Database objects move

Please let me know is there a possibility to move database objects from one user to another user in the same database in Oracle
If so,Pls give your suggestion on the same

If source and target schemas belong to the same DB, maybe juste expdp object's metadata, then "insert as select" from one schema to the other.
+(So that the data doesn't do the roundtrip to external file)+
Or maybe expdp over db link to itself ?
+(never tried)+

Similar Messages

  • How to move database objects from one user to another user

    Could someone help how to move database objects from one user to another user
    Thanks in advance

    Thanks a lot for the reply.
    Actually I wanted to know whether there is any command to change the owner ship of the table.
    For ex table1 belongs to user1. can the owner of table1 to be changed to owner2.
    directly using an oracle command. I knew that it can be done using import and export, since the table was 200 million thought the rename command would be faster instead of import and export.
    Thanks Billy for letting me know that it is not possible using oracle query.

  • Move Data from Converted Database Objects Successfully Finish ?

    I am using SQL Developer try to migrate KSMMS database from SQL Server 2008 to Oracle 11g R2. After the migration process is done, the Captured Database Objects model, and Converted Database Objects model have been created in the Migration Projects Navigator panel on the left side, and the corresponding sql scripts has been generated in the project output directory. I run the sql scripts, it created all the tables, views, index and stored procedures in the oracle database, everything seems working perfectly. However when I try to Move Data (by right clicking Converted Database Objects) and try to move all the data from SQL Server to Oracle database, the Data moving process run less then 1 minute, and show me the result as Data Move successfully. I have about 1 GB data in the SQL Server database, it seems nothing has been moved into Oracle DB. Here are the detail structures of MS SQL Server Database which I am trying to migrate to Oracle:
    The SQL Server Database name is KSMMS, under that database there are 9 users (azteca, cwweb, dbo, guest, plladmin, pw, pwadmin, tbills, wsdadmin). All my application objects (tables, views, indexes, procedures) are under azteca user, during the migration process, Converted Database Objects creates user azteca_KSMMS and dob_KSMMS, all my application objects have been created under azteca_KSMMS user schema. The generated .sql scripts actually can create all the objects under azteca_KSMMS schema, however when I try to Move Data, nothing has been moved into Oracle database. I opened an SR#3-6708733861 last Friday, it seems Oracle Support can't find what cause the problem during the Data Move process. Any help regarding my questions will be highly appreciated. Thanks.

    I changed Data Move Mode to Online and run the Data Move again. Same Results: Migration action have completed successfully. However no records have been moved into Oracle tables.
    I am running SQL Developer under Windows 8 Operation system. There is no Oracle client software available for Windows 8, does that cause any problems?

  • Unable to backup oracle 8i database objects

    Hi ,
    i got the following error :
    Connected to: Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning option
    JServer Release - Production
    EXP-00056: ORACLE error 942 encountered
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    EXP-00000: Export terminated unsuccessfullyi am using the Oracle 9i Client to backup the object of an Oracle 8i database.
    is this the cause ?
    previously , my client was still on 8i and it could actually backup both the 8i & 9i database objects
    pls advise

    First off, the export and import utilities should be considered useful supplements to a proper physical backup but should not be used as the primary backup method for a production database.
    Second, Oracle pretty much requires that you use the version of the export utility that matches the lowest database version you're working with. You could generate the export files on the machine where the database runs, which guarantees that versions will match up, and move them elsewhere. Or you can have multiple versions of the Oracle client in different Oracle Homes on the same machine.

  • Traitement modules versus database object in Designer 9i

    In our environment, there was Designer 9i installed with non-enabled versioning. So, there is only one Global shared workarea, and all the applications system are granted to public who has all rights, and the developers maintain all the application (database objects and modules).
    Now, we want to revoke the insert, delete and update privileges on database object to the developers.
    The developers continue to maintain their modules and only the DBA, would be able to modify the database objects.
    What is the best way to do it?

    Then you should move the database objects to another workarea and grant only edit priviliges to your DBA - and these objects should be shared to your 'normal' development workarea (where the developers have all privs).
    But why the h*** should you want to do this? Packages, procedures and functions are database objects and should be developed by developers. Imho also views, tables, triggers etc should be developed by developers and not DBA's. A DBA is another kind of expertise than developer. If you try to make the developer's life (work) difficult, they will look for workarounds - and find them. And so making your project less productive and more complex.
    Keep the problem you are trying to solve in mind!

  • How to get the List of Database Objects (Table/View) for a given APEX Page.

    I have an application and that consist of pages like page1,2,3,.....
    *1.* I want a report which can give me the list of all the Pages1,2,3,....
    I am using the following query to acheive this.... THIS IS FINE..
    select a.workspace, a.owner, a.application_name, b.page_id, b.page_name
      from apex_applications a,
           apex_application_pages b
    where a.workspace = b.workspace
       and a.application_id = b.application_id*2. Now, I want for each individual page*, the list all the database objects (tables/views), which that page is using.
    I am using ALL_DEPENDENCIES , but I am not getting the result.
    So, want to know if there any view/table, where I can get the Application Pages & there database object list...

    Thanks for the response.
    The view APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_DB_ITEMS will only give me the table name related to any Page Items defined to that page..It will not give me all the database objects..
    suppose we have a Page, having a report based on multiple tables and there is no Page items defined on that page, we will not have any value in this ....DB_ITEMS table. same thing if we have define some PL|SQL(using some table/view) in a Process, that will not be populated in .....DB_ITEMS table. I want some thing like all the database objects (table/views/function/procedure/.....) for a particular Page ID.

  • Forced to remap one database object at a time

    Our application exposes a set of data objects (views) for external reporting. Field/row level data security conditions are built into the view definitions. Different access levels are segmented by schema names and in order to enable report reuse object names are identical between schemas.
    Users granted schema rights based on their access level.
    For example, user A is granted access only to the schema X which contains View1, View2, etc. while user B is granted access only to the schema Y which also contains View1, View2, etc.
    User A can reuse report created by user B (since object names are identical), however s/he cannot do it without first changing the data source location (since their access levels and therefore schema names are different).
    However, "Set Datasource Location" dialog (see sample screenshot below) does not allow one-click schema remapping. "Current Data Source" hierarchy does not directly expose schema name (it is listed as an "Owner" property of the individual table/view object) which forces user to remap one database object at a time by expanding top and bottom trees, highlighting matching objects and clicking "Update" button.
    Our question is: are there any menu items/settings or any other facilities in Crystal Report that would allow us to make re-mapping process less time-consuming?

    Hi Len,
    No, bottom line is the designer is used to "finalize" the report. It's not designed to be use this way. What I suggest you do is create an application that can set location/schema at view time to that person logging in. This way it's all done in the back end and relatively easy to do using one of our SDK's.
    Depending on what development tool and Report engine you use depends on which forum to post your question to. SAP will not create the application for you so you will need to get a developer involved.
    Thank you
    Senior Technical Assurance Engineer
    Developer Support Team
    Business Objects, an SAP Company

  • Error while import Database Objects in Oracle Module

    Hi All,
    I am getting dialog window saying below error when I click on Finish button on Import database objects wizard for oracle module.
    MMM 1034: Property ENCRYPT does not exist
    When clicked on detail button on error window it show below errors in detail
    MMM1034: Property ENCRYPT does not exist.
    MMM1034: Property ENCRYPT does not exist.
         at oracle.wh.repos.impl.extended.PropertyHelper.getProperty(
         at oracle.wh.repos.impl.extended.PropertyHelper.getScalarPropertyValue(
         at oracle.wh.repos.impl.extended.PropertyHelper.getScalarPropertyValue(
         at oracle.wh.ui.integrator.common.ImportEntityAlgorithm.setColumnEncrypted(
         at oracle.wh.ui.integrator.common.ImportEntityAlgorithm.doImportColumns(
         at oracle.wh.ui.integrator.common.ImportEntityAlgorithm.importColumns(
         at oracle.wh.ui.integrator.common.ImportEntityAlgorithm.importTable(
         at oracle.wh.ui.integrator.common.ImportEntityAlgorithm.dispatchElement(
         at oracle.wh.ui.integrator.common.ImportEntityAlgorithm.importElement(
         at oracle.wh.ui.integrator.sdk.EntityAccessor.importElement(
         at oracle.wh.ui.integrator.common.ImportService.importElement(
    Please see below information and steps I followed
    1. My PC running on Windows 7 64 bit
    2. Installed Oracle Database Enterprise Edition software
    3. Created a listner after insalling above database software
    4. Created data warehouse database and unlocked OWBSYS and OWBSYS_AUDIT accounts
    5. Set ORACLE_HOME=C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\
    6. Set TNS_ADMIN=C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\NETWORK\ADMIN
    7. After doing this I was able to connect all the source and data warehouse databases I am concerned with.
    7. Installed Oracle Warehouse Builder Client 64 bit
    8. Created repository using repository assistant insatlled duing database software.
    9. Created oracle database module for the schema created under data warehouse database.
    10. Tried to import database objects for the oracle module and got the error explained above when clicked on Finish
    Please someone reply to this thread since I searched lot on google and didn't get any solution and not understanding what this issue is.
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: Bhushan Bagul on Sep 7, 2012 2:46 AM

    it looks like not all objects are created for XX_BPEL_CREATEUSEMP
    synonyms and all grants are there ?

  • Find Database Object gives error message in

    Since updating to SQL Developer I've been getting error messages when running Find Database Object. The message on the logging page is: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    Followed by:
    select null name, -1 LINE, -1 COL, null USAGE,
    case when obj.object_type like 'JAVA%' then 'JAVA' else obj.object_type end TYPE,
    OWNER, case when obj.object_type like 'JAVA%' then 'JAVA' else obj.object_type end OBJECT_TYPE,
    from sys.dba_objects obj where rownum <= 500 and obj.object_type != 'TABLE PARTITION' and obj.object_type != 'TABLE SUBPARTITION' and obj.object_type != 'JAVA CLASS' and object_name like ?
    union all
    select null name, -1 LINE, -1 COL, null USAGE,
    from all_snapshot_logs where master like ?
    select null name, -1 LINE, -1 COL, null USAGE,
    from all_db_links where rownum <= 500 and db_link like ?
    union all
    select c.column_name name, -1 LINE, -1 COL, null USAGE, o.object_type TYPE, c.OWNER, o.object_type OBJECT_TYPE, c.table_NAME OBJECT_NAME
    from sys.all_tab_columns c, all_objects o
    where c.table_name=o.object_name and c.owner = o.owner and rownum <= 500 and c.column_name like ?
    union all
    from sys.all_identifiers where rownum <= 500 and name like ?
    My database version is:
    I'm grateful that SQL Developer peacefully coexists with earlier versions.
    Anything I can do?

    I cannot seem to find a bug or forum reference for this issue at the moment, but I recall there was some problem on 10g connections where SQL Developer thinks you have DBA view privileges even when you don't. So, on 11g, a user with very basic privileges can do a Find DB Object without seeing the error you got on On 10.2.0.x you should be able to workaround the problem if you can arrange to get grant select_catalog_role for that userid.

  • Database schema SCM does not contain the associated database objects

    I am getting the following error when i am trying to migrate the form to apex using application migration.
    "*Database schema SCM does not contain the associated database objects for the project, aafs.*
    *Ensure the database schema associated with the project contains the database objects associated with the uploaded Forms Module .XML file(s).* ".
    Actully i am having one schema which i named as SCM, and i have defined one table TT.
    I created one form test.fmb in which i used TT table.its compiled successfully.
    Then i generated the xml file using frmf2xml from fmb file. After that, I created the project in appication migration wizard in SCM schema.
    Project creattion is working fine.but when i m trying to create application,it is showing me above error.
    can any one help in solving this problem.

    Hi Hilary,
    Thanks for your response/feedback.
    1. The schema associated with the project does not contain the necessary objects Can you please verify that the schema associated with your Forms conversion project does in fact contain the objects associated with the uploaded files. Could you also verify that the object names referenced in the error message do not exist within the schema associated with your workspace. Ensure that the schema associated with the project contains the necessary database objects before proceeding to the generation phase of the conversion process.
    Yes it does contain the objects (See results from SQL query Commands below):
    000000569 551TA
    000000570 553TA
    000000575 560TA
    000000576 561TA
    000107888 502TA
    000108498 500TA
    000108502 503TA
    2. The block being converted contains buttons, which may have been incorrectly identified as database columns, and included in the original or enhanced query associated with your block This is a known issue ,bug 9827853, and a fix will be available in our upcoming 4.0.1 patch release. Some possible solutions to this issue are:
    -> delete the buttons before generating the XML
    -> delete the button tags from the XML
    -> add "DatabaseItem=No" for the button in the XML file before importing it in Apex.The button is excluded when creating the Application.
    yes it does contain push buttons to transfer to another forms and these are defined as Non data base items. Parial XML code provided below:
    - <Item Name="REPORTS" FontSize="900" DirtyInfo="true" Height="188" XPosition="4409" FontName="Fixedsys" ForegroundColor="black" DatabaseItem="false" Width="948" CompressionQuality="None" YPosition="3709" FontSpacing="Normal" Label="REPORTS" BackColor="canvas" FillPattern="transparent" ShowHorizontalScrollbar="false" FontWeight="Medium" ShowVerticalScrollbar="false" FontStyle="Plain" ItemType="Push Button">
    <Trigger Name="WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED" TriggerText="GO_BLOCK('REPORT_1');" />
    - <Item Name="TRACKHDR" FontSize="900" DirtyInfo="true" Height="188" XPosition="3409" FontName="Fixedsys" ForegroundColor="black" DatabaseItem="false" Width="948" CompressionQuality="None" YPosition="3709" FontSpacing="Normal" Label="TRACK" BackColor="canvas" FillPattern="transparent" ShowHorizontalScrollbar="false" FontWeight="Medium" ShowVerticalScrollbar="false" FontStyle="Plain" ItemType="Push Button">
    <Trigger Name="WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED" TriggerText="GO_BLOCK('TRACKHDRS');" />
    - <Item Name="SUBAWRD" FontSize="900" DirtyInfo="true" Height="188" XPosition="2429" FontName="Fixedsys" ForegroundColor="black" DatabaseItem="false" Width="948" CompressionQuality="None" YPosition="3719" FontSpacing="Normal" Label="SUBAWARDS" BackColor="canvas" FillPattern="transparent" ShowHorizontalScrollbar="false" FontWeight="Medium" ShowVerticalScrollbar="false" FontStyle="Plain" ItemType="Push Button">
    3. If you are still experiencing issues, then please create a testcase on and update this thread with the workspace details so I can take a look.
    Test case details are given below. It was created per ORACLE for open Service Request Number 3-1938902931 on ORACLE Metalink.
    Workspace: contract4
    username: [email protected] (my email)
    Password: contract4
    For my migration/testing purpose a dabatase link and synonyms have been setup by our ORACLE DBA. Could this be causing this problem?
    Do we know when the fix 4.0.1 patch release will be available?
    Thanks for your help.

  • Is the only way to import large amount of data and database objects into a primary database is to shutdown the standby, turn off archive log mode, do the import, then rebuild the standby?

    I have a primary database that need to import large amount of data and database objects. 1.) Do I shutdown the standby? 2.) Turn off archive log mode? 3.) Perform the import? 4.) Rebuild the standby? or is there a better way or best practice?

    Instead of rebuilding the (whole) standby, you take an incremental (from SCN) backup from the Primary and restore it on the Standby.  That way, if, for example
    a. Only two out of 12 tablespaces are affected by the import, the incremental backup would effectively be only the blocks changed in those two tablespaces (and some other changes in system and undo) {provided that there are no other changes in the other ten tablespaces}
    b. if the size of the import is only 15% of the database, the incremental backup to restore to the standby is small
    Hemant K Chitale

  • Objects move when adding pages

    When I add/remove pages, or just move pages around in my document using the Pages panel, random objects on some pages move. They normally move just a slight amount, and stay with the page, but it is very annoying. I never know which objects will move, and I have to spend a lot of time trying to find the ones that have moved. Then if I move pages again, or add/remove pages, other random objects move. Does anyone else have this problem, or know how to stop it?

    Try sending one of these files through .idml and see if it makes a difference. See  You may also want to try replacing the preferences. See  If you don't know what layout adjustment is, it's not likely that you've turned it on, and it probably wouldn't do this anyway except to move objects snapped to guides on master pages that have different left/right layouts.

  • Unable to import offline database objects (8.1.5)

    I tried to create database diagram in JDeveloper 10.1.3 and I hit the error. Firstly, I tried to create the Offline Database Objects. At step 2 of 3 (Select Objects), it failed.
    oracle.javatools.db.DBException: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
         at oracle.javatools.db.ora.BaseOracleDatabase.listObjectsImpl(
         at oracle.javatools.db.AbstractDBObjectProvider.listObjects(
    Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.receive(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CStatement.doOall8(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CStatement.execute_for_describe(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.execute_maybe_describe(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CStatement.execute_maybe_describe(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.executeQuery(
         at oracle.javatools.db.ora.BaseOracleDatabase.listObjectsImpl(
         ... 5 more
    My database is Oracle 8.1.5. I did the same thing on Oracle10g and it worked fine. The database connection is fine and username/[password are right, too.
    I hate to say bug but I am wondering if Oracle8.1.5 was not supported by JDeveloper.

    JDeveloper is only certified with 8.1.7 and above so it may be an incompatability between 8.1.5.

  • Where is the database object administration GUI in Oracle XE 11g?

    Please read my whole question, because I'm sure people will misunderstand, and tell me to load http://localhost:8080/apex in my browser.  I know that is there.
    I am a previous user of Oracle XE 10g, but I just installed Oracle Express 11g. I only want to use it to get a local instance of Oracle database. The 10g APEX UI provided an easy way to administer database objects (users, schemas, and the like), but it appears the 11g APEX UI is some kind of weird application development environment that I don't want to use. It doesn't even seem aware of the schemas I created in the database using SQL Plus.
    So, where is the regular admin GUI for Oracle database objects like users/schemas (i.e. something that will list the schemas that exist in the database, and allow me to add or delete them)? Or does 11g force you to do that using SQL (in which case, I'm going to go back to 10g).

    No, SQL workshop is not what I want.
    Basically, I don't want to deal with this concept of a "workspace" at all. It's useless to me and just gets in my way. All I want is a a UI where I can view a list of the schemas that exist in the database, and manipulate them easily.
    I have TOAD, so I could use that, but I liked the old 10g administration GUI, since it provided the exact functionality at the exact level of complexity that I needed.

  • JDev 10g: Problem when generating database objects from UML diagram

    I have noticed following problem.
    I made some business components through UML diagrammer in 9.0.3. From the diagram I generated database objects. It worked fine.
    When I doing the same thing in 10g, the generation fails on several tables with the message that the "identifier is too long".
    Looking at the SQL produced in one of the failing tables. In 9.0.3 following is produced:
    create table sfs_document_def (
    id number constraint document_definition_id_check not null,
    caption varchar2(100) constraint document_definition_caption_ch not null,
    index1 number,
    owner_type number constraint document_definition_owner_type not null
    alter table sfs_document_def add (constraint documentdefinition_primary_key primary key (id));
    And in 10g following is produced:
    create table sfs_document_def (
    id number,
    caption varchar2(100) constraint sfs_document_def_caption_check not null,
    index1 number,
    owner_type number constraint sfs_document_def_owner_type_ch not null
    alter table sfs_document_def add ( constraint documentdefinition_primary_key primary key (id));
    alter table sfs_document_def add ( constraint document_definition_id_check check ("id" is not null));
    alter table sfs_document_def add ( constraint sfs_document_def_caption_check_10 check ("caption" is not null));
    alter table sfs_document_def add ( constraint sfs_document_def_owner_type_ch_10 check ("owner_type" is not null));
    It seems that column that are set not to be null in 10 g first get a constraint creating the table and then when altering the table. Furthermore, notice that the name of the second constraint is longer than 30 chars, which is reason to the error when creating the tables.

    Thanks for reporting the issue. I have managed to reproduce your problem and logged a bug to get the problem fixed.
    Lisa Sherriff
    JDev QA

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