Deploy common artifact(XSD,WSDL) to a folder in DB based MDS

I work in an environment where there are multiple partitions created in SOA Server and multiple SOA composites deployed on these partitions. What i need to do is We want to create a MDS structure where common artifacts for each partitions are kept in seperate folder/ parent directory.
IS this possible in DB based MDS, can anyone share how to achieve this thing ?

I guess you can use partitions to achieve this:

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  • Auto deploy of ALSB/OSB artifacts - Proxy, WSDL and webservices...

    Would like to know if there are any leads on how to automate the deployment of artifacts within OSB in an automated manner using WLST or any other method

    One can use offline WLST scripts for automated deployment. The script (python scripts) can be invoked using Ant. In summary, the steps are:
    1. Copy the relevant files in a folder (preferably <DOMAIN_HOME>). The files are
    a. The actual python script that does the deployment process
    b. A properties file used by the import script. It contains information about the deployment jar file (sbconfig.jar), any customization file, host and port information of the OSB server and credential information
    c. sbconfig.jar(Or any other name): OSB deployable artifacts bundled using the editor or exported from another OSB environment
    d. build.xml: Defines the import task executed by ant
    e. OSB customization xml file
    2. Open a command prompt (Windows environment), navigate to <DOMAIN_HOME>/bin and execute setDomainenv.bat
    3. Additionally add the follwing jar files to the classpath. These files are used by the APIs used in the python script. These were not needed prior to the 3.0 version of OSB (ALSB). The files are: +<BEA_HOME>/modules/com.bea.common.configfwk_1.1.0.0.jar+ and +<OSB_HOME>/lib/sb-kernel-api.jar+
    4. Using the same command prompt, navigate to the folder where the files in step 1 had been placed and exeute the import task using ant (something like ant import)
    Plese find a sample of the, build.xml and files as follows:
    *================= =============================*
    from java.util import HashMap
    from java.util import HashSet
    from java.util import Map
    from java.util import Set
    from java.util.Map import Entry
    from java.util import ArrayList
    from java.util import Hashtable
    from java.lang import System
    from import FileInputStream
    from import DomainRuntimeServiceMBean
    from import JMXConnector
    from import MBeanServerInvocationHandler
    from import ALSBConfigurationMBean
    from import SessionManagementMBean
    from com.bea.wli.config.customization import Customization
    from import ObjectName;
    from com.bea.wli.config.resource import Diagnostics
    from import JMXConnectorFactory
    from import JMXServiceURL
    from javax.naming import Context
    from com.bea.wli.config import Ref
    from import ALSBImportPlan
    from import ALSBImportOperation
    import sys
    # Entry function to deploy project configuration and resources
    # into a OSB domain
    def importToALSBDomain(importConfigFile):
    print 'Loading Deployment config from :', importConfigFile
    exportConfigProp = loadProps(importConfigFile)
    host = exportConfigProp.get("host")
    port = exportConfigProp.get("port")
    intPort = int(port)
    print "Connecting to: " + host + ":" + port
    importUser = exportConfigProp.get("importUser")
    importPassword = exportConfigProp.get("importPassword")
    importJar = exportConfigProp.get("importJar")
         customFile = exportConfigProp.get("customizationFile")
    # passphrase = exportConfigProp.get("passphrase")
    # project = exportConfigProp.get("project")
         print "Initiate Connection"
         conn = initConnection(host, intPort, importUser, importPassword)
         print "Connection successful"
         mbconn = conn.getMBeanServerConnection()
         obname = DomainRuntimeServiceMBean.OBJECT_NAME
         domainService = MBeanServerInvocationHandler.newProxyInstance(mbconn, ObjectName(obname))
         name = SessionManagementMBean.NAME
         type = SessionManagementMBean.TYPE
         sm = domainService.findService(name, type, None)
         bytes = readBinaryFile(importJar)
         sessionName = "ScriptImport"
         print "sessionName: ", sessionName
         alsbSession = domainService.findService(ALSBConfigurationMBean.NAME + "." + sessionName, ALSBConfigurationMBean.TYPE, None)
         jarInfo = alsbSession.getImportJarInfo()
         importPlan = jarInfo.getDefaultImportPlan()
         result = alsbSession.importUploaded(importPlan);
         # list of created references
         createdRef = ArrayList()
         operationMap = importPlan.getOperations()
         set = operationMap.entrySet()
         for entry in set:
              ref = entry.getKey()
    # Print out status and build a list of created references. Will be used for customization
         if result.getImported().size() > 0:
              print "The following resources have been imported: "
              for successEntry in result.getImported():
                   print successEntry.toString()
    # Check for error and discard session in any resource fails
         failCount = result.getFailed().size()
         if failCount > 0:
              print ""
              print "Failed for: " + failCount + " resources"
    #          print "The following resources failed to import"
    #          for entry in result.getFailed().entrySet():
    #               ref = entry.getKey()
    #               diagnostics = entry.getValue().toString()
    #               print ref + " Reason: " + diagnostics
    #          abort = true
    #          raise
    # Apply Customizations
    #customize if a customization file is specified
    #affects only the created resources
         if customFile != None :
              print "Loading customization File: " + customFile
              print "Customization applied to the created resources only" + createdRef.toString()
              iStream = FileInputStream(customFile)
              customizationList = Customization.fromXML(iStream)
              filteredCustomizationList = ArrayList()
              setRef = HashSet(createdRef)
    # apply a filter to all the customizations to narrow the target to the created resources
              for customization in customizationList:
                   newcustomization = customization.clone(setRef)
    # Activate Session
         sm.activateSession(sessionName, "Imported Configuration")
         print "Project imported"
    print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
         print "Discarding the session."
    # Utility function for initiating connection
    def initConnection(hostname, port, username, password):
         serviceURL = JMXServiceURL("t3", hostname, port,"/jndi/" + DomainRuntimeServiceMBean.MBEANSERVER_JNDI_NAME)
         h.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, username)
         h.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password)
         h.put(JMXConnectorFactory.PROTOCOL_PROVIDER_PACKAGES, "")
         return JMXConnectorFactory.connect(serviceURL, h)
    # Utility function to print the list of operations
    def printOpMap(map):
    set = map.entrySet()
    for entry in set:
    op = entry.getValue()
    print op.getOperation(),
    ref = entry.getKey()
    print ref
    # Utility function to print the diagnostics
    def printDiagMap(map):
    set = map.entrySet()
    for entry in set:
    diag = entry.getValue().toString()
    print diag
    # Utility function to load properties from a config file
    def loadProps(configPropFile):
    propInputStream = FileInputStream(configPropFile)
    configProps = Properties()
    return configProps
    # Connect to the Admin Server
    def connectToServer(username, password, url):
    connect(username, password, url)
    # Utility function to read a binary file
    def readBinaryFile(fileName):
    file = open(fileName, 'rb')
    bytes =
    return bytes
    # Utility function to create an arbitrary session name
    def createSessionName():
    sessionName = String("SessionScript"+Long(System.currentTimeMillis()).toString())
    return sessionName
    # Utility function to load a session MBeans
    def getSessionMBean(sessionName):
    SessionMBean = findService("Session","com.bea.wli.config.mbeans.SessionMBean")
    return SessionMBean
    # IMPORT script init
    # import the service bus configuration
    # argv[1] is the export config properties file
    print "Unexpected error: ", sys.exc_info()[0]
    *================ ======================================*
    # OSB Admin Security Configuration #
    # OSB Jar to be exported, optional customization file #
    #Use the following if you have any customization xml file#
    # Optional passphrase and project name #
    *============================== build.xml===============================*
    <project default="import">
    <property name="domain.import.script" value=""/>
    <property name="import.config.file" value=""/>
    <target name="import">
         <echo message="Importing configuration"/>
         <echo message="importscript: ${domain.import.script}"/>
         <java classname="weblogic.WLST" fork="true">
    <arg line="${domain.import.script} ${import.config.file}"/>
    Hope this helps
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Xsd, wsdl locations on SOA 11G Server

    In SOA 11G.
    What is the location/path on SOA 11G server, where I can place XSD, WSDL(of external system) and import into my Composite or BPEL process.
    Edited by: user13326981 on Oct 7, 2010 12:07 PM

    Deploying a static web application is one option and the other option is to use an apache to host all the xsd and wsdl.
    The advantage of apache is during development you can have the files hosted on a lighter server that is always running in the background.
    These urls can then be replaced during deployment using the Config plan and build scripts.

  • Xsd, wsdl locations in SOA11G Server?

    What is the location/path on SOA 11G server, where I can place XSD, WSDL(of external system) and import into my Composite or BPEL process.

    Thanks a lot Brannigan okie. my question on wsdl was :
    I have external system WCF WSDL http://IP:Port/ABC/XYZSyncService.Wcf/XYZSyncService/?wsdl
    (I guess I can change this to any IP and Port (on my network). All I need to do is change the IP and Port in a config file and then run that config file - this way IP and Port could be changed and it could still work on browser. I haven't tried it though)
    Now I want invoke this WSDL in my bpel/composite PL. This WSDL works in my browser and i can also test in SOAP UI. But I cannot use it in Jdeveloper BPEL PL.
    So, I opened this WSDL in browser-copied source code in file and placed it locally on my desktop(say external.wsdl) and when I browse external.wsdl from Partner Link a prompt says(There are no Partner Link Types defined in your current WSDL......create a PL for you). I click "Yes" . I selected a Partner Role, when i click ok. I get Exception: java.lang.StackOverflowError.
    java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.StackOverflowError at
    This WCF WSDL has only one operation, and has 3 import schema xsd=xsd0, xsd=xsd1,xsd=xsd2

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    Im now worried theres something wrong with my bios on my Mac and i don't no why my plug-ins would have vanished from where they should be installed? as they still work fine in the actual software itself.

    If you are on a Mac the Library folder is hidden. You have to jump through some hoops to get there.

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    How xml will send message to XSD then how wsdl interaction then to composite ?

    XSD (XML Schema Definition), is an abstract representation of a XML characteristics.
    The WSDL (Web Services Description Language), describes the functionality offered by your web service.
    You can say what operations your services offers, and describe the messages used for this operations in your XSD.

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    I tried this but as was not working I decompiled the wls-maven-plugin jar where I first of all discoverd that what should be passed is groupId:artifactID:version instead of the full one.
    The next problem is the regular expression used to detect this:
    if (this.source.matches("\\S:\\S:\\S")) {As you can see this will only detect one character long groupID, artifactID and version (obviously this has never been tested ...).
    Can the source code of this plugin be found somewhere so I can fix it myself, can oracle fix this quickly, ... what are my options here?

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    2. Extract the contents of the supplemental zip (eg: extract into /home/myhome/mywls )
    wls12120 directory will be automatically created during extraction.
    The file name is .
    When I put this file in the mywls directory and Extract All ( using Windows Explorer, if that matters ),
    the directory created is actually named " wls12120_dev_supplemental " and it has 1 sub-directory named " wls12120 ".
    So, is there something wrong with Step 2's text ?
    Is there something wrong with how I interpreted Step 2's text ?
    Is the actual directory and sub-directory I see being created the successful response / result ?  Or did this step fail ?

  • Auto deploy of ALSB/OSB artifacts - Proxy, WSDL and other resources

    i want to create resources (wsdl resource,proxy service resource ,eg) useing alsb api with java code.
    i got one method in alsbconfigmbean(not alsbconfigurationmbean) class,createResource.
    and i find one method in Refs class,makewsdlref.
    but i donnot know how to use it.
    now i had created project and folder,how can i create WSDL resource under the folder.
    I am new about alsb,can someone help me please.

    Resource creation through API is not supported by OSB or in other terms API is not made public.
    Only API supported is documented at
    Little surprised about use-case in which it is required?

  • How to deploy wsdl+xsd to database based MDS in SOA 11g

    I am going to migrate our soa solution based on oracle soa suite version 10. We are using a file based repository in that solution and it is copied to the server and exposed to the application server as a virtual path.
    I wan't to use the MDS instead, but can not figure out to upload all my schemas and contracts !
    Any help would very much be appreciated.

    You can put it anywhere you like, just update the properties accordingly. If you put it elsewhere, you will need to update the value of mds.repository in the file.
    You can even update the build.xml to copy the content from SVN or CVS or any other version control tool and create a jar file.
    Basically the build.xml is a custom written ant which invokes the Oracle provided ant (ant-sca-deploy.xml) and for deploy action you need to provide a jar as input to the Oracle ant. So it is upto you how you want to manage the files on your machine or version control and how you build a jar out of it and pass to ant-sca-deploy.xml

  • How can I deploy a .pkg file that requires a folder with customizations?

    I am attempting to deploy a pkg file with ARD.  The customizations for this pkg are stored in a folder called custom.  If the PKG and Custom folder are in the same directory the Pacage will apply those customizations.  What would be the best way to acomplish this for me with ARD?

    I'd like to thank "roam" for the link which opened a site for "printwindow" for Mac OS. Wow!! That was easy! It's a free download for the standard product which luckily worked for me. After downloading PrintWindow, and putting it in my Applications and reading PDF instructions, I opened PrintWindow and clicked "File". Then I chose "Print Folder Listing", clicked that and see "Print Listing" of all my Mac's folders. Then, I selected the folder for which I wanted the file names listed on paper. Then it opens a Print Options menu. I clicked Print. Then, a "Page Setup" menu appears. I clicked "OK". Then a "Print" menu appears. On the "Print" menu, there is a PDF options menu!! On that, there is a "Save as PDF"!! I clicked "Save as PDF" and then there is a small "Save" menu where I typed a new file name and the folder in which I wanted the listing saved. It worked! Thank you.

  • Where do I deploy common EJB helper and utility classes

    I have a number of EJBs that each use a common set interfaces, exceptions and Value beans. If I deploy using the iasdeploy command line, then I must package up all these common classes within each of the EJB modules - leading to a lot of duplicate code.
    Is there a smarter a way of packaged the common classes so that I can include them in the .EAR file but only in one module.
    Note: I would prefer to only argument the IAS classpath with 3rd party classes that rarely change and not these common classes e.g. Jlog

    Try to put all the EJB's in a single package and import the package. I
    can think of this solution right now, will keep posting for updates.
    Daniel Westerdale wrote:
    I have a number of EJBs that each use a common set interfaces,
    exceptions and Value beans. If I deploy using the iasdeploy command
    line, then I must package up all these common classes within each of
    the EJB modules - leading to a lot of duplicate code.
    Is there a smarter a way of packaged the common classes so that I can
    include them in the .EAR file but only in one module.
    Note: I would prefer to only argument the IAS classpath with 3rd party
    classes that rarely change and not these common classes e.g. Jlog
    Try our New Web Based Forum at
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  • How to publish an own and deployed process? Via WSDL?

    Hi There,
    i'm kinda new to BPM and i got some questions. I've gone through some tutorials and created my own process. I build and deployed it, startet it through the NWA and tested it (mostly human activitys and mappings). Everything works fine but i'm facing some unsolved problems:
    1. Is it possible to get the sourcecode of the deployed process from the repository? I've already downloaded the WSDL-file from the "Single Service Administration" and want to get the process itself too.
    2. Within the "Services Registry" i published the deployed process. I imported this published WSDL within the process composer (import per Service Registry) and linked it in an automated activity, but it seems that the process can't invoke itself. Neither when i use the imported interface at the end-event it doesn't "restart". My question here is: can't a process invoke itself or does it just not work with the default wsdl? It would be intresting for me, if a process could invoke another process when it ends.
    3. Is there any good tutorial how to create an own WSDL-file with the process composer? I haven't seen any yet.
    Any information would be helpful!
    With kind regards,
    Edited by: Markus Alfers on Jan 14, 2009 3:44 PM

    Hi Fazal,
    thanks for your answer. I had already found the process in the web service navigator. I tested it there and it was ok. But i wasnt able to find it in the UDDI-registry, so i downloaded the WSDL-File from the "single service administration" and registered it in the UDDI-registry. I imported this published WSDL-file from the UDDI-registry within the process composer to be able to test if a process can invoke itself, but it didnt work. Than i tried a new process which only has an automated activity which trys to invoke my first process, but this doesn't seem to work too. I need to know how i can invoke another process within an automated task or at the end-event of a process. I think this could be helpfull if i want to create Sub-Process and route input and output data through it.
    I also need to know how i can create my own WSDL-file for a process which i want to create with the process composer, because not every process i want to define has an empty start nor an empty end. Is there any good tutorial for this? Somebody also mentioned that he/she created an own WSDL-file with the PI server, but i dont know how to do that. It is also confusing when you got ~ten or more default services within the web service navigator.
    With kind regards

  • Best Location for Deploying Common File in WSP

    I have a small wsp containing a masterpage and a stylesheet that will act as the standard branding for many SP site collections in my company.  One of the requirements is to have a footer with a link to a Terms & Conditions PDF in the masterpage.
     So I'd like this PDF to be deployed in this WSP with the masterpage and styles so that we don't have to manually add it when a new site collection is created.
    My question is where is the best place to deploy this file so that I can easily link to it from anywhere in the site collection (i.e. top level site vs subsite)?  I was thinking a mapped folder would be best, but I'm not sure, and frankly I'm not sure
    how to link to a file in a mapped folder.  Am I making this too difficult, should I just put the file in one centralized public place and hard-code the link in the master page?  Please let me know your thoughts.  Thanks.

    Use mapped folder (Layouts) to deploy your files. In custom web part solution, map folder with your solution and copy the files in it. All other site collections can access files form mapped folder.
    For Reference:
    Deploying files using Mapped Folders
    Adnan Amin MCT, SharePoint Architect | If you find this post useful kindly please mark it as an answer :)

  • Deploy a war file contains an empty folder

    how can we export a project as WAR, and this project contains an empty folder, without losing this empty folder when we deploy the WAR.

    Thanks Ispy for your reply
    I used this previously and its work, but I�m sorry I don't explain in my question what I need precisely.
    Look i�m using IBM Web Sphere tool and there is an export a war tool inside it and when am using export it delete my empty folder automatically, so that I could not find what is the reason. Please anybody faced this problem.

  • Best way to deploy ODI artifacts across Dev,UAT and Prod

    Hi All,
    We have a requirement wherein we have to deploy the ODI artifacts from one repository to the other across various instances.
    From what I learned from the export and import operations in Oracle Data Integrator documents provided by Oracle, we need to have Internal Identifiers (IDs) for each and every export and import. And while importing the work repository, we have to delete the old one and then import the new one.Is there a way where we can use the existing identifier and just append the changes?
    Do we have any better way of deploying the ODI artifacts across Dev,UAT,Prod instances that would import the artifacts and also import the changes to the existing artifacts?
    Any kind of information related to deployement is higly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,

    For ODI specific questions please post to ODI Forum at Data Integrator
    Hope this helps
    Thanks & Regards !
    Fusion Apps Developer Relations
    Please mark the response helpful or answered appropriately

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