Deploying Flex Application

How are all of you? Many thanks for past answers. Wel thanks
God, I have completed my first application. Now I just want to know
how to deploy it on my remote server. I try to copy the "bin"
folder and run the application but it gave me error. I also try to
copy the whole project folder to my remote server. Nothing works.
It keeps giving the following error:
Error #2148: SWF file
file:///C|/phpdev/www/healthinn/MyFirstProject.swf cannot access
local resource
file:///C|/phpdev/www/healthinn/Data/headerAnimData.xml. Only
local-with-filesystem and trusted local SWF files may access local
Although the error definition is too long. But I think that
the above given error is enough. If you need further information,
pleae let me know. But kindly help me with this. I badly need it.
I shall be very thankful to you.
Best Regards

You should be accessing your main swf (MyfirstProject.swf)
via Http, i.e.
BTW if you reference the html file generated by Flex Builder
you get the checks for a valid installation of Flash for free....
The directory on your web server that your URL points to
(e.g. healthinn) should contain the contents of your bin directory
from your flex project.
Finally, any URLs in your project should assume that you are
running from the directory where you copied the main swf. For
example, you could put your xml file in a subdirectory called data,
in which case your URL to get your xml file would be just

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    Rule 1: Never use the "Automatically Expose UI Componentes in a New Managed Bean" option, create your bindings manually;
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    I have never really bothered with importing web services.  I generally point my apps in the direction of my webservice by specifiying the url in my HTTPService tags.  If the location changes , you can just load the values in xml , and it will dynamically change where the endpoint service is in your application.

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    Message was edited by: ace0215

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    This is a Flex question. Please try posting it to the Flex forums here

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        var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
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    Alex thanks for reply
    The URL for the app is http://<some_IP>/flex_app
    <some_IP> is added in crossdomain.
    Also we have outbound IP's and of these are also added in the crossdomain file.
    This is the current content of crossdomain file:
    <site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="master-only"/>
    <allow-access-from domain="<some_IP>"/>
    <allow-access-from domain="<outbound_IP1>"/>
    <allow-access-from domain="<outbound_IP2>"/>
    <allow-access-from domain="<outbound_IP3>"/>
    <allow-http-request-headers-from domain="<outbound_IP1>" headers="SOAPAction"/>
    <allow-http-request-headers-from domain="<outbound_IP2>" headers="SOAPAction"/>
    <allow-http-request-headers-from domain="<outbound_IP3>" headers="SOAPAction"/>
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    Put the compiled swf and its html wrapper code in an url
    accessible folder. Hit the url.
    That's it.

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    then almost 99.9% hosting will work.
    if you want a Flexx app with compiler then oo thats different
    but as you say "I don't anticipate having any special requirements
    other than the ability to interact with databases and XML files"
    then you can go with pretty much any hosting, as long as they have
    apache, Database serve and I think thats it.

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    service and displays the contents in a text area.
    This works fine when I execute it from the flex builder or
    from the directory where the flex builder stores it.
    If I copy the files to any other dir or the server, after
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    Is there any thing else i need to do other building
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    Please help,
    Thanks in advance,

    "rtalton" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gjlmvm$hrv$[email protected]..
    > Stubborn, aren't we? Ok, let me try again:
    > You only use "loadPolicyFile" to load a non-default
    policy file. remove
    > that
    > line from your code.
    > Also you do not need this line:
    > flash.system.Security.allowDomain("*");
    > your code. Remove it. This is used when you have
    two SWFs on two
    > different servers. You do not.
    > Again, read this page:
    > l
    > Your answer is there.
    > Hint: all you need is to *properly* deploy a
    cross-domain policy file.
    > Really.
    > I'm being very honest here. Have I ever lied to you
    before? No, I haven't.
    > So
    > you're buying the first round tonight after work, ok?
    Some people will do anything for a date ;-)

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    I have created a flex application and using few webservices in that application. When I run the application its asking logon details for each and every webservice I used. However I want to do single sign On without providing logon details for each and every webservice.Please suggest me.
    Thanks and advance.

    if yout projects are deployed in their own Java EE context root then you have multiple applications, though logically you count them as one. Use OSSO or Oracle SSO (where OSSO should be fine since all deployments share the same instance)

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    While deploying the VC model , i m getting this error :
    Error in compiling Flex application: Error: A function in the code exceeds the 64K byte limit (actual size = '65557'). Since the problem occurs in the compiler-generated deferred instantiation code, please refactor/componentize portions of this document.
    Failed to compile AAD15VY.mxml
    Could any one help me out in solving this issue ..its urgent ...
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    You have to remove few components from your model to decrease the compiler generated LOC.
    Check the following link for detailed solution:
    Taken from SAP Notes:
    Doing the following may help:
    1.Divide problematic iViews into a number of nested iViews.
    2.Optimize each model to reduce the number of elements that it
      a.Reduce the number of signals by merging signals of the same name.
      b.When your application updates forms with read-only fields, use
        expression boxes and a data store instead of signals.
      c.Minimize the use of animations in your models, including form
        sliding and chart animation effects
      d.Use a data store to store variables, instead of invisible forms.
        To display messages, use a simple text rather than a static dynamic
    3.For on-the-spot, temporary workarounds, you can try dragging an empty
      layer onto the Design board. This sometimes solves the problem ad
      hoc, but is not recommended as a best practice.

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