Detach iCloud from ICal?

For no reason other than it was a new feature, I linked iCloud to iCal even though I only have my MacBook Pro and no other computers/smart phones. There's no reason for me to have iCloud loaded. Now, it's causing all kinds of errors and I've lost my calendar and can'r restore from a Time Machine backup. When I restore, I see the calendar briefly, it updates, then the calendar disappears. iCloud is causing the problem. Is there a way to permanently detach iCloud from iCal? iCloud keeps showing up in my attempt to restore even though I've deleted it from the iCal account. I've got a good Time Machine backup from yesterday but I just can't restore it.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

If your calendars are only on the iCloud then you'll never see them if you stop using iCloud. You can export them to the Desktop and import them into On My Mac. Forget about the backup and restore, that's not needed.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Have him delete your account from his phone. (Settings > iCloud, scroll down and tap delete).

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    Log in to
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    First of all, we are not Adobe.  This is a user to user forum.  We are consumers just like you. And I have arthritis, too, although not severe.
    Now let's see if we can help you resolve your problem.
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    Was it downloaded or was a disc purchased?
    What is your operating system?
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    Did you use a redemption code to get a serial number?
    Did you sign in/activate?
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    Well it took about 2 hours on the phone with Apple and a supervisor, but had to go export each calendar to .ics files, reset syncservices via a Terminal command, then upload each .ics file. What a pain!
    Not only that, but if you want to sign out of iCloud now, it will delete your calendars from your Mac. No option to save a local copy like with Address Book.
    So if you want to sign out of iCloud, backup your iCal first by archives or .ics exports!

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    Welcome to the Apple community.
    First check that all your settings are correct, that calendar syncing is checked on all devices (system preferences > iCloud on a mac and settings > iCloud on a iPhone, iPad or iPod).
    Make sure the calendars you are using are in your 'iCloud' account and not an 'On My Mac', 'On My Phone' or other non iCloud account (you can do this by clicking/tapping the calendar button in the top left corner of the application ), non iCloud calendars will not sync.
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    iOS and iPod: Syncing photos using iTunes
    Create a NEW account for using these instructions. Make sure you follow the instructions. Many do not and if you do not you will not get the None option. You must use an email address that you have not used with Apple before.
    Creating an iTunes Store, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store account without a credit card
    Then on the iPod go to
    - Settings>Messages>Send and receive and sign out your ID and sign into hers. Make sure that only her ID email address is listed.
    - Settings>FaceTime sign out of your ID and sign into hers. Make sure that under You can be reached at only her ID email address is listed
    - Settings>iCloud and sign out and sign in with hers
    Contnue to use the commpn ID/account for Settings>iTunes and App stores.

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    items.RemoveAll(s => string.IsNullOrEmpty(s));
    Or you can filter them out using where:
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    ical on your phone does not go away.  What ever events you put in your account will sycn with your iphone and vise woks best when you add other Apple products that way all your calanderevents will stay in sync reguardless the devise you enter them on.  hope this answered your question.

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    See Here

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    This may have something to do with the "Automatically retrieve invitations from Mail" option being enabled? Click on the iCal Menu > Preferences > Advanced. It may also be the Alarms setting? This is for 10.6 iCal so it may be in a different place for 10.5?

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    Thank you.

    NYCtherapist wrote:
    I did "sign out" ... about 50 times today. I followed all instructions in every help forum I could find on the subject before coming here. In the end, I had to contact Apple support.
    A repeated series of rebooting between signing out and deleting iCloud accounts from Address Book and iCal had to occur before the signout would stick. Even then, as soon as I imported from archive, the apps re-activated the iCloud account, every single time. Every. Single. Time. (Hence my frustration.)
    Lesson 1: For some reason, if you export archive Address Book while still on iCloud, importing will re-activate iCloud.
    Depends on how you archive, I'll assume that you made an ABBU (Address Book Archive) rather than a vCard file, doing so included the account as well as the content.
    Lesson 2: If you drag-and-drop your contacts onto the desktop and import them into Address Book once you are both signed out of iCloud and iCloud is also successfully deleted from AddressBook (the part that took multiple reboots,) THEN it will add the contacts back in as "On My Mac."
    Correct, exactly as exporting a vCard file from the export menu would have (drag and drop makes a vCard file)
    Lesson 3: If you export archive your iCal while still on iCloud, importing wil re-activate iCloud.
    Of course, if you are signed into iCloud it's the default account
    Lesson 4: If you highlight and export each individual calendar to your iMac, you can import later without iCloud reactivating. However ...
    However what?
    Lesson 5: If you have synced any Gmail accounts in iCal, this will interfere with the importing. Even if you say "new calendar" in the prompt, it will load it to the Gmail section and then give you an error. To solve this problem, one needs to de-activate the calendar portion of Gmail from System Preferences/Internet Accounts. Gmail must remain disconnected from iCal until all individual calendar imports are finished, then it can be reactivated.
    Gmail has nothing whatsoever to do with iCloud, it's a Google service and it follows Googles rules.
    PS. When someone says they have been at it for "hours", please assume that they had the intelligence to take the normal, necessary steps. If "signing out" had worked, there would have been no need to come into this forum, under great stress and duress, and ask for help.
    It seems that you did not take the normal steps (for a Google account), but I am glad you got there in the end.

  • Cannot Send Event Invites From iCal

    I cannot send invited from iCal.
    I am running Lion version 10.8.5.
    When I create a new event and try to invite others to the event their name is grayed out with a question mark next to it.
    My apple ID uses a gmail email address.
    I am using iCloud and syncing to Googlralso using Caldev and I have IOS devices, an  iPhone & iPad and an Android phone
    Any ideas anyone or is this a common problem ?

    Hello. Did you ever find a solution to this issue? I'm having the same one. My wife's iCal invitations are showing up in my iCal "Inbox" but are not coming to me via email. I discovered this while troubleshooting the issue just now...and saw that I had 10+ iCal invites for which I never received email notifications.
    I never proactively check iCal, so definitely need to resolve this issue, as receiving emailed invitations is the only way they're filed into my iCal. Thanks for any insight!

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