Customize portal service parameter

Hi all,
  I just create a portal service within a portal application, and this service has several parameters declared in <service-profile> element in protalapp.xml. Now I would like to know how to change the parameter value after deployment. I tried portal system administration and NW config tool but without lucky I didn't find out where to go. Any information is welcome. Thanks!

Hi Lee,
you are running the CE-Portal (7.1). A lot of things have changed there. But I found it. You have to configure your service with the nwa. Go to:
There you find a list of all services. You can set a filter to find your service. For more information have a look here:
Hope this helps. Regards,

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    After installation of SPS11 to our 2004s portal system we have problem with startup of our Portal service.
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    Properties p = new Properties();
    p.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "");
         Context ctx = new InitialContext(p);
         _ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup(POOLNAME);
         Connection conn = _ds.getConnection();
         LogWriter.traceInfo(LogWrapper.trace,"Connection established.");
    } catch (NamingException ex)
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    The probleam appears only during startup of portal!
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            <property name="className" value=""/>
            <property name="startup" value="true"/>
            <property name="twophaseinit" value="always"/>
    Please could you help us with this problem?
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    Hi Nirmal,
    thanks you for your quick response. This is what the installer returns when I use your suggested command:
    Mar 7, 2012 2:35:56 PM [Error]: The parameter jce_policy_zip in externally supplied configuration is invalid.
    I looked up the parameters for the STARTUP:
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    Thus the jce_policy_zip is not a valid parameter.
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    Edited by: M. Rabe on Mar 7, 2012 2:57 PM

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    Generate a new self-issued certificate
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    Danny Alvares, Senior Technology Consultant

    Here's the full PowerShell script.
    # FIM Service & Portal MSI & Setup# See:
    $FIMServicePortalMsi = "`"C:\FIMSetup\Service and Portal\Service and Portal.msi`""
    $FIMServicePortalInstallDir = "`"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Forefront Identity Manager\2010`""
    $FIMServicePortalSetupLog = "`"C:\FIMSetup\FIMServicePortalSetup_Log.txt`""
    $FIMServiceCustomCertificateName = "fimservice.domain.local"
    $FIMADDLOCAL = "CommonServices,WebPortals"
    $FIMMAIL_SERVER = "exch.domain.local" # REQUIRED
    $FIMCERTIFICATE_THUMBPRINT = (dir Cert:\LocalMachine\My | where {$_.subject -match $FIMServiceCustomCertificateName}).thumbprint
    $FIMSERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL = "[email protected]" # REQUIRED
    $FIMSERVICE_MANAGER_SERVER = "" # FIM Reporting Service Management Server
    $FIMSYNCHRONIZATION_SERVER = "fimsync.domain.local" # REQUIRED
    $FIMSHAREPOINT_URL = "https://fimportal.domain.local"
    $FIMFIREWALL_CONF = 1 # Ports 5725, 5726
    #MSI Argument list
    "Installing FIM Portal & Service..."
    $InstallExitCode = (Start-Process -FilePath msiexec.exe -ArgumentList $FIMArguments -Wait -Passthru).ExitCodeif ($InstallExitCode -eq 0) {"Installation successful."}else {"Installation failed with code $InstallExitCode. Check Windows Event Viewer for errors."}
    Danny Alvares, Senior Technology Consultant

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    hi omri,
    please have a look at this documentation (SpecificDestinationLogControllers -

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    URL: Endpoint
    Method: add1to1
    Exception: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException
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         <schema xmlns="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
              <complexType name="ImportClass">
                        <element name="Import1" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
                        <element name="Import2" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
    Thanks for your help!
    Edited by: Johannes Freitag on Jun 24, 2009 2:54 PM

    Hi Ozzie,
    in newer NWDS versions this wizard doesn't exist any more.
    [|] describes how to create a web service from a portal service.
    I personally didn't create a web service by this description however. I just created a normal Java class and created a Web Service out of this class (using EAR deployment).

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    Hi Pavan,
    > working on EP 7.0 SP8
    Glad to hear that you are not stuck on EP5   No, really, that is older than old... Anyhow:
    > not displaying any custom built Portal Services under Service Configuration tab
    There services are only listed if they are configurable, i.e. if they have a service profile with at least one property (compare Otherwise it makes less sense to restart a service (normally this is done after changing a service profile parameter).
    Hope it helps

  • How to log exceptions and imp logging info in Portal Service via ILogger?

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    I need to use the Logging facility of ILogger in this Portal Service.
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    public void init(IServiceContext serviceContext)
           mm_logger = serviceContext.getLogger("com.persistent.pankaj");
    I have put the logger.xml in the logger folder of PORTAL-INF
    my logger.xml is as follows:
    <Logger name="testLog" loggerInterface="com.sapportals.portal.prt.logger.ILogger" locationName="" pattern="%d # %20t %15s %m #" isActive="true">
    <LoggerClass className="com.sapportals.portal.prt.logger.SimpleFileLogger" level="INFO">
    <param filename="logs/com.persistent.pankaj.log" append="true">
    On deploying my portal service as a web service
    I m unable to get the logs.
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    I m a newbie for this
    Please help me out
    Help will be rewarded n appreciated

    Hi Pankaj,
    In your init method try this code to create the logger:
    ILogger logger = PortalRuntime.getLogger("testLog");
    In your logger.xml the logger name was testLog and not com.persistent.pankaj so while creating logger you should use testLog in the above code.
    By default all the logs are written to defaultTrace.log files, to check them read this:
    Portal Runtime Logs
    If you want to log in a seperate logfile then you should set a seperate log destination, which is not recommended on productive systems due to performance problems.
    Also read these to know how to set seperate log destinations:
    Netweaver Portal Log Configuration & Viewing (Part 3)
    Netweaver Portal Log Configuration & Viewing (Part 1)
    Netweaver Portal Log Configuration & Viewing (Part 2)
    Praveen Gudapati

  • Get current user in portal service context

    hi guys,
    We want to implement a portal service which will check user's role from LDAP, and we need to get the current user id.
    We know for class IPortalComponentRequest, there is method getUser().getUserId(), is there any similar method for IServiceContext? or any way for us to get user id in portal service?
    Guo Feng

    Hi Feng,
    public String getParameter(IPortalComponentRequest arg0, String arg1)
    eg in your implementation class and add the following code.
    IUserContext userContext = arg0.getUser();
    String username = userContext.getLogonUid();
    String full_name = userContext.getDisplayName();

  • Error while creating a Portal Service

    Hi All,
    I have created a portal service as illustrated in the following link:
    I get the following error:
    Portal Runtime Error
    An exception occurred while processing a request for :
    iView : SnowServiceAccess.SnowComponent
    Component Name : SnowServiceAccess.SnowComponent;.
    Exception id: 06:51_10/05/06_0001_604684950
    See the details for the exception ID in the log file
    Any idea ???

    can you let me know what is the exact exception, that is logged in the log file ?
    May be you might have missed out some jar files.

  • Need info on Accessing portal services within a Web Dynpro application

    I need information on Accessing portal services within a Web Dynpro application.I want to explore this topic.Can anyone give useful links?
    Thanks in advance.
    Rajani N

    how to reference  a portal service with web dyn pro ?
    Best Regards
    Jakub Krecicki

  • Consuming a webservice from a portal service...

    Hello all,
    I am playing around with the example code for imlimenting a federated search (found in the km section) and was trying to use a webservice call to google as an example of a the federated search.
    I generated a client side portal service (from the goodle wsdl) and I am now trying to access it form the search virtual index service I wrote...
    I someone can point me in the correct direction that would be great... I was looking at the following blog Accessing an External Web Services in Portal which helped setup the webservice but I find the code used to access it does not help. For one thing I can not find the IServiceName class anywhere in the portal or j2ee javadoc or jat files.

    Hi ,
    I am getting the problems while consuming the web services in portal component.
    I am not able to call the methods of web services.
    look at my code.
    IListServiceName client=
    (IListServiceName) PortalRuntime.getRuntimeResources ().getService (IListServiceName.KEY);
         GetListResponse glr= client.getList();
    frist line is working fine.
    In my web service i have a method called GetList().
    Any way i have to call that method and get the result.
    But there are other classes which are automatically generated when i consumed the web service, like      GetListResponse().
    When i try to call client.GetList(); it gives the error at run time, No error in the code but the errors are coming at run time.
    Where is the problem? other things like proxy settings, etc i have done.
    What could be the problem? Can any one suggest.

  • Error in Portal service

    Hi All,
    i am trying to connect Crystal report  through portal service.
    but getting following error,
      Portal Runtime Error
    An exception occurred while processing a request for :
    iView : pcd:portal_content/
    Component Name :
    Exception in SAP Application Integrator occured: Unable to process template 'apsuser=<MappedUser>&apspassword=<MappedPassword>&apsauthtype=Enterprise&sf=<supplierid>', because 'supplierid' is an invalid terminal property of the Root context..
    Exception id: 02:51_09/08/07_0062_306388250
    See the details for the exception ID in the log file
    what may be the reason, any solutions?
    Thanks in advance

    Please check if you have made a copy of the Crystal report Iview using plain copy method. If so use Delta copy...
    Also please check again if the system connection tests and user is valid and working.
    *reward points if useful

  • Urgent- Issues in Creation of Web Service extending Portal Service

    Hi Experts,
    I am facing following issues,
    1.I've created Portal Service and extended it as Web Service, this web service I am not able to view in Webservice Navigator.
    2.When I am trying to send request to WS from EP Web Service checker in NWDS I am getting an error that "The User Authentification is not correct to access to the Portal Service or the service was not found"
    Any Help from you is highly appreciated.
    Maruti Prasad

    hi  Marti ,
    I have few pdf Reg this i did sample WSDl and tested its workingf fine
    plese send me e  mail  i will send you
    Regards ,

  • Invoking the Portal Service DC from Webdynpro Java DC

    Hi experts,
    I am trying to Call a dc Portal Service from within a Web Dynpro DC
    following the steps I did,
    1. Created a DC "Portal Application Standalone" project by the name "portappstd".
    2. Created a portal service inside "portappstd" dc by the name "DemoPortalService".
    3. Exposed ITestService.class in the public part.
    4 Build and deployed the DC on server!!
    5. Created anoter DC of type WebDynPro named "demoportaldc".
    6. Added SAP_JTECHS -> epbc.prtapi._api as a "Used DC" with dependency build time and runtime
    7. Added IDemoPortalService.class from the public part of portal Service as Used DC
    8. Tried to reference the service using the following code..
         IDemoPortalService service=(IDemoPortalService)WDPortalUtils.getServiceReference(IDemoPortalService.KEY);
    9. Build and deployed the DC.
    10. When I run the application I am getting the following error
    Processing HTTP request to servlet dispatcher finished with error.
    The error is:
    application [webdynpro/dispatcher] Processing HTTP request to servlet [dispatcher] finished with error.
    The error is: Failed to start deployable object com.arteriatech/demoportaldc.
    so, please do the needfull ASAP,..
    Thanks & Regards,

    Check the following link..

  • Use of portal service in JAAS Login Module

    Is it possible to use an portal service in an JAAS Login Module?
    I've tried to use the IUserMappingService and always run in an Null Pointer Exception.
    All needed Used DC references are set and the build and the deployment of the
    login module is possible without any errors.
    Best regards,

    I've debuged my JAAS login modul.
    The following objects are in accessable over my context object
    {broker=broker,{}, UME=UME,,{,,,,,,,,,,,}, WP=com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.resource.MultiPropertiesResource@3b213b21, ContentCatalog=ContentCatalog, Navigation=Navigation, PCD=PCD,,, ProductionMode=true,,, com.sapportals.portal.pcm.registeredServies=com.sapportals.portal.pcm.registeredServies,,,,,{}, runtime=runtime, Authenticator=com.sapportals.portal.prt.service.authenticationservice.AuthenticationService@756f756f,, unification=unification}
    The IUserMappingService is missing.  Any ideas?
    Best regards,

Maybe you are looking for