Diff in su53 and su56

   can any one explain me what is the difference between su53 and su56.
   one thing is that "missing authorizations can be found in su53"
  apart from this what are the other differences.
I couldn t find any other diff as such.
need some views on this.
thanks and regards,

The difference between SU53 and SU56 is
SU53 allows you to see the last failed check and the authorization objects in that context that you have access to
for eg say the check failed for S_USER_GRP
it shows what value combination the check failed for and what access u had (if any) for the failed object
SU56 is the list of all authorizations your user master has right now.
in previous versions there used to be a authorization check for
S_USER_AUT and S_USER_VAL both display to be able to see the values and listing correctly both in SU53 (for available authorizations) and SU56 but i think in the new versions this check doesnt take place if i am not mistaken.

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    Check these documents please
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    Hi Abinay,
    ref the blw detailed info reg cin..
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    Straight answers will be rewarded.

    In simple words ...
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    EDI is the independent technology use to transfer data between two systems, they can be SAP systems or non SAP systems.
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    Don't you look at the timestamps of posts? They could
    have been typing at the same time.
    /KajPlease stop! I'll die laughing. LOL
    Re: Diff between Serialization and Synchronization
    Author: Annie.   Apr 11, 2005 10:30 AM (reply 1 of 4)  
    Re: Diff between Serialization and Synchronization
    Author: glrao   Apr 12, 2005 8:31 AM (reply 2 of 4) I really like your sense of humor.

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    What is DTP ,  are the Types of  DTP , Diff between Standard and Error DTP , how it works in BI 7.0.
    I will assign points for your valuable answers.

    Hello ,
    Data transfer process (DTP) to transfer data within BI from one persistent object to another object, in accordance with certain transformations and filters. In this respect, it replaces the data mart interface and the InfoPackage. As of SAP NetWeaver 7.0, the InfoPackage only loads data to the entry layer of BI (PSA).
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    Data transfer processes are used for standard data transfer, for real-time data acquisition, and for accessing data directly.
    1.Benefit: Data ‘Distribution’within BI Capabilities (from PSA or InfoProviders to InfoProviders)
    2.Improved transparency of staging processes across data warehouselayers (PSA, DWH layer, ODS layer, Architected Data Marts)
    3.Improved performance and high scalability
    4.Separation of delta mechanism for different data targets: delta capability is controlledby the DTP
    5.Enhanced filtering in dataflow
    6.Repair modus based on temporary buffers (buffers keep complete set of data)
    See these docs for more info
    [Data Transfer Process |http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04s/helpdata/en/42/f98e07cc483255e10000000a1553f7/content.htm]
    [Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)|https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/67efb9bb-0601-0010-f7a2-b582e94bcf8a]
    [What's New with SAP NetWeaver 2004s - Detailed|https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/910aa7a7-0b01-0010-97a5-f28be23697d3]
    [SAP NetWeaver 7.0 ETL and EII|https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/e0b24053-654e-2a10-4180-b0e7c7b4c9f2]
    [How to Create Monitor Entries from a Transformation Routine (NW7.0)|https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/50fda171-e36e-2910-9290-e3dab26c50b5]
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    [Modeling the Enterprise Data Warehousing for SAP NetWeaver 2004s FAQ|https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/7c2a7c65-0901-0010-5e8c-be0ad9c05a31]
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    Simple function : Simple functions without paramters work like constants and produce the target element exactly once for each context.
    if I use simple Functions (Which should be called every time and context, the target field should be build - in a single context) and advanced function(which should identify, depending on the result of the actual simple function call values from queued source fields) in a single element
    Advance function : Advanced functions with paramters seem to produce the target element for each context
    If you use advanced Functions, its little more complicate, then you have allready to provide a queue, which tells the advanced function - how many times to run and how how many result entries to create, 'cause these must match with the number of occurency of your target element (in simple words: you control the number of runs, that your single field mapping is processed).
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    Hi Vinny,
    As Khan told, business connector is old technolgy and it has almost same functionlities like in XI.
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    SAP Query
    The SAP Query application is used to create lists not already contained in the SAP standard system. It has been designed for users with little or no knowledge of the SAP programming language ABAP. SAP Query offers users a broad range of ways to define reporting programs and create different types of reports such as basic lists, statistics, and ranked lists.
    SAP Query's range of functions corresponds to the classical reporting functions available in the system. Requirements in this area such as list, statistic, or ranked list creation can be met using queries.
    All the data required by users for their lists can be selected from any SAP table created by the customer.
    To define a report, you first have to enter individual texts, such as titles, and select the fields and options which determine the report layout. Then you can edit list display in WYSIWYG mode whenever you want using drag and drop and the other toolbox functions available.
    ABAP Query, as far as I Believe, is the use of select statements in the ABAP Programming. This needs a knowledge of Open SQL commands like Select,UPdtae, Modify etc. This has to be done only by someone who has a little bit of ABAP experience.
    To sum up, SAP queries are readymade programs given by SAP, which the user can use making slight modification like the slection texts, the tables from which the data is to be retrieved and the format in which the data is to be displayed.ABAP queries become imperative when there is no such SAP query existing and also when there is a lot of customizing involved to use a SAP Query directly.
    Check out these links.
    Step-by-step guide for creating ABAP query
    ABAP query is mostly used by functional consultants.
    Kindly reward points by clicking the star on the left of reply,if it helps.Kindly close your previous threads if your problem is solved and reward points for helpful answers.
    Don't forget to reward if useful...

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    Matt Mac 63, "Whats the diff between express and pro??" #5, 10:33pm Oct 18, 2005 CDT
    All I was saying is that if a person can afford to get Pro, they definitely should. The difference in features adds up to at least the difference in price, if not very much more.
    Having said that, Express is good value compared to most other DAW software at that pricepoint, but it is only intended as a 'Lite' version.
    Some examples, off the top of my head, of differences not made really clear in the comparison list.
    Input Objects:
    In Pro you can use Input Objects to monitor incoming signal without rec-enabling a track. That doesn't sound much, on the face of it, but what it means is you can use external FX units (hardware) as inserts in tracks (or busses) just like plugins, and bounce them with the mix. it also means you acn monitor what you are playing into Logic Pro with plugin FX applied, but record dry so you can hear your guitar with the reverb, or whatever, but still have the recorded dry signal so you can change the FX settings later.
    Pro has some very handy environment objects. The main one being the Trabsformer object. But also another extremely useful object is TouchTracks.
    If you've ever played with Ableton Live you would have noticed you can triger clips with the keyboard in all different ways (loop, gate loop, one shot etc.) Well TouchTracks does that with MIDI regions.(I have a feeling that feature in Live was modeled after Logic's TouchTracks' as it is incredibly similar.)
    They are only a few examples of a whole range of differences. If all the differences were itemized in the 'comparison chart' it would be about 3 pages long.
    All I am saying is, don't take the comparison chart as the definitive list of differences.
    yes, Express is a good basic tool and you can do a lot with it, with some imagination.
    The SOS author's claim that:
    you're paying less than a third of the price of Logic Pro and getting over 90 percent of the functionality."
    is not true in totality.
    It may be true to someone who has never dabbled in audio software before, because it takes literally years to become fully conversant with every function in Logic Pro, and no-one uses absolutely everything.
    But for serious users, who have big demands, in my opinion, Express is less than 30% of Pro's functionality.

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    Hello Sandeep,
    I am not too technical but ITS & webdynpro technologies pertain to the web interfacing with the application servers i.e.when a user makes a transaction thro' web browser the ITS /Web dyn pro enables to reach the application server and gets back the result/retrieval of the required data in to user's presentation layer.
    It is learnt that the Web dynpro technology is faster in retrieval of the data compared to the ITS.
    May be the following links would be of much help
    http://searchsap.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid21_gci822867,00.html  for -
    _ITS Pages_
    http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/a5/1a1e3e7181b60ae10000000a114084/content.htm  Webdynpro
    Reward points if helpful,
    Thanks & Regards,

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    The question would be siliy, but i would like to know abt the diff between ABAP and HR abap... Any one can clear it.......

    Hi Aruna,
    The following concepts are defined in HR which differs this module with other modules
    1. Use of  Infotypes
    2. The use of Logical Database
    3. Use of Macros
    4. Storage and Access of data
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    Go through the links,
    ABAP-HR Interview questions.
    Re: ABAP_HR
    Azaz Ali.

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