Defining exception

We have Approval Date as charecterstic and want to define a exception on it. Definition of the exception will be, if the Approval Date falls with in certain dates we want to highlight that cell with a color.
I know exceptions only can be defined on KFs but is there a solution to above requirement.
Your help will be appreciated.
Message was edited by: Madhukar Balguri

Thank you Bhanu & Venky. Appreciate your quick response.
I did as you have mentioned. But when I try to define exception on newly created KF, I noticed that it only takes numbers in FROM and TO value. So, alternative way is defining variables for FROM and TO. But there also, I don't have a option ( Dimentions ID does not have date type) to create a variable for date type.
Any other way for this?

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    Hi, thanks for your answer. Here is the validation we are executing. I'm pretty sure its fine since count(*) always return a value (plus we see V2 in the debug...) :
    l_count number;
    -- get remaining empty tasks count
    SELECT count(*) into l_count
    if l_count = 0 then
    return 'Veuillez utiliser la tâche vide avant d''ajouter une ligne.';
    return null;
    end if;
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    e_otwarty     EXCEPTION;
    //some code
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          dbms_output.put_line('Masz juz otwarty raport');
          // or what should I do here ??
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    raise_application_error(-20001, 'error message');

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    When a new user is logging on for the first time, the portal adds them to the AUTHENTICATED_USERS group under the portal's group container. In your case, for some users, this is apparently running into some problem.
    To debug this, try turning on additional logging on the OID server and attempt logging in as these users, and see what is reported.
    You should enable the following debug flags:
    Search Filter Processing
    Access Control List Processing
    Status Log Connections/Operations/Results

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    raise_application_error(-20001, 'error message');

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    Hi Gaff,
    Is there a particular problem you're having doing this? It works as normal for me...
    create or replace procedure throwsomething as
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                using (OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection())
                    con.ConnectionString = "user id=scott;password=tiger;data source=orcl";
                    using (OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand())
                        cmd.CommandText = "begin throwsomething;end;";
                        cmd.Connection = con;
                        catch (OracleException oe)
                            Console.WriteLine("caught " + oe.Message);
    caught ORA-20001: kaboom
    ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.THROWSOMETHING", line 3
    ORA-06512: at line 1

  • How to use user defined exception class

    Hi all
    I just need som help with creating a user defined exception class.
    Im writing a small/simple text editor.
    My exception class looks like this:
    public class myExcp extends Throwable
         private String message;
         public myExcep(String message)
              this.message = message;
         public void display()
    I would like to use it when a user tries to open a exe-file instead of a txt file.
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    if (e.getSource() == open)
    if (fc.showOpenDialog(null)== JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
    So, should I use exception here or at the readFile method?
    private void readFile(String fileName)
    String tmp = fileName.substring(fileName.length() -4, fileName.length());
    if (!tmp.equals(".exe"))
    FileReader r = new FileReader(fileName);, null);
    currentFile = fileName;
    changed = false;
    catch (IOException e)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (this, "Cannot find the file " + fileName);
    Where and how do I use my exception class.
    Do I need to create an instance? Where?
    Should the exception class extend Exception instead?
    Thank you in advance /

    Extend Exception, not Throwable. It's a checked exception that way.
    Follow the Sun coding standards and make that exception class name start with a capital letter.
    When you extend Exception, override all four ctors.
    What's that display method you added? Isn't getMessage() good enough?
    You need to create a new instance just before you throw the exception, of course.
    Sounds like a terrible design, by the way. Exceptions shouldn't be used like "go to" for app logic. They should signal unrecoverable conditions. You can easily recover from the situation you've described simply by displaying a pop-up that tells the user to open only text-readable file types. I think that's a better solution.

  • PL/SQL Using SQL%NOTFOUND to raise a user defined exception in a function

    I have written the following function for finding the number of items in stock in the item table.
    CREATE OR REPLACE function getAmount (ItemID IN NUMBER)
    invalid_id EXCEPTION;
    returnedQty number;
    Select qty
    Into returnedQty
    From item
    Where itemNo = ItemID;
    RETURN (returnedQty);
    RAISE invalid_id;
    END IF;
    WHEN invalid_id THEN
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Invalid ID entered');
    END getAmount;
    The function compiles successfully, although there is a problem that Oracle is not handling my user-defined exception invalid_id
    If I use the following for a valid itemID:
    return_value number;
    return_value := getAmount(1);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (return_value);
    then the function returns the quantity of items in stock correctly.
    However, if I enter an incorrect itemID, say 20
    return_value number;
    return_value := getAmount(20);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (return_value);
    The invalid_id exception is not raised, and the Oracle errors says: no_data_found and the function has not returned a value. If I add a no_data_found exception, this works perfectly, but for this assignment I must write my own user-defined error.
    Any help would be very much appreciated!
    Thank you.

    What you're trying to do, is to use an implicit cursor. Implicit cursors will raise no_data_found and too_many_rows in case of an error. Explicit cursors will not.
    Also, you have a small coding error ... a little rewrite and your code will do as you want to:
    CREATE OR REPLACE function getAmount (ItemID IN NUMBER)
    invalid_id EXCEPTION;
    returnedQty number;
    cursor citem is
    Select qty
    From item
    Where itemNo = ItemID;
    fnd boolean;
    open citem;
    fetch citem Into returnedQty;
    fnd := citem%found;
    close citem;
    if fnd then
    RETURN (returnedQty);
    RAISE invalid_id;
    END IF;
    /* Do not catch your own exception or the calling code will not receive it.
    WHEN invalid_id THEN
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Invalid ID entered');
    END getAmount;
    Your problem is, you're not using a package. This means, that the calling code has no way of catching this user-defined exeption. The correct way is to define a package, define the userdefined exception in the package and refer to it in your code:
    create or replace package amt
    invalid_id EXCEPTION;
    function getAmount (ItemID IN NUMBER)
    create or replace package body amt
    function getAmount (ItemID IN NUMBER)
    returnedQty number;
    cursor citem is
    Select qty
    From item
    Where itemNo = ItemID;
    fnd boolean;
    open citem;
    fetch citem Into returnedQty;
    fnd := citem%found;
    close citem;
    if fnd then
    RETURN (returnedQty);
    RAISE invalid_id;
    END IF;
    end; -- end package
    To do a simple test, you'll do:
    a number;
    a := amt.getAmount(123);
    dbms_output.put_line('The result is '||a);
    when amt.invalid_id then
    dbms_output.put_line('ID not found');
    Other ways is to raise the exception in your no_data_found block.
    But I'm REALLY puzzled if there's really someone out there who prefers a user-defined exception instead of the clearly defined NO_DATA_FOUND exception.
    I can't be sure of course, but are you sure what they mean is they don't want ANY exception? That's a pretty common requirement.
    In general - explicit cursors are a bit faster because Oracle does not have to do a second fetch to determine TOO_MANY_ROWS. And it's not too much additional writing. Explicit cursors will never raise exceptions - unless you use dynamic sql and your SQL is invalid.
    Good luck

  • In which of the following sections of a PL/SQL block is a user-defined exception raised?

    A (somewhat elementary) question:
    In which of the following sections of a PL/SQL block is a user-defined exception raised?
    a) Exception section
    b) Declarative section
    c) Error handling section
    d) Executable section
    I'd be interested to hear people's answers.

    As Etbin already noted, there are only 3 sections and user-defined exception can be raised in any of them. User-defined exception raised in declarative section example:
        year_zero exception;
        pragma exception_init(year_zero,-01841);
            v_dt date := to_date(1721420,'j');
        when year_zero
            dbms_output.put_line('Year 0!');
    Year 0!
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    User-defined exception raised in executable section example:
        year_zero exception;
        pragma exception_init(year_zero,-01841);
        v_dt date;
        v_dt := to_date(1721420,'j');
        when year_zero
            dbms_output.put_line('Year 0!');
    Year 0!
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    User-defined exception raised in exception handling section example:
        year_zero exception;
        pragma exception_init(year_zero,-01841);
        v_dt date;
            v_num number;
            v_num := 1 / 0;
            when others
                v_dt := to_date(1721420,'j');
        when year_zero
            dbms_output.put_line('Year 0!');
    Year 0!
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  • How to raise the user defined Exceptions in XI ?

    Hi All
        I am learning XI ...i want know how to set up the user defined Exceptions
        in XI?
        Where and What are the settings need to be done ?
        Same time where can check the LOG file ? to see all the server information ?
    Welcome to your answers

    Check this weblogs which will guide you:
    Also check this thread:
    Mapping test throughs exception for UDF that does'nt exist anymore

  • How to catch the user defined  exception in application service

    Hi All,
    How to catch the user defined  exception in application service  when it is throwed by the external service..

        Thanks for your reply,
            Actually I  am calling validate Login method of External service from the application service. When the login fails, my external service will throw user defined Exception.I want to catch the user defined Exception.
        But in the application service , validate Login method can catch  only Invocation Exception and Engine Exception.
       These two exception are present in the Application service remote interface.
    Ns1_validateLoginResponse validateLogin( input) throws,;
    User defined exception is not present there. When i include the webservice as external service in CAF, it suppossed to generate the java file for the custom exception of validate Login method and this generated file should be included in the application service remote interface..
    Ns1_validateLoginResponse validateLogin( input) throws,,
    (generated file name of user defined Excpetion.
      Then only  validate login method  of application service can catch  the user defined Exception which is thrown by the  external service.

  • User defined Exception in Stateless Java Class WS

    I'm experimenting with publishing some of my application's Java classes as web services under OC4J 10.1.2. I've been quite successfull to do so, but I'm stuck into a problem trying to have my class's methods throw my own type of exception and retrieving it at the client side.
    I'm using the proxies downloaded from the web service's automatic HTML page, and I see in the source code version that the proxy class specifically throws a org.apache.soap.SOAPException whenever there's a fault in the response message.
    What I've done is simply to create a type derived from Exception with a String (message) and an Integer (code) properties, with just my own constructor that accepts two parameters corresponding to that properties. Then I make the methods in my Java class throw that exception.
    I've tried both using both an Interface and a class, and also using just a class as parameters to StatelessWebServiceServlet / Web Service Assembler.
    I can't find anywhere in any docs that explains how this can be done in OC4J. I believe that throwing user-defined exceptions is included in J2EE 1.4 and so I think that there should be a way to do it in OC4J if it is compliant. Maybe there's no way, but I couldn't find any reference to that neither.
    I'll greatly appreciate any light on this issue.
    Thanks in advance
    Juan Alvarez Ferrando
    Mensaje editado por:

    Thank you for your answer.
    I'd like to know something more about how far does that limited support go, in case it could be of some use.
    On the other hand, and just for the sake of constructive discussion, though I've contemplated the option of encoding error conditions on the result type, I always found that to be an ugly style from a interface design standpoint (not ws specifically but in general system desing terms), and when I saw a standard way to communicate custom error information separated from normal response I thought it to be the right way to go. After all, exceptions are just the way Java implements this design principle that has also found a place in most currently successful software environments (PL/SQL, .Net, ...).
    I don't expect to extend the meaning and programmatic use of Java exceptions to my ws clients, but to be able to communicate detailed error condition information as the standards contemplate (faults), which as I understand from your kind answer is out of my reach in 10.1.2.
    I have no experience with other ws platforms but I'd like to believe that if wsdl:fault is in the standards, those claming compliance will support it to the extent necessary to make it usable and interoperable as it is the way the standard covers error communication (and so that's why it is included in 10.1.3). I also beleve this would bring better interoperability than our home-made result types including error information, that no other application without our custom specifications can understand.
    Also better interoperability would come from that than for example what I now see in 10.1.2, where all exceptions are communicated to the client with a faultcode of soap:Server, which I believe to have the standard meaning that there's a chance for the client to success retrying later without modifying it's request. This translation could be better suited for Java errors (unrecoverable) but not for all kinds of exceptions, and so in this question, custom exception support could also improve interoperability with systems that interpret SOAP fault codes.
    Thank you.
    Juan Alvarez Ferrando

  • User-Defined Exception in Package OE_SCHEDULE_UTIL Procedure Load_Results_f

    Hi Expert,
    While running the Order Import i am getting the error please help us :
    Order Import Concurrent Program
    Concurrent Program Parameters
    Validate Only: N
    Order Source:
    Order Ref:
    Sold To Org Id:
    Sold To Org:
    Change Sequence:
    Performance Parameter: Y
    Trim Blanks: N
    Number of Instances: 0
    Debug Level: 0
    Request Id: 4471
    Org Id: 2453
    Failed to perform Action Request BOOK_ORDER
    Failed to perform Action Request BOOK_ORDER
    No. of orders found: 1
    No. of orders imported: 0
    No. of orders failed: 1
    Source/Order/Seq/Line Message
    10/1046001534//2 ATP Process resulted in no data
    10/1046001534//2 User-Defined Exception in Package OE_SCHEDULE_UTIL Procedure Load_Results_from_tbl
    10/1046001534//2 User-Defined Exception in Package OE_SCHEDULE_UTIL Procedure Load_Results_from_rec
    End of Order Import Concurrent Program

    And also check
    Order Import error : User-Defined Exception in Package OE_SCHEDULE_UTIL Procedure Action_Undemand,User-Defined Exception in Package OE_SCHEDULE_UTIL Procedure Action_Reschedule [ID 737031.1]

  • User Defined Exceptions in Web Service

    I am trying to create complex user defined exceptions in Web services I am creating. Is there a way in JDeveloper to assist in modifying the WSDL to include all required parameters for fault handling that I can use to do this? Or do I have to write the XML manually in the WSDL file. Any recommended ways to accomplish this?

    raise duplicate_loan; won't avoid the trigger to insert and commit. If you really want to avoid the insertion, use the raise_applicatrion_error() instead.
    For instance : Raise_Application_Error( -20001, 'Insertion cannot be validated' );Then in your Forms module, you can catch it like this:
       Insert Into ...
       when others then
          LC$Erreur := Substr( SQLERRM,1 , 500 );
          LN$err_code := ABS(SQLCODE);
          If LN$err_code = 20001 Then ...

  • Problem regd USER DEFINED Exception heirarchy

    I have a strange class heirarchy regarding 'User defined exceptions'.
    This the heirarchy being used:<p>
    public class ExCalcFail extends SysException {<p>
         public ExCalcFail(UserConnection uc) {<p>
    public class SysException extends AutoDBObjectBase {<p>
    public SysException(UserConnection uc) {<p>
    -- WHERE UserConnection is an INTERFACE.
    Now my question is:
    How can class ExCalFail's constructor call super(uc)?
    If this is the case,when is SysException's constructor called?
    As class SysException has no default constructor how is the call
    super(uc) executed in ExCalcFail?
    Shouldnt this give an error?

    How long have you been here? I'm surprised you still don't know about code tags.
    You can simply call super(uc) because that's the constructor the superclass - namely SysException - declares. And it's executed when it's called - at the beginning of ExCalcFail's c'tor. Where else?
    Why should it produce an error? It's perfectly valid and common code.

Maybe you are looking for

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