Delete LCK files??

I have a bit of a muddled site at the momnet - heaps of files
checked out
that users didn't bother to check back in. Can I just go to
teh server and
delete all the LCK files to start fresh again??
Any advice appreciated.

If you remove all the LCK files, then you run the risk of
version conflicts with the local drafts. However, if that doesn't
matter and all the edits will be started over from scratch using
the live pages, deleting the lock files shouldn't cause too many

Similar Messages

  • Search Remote Files... or ...How Do I Delete All of My LCK Files?

    hey everyone.
    i need to delete a bunch of .LCK files from my server so
    will stop telling me someone else has stuff checked-out and
    that i need
    to enable blah blah blah. i can't just check everything in
    because A.
    that would take forever and B. the "person" who has them
    checked out is
    actually me, from a previous site definition that is now gone
    because i
    had to recreate it.
    unless i'm missing something (and i've been spending some
    time looking
    for it), there doesn't seem to be a way in Dreamweaver (at
    least in
    version 8, which is what i have) to search for files on the
    remote view.
    and even if there was, it doesn't look like the remote view
    hidden files, i.e. .LCK files.
    my server control panel does give me the option to search for
    using the file manager, but it only searches the folder you
    selected, and no sub-folders. there are hundreds, maybe
    thousands of
    folders on this thing, and it would really take a long time
    to click on
    each and every folder, search for the .lck files, and then
    delete them.
    so, my question is, what would be the best/easiest way to
    find and
    delete .lck files (or really, any file for that matter) on
    the remote

    i do NOT want check-in/check-out enabled. i'm trying to get
    rid of it
    altogether, but i tried selecting the checked out files to
    check them
    back in, and it said there were none.
    there is no "unlock" option, so i guess i need to pick check
    in. but
    here's my question, since it's this other instance of "me"
    that has them
    checked out, will this work? it's not recognizing me or my
    computer or
    whatever as the person who has them checked out. i think it's
    because i
    had to recreate my site definition about a week ago or so,
    and i deleted
    the old one. so it's like a user that no longer exists has
    them checked out.
    Alan wrote:
    > Do you want checkin/checkout to still be enabled when
    this is done?
    > try this or a variation of it-
    > in the Files Panel, right-click on the root site folder
    and pick checkin. Or
    > unlock.

  • .lck files not automatically deleting

    We save all of our .fm book and chapter files to a central server, and recently we've noticed that when we close a file the .lck file does not automatically delete. Thus, we are having to manually delete this before updating books, opening files, etc. We're using FM8 on PC's with Win 7 x64. We have FM set to run in XP x32 compatability mode, which is working pretty well for us aside from the aformentioned issue.
    Has anybody else run into this? Any ideas on a fix?
    Thanks! Scott

    Do the lock files actually still exist?
    If you're discovering them because FM is complaining on open, then yes they effectively still exist (although possibly only in server FS cache).
    But if you're merely seeing them in a file browser, they may or may not be there. Doing a refresh may or may not clear up matters,
    Browser currency is a fundamental, and probably intractable, problem in computer science. Many OS'es don't even attempt to keep track of multiple local and remote browsers that presently have a dir open, much less asynchronously force-refresh them when the dir contents change. Windows tries to, with an assortment of performance, nuisance and failure modes.
    I blame Bill Gates.
    Reboot the server .

  • Over-riding .LCK files on Inherited Website

    Is there any way of over-riding .LCK files?
    I’ve recently been given access to administer a
    department webpage at a university and defined a site on my
    computer - but when I accessed the server's directory I found the
    .htm files have the .LCK extension. I was able to download the
    files but am prevented from uploading any files. The original
    webperson has left and no one has any information.
    I was checking the archives and see that the .LCK is related
    to Dreamweaver's "check-in/check-out" feature which allows tracking
    of files when working in groups. But since I'm now become "the
    group", how do I over-ride this feature so I can work on the .htm

    Just delete the lck files on the server as I mentioned
    Paul Whitham
    Certified Dreamweaver MX2004 Professional
    Adobe Community Expert - Dreamweaver
    Valleybiz Internet Design
    "Hurleyburley" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > Unfortunately the previous person who opened the files
    and checked them
    > out did
    > not return/upload them - and didn't leave copies of the
    files to upload.
    > So is there a way to access the files which have been
    locked when I don't
    > have
    > the original checked-out files to check-back-in?
    Originally posted by:
    Newsgroup User
    > If the previous person opened the file in DW it would
    have checked it out,
    > in the process creating the LCK file. To remove this
    file DW needs to
    > check
    > the file back in. If you are using another program for
    this part of the
    > operation then you will have problems with DW.
    > --
    > Paul Whitham
    > Certified Dreamweaver MX2004 Professional
    > Adobe Community Expert - Dreamweaver
    > Valleybiz Internet Design
    > "Hurleyburley" <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > >
    Originally posted by:
    Newsgroup User
    > >
    > > Thanks alot for the help!
    > >
    > > I did enable Contribute in my Remote site. I was
    able to download the
    > > files
    > > to my computer and make changes. When I tried to
    upload the updated
    > > .htm
    > > files
    > > I got an error message saying "Encountered 1 errors
    (sic) during the
    > > transfer."
    > >
    > >
    > > Due to security reasons our university permits file
    transfers using a
    > > product
    > > called SSH Secure File Transfer Client. Does using
    the SSH FTC product
    > > instead of Dreamweaver's FTP connection create a
    problem for the .LCK
    > > check-in/check-out feature? Or is there something
    else that needs to be
    > > addressed?
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > You need to NOT do this. Have you enabled
    Contribute in your Remote
    > > site
    > > definition?
    > > --
    > > Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    > > Adobe Community Expert
    > > (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do
    > > ==================
    > >
    - Template Triage!
    > >
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    > > - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    > >
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    > > ==================
    > >
    > >
    > > "Hurleyburley" <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    > > news:[email protected]...
    > > > Is there any way of over-riding .LCK files?
    > > >
    > > > I?ve recently been given access to administer
    a department webpage at
    > > > a
    > > > university and defined a site on my computer -
    but when I accessed the
    > > > server's
    > > > directory I found the .htm files have the .LCK
    extension. I was able
    > > > to
    > > > download the files but am prevented from
    uploading any files. The
    > > > original
    > > > webperson has left and no one has any
    > > >
    > > > I was checking the archives and see that the
    .LCK is related to
    > > > Dreamweaver's
    > > > "check-in/check-out" feature which allows
    tracking of files when
    > > > working
    > > > in
    > > > groups. But since I'm now become "the group",
    how do I over-ride this
    > > > feature
    > > > so I can work on the .htm files?
    > > >
    > > > ~CK
    > > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >

  • HUNDREDS of .LCK files

    Hundreds of .LCK files are appearing on our server - most of
    them with Hidden file attribute set. The CPS log shows all these
    entries, typically by a single user, at a very specific date and
    time - seems to be when the user is trying to publish a file.
    Anyone know what is causing this? I can search/delete them in the
    file system, but I want to know the cause.
    Also, other symptoms we are experiencing are "Access Denied"
    and "Contact System Admin" when other users try to publish. Also, a
    ".new" is appended to the filename when this error occurs. Only way
    to fix this is to rename the file in the file system.
    I have a mixture of Contribute 3.11, Contribute 4.0 and
    Dreamweaver 8 users. I have CPS version 1.1.
    Any suggestions/help is greatly appreciated!!!!

    I'm not sure I have an answer for you on this, but I assume
    you know that the LCK files are how Contribute locks the actual
    files on the server to prevent 2 folks from editing the same page
    simultaneously. That being said, the LCK system kicks into gear
    when, at least for us, the administrator (who is in DW MX) has
    enabled the "Check In-Check Out" functionality for the site. The
    administrator gets messages in Contribute when a page is "locked"
    by a page author (meaning they are currently editing the page, have
    clicked "Save For Later", have clicked "Send for Review" or have
    exited Contribute without "disposing" of their draft in one of the
    above methods). Make sure folks are either publishing their drafts
    or "disposing" of them in one of these ways so that the locking is
    not occuring accidentally.
    Aside from that, the LCK's are normal and go away when a page
    is published. It's possible that you may have enabled the approval
    system "Send for Review" and this is starting to tie things up (you
    should probably have a lot of concurrent emails being sent as well
    in this case).
    As to the other errors you're getting, sometimes we get those
    too, and yet we are able to just close the error box and things go
    as intended. Other times not, and I think the whole thing is
    related to how much traffic the CPS server is handling...we tend to
    get more errors when things are really busy.
    Again, not sure if this was helpful, but maybe just some
    things to consider!

  • .lck files

    Hi, there are several .lck files that have been generated
    between Dreamweaver and Contribute. Is it safe to delete these
    files on the server?

    Marita wrote:
    > Hi, there are several .lck files that have been
    generated between Dreamweaver and Contribute. Is it safe to delete
    these files on the server?
    > Thanks...
    I think that in general, the answer is yes with a caveat. If
    a user has
    been in the process of updating the file that is locked, I
    believe that
    all changes previously made and not published will be lost;
    but you can
    wind up with different versions of the file on the local
    machine(s) and
    the server.
    It has been my experience that this problem occurs when the
    user has
    been updating the content and screws something up and simply
    "x"'s out
    rather than Canceling the edit or forgets to check in the
    file that has
    been checked out.
    The best long term solution is for the users to be educated
    in the
    "check-out", "check-in" and "cancel" functions in DW and

  • How to delete when file in use by the finder?

    I have two files in my trash which won't delete. I get the error that they are being used by another program. Holding down option, using secure empty trash, using the terminal method of deleting the trash.. none of them work.
    So I did the terminal command: lsof /path-to-file and found out it was being used by Finder. I don't think I can exactly quit the Finder process in Activity Monitor.. so how can I get these files out of my trash?

    Thanks. Unfortunately, when I quit finder and try to delete the files in the trash by the following command:
    sudo rm -rf ~/.Trash/*
    It tells me "Directory not empty". Argghh..
    I feel like I've tried everything. Can someone give me some other suggestions? Thanks

  • Error while deleting a file which is in a folder which inturn in workspace

    12:20:42.309  DELETE  (FAILED: Conflict [(pre||post)-condition failed: x:concurrency-lock-denied])   (C:\CFolder1\WSF1\WSF2\Dev\HelloWorld\Package\
    --- Problem summary: ---
    12:20:42.309  DELETE  (FAILED: Conflict [(pre||post)-condition failed: x:concurrency-lock-denied])   (C:\CFolder1\WSF1\WSF2\Dev\HelloWorld\Package\
    I am getting above error while deleting a file which is in a folder which inturn in workspace

    Here is the problem I have with deleting my folder. I had created a WD project TaxTool and and added the DC to my SC. There were obviously some checkedout activities. Being new to this, I deleted the project directly without checking in the activities. Now I have folder TaxTool/_comp with nothing underneath on the DTR server and on my client. I am unable to checkout TaxTool for delete but the checkout of _comp folder fails in NWDS with the following error:
    <b>EDIT  (FAILED: server response: Conflict [(pre||post)-condition failed: x:no-exclusivity-with-existing-checked-out-resources])  comp   (C:\JDI\JDIDEMO1\intelJDI_TEST\dev\inactive\DCs\\TaxTool\_comp\)</b>
    If I try the same from the DTR shell, I get this following error:
    <b>Unexpected problem occurred during executing command.Lockfile "C:\Documents and
    Settings\bvedamur\.dtr\.syncdbs\5b0d8b2110a7a29883734c0407462df8.syncdbM.lock" is already in use by another process.</b>
    I am the only user in the system (doing R&D) and I have tried Sync and Delete. Nothing works. Help appreciated.

  • When using a Seagate 1T external hard drive and Time Machine to back up hourly, if I delete photo files from the Mac hard drive before the next back up, are these retained on the Seagate drive or will they be lost (overwritten) in the next backu in the ne

    Does Time Machine erase previously saved files if, say, photos are deleted from the Macbook upon the next update, or will they be stored indefinately despite the current status of the files stored on the computer? Eg. can I bckup photo files to a Seagate 1T disc and then delete them to make more room on the computer in the knowlwdge that they are always going to be on the Seagate disc? Sorry if this is very elementary but I have not used a back up before like this, and am not sure how successive backups are overlaid or retained. Thanks!!

    TM is not designed to do what you ask. As Allan wrote TM is an incremental backup not an archival solution.
    If you delete a file from the HD it will eventually be removed from the TM backup (if it ever makes it on to the backup at all).
    How long before it is removed depends on a number of factors, TM disk drive size being one factor but not the only one.
    Material that is impossible to replace and is important to you (image files usually fitting that description) need to be backed up to as least one other drive and preferably more for long term storage.

  • Deleting individual Files from trash folder

    This should be a simple question...Is there a way to permanently delete individual files/folders from the trash folder instead of emptying the entire trash folder? TIA, Scott

    As Allan says, no... the trash *should not* be used as a repository for files you're not sure you want to trash yet. Not only is this extremely hazardous, as it's easy to accidentally empty the trash, but it also puts all those questionable files outside the reach of Time Machine, so they will not be backed up. If you need a "Pending Trash" folder, create one on your desktop, and then put files in the trash only once you are truly ready to delete them.

  • Why does iTunes create disk errors when deleting movie files?

    I use a Macbook Pro, OSX 10.7.5. When I delete movie file from my iTunes library I get disk errors. I need to option boot select the recovery disk and repair the disk.  Deleting a movie file I have placed on my desktop with finder does not create any errors.  Most of the movie files are created as .m4v movies. They all play just fine with my Apple TV. I have tried turning off the Apple TV and rebooting before I delee files but nothing seems to work.
    Any ideas?

    If you let iTunes organise your media folders then that is the way it is. An option would be to change the Media Kind to TV Show which would gather them togther in one folder, but in a different part of the library.

  • HT2674 I have an iMac purchased in May 2011.  OSX Lion 10.7.3.  I deleted backup file from the external hard drive. Now, the trash can will not empty some of the files deleted.  File folder: "Core Services" contains a locked file: "boot.efi".  It will not

    I have an iMac purchased in May 2011.  OSX Lion 10.7.3.  I deleted backup file from the external hard drive which operates from Time Machine.
    Now, the trash can will not empty some of the files deleted from the backup harddrive.
    The trash contains-- File folder: "Core Services" which contains a locked file: "boot.efi". 
    It will not delete.
    How do I get the trash can empty of these files?

    Yes, the Old Master file has a folder for each year where I find all photos from that specific year. I am attaching a screen shot of the file.
    In the meantime i have managed to download all photos (it did not download any video files though in mpg, avi, 3gp, m4v,mp4 and mov format) to a new iphoto library. Unfortunately the photos are quite mixed and often doubled up. I ma considering to purchase iphoto library which checks all duplicates in iphoto. this will save me a lot of time. What do you think?

  • I have installed itunes When I delete a file or podcast I am not being prompted to delete the file from its folder at the same time.

    I have installed itunes When I delete a file or podcast I am not being prompted to delete the file from its folder at the same time. How do I restore this facility? I am running a 64bit Windows 7 OS

    Is the media files in question in the iTunes library or elsewhere on the computer?

  • If i delete a file from a smart folder is it deleted from the hard drive?

    I've got a late 2011 17" MacBook Pro with a 750 GB harddrive. I'm trying to free up space by deleting movie files. I spoke with tech support about this, and they suggested creating a smart folder of all my movie files in order to find them and delte them. I did this and deleted many files, but when I open system information to check on the amount of hard drive space, I'm still seeing the same amount of hard drive space dedicated to movies.
    If I make a smart folder and delete files in that, am I really deleting them from my hard drive or just from the smart folder?

    What files are stored automatically by Time Machine?  I thought Time Machine pretty much saved everything on my hard drive to my external hard drive.  If that is the case, wouldn't my music files and picture files be on Time Machine (via my external hard drive)?
    Time Machine does backup almost all files on your hard drive, unless you have chosen to exclude them. There are a few exceptions, but nothing you should worry about. Your music and photos should be there, but Time Machine will not backup your iPhoto library if iPhoto is open.
    Also, are the photos from iPhoto automatically stored on my external hard drive via Time Machine?  If so, can I delete the pictures from iPhoto without deleting them from the external hard drive?
    Yes to both questions, with the above cavat that Time Machine won't backup the library if iPhoto is open.
    I notice that it takes iPhoto quite a while to load, and if deleting those photos would allow it to load quicker I would delete them (providing they would remain on the external hard drive.
    I only have a few pictures in iPhoto, compared to my wife's 3,500+, and my iPhoto doesn't load appreciably faster that her's does even though I have a faster computer. In my opinion, it isn't worth the effort it would take to delete them for such a small gain.
    You should have at least 2 complete backups to try to make sure you won't lose any data. Hard drives do fail and/or files can become corrupted. Time Machine can back up to more than one external hard drive or you can use a cloning program.
    Time Machine FAQ

  • HT203200 Cannot delete the file from the itunes folder

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    Try deleting the file without iTunes running.
    When you next open iTunes it should then be marked as a missing file and you should be able to delete the entry from iTunes.
    Hope this works
    Colin R.

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