Depreciation  vamshi krishna

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hi all
We have 2 depreciation areas.
1. 01 Book of depreciation area
2. 02 Spl tax depreciation area
How to maintain the derived Depreciation or difference    between the  _tax dep to book dep_
What r the g/l's Are created required

Copy a Existing Dep. area and in that u will find " Entries for Derived Depreciation area"
In that give both the 01 and 16 and there is space for + /- sign.and proportion
for this new area u can assign GL accounts as usual

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  • ALV report editable to enter text and print with including the text?

    Hi all,
    I have to display output of a  report in ALV format and i have to make two fileds can be editable to enter texts by user  and able to print the list with that texts .
    Is it possible using standard Function modules or I have to go for OO methods? Please give the sample code ?
    Edited by: VAMSHI KRISHNA on Oct 31, 2008 4:25 PM

    Hi Vamshi,
    Check out the Below sample code for the editable ALV.
    report  z7cc_oops_alv_editable.
    tables sflight.
    data: begin of gt_outtab occurs 0.     "with header line
            include structure sflight.
    data: celltab type lvc_t_styl.
    data: end of gt_outtab.
    data: gt_fieldcat type lvc_t_fcat.
    data: g_carrid like sflight-carrid,
          g_connid like sflight-connid.
    data: gs_spfli type spfli.                                  "#EC NEEDED
    data: g_custom_container type ref to cl_gui_custom_container.
    data:  g_container type scrfname value 'BCALV_GRID_DEMO_0100_CONT1'.
    data: g_grid  type ref to cl_gui_alv_grid.
    data: wa_outtab like gt_outtab.
    *       CLASS lcl_event_receiver DEFINITION
    class lcl_event_receiver definition.
      public section.
        types: begin of sflight_key.
        types:   carrid type s_carr_id.
        types:   connid type s_conn_id.
        types:   fldate type s_date.
        types: end of sflight_key.
        types: sflight_keys type standard table of sflight_key,
               sflight_table type standard table of sflight.
             for event data_changed of cl_gui_alv_grid
                 importing er_data_changed.
                  inserted_rows type sflight_keys.
                  deleted_rows type sflight_table.
        methods: set_table_is_initial.
        methods: set_table_is_not_initial.
        methods: table_is_initial
                    returning value(initial) type char01.
      private section.
    * §4.Define internal tables to remember inserted and deleted lines,
    *    thus the delta between input made after the last saving.
        data: inserted_rows type sflight_keys,
              deleted_rows type standard table of sflight.
    * This flag is set if any error occured in one of the
    * following methods:
        data: error_in_data type c.
    * This flag signals that no records were read for the flight
    * table initially:
        data: initial_table type c.
    ** Methods to modularize event handler method HANDLE_DATA_CHANGED:
                pr_data_changed type ref to cl_alv_changed_data_protocol.
                pr_data_changed type ref to cl_alv_changed_data_protocol.
                pr_data_changed type ref to cl_alv_changed_data_protocol.
                 row_id          type int4
                 pr_data_changed type ref to cl_alv_changed_data_protocol
                 key             type sflight_key.
    endclass.                    "lcl_event_receiver DEFINITION
    class lcl_event_receiver implementation.
      method handle_data_changed.
    *    data: ls_good type lvc_s_modi,
    *          l_price type s_price,
    *          ls_new type lvc_s_moce.
    *    error_in_data = space.
    ** check if there exist double entries
    *    call method check_double_entries( er_data_changed ).
    ** remember new or deleted lines for saving
    *    call method update_delta_tables( er_data_changed ).
    ** check mt_good_cells semantically
    *    call method perform_semantic_checks( er_data_changed ).
    *    if error_in_data = 'X'.
    *      call method er_data_changed->display_protocol.
    *    endif.
      endmethod.                    "handle_data_changed
      method check_double_entries.
        data: lt_good_cells type lvc_t_modi,
              ls_good type lvc_s_modi,
              ls_key type sflight_key,
              ls_sflight type sflight,
              l_flightdate like gt_outtab-fldate,
              l_del_row type lvc_s_moce,
              ls_outtab like line of gt_outtab,
              l_reentered type c.
    * §5.Check if there exist already other records with equal key fields.
    * Check if the user has entered two new lines where the key fields
    * are equal.
    * Since CARRID and CONNID are read only, the check is restrained
    * to field FLDATE.
    * Algorithm: Copy all entries in MT_GOOD_CELLS to a dummy table.
    *            During the copying procedure check if there exists
    *            already a line with the same Flight date.
    *    loop at pr_data_changed->mt_good_cells into ls_good.
    *      case ls_good-fieldname.
    *        when 'FLDATE'.
    *          call method pr_data_changed->get_cell_value
    *                      exporting
    *                            i_row_id = ls_good-row_id
    *                            i_fieldname = ls_good-fieldname
    *                      importing e_value = l_flightdate.
    *          read table lt_good_cells with key
    *                            value = l_flightdate
    *                            transporting no fields.
    *          if sy-subrc = 0.
    ** There exists already a line with the same flight date!
    *            call method pr_data_changed->add_protocol_entry
    *                         exporting
    *              i_msgid = '0K' i_msgno = '000'  i_msgty = 'E'
    *              i_msgv1 = text-m01
    *              i_fieldname = ls_good-fieldname
    *              i_row_id = ls_good-row_id.
    *            error_in_data = 'X'.
    *          else.
    *            ls_good-value = l_flightdate.
    *            append ls_good to lt_good_cells.
    *          endif.
    *      endcase.
    *    endloop.
    ** Check if any new entries already exist in gt_outtab.
    ** At this point, lt_good_cells contains only lines with
    *    loop at lt_good_cells into ls_good.
    *      l_flightdate = ls_good-value.      "flightdate, see above
    *      read table gt_outtab with key
    *                    carrid = g_carrid
    *                    connid = g_connid
    *                    fldate = l_flightdate
    *                    transporting no fields.
    *      if sy-subrc = 0.
    ** Check if this entry was deleted before, i.e. it is in the table
    ** of deleted rows. If so, the entry does not exist twice. The user
    ** has deleted a line and then reentered it.
    *        l_reentered = space.
    *        loop at pr_data_changed->mt_deleted_rows into l_del_row.
    *          read table gt_outtab into ls_outtab index l_del_row-row_id.
    *          if sy-subrc ne 0.
    *            message i000(0k) with text-e01."Fehler beim Löschen
    *          elseif
    *                    ls_outtab-carrid eq g_carrid
    *                and ls_outtab-connid eq g_connid
    *                and ls_outtab-fldate eq ls_good-value.
    *            l_reentered = 'X'.
    *          endif.
    *        endloop.
    *        if l_reentered ne 'X'.
    *          call method pr_data_changed->add_protocol_entry
    *                         exporting
    *              i_msgid = '0K' i_msgno = '000'  i_msgty = 'E'
    *              i_msgv1 = text-m01
    *              i_fieldname = ls_good-fieldname
    *              i_row_id = ls_good-row_id.
    *          error_in_data = 'X'.
    *        endif.
    *      endif.
    *    endloop.
    ** In this demo report you may prevent the selection
    ** of data by setting parameter 'p_ds'.
    ** If this is done, the next check is required:
    *    if me->table_is_initial( ) eq 'X'.
    *      call method get_cell_values
    *           exporting row_id          = 1
    *                     pr_data_changed = pr_data_changed
    *           importing key             = ls_key.
    *      select single * from sflight into ls_sflight
    *                where carrid = ls_key-carrid
    *                  and connid = ls_key-connid
    *                  and fldate = ls_key-fldate.
    *      if sy-subrc = 0.
    *        call method pr_data_changed->add_protocol_entry
    *                       exporting
    *            i_msgid = '0K' i_msgno = '000'  i_msgty = 'E'
    *            i_msgv1 = text-m01
    *            i_fieldname = 'FLDATE'
    *            i_row_id = 1.
    *        error_in_data = 'X'.
    *      endif.
    ** flag initial_table is reset in method 'update_delta_tables'
    *    endif.
      endmethod.                    "check_double_entries
      method update_delta_tables.
    *    data: l_ins_row type lvc_s_moce,
    *          l_del_row type lvc_s_moce,
    *          ls_key type sflight_key,
    *          ls_sflight type sflight,
    *          ls_outtab like line of gt_outtab.
    ** §6.Use protocol attributes MT_DELETED_ROWS and MT_INSERTED_ROWS
    **    to remember which lines where deleted or inserted. Save this
    **    information in your internal tables.
    ** deleted rows
    *    loop at pr_data_changed->mt_deleted_rows into l_del_row.
    *      read table gt_outtab into ls_outtab index l_del_row-row_id.
    *      if sy-subrc ne 0.
    *        message i000(0k) with text-e01."Fehler beim Löschen
    *      else.
    *        move-corresponding ls_outtab to ls_sflight.
    ** It should no be possible that the same line is deleted twice,
    ** so we just add the new key line to 'deleted_rows'.
    *        append ls_sflight to deleted_rows.
    ** If this line was inserted just before it is deleted:
    *        delete me->inserted_rows
    *             where carrid = ls_outtab-carrid
    *             and   connid = ls_outtab-connid
    *             and   fldate = ls_outtab-fldate.
    *      endif.
    *    endloop.
    ** inserted rows
    ** At this point ALV has not added new lines
    ** to gt_outtab, so you can not access their values
    ** by reading gt_outtab.
    ** Table MT_GOOD_CELLS holds new values that can be
    ** referenced using the ROW_ID.
    *    if me->table_is_initial( ) eq 'X'.
    ** No flights were selected initially. This is the first new line.
    *      call method get_cell_values
    *            exporting row_id          = 1
    *                      pr_data_changed = pr_data_changed
    *            importing key             = ls_key.
    *      append ls_key to inserted_rows.
    *      call method me->set_table_is_not_initial.
    *    endif.
    *    loop at pr_data_changed->mt_inserted_rows into l_ins_row.
    *      call method get_cell_values
    *              exporting row_id          = l_ins_row-row_id
    *                        pr_data_changed = pr_data_changed
    *              importing key             = ls_key.
    **      READ TABLE gt_outtab INTO ls_outtab INDEX l_ins_row-row_id.
    ** Just insert the new row regardless if the input is wrong
    *      append ls_key to inserted_rows.
    *    endloop.
      endmethod.                    "update_delta_tables
      method get_cell_values.
    * get values of key cells of row ROW_ID
    ** CARRIER
    *    call method pr_data_changed->get_cell_value
    *          exporting
    *                 i_row_id    = row_id
    *                 i_fieldname = 'CARRID'
    *               importing
    *                 e_value = key-carrid.
    *    if sy-subrc ne 0.
    *      message i000(0k) with text-e02.  "Fehler beim Einfügen
    *    endif.
    ** CONNID
    *    call method pr_data_changed->get_cell_value
    *          exporting
    *                 i_row_id    = row_id
    *                 i_fieldname = 'CONNID'
    *               importing
    *                 e_value = key-connid.
    *    if sy-subrc ne 0.
    *      message i000(0k) with text-e02.  "Fehler beim Einfügen
    *    endif.
    ** FLDATE
    *    call method pr_data_changed->get_cell_value
    *          exporting
    *                 i_row_id    = row_id
    *                 i_fieldname = 'FLDATE'
    *               importing
    *                 e_value = key-fldate.
    *    if sy-subrc ne 0.
    *      message i000(0k) with text-e02.  "Fehler beim Einfügen
    *    endif.
      endmethod.                    "get_cell_values
      method perform_semantic_checks.
    *    data: ls_good type lvc_s_modi,
    *          l_planetype type s_planetye,
    *          l_seatsmax type s_seatsmax.
    *    loop at pr_data_changed->mt_good_cells into ls_good.
    *      case ls_good-fieldname.
    *        when 'PLANETYPE'.
    *          call method pr_data_changed->get_cell_value
    *             exporting
    *               i_row_id = ls_good-row_id
    *               i_fieldname = ls_good-fieldname
    *             importing
    *               e_value = l_planetype.
    *          select single seatsmax from saplane into l_seatsmax
    *                        where planetype = l_planetype.
    *          if sy-subrc ne 0.
    *            call method pr_data_changed->add_protocol_entry
    *                            exporting
    *                 i_msgid = '0K' i_msgno = '000'  i_msgty = 'E'
    *                 i_msgv1 = text-m02
    *                 i_fieldname = ls_good-fieldname
    *                 i_row_id = ls_good-row_id.
    *            error_in_data = 'X'.
    *          else.
    *            call method pr_data_changed->modify_cell
    *              exporting i_row_id    = ls_good-row_id
    *                        i_fieldname = 'SEATSMAX'
    *                        i_value     = l_seatsmax.
    *          endif.
    *      endcase.
    *    endloop.
      endmethod.                    "perform_semantic_checks
      method get_inserted_rows.
    *    inserted_rows = me->inserted_rows.
      endmethod.                    "get_inserted_rows
      method get_deleted_rows.
    *    deleted_rows = me->deleted_rows.
      endmethod.                    "get_deleted_rows
      method refresh_delta_tables.
    *    clear me->inserted_rows[].
    *    clear me->deleted_rows[].
      endmethod.                    "refresh_delta_tables
      method set_table_is_initial.
    *    initial_table = 'X'.
      endmethod.                    "set_table_is_initial
      method set_table_is_not_initial.
    *    initial_table = space.
      endmethod.                    "set_table_is_not_initial
      method table_is_initial.
    *    if initial_table = 'X'.
    *      initial = 'X'.
    *    else.
    *      initial = space.
    *    endif.
      endmethod.                    "table_is_initial
    endclass.                    "lcl_event_receiver IMPLEMENTATION
    data: g_verifier type ref to lcl_event_receiver.
    data: g_max type i value 100.
    data: gs_layout type lvc_s_layo.
    data: ok_code like sy-ucomm,
          save_ok like sy-ucomm.
    parameters: p_ds type c as checkbox.   "delete selection
    select-options s_carrid for sflight-carrid
                                no intervals no-extension default 'LH'.
    select-options s_connid for sflight-connid
                               no intervals no-extension default '0400'.
      g_carrid = s_carrid-low.
      g_connid = s_connid-low.
    * first check airline and connection
      select single * from spfli into gs_spfli
                         where carrid = g_carrid
                         and connid = g_connid.
      call screen 100.
    *&      Module  STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    *       text
    module status_0100 output.
      set pf-status 'MAIN100'.
      set titlebar 'MAIN100'.
      if g_custom_container is initial.
        perform create_and_init_alv changing gt_outtab[]
    endmodule.                 " STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    *&      Form  create_and_init_alv
    *       text
    *      <--P_GT_OUTTAB[]  text
    *      <--P_GT_FIELDCAT  text
    form create_and_init_alv changing pt_outtab like gt_outtab[]
                                      pt_fieldcat type lvc_t_fcat.
      data: lt_exclude type ui_functions.
      create object g_custom_container
             exporting container_name = g_container.
      create object g_grid
             exporting i_parent = g_custom_container.
    * Create Objekt to verify input values.
    * (This object is already needed in form SELECT_DATA).
      create object g_verifier.
    *  SET HANDLER g_verifier->handle_data_changed FOR g_grid.
      perform select_data changing pt_outtab[].
      perform build_fieldcat changing pt_fieldcat.
      perform exclude_tb_functions changing lt_exclude.
      gs_layout-stylefname = 'CELLTAB'.
      call method g_grid->set_table_for_first_display
          it_toolbar_excluding = lt_exclude
          is_layout            = gs_layout
          it_fieldcatalog      = pt_fieldcat
          it_outtab            = pt_outtab[].
    * Set editable cells to ready for input initially
      call method g_grid->set_ready_for_input
          i_ready_for_input = 1.
    endform.                    " create_and_init_alv
    *&      Form  select_data
    *       text
    *      <--P_GT_OUTTAB  text
    form select_data changing pt_outtab like gt_outtab[].
      data: lt_sflight type table of sflight,
            ls_sflight type sflight,
            ls_outtab like line of gt_outtab,
            l_index type i,
            ls_spfli type spfli,                                "#EC NEEDED
            lt_celltab type lvc_t_styl.
    * Check parameter 'p_ds'=>optionally select no data
      if p_ds is initial.
    * Select data from sflight
        select * from sflight into table lt_sflight up to g_max rows
                         where carrid = g_carrid
                           and connid = g_connid.
      if sy-subrc ne 0 or not p_ds is initial.
    * no flights were found!
    * We provide some default values for the first line that is entered:
        ls_outtab-carrid = g_carrid.
        ls_outtab-connid = g_connid.
        case g_carrid.
          when 'LH'.
            ls_outtab-currency = 'DEM'.
          when others.
            ls_outtab-currency = 'US'.
        ls_outtab-seatsocc = 0.
        ls_outtab-paymentsum = 0.
    * set fields FLDATE, PRICE and PLANETYPE to editable
        perform fill_celltab using 'RW'
                             changing lt_celltab.
        insert lines of lt_celltab into table ls_outtab-celltab.
        append ls_outtab to pt_outtab.
    * Tell Verify-Objekt that the table was initial
        call method g_verifier->set_table_is_initial.
        call method g_verifier->set_table_is_not_initial.
    * move corresponding fields from lt_sflight to gt_outtab
        loop at lt_sflight into ls_sflight.
          move-corresponding ls_sflight to ls_outtab.
          append ls_outtab to pt_outtab.
    * §3.Set all cells of the table non-editable by using the style table.
        loop at pt_outtab into ls_outtab.
          l_index = sy-tabix.
          refresh lt_celltab.
          perform fill_celltab using 'RO'
                            changing lt_celltab.
    * Copy your celltab to the celltab of the current row of gt_outtab.
          insert lines of lt_celltab into table ls_outtab-celltab.
          modify pt_outtab from ls_outtab index l_index.
    endform.                               " select_data
    *&      Form  fill_celltab
    *       text
    *      -->VALUE(P_MODE)  text
    *      -->PT_CELLTAB     text
    form fill_celltab using value(p_mode)
                      changing pt_celltab type lvc_t_styl.
      data: ls_celltab type lvc_s_styl,
            l_mode type raw4.
    * This forms sets the style of columns 'PRICE', FLDATE and PLANETYPE
    * editable
      if p_mode eq 'RW'.
        l_mode = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_enabled.
      else.                                "p_mode eq 'RO'
        l_mode = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_disabled.
      ls_celltab-fieldname = 'FLDATE'.
      ls_celltab-style = l_mode.
      insert ls_celltab into table pt_celltab.
      ls_celltab-fieldname = 'PRICE'.
      ls_celltab-style = l_mode.
      insert ls_celltab into table pt_celltab.
      ls_celltab-fieldname = 'PLANETYPE'.
      ls_celltab-style = l_mode.
      insert ls_celltab into table pt_celltab.
    endform.                               " FILL_CELLTAB
    *&      Form  BUILD_FIELDCAT
    *       text
    *      <--P_GT_FIELDCAT  text
    form build_fieldcat changing pt_fieldcat type lvc_t_fcat.
      data ls_fcat type lvc_s_fcat.
      call function 'LVC_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE'
          i_structure_name = 'SFLIGHT'
          ct_fieldcat      = pt_fieldcat.
      loop at pt_fieldcat into ls_fcat.
        if    ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'PRICE'
           or ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'PLANETYPE'
           or ls_fcat-fieldname eq 'FLDATE'.
    * §1.Set status of columns FLDATA, PRICE and PLANETYPE to editable.
    *    Since all cells are set to non-editable (see step 3) the cells
    *    of this columns will only be editable for new lines.
          ls_fcat-edit = 'X'.
    * Field 'checktable' is set to avoid shortdumps that are caused
    * by inconsistend data in check tables. You may comment this out
    * when the test data of the flight model is consistent in your system.
          ls_fcat-checktable = '!'.        "do not check foreign keys
          modify pt_fieldcat from ls_fcat.
        elseif ls_fcat-fieldname = 'CARRID'
           or ls_fcat-fieldname = 'CONNID'
           or ls_fcat-fieldname = 'CURRENCY'.
    * §2.Use field AUTO_VALUE of the fieldcatalog to preset values when new
    *    lines are added.
          ls_fcat-auto_value = 'X'.
          ls_fcat-checktable = '!'.   "do not check foreign key relations
          modify pt_fieldcat from ls_fcat.
    endform.                    "build_fieldcat
    *&      Form  exclude_tb_functions
    *       text
    *      <--P_LT_EXCLUDE  text
    form exclude_tb_functions changing pt_exclude type ui_functions.
      data ls_exclude type ui_func.
      ls_exclude = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_loc_insert_row.
      append ls_exclude to pt_exclude.
      ls_exclude = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_loc_undo.
      append ls_exclude to pt_exclude.
      ls_exclude = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_loc_copy_row.
      append ls_exclude to pt_exclude.
    endform.                               " EXCLUDE_TB_FUNCTIONS
    *&      Module  USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT
    *       text
    module user_command_0100 input.
      save_ok = sy-ucomm.
      clear ok_code.
      case save_ok.
        when 'SAVE'.
    *      perform save_data.
        when 'BACK'.
    * §10.Unlock your database table.
    *      perform unlock_sflight.
          leave to screen 0.
        when 'EXIT'.
          perform exit_program.
        when 'ADD'.
          perform add_line_item.
        when others.
    *     do nothing
    endmodule.                 " USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT
    *       FORM EXIT_PROGRAM                                             *
    form exit_program.
      leave program.
    endform.                    "exit_program
    *&      Form  ADD_LINE_ITEM
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    form add_line_item .
    data: lt_rows type lvc_t_row.
    data: wa_rows type lvc_t_row with header line.
    data: tabix type sy-tabix.
    *&Find the  row ( index ) number
    call method g_grid->get_selected_rows
              importing et_index_rows = lt_rows.
    call method cl_gui_cfw=>flush.
    read table lt_rows into wa_rows index 1.
    tabix = wa_rows-index .
    insert gt_outtab  index tabix.
    call method g_grid->refresh_table_display
    *    IS_STABLE      =
    *    I_SOFT_REFRESH =
    *    FINISHED       = 1
    *    others         = 2
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
    *            WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    endform.                    " ADD_LINE_ITEM

  • Sample code for slow moving material report?

    Hi all,
    I have a requirement to display slow moving mateial report on a particular goods issue date and material wise.
    The basic requirements are
    1. Movement type '261'  and material, plant are select-options.
    2.last goods movement date based on  parameter.
    3. Display the quantity available
    but here i am getting a problem that i couldn't find the last goods movement for that particular material with specific storage location as one material document containing more than one item. So please help? Also what logic i have to use to display quantity available?
    Please specify the sample code or logic for above requirement?
    Any custom slow moving report codes also very helpful?

    > Solved.

  • Schedule the Process Chain automatically in BW

    Hi SDN Guru's,
    I have an urgent requirement in BW. I want to run the Process Chain automatically in BW when the job for the deltas in R/3 are completed.
    I know that in BW we can trigger the process chain by the background job only by giving the date and time or after the event and after the job.
    But my requirement is the process chain should automatically be triggered in BW once the R/3 delta job is run and completed and the delta records are updated in RSA7.
    Can any body please let me know how we can do this as this is the urgent requirement for me.
    Please let me know how and where we need to write the code or make the settings for satisfying my requirement.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Vamshi Krishna.

    HI Vamshi:
    Take a look at note 409239.
    Thanks for any points you choose to assign (points are the way of saying "thanks" in SDN)
    Best Regards -
    Ron Silberstein

  • Displaying bottom text of main window in box?

    Hi all ,
    I am working with a sap script, where i need to display standard text in box at end of the main window.
    The problem is i am unable  to set the dynamic position of the box at bottom of the main window .
    please help me to fix this problem?
    Edited by: VAMSHI KRISHNA on Oct 29, 2008 12:04 AM

    Hi Gustavo,
    Thanks for your reply.
    But here my requirement is the text should be displayed immediately after the data in main window is printed . If i used the bottom window , then it will display exactly in that position despite of the main window data.
    So Is there any way to display text in box dynamically, after main window data is completed?

  • FBZP APP configuration - Urgent

    Hi sap guru's,
    I had encountered with the following problem. 
    Our client has 3 a/c's with a bank SBI at same branch(mumbai) and he issues cheques from all 3 a/c's. Here how the configuration should be done for check payment method for APP.  can any one please explain.
    I had created one house bank and 3 account id's and under account determination-->bank selection how to configure payment method, how to determine the bank sub account under bank a/c determination.     As Under bank a/c’s same pmt method along with same currency not allowed under one house bank but here our client has 3 a/c's at that branch and issues cheques from 3 a/c's so i have to configure the 3 a/c's in whichever way the ranking order may be. I was unable to configure as it is not allowing for same payment method, same currency under one house bank.
    Any one please reply
    Thanks in advance,
    Edited by: vamshi krishna on Feb 25, 2008 11:09 AM
    Edited by: vamshi krishna on Feb 27, 2008 6:38 AM

    you need to review how and why your client issues checks for the same currency from three accounts.
    What is the business logic?
    If you had one for Dollar and one you Euro then ranking order and bank accounts.
    You could look at creating two new payment methods and assigning them to the lower level in the bank account section but first I would question how the client knows which account should be paid from.

  • Problem with packed data type variable?

    Hi all,
    I have a problem while doing calculations with packed data type variables . As they are saving in the format '0,00'. so unable to do calulations because of ',' . 
    To convert these fields into str and replacing ',' with '.' is very time consuming because i have many packed data type variables.
    Can you please provide any other alternative for over coming this problem? Is there any option while defining these variables?

    First check out SU01 Tcode (if u don't have permission then u can ask BASIS to do it)
    Enter User Name
    Goto Defaults Tab
    Check Out Decimal Notation here... set it 1,234,567.89
    SAVE it
    Log Off once and again login with the same user id and check the result...
    Hope it will solve your problem..
    Thanks & Regards
    ilesh 24x7

  • How to retrieving the content using Links

    Please suggest me how to retrive content using link property.
    I have added link property to my Content. and i have added in internal resource path to the Link property.
    But my question is how access the page which is linked to my Content.
    How can i use it with anchor tag when i want show display the linked page content.
    what are tags to be used to retrive the linked content in the page.
    I found below line in CM documentation
    "These relationships are used by developers in their content queries when retrieving content to display in
    your portal."
    But i could found how to retrive.
    Genarally what technique we use to link an internal resource of our Content management
    thanks in advance
    Edited by: vamshi krishna on Jun 12, 2011 12:32 AM

    It sounds like there may be a misunderstanding about our link property feature.
    That feature is not for web hyperlinks. For that you can just use a string property. The links feature is for pointers to other pieces of content.
    "Using Link Properties
    You can create properties that allow content contributors to associate content items. Content contributors can link to content within the same or different repositories within the Virtual Content Repository. For example, if you have related content items that are stored in different folders, you can use content link properties to create relationships among content items. These relationships are used by developers in their content queries when retrieving content to display in your portal.
    Link properties can also be multi-valued to allow content contributors to link to multiple content items. For detailed instructions on adding a link property, see Define the Properties of a Content Type."
    Edited by: Chris Bales on Jun 13, 2011 2:56 PM

  • Determination Of Packing Materials

    Hi Friends
    1.Could I request you to mention full fledged information step by step about determination of packing instructions.
    2.What are the master data need to be maintained for packing materials and what are the T codes  used for this .
    Thanks In Advance

    Here the steps :
    1st create you main material you want to pack.
    2nd create the packing material using VERP material type.
    3rd need to create packing instruction using t.code P0P1.
        Once you are in the creation screen just press enter without give anything, then select item P for packing material, give the created packing material here.
        Then give the main material and how much you want to pack.
         Save the changes you will see a number this is packing instruction number.
    4th then do packing determination using t.code P0F1.
      Here give the determination type.
      Then select the key combination on which you want to determine packing say material general level.
      Now give the material and packing instruction number as created above.
    Now if you create delivery the packing will take place automatically.
    Edited by: Vamshi Krishna on Feb 23, 2009 4:39 PM

  • HI Regarding XI

    This is Vamshi krishna i have only 8 months exp in abap.i worked on bdc reports scripts. I didnot worked on bapi , ale/idoc and badis.
    But i have a good knoweldge in that. I am intersted to learn XI. Is it suitable for ma or not. I didnot know XML and JAVA Fully.
    I joined as fresher in this comapny. Plz give me good suggestions for me.
    Which is best XI or can i continue in this course abap it self.
    I think now every one will understand my problem.
    Advanced thanks.......
    Your Vamshi

    >>  I am intersted to learn XI. Is it suitable for me or not
    Good that you are interested in learning.  If you are really interested you can go ahead.  My sincere advice to you is to focus more on ALE/IDOC, RFC, BAPI. Though it is not mandatory to have JAVA, XML and other webrelated, however, it is desirable.  If you have gud knowledge you can work comfortably. 
    Also remember, with 8months of experience and with an additional knowledge of XI, dnt expect to fly high.... chances are less.

  • Error when creating basic pay (IT0008) in pa30

    Dear Experts,
    I am getting error when creating basic pay (IT0008) in pa30. Attached the print screen for the same.
    Kindly help me out.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Vamshi Krishna M

    Hi Vam,
    It seems a critical error. Are you getting just for IT0008?
    It's better to ask a BASIS man to check the issue or anABAPer to debug if you are not familiar with debug.

  • Go Live operations

    hi SAP Gentalmens
    Plz send me some material on Go Live operations.
    And our Go Live date 01 April 2008 but our Client is not giving Opening balance on 01 April 2008.Our client will be give op. Balance on 28 April 2008.Client say that our 01 April 2008 op balance will calculate on 28 April 2008,making all provisions.
    But our company still Go Live on 01 April 2008.
    so what i will do plz guid me.
    my mail id is [email protected]
    full points assured.
    Edited by: GIRISH PATIL on Mar 26, 2008 7:56 AM

    HI Meghna,
    can u pls send me the documents on this to this mail id [email protected]
    Edited by: vamshi krishna on Feb 18, 2008 3:51 PM

  • Dev to pro

    I have cerate a asset g/l accounts in DEP server this g/l accounts follows Reconciliation accounts. so I have gave the opening balances in  Production Server with out Reconciliation accounts. Now I want required Reconciliation accounts on production server g/lu2019s
    Edited by: vamshi krishna on Nov 6, 2008 12:51 PM

    so I have gave the opening balances in Production Server with out Reconciliation accounts
    What is the reason to do this? The transaction I give are used to post direct on this account even when it is a reconsilation account!!!
    When you post on this account when it is not a reconsilation account you can't change it back in FS00 to a  reconsilation account.
    For other option then ABFI look in the IMG
    Asset Accounting / Preparing for Production Startup / Production Startup /
    and then:
    Set or Reset Reconciliation Accounts
    Transfer Balances (OASV)
    Look on the help to from these transactions

  • Using Nested Content

    i could see adding Nested Content option in all content pages.
    i mean we can add any no. of nested contents (Not nested properties.) to a content.
    What are tags do we have to retrive the child nodes of a parent nodes .
    hardly i could find a method
    <%=node.getChildren() %> but it is deprecated method.
    is there any alternative tag or method to retrive all nested contents?
    genrarally is it suggestable to add nested content.
    (i got thid doubt because i could not see any help on nested content in CM documentation even though feature exists, but i could find about nested properties , is it alternative to nested content?)
    thanks in advance
    Edited by: vamshi krishna on Jun 12, 2011 12:30 AM

    As per the javadoc for com.bea.content.Node.getChildren, see com.bea.content.federated.INodeManager.getNodes() as an alternative.

  • Error when running TM through PT60

    Dear Exports,
    Please find the below my query. Error popping up when i am running TM through PT60. Please find the attached error for the same.
    0 entry in table $ for Key $ at T555Y 100200 07.07.2014
    Technical Error No. 72
    07.07.2014 processing terminated for EE 00000112 Mr. XXXXXXX
    Kindly guide me for the same.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Vamshi Krishna M

    Thank you for your response, please find the PCRs screen short below. Waiting for your suggestions.
    Thank You In Advance,
    Vamshi Krishna M

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