DateFormat Incompatible type

Hi there
Please help.... i am using jxl to copy some excel sheets..
I am trying to retrieve some date values.. and for that i need to know the cell format used in that particular sheet...
But while retriving the value i get incompatible error....between java.text.DateFormat and jxl.write.Dateformat.
Can anyone help me resolve this..heres the code
if (cell_value.getType() == CellType.DATE)
         DateCell dc = (DateCell) cell_value;
     //     jxl.write.DateFormat format = (jxl.write.DateFormat) dc.getDateFormat();
          DateFormat format = dc.getDateFormat(); //error is at this line at getDateFormat()
          Date cellDate = dc.getDate();
         WritableCellFormat wcFormat = new WritableCellFormat(format);
  Java/ [88:1] inconvertible types
found   : java.text.DateFormat
required: jxl.write.DateFormat
DateFormat format = dc.getDateFormat();
[/error]Thank you

Thanx DrClap
Actually i did try that..but it didnt work....i get java.lang.IllegalArgumentException...
What i am trying to do is copy cellformat of one sheet to another sheet in a separate file. and so i am trying to use DateFormat df = dc.getDateFormat();
As i said before this generates an error.... so i modify it to
java.text.DateFormat df = dc.getDateFormat();
heres the code,.. if u can take a look and let me know what i am doing wrong..
            DateCell dc = (DateCell) cell_value;
            System.out.println("Date cell ok");
            //        DateFormat df = dc.getDateFormat();
             Date dt = dc.getDate();
            java.text.DateFormat ft = dc.getDateFormat();
            String formatString = ft.toString();
            DateFormat df_new = new DateFormat(formatString);
            WritableCellFormat wc = new WritableCellFormat(df_new);
            DateTime dateCell = new DateTime(colNo, rowNo, dt, wc);
            System.out.println("destSheet ok: ");
THE LC STR VALUE IS: Date of birth
Date cell ok
Error in copying the wbk: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal pattern character 'j'
[/output]Thanx for u r help.. appreciate that

Similar Messages

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    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
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    You should always post the full, exact error message.
    Your error message probably says that the error occurred on something like line #10, the JOptionPane line. The error is telling you that the compiler found a String value, but an int value was expected.
    If you go to the API docs for JOptionPane, it will tell you what value type is returned for showInputDialog(). The value type is String. But you are trying to assign that value to an int. You can't do that.
    You will need to assign the showInputDialog() value to a String variable. Then use Integer.parseInt(the_string) to convert to an int value.

  • Incompatible types with generics problem

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    C:\Documents and Settings\Eigenaar\Mijn documenten\NetBeansProjects\Tests\src\tests\ incompatible types
    found : tests.Store<T>
    required: tests.Store<T>
    return store;
    1 error
    BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)
    in the following code:
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    class Store<T extends Supply<T>>{ }
    class A<T extends Supply<T>>{
        private Store<T> store;
        class B<T extends Supply<T>> {
            public Store<T> getStore(){
                return store;                         <-- compiler error!
    }Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Edited by: farcat on Jan 13, 2009 1:23 PM

    Note that the type parameter T used to define class B is not the T used to define class A. What you wrote can be more clearly written:
    class Supply<T extends Supply<T>>{}
    class Store<T extends Supply<T>>{ }
    class A<T extends Supply<T>>{
        private Store<T> store;
        class B<U extends Supply<U>> {
            public Store<U> getStore(){
                return store;
    }Which produces the more readable error message: incompatible types
    found   : Store<T>
    required: Store<U>
                return store;B, being a nested, non-static class is already parameterized by T:
    class Supply<T extends Supply<T>>{}
    class Store<T extends Supply<T>>{ }
    class A<T extends Supply<T>>{
        private Store<T> store;
        class B {
            public Store<T> getStore(){
                return store;

  • Incompatible types in case statement

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                switch (inString.substring(1,3))
                    case nam:
                    case txt:
                        ChatClient.chatArea.append( "\n >>>" + inString );
                }If you want, or need to see more or all of the code in this class, just ask.

    This is because you can't use Strings within a switch statement. Use if statements instead.

  • Incompatible types - found, required...

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    Javac output,
    #javac .\org\ocap\dvr\*.java
    .\org\ocap\dvr\ incompatible types
    found :
    recManager = OcapRecordingManager.getInstance();
    The source code is as follows,
    In .\src\org\ocap\shared\dvr\
    ----------------- START --------------------
    public abstract class RecordingManager
    public static RecordingManager getInstance()
    return null;
    // stuff deleted
    ------------------ END -------------------
    In .\src\org\ocap\dvr\
    ----------------- START --------------------
    public abstract class OcapRecordingManager extends RecordingManager
    // stuff deleted
    ------------------ END -------------------
    In .\src\org\ocap\dvr\
    ----------------- START --------------------
    public class OcapRecordingManagerImpl extends OcapRecordingManager
    private static OcapRecordingManager mOcapRecordingManager = null;
    public static OcapRecordingManager getInstance()
    if (mOcapRecordingManager == null)
    mOcapRecordingManager = new OcapRecordingManagerImpl();
    return mOcapRecordingManager;
    ------------------ END -------------------
    In .\src\org\ocap\dvr\
    ----------------- START --------------------
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    //Object of OcapRecordingManager class
    private static OcapRecordingManager recManager = null;
    public static void main(String args[])
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    System.out.println ("Value obtained in OcapRecordingManagerImpl reference is null");
    ------------------ END -------------------

    Please don't crosspost!

  • [SOLVED] XSD simpleType trying to assign incompatible types

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         <xsd:simpleType name="MySimpleType">
              <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                   <xsd:minLength value="1" />
                   <xsd:maxLength value="36" />
         </xsd:simpleType>I assign (copy operation) a string variable to an element of this type. When I compile i get the trying to assign incompatible types warning. I know it's just a warning but I'd like to solve it. I thought I can create a variable of the same type, but I can't (if I try to define message type only the complex type from XSD are displayed).
    Is there a way to get rid of this warning?

    instead of using a variable assignment use the expression builder to construct the 'bpws:getVariableData() equivalent of the variable assignment. The warning will no longer exist.

  • ORABPEL-10041 Trying to assign incompatible types

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    [Error ORABPEL-10041]: Trying to assign incompatible types
    [Description]: in line 29 of "C:\OraBPELPM_1\integration\jdev\jdev\mywork\Workspace1\BPELProcess_TestInsert\BPELProcess_TestInsert.bpel", <from> value type "{}string" is not compatible with <to> value type "{}long".
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    This is just a warning so it does not mean that your process will fail, e.g. string to decimal may work for the string holds a number, but will fail if it has a string.
    So if you know the data you can safely ignore, otherwise you will have to do some transofrmation within an assign.

  • Incompatible  types

    I get the following error message: incompatible types
    found : java.lang.String
    required: int
    switch (sa[3]) //sa[3] contains customer type
    ^ incompatible types
    found : java.lang.String
    required: int
    case �B�:
    ^ incompatible types
    found : java.lang.String
    required: int
    case �G�:
    3 errors
    ...and it is associated with the piece of code below. I do not understand in what way the �G� and �B� are incompatible types with sa[3] which is supposed to hold strings.
    StringTokenizer st=new StringTokenizer(s, �*�);     
    String[] sa=new String[st.countTokens()]; int i=0;          
    switch (sa[3]) //sa[3] contains customer type
    case �B�:
    BronzeCustomer anotherBronzeCustomer = new BronzeCustomer(sa[0], sa[1]);     break;
    case �G�:
    GoldCustomer anotherGoldCustomer = new GoldCustomer(sa[0], sa[1]);     break;
    default: return;
    // break;     
    What is the problem here?

    If you are using only 1-character strings, then you can do:
       switch (sa[3].charAt(0)) //sa[3] contains customer type
          case 'B': // ...
          case 'G': // ...
          // etc.

  • Incompatible Type?

    Trouble at the end of this code involving incompatible types within word = listEasy.get(wordArrayLocation); along with the other two in that method. Says it needs a java.lang.String.
    import java.util.Random;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.lang.String;
    public class WordArray
       public WordArray() throws FileNotFoundException
          Creation of 3 word arrays based off of the desired level of game difficulty
          ArrayList<String> listEasy = new ArrayList<String>();
          ArrayList<String> listIntermediate = new ArrayList<String>();
          ArrayList<String> listHard = new ArrayList<String>();
          //open the physical files (words*.txt) for use in the corresponding ArrayList
          FileReader readerEasy = new FileReader("wordsEasy.txt");
          FileReader readerIntermediate = new FileReader("wordsIntermediate.txt");
          FileReader readerHard = new FileReader("wordsHard.txt");
          use a Scanner object called "in*" to access the respective file handle.  
          Scanner inEasy = new Scanner(readerEasy);
          Scanner inIntermediate = new Scanner(readerIntermediate);
          Scanner inHard = new Scanner(readerHard);
       Use a loop to walk through the input file WordsEasy.txt reading one line at a time. 
       while (inEasy.hasNext())
          String record =;
       Use a loop to walk through the input file WordsIntermediate.txt reading one line at a time. 
       while (inIntermediate.hasNext())
          String record =;
       Use a loop to walk through the input file WordsHard.txt reading one line at a time. 
       while (inHard.hasNext())
          String record =;
       set ListEasy's size
       public int setListEasySize()
          listEasySize = listEasy.size();
       set ListIntermediate's size
       public int setListIntermediateSize()
          listIntermediateSize = listIntermediate.size();
       set ListHard's size
       public int setListHardSize()
          listHardSize = listHard.size();
       public int setGeneratorLength(int difficultyLevel)
          if (difficultyLevel == 3)
             generatorLength = listHardSize - 1;
          else if(difficultyLevel == 2)
             generatorLength = listIntermediateSize - 1;
             generatorLength = listEasySize - 1;
          Picks a random word
       public int randWord()
          Random generator = new Random();
          wordArrayLocation = generator.nextInt(generatorLength);
       public String getWord(int difficultyLevel)
          if (difficultyLevel == 3)
             word = listHard.get(wordArrayLocation);
          else if(difficultyLevel == 2)
             word = listIntermediate.get(wordArrayLocation);
             word = listEasy.get(wordArrayLocation);
          return word;
       private String word;
       private int wordArrayLocation;
       private int generatorLength;
       private int listEasySize;
       private int listIntermediateSize;
       private int listHardSize;
       private ArrayList<WordArray> listEasy;  
       private ArrayList<WordArray> listIntermediate;
       private ArrayList<WordArray> listHard;

    Here is what I have changed things to...
    import java.util.Random;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.lang.String;
    public class WordArray
       public WordArray() throws FileNotFoundException
          Creation of 3 word arrays based off of the desired level of game difficulty
          //open the physical files (words*.txt) for use in the corresponding ArrayList
          FileReader readerEasy = new FileReader("wordsEasy.txt");
          FileReader readerIntermediate = new FileReader("wordsIntermediate.txt");
          FileReader readerHard = new FileReader("wordsHard.txt");
          use a Scanner object called "in*" to access the respective file handle.  
          Scanner inEasy = new Scanner(readerEasy);
          Scanner inIntermediate = new Scanner(readerIntermediate);
          Scanner inHard = new Scanner(readerHard);
       Use loops to walk through the input file reading one line at a time. 
          while (inEasy.hasNext())
             String record =;
          while (inIntermediate.hasNext())
             String record =;
          while (inHard.hasNext())
             String record =;
       set the size of of the arraylists to a variable.
       public void setListEasySize()
          listEasySize = listEasy.size();
       public void setListIntermediateSize()
          listIntermediateSize = listIntermediate.size();
       public void setListHardSize()
          listHardSize = listHard.size();
       //Set the difficulty level from user input  
       public void setDifficultyLevel(int difficulty)
          difficultyLevel = difficulty;
       //Calculate the wanted randomm generator length depending on the difficulty level
       public void setGeneratorLength()
          if (difficultyLevel == 3)
             generatorLength = listHardSize - 1;
          else if(difficultyLevel == 2)
             generatorLength = listIntermediateSize - 1;
             generatorLength = listEasySize - 1;
       // Calculates what random arraylist location to pull an object from
       public void randWord()
          Random generator = new Random();
          wordArrayLocation = generator.nextInt(generatorLength);
          Sets the selected arraylist object to another object
       public void setWordObject()
          if (difficultyLevel == 3)
             wordObject = (listHard.get(wordArrayLocation));
          else if(difficultyLevel == 2)
             wordObject = listIntermediate.get(wordArrayLocation);
             wordObject = listEasy.get(wordArrayLocation);
          returns the word
       public String getWord()
          word = wordObject.toString();
          return word;
       private ArrayList<String> listEasy = new ArrayList<String>();
       private ArrayList<String> listIntermediate = new ArrayList<String>();
       private ArrayList<String> listHard = new ArrayList<String>();
       private String word;
       private Object wordObject;
       private int difficultyLevel;
       private int wordArrayLocation;
       private int generatorLength;
       private int listEasySize;
       private int listIntermediateSize;
       private int listHardSize;
    }Edited by: jojavawuz on Nov 19, 2008 8:34 AM

  • Incompatible type error

    I am receiving the following errors:
    incompatible types
    found: int
    required: boolean
    if (accessCode = 8345)
    if (accessCode = 55875)
    if (accessCode = 999909)
    I do not understand why I am getting the errors. accessCode is of type int.
    Thanks in advance for any input.
    int accessCode = Integer.parseInt( String.valueOf(
      securityCodeJPasswordField.getPassword() ) );
         int code;
         if (accessCode >= 1645 && accessCode <= 1689)
             code = 1;
         if (accessCode  = 8345)
                code = 2;
         if (accessCode = 55875)
             code = 3;
         if (accessCode = 999898)
             code = 4;
         if (accessCode >= 1000006 && accessCode <= 1000008)
             code = 5;
         if (accessCode < 1000)
             code = 6;
                        code = accessCode;

    Thanks !! I am stuck in the coding syntax that I use in my job: SAS

  • Incompatible Types... NOT!

    Why am I getting incompatible types in this method?
    C:\jdk1.3\src\ incompatible types
    found : java.util.Date
    required: Date
              Date covDate = sdf.parse(dt, pos);^ <-- carat is at end of line
         public Date dateConvert(String dt) {
              SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("mm/dd/yyyy");
              ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0);
              Date covDate = sdf.parse(dt, pos);
              return covDate;
         }     //dateConvert
    Thanks in advance.

    Actually I'm in Hartford, CT, where NJ sends its rain! I used to live in Staten Island which is close to NJ as you know. Also worked in Parsippany for a while.
    I think "Date" needs to be changed to "java.util.Date" in three places. See comments below where changes are marked. I could not compile or test because I don't have Domino / Notes.
    By the way, in case you get similar problems with another class (Calendar?), I believe that the lotus.domino classes are AgentBase, AgentContext, Session and DateTime. The others should be standard Java classes. Good Luck.
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.math.*;
    import lotus.domino.*;
    public class CalcBusinessDays extends AgentBase {
        public void NotesMain() {
            DateTime startTime = null, endTime = null;
            String startTimeStr, endTimeStr, result;
            try {
                Session session = getSession();
                AgentContext agentContext = session.getAgentContext();
                startTimeStr = "04/12/2000";
                endTimeStr = "05/04/2000";
                startTime = session.createDateTime(startTimeStr);
                endTime = session.createDateTime(endTimeStr);
                result = diffInWeekdays(startTime, endTime, startTimeStr,
                System.out.println("Result = " + result);
            } catch(Exception e) {
        } //NotesMain
        public String diffInWeekdays(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, String startTimeStr, String endTimeStr) {
            String res = "";
            try {
                Date firstDate = null, secondDate = null;
                int diffInt = endTime.timeDifference(startTime);
                int diffIntDays = (diffInt / 86400 + 1);
                BigInteger sev = BigInteger.valueOf(7);
                BigInteger minusTwo = BigInteger.valueOf(-2);
                BigInteger bis = BigInteger.valueOf(getWeekday(firstDate = dateConvert(startTimeStr)));
                BigInteger bie = BigInteger.valueOf(getWeekday(secondDate = dateConvert(endTimeStr)));
                int strtDay = bis.mod(sev).intValue();
                int endDay = bie.mod(sev).intValue();
                int max = minusTwo.max(BigInteger.valueOf(strtDay * -1)).intValue();
                int min = BigInteger.valueOf(1).min(bie.mod(sev)).intValue();
                int result = (diffIntDays - endDay + strtDay - 8) * 5 / 7 - max - min + 5 - strtDay + endDay;
                //o.println("result =\t" + result);
                res = Integer.toString(result);
            } catch (Exception e) {
            return res;
        } //diffInWeekdays
        public java.util.Date dateConvert(String dt) {          // *** changed
            SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("mm/dd/yyyy");
            ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0);
            java.util.Date covDate = sdf.parse(dt, pos);       // *** changed
            return covDate;
        } //dateConvert
        public int getWeekday(java.util.Date cdt) {            // *** changed
            Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
            return cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
        } //getWeekday
    } //CalcBusinessDays

  • Error in Parser.fx file "incompatible types found   : java.util.Properties"

    In parser file "Parser.fx",
    public-read def PROPERTIES_PARSER = StreamParser {
    override public function parse(input : : RecordSet {
    var props = javafx.util.Properties {};
    MemoryRecordSet {
    records: [
    MapRecord {
    fields: props
    due to under line portion an error is appearing:
    "incompatible types
    found : javafx.util.Properties
    required: java.util.Map
    fields: props".
    Please suggest some solution.
    Thanks in advance.
    Choudhary Nafees Ahmed
    Edited by: ChoudharyNafees on Jul 5, 2010 3:48 AM

    package org.netbeans.javafx.datasrc;
    import org.netbeans.javafx.datasrc.MemoryRecordSet;
    public-read def PROPERTIES_PARSER = StreamParser {
        override public function parse(input : : RecordSet {
            var props =java.util.Properties{};
            MemoryRecordSet {
                records: [
                    MapRecord {
                        fields: props
    public-read def LINE_PARSER_FIELD_LINE = ".line";
    public-read def LINE_PARSER = StreamParser {
        override public function parse(input : : RecordSet {
            var line : String;
            var result : Record [] = [];
            line = readLine(input);
            // BEWARE  ("" == null) is true
            while (line != null or "".equals(line)) {
                var map = new java.util.HashMap();
                map.put(LINE_PARSER_FIELD_LINE, line);
                var record = MapRecord {
                    fields: map
                insert record into result;
                line = readLine(input);
            MemoryRecordSet {
                records: result
    function readLine(in : : String {
        var str = new java.lang.StringBuilder;
        while (true) {
            var c =;
            if (c == -1) {
                return if (str.length() == 0) then null else str.toString();
            } else if (c == 0x0D) {
                c =;
                if (c == 0x0A or c == -1) {
                    return str.toString();
            } else if (c == 0x0A) {
                return str.toString();
            str.append(c as Character);
    public-read def JSON_PARSER = StreamParser {
        function toSequence(list : java.util.List) : Record [] {
            var result : Record [] = [];
            var ii = list.iterator();
            while (ii.hasNext()) {
                var r = as Record;
                insert r into result;
        override public function parse(input : : RecordSet {
            var topLevel : Object;
            def parser = PullParser {
                documentType: PullParser.JSON
                input: input
                var mapStack = new java.util.Stack();
                var currentMap : java.util.Map;
                var recordsStack = new java.util.Stack();
                var currentRecords : java.util.List;
                var lastEvent: Event;
                onEvent: function(event: Event) {
                    if (event.type == PullParser.TEXT) {
                        currentMap.put(, event.text)
                    } else if (event.type == PullParser.INTEGER) {
                        currentMap.put(, event.integerValue)
                    } else if (event.type == PullParser.NULL) {
                        currentMap.put(, null)
                    } else if (event.type == PullParser.START_ELEMENT) {
                        if (lastEvent.type == PullParser.START_ARRAY_ELEMENT) return;
                        var oldMap = currentMap;
                        var temp = new java.util.HashMap();
                        temp.put(new Object(), null);
                        currentMap = temp;
                        if (topLevel == null) topLevel = currentMap;
                        if (oldMap != null) {
                            var mr = MapRecord {
                                fields: currentMap
                            if ( == "" and lastEvent.type == PullParser.START_VALUE) {
                                oldMap.put(, mr)
                            } else {
                                oldMap.put(, mr)
                    } else if (event.type == PullParser.START_ARRAY_ELEMENT) {
                        var temp = new java.util.HashMap();
                        temp.put(new Object(), null);
                        currentMap = temp;
                        var mr = MapRecord {
                            fields: currentMap
                    } else if (event.type == PullParser.END_ELEMENT) {
                        if (not mapStack.empty()) {
                            currentMap = mapStack.peek() as java.util.HashMap;
                        } else {
                            currentMap = null;
                    } else if (event.type == PullParser.END_ARRAY_ELEMENT) {
                        if (lastEvent.type == PullParser.END_ELEMENT) return;
                        if (not mapStack.empty()) {
                            currentMap = mapStack.peek() as java.util.HashMap;
                        } else {
                            currentMap = null;
                    } else if (event.type == PullParser.START_ARRAY) {
                        currentRecords = new java.util.ArrayList();
                        if (topLevel == null) topLevel = currentRecords;
                    } else if (event.type == PullParser.END_ARRAY) {
                        var set = MemoryRecordSet {
                            records: toSequence(currentRecords)
                        currentMap.put(, set);
                        if (not recordsStack.empty()) {
                            currentRecords = recordsStack.peek() as java.util.List;
                        } else {
                            currentRecords = null;
                    lastEvent = event;
            if (topLevel instanceof java.util.Map) {
                var mr = MapRecord {
                    fields: topLevel as java.util.Map
                MemoryRecordSet {
                   records: [mr]
            } else {
                // List
                var rs = MemoryRecordSet {
                    records: toSequence(topLevel as java.util.List)
            var mr = MapRecord {
                fields: topLevel as java.util.Map
            MemoryRecordSet {
               records: [mr]

  • Incompatible types in CMP .. How to read RAW

    MY CMP bean has a few CMP fields which are of type byte[] in the database i
    created dbfields having RAW datatype. Deployment is Successfull. but when i
    try to create this CMP then the ejbexception is thrown and it is having a
    nested exception SQLException Incompatible types
    Please help

    "LJS Narayana" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    MY CMP bean has a few CMP fields which are of type byte[] in the databasei
    created dbfields having RAW datatype. Deployment is Successfull. but wheni
    try to create this CMP then the ejbexception is thrown and it is having a
    nested exception SQLException Incompatible types
    Please help

  • Incompatible types in simple odbc statements

    this is my simple code
    import java.sql.*;
    public class QueryApp {
         public static void main(String a[]){
                   Connection con;
                   Statement stat=con.createStatement();
                   stat.executeQuery("Select * from Publishers");
              catch(Exception e){
    }after this when i compile i get these errors incompatible types
    found   : java.sql.Connection
    required: Connection
                                                           ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol  : method createStatement()
    location: class Connection
                Statement stat=con.createStatement();
    2 errorsCan some body help me on this error as searching on net wasn't fruitfull?

    1) You probably created a Connection class your compiler tries to use instead of java.sql.Connection. I advise to rename your class, or at least use the fully qualified classname for declaring con.
    2) The Connection class you created does not have such a method.

  • Incompatible types in assignment

    Hello everyone,
    I'm quite new to objective-c programming. So far, i pretty much solved everything either on my own with the documentation, and with some googling. One problem i haven't solved was how to detect a swipe on a uiscrollview, but i thought i found another way to do it.
    However, when i'm trying to get the contentoffset.x of my scrollview (named dayScrollView) and store it in a CGFloat, i get a compiler error ' incompatible types in assignment'. I have been able to access it just fine, however now it's giving me trouble.
    I declared the float in the header file (CGFloat *deceleratingTouch), and then tried to store it in the implementation file (deceleratingTouch=dayScrollView.contentOffset.x;). What is possible that went wrong? as i said, i'm quite new, so i sometimes make the stupidest mistakes.

    Ok, it was solved. Apparently, CGFloat doesn't need the asterisk if you declare it in the header file. That's what i said about stupid mistakes

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