Delete table from spreadsheet in numbers

If I have more than one table on a spreadsheet page in Numbers for iPad, can I delete one of the tables?If so,how do I do it?

If you touch in the spreadsheet, you should see two bars show up on the left & top of the table, along with three buttons (in the top left, top right & bottom left of the table). If you touch the button in the upper left, you get some options. One of those is 'Delete'

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    Some times ago, I posted a script for this kind of problem but I just discover (with your table) that I forgot a case.
    Here is a revised version which I will put soon on my iDisk.
    -- [SCRIPT Tables2Numbers_v5]
    property nbCols : "3"
    property english : true (* true= English messages, false = Messages Français *)
    property msg1 : ""
    property list1 : {}
    if msg1 = "" then my prepareMessages()
    set theDatas to (get the clipboard as text)
    if theDatas does not contain tab then
    set nbCols to text returned of (display dialog msg1 default answer nbCols)
    set nbCols to nbCols as integer
    set my list1 to paragraphs of theDatas
    set nb to count of my list1
    set nbRows to nb div nbCols
    set newDatas to ""
    repeat with i from 1 to nbRows
    repeat with j from 1 to nbCols - 1
    set newDatas to newDatas & (item (j + (i - 1) * nbCols) of my list1) & tab
    end repeat
    set newDatas to newDatas & (item (j + 1 + (i - 1) * nbCols) of my list1) & return
    end repeat
    set the clipboard to newDatas
    set the clipboard to theDatas
    end if
    set my list1 to {}
    on prepareMessages()
    if english is true then
    set msg1 to "How many columns ?"
    set msg1 to "Nombre de colonnes ?"
    end if
    end prepareMessages
    -- [/SCRIPT]
    If you grab your table in the clipboard after counting the columns (here 16)
    run the script
    After that you may paste the table in Numbers (or in AppleWorks)
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE dimanche 2 décembre 2007 18:05:39)

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    Prasanta De

    Hi Steve,
    Thanks for your reply but I could not find any example from the documentation for update-request or delete-request. I need your help in this regards.
    1. I have emp table with many rows and the simple structure like this
    Key is defined on deptno and empno
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    <ROW num="1">
    <ROW num="2">
    <ROW num="3">
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    Try selecting the whole of the contents of the document and then running:
    tell app "Pages"
    end tell
    This will return a list of the selected objects, amongst which you should see something like: table 1 of body text of document id 15373020 of application "Pages"
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    select table 1 of body text of document id 15373020 of application "Pages"
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    Thanks in advance for the help!

    The problem is with Safari, not Numbers. Safari just doesn't "understand" tables in web pages & puts lots of spaces and/or returns instead of the needed tabs. I long since gave up & use Camino or FireFox for copying the tables to Numbers or any other program I want the data separated by tabs. There are some web sites, Discover Card is one, that appear to have tables but the data doesn't copy as such.

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    Thanks and best regards,

    In the package hierarchy (applications navigator), right-click the package containing your EO's, choose "Generate Database Objects"

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    Welcome to the Apple forums
    Safari & Numbers have improved in recognizing a table on a web page & pasting it as expected.
    Often what looks like a table on a web page really isn't & the blame should be on the web page author not Safari or Numbers. I had this problem for a few years with my online Discover Card statements. Using Firefox or Camino made no difference. When I complained to them their response was "tough, live with it" although maybe not in those exact words. I would paste the data into a Pages document & use a lot of find & replace to get the data formatted to use in a Numbers spreadsheet.
    But… it could be that the problem you're having is that you have the cursor active in the cell when you paste. If the cursor is active Numbers "thinks" you want to paste everything into that cell. Click outside the table then click once on the starting cell, making sure that the cell is outlined but you don't see the cursor & then paste. This is a much more common cause than above.

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    Can you suggest me the way to resolve this issue.

    I realize I should have said: I don't know how to make Copy in Mail and Paste in Numbers work. I know how it should work, just as you believe it should work. When I try, the best I can do is a 1-column table of text, similar to what you get in OSX numbers if you Paste into the text layre of a cell rather than into a Sheet.

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    Hi Folks,
        I have transported a table to the target system which should not have been transrpoted. The table actually doesn't meet the right naming conventions and have some unecessary fields. I want to remove the table present in the target system and transport a new table which has the right fields and right naming conventions.

    Ask this question in ABAP forum.
    By the way when you delete the table in Dev system then it will create one transport request and you just need to transport the request into the system from where you want to delete the table.

  • Create Table from Spreadsheet Error / Privileges

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    Then make sure the parsing schema of that other workspace has create table privilege granted directly to it. Better yet, review the system privileges of the working schema and make sure the broken schema has the same privs. Do not grant privileges using roles.

  • Deleting tables from my database

    Due to the problem of failed installation, I have about 127 tables in my Sql database which I need to delete so as to re-install the same set of tables again. How do I do this effectively without causing other problems in the database.
    Thanks in anticipation.

    hi Praise_Him
    You got several great solutions above, for doing the operation (deleting) automatic for whole tables which their name start with "myprefix_". yet, it look you are looking for something else. I can get it, as you dont know what is done actually,
    then you afraid from executing those automatic queries.
    The time you spent writing your posts, you could actually delete the tables manually one by one. As this is a one time action, maybe you will feel better, and it will be more fit to your case, to do it using the SSMS GUI. Using 127 mouse cliks you can do
    check this link (especially the section "Using SQL Server Management Studio"):
    * What works for one person is not safe/suitable to another person. None of us as DBAs will probably chose this solution but I really have a feeling this is the best for you at this point. Just delete the tables one by one :-)
    * This will also be better in case there is other restriction as relations between the tables or other element in the database. working one by one if you get a specific problem you can come back and tell us what is the error message that did not let you
    delete a specific table.
    I Hope is helpful :-)
    ** In any case make sure that you backup the database before you start!
    [Personal Site] [Blog] [Facebook]

  • RANGE is deleting table from table

        I used a ranges object in a 4.7system. If the range was empty, nothing would be deleted from my table. In a ECC6.0 system, if the range is empty, everything is deleted from the table. Could this be a bug that was fixed in ECC6.0?
    Edited by: Julius Bussche on Feb 4, 2009 6:19 PM
    Post split from hijacked ancient thread

    I think you are right.(  I am in netweaver 7 PI version )
    report  zars no standard page heading
            line-size 170
            line-count 65(4).
    ranges : r_matnr for mara-matnr.
    data : begin of i_mara occurs 0.
    data : matnr like mara-matnr.
    data : end of i_mara.
    move '001' to i_mara-matnr.
    append i_mara.
    move '002' to i_mara-matnr.
    append i_mara.
    delete i_mara where matnr in r_matnr.
    Its deleting entire i_mara internal table if r_matnr is blank.
    I don't think this will be a bug.
    We need to check if range is not initial , like below mentioned
    if not r_matnr[] is initial.
    delete i_mara where matnr in r_matnr.

  • Can not recover table from rman backup

    For testing I want to recover deleted table from rman backup.
    I have make vm of oracle 11g.  the following step i have applied but could not recover the table.
    rman> backup database ;
    On sqlplus create login as scott/tiger
    create table scott.emp1(col1 varchar2(10));
    insert into emp1(col1) value('Yasir ') ;
    commit ;
    select * from emp1 ;
    it shows me one row successfully.
    Now i have login the  sys as sysdba
    sqlplus> alter system switch logfile ;
    after this i have drop the table .
    Now to recover the table i have restored database on same vm.
    rman>restore database ;
    rman> recover database ;
    rman> alter database open ;
    on sqlplus i have issued
    sqlplus> select * from scott.emp1 ;
    table or view does not exist.
    any help how to recover the deleted table from rman backup

    Check this test case
    SQL> create table TEST2 as select * from emp;
    Table created.
    SQL> select count(*) from TEST2;
    SQL> select TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') from dual;
    10-SEP-2013 10:57:05
    SQL> alter system switch logfile;
    System altered.
    SQL> drop table TEST2 purge;
    Table dropped.
    SQL> shu immediate
    [oracle@vnode MYSHELL]$ rman target /
    Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Tue Sep 10 10:58:39 2013
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.
    connected to target database: DDTEST (DBID=1667776968, not open)
    RMAN> run{
    set until time "to_date('2013 Sep 10 10:57','yyyy mon dd hh24:mi')";
    restore database;
    recover database;
    alter database open resetlogs;
    }2> 3> 4> 5> 6>
    media recovery complete, elapsed time: 00:00:02
    Finished recover at 10-SEP-13
    database opened
    RMAN> exit
    SQL> set lin 200 pages 100
    SQL> select count(*) from test2;

  • How to delete the data from SAP R/3 DB table from BW

       I am facing an issue... I have populated the data into custom r/3 DB table by running a user exit.I am getting the data and loading(Full Load) it in BW ODS. But my problem is when i rerun the user exit it is giving me a short dump saying "SAPSQL_ARRAY_INSERT_DUPREC". when i delete the enteries of DB table it is working fine. But this fine in development.but i production i cannot do this.So i want to delete the DB table enteries by an ABAP program and call this ABAP program using Process chain when my ODS data LOAD is successful. How to go About this.
    P.S: I want only to delete the DB table enteries not the DB table.....
    Thanks and Regards
    Sairam phani

    why don't you just add the code for deletion of records into that user exit, so it would first delete entries and then write new ones.
    Alternatively, you could use a Process Chain to trigger an event in R/3, and by that event a scheduled job would run, deleting entries from that table.
    As I don't know details of the solution you're implementing, that's all I can think of now.

  • Open HUB ( SAP BW ) to SAP HANA through DB Connection data loading , Delete data from table option is not working Please help any one from this forum

    I have SAP BW system and SAP HANA System
    SAP BW to SAP HANA connecting through a DB Connection (named HANA)
    Whenever I created any Open Hub as Destination like DB Table with the help of DB Connection, table will be created at HANA Schema level ( L_F50800_D )
    Executed the Open Hub service without checking DELETING Data from table option
    Data loaded with 16 Records from BW to HANA same
    Second time again executed from BW to HANA now 32 records came ( it is going to append )
    Executed the Open Hub service with checking DELETING Data from table option
    Now am getting short Dump DBIF_RSQL_TABLE_KNOWN getting
    If checking in SAP BW system tio SAP BW system it is working fine ..
    will this option supports through DB Connection or not ?
    Please follow the attachemnet along with this discussion and help me to resolve how ?
    Santhosh Kumar

    Hi Ramanjaneyulu ,
    First of all thanks for the reply ,
    Here the issue is At OH level ( Definition Level - DESTINATION TAB and FIELD DEFINITION )
    in that there is check box i have selected already that is what my issue even though selected also
    not performing the deletion from target level .
    SAP BW - to SAP HANA via DBC connection
    1. first time from BW suppose 16 records - Dtp Executed -loaded up to HANA - 16 same
    2. second time again executed from BW - now hana side appaended means 16+16 = 32
    3. so that i used to select the check box at OH level like Deleting data from table
    4. Now excuted the DTP it throws an Short Dump - DBIF_RSQL_TABLE_KNOWN
    Now please tell me how to resolve this ? will this option is applicable for HANA mean to say like , deleting data from table option ...
    Santhosh Kumar

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