DDE is not working in 10gr2

I am using dde package for importing data from excel files , it's working in my pc , but when we deploye it on apps server it's giving error message.
is it possiable to use dde in FORMS 10gr2.

could you tell me is it possiable to use DDE in webutil , bcoz i have already written code in DDE package .
i don't want to write it again Through Client_ole2 pkg .
If any solution plz suggest me .

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  • DDE communication in windows 10 not working

    Hi everybody,
    I am experiencing a very big problem in the windows 10 technical preview (build 9841) according DDE communication.
    We have a large crm application that uses DDE communication for 2 business critical modules.
    1. Communicate with MS Word (automaticly generate letters, property description etc.)
    2. Communicate with a tool we written to interact with the telephone system.
    If Windows 10 will no longer allow DDE Communication we have to know this very fast, to start developing new modules.
    So my Question is:
    Will Windows 10 no longer support DDE communication or is this only a bug in the technical preview?
    To reproduce the problem you can just take some DDE Client-/Server Example Tools from the net (http://www.activevb.de/tipps/vb6tipps/tipp0404.html | http://www.activevb.de/tipps/downloads/tipp0404.zip | http://support.microsoft.com/kb/74861/de).
    Our CRM Software as well as this little example tool works in WinXP, Win Vista, Win 7, Win8, Win8.1 but not in Windows 10.
    When debugging I am Just getting Error 282 "Keine andere Anwendung hat auf die DDE-Initiative reagiert" which means that no DDE Application is responding.
    Thanks for reading.
    Because this is business critical for us a quick answer would be preferable.

    I have testet it with the new Windows 10 Build 9860 and DDE communication is working again.
    Just perfect!
    Best Regards

  • Oracle 10gr2 locally is not working after  installing Oracle 11g

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    Forms session <2> failed during startup: no response from runtime process

    Generally this is because the software you install last updates the system environment variables with its information, thereby break products that use files with similar names. Specifically, look at PATH and ORACLE_HOME. Likely you will see that entries for your 11g installation will be displayed first. In order to use v10, you would need to change this or use script files to start executibles. For Forms runtime, be sure to properly set default.env to point to the desired PATH

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    Please help! Thanks in advance.

    The problem may be a PATH problem.
    Start the reports server after having set the PATH :
    set ORACLE_HOME=d:\oracle\ods1012
    set PATH=%ORACLE_HOME%\jdk\jre\bin\classic;%ORACLE_HOME%\jdk\jre\bin;%ORACLE_HOME%\jdk\jre\bin\client;%ORACLE_HOME%\jlib;%ORACLE_HOME%\bin;%ORACLE_HOME%\jdk\bin;%ORACLE_HOME%\jre\1.4.2\bin\client;%ORACLE_HOME%\jre\1.4.2\bin;

  • Drawstring is not working in Linux !!!

    hi everbody
    Graphics.drawString is not working properly on Linux ,
    how can i fix it.
    what is problem.
    on XP , 10gR2 db evertything is ok. 326x160 picture and "Sample Text." seen on browser.
    on Oracle Unbrakeble Linux , 11g db 326x160 picture seen on browser but "Sample Text." absent on picture !!!!!
    complete code is below
    create or replace and compile java source named java1 as
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    import java.io.*;
    import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGCodec;
    import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGImageEncoder;
    public class MyGraph
    public static byte[] vcanvas (int width ,int height ) throws IOException
    BufferedImage bimage = new BufferedImage(width,height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
    Graphics g = bimage.createGraphics();
    g.fillRect(0, 0, width - 1, height - 1);
    g.drawString("Sample Text.",10,height/2);
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    JPEGImageEncoder jpeg = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(baos);
    return baos.toByteArray();
    } // MyGraph
    create or replace function javaimage(w number,h number) return varchar2
    as LANGUAGE JAVA name 'MyGraph.vcanvas(int, int) return byte[]';
    create or replace procedure imgXYZ is
    vData varchar2(32767);
    owa_util.mime_header('image/jpeg', FALSE );

    You have to start Http server for that :
    $ $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin/apachectl start

  • Client.ole2 is not working

    Hi i'm migrating to from fomrs 4.5 to 10g as DDE package are not supported in the
    10g. i'm using client.ole2
    I have written following code to open a stored excel sheet(which is a template for entering the data). this is not working not giving any error.
    please tell me where is the error
    application client_ole2.obj_type;
    workbooks client_OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    workbook client_OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    worksheets client_OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    worksheet client_OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    worksheet2 client_OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    worksheet3 client_OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    args1 client_ole2.list_type;
    L_PATH VARCHAR2(100);
    COMMAND1 VARCHAR2(5000);
         l_PATH := SFN_GET_DIRECTORY_PATH('DIR0003');
    COMMAND1 := L_PATH||'\Formats\EMP_NEW_UPLOAD.xls';
    application := Client_OLE2.create_obj('Excel.Application');
    workbooks := Client_OLE2.Get_Obj_Property(application, 'Workbooks');
    args1 := Client_Ole2.create_arglist;
    Client_Ole2.add_arg(args1, 'c:\emp.xls');
    workbook := Client_Ole2.invoke_obj(workbooks, 'Open', args1);
    worksheets := Client_Ole2.get_obj_property(workbook, 'worksheets');

    As Gerald Krieger suggests, it sounds as if you have not installed the Jacob library correctly. Most WebUtil functions, like CLIENT_GET_FILE_NAME, are included in the base 10g install -- OLE functionality, however, is not. This is because the Jacob library, which is required for OLE support, is not an Oracle product and, as such, could not legally be distributed by Oracle.
    Jacob can be downloaded from http://sourceforge.net/projects/jacob-project
    Configuring the OC4J for developing/testing OLE-enabled forms involves these steps:
    1. Download the Jacob library and extract two files -- jacob.jar & jacob.dll
    2. Place a signed copy of jacob.jar in ...\forms\java
    3. Place a copy of jacob.dll in ...\forms\webutil
    4. If you are not using Jacob 1.8, but are instead using a different version, you must edit ...\forms\server\webutil.cfg by locating the line which contains install.syslib.0.7.1=jacob.dll|94208|1.0|true and replacing 94208 with the size (in bytes) of your particular version of jacob.dll
    If these instructions are unclear, please accept my apologies and refer to the WebUtil documentation for details.
    Finally, be aware that your forms will not deploy correctly unless ...\forms\webutil.pll has been compiled. You must be connected to a WebUtil-ready database in order for webutil.pll to compile successfully.
    Hope this helps,
    Eric Adamson
    Lansing, Michigan

  • JasperReports does not work outside Netbeans

    Hi guys,
    Background story: application with a couple of forms, the data can be stored and saved from a sqlite database. In the end the forms need to be saved as a PDF.
    Netbeans 6.7, JasperReports 4.0.2.
    Libraries in my Classpath: Commons-beanutils, Commons collections, commons digester, commons javaflow, commons logging, iText, Jasperreports
    I tried to use JasperReports for this matter. It runs perfectly when in Netbeans, and my PDF is generated.
    However, when I try to run the compiled .jar file from windows explorer... the whole JasperReports part does not work at all.
    I made a simple example showing my problem. It produces a nice 1 line PDF when in netbeans, but outside Netbeans, nothing again.
    Could you give me some advice on this? Or maybe an alternative for JasperReports?
    Thanks alot,
    package jasperreportsproject2;
    import java.util.logging.Level;
    import java.util.logging.Logger;
    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.*;
    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.*;
    import java.util.*;
    * @author Elwin
    public class Main {
         * @param args the command line arguments
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            String fileName = "test1.jrxml";
            String outFileName = "test.pdf";
            HashMap hm = new HashMap();
                // Fill the report using an empty data source
            try {
                JasperPrint print;
                JasperReport jasperreport;
                jasperreport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(fileName);
                print = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperreport, hm, new JREmptyDataSource());
                // Create a PDF exporter
                JRExporter exporter = new JRPdfExporter();
                // Configure the exporter (set output file name and print object)
                exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, outFileName);
                exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, print);
                // Export the PDF file
                } catch (JRException ex) {
                Logger.getLogger(Main.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    }The xml file used to build the report
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jasperReport xmlns="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/xsd/jasperreport.xsd" name="HelloWorld" pageWidth="595" pageHeight="842" columnWidth="555" leftMargin="20" rightMargin="20" topMargin="30" bottomMargin="30">
         <property name="ireport.zoom" value="1.0"/>
         <property name="ireport.x" value="0"/>
         <property name="ireport.y" value="0"/>
              <band height="200" splitType="Stretch">
                        <reportElement x="0" y="0" width="500" height="20"/>
                        <text><![CDATA[Hello Report World!]]></text>

    Another for xsql:
    Producing PDF Output with the FOP Serializer

  • F7 & F8 key is not working in forms 10g

    Dear all,
    I am working with oracle application version, installed on windows server 2003 and database 10gR2 on windows server 2008. When i open any form and tries F8 / F7 to executed & enter
    query, its not working. But its owrking with with F11 and shitp + F11. I want to use F7 & F8 for enter/execute the query. I have same another same environment with same configuration, there F7
    & F8 is working fine. To enable these keys i rename fmrpcweb.res to fmrweb.res. But guide me with your sincere suggessions & experience.

    According to Metalink's Developer 2.1 Release Notes (Doc ID #90090.1), section 4.2.1, "TABLE_FROM_BLOCK Built-In":
    DO NOT use the TABLE_FROM_BLOCK built-in described in the
    documentation. It is reserved for internal use only. No support
    for this built-in will be provided under any circumstances.
    If you used this built-in, you will need to recode your from(s) for 10g.
    Message was edited by:
    Mark Roberts

  • Oracle Drive specific features not working

    I have set up Oracle Drive against two 10gR2 instances. Both of them fail with different messages.
    There are no issues with MS Web Folders, also most of this functionality works in Oracle Drive.
    When I try to use Drive specific functionality like "set properties", this fails with following messages.
    1. One of them fails with HTTP-404 after using machine name in the URL as opposed to using Virtual Host name
    2. Second one fails with similar error message but this is missing virtual host name or server name in the URL.
    I can't find any Oracle Drive logs to debug. So, my questions are ..
    1. how can I debug Oracle debug?
    2. Does Oracle drive support virtual host?
    3. If so, why is the above behaviour
    Users are keen to use Oracle Drive. So, any help (ASAP) would be appreciated.
    Bala Avula
    Kinetic Software Ltd

    Hi Christian,
    Sorry I didn't get back to you so far. I just noticed that this account is using old email address and I didn't recieve any update when you replied.
    Here are some answers to your questions.
    0) Bye the way one of the servers works now after recent portal repository copy (ptlconfig was run as part of it)
    1) I tested view page, access control and set properties options. All of these fail.
    2) I was looking for log files in the wrong place. Found them now and from the logs, it looks like one of the sites is not getting proper values for OPTIONS query.
    Here is the reply from server that works.
    ==== Request ===================================================================
    OPTIONS /dav_portal/portal/ HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: text/xml
    Content-Length: 133
    Accept: */*
    Host: devinfo.united-glass.co.uk:7779
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    User-Agent: Windows Client 4.3 (build 12)
    Authorization: Basic ****************
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <D:options xmlns:D="DAV:">
    <Orcl:menulist xmlns:Orcl="http://xmlns.oracle.com/portal/oradav"/>
    ==== Reply ============================= reply time 1943 ms ====================
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
    Set-Cookie: portal=9.0.3+en-us+us+AMERICA+C50FA4B405C748BCA1DCBEA4AA945F2D+4F1321F3C7185B361FA993BDEF81AF9A5C7A3D52E417988AFBDAA4D2F94A1B0AE0F3E66338F66F278D85FED4B6E7F5DD8D2FF36DF7632769EA1309A302AE20163B4888CBB4D17A4A; domain=.united-glass.co.uk; path=/dav_portal/portal
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=999
    Server: Oracle-Application-Server-10g OracleAS-Web-Cache-10g/ (N;ecid=5824288353905,0)
    Content-Length: 1953
    Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2005 15:27:23 GMT
    MS-Author-Via: DAV
    DAV: 1,2
    <orcl:OraclePortalMenu xmlns:orcl="http://www.oracle.com/oradav/xythos/"><orcl:Members><orcl:MenuItem orcl:DisplayName="Set Properties" xml:lang="en" orcl:url="http://devinfo.united-glass.co.uk:7779/pls/portal/PORTAL.wwsbr_menu.process_menu?p_menu_name=property&amp;p_is_member=true&amp;p_dav_prefix=/dav_portal/portal&amp;p_path=##PATH##" /><orcl:MenuItem orcl:DisplayName="Change Access Control" xml:lang="en" orcl:url="http://devinfo.united-glass.co.uk:7779/pls/portal/PORTAL.wwsbr_menu.process_menu?p_menu_name=access&amp;p_is_member=true&amp;p_dav_prefix=/dav_portal/portal&amp;p_path=##PATH##" /><orcl:MenuItem orcl:DisplayName="Preview Content" xml:lang="en" orcl:url="http://devinfo.united-glass.co.uk:7779/pls/portal/PORTAL.wwsbr_menu.process_menu?p_menu_name=preview&amp;p_is_member=true&amp;p_dav_prefix=/dav_portal/portal&amp;p_path=##PATH##" /><orcl:MenuItem orcl:DisplayName="View Versions" xml:lang="en" orcl:url="http://devinfo.united-glass.co.uk:7779/pls/portal/PORTAL.wwsbr_menu.process_menu?p_menu_name=version&amp;p_is_member=true&amp;p_dav_prefix=/dav_portal/portal&amp;p_path=##PATH##" /></orcl:Members><orcl:Collections><orcl:MenuItem orcl:DisplayName="Set Properties" xml:lang="en" orcl:url="http://devinfo.united-glass.co.uk:7779/pls/portal/PORTAL.wwsbr_menu.process_menu?p_menu_name=property&amp;p_is_member=false&amp;p_dav_prefix=/dav_portal/portal&amp;p_path=##PATH##" /><orcl:MenuItem orcl:DisplayName="Change Access Control" xml:lang="en" orcl:url="http://devinfo.united-glass.co.uk:7779/pls/portal/PORTAL.wwsbr_menu.process_menu?p_menu_name=access&amp;p_is_member=false&amp;p_dav_prefix=/dav_portal/portal&amp;p_path=##PATH##" /><orcl:MenuItem orcl:DisplayName="View Page" xml:lang="en" orcl:url="http://devinfo.united-glass.co.uk:7779/pls/portal/PORTAL.wwsbr_menu.process_menu?p_menu_name=preview&amp;p_is_member=false&amp;p_dav_prefix=/dav_portal/portal&amp;p_path=##PATH##" /></orcl:Collections></orcl:OraclePortalMenu>
    Here is the reply from server that does NOT work.
    ==== Request ===================================================================
    OPTIONS /dav_portal/portal/ HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: text/xml
    Content-Length: 133
    Accept: */*
    Host: info.united-glass.co.uk:7777
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    User-Agent: Windows Client 4.3 (build 12)
    Authorization: Basic ************************
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <D:options xmlns:D="DAV:">
    <Orcl:menulist xmlns:Orcl="http://xmlns.oracle.com/portal/oradav"/>
    ==== Reply ============================= reply time 1852 ms ====================
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
    Set-Cookie: portal=9.0.3+en-us+us+AMERICA+0CAD20EE8A924CC5BB8F6CE84A107D0C+B1812814BE667200A940FD2AF2C795BA3EE4B9659FB2D82DD4058EFCBB335EBB255CC9F2C71111F0A4C51632C9DFBE2FF0D80D97F97B6CBC1167A6B9DAA661210DB1DB5B5A05D22F; domain=.united-glass.co.uk; path=/dav_portal/portal
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=999
    Server: Oracle-Application-Server-10g OracleAS-Web-Cache-10g/ (N;ecid=8092027261765,0)
    Content-Length: 1694
    Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2005 14:25:09 GMT
    MS-Author-Via: DAV
    DAV: 1,2
    <orcl:OraclePortalMenu xmlns:orcl="http://www.oracle.com/oradav/xythos/"><orcl:Members><orcl:MenuItem orcl:DisplayName="Set Properties" xml:lang="en" orcl:url="http:/portal/PORTAL.wwsbr_menu.process_menu?p_menu_name=property&amp;p_is_member=true&amp;p_dav_prefix=/dav_portal/portal&amp;p_path=##PATH##" /><orcl:MenuItem orcl:DisplayName="Change Access Control" xml:lang="en" orcl:url="http:/portal/PORTAL.wwsbr_menu.process_menu?p_menu_name=access&amp;p_is_member=true&amp;p_dav_prefix=/dav_portal/portal&amp;p_path=##PATH##" /><orcl:MenuItem orcl:DisplayName="Preview Content" xml:lang="en" orcl:url="http:/portal/PORTAL.wwsbr_menu.process_menu?p_menu_name=preview&amp;p_is_member=true&amp;p_dav_prefix=/dav_portal/portal&amp;p_path=##PATH##" /><orcl:MenuItem orcl:DisplayName="View Versions" xml:lang="en" orcl:url="http:/portal/PORTAL.wwsbr_menu.process_menu?p_menu_name=version&amp;p_is_member=true&amp;p_dav_prefix=/dav_portal/portal&amp;p_path=##PATH##" /></orcl:Members><orcl:Collections><orcl:MenuItem orcl:DisplayName="Set Properties" xml:lang="en" orcl:url="http:/portal/PORTAL.wwsbr_menu.process_menu?p_menu_name=property&amp;p_is_member=false&amp;p_dav_prefix=/dav_portal/portal&amp;p_path=##PATH##" /><orcl:MenuItem orcl:DisplayName="Change Access Control" xml:lang="en" orcl:url="http:/portal/PORTAL.wwsbr_menu.process_menu?p_menu_name=access&amp;p_is_member=false&amp;p_dav_prefix=/dav_portal/portal&amp;p_path=##PATH##" /><orcl:MenuItem orcl:DisplayName="View Page" xml:lang="en" orcl:url="http:/portal/PORTAL.wwsbr_menu.process_menu?p_menu_name=preview&amp;p_is_member=false&amp;p_dav_prefix=/dav_portal/portal&amp;p_path=##PATH##" /></orcl:Collections></orcl:OraclePortalMenu>
    You can seee from the logs that URLs constructed for 2nd one is in complete. Any ideas on fixing this?

  • Flashback Reclaimable Does Not Work Properly

    We saw the strange behavior of flashback reclaimable space as it does not work properly if the PERCENT_SPACE_USED of v$flash_recovery_area_usage is near to 100 (99.9x). As we are running Oracle 10gR2 (Cluster & RAC) to manage our production RAC database, it is a two node RAC. on IBM AIX 6.1
    Today at 9:00 AM, we observed that 97% reclaimable space was available. And db_recovery_file_dest_size is 460 GB out of 600 GB (mount point). No other process is being used this mount point for any IO, it is reserved for flashback only. We left 140 GB space free on mount point to over come any dynamic space requirement for flashback.
    At 10:00AM we received out of space message in alert log file and during 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM 10 to 15 archive logs were created and at 9:50AM some archive log were also deleted automatically by oracle server(default behavior). Please see the output below.
    ONLINELOG 0 0 0
    ARCHIVELOG 99.9 98 1520
    IMAGECOPY 0 0 0
    It is really a strange behavior, please is there any one who face the same issue or what may be the reason for this ?
    Edited by: user13656883 on Jul 18, 2011 11:27 PM

    Dear CKPT,
    we daily have 3 times archive log backup and after every backup we do crosscheck. as is mentioned earlier, 99% space was shown as used and but on the other hand 97% space was also shown as reclaimable. so on these bases we are very confused , why oracle behaves like this and throw error in alert log as below
    ORACLE Instance rac1 - Archival Error
    Mon Jul 18 09:59:08 2011
    ORA-16014: log 1 sequence# 39143 not archived, no available destinations
    ORA-00312: online log 1 thread 1: '/u02/oradata/rac/redo01.log'
    Mon Jul 18 09:59:08 2011
    Errors in file /u01/oracle/product/1020/db/admin/rac/bdump/rac1_arc0_3212156.trc:
    ORA-16014: log 1 sequence# 39143 not archived, no available destinations
    ORA-00312: online log 1 thread 1: '/u02/oradata/rac/redo01.log'
    Mon Jul 18 10:04:13 2011
    Errors in file /u01/oracle/product/1020/db/admin/rac/bdump/rac1_arc1_3277694.trc:
    ORA-19815: WARNING: db_recovery_file_dest_size of 493921239040 bytes is 100.00% used, and has 0 remaining bytes available.
    Mon Jul 18 10:04:13 2011

  • The icon for firefox is not working. "There was a problem sending the command to the program" pops up. Cannot get in to firefox

    Since the upgrade, the icon does not work. Now this message comes up. I made Google my home page by following directions on this site. I deleted the old icon as it didnt work, and this new one came up on my desktop and it presented the message above.

    Before you open any of the applications, please go to Task Manager to see if their processes are stuck there. If so, shut them down and try again.
    You can also try starting the applications in Safe Mode to determine if the problem is 3rd-party add-ins related.
    Please refer to this article below to learn more:
    As for the Excel problem 'There was a problem sending the command to the program', please note when double-clicking an Excel workbook, a
    dynamic data exchange (DDE) message is sent to Excel, instructing it to open the workbook that you double-clicked. If you
    turn on the "Ignore other applications that use Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)“ setting,
     the DDE message sent to Excel by Windows Explorer is ignored, and Excel does not open the workbook that you double-clicked.
    To automatically solve this issue , we recommend to run “Microsoft Fix it 20074” and follow the steps in the wizard:
    You can also try to fix it manually by the steps under 'Let me fix it myself'.
    If the steps above don't help, we can try to repair Office from Control Panel -> Programs and Features to check the result.
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support

  • SQL-Tokenizer based on regular-expressions does not work

    I'm on 10gR2
    Following SQL-Tokenizer converts string :str to rows using :delim as the delimiter-char (:str and :delim are parameters):
    select level, regexp_replace(regexp_substr( :in_str || :in_delimiter, '(.*?)' || :in_delimiter, 1, level ), :in_delimiter, '') as token
    from dual
    connect by regexp_instr( :in_str || :in_delimiter, '(.*?)' || :in_delimiter, 1, level ) > 0
    order by level asc ;
    When using the pipe-symbol "|" as the delimiter, it doesn't work; the rows are processed, but the tokens are null. Using an other char as delimiter (e.g. ";") works fine.
    :str = "123;456;A1;67X;0;-8" & :delim = ";" => works fine
    :str = "123|456|A1|67X|0|-8" & :delim = "|" => does not work
    I think the bug is in the regexp-parameter for the pattern, isn't it?
    Why doesn't work the pipe-symbol as delimiter?
    Can anybody give me a hint for using the correct regexp-pattern?

    select level, rtrim(regexp_substr( :in_str || :in_delimiter, '(.*?)' || :in_delimiter, 1, level ),:in_delimiter ) as token
    from dual
    connect by regexp_instr( :in_str || :in_delimiter, '(.*?)' || :in_delimiter, 1, level ) > 0
    order by level asc ;use a rtrim instead of regexp_replace then it works...
    Ravi Kumar

  • Mouse Scroll Not Working in oracle forms

    I Created a master and detail block.. In Detail block following Properties i set
    No. of Records to be displayed : 10
    Scroll bar : no
    Without having the scroll bar i wannt to check all the records in the detail Block.
    for this i created key_scrolldown trigger in form levl called thye builtin
    i'm using Oracle 10g.. JIniator for Running Oracle Forms
    applying this Coding this function is not working..
    Can anybody tell this How to oversome from this...???

    What version of Oracle Forms are you using? You should always include this in your posts. :)
    Mouse scrolling is only enabled in Web runtime of Forms - so you must be using Forms 9i or higher.
    Does JRE Support mouse scrolling function?If memory serves, Mouse scroll was first introduced in Java 1.5.0. Therefore, if you want enble the mouse scroll wheel in Forms, you must be using JRE 1.5.0 or higher. I strongly recommend you use Java 1.6.0_33 or higher - but do not use Java 1.7.0 as it has not been certified with Oracle Forms yet.
    In order to use the JRE over the Jinitiator, you must modify your configuration to enable use of the JRE. Please take a look at Oracle 10gR2 Forms Services – Using Sun's Java Plug-in. This Oracle White Paper is for Forms 10g Release 2, but the instructions are basically the same for 9i and 11g as well.
    Hope this helps,
    Craig B-)
    If someone's response is helpful or correct, please mark it accordingly.

  • Client_text_io-not working

    when using webutil,I got the following error.
    oracle.forms.webutil.file.Filefunctions bean not found.
    CLIENT_TEXT_IO_FOPEN will not work?
    How can I address this error.
    I am using 10gR2 forms & 9i database

    Hi vimal,
    this kind of error ( ... bean not found) is typical when you are calling
    webutil functions from within startup of your form...
    You can only call one of the webutil functions after the form is drawn
    to the screen. If you do want the webutil functionality available at startup,
    you must use a timer as explained in the forms developer help. Have a look at the "Using WebUtil in Your Applications" in the online help.

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