Data Transffer over DB Link

Hi Every One,
Please help  me to providing the best solution for below scenario.
I‘ve to migrate data from one DB to another DB . Both DB’s are different instance. I’ve created the DB links and granted Select privileges on required tables to destination Schema.
There are around 10 tables and each table contains 2 – 3 million rows approximately.
Now my question is for this data transfer should I use:
Using Direct Insert ..Select statement  ( Which contains ONLY SQL and reduces context switching)
Copy the source table data into local collections and insert the data by selecting from collections.( By using limit )
And I cannot use COMMIT , So that the entire process executes successfully or  fails.
I don’t want to some records to be inserted and if the process fails then do the analysis and insert the remaining records. This would be  a problem when we are migrating data in production.
And what are the problems we face while accessing data over a DB link.

INSERT INTO .. SELECT .. FROM .. Is the way to go. You can use APPEND hint to do a direct path insert. This will speed up your insert. Samething is being discussed here Forall insert Vs Direct insert. You can also consider data pump by specifying the NETWORK_LINK option

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    Take a look at this thread: Link.
    Check the post and attachment from user:  rpursley8. You have to make some changes to it, it's not quite the same, but it's similar.
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    Hi sabe,
    I could not find any examples that do exactly what you are looking for but the ones below should be a great starting point. All you need to do is read each frame from the AVI file, convert it to binary, send the data, convert each chunk of the binary stream, and then save it all back to one AVI file.
    IMAQdx Record Video to Binary and Convert to AVI
    Save 16-bit image to AVI
    Tim O
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    Application type: APPLICATION   
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    Description: Mobile Sales
    Version: 20.03  
    Build Number: 00
    Runtime: JSP   
    Operating System:
    Link to SAP MI Homepage: x 
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    Application type: ADDON   
    Name: MSR 
    Description: Mobile Sales
    Version: 20.03  
    Build Number: 00
    Operating System:  
    Link to SAP MI Homepage:
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    ORA-06550: line 12, column 2:
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    orausern wrote:
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    Thanks,if no error is thrown, why are you looking for problems where none exist?

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    This is regarding a thread Interactive report performance problem over database link that was posted by Samo.
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    , a.col1
    , a.col2
    FROM table_one a
    , table_two b
    WHERE a.col3 = 12345
    AND a.col4 = 100
    AND b.col5 = a.col5
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    Shaun S.

    Hi Shaun
    Okay, I have a million questions (could you tell me if both tables are from the same remote source, it looks like they're possibly not?), but let's just try some things first.
    By now you should understand the idea of what I termed 'sub-factoring' in a previous post. This is to do with using the WITH blah AS (SELECT... syntax. Now in most circumstances this 'materialises' the results of the inner select statement. This means that we 'get' the results then do something with them afterwards. It's a handy trick when dealing with remote sites as sometimes you want the remote database to do the work. The reason that I ask you to use the MATERIALIZE hint for testing is just to force this, in 99.99% of cases this can be removed later. Using the WITH statement is also handled differently to inline view like SELECT * FROM (SELECT... but the same result can be mimicked with a NO_MERGE hint.
    Looking at your case I would be interested to see what the explain plan and results would be for something like the following two statements (sorry - you're going have to check them, it's late!)
    WITH a AS
    FROM table_one),
    b AS
    FROM table_two),
    sourceqry AS
    (SELECT  b.col3 x
           , a.col1 y
           , a.col2 z
    FROM table_one a
        , table_two b
    WHERE a.col3 = 12345
    AND   a.col4 = 100
    AND   b.col5 = a.col5)
    SELECT apex_item.checkbox(1,x), y , z
    FROM sourceqry
    WITH a AS
    FROM table_one),
    b AS
    FROM table_two)
    SELECT  apex_item.checkbox(1,x), y , z
    FROM table_one a
        , table_two b
    WHERE a.col3 = 12345
    AND   a.col4 = 100
    AND   b.col5 = a.col5If the remote tables are at the same site, then you should have the same results. If they aren't you should get the same results but different to the original query.
    We aren't being told the real cardinality of the inners select here so the explain plan is distorted (this is normal for queries on remote and especially non-oracle sites). This hinders tuning normally but I don't think this is your problem at all. How many distinct values do you normally get of the column aliased 'x' and how many rows are normally returned in total? Also how are you testing response times, in APEX, SQL Developer, Toad SQLplus etc?
    Sorry for all the questions but it helps to answer the question, if I can.
    Don't forget to mark replies helpful or correct ;)

  • Report over database link error

    Good morning all.
    I have a database link LINKA from USERA on LOCALSERVER to USERB on REMOTESERVER.
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    In USERB on REMOTESERVER I have a view TABLEXV, select * from USERC.TABLEX
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    So far so good - all working as expected.
    Then, my APEX app on LOCALSERVER, interactive report, parsing schema USERA, querying TABLEXV, I get the following:
    when "Exclude Link Column", I get the error "The requested URL /pls/apex/f was not found on server.
    when "Link to Single Row View", report displays correctly.
    when "Link to Custom Target", I get the error "The requested URL /pls/apex/f was not found on server.
    When I run the select * from TABLEXV as a regular report (i.e. not interactive), I also get the error.
    So the only time I get the report displayed correctly is using IR and "Link to Single Row View".
    However, clicking on the link (for Single Row View) I get "The requested URL /pls/apex/ was not found on this server.".
    To summarize:
    - accessing table via view over database link
    - works outside of apex without issue
    - inside only works when Link to Single Row View set
    - But clicking on link fails
    I could live with just having the Link to Singe Row View option if I could disable displaying of the icon so that the user cant click on it.
    EE Database - (yes I know out of support)
    Remote EE Database -
    Real object names replaced to protect the innocent!
    Anyone got any clues?
    I have used remote tables many times in my APEX applications and never had this issue.
    Rob @ very confused .com

    Good morning all.
    I have a database link LINKA from USERA on LOCALSERVER to USERB on REMOTESERVER.
    (create database link LINKA connect to USERB identified by mypassword using validtns)
    In USERC on REMOTESERVER I have a TABLEX, with grant all on TABLEX to USERB on REMOTESERVER.
    In USERB on REMOTESERVER I have a view TABLEXV, select * from USERC.TABLEX
    From USERA on LOCALSERVER I can select * from TABLEXV@LINKA. In fact I can insert/update/delete tablexv from USERA.
    I also have a view TABLEXV on USERA, select * from TABLEXV@LINKA. I can also select/insert/update/delete from USERA.TABLEXV.
    So far so good - all working as expected.
    Then, my APEX app on LOCALSERVER, interactive report, parsing schema USERA, querying TABLEXV, I get the following:
    when "Exclude Link Column", I get the error "The requested URL /pls/apex/f was not found on server.
    when "Link to Single Row View", report displays correctly.
    when "Link to Custom Target", I get the error "The requested URL /pls/apex/f was not found on server.
    When I run the select * from TABLEXV as a regular report (i.e. not interactive), I also get the error.
    So the only time I get the report displayed correctly is using IR and "Link to Single Row View".
    However, clicking on the link (for Single Row View) I get "The requested URL /pls/apex/ was not found on this server.".
    To summarize:
    - accessing table via view over database link
    - works outside of apex without issue
    - inside only works when Link to Single Row View set
    - But clicking on link fails
    I could live with just having the Link to Singe Row View option if I could disable displaying of the icon so that the user cant click on it.
    EE Database - (yes I know out of support)
    Remote EE Database -
    Real object names replaced to protect the innocent!
    Anyone got any clues?
    I have used remote tables many times in my APEX applications and never had this issue.
    Rob @ very confused .com

  • Posting of cancelled Invoice after posting date is over

    Hello Experts,
    I am stuck up with a situation and as such seek your help.
    A invoice was generated and the subsequent accounting document was also cleared. Now after the posting date was over, someone cancelled the invoice by T.code VF11 and as expected it didnt get posted .The document flow showing is as per below :
    Order - open
    Invoice - completed
    Accounting Document - Cleared
    Cancel Invoice - Open
    Now, the business and their audit policies do not allow the client to cancel the invoice in back date ( within the posting period).
    What are the options do we have to tackle the situation.

    The issue has been temporarily addressed by changing the posting date.
    However, now the client wants us to make an ABAP development so that no user is able to cancel the invoice after posting date is over. Now for that I have the following issues. Can someone please help me out in this.
    The basic process details I am following is as per below:
    For Transaction Code VF11 (i.e for Cancellation of Invoice) , when the invoice number which is subject to cancellation is provided, the System should search in VBRK table for the following :-
    1)The System will at first search whether the entry exists or not. If the Entry is not valid then it should give an message u201C Document xxxxx does not Existu201D.This is in line to the existing practice.
    2) If the Document number is valid then it will go to the billing date field and  will fetch the value from the VBRK table . Then it will match  whether the value fetched (i.e. this Invoice date)  is in present posting period or not. The system can find the posting period from the table V_T001B.
    a.If  the  Invoice date lies in the present posting period then the system will allow the cancellation document to be saved. This is in line to the existing process.
    b.If the Invoice date lies beyond the present posting period then the system will not allow to save the cancellation of the Invoice with a pop up message of u201C The Document number subject to cancellation do not lie within the present posting periodu201D .
    Now We have looked both the tables, from VBRK we will get Doc# and Billing date(FKDAT) but when we select Posting Date from table T001B( Permitted Posting Periods) there is some issue.
    1.  What will be the condition for selecting records from T001B table.Since there is multiple key fields
        RRCTY (Record Type) ,
        BUKRS (Posting Period Variant) ,
        MKOAR (Account Type or Masking)
        BKONT (To Account). 
    So, to get unique record what will be the value of this key fields. Is there any relationship with VBRK table ? 
    2.  Which field I have to consider as Posting Date or Period. Because there are many fields related to Posting period.

  • In contacts there is the possibility to add a new event, as the birthdays, but they do not appear in iCal. Is there any way to make that possible? It is normal to have a person with his birthday, anniversary and others key dates you want to link to him.

    In contacts there is the possibility to add a new event, as the birthdays, but they do not appear in iCal. Is there any way to make that possible? It is normal to have a person with his birthday, anniversary and others key dates you want to link to such person, but the only one shows up is the birthday. How to be able to show all those dates linked to people in the agenda in the iCal?

    I sugggest you try my application, Dates to iCal. It is shareware with a 2 week trial period.
    Dates to iCal 2 is a replacement for Apple's birthday calendar for iCal. It has a range of features to allow the user to choose what, and what not, to sync to iCal from Address Book.
    As well as automatically syncing birthday dates from Address Book, Dates to iCal 2 can sync anniversary and custom dates. It can set up to five alarms for each date in iCal and can also set different alarms for birthdays and anniversaries. It allows the option of only syncing from one Address Book group. This application also allows for the titles of the events sent to iCal to be modified to the user's preference.
    Best wishes
    John M
    As I sell software on my site and ask for donations, the Apple Support Communities Use Agreement requires that I state that I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.

  • Mouse-over a link

    when i mouse-over a link, i can see where that link brings me in the lower left corner. but when i enable the search (shift+f), the links are in the lower RIGHT corner. why? its really embarassing for example on facebook, because the chat windows can be found at the lower right corner, right where are these "links". can i change it some way? thanks in advance!

    You can use this extension to change that behavior:
    * Status-4-Evar:

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    Problem site
    Thanks in Advance,

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    Not believing that either.
    You should be able to edit your CSS in a text editor. If you are not sure what to do, set up a simple project using your CSS. Any text will do and create a link.
    See the Contact page on my site and follow the instructions there.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • I want to know how to get the web addresses to go away that appear in the bottom left corner of the browser every time my mouse goes over a link

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    Another option would be to use the following extension to push those messages into the status bar. It could be a convenient way to have your messages visible when you want them, but with less distraction.
    If you try it, let us know what you think.

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    Hello Raja.
    I believe that SAP note 49563 may help you.
    *This note also have some interesting 'Reference to related Notes'.
    I hope it helps,

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