Delphi 3 or Delphi XE gives Invalid class string error

I have Delphi 3 and a runtime error occurs when I RUN this project. No build errors...
The form appears correctly and I put the path to the GroupWise domain directory :
I click on the CONNECT button and the error is :
"Project admin_api.exe raised an exception class EOleSysError with message 'Invalid class string'. Process stopped. Use Step or Run to Continue"
For Delphi XE the error is only "Invalid class string".
What am I doing wrong ?
Thank You
Have downloaded the same GroupWise Administrative Object API code
unit App_obj;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
StdCtrls, OleAuto, Ole2;
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Button1: TButton;
Label6: TLabel;
UserID: TEdit;
Label7: TLabel;
LastName: TEdit;
Label8: TLabel;
FirstName: TEdit;
UserDistinguishedName: TEdit;
Label10: TLabel;
SystemInfo: TGroupBox;
Label1: TLabel;
Label2: TLabel;
Label3: TLabel;
Label4: TLabel;
Label5: TLabel;
SystemDescription: TEdit;
SystemDistinguishedName: TEdit;
SystemLastModifiedBy: TEdit;
ConnectedDomainName: TEdit;
SystemObjectID: TEdit;
PostOfficeList: TComboBox;
Label11: TLabel;
Label9: TLabel;
UserContext: TEdit;
Label12: TLabel;
Label13: TLabel;
Label14: TLabel;
Label15: TLabel;
Label16: TLabel;
DomainPath: TEdit;
Button2: TButton;
procedure Initialize(Sender: TObject);
procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
Form1: TForm1;
ADMIN_NAME = 'Admin';
sDOT = '.';
{$R *.DFM}
procedure TForm1.Initialize(Sender: TObject);
//Initialize controls
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
//Get Selected PostOffice
//Get Users Object
//Find Admin user object
vUser:=vUsers.Item(ADMIN_NAME,SelectedPO,Connected DomainName.Text);
If UserContext.Text = '' then begin
//Get Admin Context and use as Default
stemp:=Copy(sAdmin,idotpos,256); //Copy everything after first dot include dot
end else begin
//Use context string
//Make Distinguished name by adding UserID and admin context
//Display User distinguished name
//Add user
//Set User first name
//Commit User first name to system
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
//Get GroupWise Admin Object and connect to it
if(DomainPath.Text = '') then begin
ShowMessage('You must enter a valid Domain Path. Then press Login');
//Get the connected Domain
//List some Domain properties
SystemDistinguishedName.Text:=vDomain.Distinguishe dName;
//Initialize controls
//Get list of PostOffices for connected Domain
While( (NOT VarIsNULL(vPostOffice)) And (NOT varisempty(vPostOffice))) do begin
//Set index to first item in list

On 9/24/2013 10:46 PM, bperez wrote:
> I have Delphi 3 and a runtime error occurs when I RUN this project. No
> build errors...
> The form appears correctly and I put the path to the GroupWise domain
> directory :
> F:\opt\novell\groupwise\mail\dom1
> I click on the CONNECT button and the error is :
> "Project admin_api.exe raised an exception class EOleSysError with
> message 'Invalid class string'. Process stopped. Use Step or Run to
> Continue"
> For Delphi XE the error is only "Invalid class string".
> What am I doing wrong ?
> Thank You
> Have downloaded the same GroupWise Administrative Object API code
> {/************************************************** *************************
> ************************************************** **************************/}
> unit App_obj;
> interface
> uses
> Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
> Dialogs,
> StdCtrls, OleAuto, Ole2;
> type
> TForm1 = class(TForm)
> Button1: TButton;
> Label6: TLabel;
> UserID: TEdit;
> Label7: TLabel;
> LastName: TEdit;
> Label8: TLabel;
> FirstName: TEdit;
> UserDistinguishedName: TEdit;
> Label10: TLabel;
> SystemInfo: TGroupBox;
> Label1: TLabel;
> Label2: TLabel;
> Label3: TLabel;
> Label4: TLabel;
> Label5: TLabel;
> SystemDescription: TEdit;
> SystemDistinguishedName: TEdit;
> SystemLastModifiedBy: TEdit;
> ConnectedDomainName: TEdit;
> SystemObjectID: TEdit;
> PostOfficeList: TComboBox;
> Label11: TLabel;
> Label9: TLabel;
> UserContext: TEdit;
> Label12: TLabel;
> Label13: TLabel;
> Label14: TLabel;
> Label15: TLabel;
> Label16: TLabel;
> DomainPath: TEdit;
> Button2: TButton;
> procedure Initialize(Sender: TObject);
> procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
> procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
> private
> { Private declarations }
> public
> { Public declarations }
> end;
> var
> Form1: TForm1;
> vSystem:variant;
> vDomain:variant;
> const
> ADMIN_NAME = 'Admin';
> sDOT = '.';
> implementation
> {$R *.DFM}
> procedure TForm1.Initialize(Sender: TObject);
> begin
> //Initialize controls
> DomainPath.Text:='';
> SystemDescription.Text:='';
> SystemDistinguishedName.Text:='';
> SystemLastModifiedBy.Text:='';
> ConnectedDomainName.Text:='';
> SystemObjectID.Text:='';
> UserID.Text:='';
> LastName.Text:='';
> FirstName.Text:='';
> UserDistinguishedName.Text:='';
> UserContext.Text:='';
> UserID.SetFocus;
> end;
> procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
> var
> vUsers:variant;
> vUser:variant;
> stemp:string;
> idotpos:integer;
> SelectedPO:string;
> sAdmin:string;
> begin
> //Get Selected PostOffice
> SelectedPO:=PostOfficeList.Items[PostOfficeList.ItemIndex];
> //Get Users Object
> vUsers:=vDomain.Users;
> //Find Admin user object
> vUser:=vUsers.Item(ADMIN_NAME,SelectedPO,Connected DomainName.Text);
> If UserContext.Text = '' then begin
> //Get Admin Context and use as Default
> sAdmin:=vUser.NetID;
> idotpos:=Pos(sDOT,sAdmin);
> stemp:=Copy(sAdmin,idotpos,256); //Copy everything after first dot
> include dot
> UserContext.Text:=stemp;
> end else begin
> //Use context string
> stemp:=UserContext.Text;
> end;
> //Make Distinguished name by adding UserID and admin context
> stemp:=UserID.Text+stemp;
> //Display User distinguished name
> UserDistinguishedName.Text:=stemp;
> //Add user
> vUser:=vUsers.Add(UserID.Text,LastName.Text,stemp,
> '',SelectedPO);
> //Set User first name
> vUser.GivenName:=FirstName.Text;
> //Commit User first name to system
> vUser.Commit;
> end;
> procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
> var
> vPostOffice:variant;
> vPostOffices:variant;
> vPOIterator:variant;
> begin
> //Get GroupWise Admin Object and connect to it
> if(DomainPath.Text = '') then begin
> ShowMessage('You must enter a valid Domain Path. Then press
> Login');
> exit;
> end;
> vSystem:=CreateOleObject('NovellGroupWareAdmin');
> vSystem.Connect(DomainPath.Text);
> //Get the connected Domain
> vDomain:=vSystem.ConnectedDomain;
> //List some Domain properties
> SystemDescription.Text:=vDomain.Description;
> SystemDistinguishedName.Text:=vDomain.Distinguishe dName;
> SystemLastModifiedBy.Text:=vDomain.LastModifiedBy;
> ConnectedDomainName.Text:=vDomain.Name;
> SystemObjectID.Text:=vDomain.ObjectID;
> //Initialize controls
> UserID.Text:='';
> LastName.Text:='';
> FirstName.Text:='';
> UserDistinguishedName.Text:='';
> UserContext.Text:='';
> UserID.SetFocus;
> //Get list of PostOffices for connected Domain
> vPostOffices:=vDomain.PostOffices;
> vPOIterator:=vPostOffices.CreateIterator;
> vPostOffice:=vPOIterator.Next;
> PostOfficeList.Clear;
> While( (NOT VarIsNULL(vPostOffice)) And (NOT
> varisempty(vPostOffice))) do begin
> PostOfficeList.Items.Add(vPostOffice.Name);
> vPostOffice:=vPOIterator.Next;
> end;
> //Set index to first item in list
> PostOfficeList.ItemIndex:=0;
> end;
> end.
gw client installed? Novell client installed?

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              CourseArrayLengths cal;
                   FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("arraylengths.txt");
                   ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
                   cal = ((CourseArrayLengths) ois.readObject());     
                   FileInputStream fis1 = new FileInputStream("units.txt");
                   ObjectInputStream ois1 = new ObjectInputStream(fis1);
                   for(int i=0;i<cal.getUnitArrayLength();i++)
                        units.add((Unit) ois1.readObject());
                   FileInputStream fis2 = new FileInputStream("sections.txt");
                   ObjectInputStream ois2 = new ObjectInputStream(fis2);
                   for(int i=0;i<cal.getSectionArrayLength();i++)
                        sections.add((Section) ois2.readObject());
                   FileInputStream fis3 = new FileInputStream("files.txt");
                   ObjectInputStream ois3 = new ObjectInputStream(fis3);
                   for(int i=0;i<cal.getFileArrayLength();i++)
                        files.add((Filetype) ois3.readObject());
              catch(FileNotFoundException exception)
              System.out.println("The File was not found");
              catch(IOException exception)
              catch(ClassNotFoundException exception)

    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Unit implements Serializable
    ArrayList units = new ArrayList();
    ArrayList sections = new ArrayList();
    ArrayList files = new ArrayList();
    String unitName;
    int sStart=0,sEnd=0,sIndex=0,fIndex=0,subIndex=0;
         public Unit(String unitNamec,int sStartc,int sEndc)
              unitName = unitNamec;
              sStart = sStartc;
              sEnd = sEndc;
         public Unit()
         public String getUnitName()
              return unitName;
         public Unit getUnit(int i)
              return (Unit)units.get(i);
         public Section getSection(int i)
              return (Section)sections.get(i);
         public ArrayList getUnitArray()
              return units;
         public int getSectionStart()
              return sStart;
         public int getSectionEnd()
              return sEnd;
         public void setSectionStart(int i)
              sStart = i;
         public void setSectionEnd(int i)
              sEnd = i;
         public void addUnit(String uName)
              units.add(new Unit(uName,sections.size(),sIndex));
         public void addSection(String sName,Unit u)
              //problem lies with files.size()
              sections.add(new Section(sName,files.size(),files.size()));
         public void addFile(String fName,File fPath,Section s)
              files.add(new Filetype(fName,fPath));
         public void display(Unit u)
              for(int i=u.getSectionStart();i<u.getSectionEnd();i++)
                   for(int j=((Section)(sections.get(i))).getFileStart();j<((Section)(sections.get(i))).getFileEnd();j++)
         public void writeCourseData()
         //writes 3 arrays to 3 different files
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("units.txt");
    ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
         for(int i=0;i<units.size();i++)
    catch (Exception e)
    System.err.println ("Error writing to file");
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("sections.txt");
    ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
         for(int i=0;i<sections.size();i++)
    catch (Exception e)
    System.err.println ("Error writing to file");
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("files.txt");
    ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
         for(int i=0;i<files.size();i++)
    catch (Exception e)
    System.err.println ("Error writing to file");
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("arraylengths.txt");
    ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
         oos.writeObject(new CourseArrayLengths(units.size(),sections.size(),files.size()));
    catch (Exception e)
    System.err.println ("Error writing to file");
         public void readCourseData()
              CourseArrayLengths cal;
                   FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("arraylengths.txt");
                   ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
                   cal = ((CourseArrayLengths) ois.readObject());     
                   FileInputStream fis1 = new FileInputStream("units.txt");
                   ObjectInputStream ois1 = new ObjectInputStream(fis1);
                   for(int i=0;i<cal.getUnitArrayLength();i++)
                        units.add((Unit) ois1.readObject());
                   FileInputStream fis2 = new FileInputStream("sections.txt");
                   ObjectInputStream ois2 = new ObjectInputStream(fis2);
                   for(int i=0;i<cal.getSectionArrayLength();i++)
                        sections.add((Section) ois2.readObject());
                   FileInputStream fis3 = new FileInputStream("files.txt");
                   ObjectInputStream ois3 = new ObjectInputStream(fis3);
                   for(int i=0;i<cal.getFileArrayLength();i++)
                        files.add((Filetype) ois3.readObject());
              catch(FileNotFoundException exception)
              System.out.println("The File was not found");
              catch(IOException exception)
              catch(ClassNotFoundException exception)
         /*public static void main(String args[])
              Unit u1 = new Unit();
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class Section implements Serializable
    private String sectName,subSectName;
    private int fpStart=0,fpEnd=0,subSectStart=0,subSectEnd=0;
    private Section s;
    private boolean sub;
         public Section(String sectNamec,int fpStartc,int fpEndc,int subSectStartc,int subSectEndc,Section sc,boolean subc)
              sectName = sectNamec;
              fpStart = fpStartc;
              fpEnd = fpEndc;
              subSectStart = subSectStartc;
              subSectEnd = subSectEndc;
              s = sc;
              sub = subc;
         public Section(String sectNamec,int fpStartc,int fpEndc)
              sectName = sectNamec;
              fpStart = fpStartc;
              fpEnd = fpEndc;
         public Section getParent()
              return s;
         public boolean isSub()
              return sub;
         public String getSubName()
              return subSectName;
         public int getSubStart()
              return subSectStart;
         public int getSubEnd()
              return subSectEnd;
         public void setSubStart(int i)
              subSectStart = i;
         public void setSubEnd(int i)
              subSectEnd = i;
         public int getFileStart()
              return fpStart;
         public int getFileEnd()
              return fpEnd;
         public String getSectName()
              return sectName;
         public void setFileStart(int i)
              fpStart = i;
         public void setFileEnd(int i)
              fpEnd = i;
         public void addSection(String sectName)
         /*public static void main(String args[])
    public class Filetype implements Serializable
         private String name;
         private File filepath;
         public Filetype(String namec, File filepathc)
              name = namec;
              filepath = filepathc;
         public String getFileName()
              return name;
         public File getFilepath()
              return filepath;
    public class CourseArrayLengths implements Serializable
    private int ul,sl,fl;
         public CourseArrayLengths(int ulc,int slc,int flc)
              ul = ulc;
              sl = slc;
              fl = flc;
         public int getUnitArrayLength()
              return ul;
         public int getSectionArrayLength()
              return sl;
         public int getFileArrayLength()
              return fl;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class OrganiserGui implements ActionListener
    int width,height;
    JFrame frame;
         public OrganiserGui()
              width = 600;
              height = 500;
         public void runGui()
              //Frame sizes and location
              frame = new JFrame("StudentOrganiser V1.0");
              JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
              //File menu
              JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File");
              JMenu addSubMenu = new JMenu("Add");
              JMenuItem cwk = new JMenuItem("Coursework assignment");
              JMenuItem lecture = new JMenuItem("Lecture");
              JMenuItem seminar = new JMenuItem("Seminar sheet");
              //Calendar menu
              JMenu calendarMenu = new JMenu("Calendar");
              JMenu calendarSubMenu = new JMenu("Edit Calendar");
              JMenuItem eventa = new JMenuItem("Add/Remove Event");
              JMenuItem calClear = new JMenuItem("Clear Calendar");
              JMenu calendarSubMenuView = new JMenu("View");
              JMenuItem year = new JMenuItem("By Year");
              JMenuItem month = new JMenuItem("By Month");
              JMenuItem week = new JMenuItem("By Week");
              //Timetable menu
              JMenu timetableMenu = new JMenu("Timetable");
              JMenu stimetableSubMenu = new JMenu("Social Timetable");
              JMenu ltimetableSubMenu = new JMenu("Lecture Timetable");
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
              JMenuItem source = (JMenuItem)(e.getSource());
              Calendar c = new Calendar();
              if(source.getText().equalsIgnoreCase("By Year"))
              if(source.getText().equalsIgnoreCase("Add/Remove Event"))
              if(source.getText().equalsIgnoreCase("clear calendar"))
                   System.out.println("Nearly working");
                   //JFileChooser jf = new JFileChooser();
                   FileManager fm = new FileManager();
                   //choose unit to add file to
                   JOptionPane unitOption = new JOptionPane();
                   Unit u = new Unit();
                   String[] unitNames = new String[u.getUnitArray().size()];
                   for(int i=0;i<unitNames.length;i++)
                        //unitNames[i] = (((Unit)u.getUnitArray().get(i)).getUnitName());
                   //unitOption.showInputDialog("Select Unit to add lecture to",unitNames);
                   //needs to select where to store it
         public static void main(String args[])
              OrganiserGui gui = new OrganiserGui();
              gui.runGui(); Unit; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialversionUID = 3355176005651395533, local class serialversionUID = 307309993874795880

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    oracle.classloader.util.AnnotatedLinkageError: Class oracle/jbo/ApplicationModule violates loader constraints
    Invalid class: oracle.jbo.ApplicationModule
    Code-Source: /t02dat/iast_r3/midtier/BC4J/lib/adfm.jar
    Configuration: <code-source> in /t02dat/iast_r3/midtier/j2ee/home/config/server.xml
    Dependent class:
    Code-Source: /t02dat/iast_r3/midtier/BC4J/lib/adfm.jar
    Configuration: <code-source> in /t02dat/iast_r3/midtier/j2ee/home/config/server.xml
    Does anyone have an idea?
    Application Server
    It worked when I tried to deploy the application thru jdeveloper server connection. Does anyone know why it's working now?
    Message was edited by:

    I've managed to eliminate the JBO-35007 errors through the use of the Refresh and RefreshCondition tags. The problem I have now is that I do most of my testing in Firefox (latest release) and it seems to be caching pages even though I have caching turned off. For instance we have different menu options based on a user's privileges. If I log out and log in as someone else who has different privileges the previous user's options are still displayed. If I click on them it then refreshes the page and the new user's options are displayed. This is also fixed by manually refreshing the page. I do not encounter this problem at all with IE, only firefox. Any thoughts here?

  • SSRS 2008 - Invalid Class

    Dear all,
    I have install SQL 2008 in a new machine with Reporting Services 2008.
    When I go to 'Reporting Services Configuration Manager', I can see the default server name, the report server instance not auto detects the 'ReportServer' database that available in the database.
    When I click 'Find', it prompt out 'Invalid Class' warning message.
    May I know what is the problem and how can I solve it?

    Hi Sim,
    From your description, the Reporting Services Configuration Manager can’t find the instance name automatically. And after clicking “Find”, the error “Invalid Class” occurs.
    I assume a detailed error like “Cannot connect to WMI provider” occurred at the same time. If so, the issue happens when some of the WMI classes are not properly registered during installation.
    Please follow these steps to solve the issue:
    1.       Open the SQL Server Report Server folder.
    <Install Driver>:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer
    2.       Open the “bin” folder.
    3.       Copy and rename the file “reportingservices.mof”
    4.       Register the file using the following command
    Mofcomp <Install Driver>:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin\reportingservices.mof
    After doing the steps above, we should connect to the Reporting Services well.
    If the solution above does not above, could you please help to collect the following information?
    1.       Could you connect to SQL Server Configuration Manager?
    2.       The logs of SQL Server Reporting Services.
    3.       Does the Reporting Services windows service work fine?
    4.       The more detailed error message.
    5.       Any more information.
    If there is anything unclear, please feel free to ask.
    Jin Chen
    Jin Chen - MSFT

  • Find the Column Name which gives Invalid Number Error

    There are about 150 columns in a table and data to this table is from a external source like flat file. when these data are loaded to the table for a particular column it gives Invalid Number Error. So need to find for Which Numeric Column a String Value is about to be inserted.
    since we are sure not whether the proper Values are coming from Source in Front End we pass the Value within ' quotes.
    So how do we get the Column for which the error is raised :-)

    If you are using SQL*Loader, the log will tell you which row and column has the error.
    Otherwise you may need to code your own debugging statements.

  • SQL Server Configuration Manager – Cannot connect to WMI provider – Invalid class [0x80041010]

    look at this post am getting the same
    but when I tried the solution given there , It is not working
    the error I am getting is mofcomp is not recognized as internal or external command
    I tried in  C:\program files\Microsoft sql server\90\shared  and in Windows\system32
    I am getting the same error

    Hi sql393,
    Cannot connect to WMI provider. You do not have permission or the server is unreachable. Note that you can only manage SQL Server 2005 servers with SQL Server Configuration Manager. Invalid class [0x80041010].
    The solution is to go to a command prompt and then run mofcomp.
     C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Shared>mofcomp "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Shared\sqlmgmproviderxpsp2up.mof"
    For more information, please refer to
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • Import JavaBean Model - Invalid class

    I wanted to import a JavaBean Model as described in the Tutorial "Using EJBs in Web Dynpro Applications" (see:
    Problem: i always get an error "Invalid class - JavaBean not available for import", when i want to select a local jar file as JavaBean source, althrough the jar-file contains a valid bean.
    Note:I also dont have a radio button in my GUI for selecting "Deploy time" as mentioned in the Tutorial and as i have seen in a screenshot in the Blog /people/balaramnaidu.bankuru/blog/2006/04/23/importing-complex-javabean-model-into-webdynpro-by-creating-relationships-for-the-model-classes . in this Blog there is already a question about this, but this question has never been aswered...

    See my tips on troubleshooting JavaBean Model Import: /people/valery.silaev/blog/2005/08/30/javabean-model-import-when-it-really-works
    Valery Silaev
    SaM Solutions

  • Invalid class file format... major.minor version '49.0' is too recent ...

    I am using the Eclipse 3.1 and Oracel BPEL designer 0.9.13
    After I created a new BPEL process (named: trybpel), I got the following output in the console:
    uildfile: D:\eclipse\workspace\trybpel\build.xml
    [bpelc] &#27491;&#22312;&#39564;&#35777; "D:\eclipse\workspace\trybpel\trybpel.bpel" ...
    [bpelc] error: Invalid class file format in D:\Java\jre1.5.0\lib\rt.jar(java/lang/Object.class). The major.minor version '49.0' is too recent for this tool to understand.
    [bpelc] error: Class java.lang.Object not found in class com.collaxa.cube.engine.core.BaseCubeProcess.
    [bpelc] 2 errors
    BUILD FAILED: D:\eclipse\workspace\trybpel\build.xml:28: ORABPEL-01005
    Total time: 8 seconds
    I am puzzled with the information in bold. Would anyone tell me how to fix this problem? Thank you very much.

    the same error ORABPEL-01005, but not the same error message,
    Errors occurred when compile the bpel process using bpel designer for Eclipse:
    using PM: bpel_jboss_101200
    More error infomation following:
    Buildfile: E:\OraBpelDEclipse3.2\workspace\AboutTest\build.xml
    [bpelc] E:\OraBpelDEclipse3.2\workspace\AboutTest\temp\bpelc762.tmp\BPEL-INF\src\bpel\p0\ Invalid expression statement.
    [bpelc] retun true;
    [bpelc] ^
    [bpelc] E:\OraBpelDEclipse3.2\workspace\AboutTest\temp\bpelc762.tmp\BPEL-INF\src\bpel\p0\ ';' expected.
    [bpelc] retun true;
    [bpelc] ^
    [bpelc] E:\OraBpelDEclipse3.2\workspace\AboutTest\temp\bpelc762.tmp\BPEL-INF\src\bpel\p0\ Method setPartneLinkBinding(com.collaxa.cube.rm.suitcase.PartnerLinkBindingDescriptor) not found in class com.collaxa.cube.engine.types.bpel.CXPartnerLink.
    [bpelc] __pl.setPartneLinkBinding(getProcessDescriptor().getPartnerLinkBindings().getPartnerLinkBinding(__pl.getName()));
    [bpelc] ^
    [bpelc] E:\OraBpelDEclipse3.2\workspace\AboutTest\temp\bpelc762.tmp\BPEL-INF\src\bpel\p0\ Undefined variable: __ctx
    [bpelc] __setOutgoingLinks(__sc, __ctx);
    [bpelc] ^
    [bpelc] 4 errors
    E:\OraBpelDEclipse3.2\workspace\AboutTest\build.xml:28: ORABPEL-01005
    Error in java files auto-generated when compiling ,why?

  • Can we give a class name by java keyword ?

    can we give a class name by java keyword ?e. can we create a class call "for" / "if" anyhow ? Is there some way to create such kind of classes .. Is is possible with some other java like language.. & if there is any language & how one can embed the script/language in java ..
    Please let me know

    can we give a class name by java keyword ?e. can we
    create a class call "for" / "if" anyhow ? Is there
    some way to create such kind of classes .. Is is
    possible with some other java like language.. & if
    there is any language & how one can embed the
    script/language in java ..
    I give up - why would you want to?

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