Data type size in parameters?

hi to all,
why we can not give datatype size in procedure parameters any one help me urgent,

Welcome to the forum!
Chandra kumar wrote:
hi to all,
why we can not give datatype size in procedure parametersData types and sizes are given when a variable is declared. Arguments to procedures are not declared in the procedure, they are declared in a calling block, and then an existingvariable, with a data type and size, is passed to the procedure.
Someone started another thread on the same question just a little earlier: {message:id=10989165}. See that thread for more.
any one help me urgent,If you need help urgently, this is not the place to ask for it. People answer questions when they want to, not necesarily when you command them to. Using terms like "urgent" or "ASAP" is not only rude, it's self-defeating. That is, nobody will refuse to give you an answer because you did not say it was "urgent", but some people may not answer because you did say it.

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    Name Null? Type
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    satish asnani wrote:
    I am creating a view from base table using substr() for some fields. The data type size of the column in the view becomes twice the size of the corresponding column in the base table. Example
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    Name                                      Null?    Type
    NAME                                               VARCHAR2(40)Can i specify the size of the column while creating viewHi,
    Which platform and Oracel DB version?
    I had try to replicate, but I can't:
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      2  (id varchar2(20));
    Tabla creada.
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    Nombre                                                            ┐Nulo?   Tipo
    ID                                                                         VARCHAR2(20)
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      1  create view v_t_v
      2  as
      3  select substr(id,1,10) id
      4* from t_v
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    Nombre                                                            ┐Nulo?   Tipo
    ID                                                                         VARCHAR2(10)John

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  • Data type size does not match values returned

    I've tried searching but couldn't find what I was looking for, sorry if this has been answered or is a duplicate.
    I am using the (Java) method below to get the column definitions of a table. I am doing this through an ODBC connection (using Oracle ODBC driver) and I have NO CHOICE in the matter.
    The problem I am having is that one particular column has a column size is smaller than the size of the data it purportedly holds (ie attendance_code = varchar size 3 but data value is "Absent". I suspect the data is actually a look up to situation, where my attendance_code column has a value of 'ABS' and Oracle goes and fetchs the "Absent" value.
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    public ArrayList<SchemaColumn> getColumnsForTable(String catalog,
                   String schema,
                   String tableName) {
              ArrayList<SchemaColumn> columns = new ArrayList<SchemaColumn>();
              ResultSet rs = null;
              try {
                   DatabaseMetaData metaData = connection.getMetaData();
                   rs = metaData.getColumns(catalog, schema, tableName, "%");
                   SchemaColumn column;
                   while ( {
                        column = new SchemaColumn();
                        column.setColumnSize(rs.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE")); <-------- this is the value that is coming back smaller than the data it actually returns
              } catch (Exception e) {
                   Log.getLogger().error("Could not capture table schema");
              return columns;
    Edited by: user10382699 on Apr 11, 2011 4:15 PM

    John, thanks for your reply.
    As far as I know I'm not doing anything inaccurately/incorrectly.
    The select I am using is SELECT * FROM <tableName>.
    The resultset metadata has a size of 3 for the column in question, and querying the schema also yields 3 for that column.
    I've tried recreating the situation using the Oracle XE DB, but as I am not familiar with Oracle, I do not know how to recreate this scenario (which would then lead me to test other options with ODBC).


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    Hi Eccles,
    You can set all basic data types supported in flash viz.,
    Since in Action script , an Object can be anything (array , array of objects , array of objects which by themselves are array of objects and so on ) , you can virtualy send anything as widget params
    But there are two caveats to this
    1)Object References
    -Object References do not have any meaning once the swf is closed.But the widget params have to be stored across sessions.So If you send a reference as part of widget params it is not going to work.
    This is why sending a Movie Clip (which is actually a reference to an Object ) does not work
    If you want to send such things you will have to 'serialize' the object.
    2)Size of the Object that you send
    The size of the object that you send can have an impact on performance.And since any object that you send has to be converted into XML , objects like bitmaps can turn out to be huge and difficult to handle.
    This brings us down to this - you can send any object across as widget param as long as it is small and serialized.

  • Data type column size does not match size of values returned

    I've tried searching but couldn't find what I was looking for, sorry if this has been answered or is a duplicate.
    I am using the (Java) method below to get the column definitions of a table. I am doing this through an ODBC connection (using Oracle ODBC driver) and I have NO CHOICE in the matter.
    The problem I am having is that one particular column has a column size is smaller than the size of the data it purportedly holds (ie attendance_code = varchar size 3 but data value is "Absent". I suspect the data is actually a look up to situation, where my attendance_code column has a value of 'ABS' and Oracle goes and fetchs the "Absent" value.
    My issue is that the meta data returned from ODBC is the actual column definition (ie varchar(3) and not varchar2(10) for example).
    The resultset metadata has a size of 3 for the column in question, and querying the schema also yields 3 for that column.
    How do I resolve this? I do not have access to all_columns table etc. I have to do it using ODBC metadata only.
    I've tried recreating the situation using the Oracle XE DB, but as I am not familiar with Oracle, I do not know how to recreate this scenario (which would then lead me to test other options with ODBC).
    The select I am using is SELECT * FROM <tableName>.
    public ArrayList<SchemaColumn> getColumnsForTable(String catalog,
    String schema,
    String tableName) {
    ArrayList<SchemaColumn> columns = new ArrayList<SchemaColumn>();
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
    DatabaseMetaData metaData = connection.getMetaData();
    rs = metaData.getColumns(catalog, schema, tableName, "%");
    SchemaColumn column;
    while ( {
    column = new SchemaColumn();
    column.setColumnSize(rs.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE")); <-------- this is the value that is coming back smaller than the data it actually returns
    } catch (Exception e) {
    Log.getLogger().error("Could not capture table schema");
    return columns;

    I can't say I've ever seen a case where a column held more data than it was declared as, and would have to file that under "see it to believe it" category.
    Even if that somehow were the case, I'd expect the ODBC driver to return what the column is defined as anyway, not the data. The data changes with every row, but I'd expect the table metadata to be consistent, and refer to the table definition.
    For grins though, can you provide system.out.println output of the metadata, and also a "describe xxxx" from sqlplus if you can, where xxx is the table name?
    while ( {
    System.out.println("column name is " + rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME"));
    System.out.println("data type is " + rs.getInt("DATA_TYPE"));

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    Best regards

    Oesen wrote:
    The data type of the preprend array size in Flatten To String block is given as I32. Is it somehow possible to reduce the data type to I8, since the width and height of my array won't exceed 255 ?. I also need to do the same in Unflatten To String as well. 
    The short answer is no.  This is because the index is an I32.  NI likes to keep integers as an I32 whenever possible for reasons like this.
    Since you are dealing with a 2D array (width and height), it will actually use 2 I32s before the actual data.
    As Ravens stated, you could put in your own array sizes before the array in the string.  But it is worth saving 6 bytes?  Not likely.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

  • Data type with large size in a table and updating it

    Hi guys,
    i am working on a requirement in which i need to create 4 tables. Here, 2 tables will be updated by the user and a program will update this content to the other 2 table.
    2 days before i posted a query on this, Previously i stucked on a part where, table need to entries with size char 400 and char 9000. As from the reply, i changed it to STRING with which table was sucessfully created and i was able to update data through a report program.
    Now we ned to provide an sm30 option to users, so they can insert new contents and update the status of old contents. But when i tried this table maintanance generator, i got an error that table contains string, so maintanance generator cannot be done ! i changed the data type to rawstring also. Now maintanance generator got saved, but when i open the table in sm30, i am getting dump saying tht table is using string/char etc.
    can anyone tell me what data type to use in this scenario with which we can enter data through sm30 ?

    Hi Kithu,
    you can use STRING (or XSTRING) fields. Then there is no limit on the field size. As long as it is not (fully) filled with data, no space is wasted.
    The disadvantage is that STRING type data are treated as 'deep' structures. That leads to some trouble in the definition of interfaces. Give it a try!

  • Best data type to represent a file size

    Hi All!
    I have to create a table which holds details abou the files which process on a system and maintain the file name process, size of the file in byts, full path location the file is stores etc.
    My question is what would be the best data type for a file size, currently the system proceess 4 GB files but I do not know whether this will expand so I need a data type which will be compatible for any size ther will be no decimal points involved in this.
    I hope my question is clear.
    Thank you in advance.
    Regards, Shaamil.

    user8706423 wrote:
    Hi All!
    I have to create a table which holds details abou the files which process on a system and maintain the file name process, size of the file in byts, full path location the file is stores etc.
    My question is what would be the best data type for a file size, currently the system proceess 4 GB files but I do not know whether this will expand so I need a data type which will be compatible for any size ther will be no decimal points involved in this.
    I hope my question is clear.
    Thank you in advance.
    Regards, Shaamil.Simple as Oracle did in v$datafile's BYTES field:
    SQL> desc v$datafile
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    FILE#                                              NUMBER
    CREATION_CHANGE#                                   NUMBER
    CREATION_TIME                                      DATE
    TS#                                                NUMBER
    RFILE#                                             NUMBER
    STATUS                                             VARCHAR2(7)
    ENABLED                                            VARCHAR2(10)
    CHECKPOINT_CHANGE#                                 NUMBER
    CHECKPOINT_TIME                                    DATE
    UNRECOVERABLE_CHANGE#                              NUMBER
    UNRECOVERABLE_TIME                                 DATE
    LAST_CHANGE#                                       NUMBER
    LAST_TIME                                          DATE
    OFFLINE_CHANGE#                                    NUMBER
    ONLINE_CHANGE#                                     NUMBER
    ONLINE_TIME                                        DATE
    BYTES                                              NUMBER
    BLOCKS                                             NUMBER
    CREATE_BYTES                                       NUMBER
    BLOCK_SIZE                                         NUMBER
    NAME                                               VARCHAR2(513)
    PLUGGED_IN                                         NUMBER
    BLOCK1_OFFSET                                      NUMBER
    AUX_NAME                                           VARCHAR2(513)
    FIRST_NONLOGGED_SCN                                NUMBER
    FIRST_NONLOGGED_TIME                               DATE
    FOREIGN_DBID                                       NUMBER
    FOREIGN_CREATION_CHANGE#                           NUMBER
    FOREIGN_CREATION_TIME                              DATE
    PLUGGED_READONLY                                   VARCHAR2(3)
    PLUGIN_CHANGE#                                     NUMBER
    PLUGIN_RESETLOGS_CHANGE#                           NUMBER
    PLUGIN_RESETLOGS_TIME                              DATE

  • XML operation resulted an XML data type exceeding 2GB in size. Operation aborted.

    I have table with one million rows, when i am using xml path ('Root'), it giving me an error 
    "XML operation resulted an XML data type exceeding 2GB in size. Operation aborted."
    This is a limitation of sqlserver. I have to xml path because i have to create nodes and attributes. In more complex case i will be joining multiple tables to get id and other attributes so combining multiple xmls in not an option here.
    any workaround....thanks in advance

    Here an example of your query that retrieve record in batch of 2 records. In real code, you should save the last id retrieved and call the query in a loop.
    DECLARE @LASTID As Integer
    SET @LASTID = 0
    select top(@BATCHSIZE) id as "@id"
    ,name as "@name"
    select id as "@id"
    ,name as "@name"
    select *
    from @products p
    where p.customer_id =
    group by id,customer_id,name
    for xml path ('product'),Root('products'),type
    from @customer cs
    where cs.client_id =
    group by id,client_id,name
    for xml path ('customer'),Root('customers'),type
    from @client c
    where > @LASTID
    order by
    for xml path ('clients'),Root ('Main')

  • What is the size of number data type.

    what is the size of number data type (in term of memory storage ;byte ).
    Does it make different in size if mention number(38,0)?
    Thanks all in advance...:)
    Edited by: user10648897 on Jan 7, 2009 6:43 AM

    NUMBER (p,s)
    Number having precision p and scale s. The precision p can range from 1 to 38. The scale s can range from -84 to 127.number(38,0) = number(38)

  • What is the size of a string data type

    What is the size of a string data type. Also what is the maximum size upto which a text file can grow?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi cooldude,
    the size of a string is given back by the function "String size". Strings are dynamically managed in LabView.
    The max filesize is limited by the used filesystem. FAT-based systems are limited to 4GB (or was it 2GB?), other filesystems may allow more...
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

  • Pl/sql Procedure is Not Creating With the CLOB data Type

    I am Using Oracle 10g Express Edition Release2.... My Doubt is While creating a table With CLOB Data Type the table is created successfully,but while Creating a Procedure With the CLOB Data type i am getting an Error Message
    2667/5 PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    2667/24 PLS-00382: expression is of wrong type
    then i tried With the Varchar2(30000) the Procedure is Created Successfully note i have not changed any thing in my code except the data type.
    I am Just Confused ......Why the Procedure is not Created with CLOB Data type?
    Please advice ...
    Thank U

    Thanks for reply....Another Example
    set serveroutput on
    atable varchar2(64) := 'USER_MAS';
    acolumn varchar2(64) := 'MAIL_ID';
    avalue varchar2(64) := 'NEWYORK' ;
    dyn_sql clob;
    dyn_sql := 'update '||atable||' set '||acolumn||' = '''||avalue|| '''' ;
    execute immediate dyn_sql;
    commit ;
    Error at line 2
    ORA-06550: line 9, column 23:
    PLS-00382: expression is of wrong type
    ORA-06550: line 9, column 5:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    When i Changed the Data type to varchar2(64)
    update USER_MAS set MAIL_ID = 'NEWYORK'
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Commit complete.
    I like to Know the Reason Why the Procedure is Not Created in Oracle 10g XE DB
    Note :the Same Script i used in 11g DB the Procedure is Created Successfully....
    Why you need use CLOB or VARCHAR2 in your temp_num variable as you sending parameters as number?
    In the Procedure we are create some run time queries while executing the procedure. There are around 10 run time queries created.
    The size of each query is more than 4000 characters . We then add all the queries using union all after each query  to the clob variable as the normal varchar will not support.
    Please Advice
    Thank U

  • Alter mount database failing: Intel SVR4 UNIX Error: 79: Value too large for defined data type

    Hi there,
    I am having a kind of weird issues with my oracle enterprise db which was perfectly working since 2009. After having had some trouble with my network switch (replaced the switch) the all network came back and all subnet devices are functioning perfect.
    This is an NFS for oracle db backup and the oracle is not starting in mount/alter etc.
    Here the details of my server:
    - SunOS 5.10 Generic_141445-09 i86pc i386 i86pc
    - Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release
    - 38TB disk space (plenty free)
    - 4GB RAM
    And when I attempt to start the db, here the logs:
    Starting up ORACLE RDBMS Version:
    System parameters with non-default values:
      processes                = 150
      shared_pool_size         = 209715200
      control_files            = /opt/oracle/oradata/CATL/control01.ctl, /opt/oracle/oradata/CATL/control02.ctl, /opt/oracle/oradata/CATL/control03.ctl
      db_cache_size            = 104857600
      compatible               = 10.2.0
      log_archive_dest         = /opt/oracle/oradata/CATL/archive
      log_buffer               = 2867200
      db_files                 = 80
      db_file_multiblock_read_count= 32
      undo_management          = AUTO
      global_names             = TRUE
      instance_name            = CATL
      parallel_max_servers     = 5
      background_dump_dest     = /opt/oracle/admin/CATL/bdump
      user_dump_dest           = /opt/oracle/admin/CATL/udump
      max_dump_file_size       = 10240
      core_dump_dest           = /opt/oracle/admin/CATL/cdump
      db_name                  = CATL
      open_cursors             = 300
    PMON started with pid=2, OS id=10751
    PSP0 started with pid=3, OS id=10753
    MMAN started with pid=4, OS id=10755
    DBW0 started with pid=5, OS id=10757
    LGWR started with pid=6, OS id=10759
    CKPT started with pid=7, OS id=10761
    SMON started with pid=8, OS id=10763
    RECO started with pid=9, OS id=10765
    MMON started with pid=10, OS id=10767
    MMNL started with pid=11, OS id=10769
    Thu Nov 28 05:49:02 2013
    Thu Nov 28 05:49:02 2013
    ORA-00202: control file: '/opt/oracle/oradata/CATL/control01.ctl'
    ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status
    Intel SVR4 UNIX Error: 79: Value too large for defined data type
    Additional information: 45
    Trying to start db without mount it starts without issues:
    SQL> startup nomount
    ORACLE instance started.
    Total System Global Area  343932928 bytes
    Fixed Size                  1280132 bytes
    Variable Size             234882940 bytes
    Database Buffers          104857600 bytes
    Redo Buffers                2912256 bytes
    But when I try to mount or alter db:
    SQL> alter database mount;
    alter database mount
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00205: error in identifying control file, check alert log for more info
    From the logs again:
    alter database mount
    Thu Nov 28 06:00:20 2013
    ORA-00202: control file: '/opt/oracle/oradata/CATL/control01.ctl'
    ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status
    Intel SVR4 UNIX Error: 79: Value too large for defined data type
    Additional information: 45
    Thu Nov 28 06:00:20 2013
    ORA-205 signalled during: alter database mount
    We have already checked in everywhere in the system, got oracle support as well without success. The control files are in the place and checked with strings, they are correct.
    Can somebody give a clue please?
    Maybe somebody had similar issue here....
    Thanks in advance.

    Did the touch to update the date, but no joy either....
    These are further logs, so maybe can give a clue:
    Wed Nov 20 05:58:27 2013
    Errors in file /opt/oracle/admin/CATL/bdump/catl_j000_7304.trc:
    ORA-12012: error on auto execute of job 5324
    ORA-27468: "SYS.PURGE_LOG" is locked by another process
    Sun Nov 24 20:13:40 2013
    Starting ORACLE instance (normal)
    control_files = /opt/oracle/oradata/CATL/control01.ctl, /opt/oracle/oradata/CATL/control02.ctl, /opt/oracle/oradata/CATL/control03.ctl
    Sun Nov 24 20:15:42 2013
    alter database mount
    Sun Nov 24 20:15:42 2013
    ORA-00202: control file: '/opt/oracle/oradata/CATL/control01.ctl'
    ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status
    Intel SVR4 UNIX Error: 79: Value too large for defined data type
    Additional information: 45
    Sun Nov 24 20:15:42 2013
    ORA-205 signalled during: alter database mount

Maybe you are looking for