DDL in Forms..

Hi ..
I need to know if possible ..how to create table or user with privligase in DEVELOPER2000 form Builders I can do it using SQL but I wanna build a FORM to do this job,, I tryed creating procedure but always gives errors..
Please I need to know if it possible and how ??

You can try using the FORMS_DDL built-in, or dynamic SQL using the DBMS_SQL package. (Look in the database for documentation on DBMS_SQL.)
Robin Zimmermann
Forms Product Management

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    Dear Abhishake,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I had gone through the link you had mentioned detailly.what i understand that is ZCI needs to be installed thats comming with Support pack SAP NetWeaver SPS 10 .
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    Var count =  list of items in the DDL
    Var DDl = xfa.form.data.DDL (position of DDL in the form)
    Var textfield = xfa.form.data.textfield (position of textfield in teh form)
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    Hi Kevin,
    thanks for sharing your thoughts. There will be much more advanced find/search facilities in next version of Data Modeler and scripts also will be covered.

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    I got it works now by using the xpath expression (in workbench) to assign to the selected user from the DDL in the form.

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    , '''||:global.flinv_profile_value||'''
    , ''USER''
    , ''1110''
    , NULL
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    Not sure why your using an anonymous block. Personalization rules should look like the following in a *.ldt file.
    DESCRIPTION = "Disable Query-Enter Mode"
    SEQUENCE = "20"
    CREATED_BY = "34307"
    CREATION_DATE = "2012/04/22"
    OWNER = "USER123"
    LAST_UPDATE_DATE = "2012/04/22"
    LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = "145888118"
    ENABLED = "Y"
    RULE_TYPE = "A"
    SEQUENCE = "10"
    CREATED_BY = "34307"
    CREATION_DATE = "2012/04/22"
    OWNER = "USER123"
    LAST_UPDATE_DATE = "2012/04/22"
    LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = "145888118"
    ENABLED = "Y"
    LANGUAGE = "*"
    PROPERTY_NAME = "195"
    LAST_UPDATE_DATE = "2012/04/22"
    OWNER = "USER123"
    CREATION_DATE = "2012/04/22"
    CREATED_BY = "34307"
    LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = "145888118"

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    Thank you.

    Hi Soumya,
    It is possible but a little bit tough and will make your form heavier.
    The solution is advisable only when there is not very much data required for the drop down(May be not more than 500 values as it will create performance issue).
    You can create a hidden table on the form contaning data for all the combinations. Depending on the selection of another 3 fields you can write the code to select only those values from this hidden table which are applicable to that selection. These values you can add to the drop down list removing the previous values.
    Only you have to do is on calculate or vlaidate event of target DDL you have to write your code.
    1. Clear your DDL using deleteItem() method.
    2. Loop at your hidden table.
    3. Inside the loop check for applicable entries depending on selection in other 3 fields.
    4. Select the appropriate vlaues
    5. Add using additem method().
    Refer formCalc or JavaScript help for the appropriate code.
    Hope this will be helpfull.

  • DDL  Forms

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    Thanks in advance

    Example 1
    ** Built-in: FORMS_DDL
    ** Example: The expression can be a string literal.
    Forms_DDL('create table temp(n NUMBER)');
    IF NOT Form_Success THEN
    Message ('Table Creation Failed');
    Message ('Table Created');
    END IF;
    Example 2
    ** Built-in: FORMS_DDL
    ** Example: The string can be an expression or variable.
    ** Create a table with n Number columns.
    ** TEMP(COL1, COL2, ..., COLn).
    PROCEDURE Create_N_Column_Number_Table (n NUMBER) IS
    my_stmt VARCHAR2(2000);
    my_stmt := 'create table tmp(COL1 NUMBER';
    FOR I in 2..N LOOP
    my_stmt := my_stmt||',COL'||TO_CHAR(i)||' NUMBER';
    my_stmt := my_stmt||')';
    ** Now, create the table...
    IF NOT Form_Success THEN
    Message ('Table Creation Failed');
    Message ('Table Created');
    END IF;
    Example 3:
    ** Built-in: FORMS_DDL
    ** Example: The statement parameter can be a block
    ** of dynamically created PL/SQL code.
    procname VARCHAR2(30);
    IF :global.flag = 'TRUE' THEN
    procname := 'Assign_New_Employer';
    procname := 'Update_New_Employer';
    END IF;
    Forms_DDL('Begin '|| procname ||'; End;');
    IF NOT Form_Success THEN
    Message ('Employee Maintenance Failed');
    Message ('Employee Maintenance Successful');
    END IF;
    Example 4:
    ** Built-in: FORMS_DDL
    ** Example: Issue the SQL statement passed in as an argument,
    ** and return a number representing the outcome of
    ** executing the SQL statement.
    ** A result of zero represents success.
    FUNCTION Do_Sql (stmt VARCHAR2, check_for_locks BOOLEAN := TRUE)
    IF stmt IS NULL THEN
    Message ('DO_SQL: Passed a null statement.');
    END IF;
    IF Check_For_Locks AND :System.Form_Status = 'CHANGED' THEN
    Message ('DO_SQL: Form has outstanding locks pending.');
    END IF;
    IF Form_Success THEN
    RETURN Dbms_Error_Code;
    END IF;

  • Forms ddl insert

    I have gone over many forms ddl code and still cannot get this insert statement right.... I have worked on this for a day now so any help would be thankful
    I have a when button pressed trigger
    with this code
    REMP_ID number(2);
    Request_ID number(7);
    Pending Varchar2(10);
         REquest_ID := :control.text_item126;
         pending := 'P';
         remp_id := :global.tracker;
    /*This is so I know that my variables are working*/
         :text_item136:= remp_id;
         :text_item137:= pending;
         :text_item138:= request_id;
         :text_item139:= sysdate;
    FORMs_DDL('INSERT INTO request VALUES('||remp_id||''','''||request_ID||''','''||sysdate||''','''||Null||''','''||pending||')');
    /*have tried variations of single quotes to no avail*/

    FORMs_DDL('INSERT INTO request VALUES('||remp_id||''','''||request_ID||''','''||sysdate||''','''||Null||''','''||pending||')');
    <p>If your value of remp_id is 123, and request_ID is 456, your statement would translate to this:
    <p>INSERT INTO request VALUES(123','456','31-JAN-06','','P)Not a well-formed statment.
    <p><font color="red">But WHY do you need Forms_DDL anyway? What is wrong with a straight insert statement:</font>
    <p>INSERT INTO request
      values(:global.tracker,:control.text_item126, sysdate, null, 'P');And just some advice: Never code an insert statement without naming the columns in the table. If the table gets altered and a column is added, your code will fail.
    <p>> still nothing is actually being inserted into the database
    <p>Are you forgetting that a commit is necessary after issuing a SQL insert/update/delete from a form?

  • Based on DDL value ,How to make few other fields visible in Adobe forms in SAP CRM??

    Hi All,
            I need to make few fields visible in adobe forms, based on the dropdown value which user selects.....

    Hi Vignesh,
         In the "EXIT" or "CLICK"event of the particular Drop down field you can write the below code(in Java script).
    if (this.rawvalue == <value> )
          <field name>.presence = "invisible";
        <field name>.presence = "visible";
    Ashok N.

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    Hello Madhu,
    Can you post the query of your select list - and of your tabular form (or report). Why do you assume the problem is in the select lst? What happens to the performance if you omit the select list?

  • DML/DDL/Forms

    1.Can any one write a select statement to generate sequencial number ?
    2.How to print the duplicate records from a table ?
    3.What is the difference between a WHERE Clause and HAVING Clause?
    4.What is the difference between Key-Next Trigger and When-Validate Trigger?
    5.What is a Transaction in Oracle?
    6.What are Database triggers and Stored Procedures?
    7. What is the difference between Function,Procedures,Packages?
    Hope it is enough for the day..Will write more question upon receving answers for the above..
    Guruprasad T.N.

    A 1 Check the Create Sequence
    A 2 In Form When We Are In Detail Section
    Can use Function Key F4 For Copying the Prev. record as it to the Next Record.
    A 3 Where Clause Is used for the Resticting For the Single Row Funtions.
    and Having is used for Group Functions
    Q4 What is the difference between Key-Next Trigger and When-Validate Trigger..
    Ans : Key Next Item can used for developer required Rotines ...While When -validate-trigger can be used for the Check the Validation of the Record.
    I provid u the Answers but....The is important piece of work
    Remaing Next Time.......
    M.Azam Rasheed
    ([email protected])

  • How to use DDL-Operations in before processing the form

    I want to drop and create a sequence when i make a form with
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    Sybille Krvnert

    not sure in webdb how to do that, but I think you can put the
    code in the before proccessing form and after processing form
    block. In portal that should work, or you can place code in the
    button events for the save/insert/update buttons to do that like
    create sequence .....
    drop sequence ....

  • Generate Query in PLSQL to return Well Formed XML with Multiple records

    Hi there
    This is very urgent. I am trying to create a PLSQL query that should retrieve all records from oracle database table "tbl_Emp" in a well formed xml format. The format is given below
    *<Employees xmlns="http://App.Schemas.Employees" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">*
    To retrieve data in above format, I have been trying to create a query for long time as below
    SELECT XMLElement("Employees",
    XMLAttributes('http://App.Schemas.Employees' AS "xmlns",
    *'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' AS "xmlns:xsi"),*
    XMLElement("Employee", XMLForest(First_Name, Last_Name)))
    FROM tbl_Emp;
    But it does not give me the required output. It creates <Employees> tag with each individual record which I don't need. I need <Employees> tag to be the root tag and <Employee> tag to repeat and wrap each individual record. Please help me in this as this is very urgent. Thanks.

    Please remember that nothing is "urgent" here, and repeating that it is will likely produce the opposite effect.
    If you need a quick answer, provide all necessary details in the first place :
    - db version
    - test case with sample data and DDL
    That being said, this one's easy, you have to aggregate using XMLAgg :
    SELECT XMLElement("Employees"
           , XMLAttributes(
               'http://App.Schemas.Employees' AS "xmlns"
             , 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' AS "xmlns:xsi"
           , XMLAgg(
               , XMLForest(
                   e.first_name as "First_Name"
                 , e.last_name  as "Last_Name"
           ) AS "RESULT"
    FROM hr.employees e

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