Deepin Desktop Environment on Arch

I've finnaly made it work on my arch! :-)
Here are my PKGBUILD files and repo for most of the packages if anyone is interested.
First things first...
- I'm using "compiz-ubuntu" from unity-for-arch repo because "deepin-compiz" still needs old boost (1.53) version...
SigLevel = Never
Server =$arch
#Server =$arch
And some obligatory screenshots... (those are "deepin-movie" player and deepin-terminal below... btw)
UPDATE: After contacting FaSheng (one of the developers on Deepin team) and showing him the current progress I made, he pointed out that I forgot to add python2 to makedepends and that's why those packages wouldn't build (startdde and deepin-desktop-environment). Now, they're all in OBS repo and available for testing.
Last edited by metak (2014-05-26 01:46:53)

rAX wrote:
Yeah, I figured it out. I just wanted you to know.
But After installing deepin-desktop-environment, I login from GDM and it freezes, nothing happen.
I haven't tried it with GDM so I don't know... can you try installing lightdm from this repo that has greeter set to lightdm-deepin-greeter? It works for me that way.
systemctl start lightdm    and I get that fancy animation.
BTW many packages have been updated and rebuilt.   OBS has some weird tricks and when it rebuilds package the service file automatically sets the version in PKGBUILD which is great in theory and works for most part, BUT the problem is when version doesn't change and package is just rebuilt, it doesn't do pkgrel bumps which would trigger update. Not that I know anyway... That's why you're getting those errors about downloaded packages. Removing the old package in /var/cache/pacman/pkg and re-downloading fixes this issue in most cases if the OBS mirrors are synced.
Last edited by metak (2014-05-27 00:26:01)

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    you dont even need a proper desktop environment, thats part of the reason i like arch so much, you can use ~/.xinitrc as your own personal desktop environment.
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    xfwm4 &
    xfce4-panel &
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    Hi Olnex,
    Try running pypanel and idesk from the .xinitrc or .xsession file in your homedir.
    Every application there should be executed when you start your window manager.
    Don't forget to call them with an '&', so that the application runs in the background (e.g. pypanel &).
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    Don't be afraid to try out new packages.

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    LXDE isn't optimal if CLI configuration matters to you... but does this really matter if you expect to set it up once and be done with it?
    Openbox' XML syntax is needlessly annoying if you don't want to use the optional GUIs or other little helpers, I'd go with a simple window manager rather than a DE.
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    Hello Liza,
    Did you try my solution?
    [Re: Change source system name in variant in BWQ]
    There are solutions to change variants properties, but that particular program has the logsys parameter not able to change, so you cannot change the value of that variant (only with debug).
    It's best to go for that solution I already provided to you...

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    Aakko wrote:
    I'am running Xfce4 and only KDE app I use is Kaffeine for tv-viewing.
    I would like to change KDE theme. Is there a way to get to KDE control panel from Xfce so I could change the theme?
    Assuming you have it installed,
    $ kcontrol
    or you can use kcmshell with the name of the options module you want to use, eg:
    $ kcmshell style
    to change the GUI theme.

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    Following is my list: I will add your suggestions and clarify my choices here.
    Help me to build my Vim-like-environment!
    Login Manager: none
    Window Manager: i3
    Editor: vim (of course)
    Terminal: urxvtd + urxvtc
    File Manager: vifm
    Image Viewer: feh
    Pdf Viewer: apvlv
    Browser: uzbl-tabbed
    Email Client: mutt
    IRC: weechat
    IM: bitlbee
    Music: ncmpcpp
    Video: mplayer
    Network: netcfg
    Have your say!
    Last edited by rent0n (2010-04-13 21:15:35)

    Login Manager: none
    => I don't use one either
    Window Manager: wmii (never used one, this one has my vote for now. Feel free to suggest others.)
    => I use dwm, but that's probably just a matter of preference. They behave in the same way.
    Editor: vim (of course)
    => Vim here too.
    Terminal: urxvt
    => I use urxvtd (daemon) and connect with urxvtc (clients) This saves resources if you open up a lot of terminals.
    File Manager: vifm
    => I got hooked to Midnight Commander. Tried vifm, but I never really got into it as much as I did in MC. But no vi keybindings in MC and that has been bothering me since the beginning... MC with vi keybindings would be the perfect filemanager though.
    Image Viewer: feh
    => I use this one too.
    Pdf Viewer: apvlv
    => Didn't know about this one! Thanks!
    Browser: vimperator? uzbl? vimprobable? surf?
    => I use vimperator. Uzbl is too unusable without a lot of configuration and for surf I don't know wether it had vi keybindings. But I didn't know vimprobable and I will try it out when I get home! Thanks again. ^^
    Email Client: muttator? mutt? (re)alpine? sup?
    => mutt here. It is great. I write gpg encrypted mail using vim, abook is used to import contacts.
    IRC: weechat? irssi? ii?
    IM: bitlbee? minbif?
    => Didn't know minbif, but I use irssi and bitlbee. It's cool.
    Music: ncmpcpp? cmus? moc?
    => I use moc. It doesn't have vi keybindings though, but it's ui is simple and clean. I like it. You could also check out "herrie".
    Video: mplayer
    => You don't need anything else. ^^
    If you use mutt, I can also suggest Newsbeuter for RSS feeds, because it behaves just like mutt.
    Last edited by Rockwolf (2010-01-26 13:02:01)

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    arctor wrote:Essentially... is a DE just something that strictly adds ease of use to the system or does it add extra functionality?
    That's the thing: what constitutes "ease of use" typically varies from person to person.  As jasonwryan mentioned above, one person can find a DE incredibly easy to use, whereas another could just see it as needless bloat getting in the way of their workflow/hogging system resources.
    It's kind of like comparing apples and oranges here; one isn't necessarily superior to the other (i.e. doesn't necessarily "add" or "subtract" anything), they're just different ways of working with your system.
    If you really want something more "objective", though: a DE (as far as I understand it) is designed to create a more "desktop metaphor"-like workflow, whereas a plain WM is just that, a WM; it manages windows, and that's it.  You can mix and match components, though, to get an experience that can seem more or less like a DE, but without installing any of the big packages (e.g. you can use something like openbox as your WM and install xfce4-panel by itself to provide a menu/window list area, without installing Xfce proper).

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    I checked in wiki, there is no reference to this. Please help.
    I copied to  The trinity started and the desktop has appeared. But only text is visible, there are no icons, even in toolbars like that of konqueror. Also repeated messages of missing libs are coming. I am not sure what to do.
    Last edited by rnarch (2012-04-24 01:37:10)

    I guess Trinity desktop environment is not being supported by most in Archlinux.
    If I have to remove these packages (which are now unnecessary) will following command work all right?
    sudo pacman -Rs kdemod3-complete
    I am asking this because it involves a very large number of packages (a full desktop environment) and I hope it does not break my system which is working well at this time.
    Last edited by rnarch (2012-04-25 00:20:19)

  • Recommend me a desktop environment, please ;)

    Hi! I just installed xorg and it looks like it is set up. Now I have to choose a desktop environment. I'd like something simple (and small in terms of download), yet offering great amount of functionality. What could it be?

    When I started using Linux in 2002, there wasn't the plethora of window managers available as they are now. I used to use GNOME 2 in those days (not even HAL was there!); then I used KDE for sometime too.
    After I discovered Arch, I moved through many DEs and WMs.... XFCE, Gnome, KDEmod, openbox, fluxbox, ion3, wmii, dwm and finally xmonad. I find tiling window managers really easy on me as I tend to have many windows open at some time; and though openbox is really cool (it has one of the best theme collections), with 10 windows open, manually managing them becomes a chore. With the tiling WMs, I can concentrate on my work, rather than moving windows around all day.
    If you stick with XFCE, I suggest you try out Compiz; it has a nice feature which shows you all the windows at once.

  • Mate Desktop Environment - GNOME2 fork

    Hello everyone.
    I've made a GNOME2 fork. I've called it "Mate".
    My english is not so good. And so, maybe I can not give support in English.
    Correct me if I'm wrong. Any suggestion is welcome.
    ...sorry about short description.
    MATE Desktop Environment, a non-intuitive and unattractive desktop for users, using traditional computing desktop metaphor. Also known as the GNOME2 fork.
    Homepage :
    Mailing Lists: Download:
    Feedback: perberos at gmail dotta com omg ugly spam bot
    IRC: at #mate channel or #archlinux or #archlinux-es
    useless links
    Unofficial drink:
    Last edited by Perberos (2011-11-12 08:29:10)

    cb474 wrote:
    Thanks Perberos, this looks great.
    If installing on a system that already has Gnome 3 and Gnome-Shell, would I want to uninstall those first?
    SpleenThief wrote:This is a great idea; I'll definitely give it a try. I'll hop on IRC soon and see if I can lend a hand.
    kpedersen wrote:1) See if you can modify all your stuff to install to /opt/mate so that it does not conflict with the current linux tree because in the future there will undoubtedly be situations where you need a certain version of a library for most applications but still require the older version for gnome2.
    PKGBUILD does all that. I will try to port mostly applications to newest lib versions.
    kpedersen wrote:2) I like the Arch build system but you might get more interest if you create a very simple and generic linux (and unix) build system or script that works across distros just to compile gnome2. That way people using e.g fedora will still be able to join in with your efforts.
    That exists. ./configure --prefix=/opt && make && make install
    kpedersen wrote:You might find the following link interesting:-
    Camus wrote:mate-panel:
    sed: can't read mate-panel/mate-panel-add: No such file or directory
    Camus wrote:
    I've tried to install Mate on a fresh Arch install on a VirtualBox...
    activate-settings-daemon.c:5:55: fatal error: mate-settings-daemon/mate-settings-client.h: No such file or directory
    I will try thats, to see what happens.
    Last edited by Perberos (2011-08-24 13:43:34)

  • Equinox Desktop Environment

    There was a review of the Equinox Desktop Environment (EDE) put up recently, and I figured it might be worth taking a look at.  However, it isn't up on AUR yet.  Could someone make a PKGBUILD for it?
    Review: … onment_1.2

    Has been in AUR very long time. Someone deleted it.
    # Contributor: Leslie P. Polzer <[email protected]>
    pkgdesc="Extended version of the GUI toolkit FLTK. EDE dependency."
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
    depends=(libjpeg libpng gcc-libs libxext)
    build() {
    cd $startdir/src/$pkgname
    ./configure --prefix=/usr \
    --enable-opengl --enable-utf8 --enable-plugins \
    --disable-mysql --disable-unixODBC # EDE doesn't need this,
    # and you probably do not either
    ./emake || return 1
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/{bin,lib}
    ./emake prefix=$startdir/pkg/usr install
    find $startdir/pkg -name "*.la" -exec rm -f '{}' \;
    # Contributor: Leslie P. Polzer <[email protected]>
    pkgdesc="The lightweight Equinox Desktop Environment"
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
    build() {
    cd $startdir/src/$pkgname
    ./configure --prefix=/usr
    make || return 1
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/bin
    make prefix=$startdir/pkg/usr LOCALEDIR=$startdir/pkg/usr/share/locale install
    find $startdir/pkg -name "*.la" -exec rm -f '{}' \;

  • What desktop environment matches Archlinus's philosophy?

    What desktop environment matches Archlinus's philosophy? Simplicity and elegance and performance and not bloat and feature ridden?
    Last edited by Brandon_R (2011-08-23 16:45:56)

    yngwin wrote:
    Simple and elegant? Openbox.
    If you really want a DE around that, try LXDE. Tho in my opinion Qt is more elegant than GTK+, so I'm hoping razor-qt will shape up to be a good alternative.
    I'm actually hoping razor-qt become like the qt version of Openbox, but currently I can't even get my internet up when I log into it. Well, I  could, but it's not as simple as using networkmanager. Is there any guide on how to use it, because the 'system tray' doesn't seem to hold any system tray things for me...
    On topic, how is KDE or Gnome not fitting with arch? Isn't arch designed to build a system that you want? I see no reason why gnome can't be just that.
    Last edited by Japanlinux (2011-08-25 01:53:31)

  • Equinox Desktop Environment 1.0.2

    Equinox Desktop Environment 1.0.2 was just released
    It would be great if we had a package ofr it in arch...

    From sourceforge of project page:
    Here is quick hack for problem so you can try to apply it:
    - go to directory where you extracted efltk
    - then try to open Fl_Text_Buffer.h (it is in efltk headers
    - go to line 81 and instead
    "char* Fl_Text_Buffer::static_buffer();"
    "char* static_buffer();"
    Then run "make clean" and "make".
    Let we go with the second try Use previous steps, but
    this time with Fl_Combo_Box.h file. Locate lines 26 and 27
    and instead:
    static void Fl_Combo_Box::cb_browse(Fl_Widget *w, void *data);
    static void Fl_Combo_Box::cb_button(Fl_Widget *w, void *data);
    static void cb_browse(Fl_Widget *w, void *data);
    static void cb_button(Fl_Widget *w, void *data);
    I got some error about missing library, so I copied files from build directory of efltk /lib to /usr/lib, and it compiled sucessfuly.
    After that I tried to compile ede but it says that version of efltk is too old, so I edited configure file to skip checking for efltk version by removing some code (quick and dirty but works)
    EFLTK_VERSION="`efltk-config --version`"
    case "$EFLTK_VERSION" in "2.0."[34])
                    echo "$as_me:$LINENO: result: yes" >&5
    echo "${ECHO_T}yes" >&6
            { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: It seems that you have older efltk version. Required is >= 2.0.3" >&5
    echo "$as_me: error: It seems that you have older efltk version. Required is >= 2.0.3" >&2;}
       { (exit 1); exit 1; }; }
    It compiles and runs fine, but it is quite ugly, looks like kde 2.x or windows 95 ;P

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