered in your other thread: Creating objects with relfections And you even marked it correct!
    Please don't post the same question multiple times. It leads to people wasting their time duplicating each others' answers, and makes for a fractured discussion.
    Edited by: jverd on Apr 26, 2011 3:59 PM

  • Run-time error '429': ActiveX component can't create object

    I am having the following error in my Excel VBA Run-time error '429': ActiveX component can't create object  when running the following code:
    Dim objDistiller As New ACRODISTXLib.PdfDistiller6
    objDistiller.FileToPDF2 filePath & ".PS", filePath & ".PDF", "T:\Templates\PDFSettings\Standard.joboptions", 1
    This code has been working for years on all our systems, but due to recent security issues our administrator changed all user accounts to not have local administrator rights and now when we run this code we get the above error message.
    I have had a look at DComcnfg.exe to try and get it to work by setting the default property permissions to allow access by Everyone but I am still getting the error.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Shane Chapman.

    Hi Shane,
    Here is another way to create PDF with Macro using another API than Distiller. This API is faster too.
    Probably this post is not of interest anymore but here is how I have done it:
    1. Download PDFCreator:
    2. Use the following Macro:
    Option Explicit
    Sub printPDFmacro()
    'Author : Ken Puls (
    'Macro Purpose: Print to PDF file using PDFCreator
    ' (Download from
    ' Designed for early bind, set reference to PDFCreator
    Dim pdfjob As PDFCreator.clsPDFCreator
    Dim sPDFName As String
    Dim sPDFPath As String
    '/// Change the output file name here! ///
    sPDFName = "Facture-" & nclient2 & " le " & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") & ".pdf"
    sPDFPath = "E:\Partenaire Scolaire\Comptabilite\Factures"
    PDFFileName2 = sPDFPath & "\" & sPDFName
    Set pdfjob = New PDFCreator.clsPDFCreator
    With pdfjob
    If .cStart("/NoProcessingAtStartup") = False Then
    MsgBox "Can't initialize PDFCreator.", vbCritical + _
    vbOKOnly, "PrtPDFCreator"
    Exit Sub
    End If
    .cOption("UseAutosave") = 1
    .cOption("UseAutosaveDirectory") = 1
    .cOption("AutosaveDirectory") = sPDFPath
    .cOption("AutosaveFilename") = sPDFName
    .cOption("AutosaveFormat") = 0 ' 0 = PDF
    End With
    'Print the document to PDF
    ActiveSheet.PrintOut copies:=1, ActivePrinter:="PDFCreator"
    'Wait until the print job has entered the print queue
    Do Until pdfjob.cCountOfPrintjobs = 1
    pdfjob.cPrinterStop = False
    'Wait until PDF creator is finished then release the objects
    Do Until pdfjob.cCountOfPrintjobs = 0
    Set pdfjob = Nothing
    end sub
    Have any questions, just have to poke me.

  • Create custom wizard

    Hi experts
    I am trying to create a wizard for my iview which accepts some parameters.
    Can I create the wizard as part of an existing Portal App. Object?
    Or should I create  the wizard as separate Portal App. Object?
    I am follwing this <a href="">from</a>
    Please help me

    I see a similar question from 2012 but is there a way now 2 years later? Or can you create a custon button that essentially does the same thing without the action wizard? Sorry if this question has been asked a bunch of times.

Maybe you are looking for

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