D/Ling to two different iTunes?

OK...so I'm @ my mom's today & I found this song that I wanted to hear. I D/L iTunes onto her computer and sign in with my username/pw. I purchase the song and it D/Ls on HER computer (all good).
Now that I'm home on MINE - I can't re-D/L it onto my Nano.
I checked my purchase history & the song is there...but it won't (or I can't) D/L it.
Please help :o)
  Windows XP Pro   2GB iPod Nano

By your description you did download it to her
computer. Downloading is only allowed once. You will
need to copy the file from her computer to your
computer somehow.
Thanks for the info. I'll just have to remember to bring my iPod to her house. I'll transfer it tomorrow.
Thanks again & have a wonderful & safe holiday season!! :o)

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    I don't think so. The only other ID I have is a developer id, and I didn't get that until several months after I got the phone. In addition purchases I made from the App Store onthe phone would sync up with It unes on the Mac meaning it would be the same id.
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    If it is in your itunes on your computer, then select it to sync just like everything else that you sync.
    The music must be on your computer.
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    1. Give her a separate user account on your computer. If you have a backup copy of the library, you can restore it.
    2. If you encounter a 90-day waiting period, click here and ask the iTunes Store staff if they'll remove it.

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    Hello 19firedude
    Try moving the entire iTunes Media folder to the Shared folder on your Mac and then in iTunes preferences, change the location of that folder to line it up. Then all you have to do in another user is follow the second set of steps to get that shared properly. Check out the article below for more detailed instructions.
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    Yes you can.
    The fact you cannot access your son's library from your User account is intentional. User accounts on your Mac are nearly as separate from each other as your Macs are from anyone else's on the planet. To copy music from his account to yours, first copy it to the Shared folder, then log into your account and import the music. Then, you can erase it from Shared.
    The Shared folder exists at /Users/Shared.
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    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
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    So, when the other iTunes account needs to be used, I should log out of Windows and have the other user log in under a different Windows account, correct?  
    M Parker, 
    Yes, since you are trying to keep things separate, that is exactly what you would do.

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