DDocName in the resultset gets higher preference than local variable: unable to set dDocName in the binder using Idoc Script

I have the following code built using idocScript
Note: variableName has value of contentID for which "DOC_INFO_BY_NAME" has be executed.
When i execute this, i see that DOC_INFO_BY_NAME is getting executed for previous content ID that "dDocName" was  holding. In other words, following assignment
Is not taking effect.
I think the value is not getting updated in the binder. How do i correct this.
This is little urgent, Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks and Regards,
Seshan K.

This issue is seen when we are accesing the page that list down all the blogs postings along with author images.
Step 1: Execute the search to fetch blog postings:
         Associated IdocScript: <@dynamichtml dv_blog_landing_page_postings@>
Step2: Loop through result set and build blog listing
          Assocaited html fragment: <$include dv_blog_post_searchresults_landing_html$>
     Sub step2: Fetch image of blog Author when displaying the blogs listings
               Associated fragment: <@dynamichtml dv_get_blog_author_image@>
               Note: Issue is seen in this block
Following is the actual logic. All the calls to the display fragments are in bold. All the comments are in italics.
<@dynamichtml dv_blog_landing_page_postings@>
<$ssNextRow = getValue("#active", "ssNextRow")$>
<$if not #local.ssNextRow$>
<$ssNextRow = 1$>
<$ssNextRow = #local.ssNextRow$>
<$ResultCount = getValue("#active", ssFragmentInstanceId & "_ssNumPostsPerPage")$>
<$ResultCount = 5$>
<$endRow = ssNextRow+ResultCount$>
<$if #active.debug$>ssNextRow:<$ssNextRow$><br>endRow:<$endRow$><br><$endif$>
<$if not ssQueryText$>
<$ssQueryText = "dDocType <matches> `BLOG_ENTRY` <and> xParentId <matches> `" &BlogId &"`"$>
<$QueryText = ssQueryText$>
<$QueryText = QueryText & " <AND> xPublishDate <= `" & parseDate(dateCurrent()) & "`"$>
<$QueryText = QueryText & " <AND> xCountryName <substring> `" & countryCode & "`"$>
<$SortField="xPublishDate", SortOrder="Desc"$>
<$blogCount = 1$>
<$if #active.debug$>
<textarea cols=10 rows=10><$QueryText$></textarea> <br>
StartRow: <$StartRow$><br>
QueryText: <$QueryText$><br/>
<$newRS = rsRename("SearchResults", "rsBlogPostings")$>
<$ssAllRows = TotalRows$>
<$ssThisPage = (ssNextRow + ResultCount - 1)/ResultCount$>
<$ssLastPage = (ssAllRows + ResultCount - 1)/ResultCount$>
<$ssLastHit=ssNextRow + ResultCount - 1$>
<$if ssThisPage == ssLastPage$>
<$ssLastHit = ssLastHit - 1$>
<!-- Update the author name if blog author is not specified -->
<$if rsBlogPostings$>
<$loop rsBlogPostings$>
<$if strLength(rsBlogPostings.xProductName)==0$>
<$postAuthorImageEntry = ssIncludeXml(rsBlogPostings.dDocName, "Blog_Entry/AuthorImage/node()")$>
<$posOfColon=strIndexOf(postAuthorImageEntry,"::") $>
<$if BlogEntryAuthorName$>
<$c="Custom IDOC Function updateAuthor_In_BlogEntry(dID,dDocName,dSecurityGroup,dRevLabel,dDocAccount,xProductName)"$>
<$BlogName = BlogId$>
<$if rsBlogPostings$>
<$loop rsBlogPostings$>
<$likeDocName = rsBlogPostings.dDocName$>
<$blogUrl = rsBlogPostings.ssUrl$>
<!-- Call to the fragment to display blog listings -->
<$include dv_blog_post_searchresults_landing_html$>
<$blogCount = blogCount + 1$>
<$dDocName = BlogId$>
<$if #active.debug$><b>Paging Debug:</b><br>ssAllRows:<$ssAllRows$><br>ssThisPage:<$ssThisPage$><br>ssLastPage:<$ssLastPage$><br>ssNextRow:<$ssNextRow$><br>ResultCount:<$ResultCount$><br><$endif$>
<!-- Fetching Details of each blog -->
<@dynamichtml dv_blog_post_searchresults_landing_html@>
<!--blog posting [start]-->
<!-- Fetching the details of each individual blogs -->
<$postTitle = ssIncludeXml(rsBlogPostings.dDocName, "Blog_Entry/Title/node()")$>
<$post = ssIncludeXml(rsBlogPostings.dDocName, "Blog_Entry/Post/node()")$>
<$postAuthorImage = ssIncludeXml(rsBlogPostings.dDocName, "Blog_Entry/AuthorImage/node()")$>
<$listingSummary = ssIncludeXml(rsBlogPostings.dDocName, "Blog_Entry/short_description_blogarticles/node()")$>
<$include dv_blog_post_listing_sumamry$>
<$if blogLandingPage$> <$postEntry = ssIncludeXml(dDocName, "Blog_Entry/Post/node()")$><$endif$>
<div class="blog_container_template_2">
<div class="blog_separator"> </div>
<div class="blog_container">
<div class="blog_image_2">
<$include dv_get_blog_author_image$>
<div class="blog_title_and_author_wide">
<h3><a href="<$ssUrl$>"><$postTitle$></a></h3>
<p><strong><$lc("COLT_DV_wwBy_" & languageCode)$>  <a href="<$authorBlogsListLink$>"><$authorName$></a> - <$formatDateWithPattern(rsBlogPostings.xPublishDate, "dd MMM yyyy")$></strong>
<$allowRegisterLike=1$> <$c="If set to 1 it breaks since more than 1 on page"$>
<$wcmFragment("wcm", "DV_FRG_LIKESCOMMENTS", "DV_FRG_LIKESCOMMENTS", "1")$>
<div class="blog_separator_dots"> </div>
<div style="clear:both"></div>
<div class="blog_container_Blog_Post">
<p><$listingSummary$> [...] <a href="<$ssUrl$>"><$lc("ReadMore_" & languageCodeUpper)$></a></p>
<!--blog posting [End]-->
<!-- Fetching Author image for each blog, we basically execute DOC_INFO_BY_NAME and construct the resource url for the image. -->
<!-- This is the block where actual problem is -->
<@dynamichtml dv_get_blog_author_image@>
<$if postAuthorImage AND strIndexOf(postAuthorImage,"::") > 0$>
<$posOfDot1=strIndexOf(postAuthorImage,"::") $>
<$dDocName=variableName$> <!-- this assignment does not work -->
<!-- This service gets executed for the for blog entry, rather than image file -->
<$authorBlogsListLink="/" & strLower(countryCode) & "/" & languageCode & "/blogs/author/" & DOC_INFO.xFriendlyURL$>
<$c="The following variable has been added for Security Model changes "$>
<$blogAccount = "@" & strReplace(DOC_INFO.dDocAccount,"/","/@")$>
<$authorImgSrc = HttpRelativeWebRoot & "groups/" & DOC_INFO.dSecurityGroup & "/"&blogAccount&"/documents/" & DOC_INFO.dDocType & "/" & variableName & "." & DOC_INFO.dExtension$>
<img height="70px" width="66px" src="<$strLower(authorImgSrc)$>" />
<img class="blogAuthorImage" width=70 src="<$HttpWebRoot$>resources/DV_Resources/images/public/silhouette.png"/>
Seshan K.

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    640x400-16, 0x013d
    640x400-32, 0x013e
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    There is no blanket answer here; it depends. Main questions are:
    1. Do the SQL scripts update existing tables?
    2. Are you replicating DDL in one direction? (DDL should only be replicated one way even when doing bi-directional, do DDL should only be issued on the node capturing DDL
    3. Are you using a wildcard (*) from table names or using an explicit list?
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    From there it gets more complicated and would need answers to the above questions before going down each line of logic. But try to remember what's really going on here. Data in one form (DDL) is being captured and send along. If the "shape" (DDL) of that data changes then the extract and replicat need to update their meta data to handle it correctly. If change data encounters a different shape than what's cached then you will become out of sync.
    I'm not sure if that makes sense but again, the answers to the questions above will be indicate where more detailed explanations should be focused. In short, we need more detail about what those scripts do and your current setup.
    Good luck,

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    If I understand you correctly, you placed the images without using Fit Frame To Contents and now you are trying to rectify this? Do you get that making just the frames larger, at this point, may make them overlapping others? If that's going to be a problem, just run the script again but this time with the correct settings ...
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    you can try this
    create the field called filename in target
    use a costant and concat it with the out out of UDF( or some functon avaleiable counter) which will genereate numbers like 1,2,3,4,5,6 and send this filename_01 to the output field and use this in the variable substution to genreate the filename by the CC
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    $directory = "\\testlab-sv01\Share\newfolder"
    New-Item -Path $directory -ItemType Directory
    $colRights = [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]"FullControl"
    $InheritanceFlag = [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]::ContainerInherit
    $PropagationFlag = [System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags]::InheritOnly
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    A side question, why isn't this native in Powershell? Is it for security reasons? I expected there to be a cmdlet for it. 

    When you say there are no permissions, do mean that the ACL Editor is showing 'Special permissions' and none of the other boxes are checked?
    Try changing the inheritance and propagation flags to this:
    $InheritanceFlag = [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags] "ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit"
    $PropagationFlag = [System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags]::None
    That sets the ACE to apply to the folder (InheritOnly propagation flag isn't set) , subfolders (ContainerInherit inheritance flag is set), and files (ObjectInherit inheritance flag is set), which is necessary for the ACE to not be considered 'special' in
    the ACL Editor.
    Awesome. Thanks. That did work. 
    And yes I did mean that it was showing special permissions with nothing checked. 

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    I have been unable to turn on automatic download on my iPad 2
    It could be your geographical location.
    "Automatic Downloads is currently available in the US, Australia, Canada, Cypress, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, New Zealand, Spain, and UK."
    From here >  iTunes Store: How to enable Automatic Downloads

  • Want to extract the data using powershell script.

    [Jul 21 15:01:47] INFO  (Fixmethod.java:1998) - UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FIX SERVER ATTEMPT NO:3 - logConsoleMsg
    I want to retrieve [Jul 21 15:01:47] from line above  into a variable. using powershell.
    How can it be done.
    Thanks in Advance.

    I tried "a.substring(1,15)", and it is working fine. :)
    Just be aware that it may not always work the way you expect it to. What happens when you only need 14 characters instead of 15?
    [Jul 1 15:01:47] instead of [Jul 21 15:01:47].
    This, of course, assumes that the dates aren't presented like so: [Jul 01 15:01:47]. If that's the case, you can just ignore this post.
    Don't retire TechNet! -
    (Don't give up yet - 12,950+ strong and growing)

  • Selecting a range from the end using a script

    Thank You to ryclark, at the audiomasters forum, for the following script but it doesn't work in AA3.
    Collection: test
    Title: SilenceMinusHalfSecond
    Mode: 2
    Undo: 1
    Selected: none at 0 scaled 0 SR 48000
    Freq: Off
    cmd: Channel Both
    Selected: -24000 to 0 scaled 0 SR 48000
    Freq: Off
    cmd: Silence
    I assume, based on other posts, that this worked in AA1.5 but not in AA2 or AA3. The issue is selecting backwards from the cursor point. I have a manual work around but it would be nice if this worked.

    That issue can be caused by the AVG Safe Search extension
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    *Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.

  • How RequestDespatcher.include() method gets higher priority  ?

    I have three jsp pages named as A.jsp ,B.jsp and C.jsp respectively. In A.jsp , i include B.jsp using include directive and i include C.jsp using RequestDispatcher.include().
    But in output of A.jsp , The output of C.jsp comes as first and then output of B.jsp comes as second , eventhough i included B.jsp before C.jsp.
    I don't know why RequestDispatcher.include() gets higher priority than include directive of JSP.
    Just clear me.
    thanks in advance,

    It has to do with when each cache is flushed.
    Each of these JSP pages will build up its output text into a buffer. When that buffer is full, or you flush it manually, the text gets written to the underlying output stream.
    The jsp:include uses the same buffer as its parent page. The output writer of the current page gets passed to it so that it can just append to the end.
    When you short-circuit things by using the RequestDispatcher manually, you only pass along the request/response. The page invoked then obtains the output stream, and wraps its own buffer around it.
    When a page is complete, it flushes its buffer to the output stream.
    So the order is:
    Page B completes and flushes its buffer. That result gets sent to A's buffer.
    Page C completes and flushes its buffer. That result gets sent straight to the underlying response output stream.
    Then page A finishes, flushes its buffer. All of its buffer (including what it got from B) now gets written to the outputstream.
    You can manually flush the writer before you invoke the RequestDispatcher: ie out.flush(). If you try to forward/redirect after this though, it will raise an error.
    If you really want to get complicated, create a ResponseWrapper, and when you invoke the RequestDispatcher, pass it a response object with an outputstream/writer that gets added to the current buffer (ie what it does with a jsp:include)
    Or you can just use jsp:include.
    here is some code to play with.
    Try changing the flush attribute on the jsp:include to "true" and see what happens.
    Uncomment the out.flush() command to get it to print in the "correct" order.
    // includeOrder.jsp
    Ok, this is the main page of this little test.
    At this point we are going to <jsp:include> the second page:<br>
    <jsp:include page="includeOrder2.jsp" flush="false"/>
    And now we use requestDispatcher.include() to include the third page<br>
    <%-- out.flush();  --%>
    <% request.getRequestDispatcher("includeOrder3.jsp").include(request, response); %>
    And now we are done.
    // includeOrder2.jsp
    Here we are on page 2!
    // includeOrder3.jsp
    Beware of page 3!Cheers,

  • Increasing the speed for a certian frames in Flash Cs5 using Action Script 3

    I have 60 frames I want to increase the fps value for frames from 20 to 30, and the remaining frames fps value should remain the same
    Using Action Script 3 or Action Script 2
    Thank you and regards

    I have found a script online
    Q: How can I speed the frame rate or slow it down when the movie is playing? For example, I would like to slow the frame rate from the default of 20 fps to 15 fps from frame #80 to frame #150. Then frame rate should speed back up to 20 fps after frame #151, (fps = frames per second).
    A: One way is to use “interval”. An example of changing the speed of the movie from frame #80 to frame #150 is shown below.
    Create a key frame at frame #80 and place this script:
    var fps:Number = 80;
    var intervalID:Number = setInterval(this, “advanceFrame”, 1000/fps);
    function advanceFrame() {
    if (_currentframe<151) {
    intervalID = setInterval(this, “advanceFrame”, 1000/fps);
    } else {
    I have changed the values from 80 to 20 and currentframe value to 30
    I get syntax error
    at :
    intervalID = setInterval(this, “advanceFrame”, 1000/fps);
    var intervalID:Number = setInterval(this, “advanceFrame”, 1000/fps);
    In flash cs5

  • Add a line to end of the file using VBscript

    I am working with a software that only accept Vb script commands.
    I have a file that has 8 columns. I need to add a line at the end of the file using VB script
    I need this line to add numbers of amount column and put 22 in 7th column and leave the rest empty.
    added line
    the files have different number of rows. please help

    why in the word you think you are smart as the fact is that you don't know shit.
    I explained to you that the software has the ability to edit the file using VBscript. Now if you cant do it dont say that it makes no sense. because others already help me to solve this.
    do everyone a favor and don't answer my questions please, Well you never answered any, don't post any nonsense comments
    I am sorry but I don't think any of us can understand what you are trying to ask.  What software?  VBScript is a scripting language that you use to write a script.  It cannot modify a file that is open by another process.
    We posted the suggestion to look into using the FileSystemObject to append a line to a file.  The examples show you how to do this.
    I suspect that the real problem is that, since you don't speak English natively, we are not understanding what you are trying to ask.  I know that, for me, what you are asking doesn't make sense. Another guess is that you have a program that is able
    to use VB to do things.  Is that what you mean by "softwares".  Are you saying that another program is written in VBScript and you want to modify it?
    You have to clarify these things.

  • Can you sort the "local variable" pick list?

    My program has a lot of local variables. If I right click on a variable and click on "select item", a loooong list of all my local variables appears. They appear to be in the order in which they were created in my program.
    Is there any way to modify the display to where the local variables appear in alphabetical order?
    Amateur programmer for over 10 years!

    The best solution is to not use a lot of local variables . Here is a neat trick to use local variables without having to use local variables . If you are using a state machine (case structure inside a while loop), create a cluster constant on the block diagram inside a state or case called "Local Defs". Inside the cluster, put constants for every local variable you will use. Label the constants like you would a local variable. Put a shift register on the loop border. Wire the cluster to the shift register on the right side. Do not initialize the shift register on the left side. In any case frame, you can wire from the left shift register into an unbundle or bundle to read or write to the Local. You never have to call the Local Defs state, the cluster will be defined because of the wiring. If using controls at many places, make a local constant for each control and have a state where the control is written to the local. Then you can read the local to use the value at any time. See attached vi for an example.
    - tbob
    Inventor of the WORM Global
    StateMachineWithLocals.vi ‏45 KB

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