DataGridView : ScrollBars not showing

Hi all.
  I have a WinForms application. It is c#, .NET 2.0. On a form, I have 3 DataGridView controls. They all have their ScrollBars property set to Both. The scroll bars for the first two grids work ok, the third grid never shows them. There is absolutely no difference in the definition of the grids. The only difference is that the 3rd gird is wider. So far, I've tried to:
- set the AutoSizeMode property of the columns to different values, did not work.
- set the AutoSizeColumnsMode of the grid, it did not work.
- changed the size of the grid, it did not work(originally it was wider than the form. Making it smaller did not work).
Does anybody know what I can do to get the 3rd grid to show the scrollbars ?
Thanks in advance for your help,

I came across this post while trying to solve the same problem.  I had a datagridview with databinding and when it was filled, it resized right off the form, with no scroll bars. I realized I'd set the grid itself to autoresize.  As soon as I set
autoresize (of the grid, not the col or row) back to false, scrollbars appear again.
Seems kind of obvious now... if the grid resizes to fit the data, there is no need for scrollbars :)
dataGridView1.AutoSize = false; // or set in control properties

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  • Vertical scrollbar not showing all the records when I scroll down.

    Vertical scrollbar not showing all the records when I scroll down.
    Using Oracle forms 10g , operating system windows
    I have two fields with number of items dispayed = 15.
    I have a vertical scroll bar with them. There are 34 records in the table but the scrollbar only shows 15 records.
    Here are the properties for block / scrollbar.
    - Subclass Information                           
    - Comments                                       
    * Navigation Style                                Same Record
    - Previous Navigation Data Block                 
    - Next Navigation Data Block                     
    - Current Record Visual Attribute Group          
    - Query Array Size                                0
    - Number of Records Buffered                      0
    * Number of Records Displayed                     60
    * Query All Records                               No
    - Record Orientation                              Vertical
    * Single Record                                   No
    - Database Data Block                             Yes
    - Enforce Primary Key                             No
    - Query Allowed                                   Yes
    - Query Data Source Type                          Table
    * Query Data Source Name                          WORK_CATEGORY
    * Query Data Source Columns                      
    * Column Name                                   JOB_TYPE
    * Column Type                                   VARCHAR2
    - Column Type Name                             
    - Parent Column                                
    * Length                                        30
    * Precision                                     0
    * Scale                                         0
    * Mandatory                                     Yes
    * Column Name                                   WORK_CATEGORY
    * Column Type                                   VARCHAR2
    - Column Type Name                             
    - Parent Column                                
    * Length                                        30
    * Precision                                     0
    * Scale                                         0
    * Mandatory                                     Yes
    - Query Data Source Arguments                    
    - Alias                                          
    - Include REF Item                                No
    * WHERE Clause                                   
    * ORDER BY Clause                                 job_type
    - Optimizer Hint                                 
    - Insert Allowed                                  Yes
    - Update Allowed                                  Yes
    - Locking Mode                                    Automatic
    - Delete Allowed                                  Yes
    - Key Mode                                        Automatic
    - Update Changed Columns Only                     No
    - Enforce Column Security                         No
    - Maximum Query Time                              0
    * Maximum Records Fetched                         0
    - DML Data Target Type                            Table
    - DML Data Target Name                           
    - Insert Procedure Name                          
    - Insert Procedure Result Set Columns            
    - Insert Procedure Arguments                     
    - Update Procedure Name                          
    - Update Procedure Result Set Columns            
    - Update Procedure Arguments                     
       Don't know where am I going wrong. I'll really appreciate if you can help me in this.
    Edited by: 831050 on Sep 14, 2011 8:05 AM

    One of the items is a list item.. here are it's properties:
    * Name                                          JOB_TYPE
    * Item Type                                     List Item
    - Subclass Information                         
    - Comments                                     
    - Help Book Topic                              
    - Enabled                                       Yes
    * Elements in List                             
    * Label                                      
    * List Item Value                             LIST20
    * List Style                                    Combo Box
    - Mapping of Other Values                      
    - Implementation Class                         
    - Case Restriction                              Mixed
    - Popup Menu                                   
    - Keyboard Navigable                            Yes
    - Mouse Navigate                                Yes
    - Previous Navigation Item                     
    - Next Navigation Item                         
    - Data Type                                     Char
    - Data Length Semantics                         Null
    - Maximum Length                                30
    - Initial Value                                
    * Required                                      Yes
    * Copy Value from Item                         
    - Synchronize with Item                        
    - Calculation Mode                              None
    - Formula                                      
    - Summary Function                              None
    - Summarized Block                             
    - Summarized Item                              
    - Current Record Visual Attribute Group        
    - Distance Between Records                      0
    * Number of Items Displayed                     15
    - Database Item                                 Yes
    * Column Name                                   JOB_TYPE
    - Primary Key                                   No
    - Query Only                                    No
    - Query Allowed                                 Yes
    - Insert Allowed                                Yes
    - Update Allowed                                Yes
    - Update Only if NULL                           No
    - Visible                                       Yes
    * Canvas                                        CANVAS2
    - Tab Page                                     
    * X Position                                    47
    * Y Position                                    137
    * Width                                         187
    * Height                                        18
    - Visual Attribute Group                        DEFAULT
    - Prompt Visual Attribute Group                 DEFAULT
    - Foreground Color                             
    * Background Color                              white
    - Fill Pattern                                 
    - Font                                         
    * Font Name                                     Tahoma
    * Font Size                                     10
    * Font Weight                                   Demilight
    * Font Style                                    Plain
    * Font Spacing                                  Normal
    * Prompt                                        Job Type
    - Prompt Display Style                          First Record
    * Prompt Justification                          Start
    * Prompt Attachment Edge                        Top
    - Prompt Alignment                              Start
    * Prompt Attachment Offset                      10
    * Prompt Alignment Offset                       0
    - Prompt Reading Order                          Default
    - Prompt Foreground Color                      
    - Prompt Font                                  
    * Prompt Font Name                              Tahoma
    * Prompt Font Size                              10
    * Prompt Font Weight                            Bold
    * Prompt Font Style                             Plain
    * Prompt Font Spacing                           Normal
    - Hint                                         
    - Display Hint Automatically                    No
    - Tooltip                                      
    - Tooltip Visual Attribute Group               
    - Direction                                     Default
    - Initial Keyboard State                        Default
    - Keyboard State                                Any

  • ScrollBars not showing up properly

    I am displaying a JTree in a JScrollPane with default settings ie. both horizontal and vertical scroll bars will show up when the contents can not fit in to the scroll pane.In this case when i expand the tree nodes the scroll bars are not showing up properly.It looks like the foreground is not painted properly.The background color is white here.We are using custom look and feel, not the standard one. Any idea why it is so?
    Thanx in advance

    This is the MetalTheme i am using.
    public class SSBCMetalTheme extends javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalTheme
    //     private final ColorUIResource primary1 = new ColorUIResource(102,102,153);
         private final ColorUIResource primary1 = new ColorUIResource(0,0,0);
    //     private final ColorUIResource primary2 = new ColorUIResource(153,153,204);
         private final ColorUIResource primary2 = new ColorUIResource(153,153,153);
    //     private final ColorUIResource primary3 = new ColorUIResource(204,204,255);
         private final ColorUIResource primary3 = new ColorUIResource(204,204,204);
    private final ColorUIResource windowBackground = new ColorUIResource(Color.white);
    private final ColorUIResource textHighlight = new ColorUIResource(;
         private final ColorUIResource secondary1 = new ColorUIResource(102,102,102);
         private final ColorUIResource secondary2 = new ColorUIResource(153,153,153);
         private final ColorUIResource secondary3 = new ColorUIResource(204,204,204);
    //     private FontUIResource controlFont = new FontUIResource("Dialog",Font.BOLD,12);
         private FontUIResource controlFont = new FontUIResource("Dialog",Font.BOLD,11);
    //     private FontUIResource systemFont = new FontUIResource("Dialog",Font.PLAIN,12);
         private FontUIResource systemFont = new FontUIResource("Dialog",Font.PLAIN,11);
    //     private FontUIResource userFont = new FontUIResource("Dialog",Font.PLAIN,12);
         private FontUIResource userFont = new FontUIResource("Dialog",Font.PLAIN,11);
         private FontUIResource smallFont = new FontUIResource("Dialog",Font.PLAIN,10);
         public String getName() { return "SSBC"; }
         protected ColorUIResource getPrimary1() { return primary1; }
         protected ColorUIResource getPrimary2() { return primary2; }
         protected ColorUIResource getPrimary3() { return primary3; }
         protected ColorUIResource getSecondary1() { return secondary1; }
         protected ColorUIResource getSecondary2() { return secondary2; }
         protected ColorUIResource getSecondary3() { return secondary3; }
         //public ColorUIResource getWindowBackground() { return (primary3); };
         public ColorUIResource getWindowBackground() { return windowBackground; };
         public ColorUIResource getDesktopColor() { return (primary3); };
         public ColorUIResource getTextHighlightColor(){ return primary3;}
    //public ColorUIResource getControlDisabled(){ return primary3;}
    //public ColorUIResource getControlHighlight(){ return windowBackground;}
         public FontUIResource getControlTextFont() { return controlFont;}
         public FontUIResource getSystemTextFont() { return systemFont;}
         public FontUIResource getUserTextFont() { return userFont;}
         public FontUIResource getMenuTextFont() { return controlFont;}
         public FontUIResource getWindowTitleFont() { return controlFont;}
         public FontUIResource getSubTextFont() { return smallFont;}
    I can't use windows look and feel as i am using the above look and feel.Any idea what is the problem?

  • ScrollBars not showing up for the JPanel [urgent]

    I have a frame in which i have two nested split panes i.e one horizontal splitpane and in that i am having one more split pane on the right side and a JTree on the left side.In the second split pane (which is a vertical split) ,as a top component , i am setting a JScrollPane in which i am trying to display a JPanel which is having a lot of swing components in it.I want to see the scroll bars for this panel so that i can see all the components.Do i have to implement Scrollable interface for this panel to scroll in the ScrollPane.I don't know how to implement Scrollable interface.Can some body help me in resolving this?This is some what urgent.Any help will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    Thank you all for your replies.I added the scroll bar policy.The scroll bars are showing up but the components inside the Panel are not moving.I want the components to move when i am scrolling.Here is my code.In the code SeriesDescPanel, SeriesDescMapPanel are sub classes of JPanel.I am using null layout to add the components to these panels.
    public class MainWindow extends JFrame implements TreeExpansionListener
    public MainWindow()
    throws RemoteException
    // This code is automatically generated by Visual Cafe when you add
              // components to the visual environment. It instantiates and initializes
              // the components. To modify the code, only use code syntax that matches
              // what Visual Cafe can generate, or Visual Cafe may be unable to back
              // parse your Java file into its visual environment.
              setTitle("Series Maintenance");
              getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout(0,0));
              getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.CENTER, JSplitPane1);
              newSeriesGroupMenuItem.setText("New Series Group");
              newSeriesGroupMenuItem.setActionCommand("New Series Group");
              newSeriesMenuItem.setText("New Series");
              newSeriesMenuItem.setActionCommand("New Series");
              bulkLoadMenuItem.setText("Bulk Load");
              bulkLoadMenuItem.setActionCommand("Bulk Load");
              drsMenuItem.setText("DRS override");
              drsMenuItem.setActionCommand("DRS override");
              bulkLoadFormatMenuItem.setText("Bulk Load Format");
              bulkLoadFormatMenuItem.setActionCommand("Bulk Load Format");
    JSplitPane2 = new javax.swing.JSplitPane();
    upperPanel = new SeriesDescPanel();
    JScrollPane2 = new javax.swing.JScrollPane(upperPanel,
    JScrollPane3 = new javax.swing.JScrollPane();
    //JScrollPane1.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(126, 478));
    //JScrollPane2.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(426, 409));
    lowerPanel = new SeriesDescMapPanel();
    seriesTreeModel = new SeriesTreeModel(SeriesMaintenanceUI.getSeriesGroupInfo());
    //upperPanel.scrollRectToVisible(new Rectangle(upperPanel.getWidth(),
    //JSplitPane2.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(426,200));
    SeriesDescPanel upperPanel;
    SeriesDescMapPanel lowerPanel;
    SeriesTreeModel seriesTreeModel;
    SeriesTreeModel searchTreeModel;
    javax.swing.JSplitPane JSplitPane2;
    javax.swing.JScrollPane JScrollPane2;
    javax.swing.JScrollPane JScrollPane3;
    javax.swing.JTree tickersTree = new javax.swing.JTree();
    javax.swing.JTree searchTree = new javax.swing.JTree();
    javax.swing.JScrollPane alphabeticPane = new javax.swing.JScrollPane();
    javax.swing.JTabbedPane viewPane = new JTabbedPane(SwingConstants.BOTTOM);
    javax.swing.JScrollPane searchDataPane = new javax.swing.JScrollPane();
         javax.swing.JSplitPane JSplitPane1 = new javax.swing.JSplitPane();
         javax.swing.JMenuBar menuBar = new javax.swing.JMenuBar();
         javax.swing.JMenu seriesMenu = new javax.swing.JMenu();
         javax.swing.JMenuItem newSeriesGroupMenuItem = new javax.swing.JMenuItem();
         javax.swing.JMenuItem newSeriesMenuItem = new javax.swing.JMenuItem();
         javax.swing.JSeparator JSeparator1 = new javax.swing.JSeparator();
         javax.swing.JMenuItem serachMenuItem = new javax.swing.JMenuItem();
         javax.swing.JSeparator JSeparator2 = new javax.swing.JSeparator();
         javax.swing.JMenuItem saveMenuItem = new javax.swing.JMenuItem();
         javax.swing.JSeparator JSeparator3 = new javax.swing.JSeparator();
         javax.swing.JMenuItem exitMenuItem = new javax.swing.JMenuItem();
         javax.swing.JMenu adminMenu = new javax.swing.JMenu();
         javax.swing.JMenuItem bulkLoadMenuItem = new javax.swing.JMenuItem();
         javax.swing.JMenuItem drsMenuItem = new javax.swing.JMenuItem();
         javax.swing.JMenu helpMenu = new javax.swing.JMenu();
         javax.swing.JMenuItem tutorialMenuItem = new javax.swing.JMenuItem();
         javax.swing.JMenuItem bulkLoadFormatMenuItem = new javax.swing.JMenuItem();
         javax.swing.JMenuItem aboutMenuItem = new javax.swing.JMenuItem();
    Pl. help me in resolving this.

  • [F8/AS2] ScrollPane scrollbars not showing in IE. WHYYYYY!!

    Argh! ScrollPane is a Pain! Been working on this for 2 weeks!
    In a container movie, I have loaded an swf that contains a
    scrollPane which in turn loads an external swf.
    In Firefox, it works like a charm. In IE, the scroll bars do
    not appear!
    Here is the code I am using in the swf that contains the
    var scrollContent:mx.containers.ScrollPane;
    scrollContent.contentPath ="ABSOLUTE_LINK_TO_MY.SWF";
    scrollContent.border_mc._height = 0;
    scrollContent.border_mc._width = 0;
    The live example is here. Click on Programs then Purple Scarf
    On the Internet, I've seen tons of posts about this problem.
    But no matter where I look, no one posts a solution. Can anyone
    here help? PLEASE!!!!
    Thank you

    Argh! ScrollPane is a Pain! Been working on this for 2 weeks!
    In a container movie, I have loaded an swf that contains a
    scrollPane which in turn loads an external swf.
    In Firefox, it works like a charm. In IE, the scroll bars do
    not appear!
    Here is the code I am using in the swf that contains the
    var scrollContent:mx.containers.ScrollPane;
    scrollContent.contentPath ="ABSOLUTE_LINK_TO_MY.SWF";
    scrollContent.border_mc._height = 0;
    scrollContent.border_mc._width = 0;
    The live example is here. Click on Programs then Purple Scarf
    On the Internet, I've seen tons of posts about this problem.
    But no matter where I look, no one posts a solution. Can anyone
    here help? PLEASE!!!!
    Thank you

  • YahooMail in FireFox Only is not loading completely. Icons, Flags, Scrollbars etc not showing up

    This does not happen in IE, only FireFox. When Yahoo Mail loads it does not "Load" completely. Icons, Flags, Scrollbars, direction arrows, etc. do NOT load. The functions still exist and work, but if I didn't already know where some of them are located it would be impossible to use them because the "visual icons" do not show up.

    *[[Images or animations do not show]]
    See also

  • I am using a multiline textbox and the problem is its not showing vertical scrollbar in safari browser.

    I am using a multiline textbox and the problem is its not showing vertical scrollbar in safari browser.

    If you are having problems scrolling within a frame then you should be able to use two fingers within the frame to scroll

  • Text Entry Box not showing all text

    I am creating a simple exercise where I would like the user to copy text from the course, paste it into word, and report back what the word count is.  I thought perhaps the Text Entry Box would be the best way to go, since if you click on the existing (default) text, you can copy it.  However after I place the paragraph of text in the box, and resize in the editor so that all the text shows, it does not show all the text when playing back, either previewd or published.  It only shows the last few words of the last line at the top of the box.
    Is there something I am missing?  Or, is there an easier/better way to do what I need?

    Hi all
    If this is Captivate 4, there may not be any need for a widget to do this. I'm guessing you haven't tried enabling the Scroll Bar for the Text Entry Box (TEB)?
    When I just plop a TEB on a slide, I get this in edit view:
    During playback it looks like this:
    But if I edit the TEB properties and enable the Show Scrollbar option:
    I get this in the output:
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
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  • UIScrollBar Not showing up

    I hope someone can help me with this,
    I am using external XML in 3 dynamic text boxes all 3 have a
    UIScrollBar attached, when I play the movie In the IDE the
    scrollbars all show up as they should but if I put the swf file in
    a HTML page the Arrow Up, Arrow down and the thumb do not show up
    so I have no scrolling. Any Ideas why this would be happening

    "Ipod not showing up on Itunes."
    Try these.
    iPod appears in Windows Explorer but does not appear in iTunes.
    iPod does not appear in iTunes.
    Fast user switching in Windows XP is not supported.
    Strange iPod behavior.
    When restoring the iPod, put it into disk mode first.
    Putting iPod into disk mode.

  • JTable Problem (table does not show rows and columns)

    Hi All,
    What the table is suppose to do.
    - Load information from a database
    - put all the values in the first column
    - in the second column put combobox (cell editor with numbers 1-12)
    - the 3rd column put another combobox for something else
    - the 4th column uses checkbox as an edit
    The number of rows of the table should be equal to the number of
    record from
    the database. If not given it default to 20 (poor but ok for this)
    The number of columns is 4.
    But the table does not show any rows or
    column when I put it inside a
    JScrollPane (Otherwise it works).
    Please help,
    thanks in advance.
    public class SubjectTable extends JTable {
    * Comment for <code>serialVersionUID</code>
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    /** combo for the list of classes */
    protected JComboBox classCombo;
    /** combo for the list of subjects */
    protected JComboBox subjectsCombo;
    /** combo for the list of grade */
    protected JComboBox gradeCombo;
    boolean canResize = false;
    boolean canReorder = false;
    boolean canSelectRow = false;
    boolean canSelectCell = true;
    boolean canSelectColumn = true;
    // the row height of the table
    int rowHeight = 22;
    // the height of the table
    int height = 200;
    // the width of the table
    int width = 300;
    // the size of the table
    Dimension size;
    * Parameterless constructor. Class the one of the other constructors
    * create a table with the a new <code>SubjectTableModel</code>.
    public SubjectTable() {
    this(new SubjectTableModel());
    * Copy constructor to create the table with the given
    * <code>SubjectTableModel</code>
    * @param tableModel -
    * the <code>SubjectTableModel</code> with which to
    * the table.
    SubjectTable(SubjectTableModel tableModel) {
    * Function to setup the table's functionality
    private void setupTable() {
    // set the row hieght
    // set the font size to 12
    //TODO this.setFont(Settings.getDefaultFont());
    // disble reordering of columns
    // disble resing of columns
    // enable the horizontal scrollbar
    // disable row selection
    // disable column selection
    // enable cell selection
    TableColumn columns = null;
    int cols = getColumnCount();
    for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
    columns = getColumnModel().getColumn(col);
    switch (col) {
    case 0:// subject name column
    case 1:// grade column
    case 2:// class room column
    case 3:// select column
    } // end switch
    }// end for
    // set up the cell editors
    * Function to clear the table selection. This selection is different
    * <code>javax.swing.JTable#clearSelection()</code>. It clears the
    * input
    public void clear() {
    for (int row = 0; row < getRowCount(); row++) {
    for (int col = 0; col < getColumnCount(); col++) {
    if (getColumnName(getColumnCount() - 1).equals("Select")) {
    setValueAt(new Boolean(false), row, getColumnCount() - 1);
    }// if
    }// for col
    }// for row
    * Function to set the cell renderer for the subjects column. It uses
    * combobox as a cell editor in the teacher's subjects table.
    public void doSubjectColumn() {
    TableColumn nameColumn = getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
    nameColumn.setCellEditor(new DefaultCellEditor(getSubjectsCombo()));
    // set up the celll renderer
    DefaultTableCellRenderer renderer = new DefaultTableCellRenderer();
    renderer.setToolTipText("Click for drop down list");
    // Set up tool tip for the sport column header.
    TableCellRenderer headerRenderer = nameColumn.getHeaderRenderer();
    if (headerRenderer instanceof DefaultTableCellRenderer) {
    ((DefaultTableCellRenderer) headerRenderer)
    .setToolTipText("Click the Name to see a list of choices");
    }// end doSubjectsColumn----------------------------------------------
    /** Function to set up the grade combo box. */
    public void doGradeColumn() {
    TableColumn gradeColumn = getColumnModel().getColumn(1);
    gradeColumn.setCellEditor(new DefaultCellEditor(getGradeCombo()));
    DefaultTableCellRenderer renderer = new DefaultTableCellRenderer();
    renderer.setToolTipText("Click for drop down list");
    // Set up tool tip for the sport column header.
    TableCellRenderer headerRenderer = gradeColumn.getHeaderRenderer();
    if (headerRenderer instanceof DefaultTableCellRenderer) {
    ((DefaultTableCellRenderer) headerRenderer)
    .setToolTipText("Click the Grade to see a list of choices");
    }// end doGradeColumn-------------------------------------------------
    * Function to setup the Class room Column of the subjects
    public void doClassColumn() {
    // set the column for the classroom
    TableColumn classColumn = getColumnModel().getColumn(2);
    classColumn.setCellEditor(new DefaultCellEditor(getClassCombo()));
    DefaultTableCellRenderer renderer = new DefaultTableCellRenderer();
    renderer.setToolTipText("Click for drop down list");
    // Set up tool tip for the sport column header.
    TableCellRenderer headerRenderer = classColumn.getHeaderRenderer();
    if (headerRenderer instanceof DefaultTableCellRenderer) {
    ((DefaultTableCellRenderer) headerRenderer)
    .setToolTipText("Click the Class to see a list of choices");
    }// end doClassColumn--------------------------------------------------
    * Function to get the size of the table
    * @return Returns the size.
    public Dimension getSize() {
    if (this.size == null) {
    this.size = new Dimension(this.height, this.width);
    return this.size;
    * Function to set the size of the table
    * @param dim
    * The size to set.
    public void setSize(Dimension dim) {
    if (dim != null) {
    this.size = dim;
    * Function to create/setup the class room comboBox. If the comboBox
    * <code>null</code> a nwew one is created else the functon returns
    * function that was returned initially.
    * @return Returns the classCombo.
    private JComboBox getClassCombo() {
    if (this.classCombo == null) {
    this.classCombo = new JComboBox();
    // fill up the class name combo
    ArrayList classRooms = new ArrayList();
    try {
    //TODO classRooms = Settings.getDatabase().getClassRooms();
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    String string = new String("Class");
    string += i;
    if (!classRooms.isEmpty()) {
    for (int i = 0; i < classRooms.size(); i++) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return this.classCombo;
    * Function to create/setup the subjects comboBox. If the comboBox is
    * <code>null</code> a nwew one is created else the functon returns
    * function that was returned initially.
    * @return Returns the subjectsCombo.
    private JComboBox getSubjectsCombo() {
    if (this.subjectsCombo == null) {
    this.subjectsCombo = new JComboBox();
    try {
    ArrayList subjects = loadSubjectsFromDatabase();
    if (!subjects.isEmpty()) {
    Iterator iterator = subjects.iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
    // create a new subject instance
    //TODO Subject subct = new Subject();
    // typecast to subject
    //TODO subct = (Subject);
    String name = (String);
    // add this subject to the comboBox
    //TODO this.subjectsCombo.addItem(subct.getName());
    }// end while
    }// end if
    else {
    "Subjects List Could Not Be Filled");
    System.out.println("Subjects List Could Not Be Filled");
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return this.subjectsCombo;
    * Function to load subjects from the <code>Database</code>
    * @return Returns the subjects.
    private ArrayList loadSubjectsFromDatabase() {
    // list of all the subject that the school does
    ArrayList subjects = new ArrayList();
    try {
    //TODO to be removed later on
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    String string = new String("Subject");
    string += i;
    subjects.add(i, string);
    // set the school subjects
    //TODO subjects = Settings.getDatabase().loadAllSubjects();
    } catch (Exception e1) {
    return subjects;
    * Function to create/setup the grade comboBox. If the comboBox is
    * <code>null</code> a nwew one is created else the functon returns
    * function that was returned initially.
    * @return Returns the gradeCombo.
    private JComboBox getGradeCombo() {
    if (this.gradeCombo == null) {
    this.gradeCombo = new JComboBox();
    // fill with grade 1 to 12
    for (int i = 12; i > 0; i--) {
    this.gradeCombo.addItem(new Integer(i).toString());
    return this.gradeCombo;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
    UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new Plastic3DLookAndFeel());
    System.out.println("Look and Feel has been set");
    } catch (UnsupportedLookAndFeelException e) {
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    SubjectTableModel model = new SubjectTableModel();
    int cols = model.getColumnCount();
    int rows = model.getRowCount();
    Object[][] subjects = new Object[rows][cols];
    for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
    subjects[row][0] = new String("Subjectv ") + row;
    SubjectTable ttest = new SubjectTable(model);
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("::Table Example");
    JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane();
    ----------------------------THE TABLE
    * Created on 2005/03/21
    * SubjectTableModel
    import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel;
    * Class extending the <code>AbstractTableModel</code> for use in
    creating the
    * <code>Subject</code>s table. In addition to the implemented methods
    * <code>AbstractTableModel</code> The class creates a model that has
    * values - the values have their own <code>getter</code> and
    * <code>setter</code> methods - but can still be used for values that
    a user
    * chooses.
    * <p>
    * @author Khusta
    public class SubjectTableModel extends AbstractTableModel {
    * Comment for <code>serialVersionUID</code>
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 3257850978324461113L;
    /** Column names for the subjects table */
    String[] columnNames = { "Subject", "Grade", "Class Room",
    "Select" };
    /** Array of objects for the subjects table */
    Object[][] subjectsList;
    private int totalRows = 20;
    protected int notEditable = 0;
    * Parameterless constructor.
    public SubjectTableModel() {
    // TODO initialise the list
    // add column to the default table model
    this.subjectsList = new
    * Copy constructor with the <code>subjectList</code> to set
    * @param subjects
    public SubjectTableModel(Object[][] subjects) {
    this(0, null, subjects, 0);
    * Copy constructor with the initial number of row for the model
    * @param rows -
    * the initial rows of the model
    * @param cols -
    * the initial columns of the model
    * @param subjects -
    * the initial subjects for the model
    * @param edit - the minimum number of columns that must be
    public SubjectTableModel(int rows, String[] cols, Object[][]
    subjects, int edit) {
    // set the initial rows
    // set the column names
    // set the subjectlist
    //set not editable index
    * Function to get the total number of columns in the table
    * @return int -- the columns in the table
    public int getColumnCount() {
    if (this.subjectsList == null) {
    return 0;
    return getColumnNames().length;
    * Function to get the total number of rows in the table
    * @return int -- the rows in the table
    public int getRowCount() {
    if (this.subjectsList == null) {
    return 0;
    return this.subjectsList.length;
    * Function to get the name of a column in the table.
    * @param col --
    * the column to be named
    * @return String -- the column in the table
    public String getColumnName(int col) {
    if (getColumnNames()[col] != null) {
    return getColumnNames()[col];
    return new String("...");
    * Function to get the value of the given row.
    * @param row --
    * the row of the object.
    * @param col --
    * the col of the object.
    * @return Object -- the value at row, col.
    public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) {
    return getSubjectsList()[row][col];
    * Function to return the data type of the given column.
    * @param c --
    * the column whose type must be determined.
    * @return Class -- the type of the object in this col.
    public Class getColumnClass(int c) {
    if (getValueAt(0, c) != null) {
    return getValueAt(0, c).getClass();
    return new String().getClass();
    * Function to put a value into a table cell.
    * @param value --
    * the object that will be put.
    * @param row --
    * the row that the object will be put.
    * @param col --
    * the col that the object will be put.
    public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col) {
    * TODO: Have a boolean value to determine whether to clear or
    to set.
    * if true clear else set.
    if (value != null) {
    if (getSubjectsList()[0][col] instanceof Integer
    && !(value instanceof Integer)) {
    try {
    getSubjectsList()[row][col] = new
    fireTableCellUpdated(row, col);
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    * JOptionPane .showMessageDialog( this., "The \""
    * getColumnName(col) + "\" column accepts only
    * between 1 - 12");
    System.out.println("Value = " + value.toString());
    System.out.println("Column = " + col + " Row = " + row);
    // column = Grade or column = Select
    switch (col) {
    case 2:
    try {
    // TODO
    if (Boolean.getBoolean(value.toString()) == false
    && getValueAt(row, 0) != null
    && getValueAt(row, 1) != null
    && getValueAt(row, 2) != null) {
    // subjectsList[row][col + 1] = new
    System.out.println("2. false - Updated...");
    * this.subjectListModel.add(row,
    * this.subjectsList[row][0] + new String(" -
    ") +
    * this.subjectsList[row][2]);
    } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException exception) {
    case 3:
    if (Boolean.getBoolean(value.toString()) == false
    && getValueAt(row, 0) != null
    && getValueAt(row, 1) != null
    && getValueAt(row, 2) != null) {
    System.out.println("3. If - Added...");
    getSubjectsList()[row][3] = new Boolean(true);
    this.subjectListModel.addElement(this.subjectsList[row][0] +
    * new String(" - ") + this.subjectsList[row][2]);
    // subjectListModel.remove(row);
    fireTableCellUpdated(row, col);
    // this.doDeleteSubject();
    } else if (Boolean.getBoolean(value.toString()) ==
    && getValueAt(row, 0) != null
    && getValueAt(row, 1) != null
    && getValueAt(row, 2) != null) {
    setValueAt("", row, col - 1);
    setValueAt("", row, col - 2);
    setValueAt("", row, col - 3);
    System.out.println("3. Else - Cleared...");
    // this.subjectListModel.remove(row);
    }// end switch
    getSubjectsList()[row][col] = value;
    fireTableCellUpdated(row, col);
    }// end if
    }// end
    * Function to enable edition for all the columns in the table
    * @param row --
    * the row that must be enabled.
    * @param col --
    * the col that must be enabled.
    * @return boolean -- indicate whether this cell is editble or
    public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col) {
    if (row >= 0
    && (col >= 0 && col <= getNotEditable())) {
    return false;
    return true;
    * Function to get the column names for the model
    * @return Returns the columnNames.
    public String[] getColumnNames() {
    return this.columnNames;
    * Function to set the column names for the model
    * @param cols
    * The columnNames to set.
    public void setColumnNames(String[] cols) {
    // if the column names are null the default columns are used
    if (cols != null) {
    this.columnNames = cols;
    * Function to get the rows of subjects for the model
    * @return Returns the subjectsList.
    public Object[][] getSubjectsList() {
    if (this.subjectsList == null) {
    this.subjectsList = new
    return this.subjectsList;
    * Function to set the subjects list for the model
    * @param subjects
    * The subjectsList to set.
    public void setSubjectsList(Object[][] subjects) {
    // if the subject list is null create a new one
    // using default values
    if (subjects == null) {
    this.subjectsList = new
    this.subjectsList = subjects;
    * Function to get the total number of rows for the model. <b>NB:
    </b> This
    * is different to <code>
    * is the initial amount of rows that the model must have before
    data can be
    * added.
    * @return Returns the totalRows.
    * @see #setTotalRows(int)
    public int getTotalRows() {
    return this.totalRows;
    * Function to set the total rows for the model.
    * @param rows
    * The totalRows to set.
    * @see #getTotalRows()
    public void setTotalRows(int rows) {
    // if the rows are less than 0 the defaultRows are used
    // set getTotalRows
    if (rows > 0) {
    this.totalRows = rows;
    * Function to get the number of columns that is not editble
    * @return Returns the notEditable.
    public int getNotEditable() {
    return this.notEditable;
    * Function to set the number of columns that is not editable
    * @param notEdit The notEditable to set.
    public void setNotEditable(int notEdit) {
    if (notEdit < 0) {
    notEdit = 0;
    this.notEditable = notEdit;
    ----------------------------END TABLE MODEL----------------------------------

    I hope you don't expect us to read hundreds of lines of unformatted code? Use the "formatting tags" when you post.
    Why are you creating your own TableModel? It looks to me like the DefaultTableModel will store you data. Learn how to use JTable with its DefaultTableModel first. Then if you determine that DefaultTableModel doesn't provide the required functionality you can write your own model.

  • Server 2008 R2 does not show Internet Explorer 10/11 Group Policy options

    I have a Windows Server 2008 R2 server that has IE11 installed. I am attempting to create a GPO to control Proxy settings for IE10/11 clients, however, when I go to User Config>Preferences> Control Panel Settings> Internet Settings and Right click,
    I do not see an option for IE10, only IE5 and 6, IE7, and IE8. 
    I have downloaded and installed the Administrative Templates for Internet Explorer from
    here, and followed the installation instructions, but still, the option does not show up. I have ensured that all the latest Windows Updates are installed on the server, and rebooted
    the server a couple times. 
    What am I missing here? 
    Thanks in advance.

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    var strHtml = "<html>\n"; strHtml += "<head>\n"; strHtml += "<title>" + getExplainWindowTitle() + "</title>\n"; strHtml += "<style type='text/css'>\n" +
    getExplainWindowStyles() + "</style>\n"; strHtml += "</head>\n"; strHtml += "<body>\n"; strHtml += "<div class='head'>" + strSettingName +"</div>\n"; strHtml
    += "<div class='path'><b>" + getExplainWindowSettingPathLabel() + "</b><br/>" + strSettingPath +"</div>\n"; strHtml += "<div class='path'><b>" + getExplainWindowSupportedLabel()
    + "</b><br/>" + strSupported +"</div>\n"; strHtml += "<div class='info'>\n"; strHtml += "<div class='hdr'>" + getExplainWindowExplainTextLabel() + "</div>\n";
    strHtml += "<div class='bdy'>" + strSettingDescription + "</div>\n"; strHtml += "<div class='btn'>"; strHtml += getExplainWindowPrintButton(); strHtml += getExplainWindowCloseButton();
    strHtml += "</div></body></html>"; var strDiagArgs = "height=360px, width=630px, status=no, toolbar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes "; var expWin ="", "expWin", strDiagArgs); expWin.document.write("");
    expWin.document.close(); expWin.document.write(strHtml); expWin.document.close(); expWin.focus(); //cancels navigation for IE. if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > 0) { window.event.returnValue = false; } return false; } --> </script>
    Group Policy Management
    body { font-size:68%;font-family:MS Shell Dlg; margin:0px,0px,0px,0px; border: 1px solid #666666; background:#F6F6F6; width:100%; word-break:normal; word-wrap:break-word; } .head { font-weight:bold; font-size:160%; font-family:MS
    Shell Dlg; width:100%; color:#6587DC; background:#E3EAF9; border:1px solid #5582D2; padding- height:24px; } .path { margin- margin- margin-bottom:5px;width:100%; } .info { padding-width:100%; } table { font-size:100%; width:100%; border:1px solid #999999;
    } th { border-bottom:1px solid #999999; text-align:left; padding- height:24px; } td { background:#FFFFFF; padding- padding-bottom:10px; padding- } .btn { width:100%; text-align:right; margin- } .hdr { font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #999999; text-align:left;
    padding- padding- height:24px; margin-bottom:-1px; width:100%; } .bdy { width:100%; height:182px; display:block; background:#FFFFFF; padding- padding-bottom:10px; padding- border:1px solid #999999; } button { width:6.9em; height:2.1em; font-size:100%; font-family:MS
    Shell Dlg; margin-right:15px; } @media print { .bdy { display:block; } button { display:none; } .head { color:#000000; background:#FFFFFF; border:1px solid #000000; } }
    Setting Path:
    <button accesskey="P" name="Print" onclick="window.print()">Print</button>
    <button accesskey="C" name="Close" onclick="window.close()">Close</button>
    No explanation is available for this setting.
    Supported On:
    Not available
    Group Policy Results
    Data collected on: 12/14/2014 1:00:12 PM
    Computer Configuration Summary
    No data available.
    User Configuration Summary
    User name
    Last time Group Policy was processed
    12/14/2014 12:59:22 PM
    Group Policy Objects
    Applied GPOs
    Link Location
    Local Group Policy
    AD (1), Sysvol (1)
    Default Domain Policy
    AD (6), Sysvol (6)
    AD (10), Sysvol (10)
    Limit Downloads
    AD (2), Sysvol (2)
    SFD Restricted Users
    AD (59), Sysvol (59)
    Denied GPOs
    Link Location
    Reason Denied
    Security Group Membership when Group Policy was applied
    SFDN\Domain Users
    NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users
    NT AUTHORITY\This Organization
    Mandatory Label\Medium Mandatory Level
    WMI Filters
    Reference GPO(s)
    Component Status <v:group alt="Warning" class="vmlimage" coordsize="100,100" style="width:15px;height:15px;vertical-align:middle;"><v:shape class="vmlimage" fillcolor="yellow"
    strokecolor="yellow" style="width:100;height:100;"><v:path v="m 50,0 l 0,99 99,99 x e"></v:path></v:shape> <v:rect class="vmlimage" fillcolor="black" strokecolor="black" style="width:10;height:35;"></v:rect>
    <v:rect class="vmlimage" fillcolor="black" strokecolor="black" style="width:10;height:5;"></v:rect> </v:group>
    Component Name
    Last Process Time
    Group Policy Infrastructure
    12/14/2014 12:59:46 PM
    Folder Redirection
    12/14/2014 12:59:46 PM
    Folder Redirection failed due to the error listed below.
    Cannot complete this function.
    Additional information may have been logged. Review the Policy Events tab in the console or the application event log for events between 12/14/2014 12:59:23 PM and 12/14/2014 12:59:46 PM.
    Group Policy Internet Settings
    12/14/2014 12:59:46 PM
    12/12/2014 10:28:23 AM
    Computer Configuration
    No data available.
    User Configuration
    Windows Settings
    Security Settings
    Software Restriction Policies
    Winning GPO
    SFD Restricted Users
    Apply software restriction policies to the following
    All software files except libraries (such as DLLs)
    Apply software restriction policies to the following users
    All users
    When applying software restriction policies
    Ignore certificate rules
    Designated File Types
    File Extension
    File Type
    Microsoft Access Project Extension
    Microsoft Access Project
    BAS File
    Windows Batch File
    Compiled HTML Help file
    Windows Command Script
    MS-DOS Application
    Control panel item
    Security Certificate
    Help file
    HTML Application
    Setup Information
    INS File
    ISP File
    Microsoft Access Database
    Microsoft Access MDE Database
    Microsoft Common Console Document
    Windows Installer Package
    Windows Installer Patch
    MST File
    ActiveX control
    PCD File
    Shortcut to MS-DOS Program
    Registration Entries
    Screen saver
    SHS File
    Internet Shortcut
    VB File
    Windows Script Component
    Trusted Publishers
    Trusted publisher management
    Allow all administrators and users to manage user's own Trusted Publishers
    Certificate verification
    Software Restriction Policies/Security Levels
    Winning GPO
    Default Security Level
    SFD Restricted Users
    Software Restriction Policies/Additional Rules
    Path Rules
    %HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SystemRoot%
    Security Level
    Date last modified
    9/30/2011 12:34:27 PM
    Winning GPO
    SFD Restricted Users
    Security Level
    Date last modified
    9/30/2011 12:34:27 PM
    Winning GPO
    SFD Restricted Users
    Administrative Templates
    Policy definitions (ADMX files) retrieved from the local machine.
    Control Panel
    Winning GPO
    Network/Network Connections
    Winning GPO
    This setting determines whether the Properties menu item is enabled, and thus, whether the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box is available to users.
    If you enable this setting (and enable the "Enable Network Connections settings for Administrators" setting), the Properties menu items are disabled for all users, and users cannot open the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box.
    Important: If the "Enable Network Connections settings for Administrators" is disabled or not configured, this setting will not apply to administrators on post-Windows 2000 computers.
    If you disable this setting or do not configure it, a Properties menu item appears when users right-click the icon representing a LAN connection. Also, when users select the connection, Properties is enabled on the File menu.
    Note: This setting takes precedence over settings that manipulate the availability of features inside the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box. If this setting is enabled, nothing within the properties dialog box for a LAN connection is available to
    Note: Nonadministrators have the right to view the properties dialog box for a connection but not to make changes, regardless of this setting." gpmc_settingname="Prohibit access to properties of a LAN connection" gpmc_settingpath="User Configuration/Administrative
    Templates/Network/Network Connections" gpmc_supported="At least Windows 2000 Service Pack 1" href="javascript:void();" onclick="javascript:showExplainText(this); return false;">Prohibit access to properties of a LAN connection
    SFD Restricted Users
    If you enable this setting (and enable the "Enable Network Connections settings for Administrators" setting), the check boxes for enabling and disabling components are disabled. As a result, administrators cannot enable or disable the components that
    a connection uses.
    Important: If the "Enable Network Connections settings for Administrators" is disabled or not configured, this setting will not apply to administrators on post-Windows 2000 computers.
    If you disable this setting or do not configure it, the Properties dialog box for a connection includes a check box beside the name of each component that the connection uses. Selecting the check box enables the component, and clearing the check box disables
    the component.
    Note: When the "Prohibit access to properties of a LAN connection" setting is enabled, users are blocked from accessing the check boxes for enabling and disabling the components of a LAN connection.
    Note: Nonadministrators are already prohibited from enabling or disabling components for a LAN connection, regardless of this setting." gpmc_settingname="Prohibit Enabling/Disabling components of a LAN connection" gpmc_settingpath="User
    Configuration/Administrative Templates/Network/Network Connections" gpmc_supported="Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000 Service Pack 1 operating systems only" href="javascript:void();" onclick="javascript:showExplainText(this);
    return false;">Prohibit Enabling/Disabling components of a LAN connection
    SFD Restricted Users
    Windows Components/Internet Explorer
    Winning GPO
    If you enable this policy setting, the user will not be able to configure proxy settings.
    If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, the user can configure proxy settings." gpmc_settingname="Prevent changing proxy settings" gpmc_settingpath="User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Windows Components/Internet
    Explorer" gpmc_supported="At least Internet Explorer 5.0" href="javascript:void();" onclick="javascript:showExplainText(this); return false;">Prevent changing proxy settings
    SFD Restricted Users
    Windows Components/Internet Explorer/Internet Control Panel/Security Page/Internet Zone
    Winning GPO
    Allow file downloads
    Extra Registry Settings
    Display names for some settings cannot be found. You might be able to resolve this issue by updating the .ADM files used by Group Policy Management.
    Winning GPO
    P:\My Documents\Outlook Files
    SFD Restricted Users
    P:\My Documents\Outlook Files
    SFD Restricted Users

  • The scroll bar does not show in my SaaS application.

    I have a spreadsheet application and the scroll bar does not show on FF4. I need the scroll bar to navigate the app.

    table is surround by panelStretchLayOut but I examine this and has no difference.
    scrollBar show for data under one milion records!!
    and here is my code:
    <af:popup id="t1DataPopup"
    <af:dialog id="d9"
    title="#{bindings.R1.hints.label} : #{bindings.R1.inputValue}"
    inlineStyle="position: absolute; left: -410px; top: -200px;">
    <af:panelStretchLayout id="psl4" topHeight="30px"
    inlineStyle="width:800px; height:400.0px;">
    <f:facet name="bottom"/>
    <f:facet name="center">
    <af:table value="#{bindings.s1Graph.collectionModel}"
    emptyText="#{bindings.s1Graph.viewable ? viewcontrollerBundle.noDataToDisplayMessage : viewcontrollerBundle.accessDeniedMessage}"
    filterVisible="true" varStatus="vs"
    rowSelection="single" id="t1"
    partialTriggers="::s1Graph ::s1BarGraph ::s1HoriBarGraph ::s1AreaGraph"
    <af:column sortProperty="T1Stmp"
    filterable="true" sortable="true"
    id="c94" align="center">
    <af:outputText value="#{row.T1Stmp}"
    <f:facet name="start"/>
    <f:facet name="end"/>
    <f:facet name="top">
    <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl20">
    <af:commandButton text="#{viewcontrollerBundle.saveAsExcelCommandButtonLabel}"
    <af:exportCollectionActionListener exportedId="t1"
    and fetchsize=25
    Edited by: Mansoor on Jul 17, 2012 8:28 AM

  • Not show horizontal srollbar when decrease table size

    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.GridLayout;
    import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    public class SimpleTableDemo extends JPanel {
         final Object[][] data = {
                   { "Mary", "Campione", "ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo", "5" },
                   { "Alison", "Huml", "Rowing", "3" },
                   { "Kathy", "Walrath", "Chasing toddlers", "2" },
                   { "Mark", "Andrews", "Speed reading", "20" },
                   { "Angela", "Lih", "Teaching high school", "4" } };
         final Object[] columnNames = { "First Name", "Last Name", "Sport",
                   "Est. Years Experience" };
         public SimpleTableDemo() {
              JTable table = new JTable(data, columnNames);
              // Create the scroll pane and add the table to it.
              JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table);
              scrollPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 100));
              // Add the scroll pane to this panel.
              setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 0));
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              JFrame frame = new JFrame("SimpleTableDemo");
              frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
                   public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
              frame.getContentPane().add("Center", new SimpleTableDemo());
              // frame.setSize(400, 125);
    }When I decrease table size the vertical scrollbar show, but horizontal srollbar NOT show. Why?

    When I decrease table size the vertical scrollbar show, but horizontal srollbar NOT show. Why? Because the table automatically resizes the width of each column.
    If you don't want this behaviour then set the setAutoResizeMode(...) method to off.

  • ITunes does not show up on apple tv 1st gen.

    i have a 1st gen apple tv with the 160 gig HD. recently, it will not show the itunes site. Under teh movies tab there are my movies and trailers and that's it. Does anyone know how to get the itunes store back on apple tv?

    Known issue currently, you'll need to wait for the fix.

  • My downloaded text sounds do not show up under the sounds tab in settings after installing 8.1.1. can someone help me please?

    i downloaded a couple text tones and since installing 8.1.1, they will not show up under the sounds tab. in fact, they do not show up in my recent purchases on itunes, but when i go to buy them again, it says that i have already bought this tone. I just want to use the tones i paid for as the tones on my phone. not asking much.... thanks for the help. i hope someone can help me get the tones working. thank you.

    This was happening to me too but only for some of my songs. I have a mac so I dunno about PCs, but for most of my ringtones I had to create an ACC version in itunes to make them short enough then turn that into a m4r and those all worked fine. But if the song was already short enough and I didn't create an ACC version and just turned the original into a m4r, then it wouldn't appear in my itunes.
    so if you're on a mac:
    1. go to get info, options, pick when you want the song to start and end.
         Has to be pretty short to work, 30 second or less is good
         if it's already short enough that's fine
    2. right click and click 'create ACC version'
         a copy with the length you put in will appear, drag that into a folder or whatever and just type in m4r where m4a would be
         still make an ACC version even if it's the right length
    Hopefully this helps someone else.

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    <also posted under the 'Intel platform' topic> I am trying furiously to install Sol 2.6 on a Dell PC that has a 40GB hard drive. I DOS Fdisk to create one huge partition, which fdisk makes active. When I get to "customize fdisk Partitions for disk" i

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  • Theme/s in 2600 classic?

    Hello , Is a selected theme supposed to hold as such after off/on? (mine don't, [sigh]) Thank-you, Rick

  • For all antries

    hi frds plz give me response About for all entries & inner joins to mail id <REMOVED BY MODERATOR> Edited by: Alvaro Tejada Galindo on Feb 27, 2008 5:27 PM