Disable Save button

Hi there! I have a form populated in the Web and want to disable the standard Save button from the toolbar when conditions apply..
Do you hav any idea how I could do that?
Thanx in advance..

Hi All,
I have the same requirement ,i have disable the Save Button in the Menu Bar.
When ever the user open the forms ,i have to disable tht Save Button.
The user should not allow him to click on that Button.Alreasy i have created one more Button in the Bottom level of the Form.
And also tell me where i have write the code isit in form level,block level etc...
Pls elp me in this issue.....Give me simple example

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    Hi RPReddy16 ,
    Try this:
    DATA :BEGIN OF t_extab occurs 0,
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                 END OF t_extab.

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    If you mean disabling the Variant Save Option of the SAVE button in a Selection-Screen without getting rid of the button in the screen you can do this.
      IF sy-ucomm EQ 'SPOS'.
        <fs> = ''. 
    *  Logic you want to apply to the SAVE button

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    whether i know u cannot disable SAVE toolbar through Personalization. You do it with custom.pll.
    Disable Save item from Contrl Menu
    Pradhyumn Sharma

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    i could not understand ur query? pl. put it in a right way, then only it would be possible for us to give you the prompt reply.

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    The best way to find out something about it is to type in www.google.com these key words: disable save adobe
    Then you can read more about it on this links:
    It's interesting question and very important but looks like unsolved...

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    Hi Kuldip,
    if you're trying to hide the Save Button in the Adobe toolbar, then you can place the following code in the wdDoModifyView method to hide the whole toolbar.
    // Get interactibe form handler.
            IWDPDFDocumentInteractiveFormHandler iFormHandler = WDPDFDocumentFactory.getDocumentHandler(wdThis.wdGetAPI(), "<name of your form>");
    //     Get appearance setter. 
          IWDPDFDocumentAppearance appearance = iFormHandler.getDocumentContext().getAppearance();
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         // Hide tool bars.
    hope this helps,

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    Hi Murali,
    Actually I did something very similar to your proposed solution. Using tx SHD0 It's very easy to create transaction variants, there you can customize the standar menu or buttons and then activate it.
    I did so in our DEV system, I created a transport request for the transaction variant and then imported to QAS and PRD systems.
    I really appreciate your help.
    Best regards,
    Erick Acosta

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    In form-ready layout event, you can do that if it is by default to be hidden.
    Save.presence = "hidden";
    if save is the button name.
    Press save button and select the necessary event and choose language as Javascript and then write the above code.Here save is name of the button.

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              app_menu2.set_prop('Transact Material',ENABLED,PROPERTY_OFF);
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    Hi Kuldip,
    if you're trying to hide the Save Button in the Adobe toolbar, then you can place the following code in the wdDoModifyView method to hide the whole toolbar.
    // Get interactibe form handler.
            IWDPDFDocumentInteractiveFormHandler iFormHandler = WDPDFDocumentFactory.getDocumentHandler(wdThis.wdGetAPI(), "<name of your form>");
    //     Get appearance setter. 
          IWDPDFDocumentAppearance appearance = iFormHandler.getDocumentContext().getAppearance();
         // Hide menu bar.
         // Hide tool bars.
    hope this helps,

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    Thanks all,
    But I use this piece of the code....and only the pdf file is opened directly.
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                               IWDCachedWebResource pdfResource=WDWebResource.getWebResource
                             pdfResource.getURL(),"Report View",true).open();
                          catch(Exception e)

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