Database Job sysdate defaults to midnight

Oracle 11g on AIX.
I have a database job that inserts data into a table and one of the date columns I am inserting into is populated by using sysdate. No matter what time I run the job, the time always defaults to midnight. Anyone know why?
Owner of the procedure, owner of the table, and owner of the job are all the same. This same owner has the NLS date set to include the hour minutes and seconds. I have the exact same job setup for different databases, and it inserts the correct time. All DDL is the exact same for these databases.

AIX on 11g Code is posted below. The job runs every 4 hours so when I am trying to insert at 2am, it inserts the current date with 12:00:00AM added on instead of 2:00:00AM. Then the next time the job runs at 6am, the job fails because of a primary key constraint since it tries to insert 12:00:00AM again. All NLS parameters are set to default (null) on both databases. Fixed_date is not set. This problem occurs every time the job runs. The sysdate returns the correct date/time when running ordinary queries.
create or replace
insert into TEST.METRIC_HISTORY (instance_name, metric_date, metric_id, metric_name, metric_unit, metric_minimum, metric_maximum, metric_average)
WHEN 'SQL Service Response Time' then 'SQL Service Response Time (secs)'
WHEN 'Response Time Per Txn' then 'Response Time Per Txn (secs)'
WHEN 'SQL Service Response Time' then ROUND((MINVAL / 100),2)
WHEN 'Response Time Per Txn' then ROUND((MINVAL / 100),2)
WHEN 'SQL Service Response Time' then ROUND((MAXVAL / 100),2)
WHEN 'Response Time Per Txn' then ROUND((MAXVAL / 100),2)
WHEN 'SQL Service Response Time' then ROUND((AVERAGE / 100),2)
WHEN 'Response Time Per Txn' then ROUND((AVERAGE / 100),2)
where METRIC_ID in (2004,2107,2075,2106,2109,2003,2000,2103,2006,2058,2071,2061,2069,2108);
job_name => '"TEST"."TESTJOB"',
job_type => 'STORED_PROCEDURE',
job_action => '"TEST"."METRIC_GATHER"',
repeat_interval => 'FREQ=HOURLY;INTERVAL=4',
start_date => to_timestamp_tz('2010-05-24 14:00:00 CST6CDT', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS TZR'),
job_class => '"DEFAULT_JOB_CLASS"',
auto_drop => FALSE,
enabled => FALSE);
sys.dbms_scheduler.set_attribute( name => '"TEST"."TESTJOB"', attribute => 'raise_events', value => dbms_scheduler.job_failed);
sys.dbms_scheduler.set_attribute( name => '"TEST"."TESTJOB"', attribute => 'logging_level', value => DBMS_SCHEDULER.LOGGING_OFF);
sys.dbms_scheduler.set_attribute( name => '"TEST"."TESTJOB"', attribute => 'job_weight', value => 1);
sys.dbms_scheduler.enable( '"TEST"."TESTJOB"' );

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    Anyone encountered this before?

    Make sure to set the ODBCINI environment variable. The variable must point to the path from the root directory to the system information file where your data source resides. The system information file can have any name, but the product is installed with a default file called odbc.ini in the product installation directory.
    For example, if you use an installation directory of /opt/odbc and the default system information file, from the Korn or Borne shell, you would enter:
    ODBCINI=/opt/odbc/odbc.ini; export ODBCINI
    From the C shell, you would enter:
    setenv ODBCINI /opt/odbc/odbc.ini

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    Btw, we are using Oracle8.
    Thanks so much.

    Hello there.
    This is the code I used to submit the job:
    DBMS_JOB.ISUBMIT (1, 'my_storedproc;', trunc(SYSDATE)+(13.5/24), 'trunc(SYSDATE)+1+(13.5/24)', TRUE);
    Using Toad, I got these parameters pertaining to db job:
    Any feedback?
    Thanks again.

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        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Job ID: ' || jid);

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    No version number.
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    No information about where the procedure was put or what it did or why it was written or how you think it was supposed to be run.
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                    DestinationPlugin destDiskPlugin = (DestinationPlugin)diskObj;
                    DiskUnmanaged diskUnmanaged = (DiskUnmanaged)destDiskPlugin;
                    DestinationOptions destinationOptions = (DestinationOptions)diskUnmanaged.ScheduleOptions;
                    DiskUnmanagedOptions diskUnmanagedOptions = new DiskUnmanagedOptions(destinationOptions);
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    Hello, Gayathri;
    I am not aware of a method to get defaults from the Job Server.
    You can use Visual Studio .NET to schedule to a disk file. We do have samples associated with our Developers Library on line.
    The sample I am thinking of is "Schedule Report".
    Here is a simple sample that schedules to disk:
    Imports CrystalDecisions.Enterprise
    Imports CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Desktop
    Imports CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Dest
    Public Class ScheduleDisk
        Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
        Dim ceSession As EnterpriseSession
        Dim ceEnterpriseService As EnterpriseService
        Dim ceInfoStore As InfoStore
        Dim ceReportObjects As InfoObjects
        Dim ceReportObject As InfoObject
        Dim ceReport As Report
        Dim sQuery As String
    #Region " Web Form Designer Generated Code "
        'This call is required by the Web Form Designer.
        <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent()
        End Sub
        Private Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Init
            'CODEGEN: This method call is required by the Web Form Designer
            'Do not modify it using the code editor.
        End Sub
    #End Region
        Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
            'Put user code to initialize the page here
                'grab the Enterprise session
                If TypeOf Session.Item("ceSession") Is Object Then
                    ceSession = Session.Item("ceSession")
                    'Create the infostore object
                    ceEnterpriseService = ceSession.GetService("", "InfoStore")
                    ceInfoStore = New InfoStore(ceEnterpriseService)
                    'Create query to grab the desired report
                    sQuery = "Select SI_ID From CI_INFOOBJECTS Where SI_PROGID = 'CrystalEnterprise.Report' AND SI_Name='Consolidated Balance Sheet' AND SI_INSTANCE=0"
                    ceReportObjects = ceInfoStore.Query(sQuery)
                    'check for returned reports
                    If ceReportObjects.Count > 0 Then
                        ceReportObject = ceReportObjects.Item(1)
                        ceReport = CType(ceReportObject, Report)
                        'Create an interface to the scheduling options for the report.
                        Dim ceSchedulingInfo As SchedulingInfo
                        ceSchedulingInfo = ceReport.SchedulingInfo
                        'run the report right now
                        ceSchedulingInfo.RightNow = True
                        'run the report once only
                        ceSchedulingInfo.Type = CeScheduleType.ceScheduleTypeOnce
                        'When scheduling to all destinations except the printer, you must first retrieve
                        'the appropriate destination object. Each destination InfoObject is stored in the
                        'CMS system table (CI_SYSTEMOBJECTS) under the Destination Plugins folder
                        'Retrieve the DiskUnmanaged Plugin from CI_SYSTEMOBJECTS
                        Dim ceDestinationObjects As InfoObjects
                        Dim ceDestinationObject As InfoObject
                        ceDestinationObjects = ceInfoStore.Query("Select * from CI_SYSTEMOBJECTS Where SI_NAME = 'CrystalEnterprise.DiskUnmanaged'")
                        ceDestinationObject = ceDestinationObjects.Item(1)
                        'Create the DestinationPlugin object
                        Dim ceDisk As New DestinationPlugin(ceDestinationObject.PluginInterface)
                        'Create a diskUnmanagedOptions object and its ScheduleOptions from the Destination plugin
                        Dim ceDiskOpts As New DiskUnmanagedOptions(ceDisk.ScheduleOptions)
                        'Copy the properties from the Destination Plugin object into the report's scheduling
                        'information.  This will cause the file to be transfered to Disk after it has been run.
                        Dim ceDestination As Destination
                        ceDestination = ceSchedulingInfo.Destination
                        'schedule report
                        Response.Write("Report Scheduled Successfully with an Object ID of : " + ceReportObject.Properties("SI_NEW_JOB_ID").ToString)
                        Response.Write("<br>Report Scheduled to the following location: " + ceDiskOpts.DestinationFiles(1).ToString)
                        'no objects returned by query
                        Response.Write("No report objects found by query <br>")
                        Response.Write("Please click <a href='Index.aspx'>here</a> to return to the logon page.<br>")
                    End If
                    'no Enterprise session available
                    Response.Write("No Valid Enterprise Session Found!<br>")
                    Response.Write("Please click <a href='Index.aspx'>here</a> to return to the logon page.<br>")
                End If
            Catch err As Exception
                Response.Write("There was an error scheduling the report: <br>")
                Response.Write(err.Message.ToString + "<br>")
                Response.Write("Please click <a href='Index.aspx'>here</a> to return to the logon page.<br>")
            End Try
        End Sub
    End Class

  • Database job to send e-mail

    Hi All,
    I have a database job to send e-mail.

    That's great!
    We have one too!
    But no further questions/problems?
    Edited by: hoek on Mar 24, 2009 5:51 PM

  • How can I cause HP Mobile Printing print jobs to default to duplex printing?

    I purchased an HP Officejet Pro 8620 a few days ago--for use with my Windows 7 PCs. I want all print jobs to default to two-sided (i.e., duplex) printing.
    I used Windows' Devices and Printers to access the printer's preferences. I selected "Two-sided (Duplex) Printing" as the Printing Shortcut. This causes all print jobs from Windows to default to two-sided printing.
    (Side-point: I notice that all of the printing shortcuts have padlocks on them; if I change any of the properties, a new entry ("User Specified Print Settings") is created; I press the Cancel button to avoid creating the new entry.)
    Then I opened a 10-page PDF on an Android device and printed it using HP Mobile Printing (i.e., the HP Print Service Plugin on my Android device). The plugin interface has limited print options; duplex isn't one of them. The printer did not print the PDF duplexed!
    How can I cause *all* print jobs (including those from HP Mobile Printing) to default to duplex printing?

    There are several different printing solutions available for Android, such as HP's built-in print solution for Android, the HP ePrint mobile app, HP's built-in print solution for Android, etc..
    As much as I aware, none will allow setting duplex printing as default, still.. mobile printing is more limited than a standard PC..
    The HP plugin allow printing to a printer connected to the same local network from several apps which support the plugin, its features are limited as included in my previous link.
    The HP ePrint mobie app allow printing to both a printer connected to the same network or via the cloud using the HP ePrint service to print even when the Android device is not connected to the same network as the printer.
    As well there is a new 3rd party service, the Mopria Print Service which allow printing from specific apps through the local network, it should be quite similar to HP's built-in print solution for Android
    The following document list different printing solutions available for Android and can be viewed as a reference:
    The following document also list different prinitng solutions for Apple or Android devices and include a description of any of the options I included above:
    I surely do not mean to confuse you, but would like to provide you any of the options (Yes, I know, it is quite a confusing field..) and worth trying if it may allow changing the default settings, I personally not aware so it worth trying..
    Hope that helps,
    Say thanks by clicking the Kudos thumb up in the post.
    If my post resolve your problem please mark it as an Accepted Solution

  • Sometimes could not view Database job icon in Jobs page

    In dev Tidal  with admin access, sometimes the 'Database job' is missing on the main 'Jobs' page. Like the one below is missing the icon:
    So the job details are not appearing.
    This is happening in Windows 7 and in Windows XP no issues. The version of Tidal client is 5.3.1.
    Could some one let me know what needs to be done to fix this issue?
    Thank you.

    Copied the  client folder contents to a new folder(DEV) inside of Client and changed the properties of the Tidal client to reflect it:
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\TIDAL\Scheduler\Client\DEV"
    This seems to be working now.

  • Can't Delete Oracle Database Job

    i created an oracle database job and some of them is only a sample test job. i need to delete them but the delete option is not enabled. it looks like all the other oracle database job that i created can't be deleted. please advise thanks.

    it does not have. i guess a dependencies should not cause the problem because other jobs that does have dependencies can be deleted. it is only the oracle database job that can't be deleted. thanks.

  • Regarding Generate New Database Job

    Dear All,
    I have a query regarding Generate New Database job while extracting Local DB to developers.
    I got a request from multiple developers to extract Local DB for them. Do I have to run the Generate Database Job multiple times or is it enought if I run it once and then continue with DB extract Job for all the users?
    Please help me out on this query?

    As per oracle documentation ->
    "The Generate New Database component creates the local database template for a given database schema version. The component reads the database schema definition from the Siebel repository, then creates Siebel tables and indexes in a database template file stored on the Siebel Remote server in the dbtempl subdirectory."
    Basically after any changes in schema you should run "Generate New Database" job again. That was the reason why I mentioned about generating it again.

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    Try the usual DBA/ALL/USER prefixes for dictionary views:
    SQL> desc dba_scheduler_credentials;
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    OWNER                                     NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
    CREDENTIAL_NAME                           NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
    USERNAME                                  NOT NULL VARCHAR2(64)
    DATABASE_ROLE                                      VARCHAR2(7)
    WINDOWS_DOMAIN                                     VARCHAR2(30)
    COMMENTS                                           VARCHAR2(240)
    SQL> desc all_scheduler_credentials;
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    OWNER                                     NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
    CREDENTIAL_NAME                           NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
    USERNAME                                  NOT NULL VARCHAR2(64)
    DATABASE_ROLE                                      VARCHAR2(7)
    WINDOWS_DOMAIN                                     VARCHAR2(30)
    COMMENTS                                           VARCHAR2(240)
    SQL> desc user_scheduler_credentials;
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    CREDENTIAL_NAME                           NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
    USERNAME                                  NOT NULL VARCHAR2(64)
    DATABASE_ROLE                                      VARCHAR2(7)
    WINDOWS_DOMAIN                                     VARCHAR2(30)
    COMMENTS                                           VARCHAR2(240)

  • [10g] database job and expdp!!

    Hi, all.
    I want to run the followings by using database job on a daily basis.
    The database is
    "expdp system/oracle schemas=nmsuser dumpfile=test.dmp logfile=expdp_test.log"
    Is there anyone who could give me a hint or sample code?
    Thanks and Regards.

    Dear seenshoo.
    Thanks for your reply.
    I issued the followings.
    repeat_interval=>'freq=HOURLY; INTERVAL=1',
    comments=>'DAILY EXPORTING');
    Now, how can i excute it? I am reading manual, but do not know where it is.
    Thanks and Regards.

  • How to skip database JOBS during export &  import ?

    1) Is there a way to skip database jobs while exporting (EXPDP) ?
    2) Is there a way to skip database jobs while importing (IMPDP) ?

    johnpau2013 wrote:
    1) Is there a way to skip database jobs while exporting (EXPDP) ?I forgot where, but I have clipped following from some blog, that helped me with this question in the past. You may want to add more filters for schema as well ...
    #exclude scheduler jobs from expdp
    exclude=procobj:"IN (SELECT NAME FROM sys.OBJ$ WHERE TYPE# IN (47,48,66,67,68,69,71,72,74))"
    2) Is there a way to skip database jobs while importing (IMPDP) ?You can use exclude from above, or if your exclude file already does not contain scheduler/jobs, then you can do skip the exclude. do test before running on prod, it worked for me doesnt mean it will work for you 100%.

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