Hi ram,
the measure difference is ib BI 7.0 you can also include Info cubes in Infosets.
just fo throw the below link:
its clearly mentioned in that link

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  • Differences between BW 3.5 and BW 7

    Hi All,
    Does anyone have any kind of documentation about the differences between BW 3.5 and BW 7 ?

    Some features of BI 7 are
    1. In Infosets now you can include Infocubes as well.
    2. The Remodeling transaction helps you add new key figure and characteristics and handles historical data as well without much hassle. This is only for info cube.
    3. The BI accelerator (for now only for infocubes) helps in reducing query run time by almost a factor of 10 - 100. This BI accl is a separate box and would cost more. Vendors for these would be HP or IBM.
    4. The monitoring has been imprvoed with a new portal based cockpit. Which means you would need to have an EP guy in ur project for implementing the portal !
    5. Search functionality hass improved!! You can search any object. Not like 3.5
    6. Transformations are in and routines are passe! Yess, you can always revert to the old transactions too.
    7. In 3.5, suppose I want to locate an infosource. I will have to go to the infosource tab in RSA1 and then search.
    Also I cant search for any free text.
    This has been improved in BI 7. In case of BI 7, in RSA1, we have a new tab called search, (i think below source systems) where u can search any object. Like a normal windows search which will search any text across all folders !! Hope this clarifies....
    And yes, If one wants to go back to the old administrator workbench, then he simplpy hass to run transaction rsa1old!!
    Awarding points in SDN, is a way of saying thanks!!

  • Difference b/w sy-index and sy-tabix

    hai all,
    Could u explain the difference b/w sy-index and sy-tabix?

    sy-index - For Loops, Current Loop Pass.
    sy-tabix - For Internal Table, Current Line Index in internal table.
    sy-tabix is used at internal table operations (READ TABLE ... LOOP AT ...), sy-index is used at cycles (DO...n TIMES).
    Current line of an internal table. SY-TABIX is set by the statements below, but only for index tables. The field is either not set or is set to 0 for hashed tables.
    it can be set by using the following:
    3.loop at
    4. read
    APPEND sets SY-TABIX to the index of the last line of the table, that is, it contains the overall number of entries in the table.
    COLLECT sets SY-TABIX to the index of the existing or inserted line in the table. If the table has the type HASHED TABLE, SY-TABIX is set to 0.
    LOOP AT sets SY-TABIX to the index of the current line at the beginning of each loop lass. At the end of the loop, SY-TABIX is reset to the value that it had before entering the loop. It is set to 0 if the table has the type HASHED TABLE.
    READ TABLE sets SY-TABIX to the index of the table line read. If you use a binary search, and the system does not find a line, SY-TABIX contains the total number of lines, or one more than the total number of lines. SY-INDEX is undefined if a linear search fails to return an entry.
    SEARCH <itab> FOR sets SY-TABIX to the index of the table line in which the search string is found.
    SY-INDEX is used to describe the number of iteration with in the DO..ENDDO, WHILE ...ENDWHILE....
    for example,
    IF SY-INDEX = 3.
    it gives output as:
    1 2 3

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    Thank you for your input.

    Look at this link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DigitalVisualInterface
     Cheers, Tom

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    Anyone know what is the difference between AIR-ANT5135D-R and  AIR-ANT5135DB-R ?
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    Found the difference, AIR-ANT5135DB-R and       AIR-ANT2422DB-R are  non-articulating antennas.

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    In addition to what Jonathan posted above, here is a Capture Transform Share Solution Guide that goes over a little bit of what the TCS and MXE are and some possible deployment scenarios.
    In short, TCS is used to record video conferences or lectures that can be streamed on demand or live using various streaming or distribution methods.  One such distribution method is using the MXE 3500 to ingest the recordings from TCS and convert them to different media types and add in-video content such as logos etc.  However, from the MXE, you can't send the video back to the TCS for viewing, you'd need to send that off to another viewing portal such as Show and Share.

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                        Can anyone tell me the difference between  service map iView and Workset Map iView.
    When I am creating these iViews, its seams both are same. I canu2019t find difference still, can anyone help me out of this
    Thanks in Advance

    Service Map Iview:The Service Map iView is an ERP-specific variant of the portal Workset Map iView. It serves as a central point of entry and guided access to the services of SAP service modules such as the Manager Self Service (MSS) module, or the Employee Self Service (ESS) module.
    Workset Map iview:A Workset Map is the equivalent of a site map, providing users with explicit information on the functionality that is available in a given workset. It is based on an iView, and serves as a central point of entry and guided access to the contents of a workset.
    if you want to more info pls go thr the below thread
    Workset Map iView
    i hope it will help you

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    Best regards!

    Shay, I don't use both faces-config and adf task flow! When I failed with task flow I tried faces-config.
    I have active on my weblogic - adf.oracle.domain(1.0, This is the right ADF? If yes then where is the problem?
    Best regards!

  • Difference b/w sy-cprog and sy-repid

    difference b/w sy-cprog and sy-repid

    Hi santosh,
    SY-CPROG - the name of the calling program .Program that called the current external
    SY-REPID - Name of the current ABAP program. sy-repid is used by normally developers For externally-called procedures, it is the name of the main program of the procedure. If you pass SY-REPID as an actual parameter to an external procedure, the formal parameter does not contain the name of the caller, but that of the main program of the procedure. To avoid this, assign SY-REPID to an auxiliary variable and use that in the call, or use the system field SY-CPROG.
    if this is not sufficient follow the link.
    reward if useful

  • What's the difference between a web site and a web application?

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    But where I'm stuck is that a web application is still viewed through a browser (is it not?) and a web site can still view content dynamically, making the line between web site and application prety gray.
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    Or maybe I'm totally wrong here - what differenciates between a web application and a website?
    This is totally personal and subjective, but I'd say that a website is defined by its content, while a webapplication is
    defined by its interaction with the user. That is, a website can plausibly consist of a static content repository that's dealt out to all visitors, while a web application depends on interaction and requires programmatic user input and data processing.
    For example, a news site would be a "website", but a spreadsheet or a collaborative calendar would be web "applications". The news site shows essentially the same information to all visitors, while the calendar processes individual data.
    Practically, most websites with quickly changing content will also rely on a sophisticated programmatic (and/or database) backend, but at least in principle they're only defined by their output. The web application on the other hand is essentially a program that
    runs remotely, and it depends fundamentally on a processing and a data storage backend.
    There is no real "difference". Web site is a more anachronistic term that exists from the early days of
    the internet where the notion of a dynamic application that can respond to user input was much more limited and much less common. Commercial websites started out largely as interactive brochures (with the notable exception of hotel/airline reservation sites).
    Over time their functionality (and the supporting technologies) became more and more responsive and the line between an application that you install on your computer and one that exists in the cloud became more and more blurred.
    If you're just looking to express yourself clearly when speaking about what you're building, I would continue to describe something that is an interactive brochure or business card as a "web site" and something that actually *does something that feels
    more like an application as a web app.
    The most basic distinction would be if a website has a supporting database that stores user data and modifies what the user sees based on some user specified criteria, then it's probably an app of some sort (although I would be reluctant to describe Amazon.com
    as a web app, even though it has a lot of very user-specific functionality). If, on the other hand, it is mostly static .html files that link to one another, I would call that a web site.
    Most often, these days, a web app will have a large portion of its functionality written in something that runs on the client (doing much of the processing in either javascript or actionscript, depending on how its implemented) and reaches back through some
    http process to the server for supporting data. The user doesn't move from page to page as much and experiences whatever they're going to experience on a single "page" that creates the app experience for them.

    ...can i make as many iweb websites as i want? ...and as many blogs as i want? ...i have never made one before....
    ....although, i do have my own small business and i do have a website that i paid a guy to make and also host....(which is a waste of $$$$ in my opinion as i think i can do a better job making one myself through iweb) ....
    ...anyways, i know it is splitting hairs but what exactly is the diff b/w a blog and a website ....i am under the impression that a blog is just a personal newsletter sort of thing,...?

  • Difference between cancel_flag IS NULL and cancel_flag ='N'

    Hi ,
    Please clarify Difference between cancel_flag IS NULL and cancel_flag ='N' in PO Headers .
    Because from front end cancel check box is unchecked in abobe both the cases . We can see cancel check box status only in Help>Diagnostics>Examine .
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Kiran,
    The is no difference between cancel_flag with 'null' and 'N' but cancel field contain Null if it is generated through auto create and it contains 'N' if Purchase order raised without PR .
    I hope you understand.
    Edited by: 855855 on Nov 9, 2012 5:49 AM

  • What is the difference between string != null and null !=string ?

    what is the difference between string != null and null != string ?
    which is the best option ?

    Like you've presented it, nothing.  There is no difference and neither is the "better option".

  • What is the difference between Wine, Wineskin, Winery and Wine Bottler, and how do I get Wine to *ACTUALLY* work in Mountain Lion?

    Ok, so this is my first post here and I am admittedly terrible at forums. Someone might say, "This was addressed in the ___________ thread by __________! Go read it!" --- that may be so but I've spent enough hours trying to google this problem into submission to no avail based on what is apparently working for others, so I would like a chance to get specific answers to specific questions that aren't from Mar 2011, etc.
    So first of all, I'm confused by all the various Wine programs/apps/whatevers. I've seen Wine, Wineskin, Winery, Wine Bottler, and at this point I wouldn't be surprised if there are even more than that. What's the difference between all of these and how do they work with one another? What do I actually need to get windows programs working?
    All of my google searches have led me to people giving out fish, but no one giving out fishing lessons. I'm not a pro at mac and windows and all that, but I'm a fairly bright individual who gets VERY frustrated, very quickly, when I don't understand the why and how of something I'm attempting.
    I've also found "answers" where the person attempting to help starts off helpful enough, but degrades into the most archaic of techno-babble after about 5-6 sentences. On the other hand, I've watched tutorials on youtube where the poster decides to skip (apparently crucial) sections of the tutorial, and mutters such gems as: "... you might wanna have to run Wine first before you can do anything, cuz I think it has to configure it and set up a bunch of stuff" 
    A happy medium between techno-babble and the most basic of explanations would be ideal for me, and I'd imagine for others as well.
    Here is a summarized history of my relationship with Wine:
    Diablo II - I downloaded this awesome thing which ended up being... uh... I guess Diablo II in a Wineskin "wrapper". I'm not sure, all I know is that it's a D2 icon, and if I go to 'show package contents', it's got C drive, Program Files, et cetera inside of it. I double click it, it launches D2, and it works like a dream. <3
    'Vanilla Install' - That's what I heard someone call it. It was the command/terminal style install using xquartz and xcode found at http://www.davidbaumgold.com/tutorials/wine-mac/. I followed every instruction to the letter, and got all the way to '$ sudo port install wine', at which point it started going smoothly, free from the possible error he described regarding the installation of xcode, and then just failed after I left the room to use the restroom and came back. Please don't ask me to repeat what the error was, because honestly, after reading more things on the interwebs, I'm confused as to why it's even necessary to go through all of that, so I'd rather not try that route again anyways, rendering the error message quite possibly irrelevant.
    Wine + Wine Bottler - So I decided to try to seek out an easier method, as I know that one must exist that doesn't involve command lines. I found a video tutorial at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0BBkISOcEA, and oh man would it be great if that method had actually worked. Again, I followed all instructions provided to procure my free fish, and at the point in the video where he declares that "xquarts or x11 will open" - it doesn't open. Nothing opens. I was trying to install Star Sonata, btw.
    So here I am, thoroughly worn out, frustrated at all the random places Wine is installed on my mac now, and just want someone to explain it all, from top down, without getting toooooooo technical on me. I know that might be asking a lot...

    ## I know that the poster has already found a solution, but the following is a possible answer for others that have similar issues.
    For Winebottler, just go to their website and download it. Run the program. Choose .wine as your prefix (best choice) or whatever suits you best. You'll need a functional X11. If you can't use the one that comes with your mac, download the latest one from the website.
    If your issue is one with Winebottler's Wine not running correctly due to X11, then you have a pretty ugly problem, although a simple upgrade is the best solution (Upgrade XQuartz.app).
    The above website is the easiest way to get REAL wine on your computer. First of all, Wineskin WInery, etc. are NOT WINE. They are 3rd party apps that may use Wine or may have originally part of Wine, but they are no longer up to date with Wine. WineBottler is currently up to date with the stable releases of Wine (but not the maintenence releases).
    For the website tutorial and to run Wine on your mac without using a thrid party app, you will need to know a few things.
    First, you will need to know basic control of the command line. That means, sudo (you must know the administrator password to your computer), and the forms of cd (change directory).
    Second, you will need Xcode. Download 4.2 (stable) or whatever other versions you want, but beware: It is over 1 GB, and you will need time for it to work.
    Third, you will need to get MacPorts and configure it. The tutorial should have this data.
    When you download wine (use sudo port install wine-devel for the latest development release of wine), it will first download a lot of dependencies. This will take a while. After that, it will download wine itself.
    After obtaining wine, to run a program, open the terminal.app window.
    cd desktop/XYZ/ZYZ\ WRQ
    The above will first enter the desktop, then folder XYZ, then folder ZYZ WRQ. From here,
    wine th11e.exe
    Or whatever executable you are trying to open. (Using Subterranean Animism as my example).
    It should, in theory, run the program. Watch the terminal for errors. If there is an X11 problem, then it's not wine acting up. If the app crashes or has other issues, check the Wine Application Database to see if your app is compatible with wine.
    If you have any further questions or other things, feel free to reply; I may or may not get back to you, but there's a good chance that someone will come in eventually. Otherwise, the Wine Wiki should have some information.

  • Difference between GR/IR trade and GR/IR non trade GL account

    can anyone let me know what is the difference between GR/IR trade and GR/IR non trade GL accounts and how are they automatically determined during a GR or IR?
    Edited by: sapuser3 on Jul 17, 2009 2:57 PM

    Re: MR11, F.13, F.19 ,what's the differences?
    Next time please search SCN forum before posting.
    Best regards, Christian

  • What'z the difference between the Commercial Invoices and

    What'z the difference between the Commercial Invoices and
    Invoices/Excise Invoices? Also I understand that we can combine 2~3
    invoices and can create one commercial invoice? If it is possible, how
    to create the same?

    A commercial invoice is a bill for the goods from the seller to the buyer. Commercial invoices are utilized by customs officials to determine the value of the goods in order to assess customs duties and taxes.
    In general there is no standard form for a commercial invoice although they tend to contain many of the following features:
    •     seller's contact information
    •     buyer's contact information
    •     consignee's contact information (if it is different from the buyers)
    •     invoice date
    •     a unique invoice number
    •     sales terms (usually in incoterm format)
    •     payment terms
    •     currency of sale
    •     full quantities and description of merchandise (Generally this includes unit price and total price. Product descriptions should be consistent with the buyer's purchase order. Including the Harmonized System commodity codes can be helpful, especially in countries that are WTO members.)
    Excise invoice “Original for Buyer copy”, whether  prices are inclusive or exclusive of excise duty.
    The invoice in which the Excise duties are included.
    As per Indian tax system, Excise duty (16%) is payable by each manufacturing unit on the value of manufactured goods / on the value added. The manufacturing plant is supposed to submit an excise duty report on fortnightly / monthly basis. Various registers (RG1, RG23A, RG23C, PLA) are maintained for that purpose, which record all the transactions including movement of goods, cenvat credit available and cash balance available.
    In SAP, we use transaction j1id for configuration and j1iin, j2i7, j1i5, j2i5, j2i6, j1ip for creating, extracting and printing excise invoice. 
    *Please reward if this helps**

  • What are differences between the target tablespace and the source tablespac

    The IMPDP command create so manay errors. But the EXAMPLE tablespace is transported to the target database successfully. It seems that the transported tablespace is no difference with the source tablespace.
    Why create so many errors?
    How to avoid these errors?
    What are differences between the target tablespace and the source tablespace?
    Is this datapump action really successfull?
    Thw following is the log output:
    [oracle@hostp ~]$ impdp system/oracle dumpfile=user_dir:demo02.dmp tablespaces=example remap_tablespace=example:example
    Import: Release - Production on Sunday, 28 September, 2008 18:08:31
    Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    Master table "SYSTEM"."SYS_IMPORT_TABLESPACE_01" successfully loaded/unloaded
    Starting "SYSTEM"."SYS_IMPORT_TABLESPACE_01": system/******** dumpfile=user_dir:demo02.dmp tablespaces=example remap_tablespace=example:example
    Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE
    ORA-39117: Type needed to create table is not included in this operation. Failing sql is:
    ORA-39117: Type needed to create table is not included in this operation. Failing sql is:
    ORA-39117: Type needed to create table is not included in this operation. Failing sql is:
    Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE_DATA
    . . imported "SH"."CUSTOMERS" 9.850 MB 55500 rows
    . . imported "SH"."SUPPLEMENTARY_DEMOGRAPHICS" 695.9 KB 4500 rows
    . . imported "OE"."PRODUCT_DESCRIPTIONS" 2.379 MB 8640 rows
    . . imported "SH"."SALES":"SALES_Q4_2001" 2.257 MB 69749 rows
    . . imported "SH"."SALES":"SALES_Q1_1999" 2.070 MB 64186 rows
    . . imported "SH"."SALES":"SALES_Q3_2001" 2.129 MB 65769 rows
    . . imported "SH"."SALES":"SALES_Q1_2000" 2.011 MB 62197 rows
    . . imported "SH"."SALES":"SALES_Q1_2001" 1.964 MB 60608 rows
    . . imported "SH"."SALES":"SALES_Q2_2001" 2.050 MB 63292 rows
    . . imported "SH"."SALES":"SALES_Q3_1999" 2.166 MB 67138 rows
    ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error:
    ORA-01917: user or role 'USER1' does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error:
    ORA-01917: user or role 'EXAM_03' does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error:
    ORA-01917: user or role 'USER1' does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error:
    ORA-01917: user or role 'EXAM_03' does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error:
    ORA-01917: user or role 'USER1' does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error:
    ORA-01917: user or role 'EXAM_03' does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error:
    ORA-01917: user or role 'USER1' does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error:
    ORA-01917: user or role 'EXAM_03' does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error:
    ORA-01917: user or role 'USER1' does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error:
    ORA-01917: user or role 'EXAM_03' does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error:
    ORA-01917: user or role 'USER1' does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error:
    ORA-01917: user or role 'EXAM_03' does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error:
    ORA-01917: user or role 'USER1' does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39083: Object type OBJECT_GRANT failed to create with error:
    ORA-01917: user or role 'EXAM_03' does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type OBJECT_GRANT:"OE" skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type OBJECT_GRANT:"OE" skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/INDEX/INDEX
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type INDEX:"OE"."CUSTOMERS_PK" skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type INDEX:"OE"."CUST_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_IX" skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type INDEX:"OE"."CUST_LNAME_IX" skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type INDEX:"OE"."CUST_EMAIL_IX" skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type INDEX:"PM"."PRINTMEDIA_PK" skipped, base object type TABLE:"PM"."PRINT_MEDIA" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type CONSTRAINT:"OE"."CUSTOMER_CREDIT_LIMIT_MAX" skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type CONSTRAINT:"OE"."CUSTOMER_ID_MIN" skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type CONSTRAINT:"OE"."CUSTOMERS_PK" skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type CONSTRAINT:"PM"."PRINTMEDIA__PK" skipped, base object type TABLE:"PM"."PRINT_MEDIA" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type CONSTRAINT:"IX"."SYS_C005192" skipped, base object type TABLE:"IX"."ORDERS_QUEUETABLE" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type INDEX_STATISTICS skipped, base object type INDEX:"OE"."CUSTOMERS_PK" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type INDEX_STATISTICS skipped, base object type INDEX:"OE"."CUST_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_IX" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type INDEX_STATISTICS skipped, base object type INDEX:"OE"."CUST_LNAME_IX" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type INDEX_STATISTICS skipped, base object type INDEX:"OE"."CUST_EMAIL_IX" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type INDEX_STATISTICS skipped, base object type INDEX:"PM"."PRINTMEDIA_PK" creation failed
    Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/COMMENT
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type COMMENT skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type COMMENT skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type COMMENT skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type COMMENT skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type COMMENT skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type COMMENT skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type COMMENT skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type COMMENT skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type COMMENT skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type REF_CONSTRAINT:"OE"."CUSTOMERS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_FK" skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39083: Object type REF_CONSTRAINT failed to create with error:
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type REF_CONSTRAINT:"PM"."PRINTMEDIA_FK" skipped, base object type TABLE:"PM"."PRINT_MEDIA" creation failed
    Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TRIGGER
    ORA-39082: Object type TRIGGER:"HR"."SECURE_EMPLOYEES" created with compilation warnings
    ORA-39082: Object type TRIGGER:"HR"."SECURE_EMPLOYEES" created with compilation warnings
    ORA-39082: Object type TRIGGER:"HR"."UPDATE_JOB_HISTORY" created with compilation warnings
    ORA-39082: Object type TRIGGER:"HR"."UPDATE_JOB_HISTORY" created with compilation warnings
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type INDEX:"OE"."CUST_UPPER_NAME_IX" skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type INDEX_STATISTICS skipped, base object type INDEX:"OE"."CUST_UPPER_NAME_IX" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type TABLE_STATISTICS skipped, base object type TABLE:"OE"."CUSTOMERS" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type TABLE_STATISTICS skipped, base object type TABLE:"PM"."PRINT_MEDIA" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type TABLE_STATISTICS skipped, base object type TABLE:"PM"."PRINT_MEDIA" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type TABLE_STATISTICS skipped, base object type TABLE:"IX"."ORDERS_QUEUETABLE" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type PROCACT_INSTANCE skipped, base object type TABLE:"IX"."ORDERS_QUEUETABLE" creation failed
    ORA-39083: Object type PROCACT_INSTANCE failed to create with error:
    ORA-01403: no data found
    ORA-01403: no data found
    Failing sql is:
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type PROCDEPOBJ:"IX"."AQ$_ORDERS_QUEUETABLE_V" skipped, base object type TABLE:"IX"."ORDERS_QUEUETABLE" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type PROCDEPOBJ:"IX"."ORDERS_QUEUE_N" skipped, base object type TABLE:"IX"."ORDERS_QUEUETABLE" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type PROCDEPOBJ:"IX"."ORDERS_QUEUE_R" skipped, base object type TABLE:"IX"."ORDERS_QUEUETABLE" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type PROCDEPOBJ:"IX"."AQ$_ORDERS_QUEUETABLE_E" skipped, base object type TABLE:"IX"."ORDERS_QUEUETABLE" creation failed
    ORA-39112: Dependent object type PROCDEPOBJ:"IX"."ORDERS_QUEUE" skipped, base object type TABLE:"IX"."ORDERS_QUEUETABLE" creation failed
    Job "SYSTEM"."SYS_IMPORT_TABLESPACE_01" completed with 63 error(s) at 18:09:14

    Short of trying to then reverse-engineer the objects that are in the dump file (I believe Data Pump export files contain some XML representations of DDL in addition to various binary bits, making it potentially possible to try to scan the dump file for the object definitions), I would tend to assume that the export didn't include those type definitions.
    Since it looks like you're trying to set up the sample schemas, is there a reason that you wouldn't just run the sample schema setup scripts on the destination database? Why are you using Data Pump in the first place?

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