Date and Location-based reminders

Can you create a location-based reminder that will only remind when you arrive at the location on a specific day? For example, every Wednesday you have to take out the trash. I would like to set a reminder when I arrive home, but not every time I arrive home, only on Wednesday, without having to set a time, just whenever I arrive home on a Wednesday.

No I didn't ask Siri. If I can't do it via the interface provided I'm sure Siri can't do it either. Besides, how do you even structure the command? It wold be too complex.

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    Am I right, and location based reminders are *still* not available for the Reminders App for iPad 3, wi fi + 3G? The knowledge base still claims it works
    but it doesn't for me.
    I have updated to iOS 6.1 just now, and still no luck

    I have the iPad 3 Verizon - but celler data not turned on.
    I couldn't get the reminders application to work on 6.01 either.
    --- (I haven't checked since updating to 6.1)
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    i Just found a similar question below and it resolved my issue. Turn off the sync to exchange email and all works fine now.

    Couldn't agree more.  I've been *trying* to use location reminders ever since buying my iPhone 4S but as yet, out of many, many attempts they've only actually worked once.
    The kid problem is very simple, the way the phone needs the location to be an address in your address book, and it's subsequent inability to correctly locate the address. My home address is a correct postal address, and has been unchanged for 40+ years, yet clicking on my address from my own contact entry puts my location some distance down my street.
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    What do you mean you can't do them?  What happens when you try?

  • IOS 7 Location Based Reminders aren't working

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    In iOS 7 location based Reminders no longer function unless the Reminders app is running in the background.
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    • Made sure Reminder is in my Notification Center and all notifications types are turned on in the Notification Center
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    • Make sure Siri is on and has "my info" correct
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    • Make sure all System Services are turned on
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    I had the same problem, after reseting the phone and restoring, it worked for a while. The root of the problem stems from using and Exchange mail account. The reminders are set to exchange tasks and it won't work for location-based reminders. The solution can be found at this link:

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    iPhone 6plus with iOS 8.1

    Try using Siri to set the reminder, something like "remind me to call mom when I leave home". It should either know or ask what "home" is and that may initiate the location services. I did confirm that location services are available on the latest OS for the iPhone plus (just checked mine).

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    Have they called you back? I have opened a similar support case too today, they does not know what to do and they will speak with some engineer, but now that I have found this post...I think we just have to wait for a new minor release...anyway our devices (2 and the new if cellular) must be supported

  • Location based reminders don't work

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    Go to the place
    Open G maps and select the arrow to mark the location
    Click on the arrow and add / edit contacts with the location details.
    However, it doesn't work.
    Is there some 'trick' to make Siri understand how to understand the location after you've saved it to contacts ?
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    It's like Siri doesn't know the location even after it's been saved to contacts using the G maps app.

    I am partly wrong in that the iPhone 4 also supports location based reminders, but I am correct that the 3GS does not. It was supported in the initial beta builds of iOS 5 while it was going out to developers, but there were a lot of bugs with it due to some hardware limitations that prevented accurate GPS fence locations to be processed. The final build of iOS 5 does not offer support for the 3GS. I'm not just making that up. The official user guide that Apple supplies indicates it on page 95. Here's a link.

  • Location based reminders aren't working in iOS7

    On iOS6 I routinely set reminders to go off, "when I get home" or "when I leave work".  I simply asked Siri to remind me to do something when I got home and she would.  Not. Any. More.  I doesn't work at all now that I have downloaded iOS7.  She will tell me that she will create the reminder and she does.  I can go into reminders and see that it is all set to go off at the location I have set but it simply doesn't happen.  This is a huge fail as I use this feature all the time to help me be more productive.  HELP!!

    In iOS 7 location based Reminders no longer function unless the Reminders app is running in the background.
    If I ask Siri to remind me of things when I arrive or leave a location she confirms the request by saying "Here is the reminder for when you get home, should I create it?"  I then confirm and she says ,"I'll remind you". She doesn't mention that Reminders needs to be active in order to remind me.
    If this is intended behavior in iOS 7 this is a major step backward in terms of intuitive functionality and ease of use. I mean, I'm asking Siri to remind me of stuff because I'm probably not going to remember to do something. Why should I have to additionally remember to have Reminders running in the background to receive a Reminder notification? Very counter intuitive.
    Steps that I have taken to try and resolve issue:
    • Restore as new iPhone and manually install all apps
    • Make sure that Siri is accessing my correct home and office location through my contact information.
    • Made sure Reminder is in my Notification Center and all notifications types are turned on in the Notification Center
    • Make sure the Do Not Disturb feature is not running either manually or scheduled
    • Make sure Siri is on and has "my info" correct
    • Make sure Background App Refresh is on and that it is turned on for Reminders
    • Make sure a sound has been selected for Reminders in the Sounds settings
    • Make sure Location Services are turned on gloabally and that it is turned on for Reminders and Siri specifically.
    • Make sure all System Services are turned on
    • Make sure I have cell signal when I arrive at places I am supposed to be reminded at
    Still doesn't work!!

  • Location based reminders don't work in ios7 ?

    after upgrading to ios7 on my iphone 4s the location based reminders don't work if the reminder-app is not open in multitasking.
    on ios6 the location based reminders work fine even if the reminders-app is not open and not in background.
    is this a bug? the background update option for reminders is activated in the options.
    any ideas?

    In iOS7, location-based reminders won't fire if the Reminders app is explicitly terminated by the user.
    That is if the user removes an application from the Multi-Tasking application list (brought up with a double-press of the Home button), iOS 7 will conclude that the user doesn't want this app to get any more run-time. That implies that Reminders won't be launched again to display your location-based reminders.
    The Reminders app needs to be running in the foreground or to be put in the background for location-based reminders to work.
    This is not a bug. This is intended behavior.

  • Why are location-based reminders no longer working?

    I have been using a 4s for the last couple of years and have not had an issue with the reliability of location-based reminders until recently. I have set these reminders both manually and via Siri, in iOS 6 and now 7. For a significant time, the reminders worked without fail in iOS 6, but over the last few months, they have stopped working (while still using iOS 6). In fact, it seems that when I set a location-based reminder manually, completed the process with the "done" button, and then double-checked that reminder's specific settings (the location info and the "on" toggle for a location-trigger), none of my input info was registered - i.e. the toggle was now off and no location info was remembered upon the double-check. Figuring that the app was no longer being as useful in iOS 6 since the intro of iOS 7 (perhaps it was getting more buggy in any new updates/iterations while I still used iOS 6?), I've recently updated to iOS 7, and the above issue persists. Location services for Reminders is on in the settings. Any explanation or fix..?!
    Thank you!!

    Yeah it's weird that I can create location based reminders via iOS Safari using desktop mode and use a third party app that syncs with reminders to create location alerts and I can create location based alerts in the calendar app but not reminders. Could have sworn in iOS 7 I could.

  • TS4079 Siri location based reminders

    I just got a 5.  when I try to use Siri for remeinders (yes location services and siri are enabled) I get the following message:  "Your calendar service which keeps track of your reminders doesn't allow loaction based reminders"  Is this a Microsoft Exchange conflict?  Is there a fix?

    I had the same problem, after reseting the phone and restoring, it worked for a while. The root of the problem stems from using and Exchange mail account. The reminders are set to exchange tasks and it won't work for location-based reminders. The solution can be found at this link:

  • Location based reminders no longer working

    I currently have a wifi only iPad air 2 And ever since getting this iPad I've never been able to CREATE location based reminders. Now I've owned every regular wifi only iPad's and in the past I've been able to create location based reminders so this is a change either within iOS 8 or something weird is going on with my device.
    I've restored as new twice and still nothing. The issue shouldn't be related to iPad being wifi only because u can create them via the web and via an iMac or even iPod.
    WIthin settings, privacy,  location services I don't have reminders listed and when I go to the reminders app I dont have any option that would prompt me to allow or deny location access which seems to be the issue. For example location services doesn't show calendar either until you go into the calendar and tap on add event and tap within the location field.
    Also within settings, privacy, location services, system services EVERYTHING is enabled.
    In my mind the issue is that I need to be able to tap on something within reminders to prompt me for location access however I'm not seeing anything. I also have an iPhone 6 plus and have no issues creating reminders and I've also reset location settings in the reset menu. The two restores I did this week consisted of a restore with the device and a restore with iTunes.
    I Can also create location based reminders on my iPad using the Workflow automation app which creates the reminder with location alert within reminders however when I go to the reminders app it doesn't show a location but when I check on my iPhone 6 plus the location shows up.

    Yeah it's weird that I can create location based reminders via iOS Safari using desktop mode and use a third party app that syncs with reminders to create location alerts and I can create location based alerts in the calendar app but not reminders. Could have sworn in iOS 7 I could.

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