Deleting Lightroom Website

How do I delete a website photo gallery uploaded from Lightroom? I'm newbie and need most basic of instructions. I added the photo gallery to an existing website. Thanks

I've never used an FTP client....think something like FileZilla is easy enough for a newbie to use to delete the photogallery websites I no longer need?

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    Hey thanks for your reply, unfortunately I have already tried to delete my site from iDisk >> Web >> Sites. But it said that i didn't have permission and it wouldn't delete the files.
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    Hi thankyou,
    If it was removed it may no longer be listed, however if you have visited the site again I am guessing two things are happening if it does not show up:
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    I'd advise against it on general grounds.
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    Mount your iDisk and go to the iDisk/Web/Sites folder to find and drag the old site folder to the Trash. Then delete the domain file as Niel suggested, launch iWeb and start over from scratch.

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    Hi guys
    I apologized for late reply as i was away form the station.
    Now to delete i find one more easy method
    Login the into the admin first
    ****Search "Partner" or  "Portal"  keyword on your browser by Ctrl +F .That wil help you to find Partner Portal link and click on it.
    Click on clients tab
    Click the site that you want to delete
    ****Search "Delete site" keyword on your brower by Ctrl +F. This will help to find where actually Delete site button is located
    Click Delete site button a feedback will be asked fill it if you want or just press the Delete site button at the bottom of the form and your site will be deleted

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    Well, if you have them on a single external drive and you delete them from your internal drive, then you have only one copy left, correct? In that case you are at extreme risk of losing your one and only copy.
    I worked in the disk drive industry for 30 years and have my lrcat files backed up on three hard drives and two USB sticks. Maybe I'm just paranoid but it's likely a hard drive will eventually fail. And based on experience, for some Murphy's law reason they fail most often for people who have not backed up their data.
    I'll bet there is all kinds of other stuff that can be removed from your hard drive, various temporary files, log files, etc. Try a free app like CCleaner (on Windows) to see what it does.
    But I would not have just one copy of my latest lrcat files in existence.

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    From a folder view.

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