DataGrid SelectedIndices from a different MXML component

I am refreshing a data grid that resides in my main component, from a sub-component. This works if I invoke the web service method to rebind the dataprovider, and I do not reference the datagrid directly from the sub component.
My trouble is that I use checkboxes in my datagrid. I need to reset the selectIndices of the datagrid, but anytime I try to reference the datagrid directly it is NULL. The datagrid loses its checkbox selections every time I call the refresh, so I must explicitly reset the selectedIndices.
How can I reset the datagrid's selectedIndices from a different MXML component? Why is my datagrid always NULL in my web service's result event handler?
How can I directly reference my main component's datagrid, from my sub-component?

Hi Devtron,
You can figure this out by using events..
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" creationComplete="onCreationComplete();" xmlns:comp="comp.*">
   private function onCreationComplete():void
   private function refreshGrid(event:Event):void
    comp1.dataGrid.dataProvider = null;
<comp:Component1 id="comp1" />
<comp:Component2 id="comp2" />
Now in your Component2 dispatch the refreshGridEvent event either on a button click or when your UI elements changes based on your requirement...this.dispatchEvent(new Event('refreshGridEvent')); and listen for the evet in manin mxml file and change the dataProvider of the dataGrid in Component1.
Note: This solution is if your both components are placed in the main mxml file. Is your structure is same as I mentioned in the code above..I mean
whether your two components are placed in the main mxml file.

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               xmlns:mx="library://" xmlns:local="*">
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              <!-- <local:FlexCMS -->

    I did something similar in the past for a few of my apps.
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    Since you are already tied in to the top level application then I would add a listener at the application level and in the component do a:
    However, I can't help but encourage you to decouple this functionality and pass events around rather than what you are currently doing.
    There are a few ways you can do this.  One is to use an MVC framework to model your application after.
    A simpler approach even would be to have the component simploy dispatch events to itself and have whatever is creating the component listen for the events and do higher level functionality.
    Good Luck!

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    private var _desc:String = "";
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    You have several issues, and several options here. First, a
    custom event can pass any data you want, and is not very hard to
    However, there is a still easier way. All of the Event
    objects have a "target" and "currentTarget" property which give you
    a reference to the object that dispatched the event.
    So, in your component, implement a public property, say like
    public function get Title():String{
    return _title;
    then in a handler function you can do:
    private function onMovieTitle(event:Event):void {
    var sMovieTitle:String = event.currentTarget.Title; //watch
    out for reserved words, though
    There are two ways to listen for an event. One easy way is to
    use a bubbling event. Some folks advise against bubbling event
    because of potential event name collisions, but this may not be a
    concern for you. It has not yet concerned me enough to make me
    avoid using bubbling.
    The other way is to declare handler on the component itself.
    Also, if you use a metadata tag, you can assign the handler on the
    mxml tag, instead of using addEventListener():
    <mx:Canvas xmlns:mx=""
    [Event(name="MovieTitle", type="")]
    Then, in you main app:
    <myComp id="mc1" ... MovieTitle="onMovieTitle" ...
    Without the metadata, you would do
    Using a bubbling event:
    change the dispatchEvent to this:
    dispatchEvent(new Event("MovieTitle",true)); //the 'true'
    makes it bubble
    Then, in the main app, listen ON the main app(this):

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    <mx:VBox xmlns:mx=""

    "mavdzee" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gldjg8$js8$[email protected]..
    > Hi,
    > I am trying to use the "implements" attribute for an
    MXML-component in
    > order
    > to implement an interface from a library like below
    (Flex 3). I get the
    > error
    > "Interface IClonable not found". The compiler does not
    complain about "
    > import
    >;", so the library is
    installed correctly. I
    > use
    > the library in many places in my project, it just does
    not find it in the
    > "implements" tag. How can I fix this without
    reimplementing the component
    > in
    > ActionScript?
    > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    > <mx:VBox xmlns:mx=""
    > implements="">
    > <mx:Script>
    > <![CDATA[
    > import;
    > ]]>
    > </mx:Script>
    > </mx:VBox>
    I don't see anything where you're actually _implementing_ the
    interface, but
    I'd expect to see a different error if that's the problem.
    Still, I'd go
    ahead and implement the properties and methods in the
    interface, just to
    make sure.

  • Can't reference methods in a Bean from a Composite JSF Component.

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    <html xmlns="" xmlns:f="" xmlns:h=""
    xmlns:cc="" xmlns:af="">
    <cc:attribute name="manager" method-signature="java.lang.String helloTest()" required="true"/>
    Hello #{cc.attrs.manager} !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    When I try to call it in a JSFF file:
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <ui:composition xmlns:ui=""
    <icc:TestCC manager="#{viewScope.PatientClinicalBean.helloTest}"/>
    The page crashes at my composite tag with the following message in the console:
    javax.el.ELException: //C:/Documents and Settings/tlam/Application Data/JDeveloper/system11. javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: //C:/Documents and Settings/tlam/Application Data/JDeveloper/system11. @13,86 manager="#{viewScope.PatientClinicalBean.helloTest}": The class 'patient.profile.PatientClinicalBean' does not have the property 'helloTest'.
    But my managed bean does have a public String helloTest() method, as well as other methods that work fine elsewhere in my JSFF page:
    public class PatientClinicalBean{
    String test = "TESTING";
    public String helloTest() {
    return test;
    I have tried this many times with different methods, all with the same result. Yet if my composite component outputs just a string and I enter the expression <icc:TestCC manager="#{viewScope.PatientClinicalBean.test}"/> to access the String test field directly it executes properly. I can't seem to reference any of the methods in PatientClinicalBean from only my composite component, when other method calls work fine in the same JSFF page. All other examples I've seen on the web have no problems doing this the same way I have, am I missing something?!
    Edited by: tnology on 24-Oct-2012 14:13
    Edited by: tnology on 24-Oct-2012 14:14
    Edited by: tnology on 24-Oct-2012 14:16

    What if you change the method in the class like this?
    public String getHelloTest() {
      return test;
    }If you attempt to read a property call abc from a bean, you need to have a method called getAbc(). If you attempt to set a property called abc, you need to have a method called setAbc(...). This is JavaBeans convention.

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      newChild = new mcComp();
    I want to setup a few more custom parameters which belongs to this class. For example, now I want to set a label's text, this label is at the child.
    The issue is that the label isn't created until I exit the creation function, and actually, until my code returns control to the Flash Player.
    See my problem here?
    With custom classes which resides at .AS files, when I instantiate them with the "new" operator, they run their constructure's code and eveything is fine.
    But, when I do the same with those MXML components (which by the way are based over the Canvas class), their constructure do not execute and actually no other child of them is created.
    Can anyone please advise? I must be missing some keyword here.. hopefully.

    Hi Natasha thanks,
    The issue is that the creationComplete event doesn't dispatch even when I addChild() the object.
    var child:mcChild = null;
    for(var i:int; i < 3; i++)
         child = new mcChild();
         // setting some properties, labels' text etc'
    Try this and you'll see - the event doesn't dispatch until you got out of the code flow.
    Anyway after looking at Flex's documentation I solved it differently;
    After the addChild() call the child receives an "initialize" event. After that I could modify my label.
    Thank you though!

  • How to insert data coming from 2 different file adapters in to one DB adapt

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    I configured all the adapters perfectly..........Can any one can help me how to Commit 2 nd receive to insert data in the 2nd table

    Thank u both for ur replay.........
    I am doing this in 11g there is no problem regarding transform activity.
    My requirement is
    two different files from two different folders in a drive & we can't use one file adapter bcoz both have different columns(only few are common columns) so we use two different xsd's .So, i am using two file adapters to insert in database having two different tables with respect to two different files data coming from two file adapters. i am using one DB adapter to insert bcoz both tables are in same database with relationships & i used BPEL(define service later) .
    The flow i did 1st file adater--->receive--->transform---->invoke----->DB adapter.....Then again repeating this as keeping 2nd receive below 1st invoke
    2nd file adapter-------->2nd receive---->2nd invoke------>same DB adapter
    MY problem is only data coming from 1st process is inserting & 2nd one is not working as i discussed earlier........I USED READ FILE OPTION, UNCHECKED DELETE FILES OPTION & SET DIFFERENT POLLING FREQUENCY FOR BOTH FILE ADAPTERS.
    I tried to set correlation but it is not working & later tried i kept non-blocking invoke as TRUE in DB adapter also didn't work...........also i tried this transaction property in bpel component _<property name="bpel.config.transaction"_
    many="false" type="xs:string">required / requiresNew</property>...............BUT NO CHANGE...........
    Edited by: 910162 on Apr 5, 2012 12:38 AM

  • Event Fired when a mxml component is shown on screen

    I have following application structure nested up to 2/3 level.
         linkbar connected to viewstack
                   mxml Component
                   mxml Component
    mxml componet in turn has similar structure
         linkbar connected to viewstack
                   mxml Component
                   mxml Component
    and end component is form which is shown and actions performed
    I want to execute specific code when the form is first time shown
    which will collect data from server and will show for further actions.
    User will edit/delete/update data with various button clicks.
    I tried activate event on end component but it seems that it wont get
    fired at all. End components are enclosed in BorderContainer or Group.
    To test activate event I have used only but popup is not shown
    when I select link button on penutimate linkbar.
    If I am doing something wrong please let me know as well please
    guide me which event shall I use so that whenever linkbutton is
    pressed on linkbar it will fire that event. In that event I can check
    whether it has been called earlier by checking some variable which
    will be null in creation complete and set in event fired when linkbutton is pressed.
    Thanks and regards

    I think 'creationComplete' is the closest event to what you are looking for.

  • How to create custom MXML component accepting other MXML componenents as children

    How can I create an MXML component that when I use it in the "main" MXML, accepts other MXML components...
    For example:
    How do you declare such a component?
    Thanks in advance

    Bhè non so se ho capito .. ti spiego la prova che ho fatto io.. Dunque, io ho provato a creare un mio componente Custom e a metterci dentro degli oggetti miei di esempio.. Il componente di esempio si chiama mioComponenteCustom e all'interno è strutturato in questo modo:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Group xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://" xmlns:mx="library://">
    Al posto dei puntini ci metto quello che voglio.. nel tuo caso i tuoi 2 famosi pulsanti..
    All'esterno chiamerò :
    Dove DataGrid è un componente a caso qualsiasi.. Ora, con questa struttura non ricevo errori e sembra andare bene..
    Dimmi se ho capito bene o volevi fare altro..

  • How to import MXML Component in ActionScript

    I'm having a structure similar to this:
       - components
           - subcomponents (MyCustomMXMLComponent)
       - views
    In views package I have a piece of AS where I want to instantiate an MXML Component from subcomponents.
    In Views:
    var data:DisplayObjectContainer=new components.subcomponents['MyCustomMXMLComponent'];
    But that throws an error.
    I need a syntax similar to the one above because I'm running a for loop and changing data variable to be a new MXML component on each iteration.
    Any idea how I can solve this?
    Thank you.

    OK, so:
    var length:int=arrSubcomponents.length;
    for(var i:uint=0;i<length;i++)
              //Decide parent
              var parent:IVisualElementContainer;
              if(arrSubcomponents[i].group && arrsUbcomponents[i].group==1){parent=firstGroup;}
              //Add to parent
              var childClassName:String='components.subcomponents.'+arrsUbcomponents[i].className;
              trace(childClassName);//So far so good the path is correct, I checked.
              var childClass:Class=Class(getDefinitionByName(childClassName));
              trace(childClass);//It breaks here with the error below
              var child:IVisualElement=new childClass() as IVisualElement;
    The error:
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable FirstCustomMXMLComponent is not defined.
              at global/flash.utils::getDefinitionByName()

  • How to reference BPMN process from a different Composite

    I have one "master" composite that defines a BPMN process. This process takes the input and, based on that input, will direct the workflow to the required BPMN process. There will be several BPMN process that can be referred to, and each one is created in its own Composite.
    Currently, in the "master" composite, I've created a Web Service Adapter that is a reference to the required BPMN process from a different composite.
    There seems to be something missing my composite.xml source though, for when I try to compile everything, I get an exception.
    First, here's the XML for the reference in the "master" composite. You can see that there is no value for the web service port or location. I'm not sure what it should be because this is all design-time. At some point, I will deploy all of the composites to one server.
    <reference name="AssetSubmissionService"
    <interface.wsdl interface=""
    < port="" location=""/>
    < port=""/>
    The exception is: Error(12,61): Parse of component type files failed, check the adf-config.xml file : "Error at line 32 char 38: Malformed WS Binding port. Missing # between namespace URI and service/port names."

    There needs to be a binding defined in the other WSDL. If there is not at design time you may need to deploy the 2nd composite in order to get a copy of its WSDL with a binding defined.
    Adam DesJardin

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    Hi im just a beginner in flex.Someone please giude me.
    I have a main MXML which holds another MXML.Is there any
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    thanks in advance

    Thankyou man..its working...i might require ur help in the
    coming days...
    hei do u have any experience in drawing API

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