Disabling dashboardadvisoryd and configd

I've seen different posts regarding the subject but have yet to find a solution. I don't want to get into a political debate over "phoning home", spyware, Apple's policies, etc. I just want to know how I can disable dashboardadvisoryd from interrupting my recording sessions. I am fed up with it trying to connect to Apple when I'm working. I've seen a couple of scripts to disable it online but some people seem to have problems with those.
Is there a quick and easy way I can disable dashboardadvisoryd permanently? What about "configd?" That's another I would like to make inactive (at LEAST, while I'm recording).
Thank you very much for your time and assistance.
G4 MDD Dual 1.25   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   2 GB RAM

OK, try this. You will need to be logged in to an account with admin privileges.
Open the Terminal (from /Applications/Utilities) and copy and paste the following into the Terminal window, one line at a time, with a return after each line:
sudo -s
cd /etc/mach_init.d
cp -p dashboardadvisoryd.plist dashboardadvisoryd.plist.orig
defaults write /etc/mach_init.d/dashboardadvisoryd Disabled -boolean YES
exitWhen you first press return, you will be prompted for your password. This is not echoed for security reasons: just type it and press return.
If you haven't used 'sudo' before, you will receive a little lecture before being prompted for the password. Read it and continue, but be careful, because you are now root until the exit command (the prompt will change to end with a '#').
This may require a restart to take effect.
I hope Apple introduce a GUI way of doing this in the next release!

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    From the release notes for the new version:
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    sc config
    lanmanworkstation depend= bowser/mrxsmb10/nsi
      After running the above command, it returns an error: 
          [SC] ChangeServiceConfig FAILED 1059:
          Circular Service Dependency was specified.
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    http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2696547/en-us actually correct and up to date and for the OSes (Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 2012 server and Windows 10) with latest updates & service packs?
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    4. Does sc.exe have a bug in it?
    Thanks in advance

    I made a test in our testing enviroment, everything works fine to disable SMB2 and 3. For your problem, in my opinion, as I didn't find any specific report about this error, it would be better to use Process Monitor to capture the trace when running the
    Start Process Monitor, then set the filter as cmd.exe, after that, open CMD and execute the command.
    Process Monitor:
    In addition, I found another thread that had similar error with yours, you can take its solution as reference.
    Roger Lu
    TechNet Community Support
    Many thanks for the time taken to look into this.
    I've downloaded process monitor and loaded it. I filtered for cmd.exe started capture and saved a 1mb file.
    However I don't think this is going to help unless you can point me in the direction of what you're expecting to see in the capture file? If you want me to send you it I can but it does contain personal information which I'd rather not place online.
    You can recreate the problem yourself by doing the following:
    Go to modern.ie
    Download any windows 7 virtual machine for your preferred of virtualisation  platform 
    log in, start cmd as administrator and run the command
    sc.exe config lanmanworkstation depend= bowser/mrxsmb10/nsi
    You will also receive the same error.
    [SC] ChangeServiceConfig FAILED 1059:
    Circular Service Dependency was specified.
    You can also try it on the Windows 8 and 8.1 machine if you have time.
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    on the folder or a file in the folder. It's about a 20 second (spinning circle) pause every time. The problem is bigger than that. If you have shared files on the network share that are used by multiple people at the same time, say a spreadsheet or database
    file windows is loosing the connection to that file so the user cannot write to it even if they have the file open. The smb2 caching shouldn't cause that problem.
    It appears that I have to disable from SMB2 and SMB3 and ensure that the clients only use SMB1.
    If SMB2 & SMB3 are disabled from the lanmanworkstation service the clients will not do any caching even if the server has disabled the share cache (offline files for that share).
    The problem with the "Circular reference" error message is standard across all versions of windows that have "smb2" or "smb2 and smb3". Can you recreate that problem? Or is it working on your windows computer and on the machines
    downloaded from modern.ie ?
    My testing has shown that the command "sc.exe config lanmanworkstation depend= bowser/mrxsmb10/nsi" does not work. Therefore that's the one I want to resolve first. By resolving that I may be able to get the clients accessing the share to behave
    themselves and use the shared files correctly as they always did from Windows 95/NT4 through to Windows XP and 2003/2008 server.
    I'm unable to recreate the problem with multiple users having access to shared database files on windows 2012 server from Windows 7 clients were the access to the files drops once a day or once every couple of days.
    Kindest Regards

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    I am sorry Erickkasner but there is no longer direct support provided for Creative Suite 5.5 installation issues.
    You are welcome to post any specific errors you are able to discover within your installation log to this discussion.  Since you are using Windows then Exit Code 15 could mean one of the following:
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    Update pending to your operating system
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    Hey jinyoung_20,
    Based on the information you have provided, it appears your iPhone needs to be serviced. The following link should help you get started with the process and has links with additional information on topics such as warranty and service pricing, and express replacement service:
    http://support.apple.com/kb/index?page=servicefaq&geo=United_States&product=ipho ne
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities!

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    iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows

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