Datapump filename wildcard

I have a procedure to create an export file of my database using datapump. The following generates an 'invalid argument value' error:
begin <br>
dbms_datapump.add_file(handle => h1, filename => 'EXPDAT<b>%U</b>.DMP', directory => 'DTPUMP', filetype => 1); <br>
It does not seem to like the wildcard in the filename. Has any developed a workaround for this.

Note the difference in whether matches *.java:
C:\source\java\misc\dfs>dir *.java
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is E875-69AD
Directory of C:\source\java\misc\dfs
2006.08.30  14:21                  456
2005.11.09  11:50                2 297
2006.08.30  12:21                2 322
2005.11.09  11:49                4 239
2005.11.09  11:49                3 324
               5 File(s)         12 638 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  39 954 014 208 bytes freeMinGW
ijbalazs@KHB-89522D0047C /c/source/java/misc/dfs
$ ls *.java

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  • Event trigger filename wildcard

    Post Author: poputlal
    CA Forum: Administration
    Is it possible to specify a wildcard for the filename for an event trigger?  Right now it asks me for a filename, but I want an event to be triggered whenever a file is created in a folder (or a subfolder).Also, if a wildcard is possible, then is it possible for the event to know the filename that triggered that event?

    Hi Scott,
    I created an event level trigger in APEX to check if user is trying to create/ drop/ modify a column "ROW_ID" and a bunch of other activities encapsuled in a procedure.
    The trigger got created but, when I create a table in the same schema, this trigger does not fire. It works as desired in SQL * PLUS and TOAD
    Trigger script is as under:
    oper VARCHAR2(2000);
    sql_text ora_name_list_t;
    v_oper VARCHAR2(30);
    v_obj_name VARCHAR2(100);
    v_obj_type VARCHAR2(100);
    v_owner VARCHAR2(100);
    v_login VARCHAR2(30);
    v_stmnt VARCHAR2(2000) := null;
    SELECT ora_sysevent
    INTO oper
    FROM dual;
    i := sql_txt(sql_text);
    SELECT upper(ora_login_user), ora_sysevent,
    ora_dict_obj_name, ora_dict_obj_type,
    ora_dict_obj_owner, upper(sql_text(1))
    INTO v_login, v_oper ,v_obj_name,
    v_obj_type, v_owner, v_stmnt
    FROM dual;
    IF (v_oper = 'CREATE' and (v_stmnt like '% ROW_ID %' or
    v_stmnt like '%(ROW_ID %' or v_stmnt like '%,ROW_ID
    or(v_oper = 'ALTER' AND v_obj_type = 'TABLE' AND
    V_STMNT LIKE '%DROP COLUMN%' and (v_stmnt like '%
    or(v_oper = 'ALTER' AND v_obj_type = 'TABLE' AND
    V_STMNT LIKE '%MODIFY%' and (v_stmnt like '%
    ROW_ID%') )
    END IF;
    IF v_oper = 'CREATE' AND v_obj_type = 'TABLE' THEN
    SP_POST_DDL (v_obj_name, v_owner, oper);
    END IF;

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  • Error in Adapter Module to unzip files

    Hello ,
    I wish to unzip many files with use of an adapter module
    To du this I use following code
    package de.lsv.moduledevelopement;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import javax.ejb.SessionBean;
    import javax.ejb.SessionContext;
    import javax.ejb.CreateException;
    * @ejbLocal <{de.lsv.moduledevelopement.UnZipFilesLocal}>
    * @ejbLocalHome <{de.lsv.moduledevelopement.UnZipFilesLocalHome}>
    * @stateless
    public class UnZipFilesBean implements SessionBean, Module {
         static AuditMessageKey amk = null;
         static String auditStr = "UnzipFilesBean - ";
         static ModuleException mEx = null;
         public static final String VERSION_ID =
              "$Id:// $";
         private static final Trace TRACE = new Trace(VERSION_ID);
         public void ejbRemove() {
         public void ejbActivate() {
         public void ejbPassivate() {
         public void setSessionContext(SessionContext context) {
              myContext = context;
         private SessionContext myContext;
          * Create Method.
         public void ejbCreate() throws CreateException {
              // TODO : Implement
         /* (non-Javadoc)
          * @see,
         public ModuleData process(
              ModuleContext moduleContext,
              ModuleData inputModuleData)
              throws ModuleException {
              Object obj = null;
              Message msg = null;
              Payload attachment = null;
              //initializing variables for module parameters
              String modkey = "";
              String fileMask = "";
              String directory = "";
              String saveDirectory = "";
              //     String newMimeType = "";
              //     String newAttachmentName = "";
              //     String newAttachmentExtension = "";
              //     String newAttachmentNameReplace = "";
              //this block is to manage the adapter when is not file/FTP
              try {
                   //get the XI Message
                   obj = inputModuleData.getPrincipalData();
                   msg = (Message) obj;
                   // create AuditMessageKey object to write audit log.
                   if (msg.getMessageDirection() == MessageDirection.INBOUND)
                        amk =
                             new AuditMessageKey(
                        amk =
                             new AuditMessageKey(
                   // ******start get the module parameters from the configuration******
                   modkey = moduleContext.getContextData("module.key");
                        auditStr + "Module Configuration Key: " + modkey);
                   //***** einlesen der Moduke Parameter******************
                   //***** DateiMaske
                   fileMask = moduleContext.getContextData("FileMask");
                        auditStr + "FileMask: " + fileMask);
                   // check ob fileMask definiert ist
                   if (fileMask == null || fileMask.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
                        //if no attachment name is specified in the module configuration the module will end the execution
                        throw mEx =
                             new ModuleException(
                                       + "!FileMask in Modulconfiguration nicht definiert!");
                   //***** DateiMaske2
                   String fileMask2 = moduleContext.getContextData("FileMask2");
                        auditStr + "FileMask2: " + fileMask2);
                   //***** Directory
                   directory = moduleContext.getContextData("Directory");
                        auditStr + "Directory: " + directory);
                   // Fehler wenn Directory nicht definiert
                   if (directory == null || directory.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
                        //the module will end the execution
                        throw mEx =
                             new ModuleException(
                                       + "Directory in Modulconfiguration nicht definiert");
                   //***** Sicherungs Verzeichnis
                   saveDirectory = moduleContext.getContextData("SaveDirectory");
                        auditStr + "SaveDirectory: " + saveDirectory);
                   // entpacken aufrufen
                   entpacke(directory, saveDirectory, fileMask);
                   if (fileMask2.length() > 0) {
                        entpacke(directory, saveDirectory, fileMask2);
                   //update the XI Message
              } catch (Exception e) {
                   String errorMessage =
                        auditStr + "Error bei der . Exception:" + e.getMessage();
                   Audit.addAuditLogEntry(amk, AuditLogStatus.ERROR, errorMessage);
                   throw mEx = new ModuleException(auditStr + errorMessage);
                   auditStr + "Verarbeitung beendet ");
              return inputModuleData;
         private static void entpacke(
              String directory,
              String saveDirectory,
              String mask)
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                   auditStr + "Funktion entpacke");
              if (!directory.endsWith("\")) {
                   directory = directory + "\";
              } // if
              File f;
              f = new File(directory);
                   auditStr + "f = new File(directory)");
    //          // Achtung Klasse in einer Klasse :-)
    //          String[] strFiles = f.list(new FilenameFilter() {
    //               public boolean accept(File file, String filename) {
    //                    Wildcard wildcard1 = new Wildcard(mask);
    //                    Audit.addAuditLogEntry(
    //                         amk,
    //                         AuditLogStatus.SUCCESS,
    //                         auditStr + "wc1");
    //                    return wildcard1.match(filename, false);
              String [] strFiles = f.list(new MyFilter(mask));
              // Liste der Gefundenen dateien
                   auditStr + "Anzahl gepackter Dateien: " + strFiles.length);
              //System.out.println( strFiles.length + " Dateien zum entpacken");
              for (int i = 0; i < strFiles.length; i++) {
                        auditStr + "verarbeite Datei: : " + strFiles<i>);
                   //     System.out.println("f[" + i + "]=" + strFiles<i>);
              } // for
              // *****entpacken**********************
              for (int i = 0; i < strFiles.length; i++) {
                   try {
                        byte[] buf = new byte[4096];
                        ZipInputStream in =
                             new ZipInputStream(
                                  new FileInputStream(directory + strFiles<i>));
                             auditStr + "Entpacke " + directory + strFiles<i>);
                        //System.out.println("Entpacke " + directory + strFiles<i>);
                        int count = 0;
                        while (true) {
                             // Nächsten Eintrag lesen
                             ZipEntry entry = in.getNextEntry();
                             if (entry == null) {
                             // Beschreibung ausgeben
                                  auditStr + entry.getName());
                             // Ausgabedatei erzeugen
                             FileOutputStream out =
                                  new FileOutputStream(directory + entry.getName());
                             int len;
                             while ((len = > 0) {
                                  out.write(buf, 0, len);
                             // Eintrag schließen
                        } // while
                             auditStr + count + "Dateien entpackt");
                        //System.out.println(count + "Dateien entpackt");
                        // verschieben
                        if (saveDirectory.length() > 0) {
                             File quelle = new File(directory + strFiles<i>);
                             File ziel = new File(saveDirectory + strFiles<i>);
                             boolean bla = quelle.renameTo(ziel);
                             if (!bla) {
                                            + strFiles<i>
                                            + " konnte nicht verschoben werden");
                             } else {
                                            + strFiles<i>
                                            + "verschoben nach "
                                            + saveDirectory);
                                  //          System.out.println(
                                  //               strFiles<i> + "verscgoben nach " + directory + "sik//");
                        } // if
                   } catch (Exception e) {
                        String errorMessage =
                                  + "Error in entpacken. Exception:"
                                  + e.getMessage();
                        Audit.addAuditLogEntry(amk, AuditLogStatus.ERROR, errorMessage);
                   } // catch
                   // *****entpacken*************
              } // for
         } //entpacke
    } // UnzipFilesBean
    class Wildcard {
         static AuditMessageKey amk = null;
         static String auditStr = "WildCard - ";
         static ModuleException mEx = null;
         private final String wildcardString;
          * Der Konstruktor für die WildcardSuche.
          * @param wildcardString
          *            Der WildcardString
         public Wildcard(String wildcardString) {
              this.wildcardString = wildcardString;
                   auditStr + "Constructor");
          * Die Methode, welche den Vergleich durchführt.
          * @param str
          *            Der String, welcher darauf überprüft werden soll, ob er dem
          *            WildcardString entspricht.
          * @return true Wenn der String dem wildcardString entspricht.
         public boolean match(String str, boolean fCasesensitive) {
              if (str == null || wildcardString == null) {
                   return false;
              return recursiveMatch(wildcardString, str, fCasesensitive);
          * Hier wird der eigentliche Vergleich durchgeführt
          * @param strWildcard
          *            Der Wildcardstring, z.B.: "Test*"
          * @param str
          *            Der zu überprüfende String, z.B. "Testlauf"
          * @return true, wenn eine Übereinstimmung vorhanden ist, sonst false
         private boolean recursiveMatch(
              String strWildcard,
              String str,
              boolean fCasesensitive) {
              while (true) {
                   if (strWildcard.length() == 0)
                        return str.length() == 0;
                   char ch = strWildcard.charAt(0);
                   switch (ch) {
                        case '?' :
                             if (str.length() == 0)
                                  return false;
                        case '*' :
                             strWildcard = strWildcard.substring(1);
                             while (true) {
                                  if (recursiveMatch(strWildcard, str, fCasesensitive))
                                       return true;
                                  if (str.length() == 0)
                                       return false;
                                  str = str.substring(1);
                        default :
                             if (str.length() == 0)
                                  return false;
                             if (fCasesensitive) {
                                  if (ch != str.charAt(0))
                                       return false;
                             } else if (
                                       != Character.toLowerCase(str.charAt(0)))
                                  return false;
                   strWildcard = strWildcard.substring(1);
                   str = str.substring(1);
    } // class
    /** Nun der eigentliche Filter */
    class MyFilter implements FilenameFilter {
         static AuditMessageKey amk = null;
         static String auditStr = "MyFilter - ";
         static ModuleException mEx = null;
         String fileMask;
         public MyFilter(String fileMask) {
              this.fileMask = fileMask;
                   auditStr + "Constructor");
         } //constructor
          public boolean accept(File file, String filename) {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
              //fileMask = "?5LBL*";
              Wildcard wildcard1 = new Wildcard(fileMask);
              return wildcard1.match(filename, false);
    } //class
    But in Audit Protocol it failed after:
    17.09.2008 17:33:19     Erfolgreich     UnzipFilesBean - Module Configuration Key: 2
    17.09.2008 17:33:19     Erfolgreich     UnzipFilesBean - FileMask: ?5LBL???
    17.09.2008 17:33:19     Erfolgreich     UnzipFilesBean - FileMask2:
    17.09.2008 17:33:19     Erfolgreich     UnzipFilesBean - Directory: //transfer//X1E//100//99//lb//ein
    17.09.2008 17:33:19     Erfolgreich     UnzipFilesBean - SaveDirectory: //transfer//X1E//100//99//lb//ein_s
    17.09.2008 17:33:19     Erfolgreich     UnzipFilesBean - Funktion entpacke
    17.09.2008 17:33:19     Erfolgreich     UnzipFilesBean - f = new File(directory)
    17.09.2008 17:33:19     Fehler     UnzipFilesBean - Error bei der . Exception:null
    I could not find the error??
    Were there any log files to look into?

    Hi Ralf,
    I am late..........
    I am bit confused with your explanation.
    1. Does all zip files will be picked by file adapter in one shot or is it conditional, since you have a XML descriptor file in firts zip file and the XML files describes the list of JPEG files which might be stored in the other zipped JPEG files?
    2. Can you tell the exact flow of your scenario
    3. Receiver in your scenario?

  • Dynamic procedure to output csv file

    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE     Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    I am trying to create a procedure to output a csv file, with the table name as input. I can get the field header out no problem, but am struggling with the data! Have looked at ref cursors, and dbms_sql, but am unsure which, if any, can be used for this?
    This is what I have so far:
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE csv_extract_prc (in_table IN VARCHAR2)
       CURSOR c1
            SELECT   column_name
              FROM   user_tab_columns
             WHERE   UPPER (table_name) = UPPER (in_table)
          ORDER BY   column_id;
       v_output   VARCHAR2 (4000);
       v_file     UTL_FILE.file_type;
       v_file :=
          UTL_FILE.fopen (location       => 'DATAPUMP',
                          filename       => in_table || '.csv',
                          open_mode      => 'w',
                          max_linesize   => 32767);
       FOR r1 IN c1
          v_output := v_output || r1.column_name || ';';
       END LOOP;
       UTL_FILE.put_line (v_file, v_output);
       UTL_FILE.fclose (v_file);
          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (SQLERRM);
          UTL_FILE.fclose (v_file);
    END csv_extract_prc;
    CREATE TABLE test_table (field1 VARCHAR2 (10), field2 NUMBER (10));
    exec csv_extract_prc('test_table');Any pointers would be most welcome.

    Or this
    Re: how to make comma seperated file

  • Installing and Compiling COBOL on Windows

    Hi, I am at Installing and Compiling COBOL on Windows of PeopleTools_8.52_Installation_Oracle.pdf. After I typed in (basic syntax from pdf):
    CBLMAKE.BAT [] [ALL] [wildcard filename[ALL]] [wildcard filename | wildcard filename without extension[INT | GNT | EXE]] [EBCDIC] [LIST]
    This error appears:
    'wildcard' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    Any advise? Thanks

    but now my step is after this already---> cblsrc PS_HOME C:\temp\compile
    After this step, it asks me to change directories to the compile directory which i think is (cd C:\temp\compile), and run CBLMAKE.BAT, using the basic syntax..... and I got that error... How can I do about it?

  • Find command issue

    I am executing a command like this.
    #find . -type f -name *.log -exec grep -w good {}\;
    I am getting this error.
    find: paths must precede expression
    Usage: find [path...] [expression]
    Please help me to solve this issue.

    Remember that in Linux, it is your shell that expands filename wildcards, not the application itself. So, you must prevent that "*.log" glob(1) pattern from being expanded. Not:
    # find . -type f -name *.log -exec grep -w good {}\;
    # find . -type f -name '*.log' -exec grep -w good {} \;
    Also, notice that the ";" that terminates the "-exec" command argument is also a shell command separator. That is why it is always quoted or escaped.

  • Get Variant Attribute Should Search for and return multiple values based on RegEx

    I am using Variants as lookup tables (see this article):
    Using Variant Attributes to Build a Dictionary or Look-up Table
    I would like to be able to use some sort of wildcard to return multiple results from the Get Variant Attribute VI (all results are of the same type, and I don't know the exact names of all the results - those two points make this idea distinct from this idea: Set/Get Variant Attribute for Multiple Attributes).
    Ideally the wildcard would be RegEx.  If it were, the means by which you specify what to return is standardized.
    In the above example, there would be some ambiguity in terms of whether or not you would want to return a result or an array of results given an input, and I doubt you could detect and assume RegEx is what the programmer desires to use.  So I think this means a new input would be required to specify whether or not the "name" input of the Get Variant Attribute VI should be interpreted as a RegEx query.

    Why RegEx? Why not SQL query? Why not filename wildcard matching?
    I don't see anything that makes RegEx special. For this kind of functionality, the code that you've written seems like exactly the right way to do it rather than bolting a RegEx parser or any other system into the primitives or clouding the palette with a bunch of primitives to support various search functions. I could see a primitive that takes a VI refnum that has a conpane of string in/boolean out that you would pass in to supply the filter functionality that you want for any given application, but even that I'd lean toward just letting that be a library that someone writes on top of the primitives. Yes, there is some memory reduction that can be done if it is internal to the primitives, no question about that. But there are so many variations in how to do that filtration/sorting/etc that I'm not confident that any prim would cover a sufficient use case to be worth it. I could be wrong here ... let's see what other comments come in.

  • Can File Based events Handle wildcards in the filename

    The question was can file events handle wildcards in the filename? That way, the object scheduled to handle the event can query the file event specifics and process accordingly. The impact is that we will have to create a file event for every event type for every pathway/state. Therefore, in a worst case scenario, if there are 3 event types for every state, i.e., end of day, end of week, and end of month, and there are 50 pathways/states, then there would be 50 *3 or 150 total file events that would have to be entered. If BOE can handle file event wildcarding, then we need only one event.can we do that ???
    Edited by: sanfrancisco on Nov 18, 2010 5:20 PM

    As per my knowledge events will not Handle wildcards in the filename

  • [VB, CS3] How to place images using wildcards in filenames

    Dear all,
    Can anyone think of a way to place an image using a wildcard in the filename?
    I can place the image fine if the complete filename is known, but what if the filename changes from day to day? - eg it could be House1234.tif for one document then House56r.tif for another. So I'd like to place House*.tif sort of thing. The files are in different folders, of which the path is known.
    Any ideas?

    Get the contents of the whole folder in an array, then you can check each item to see if it matches some criterium. In Javascript (VB should be similar):
    function find_file (dir, mask)
       var f = Folder (dir).getFiles ('*.*');
       for (var i = 0; i < f.length; i++)
       if ( // compare f[i].name and mask here
          return f[i];
    This returns the first file in "dir" that matches "mask".

  • LSMW - Periodic Data Transfer - wildcards in filename

    I have the following problem: The file, which has to be periodically read in is specifed for identification date + time e.g. DATAFILE_200820071250.txt
    In the step 'Specifiy Files ' I entered:
    In the step ' Frame Program for Periodic Data Transfer' I entered in 'Value for Wildcard (*)' the following interval: 0000000000000000 - 99999999999999999.
    During execution now (as a job with variant or directly) I receive always the same error message (/SAPDMC/LSMW524): "Specified values for wildcard (*) have not been defined" .
    How I have to define the filename with wildcard (*) of a file which is peridically read in by LSMW?????
    Thanks for your help!
    Atentamente le saluda / Mit freundlichen Grüssen / Yours sincerely
    Nicole Miosga

    Hi Nicole,
    As of my knowledge the way u have assigned the file name is incorrect,
    just check it once, and in SPECIFY FILES  there is values for wildcard ,
    i want to know what u did here.
    Naveen khan

  • Use wildcards in filenames

    Good morning everyone!
    I'm pretty new in ODI and I need to read a text file which name starts by "INV", the rest of the filename is variable: date and time.
    Is there a quick solution to do that? Is it possible to use wildcards (*, %) like OS commands to find and read the file?
    Thanks in advance!
    Have a nice day.

    Yes this can be done. You could use an OS command to find the filename using wildcards pass the name of the file to a consuming interface as a variable and then read the file

  • Wildcard in filename

    I have a requirement. I have to send all the files in a particular directory to a reciever for which I am giving file name parameter as
    '*.pdf'  and a valid source directory from which to select the files.
    There are some 700 pdf files to transfer. 
    The interface fails when it hits a file, which has '' in its filename. Something like AS_20090218.pdf.
    The communication channel gives SAP Illegal Argument Exception. But I need to transport this file as it is to the receiver with the same filename. I have tried mostly all the combinations of wildcards and Advanced Source Selection options in the file adapter with no use.
    Evidently, it considers the use of '' in the file name an error condition when '.pdf' is used to give the file names.
    Has anybody come across any problem like this? If so, what is the way to solve this?

    Yah I have tried with *.pdf .
    It does not pickup the filename which has * in it. This is the error message I get in communication channel when trying to do this.
    Could not process file 'A720090731CO.pdf': The parameter "argument" has the value "A7_20090731_CO.pdf", so it contains the character "A7*_20090731_CO.pdf" which is not allowed
    Lemme make sure whether u have given '*.pdf' or *.pdf
    Does giving the filename in inverted commas e.g, '*.pdf' make any difference?
    Is there any escape character we can use for such cases or any use of exclusion mask or filemask in advanced source selection help?
    Edited by: Rashmi Joshi on Feb 18, 2010 1:44 PM

  • Look for a filename containing a Wildcard (how to?)

    My program enters a loop, and when a certain file is found, the loop exits and resumes duties. The file will start with "Pos_" or "Neg_" or "Warn_" then have some arbitrary junk, before suffixing in txt. So... how do I search for a filename with a wildcard? The attached JPG is how I'd like to do it, (and this works fine if the filenames are constant) but of course it doesn't work for the wildcard.
    wildcard.jpg ‏58 KB

    Thanks for the response Mads. I'll give that I try. I'm horrible at arrays, I tend to keep everything flat. Probably stoopid in this case.

  • Wildcard Filename Match

    I'm looking for a wildcard filename match method that can work in every operating system supported by the JVM. The signature of this method would be something just like this:
    public bool match(String wildcard, String fileName);The wildcard would accept *, ?, etc. (e.g.: *.java).
    Thank you.

    Note the difference in whether matches *.java:
    C:\source\java\misc\dfs>dir *.java
    Volume in drive C has no label.
    Volume Serial Number is E875-69AD
    Directory of C:\source\java\misc\dfs
    2006.08.30  14:21                  456
    2005.11.09  11:50                2 297
    2006.08.30  12:21                2 322
    2005.11.09  11:49                4 239
    2005.11.09  11:49                3 324
                   5 File(s)         12 638 bytes
                   0 Dir(s)  39 954 014 208 bytes freeMinGW
    ijbalazs@KHB-89522D0047C /c/source/java/misc/dfs
    $ ls *.java

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