Dank iTunes Match halbe Mediathek weg?!

Ich habe mit sehr hoher Erwartung iTunes Match gekauft und bin derzeit leider nur enttäuscht!
Zunächst fehlte mir jegliche Erklärung, wie ich meine schlechten Songs durch qualitativ hochwertigere aufwerten kann. Es gibt zwar eine Menge im Internet zu finden, leider aber nicht für Windows. Vielleicht ist die Anwendung bei Mac ähnlich aber, da ich nun mal Windows Nutzer bin, konnte ich mit all den Dingen nicht si viel anfangen. KAnn mir jeman eine Hilfe geben, wie ich MAtch richtig nutze für WINDOWS?
Dann das nächste Problem:
Ich habe ja nun Match gekauft und seitdem sind einige meiner Wiedergabelisten einfach leer! Es ist auch keine Möglichkeit da diese Songs aus der Cloud zu laden, zumindest sehe ich nichts davon. Wäre super wenn mir einer von euch helfen könnte. Diese Cloudanwendungen und ähnliches sind für mich noch total neu und fremd, also bedenkt das bitte bei euren Antworten
VG pingu312

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    PUSH !!
    hab das gleiche Problem!

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    Vielen Dank.

    I try it in world-language:
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    I would strongly recommend you not do this.  You will regret it.
    I have played with this issue a lot.  You have to remain signed into match in order for it to show up on your phone. If you sign out to purchase an app or redownload one from your appstore id you use then match will be removed from your phone and when you go into your music app the icloud will not be there.  You then have to go sign back out of the store id you used for your app purchase and then sign back into match and everything will have to go though the download to your device process again.  This really is not what you want to do.
    Sign up to match with the apple id that you know you will use the most or has the most purchased items and use that for all purchases, i.e. books, apps, movies, and music.  You don't want to go though the other process.
    Plus apple will start not letting you sign into match because you signed out and back in, in to short a period of time.
    all store purchases on an iphone are linked to the store id.  if you sign out of your match id on the appstore and sign into another account to purchase an app then itunes match will sign out in the music app.  You can't have two store id's signed into your iphone at the same time.  They are all linked together.

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    Any Really annoyed about this

    iTunes Match does not have the ability to remove local files.
    The service operates by comparing the selected iTunes Library with the iTunes Store content and 'matching' or 'uploading' - it is very straightforward a 'match' provides equivalent access to iTunes Store content as a recognised 'purchase'; upload simply copies a 256k AAC variant into the cloud.  There are no elements of this activity that can erase the local library content.
    Would suggest you explore possible alternative causes of file loss.  Given the pattern described of selective deletion, leaving many Songs intact - would suggest making at least 2 secure offline Song file backups and starting the library again from a fresh install of iTunes once a thorough sweep of the system has been completed for virus.  It is also worth assessing the physical security of the system - who has access & with what privileges.
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    In ITunes match  how do you to select multiple songs to download to pc or do you have to click each one.

    First make sure you have the current version of iTunes, which is actually 10.5.1.  I had to manually download it from apples website, for some reason, it wouldnt auto-update.
    Once that is complete, go to the iTunes store. In the Quick Links secion to the right, you should see iTunes Match. This will prompt you to activate your subscription to iTunes match.  After that it should ask you to add your computer and once youve done that, it should begin the process of scanning your library and adding it to the cloud
    Alternatively, once you activate your subscription, you can also go to the Store dropdown menu in iTunes and select Turn On iTunes Match.

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    Also, can I still synch the phones manually and move over playlist from Itunes to the phone?  I am assuming that when you turn off itunes match on the phone those playlists will be active.  I want to make sure that say, when I am on a plane or have no wifi or cell, that I can still use the phone as an Ipod.  With Itunes match you are streaming and always need a signal.  There has to be a way to retain the simple music player functionality, right?  

    There's too much above for me to specifically answer your questions, but I'll assume from the title that you're basically trying to sync to a new computer.  So here are some articles to help you.
    iOS: How to transfer or sync content to your computer
    iTunes: How to move your music to a new computer

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    I've tried everything I can think of to get iTunes Match to play tracks over cellular.. including totally deauthorizing all my computers and devices, totally removing all tracks my itunes match in the cloud and re-scanning/uploading everything. Purchased new tracks, and they won't play unless they are downloaded. But they will play just fine when previeing them for purchase in iTunes app.

  • How can download all the songs from itunes match to an ipad 2?

    I activate itunes match in my Imac, the process of scan and identify the library songs is finished successfully, after that i activate the itunes match in my ipad,  I need download all the songs in the ipad, I select Music Icon and don't appear the (download all) button in the section of songs,  i have to push the cloud button in each song to download?
    I enter in the section of albums and playlist and in this section the button download all appears. How can i download all the songs to the device?

    I just found the answer by myself.  Instead of clicking Cloud icon one by one, highlight all the songs in Cloud (after sorting by Cloud status) and riight click, download.  Now I am getting all the songs back to my local machine.  I will sync my iOS devices tomorrow and just GET RID OF iTUNES MATCH.  To me, it was a disaster.  Worse than their map app.

  • Can I use iTunes Match for 2 iPhones with different music, same account?

    My wife and I each have an iPhone and share an iTunes account.  We share a master music library but each manually manage our music on our iPhones.  So she has certain songs on her phone and I have different ones on mine, both coming from the same master library.  I'm trying to figure out if I can use iTunes Match in this scenario.  I don't want to see her songs on my iPhone.  Is there a way to only see music on my iPhone if I use Match or am I stuck seeing my entire library on my iPhone?

    I think I'm getting it finally, thanks for the clarification.  So at least I know there is a way to not see all music in my library from my iPhone. 
    So in my case i have about 800 songs on my iPhone out of about 1600 on my iTunes library.  If I'm understanding correctly I would have to enable Match on my iPhone, then turn off the "show all music" option.  This in turn should leave me with my original 800 songs listed which I woud then have to download from the cloud.  Once I have all of my 800 songs back down from the cloud I won't be required to download them again from that phone. 
    A worse scenario would be that I enable Match, and then have to find my 800 songs out of the total 1600 manually from the list and then download them from the cloud.
    Which scenario is correct?

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