Customizing Error Messages in EP5

Hello SDN,
I'm getting a bit of negative feedback from my users over one particular error message - '403 The requested operation is forbidden for this resource'.
I wanted to change this so that when users do not have the correct permissions they get something like '403 The requested operation is forbidden for this resource, please check with your Administrator that you have the required permissions'.
However, I cannot seem to find where this text is generated. Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Kyle,
I don't believe that this error is being generated by IIS. I think that it is coming from the SAP J2ee server and does not have all of the 'normal' microsoft generic information.
Using HTTPWatch to capture what is going on I get -
"HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Server: SAP J2EE Engine/6.20"
and then all of the stylesheet information with the text 'The requested operation is forbidden for this resource' at the end.
When I do a text search on the server I cannot find the text other than in the log files for the IisProxy. Any help is appreciated.
Message was edited by: Rob Parry

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         i_log_handle              = app_log_handle
         i_s_msg                   = log_message

    Hi Jay,
    Did you see <b>BAL_LOG_EXCEPTION_ADD</b>?
    This FM is represented by the structure <b>BAL_S_EXC</b>. This can have various versions as described below:
    <b>Data of BAL_S_EXC Structure  /     Use</b>
    <b>EXCEPTION</b>  /                              Exception class from which an exception text 
                                                       is added to the log. This field must be filled.
    <b>MSGTY</b>  /                                     Message type (MSGTY) of a T100 message.
                                                       This field must also be filled for exceptions.
    ALSORT, TIME_STMP</b>  /                Message or exception attributes, such as
                                                        problem class (PROBCLASS, for
                                                        example, "very important"), level of detail
                                                        (DETLEVEL, from 1 to 9), sort criterion
                                                        (ALSORT, unrestricted) and timestamp
                                                        (TIME_STMP). These fields can be displayed
                                                        in the log (except TIME_STMP).
    <b>MSG_COUNT</b>   /                            This attribute is not used for exceptions.
    Follow the link below for more details:
    <a href="">SAP Help DOc</a>
    Hope this helps.

  • ICI - How to display custom error messages in SAP CRM

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    Best regards
    René Holy

    NewUser7 wrote:
    Please correct me if I am wrong
    I need to create an entity adapter and attach an error handler with the adapter? or can i handle that in the event handler itself. I coulnt find any api for handling errorsYou can do it both ways but since we are talking about event handler now, then in 9.x you need to extend class for creating a event handler. In tcBaseEvent class there are various flavors of handleError method. So use that as per my note earlier and you should be good.

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    Edited by: user11217416 on Feb 15, 2012 6:07 AM
    Edited by: user11217416 on Feb 15, 2012 6:14 AM

    Try as follows
      final static int MSG_FATAL = 1;
      final static int MSG_ERROR = 2;
      final static int MSG_WARN = 3;
      final static int MSG_INFO = 4;
          public static void showMsgForRelevantComponentAll(int iSeverity, String sMsg, UIComponent uIComponent) {
              FacesMessage msg = null;
              switch (iSeverity) {
              case MSG_FATAL:
                  msg = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_FATAL, null, sMsg);
              case MSG_ERROR:
                  msg = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, null, sMsg);
              case MSG_WARN:
                  msg = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_WARN, null, sMsg);
              case MSG_INFO:
                  msg = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, null, sMsg);
              FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
              facesContext.addMessage(uIComponent.getClientId(facesContext), msg);

  • Catch datetime exception and custom error message in SSRS

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    Hi Brain,
    According to your description, you have a report with two parameters for user to input. Now you want to validate these two parameters and display custom error message when the date is invalid. Right?
    In Reporting Service, it doesn’t provide any interference for us to modify the system error message (the text in grey color). That means we can’t modify the system message when error occurs. However we can create a textbox in this report, use custom code
    and expression to display the custom error message. But this all based on the report is successfully running. So if error occurs during report processing, all the custom code and expression will not work. In this scenario, we find a workaround for you. We
    use custom code to judge if the date is valid, if the users type an invalid date, we return a default value to make sure this report can successfully run. Then we use expression to control the visibility of tablix in this report and create a textbox to show
    the custom error message. Your case has been tested in our local environment. Here are steps and screenshots for your reference:
    Go to Report Properties. Put the code below into custom code:
    Public Shared a As Integer=0
    Public Shared Function IsDate(d1 As String,d2 As String) as Integer
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
    return a
    End Function
    Create two parameters. One is StartDate, the other is EndDate. Set the data type of these two parameters Text.
    Create a filter for StartDate, put the expression below into Value:
    Create a filter for EndDate, put the expression below into Value:
    Ps: In step3 and step4, the date(“1/1/2012”, “1/1/2013”) in the expression are the default we set to make sure the report can successfully process. You can set any date existing in your dataset.
    Use the expression below to set the visibility of the tablix:
    Create a textbox, put the expression below into it:
    =IIF(Code.IsDate(Parameters!StartDate.Value,Parameters!EndDate.Value)=0,"","Date invalid")
    Save and preview. It looks like below:
    SSRS Calendar and Date Restriction
    Errors and Events Reference (Reporting Services)
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou

  • How to create Custom error message in SharePoint 2013

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    Any help?
    Thank you

    You can create an event receiver to set the validation error messages.  One such post to redirect the custom error page is as follows
    Create custom error page for SharePoint event receiver
    Please mark it answered, if your problem resolved or helpful.

  • How to show custom error message in WebADI Excel template?

    I've  created a custom Web ADI integrator and associated it with a 'Procedure' based custom interface.
    WebADI Interface API Returns is set to  "Error Message".
    I'm using  raise_application_error(-20001, "Actual Error Message") for invalid rows,but custom error message from PL/SQL  is not populated on the excel template.
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    Am I missing anything? How to show custom error message from Pl/SQL procedure to WebADI Excel template?

    The custom API errors are visible in the BNE log but not on the Excel.
    BNE Log=>
    12/10/13 2:52 PM Web ADI Upload Job 13008 ERROR          BnePLSQLUpload.doUpload: Exception while uploading to PL/SQL API.  Error Code: 20001, Message: ORA-20001: -Please enter CONTAINER_ID -  Enter PO_NO -
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.XXPO_COSTFACTS_WEBADI_PKG", line 264
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    12/10/13 2:52 PM Web ADI Upload Job 13008 ERROR          BnePLSQLUpload.doUpload: Stack trace: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-20001: -Please enter CONTAINER_ID -  Enter PO_NO -
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.XXPO_COSTFACTS_WEBADI_PKG", line 264
    ORA-06512: at line 1
      at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
      at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
      at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.processError(
      at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIfun.receive(
      at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIfun.doRPC(
      at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.doOALL(
      at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CCallableStatement.doOall8(
      at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CCallableStatement.executeForRows(
      at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(
      at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal(
      at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.execute(
      at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement.execute(
      at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatementWrapper.execute(
      at oracle.apps.bne.integrator.upload.BnePLSQLUpload.doUpload(
      at oracle.apps.bne.integrator.upload.BneSAXUploader.processDeepestLevel(
      at oracle.apps.bne.integrator.upload.BneSAXUploader.startElement(
      at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLContentHandler.startElement(
      at oracle.xml.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseElement(
      at oracle.xml.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseRootElement(
      at oracle.xml.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseDocument(
      at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLParser.parse(
      at oracle.apps.bne.integrator.upload.BneUploader.processUpload(
      at oracle.apps.bne.integrator.upload.BneAbstractUploader.processUpload(
    12/10/13 2:52 PM AJPRequestHandler-HTTPThreadGroup-5 WARNING        BneOracleWebAppsContext.getTimeZone CLIENT_TIMEZONE_ID has not been set
    12/10/13 2:52 PM AJPRequestHandler-HTTPThreadGroup-5 ERROR          BneOracleWebAppsContext.getExtraJDBCConnection recieved the same connection as the base connection.  There may be transaction problems.
    How to show the same error in the excel template?
    Here is the package:
       PROCEDURE upload_data (
                              P_CONTAINER_ID IN VARCHAR2
                            , P_SAIL_DATE IN DATE
                            , P_PO_NO IN VARCHAR2                     
                             ) IS
        lv_err_msg      VARCHAR2(240);
        lf_err_flag     NUMBER := 0;
        ln_temp         NUMBER;
        --------------------- checking for mandatory parameters---------------------------
             lf_err_flag := 1;
             lv_err_msg := lv_err_msg||'-'||'Please enter CONTAINER_ID - ';
          END IF;
          -------------Validation for Sail Date Format----------------------
             lf_err_flag := 1;
             lv_err_msg := lv_err_msg || ' ' || 'Enter Sail Date - ';
                SELECT 1
                  INTO ln_temp
                  FROM DUAL
                WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
                   lf_err_flag := 1;
                   lv_err_msg := lv_err_msg || ' Enter Sail date in DD-MON-YYYY Format';
                WHEN OTHERS THEN
                   lf_err_flag := 1;
                   lv_err_msg := lv_err_msg || ' Enter Sail date in DD-MON-YYYY Format'|| SQLERRM;
          END IF;
          -------------Validation for PO_Number----------------------
          IF (P_PO_NO IS NULL) THEN
             lf_err_flag := 1;
             lv_err_msg := lv_err_msg || ' ' || 'Enter PO_NO - ';
                SELECT count(1)
                  INTO ln_temp
                  FROM PO_HEADERS
                 WHERE Attribute4 =  P_PO_NO;
                WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
                   lf_err_flag := 1;
                   lv_err_msg := lv_err_msg || ' No Oracle PO for Biceps PO#'||P_PO_NO;
                WHEN OTHERS THEN
                   lf_err_flag := 1;
                   lv_err_msg := lv_err_msg || ' Error getting the Oracle PO for Bicpes PO#'||P_PO_NO||' Error-' || SQLERRM;
          END IF;
         -----------------------Insert Record----------------------------
         IF lv_err_msg is NULL THEN
                    , ERROR_FLAG
                    , ERROR_MSG
                    , trunc (sysdate)
                    , trunc (sysdate)
                  --  commit;
                    '-' || 'After ap_invoices_interface'
            WHEN OTHERS THEN
              lf_err_flag := 1;
              lv_err_msg  := lv_err_msg || ' ' || 'error loading CONTAINER_ID-' || P_CONTAINER_ID || SQLERRM;
              raise_application_error(-20001, lv_err_msg);
              raise_application_error(-20001, lv_err_msg);
        END IF;
      END upload_data;                        

  • Cannot display custom error message in CRM_MKTLIST_BADI

    We did implement the following BADI BADI Name: CRM_MKTLIST_BADI
    This enhancement is for suport the extension field for create new BP in
    external list management (transaction CRMD_MKTLIST). The BP creation
    process work properly but we cannot display our custom error message,
    only SAP standard error message is shown. We did try using the export
    parameter ET_MKTLIST_E but it does not work as expected, custom message
    still cannot display.
    How we can be show the custome error message ?
    Thanks in advance.
    Supreeya K.

    Hello Supreeya,
    have you tried to post this question in the SAP CRM: Webclient UI - Framework forum?

  • Displaying Custom Error Message in ALV

    Hello Experts,
    Usually, when an error occurs in editable ALV, the standard WD ALV functionality marks the particular error cell in red and displays the error message.
    I want the same functionality for custom error messages in event ON_DATA_CHECK. I'm able to display the message, but looking for a way to mark cells as well.
    Please help....

    Hello friend,
    I think this link will help you much more clear on the coloring of the ALV concepts.
    Sri Hari

  • Display custom error message in enhancement spots

    Hi all,
    Is there someone here who've encountered having the need to display custom error message in an enhancement spot? Could you help me please.. I can't find any reference from the net.
    Thanks in advance

    The error message can be only displayed in enhancement spots based on thr program flow.
    You have to determine where its getting called for ex: in PBO or PAI etc.....
    You have to find the right place to display the error messages . for ex: using a memory id ......

  • Print a custom Error message in the XML bursting program's log file...

    I having this requirement, where i need to print a custom error message in the xml bursting program's log file.
    Actually i am having a report where i create invoices and then those invoices are emailed to the respective customers, now say if a customer has three contacts and there is only two valid email id's so what happens is bursting will be successful for two contacts whereas the third contact dosen't get any emails. when this happens i need to log a message in the bursting programs log file stating a custom message.
    Two things i want to know..
    1- Whether is it possible to write into the xml bursting programs log file
    2- If yes, then how..
    note: it ll be greatly appreciated if the answer is elaborated.

    I having this requirement, where i need to print a custom error message in the xml bursting program's log file.
    Actually i am having a report where i create invoices and then those invoices are emailed to the respective customers, now say if a customer has three contacts and there is only two valid email id's so what happens is bursting will be successful for two contacts whereas the third contact dosen't get any emails. when this happens i need to log a message in the bursting programs log file stating a custom message.
    Two things i want to know..
    1- Whether is it possible to write into the xml bursting programs log file
    2- If yes, then how..
    note: it ll be greatly appreciated if the answer is elaborated.

  • The custom error message in the bank application is displaying in English

    Hello Team,
    The custom error message for a blank institution number in the bank application is displaying in English when the user is logged in French. See attached screen shot.
    ESS --> Personal Information --> Bank Information.
    Could any one let me know the procedure in solving the error. Helpful answer is highly appreciated.

    sandip is correct, go to SE11 Table T100.
    I did it this way: Searched for (in my case) SPRSL = DE and TEXT = "Bitte Bankschlüssel eingeben" (that's the said error message). With the upcoming result I got the message ID and message Number, these are:
    ARBGB = 'AR' MSGNR = '195'
    ARBGR = '1J' MSGNR ='510'
    Maintain them for your SPRSL and you should be fine.
    regards, Lukas

  • Custom Error message in Login Page

    I am using MVC framework for my project. I want to display custom error messages to the user in the Login page(JSP).
    For eg: invalid password, password has been expired etc. How do I pass these messages from Java to my login page & display it?

    This is a sample action class for login page in struts : -
    package xxx;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionError;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
    public class Action extends org.apache.struts.action.Action
    public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
    HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws Exception {
    ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
    ActionForward forward = new ActionForward(); // return value
    String username;
    String password;
    try {
    LoginForm lf = new LoginForm;
    username =lf.getUserName();
    password = lf.getPassword();
    if( username== null)
    if( (username == "admin" ) && ( password="admin"))
    // do something here
    } catch (Exception e) {
    // Report the error using the appropriate name and ID.
    //Errors will be caught here.
    errors.add("name", new ActionError("id"));
    // If a message is required, save the specified key(s)
    // into the request for use by the <struts:errors> tag.
    if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
    saveErrors(request, errors);
    // Forward control to the appropriate 'failure' URI (change name as desired)
    //     forward = mapping.findForward("failure");
    } else {
    // Forward control to the appropriate 'sucuess' URI (change name as desired)
    forward = mapping.findForward("success");
    // Finish with
    return (forward);
    You need to have as Model and Login.jsp as View . will be your controller.

  • Custom error message in mapping-Alert

    We are using XSLT mapping and We are raising custom error message based upon some conditions i.e if vendor number is invalid or blank.If it doesn't meet the requirement,mapping will fail and it will throw error message as" IDoc XXXXXXXXX is having invalid vendor number".
    My question is,we would like to send this custom error message to email receipients through RWB-AFW.
    How do we capture this custom error message is alert category or alert rule?

    UDF call to RFC-FM by passing payload dato in t it

  • Custom Error message in portal

    HI Experts,
    I trying to implement cutom error messages in portal. By Following the below link.
    As of now I trying to implement it for error code "500".
    The above code I pasted in web.xml. 500.html is there in customerrors folder. I have also restrated the system.
    when I log in to portal system still I could see standard message coming for "500" code error not the custom one from 500.html.
    Iam using EP7.0 EHP1 .
    Surender Singh Dahiya

    I guess it should work in the similar fashion.However, I do not have access to a portal system now. Will try testing the scenario soon and keep you posted.
    Sandeep Tudumu

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