Date stamp for cell entry

Hi, just reading the manuals for applescript but need some help. We have just changed from xl in windows to numbers and osx. One of the spreadsheets our admin used had a row where every time she added a new numerical value the cell above it would stamp the date of the entry. I have read through some old posts and it seems to be suggested that the only way is to "copy and paste" from, i guess, a cell containing the current date using applescript. Could someone give me a helpful nudge? I have only started looking at applescript today so its all a bit new.Either a point towards the appropriate tutorial or an example script would be great.

Here is a version in which the Help part was a bit enhanced.
--[SCRIPT storestring_anddate]
Enregistrer le script en tant que Script : storestring_anddate.scpt
déplacer le fichier créé dans le dossier
Il vous faudra peut-être créer le dossier Numbers et peut-être même le dossier Applications.
Placez le curseur dans la cellule que vous souhaitez alimenter.
aller au menu Scripts , choisir Numbers puis choisir storestring_anddate
La cellule pointée reçoit la chaîne saisie
La cellule située à sa droite reçoit la date_heure de l'intervention.
Si la chaîne saisie est vide, les deux cellules sont vidées.
Il est possible de modifier le comportement du script en éditant les properties.
property offsetVertical : -1
property offsetHorizontal : 0
la date sera placée dans la cellule qui est juste au-dessus de la valeur insérée.
L'aide du Finder explique:
L'Utilitaire AppleScript permet d'activer le Menu des scripts :
Ouvrez l'Utilitaire AppleScript situé dans le dossier Applications/AppleScript.
Cochez la case "Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre de menus".
Save the script as Script : storestring_anddate.scpt
Move the newly created file into the folder:
<startup Volume>:Users:<yourAccount>:Library:Scripts:Applications:Numbers:
Maybe you would have to create the folder Numbers and even the folder Applications by yourself.
Put the cursor in the cell which must receive your entry.
go to the Scripts Menu, choose Numbers, then choose storestring_anddate
The pointed cell receives the entered string.
The cell on its right receive the current date_time.
If the entered string is empty, the two cells are cleared.
We may change the script behavior thru some edit of the properties.
property offsetVertical : -1
property offsetHorizontal : 0
the date will be stored just above the inserted value.
The Finder's Help explains:
To make the Script menu appear:
Open the AppleScript utility located in Applications/AppleScript.
Select the "Show Script Menu in menu bar" checkbox.
Yvan KOENIG (Vallauris, FRANCE)
2011/01/29 added some comments in the help.
property theApp : "Numbers"
property offsetVertical : 0
property offsetHorizontal : 1
on run
set {dName, sName, tName, rname, rowNum1, colNum1, rowNum2, colNum2} to my getSelParams()
if rowNum2 > rowNum1 then set offsetVertical to rowNum2 - rowNum1
if colNum2 > colNum1 then set offsetHorizontal to colNum2 - colNum1
tell application (path to frontmost application as string)
if my parleAnglais() then
set rate to text returned of (display dialog "Cell's contents" default answer "blabla bla")
set rate to text returned of (display dialog "Contenu de la cellule…" default answer "blabla bla")
end if
end tell
my doYourDuty(rowNum1, colNum1, dName, sName, tName, rate)
end run
on doYourDuty(r, c, d, s, t, txt) (*
r = rowIndex
c = columnIndex
d = document's name
s = sheet's name
t = table's name
txt = new cell's contents *)
local cdt, r_date, c_date
set cdt to my cleanThisDate(current date) (* the new date_time as a clean date_time *)
tell application "Numbers" to tell document d to tell sheet s to tell table t
set r_date to r + offsetVertical
set c_date to c + offsetHorizontal
if r_date > row count then
repeat (r_date - row count) times
add row below row -1
end repeat
end if
if c_date > column count then
repeat (c_date - column count) times
add column after column -1
end repeat
end if
if txt is "" then
clear cell r of column c
clear cell r_date of column c_date
set value of cell r of column c to txt
set value of cell r_date of column c_date to (cdt as text)
end if
end tell -- application …
end doYourDuty
on cleanThisDate(dt)
(* ugly code but once I got date_time with milliseconds so if necessary, I drop them *)
local l
set l to my decoupe(dt as text, ":")
if (count of l) = 4 then
set dt to date (my recolle(items 1 thru 3 of l, ":"))
end if
return dt
end cleanThisDate
on getSelParams()
local r_Name, t_Name, s_Name, d_Name, col_Num1, row_Num1, col_Num2, row_Num2
set {d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, r_Name} to my getSelection()
if r_Name is missing value then
if my parleAnglais() then
error "No selected cells"
error "Il n'y a pas de cellule sélectionnée !"
end if
end if
set two_Names to my decoupe(r_Name, ":")
set {row_Num1, col_Num1} to my decipher(item 1 of two_Names, d_Name, s_Name, t_Name)
if item 2 of two_Names = item 1 of two_Names then
set {row_Num2, col_Num2} to {row_Num1, col_Num1}
set {row_Num2, col_Num2} to my decipher(item 2 of two_Names, d_Name, s_Name, t_Name)
end if
return {d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, r_Name, row_Num1, col_Num1, row_Num2, col_Num2}
end getSelParams
on decipher(n, d, s, t)
tell application "Numbers" to tell document d to tell sheet s to tell table t to return {address of row of cell n, address of column of cell n}
end decipher
on getSelection()
local _, theRange, theTable, theSheet, theDoc, errMsg, errNum
tell application "Numbers" to tell document 1
repeat with i from 1 to the count of sheets
tell sheet i
set x to the count of tables
if x > 0 then
repeat with y from 1 to x
(selection range of table y) as text
on error errMsg number errNum
set {_, theRange, _, theTable, _, theSheet, _, theDoc} to my decoupe(errMsg, quote)
return {theDoc, theSheet, theTable, theRange}
end try
end repeat -- y
end if -- x>0
end tell -- sheet
end repeat -- i
end tell -- document
return {missing value, missing value, missing value, missing value}
end getSelection
on decoupe(t, d)
local oTIDs, l
set oTIDs to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d
set l to text items of t
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oTIDs
return l
end decoupe
on recolle(l, d)
local oTIDs, t
set oTIDs to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d
set t to l as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oTIDs
return t
end recolle
on parleAnglais()
local z
tell application theApp to set z to localized string "Cancel"
on error
set z to "Cancel"
end try
return (z is not "Annuler")
end parleAnglais
Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) samedi 29 janvier 2011 16:35:59

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    Jerrold Green1 wrote:
    As Peter says, you can use a Table for this. You do not, however, need to enter two dates to fill with a series of dates. Dates are an exception to the general Fill rule. Just enter one, and fill down to get successive dates.
    Other exception available:
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    Hi Rajanikant,
    Did you check -
    select * from per_time_periods
    where end_date = '07-APR-2013'
    and payroll_id = <payroll_id>;
    Check for start_date, end_date, regular_payment_date and other date columns from the above table.

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    The correct one may be like this:
    Edited by: XuJian84 on Mar 9, 2010 4:25 AM

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    Hi Ankur,
    You can only use FOR ALL ENTRIES IN ...WHERE a SELECT statement.
    SELECT ... FOR ALL ENTRIES IN itab WHERE cond returns the union of the solution sets of all SELECT statements that would result if you wrote a separate statement for each line of the internal table replacing the symbol itab-f with the corresponding value of component f in the WHERE condition.Duplicates are discarded from the result set. If the internal table itab does not contain any entries, the system treats the statement as though there were no WHERE cond condition, and selects all records (in the current client).
    For Example:
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        INTO wa_sflight
       WHERE carrid EQ wa_scarr-carrid.
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      INTO TABLE t_scarr.
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      INTO TABLE t_sflight
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    this condition, return all entries of the sflight
    Refer the Below Links for more Info:

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    Yes, it's possible, with a bit of JavaScript. You can have the date field automatically populated when the form is first opened or after they enter their name. For the latter, you could add the following script to the Validate event of the name field:
    // Get a reference to the date field
    var f = getField("date");
    if (event.value) {
        f.value = util.printd("mm/dd/yyyy", new Date());
    } else {
        f.value = "";
    Replace "date" with the actual name of your date field. You can also use a different date format, but this should get you started. If you want it to populate when the document is opened, it's a bit more complicated, but post again if this is what you want.

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    hrrogersjr wrote:
    Does anyone know, if Apple plans to include any kind of Time-DateStamp with up-coming phones?
    Apple has not stated what their plans are.
    Time-Date stamp for what? Do you mean Photos? You want the Time/Date put onto the photo itself?
    All app data has a time/date (and in some cases, where) it was created.
    To see the time for Messages, open the message thread and pull the messages to the left.
    Suggestions here ->

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    Dear all,
    I have created one data slice for a characteristic combination country xy in order to prevent the data entry within the data entry query for the user. But for some reason I have to run a planning function in order to summarize some values and write a total value in the characteristic e.g. country xy.
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    We are running NW BI 7.0. Any ideas would be great.
    Best regards,
    Stefan from Munich/Germany

    I did something like this by creating an FM and calling that FM from a FOX function. I think you will have to use three commands to execute three functions one after the other (and not combine them in one planning sequence) - first one will switch off the data slice, next will be your planning function containing the logic, and the last will switch it back on.
    The FM would be something like below:
    *"*"Local Interface:
    *** This function imports the name of a real-time Infoprovider and a Data Slice number
    ***        and a parameter I_STATUS. If I_STATUS is 1, data slice is activated
    ***        If I_STATUS is -1, data slice is de-activated
    data wa_ds type rspls_ds.
    select single * from rspls_ds
            into wa_ds
            where infoprov = I_INFOPROV
              AND objvers = 'A'
              AND dsnr = I_DSNR.
    if I_status = 1.
       wa_ds-used = 'X'.
    elseif I_status = -1.
       wa_ds-used = ''.
    update rspls_ds from wa_ds.
    The Fox code will be like below -
           I_INFOPROV = <infoprov name>
           I_DSNR = <Data Slice Number>
           I_STATUS = <0 or 1>.

  • Formula Logic for Dates in the Cell Editor in Query Designer

    Hi All
    We are on BI7. (This is in the Cell Editor in Query Designer)
    I am trying to create a formula in one cell that enters a date based on the following logic (Lets call this formula A):
    I also have a placeholder "Cell reference" for a Date in another cell in the Cell Editor (Lets call it B).
    I also have two other dates in seperate cells in the Editor (Lets call them C and D)
    What i need to do is check that either C or D are not blank i.e one at least has a date and if so enter the date that is in B in A.
    My formula logic in (Cell A) at the moment is as follows:
    ( Cell C <> 0 ) OR ( Cell D <> 0) * Cell B
    When I run the query It is coming back with either a 1 or  0 depending if there is a date in C or D.
    What I want it to do is to display the actual date of  'Cell B'  in 'Cell A' if  ( Cell C <> 0 ) OR ( Cell D <> 0)
    If the value of B is blank ie no date I also want A to be blank i.e not equal zero or a blank date ie 00/00/0000
    Example 1
    Cell A    08/09/2009
    Cell B    08/09/2009
    Cell C   15/03/2010
    Cell D
    Cell A should = 08/09/2009 as there is a Date in Cell C or D and if so enter the date of Cell B in cell A
    Example 2
    Cell A   
    Cell B    08/09/2009
    Cell C  
    Cell D
    Cell A should = BLANK as there is a NO Date in Cell C or D
    Example 3
    Cell A   
    Cell B  
    Cell C   15/03/2010
    Cell D
    Cell A should = BLANK as there is a No Date in Cell B although a Date in cell C or D.
    Thank you for assistance in advance
    Kind regards

    Hi there,
    It seems you have done almost everything...
    What it seems that is missing is probably the cell reference for Cell C and for Cell D, or did you forget to mention it here?
    So here it is the big idea:
    - In the Cell Editor of the query designer, create a new cell reference for Cell C, let's name it ref_cell_c;
    - In the Cell Editor of the query designer, create a new cell reference for Cell D, let's name it ref_cell_d;
    - In the Cell Editor of the query designer, create a new cell reference for Cell B, let's name it ref_cell_b;
    - In the Cell Editor of the query designer, create a new formula for Cell A, let's name it form_cell_a;
    The form_cell_a should be created by the following:
    ( COUNT(ref_cell_c) + COUNT(ref_cell_d) ) * ref_cell_b
    So COUNT(operand) returns 1 if operand is different of 0 else it returns 0; So if ref_cell_c has any valu or ref_cell_d has any value it should return the value of ref_cell_b.
    Please note that with this formula, if you have values in both ref_cell_c and ref_cell_d this formula returns 2 * ref_cell_b, which is not what you pretend, I'm assuming you'll have value only for the following combinations:
    ref_cell_c has value but ref_cell_d don't have any
    ref_cell_c don't have any value but ref_cell_d has a value
    ref_cell_c don't have any value neighther has ref_cell_d any

  • Formatting dates in a table in webdynpro java for mutliple entries.

    Hi all,
    I have a requirement to format date values in a table for multiple entries to dd/MM/yyyy format in webdynpro java for mutiple line items in that table.
    Please help me out with the technique for the same.
    Thanks and Regards,

    here is the code for changing the formatting the date.
    Date currentDate = new Date ();
                DateFormat df =  DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT);
                String today = df.format(currentDate);
                SimpleDateFormat sdfInput = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/mm/yyyy");
                SimpleDateFormat sdfOutput = new SimpleDateFormat ("mm/dd/yyyy");
    try {
                      String dateft = sdfOutput.format((Date) sdfInput.parse(df.format(currentDate)));
                } catch (ParseException e) {

  • Date and Time stamp for the archives

    I'm trying to set up a date/time stamp field for a Documaker archive.
    I've added a TIME_STAMP field in my APPIDX.DFD and I populate the field using a DAL script, invoked by a PreTransDAL line in my AFGJOB file. That works fine but, the DAL script being invoked for every transaction, it adds to the processing time.
    I do not need an exact date/time stamp for each transaction in the batch, I could use the same one for all the transactions. That would require the TIME_STAMP global variable to be populated once, at the job level, at the beginning of each batch.
    Any suggestions?

    Hi Gaetan,
    Try using a BatchBannerBeginScript to populate a GVM with the date/time, and then reference this GVM in your APPIDX.DFD. In this manner the value will be updated at the start of processing for each batch rather than each transaction. Or, consider the possibility of adding the transaction date/time into the extract data and then sourcing from that point. Either should work. In my experience most customers prefer that the archive date/time come from the system of record rather than the time the transaction was archived -- unless of course the customer actually wants to record the time the transaction was archived, in which case the method I've described above should work.

  • Sms/imessage entries missing time/date stamp

    I just upgraded to IOS7.  I could not find a way to show the time/date stamp of a text.  This I used quite often... for example, if my husband texts me to say he is on his way home, I could look at the time stamp to see how many minutes ago that was.  Is there a way to put the time stamp back on the texts like it was in all the previous versions?
    UPDATE:  The time/date stamp is there, but the frequency that it puts a new time/date stamp must be fairly long.  I had a text started with my husband at 4:55.  At 5:32 (looking at the time stamp that shows up on my iMac that shows same texts my iPhone does) another text was made.  The only way I can tell when the very absolute LAST text was written on my iPhone is to back out to the menu of all my contact listings I have message conversations with.  There it shows when last text was sent... 6:20.  That is Almost 50 minutes later than the last text, it is almost an hour and a half since the initial text.But, yet all under same text date stamp of 4:55
    4:55 first text
    5:32 additional text
    6:20 next text
    Only time stamp shown on my iphone is the 4:55, all these texts are under the same time/date stamp.  My iMac mirrors the same texts and shows all three incremental time stamps.  That is how my phone used to be.  How do I get it back?

    You should tap you scren and move like you want to move the full scren to the left! A column will appear!
    PS: What I think is that @Apple should urgently think more about UX and UI this new IOs7 is amde for pro. UN-HAPPY

  • Extract Cube data for all entries of an internal table

    I want to fetch the data from the cube for all entries of another internal table.
    Scenario : Fetching the COMPANY_CODE and DATE into an internal table and for those company codes and Dates, I have to fetch the records of the Cube.,
    I am using the Function Module : RSDRI_INFOPROV_READ
    But not sure how to accommodate the multiple selections condition for this.
    Selection Required:
                                    *For all entries of it_cc
                                      where comp_code = it_cc-comp_code and
                                                  date = it_cc-date.*
    Please help me how to such multiple conditions and "for all entries" functionality for fetching the data from the cube.
    Veera Karthik G

    You can try like this
    LOOP AT lt_donotcall_old .
    <ls_donotcall>-examination_date = sy-date.
    <ls_donotcall>-examination_time = sy-time.
    append it_donotcall_old.
    Reward all helpfull answers

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