Discontinuation of iPod Classic

I am NOT happy at all the Apple has discontinued the iPod Classic! I use mine every day as my car radio. I just went online this evening to purchase a new one, only to find out that they've pulled them all from their stores.
Any suggestions on a similar product?

Try Amazon.  What I find interesting, they are asking exorbitant prices for them.

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  • Since Apple (bafflingly) discontinued the iPod Classic, does anyone know if Apple plans to release an iPod Touch with a greater storage capacity than 64GB?

    I've had my trusty Classic for nearly five years, and have taken excellent care of it. However, it is starting to show its age. Album art has begun to disappear. Some songs have mysteriously not played at all, until I exit, go to the main menu, and come back to it. I would have long ago upgraded to an iPod Touch, but the amount of music and videos I have would be too much for even TWO 64 GB iPods. The only time I listen to the iPod is when I'm driving, and since I drive for a living, I like to have my entire music collection with me at all times.
    Since the 64GB Touch model has come down in price, now would seem to be a good time to introduce a newer model with a greater storage capacity. I'm sure quite a few consumers would be willing to pay the extra price such a model would demand. Aside from the higher cost, I see no reason why this can't be done.

    No one knows but Apple.

  • IPod classic to be discontinued?

    I've heard that rumor --- does anyone know if there is truth to it?  I really, really hope not.  I love having my whole library in my pocket and none of the other products have anywhere near the capacity I'd need.

    I hope they do not discontinue the IPOD Classic.
    I love my IPOD 160 GB Classic.. I do not care about watching video's, or the internet on it. I have my IPhone for that. I just want to carry around my whole music collection with me and not have to rely on an internet connection for streaming. I just plug it in and press play and my IPhone is stilI free for everything else. I love the click wheel. I can navigate backward and forward with my eyes closed, even when the device is in my pocket with gloves on! They should keep the classic. They could update it with a 320 GB, 500 GB, 1TB hard drive!, add bluetooth, improve DACs. with today’s tech they could even slim the width and depth a little (not at the expense of storage!), keep the click wheel and even make the screen a little larger, support HD video playback / output. We can store more high quality music on the larger drives and even carry around a movie library that can be hooked up to an HD TV or Monitor.
    I am still shocked that the current IPOD Nano is only 16GB and sells for $150! I would consider paying that if there was 128GB.
    On another note have 2 young children 6 & 8. I do not want them exposed to IPOD Touches yet as they will use them for internet and games and never lift their heads up again, like many other children I see (ie. family gatherings..instead of talking, playing and interacting all the kids are on couches playing with IPOD Touches and IPhones.) so I gave my children old IPOD Nano’s that I had..so they could focus primarily on the enjoyment of music which they can the listen to whilst doing almost anything. They love it. The new IPOD Nano 150 price is too steep for me to provide to 2 small children.. the device is small and can easily get lost. Pre-owned IPOD nanos from a place like Gamestop are a better value for young kids. I also like the click wheel for the kids as it blends analog control with a digital tool.
    I think there is a niche for Apple to keep click wheel IPODs on the high end and low end.
    Bring back the 3rd Generation Style IPOD Nanos, with increased storage and a lower price and Update the IPOD Classic with more storage and few more features as noted above.
    My 3 cents.

  • Is iPod Classic 80/160 gb discontinued?

    I checked online and in most of the Apple stores including the company's website. The iPod Classic is not available. I also spoke to the support centre and was heart-broken to know that the same has been discontinued by the company from September 2014.
    In which case is the 7th generation the last of its species? Can you share your experiences with me, as I show a few of them available on amazon.com.
    Gentlemen and ladies, pls help!

    There is nothing to check. Apple have discontinued the iPod Classic. If you wish to purchase one you will need to do so from a third party seller. eBay etc seem to be selling them for inflated prices. But that is about it. I have no opinion on this.

  • 2014 Sync problems on iPod classic / Please help!! 2014

    Hello community!
    I really need some help with this problem I am having... I have done some research for the past few days on my own but nothing I have found has helped.
    First some specs on my device...
    iPod Classic: 80 GB (I believe this is iPod with video, assumed on the fact that it supports movie syncs)
    iPod software version: 1.1.2 (up to date according to iTunes)
    Formatted for Windows
    Syncing to Dell Inspiron with Windows 7
    iTunes updated to current version (11.4)
    I had much mof my music library uploaded onto my iPod for quite sometime. (close to 14,000 songs synced at 192 kbps) I often like to put my iPod on shuffle and just listen to whatever comes on, but here and there I will skip songs until something I am in the mood for comes on... I began to notice that my iPod was freezing (ON THE DISPLAY ONLY!!! Playback through speakers continued) when I would skip through songs... Once the screen dimmed however, I could once again skip to the next song. I figured this was a problem concerning corrupted files or something similar. These are the steps I took..
    1.) Updated iTunes to version 11.4 and checked for further updates
    2.) ATTEMPTED to check disk within Windows (was unsuccessful and heard the iPod making a lot of 'clicking' noises from within the casing)
    3.) Performed an iPod restore within iTunes
    4.) Performed a check disk within Windows and recovered any bad sectors (SUCCESSFUL)
    5.) Selected 'Music' sync and the option for 'Entire music library'
    6.) UNCHECKED 'Include music videos'
    7.) Reconfigured settings as they were before and made slight changes..
         a.) Checked 'Open iTunes when this iPod is connected'
         b.) Checked 'Sync only checked songs and videos'
         c.) Checked 'Convert higher bit rate songs to '192 kbps' AAC'
         d.) Unchecked 'Manually manage music and videos'
         e.) Unchecked 'Enable disk use'
    8.) Began a sync on my iPod... With well over 10,000 songs I knew this was going to be a lengthy process.. I left computer unattended..
    When I returned to my computer, iTunes was unresponsive... The only way I could get iTunes to show was to minimize a Window on top of iTunes. iTunes states 'Syncing iPod... Do not disconnect' but does not show a rolling progress bar.. I cannot cancel sync, I cannot eject iPod, I cannot close iTunes...
    I attempt to eject iPod device through windows, UNSUCCESSFUL (Cannot unmount generic volume while the device is in use)
    I 'Ctrl+Alt+Dlt' to Task Manager and End Program 'iTunes' UNSUCCESSFUL..
    I End Process 'iTunes.exe *32' and eject iPod through Windows SUCCESSFUL
    When the iPod displayed 'OK to disconnect with load bar, I disconnected the device.
    As soon as this bar was full iPod IMMEDIATELY rebooted completely and powered back up with only 20 songs synced. (Frustration ensues)
    Confused and thinking maybe my screen saver caused an interruption during the sync, I changed screen saver and power saving options to eliminate any possible interruption, REPEATED STEPS 3-8 ABOVE, and started sync again.. Left computer unattended
    Again, coming back to computer much later, iTunes was in the same unresponsive state. Closed iTunes and began looking for answers on the internet. Any and all answers I found stated I should restore iPod, update iTunes, run diagnostics tests, etc., etc...
    All of which I had done EXCEPT for running a diagnostics test..
    Running a diagnostics test: I ran only the tests concerned with 'Device Connectivity' and 'Device sync' tests.. Here are the very interesting results I yielded from these tests...
    Device Connectivity Test:
    Support services:
         'iPod support service is running.' Status: GREEN
         'iTunes Helper is running.' Status: GREEN
         'Apple Mobile Device is running.' Status: GREEN
         'USB ports verified.' Status: GREEN
         'No FireWire (IEEE 1394) ports found.' Status: GREEN
         'iPod found.' Status GREEN
    Device Sync Tests
         No iPod touch, iPhone, or iPad found. Status: RED
    I am at a loss, I realize that Apple has discontinued the iPod Classic but does that mean iTunes will no longer support these devices!?
    And if ANYONE has ANY suggestions for possible steps I can take to regain syncing privileges to my iPod once again, please let me know!
    Also, I have diagnostics test results saved on my desktop and available to post if required!
    Thank you for any and all help!

    I made several adjustments to my sync options and made some progress and am now trying to sync in 'stages' as I like to think of them.
    Here is what I did:
    1.) Under 'Music' tab in 'My iPod' options I opted to sync 'Selected playlists, artists, albums, and genres'
    2.) Selected a small portion of tunes I know I want on my iPod (ended up being close to 3,500 songs.
    3.) Under 'Summary' tab I unchecked the 'Sync only checked songs and videos' box
    4.) Unchecked 'Convert higher bit rate songs to ___ AAC'
    5.) Checked 'Enable disk use'
    6.) Ran a SUCCESSFUL sync!
    I am now running a sync keeping the same adjustments in place and have added 6,556 songs. (SYNC IN PROGRESS)
    I am wondering if trying to convert that many songs to a lower bit rate is causing sync problems and it appears as if I am at least making progress on this. HOWEVER, I really prefer to decrease the bit rate on my songs so I may fit more on my iPod... Usually most of the files I have in iTunes are at 320 kbps with a select few at 192 kbps. I would like to make everything the way it was before my first iPod restore.. 192 kbps, but this also seems to be the cause of the sync problems I am having? Anyone else have a comment on this?
    Thanks again

  • Is the Ipod classic gonna be discontinued?  I love it, I have two of the 160gb ones.

    Is there a danger of the Ipod classic being discontinued?  I love it, and have two of them since i have such a big CD collection  I don't know what I would use if that went away.

    We should not speculate about the future of an Apple product here.  A point to consider is why we need to carry around our entire music collection.
    My music library is "only" about 45GB at this point.  I don't own any iPod that can hold it all, but that's not a problem for me, because 45GB is almost 20 days of continuous music.  I have no need to have all of THAT with me on an iPod.  A 160GB iPod would hold more than TWO MONTHS of continuous music.
    I like to listen to my music in shuffle mode, which lets me hear songs I have not (intentionally) listened to in a long time, songs I forgot I had.  Even my 1GB iPod shuffle is sufficient to listen to my entire collection in shuffle mode.  I use the Autofill feature to randomly fill my shuffle from my complete music library, every time I connect it to my Mac to charge.  When I play that music, I am essentially shuffling a random selection of songs from my complete library.  So a 1GB shuffle lets me listen to my complete 45GB library in shuffle mode, over time.
    On my 8GB iPod nano that I use for running, I have a "favorites" playlist that I sync from my iTunes library.  I also have Genius playlists that I have iTunes create for me, and I sync those to the nano.  This keeps the songs on my nano focused on songs that I like to hear, not random songs (so it's the opposite of how I use my shuffle).
    I prefer to use the newer (smaller, lighter, and more durable) designs, and load them with songs smartly, not completely.

  • IPod Classic not being recognized by iTunes

    Okay, so I've had an iPod Classic (30 gb) for a while now, and it stopped working for some unknown reason. The thing that's happening is that it's not recognized by the computer at all; once I plug it into the USB drive, the computer says that there's a USB device that isn't recognized. iTunes doesn't pick it up, and with that in mind, I can't reformat it at all. I know for a fact that it's not the cable that is faulty because I've used it with a friend of mines iPod, and even ON my computer, so this is a bit puzzling....
    To make things worse, the battery is completely dead, and when I plug it in, this weird symbol appears on the screen.... it doesn't look like a normal "recharging" symbol. It appears more like this one:
    Actual default charging example
    My iPods picture (which I outlined with MS Paint for a better view)
    It also RANDOMLY begins charging.... although I'm aware of this because while the iPod is connected, the battery icon is green with the little thunderbolt flashing, I believe..... I'm not sure, it's only done that once so far, but I made sure to check that if it was even at all charging, it was still not identified by the computer or iTunes. So any help would greatly be appreciatted...

    Hi There,
    Sounds like you've got a few issues going on there... If your device is not recognizing the iPod, than you could have an issue with the drivers on the PC which maybe a uninstall and reinstall of iTunes COULD fix...
    However, based on what you're also saying about the icons on the screen you may have a device issue... Can your iPod's screen be found on this page?
    As the image you're trying to display is this one of those under the low charging icons, which may be normal... But if you're having other issues by the iPod just stopping then that's why I say your iPod may be having an issue... Plus the version of the iPod that you have is one of the original ones which have been discontinued for a while now.
    If you can't find a resolution but want this device, try iResQ.com they offer some great services and buy users old iPods to fix ones like yours...
    Otherwise you might have to bite the bullet and get a new device.
    Sorry but that's about the only advice one can offer to you!

  • Ipod classic no longer supported under new Itunes?

    I have an older 160GB IPod classic which is only used in my Porsche as it syncs best with the sound system. After downloading the latest Itunes software onto my PC yesterday, I see that I can no longer autofill or otherwise navigate through my Ipod via Itunes. Itunes does recognize the device; but, only allows me to 'eject' it from an icon on the upper right hand side of the Itunes window. This is very frustrating and I don't know how to return to an older version of Itunes.
    Any suggestions for me?

    Another thread on this site has wondered if Apple is withdrawing support from older devices - it has happened in the past - and is very frustrating when you have something that still works and can't use it.
    Don't get me started!
    I had always assumed that when the iPod Classic was discontinued it would be replaced with something better. (256GB Flash and a Lightning connector.) I was wrong.
    My problem is like many others, Apple makes NO portable device that will store my 150 GB of music.  (Their competition does.)  Even an iPhone 6 only has 128GB, Max.  So, what Apple could do in 2009, they CANNOT do in 2014.
    Nicely express your concerns to Apple using the links below.  They will be read.

  • Video out from ipod classic

    OK, so I have an Ipod Classic. I jsut got the DYNEX IPAVC cable, and that doesnt work (no video, audio only). I also have an Accurian Dock-same deal, no video, only audio. Ive read a bunch that the Classics require newer hardware to get video to work. However, it seems like all the cables on the apple store that should work have been discontinued? How on earth do i get the video to play on my TV? Please help...thanks....

    ill have to check that page out and see. i was on this page
    and the composite and component cables say no longer available
    Apple Composite AV Cable
    (part number MB129LL)
    Apple Component AV Cable
    (part number MB128LL)
    but it looks like you are correct. thats cool.
    I had the TV Out setting to ON or ASK, and when i would do that, it would ask for the video out to be plugged in, even though they already were plugged in. I saw someone else had that same issue. I think its that these cables (The Dynex), even though they are advertised as such, do not work with the classic.
    EDIT: Is all i need the composite cable? I dont need the dock, correct?
    Message was edited by: vikfan

  • Ipod classic 160 not visible in tunes 12

    My perfectly functioning ipod classic 160 gb is invisible to itunes. It shows on the ipod screen it is connected and it shows on the imac screen as an ipod. In itunes it does not exist. It worked perfectly with itunes before the upgrade. I have seen the device bar and my iphone 5s displays there normally and functions perfectly. When only the ipod is plugged in, there are no devices in the bar and the itunes menu for device is greyed out.

    If you have not, disconnect all USB devices (including any hubs).  You can leave standard keyboard/mouse connected, if used.  With iTunes running, connect iPod to a direct USB port by itself.  This is to rule out a problem a conflict between connected USB devices, or a lack of power on the USB bus for all connected USB devices.  If you already tried that, or it does not help...
    Since the iPod appears initially in iTunes, the problem may be a "feature" that recent Windows PCs, with Windows 8 and USB 3.0 ports, seem to have.  It is an "energy saver" setting that turns off full power to the USB port if the connected device is deemed "inactive" by Windows.  When you connect the iPod, iTunes does its initial sync for a few seconds.  That's when the iPod is seen in iTunes.  After the sync, iTunes unmounts the iPod's disk.  If Windows considers the iPod to be inactive and turns off full power to the USB port, that is when the iPod disappears from iTunes.
    If this is the cause, you may be able to go into Windows Control Panels and turn OFF this feature (so USB ports always stay at full power).  If that does not work, or you can't find such as setting...
    Alternately, you can Enable disk use on the iPod.  With disk use enabled, the iPod's disk remains mounted by the system until you Eject the iPod in iTunes, so the port remains at full power.  This may be difficult, if you don't have enough time to click on the iPod in iTunes and check the box for Enable disk use on the iPod Summary settings screen (and click Apply).  I'm assuming you have your iPod set to automatically sync your entire iTunes music library.  If so, you can extend the iPod's initial sync (when you connect it) by making a significant change to your iTunes music library (before you connect it).  If you happen to have some music CDs that you need to import into iTunes, that would work.  Add new songs to your iTunes library, and then connect iPod.  If you use the Sync only checked items setting, you can uncheck a large number of songs in your music library, connect to sync, then recheck the songs, connect to sync.  Making iTunes sync a few dozen songs during the initial sync should give you enough time to go to the iPod's Summary settings screen, and check the box for Enable disk use (and click Apply).
    If that does not work (or the iPod still disappears quickly even when there are changes to sync), the cause something else.  FYI - It's not because iTunes 12 does not support discontinued iPods.  I have an 3rd gen "classic" iPod from 2003, and it works fine with iTunes 12.

  • IPod Classic 2010

    Hi all. I thought I'd start a discussion on what people would like to see in the 2010 Classic refresh.
    Please limit this discussion to Classics. There are othr forums relating to Touch and Nano.
    What I want in 2010 Classic.
    1. 250-360 GB HDD (I know Toshiba makes these in 1.8" Why is Apple so hesitent?).
    2. All Glass cover.
    3. Operating System refresh with the ability to click on "Repeat" when listening to a song....not having to go all the way back to main menu to get to click that option while I am in the middle of a song..very annoying the way it is now, to say the least.
    I dont care about WiFi, BlueTooth, TouchScreen...Touch as the market for folks who love those items. I am a Music Junkie with a **** for capacity...so keep the Classic Simple, make it look nice, keep the click wheel, and give it more space! :)))))

    For those trying to decide whether to buy an iPod Classic now before they're gone or to hold out (even longer...) for a possible upgrade:
    Steve Jobs' statement in his keynote address that the entire iPod line has been refreshed could be interpreted to mean either that the Classic is no longer really a part of the iPod line, and so will be left to wither and die, or possibly that an upgrade is in the works but wasn't ready by press time.
    Apple has been known to quietly upgrade the Classic between media events, as when the 120G Classic went to 160G when the Toshiba 160G drive became available in Dec. 2009 (although, if I haven't mixed up the timing, that is also when they discontinued the thicker 240G Classic).
    But Toshiba has not come out with a larger 1.8 inch hard drive, and Samsung, the other remaining hard drive manufacturer, hasn't stepped up either. So the only option would be for Apple to use the existing 320G dual-platter Toshiba drive rather than the 160G single-platter drive that the Classic uses now. But the dual-platter drive is 8 mm thick rather than 5 mm thick like the 160G single-platter drive. See
    http://www.desinformado.com/2009/11/toshiba-launched-the-320gb-mkxx33gsg-and-mk1 235gsl-1-8-inch-hard-drives/
    http://sdd.toshiba.com/main.aspx?Path=StorageSolutions/PCNotebookHardDrives/MK12 35GSL/MK1235GSLSpecifications
    http://sdd.toshiba.com/main.aspx?Path=StorageSolutions/PCNotebookHardDrives/MKxx 33GSGSeries/MKxx33GSGSpecifications
    . Therefore, like the discontinued 240G Classic, a 320G Classic would have to be thicker and heavier than the 160G.
    Personally I would prefer a thicker and heavier 320G dual-platter Classic. (If size and weight is that important to you then get a Nano or a Touch. I use the Classic in the house and carry an iPhone 3GS in my pocket.) But Apple has already tried and dropped that approach, and September 1 would have been the time to go back to it if they wanted to. So we probably won't see a higher capacity Classic until and unless Toshiba comes out with a larger, presumably 240G, single-platter drive. That is conceivable, but the 160G/320G drives have only been out for less than a year, and some have also suggested that they didn't sell that well and the evolution of 1.8 inch hard drives has hit its economic limit, so I'm not holding my breath. A Classic capacity upgrade any time soon therefore seems unlikely.
    As a result the common wisdom appears right that Apple is likely to just ignore the Classic and to discontinue it once the Touch reaches 120G or so in capacity (which might take another year or two). This would be a shame since the scroll wheel is simply a better interface for a dedicated music player, but it seems to be where they are going especially in light of the touchscreen Nano. So much for really loving music. Anyway it seems to me that you might as well buy the Classic now while they still make it because it's not likely to get any better.
    Another (faint) possibility would be for Apple to reposition the Classic as the iPod Professional. See
    http://forums.appleinsider.com/showpost.php?s=29fa2199a5fc8fe65eb08a9c88fd76de&p =1706250&postcount=35
    . This would allow them to make it thicker, add optical audio output and other upgrades, and worry less about holding down the price because the branding would aim for professionals and audiophiles rather than the mass market. (And meanwhile, having turned the Nano into a touchscreen Shuffle, maybe Apple could bring back the iPod Mini as a consumer scroll-wheel player for those who don't want to have to keep looking down to operate the device.) But I'm just dreaming.

  • My iPod classic was frozen and I reset it. Now all it will show is an apple sign and when I try to  do anything it shows a big red X

    My iPod classic was frozen and I reset it. Now all it will show is an apple sign, and when I try to do anything It shows a big red X. What do I do?

    howdy katie
    good luck - deggie's advice is sound (no pun intended)
    be sure and take good care of your "Classic", as it truly is a classic (discontinued) - I have seen new-in-the-box on eBay for ±$499 / 160GB model - used around $150-250

  • ITunes 10.5.1 and iPod Classic

    I've been reading all the posts on this forum over the last week, and it certainly makes one paranoid about iPod Classic problems. I'm already paranoid about iTunes problems, so here's my question: I'm currently on the latest 10.4.x iTunes version (Windows 7 64-bit), and I've been hesitating upgrading to 10.5.1 because (a) 10.4.x works reliably; (b) 10.5.x really doesn't add anything for the iPod Classic; and (c) I remember the disasterous 9.0 update that trashed iPod Classics.
    So, is the upgrade to 10.5.1 (Windows 7 64 bit) reliable for interfacing with iPod Classics (latest 160GB versions), or is this the case of: if iTunes isn't broken, don't fix it?

    As I recall from the days they actually updated iPod Classic firmware :-), that was always a distinct download from iTunes. My inclination, right now, is to update Quicktime but not iTunes, until and unless iTunes stops workings (there was one point with iTunes 10 where the iTunes store stopped working until I upgraded -- this was significant only as I was looking for a new podcast).
    As for the iPod disk issues: It's scary reading these forums, but I take heart in the fact that the vast majority of users likely do not have disk problems. I take care of my iPod, attempt not to subject it to shocks, rarely run the battery down, so it may last. I also plan to pick up a spare before they discontinue them... at the last possible moment to get the longest disk life :-)

  • Why is apple taking the iPod classic off the shelves

    Why are they taking the iPod classic off the shelves.

    Usually when a product line is discontinued it is due to low-volume of sales.  Not enough demand to justify the investment in manufacturing.

  • Trying to decide between the ipod Touch or ipod classic.  ?

    The ipod Touch appears to not hold as many songs as the ipod Classic. I thought it would hold more since it's primary function was for music. The price steadily goes up but only to 32 gb versus the classic at 150gb! The recently switch cell service and do not have an iphone anymore, at least for the next 24 months. So the Touch seemed like a nice thing to have in comparison, with apps, imessage, and other apps like notes etc etc. The classic though I can store all my music, for a long time and photos as well and any vids. Also I think the classic would be better for working out, more sturdy. Maybe best for long term?
    ALSO, I have been reading in the tech world that the ipod classic will be discontinued soon, if so I would definitely want that now to have. Any truth to this rumor?
    Any thoughts would be great to help decide. So up in the air. I kind of want both, but that is just silly.

    You know, as soon as I posted this, I found reread the comparison site. You are so correct. They are very different. I guess I am wondering if my new phone device (which does a lot) will completely replace my iphone and I will want for nothing and not need the Touch. The classic does seem more and more like the smart choice. I have a Bose station on my wish list.
    I too thought it redundant when I had the iphone. Now though, there are things on the iphone I miss. But I determined to wait my 20 months no matter what!  
    I want "the" device for storing my music collection as it grows, maybe having a few photos mainly recent on there for showing. Like photos of my loved ones.
    But the idea of imessage to my iphone friends on the west coast thrills me (not even sure how it works) and the educational learning tools that I watched some videos about.
    I guess I have some thinking to do.

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