Discussion for State of CRM podcast

Jon, Vijay and myself would love to have your feedback on this podcast.  If you can't listen to the podcast, read the transcript posted on both SCN and the link to the original copy on the blog.
In order to encourage discussion this post will be sticky and allow for recognition on comments(hint, hint).
Thank you in advance,
SAP Mentor 2010 / CRM Topic Moderator
P.S.  Contact me directly if you have any issues with how this is being posted.

Thank you for the guru comment, however we are more like guys who have willingly spent a lot of time of with the solution.
As far as CRM on-demand goes, I'm really an on-premise guy myself, so I can't tell you the nitty gritty of how it differs.  The fundamental difference is that the SAP CRM solution is in the "cloud" instead of in your own datacenter.  This means that the solution is tailored more towards a "cloud" access rather than having the full landscape.
That being said, if there is someone out there that has worked with the on-demand solution that can provide a more intelligent and detailed answer about the solution, please chime in.  BTW: all intelligent/appropriate responses on this thread will be recognized.
Take care,

Similar Messages

  • Problem with the FOR statement.....again!

    Hi everyone,
    Well I'm still trying to do a car slideshow using external
    files and can't seem to see the end. The current movie is here:
    I also attach the code. My problem is I had originally set up
    an animation with 2 pictures sliding in with some text, and then
    wait 4 seconds before sliding out, and then next pictures and text
    would slide in and so on, using a setInterval.
    The problem is the FOR loop seems to skip the setInterval and
    the function "wait", so it just loops quickly and jumps to last
    picture, so on the example above, it just slides the last picture
    (i=9) and that's it!
    Can you not include another function within a FOR statement.
    Or is there a way to tell the FOR loop to wait until all motion is
    Any help greatly appreciated
    import mx.transitions.*;
    import mx.transitions.easing.*;
    for (i=0; i<10 ; i++) {
    var picLeft = "pics/"+i+".jpg";
    var picRight = "pics/"+i+"b.jpg";
    var txtToLoad = "text/"+i+".txt";
    leftHolder._x = -200;
    leftHolder._y = 15;
    var leftTween:Tween = new Tween(leftHolder, "_x",
    Strong.easeOut, leftHolder._x, 10, 2, true);
    centerHolder._x = 180;
    centerHolder._y = 250;
    var centerTween:Tween = new Tween(centerHolder, "_y",
    Strong.easeOut, centerHolder._y, 15, 2, true);
    text._x = 600;
    myData = new LoadVars();
    myData.onLoad = function(){
    text.carText.text = this.content;
    var textTween:Tween = new Tween(text, "_x", Strong.easeOut,
    text._x, 420, 2, true);
    myInterval = setInterval(wait, 4000);
    function wait() {
    var leftTweenFinished:Tween = new Tween(leftHolder, "_x",
    Strong.easeOut, leftHolder._x, -200, 1, true);
    var centerTween:Tween = new Tween(centerHolder, "_y",
    Strong.easeOut, centerHolder._y, 250, 1, true);
    var textTween2:Tween = new Tween(text, "_x", Strong.easeOut,
    text._x, 600, 1, true);
    ***************************************************************************************** ***

    There is no way to tell a for loop to wait. That is not what
    they do.
    The entire for loop will execute (if possible, and it doesn't
    enter some kind of continuous infinite loop) completely before each
    time the frame is rendered.
    If you want to spread things out over time you need to use
    the setInterval -- but not inside a for loop! If you do that you
    immediately set however many intervals as your loop has. In this
    case you will also assign the ids for those intervals to the same
    variable, effectively overwriting the value so you will never be
    able to clear most of those intervals.
    So you need to rethink you whole structure. Set up some kind
    of counter and limit like this:
    var slidesToShow:Number=10;
    var curSlide:Number=0;
    Then have your setInterval increment the curSlide each time
    it is called and check to see if it has shown all of them. That is
    where your "loop" comes in.
    As for the other part of your question -- yes you actually
    have two different issues going on -- again you cannot make a for
    loop wait for anything. So no there is no way to pause it while you
    wait for your tween to end. But you can be notified when a tween
    Check out the documentation about the tween class in the help
    files. There you will find the onMotionFinished event. So you can
    set up one of those to start whatever needs to be started when the
    tween has finished.
    You should also use the MovieClipLoader class to load your
    images, because you have no idea how long it will take to load
    them. Using that class you get a nice event (onLoadInit) that tells
    you when the asset is ready to be used.
    Finally I'm thinking you might want to use setTimeout instead
    of setInterval. It only goes once, while setInterval repeats
    forever. So I would think your algorithm would be something like
    1. load external asset
    2. when ready animate in and set onMotionFinished handler
    3. when motion is finished start loading next asset and
    setTimeout for 4 seconds.
    4. when 4 seconds is up or the clip is loaded (which ever
    takes longer) go to 2 and repeat.
    If this is going to be run locally on a hard drive or CD you
    won't have any problem with the length of time it takes to load the
    external assets, but if it is over the web it will take time.

  • AP Line-Item Report for State Auditors

    Dear Members,
    I am preparing one Report named AP Line-Item Report for State Auditors and i need the following fields in my report.
    Check Number                PAYR-CHECT
    Voucher Number             BSEG-BELNR
    Check Date                     PAYR-ZALDT
    Voucher Date                     BKPF-BUDAT
    Vendor Number             LFA1-LIFNR
    Vendor Name                     ADRC-NAME1
    Vendor Street Address     ADRC-STREET
    Vendor City                     ADRC-CITY1
    Vendor State                     ADRC-REGIO
    Vendor Zip Code             ADRC-POST_CODE1
    General Ledger Acct No     BSEG-HKONT
    Purchase Order Number     BSEG-EBELN
    Tax Status Code             BSEG-MWSKZ
    Taxable Amount             BSEG-HWBAS
    Exempt Amount             BSEG-MWSTS
    Tax                                     BSEG-MWSTS
    Tax Accrued                     BSEG-MWSTS
    Total Invoice                      BSEG-DMBTR
    I am new to FI.So I request some one please let me know which datasources contain the above fields and which CUBE is best suited for this.
    Thanks in Advance for help and quick reply is much much appreciated.
    Best Regards

    0VENDOR_ATTR - Vendor Master Data Attributes
    0FI_AP_51 - Check Register Line Items
    0FI_AP_4 - Accounts Payable Line Items
    It should be noted, however, that this won't get you everything that you need, so you may have to create enhance one or more of these DataSources and create User Exit ABAP code to get the required data. Also, the 0FI_AP_51 DataSource isn't available if your source system isn't ECC6 EHP3 or higher. If your source system is less than that, you're going to have to create a generic DataSource for the data from the PAYR table.

  • Using multiple 'for' statements in an 11g pivot query

    Basically I need to pivot around 2 different columns (I think I need to 'for' clauses').
    See below.
    Below is pseudo code from non-11g pivot statement.
    I am trying to figure out how to do with pivot.
    -- note field names are pseudo code and not real values
    -- note that the field after 'then' in the case statement is different for the 2 pivots
    select            my_id,
                        max( (case when myfield = 'MYVALUE1' then mydate_date else null end)) as MYVALUE1,
                        to_number(max( (case when myfield = 'MYVALUE'   then myfieldvalue else null end))) as MYVALUE2,
                        min (insert_date ) insert_date
      from mytable
    group by myidso if I'm doing this in 11g pivot syntax I am stuck at:
    -- if I add max(fieldvalue), I think I will pivot too many times. I just want 2 extra columns. Can I add a second 'for' statement?
    select *
    from mytable
    pivot (
               for myfield in ('MYVALUE1' as MYVALUE1)

    My concern about trying that is that SQL will do extra pivots that I won't use. Which means more work. I saw a blog entry by someone in the oak table (I can't remember who or the link) that showed an example that the pivot clause has about the same logical IOs as using the old max(case statement) but the response time was much better. This was a very rare case where performance is significantly improved without affecting LIOs. So there isn't a good measure. I wish I had the link and generally people in the oak table are very good. So I trust posts by them.
    so basically I am not sure how to measure whether doing the extra pivots are using extra resources. This is going to be a fairly performance intensive query due to the volume of data it has to feed through.
    I'll give it a try, but my inability to measure it is a bit concerning.

  • Error while creating Discussions for a document inside a room

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    if the problem is caching try setting the useChasses to false

  • Using multiple variable names in a for statement?

    I have searched, and I just can't seem to find how to do something, I do not have the code atm, but easy enough to explain...
    I have a GUI that has 3 rows of 3 fields...
    emp1Name, emp1Phone, emp1Fax
    emp2Name, emp2Phone, emp2Fax
    emp3Name, emp3Phone, emp3Fax
    I also have a tabbed file that has the input for each of these fields, it looks something like...
    Mike 602-111-1111 602-111-1112
    Dave 602-222-2222 602-222-2223
    Bethany 602-333-3333 602-333-3334
    Here is my method...
        private void getFile() {
            myFile = new File("C:/javainput.txt");
            try {
                BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(myFile));
                String s;
                while ((s=br.readLine())!=null){
                    String f[] = s.split("\t");
            } catch (IOException e) {
                msgField.setText("INPUT FILE NOT FOUND!");
        }My question is, how do I cycle through emp1, emp2 and emp3 in a for statement. I tried empName, but that obviously isn't correct.
    Help, or point me to where I can read on this?
    Thank you!
    Edited by: 805764 on Oct 27, 2010 12:10 PM

    Do one thing at a time. First, define your Employee class. Compile it, debug it. Test it. Make sure that you can create Employees, set their names, phone numbers, etc., and get them back.
    Once that works, familiarize yourself with arrays, if necessary, completely separately from your Employee class.
    Once you're comfortable with arrays and with defining a new class (i.e., Employee), write a tiny test program that just, say, creates an array of a certain size and populates it with Employees, and then iterates over it printing out each Employee's information to the console.
    Once that works, set it aside. Now work on a GUI. Start by just displaying one or two hardcoded names and phone numbers. Once that works, add a bit more to it--say by getting that hardcoded information from inside Employee objects.
    And so on.
    Right now you're biting off too much at once. Keep working on one very small new step at a time, only move on to the next step once the previous one is solid, and do the steps independently of each other first, and then combine their respective results. It may sound like a lot of work, but I promise you, in the end, it's faster, easier, and far less frustrating to do it this way.
    At any given step, if you get stuck, post a question here, providing an [url http://sscce.org]SSCCE that shows what you're trying to do, and clearly explain exactly what problems you're having.

  • Replicating Custom Fields for Products in CRM  from ECC

    Hi All,
    I am having difficulty in replicating SAP standard field values from ECC to custom fields for products in CRM. This is what i did:
    1. I created a new settype(ZMASTER_INFO) with a single attribute(ZIND_STD) and added
        this new settype to MAT_HAWA. (As all our materials fall under this material type).
    2. I am looking to map SAP standard field from ECC to this custom field of mine.
        I wrote the code in CRM BADI 
        'ZPRODUCT_CUSTOMER2->MAP_R3_TO_CRM_MATERIAL' with the following code:
    DATA: ls_category_bdoc       TYPE COMT_PROD_CAT_REL_MAINTAIN,
          ls_category            TYPE COMT_PROD_CAT_REL,
          lt_categories          TYPE COMT_PROD_CAT_REL_TAB,
          ls_settype             TYPE COMT_settype_ext,
          ls_cat_settype_rel     TYPE COMT_CAT_FRAG_REL,
          lt_cat_settype_rel     TYPE COMT_CAT_FRAG_REL_TAB,
          lt_cat_settype_rel_all TYPE COMT_CAT_FRAG_REL_TAB.
    LOOP AT lt_cat_settype_rel_all INTO ls_cat_settype_rel.
              IV_SETTYPE_GUID         = ls_cat_settype_rel-frgtype_guid
              ES_SETTYPE              = ls_settype
             NOT_FOUND               = 1
             NO_IMPORT_VALUES        = 2
             NO_TEXT_FOUND           = 3 .
          IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
      CASE ls_settype-frgtype_id.
          WHEN 'ZMASTER_INFO'.
          ls_ZMASTER_INFO-relation-owner = 'X'.
          ls_ZMASTER_INFO-relation-logsys = cs_product_bdoc-header-com_product-logsys.
          ls_ZMASTER_INFO-data-ZZ0010 = is_mara-STD_DESCR.
          ls_ZMASTER_INFO-DATA_X-ZZ0010 = 'X'.
          APPEND ls_ZMASTER_INFO TO cs_product_bdoc-data-ZMASTER_INFO.
          APPEND ls_settype-FRGTYPE_GUID TO cs_product_bdoc-data-MNT_SETTYPE.
    Since in ECC i am not having any custom fields i did not write any code in ECC for TPS34 and TBE24. I just wrote this BADI in CRM and using the field S_MARA-STD_DESCR.
    I am not sure if i need to write the code in ECC. COUld anyone please confirm if i need the code in ECC?
    Also in the CRM BADI, lt_cat_settype_rel_all is EMPTY. Not sure how this gets its value.
    Could anyone please suggest if i am missing anything here? Any help is appreciated.

    Hi Karuna,
    One more solution is to change the BDoc data content before it hit the Database.
    this can be done in badi: Data_Exchange_badi (if u dont find this try with following search string: xchange)
    In the above mention badi you will find a method which is used to populated the contend jst after bdoc in CRM is being populated by R/3 data.
    Best Regards,
    Pratik Patel
    <b>Reward with Points!</b>

  • Can we tun off Credit card valiation for BP in CRM

    Hi all,
    Customer is created in R/3 and his credit card has already expired. The R/3 system does not make any validation for credit card. The credit card is validated only when he places orders via credit card.
       But when changes come into CRM, the CRM system validates the business partner and results in error as Credit card expired.
    I found in one of the message that Tiest has said (to turn of email validation) checks are being executed thru configuration on filed groups. Simply turn it off and you should be ok.
    Could Tiest or any one share how to disable credit card validation for customers in CRM.
    I greatly appreciate the help provided through this forum.
    thanks in advance

    Hi Frederic,
      I removed the FM from the table in SPRO\SAP Web Application Server\Cross application settings\Payment cards\basic settings\assign checking rules?
    Since this was removed and in the next configuration
    SPRO\SAP Web Application Server\Cross application settings\Payment cards\basic settings\Maintain Payment card type (step2)
    The checking rule was there it result in a new error , checking rule '001' does not exist.
    Now any idea of how to solve the problem.
    Can you help me in this..

  • How to deactivate the marketting attributes for BP in CRM

    how to deactivate the marketting attributes for BP in CRM
    I can add and maintain the same using tcode crmd_prof_char
    But how do I deactivate.
    Points will be rewarded


  • Mark for delete for BP in CRM

    Dear Sir,
    We still use CRM 5.0, If I would like to mark for delete the business partner, how to mark for delete for BP in CRM??
    And which table and field name to store for the mark for delete for business partner in CRM/
    Please kindly advise.
    Thnak you and best regards,

    It's not supported to delete Business Partners in CRM (Web- or PC-UI). You can just flag obsolete or redundant Business Partners for archiving.
    However there is the transaction BUPA_DEL you can use in order to delete BPs.
    Here a link for further Information [http://help.sap.com/SAPHELP_CRM70/helpdata/EN/e0/f2683cf5e8fe67e10000000a114084/frameset.htm|http://help.sap.com/SAPHELP_CRM70/helpdata/EN/e0/f2683cf5e8fe67e10000000a114084/frameset.htm]
    Best regards

  • What are settings required in FICO for state bifurcation(AP&TG)

    Dear Experts,
    My client has manufacturing plants in Andhra and Telangana.From June 2nd onwards both are separate states.
    So what are the steps required to change in FICO for state bifurcation (Telangana and Andhra).
    I have identified below Points :-
    1. New State creation(TG)
    2. New tax codes as per tax rates (if required)
    3. Business place creation.
    4. New Business place assign to Plant
    Please provide valuable inputs for any other changes required from FICO side apart from above steps.
    Mainly for Sales tax and Excise.
    Thanks & Regards

    SAP has released a note regarding new state.
    Please check and implement the same.
    SAP note : 2019949

  • How to extract values from pricing procedure for conditions in CRM Billing?

    I have a number of conditions in the pricing procedure in CRM Billing that I would like to extract to SAP BW. How can this be done?
    Is there a standard extractor for CRM Billing similar to the SD Billing extractor "Extraction of SD Billing Conditions" (2LIS_13_VDKON)?
    If there is no standard extractor, is there another way to extract the conditions and the related values?
    I am using the standard CRM Billing Extractor 0BEA_CRMB already, so maybe an append could solve my problem. How can this be done? In what CRM-tables can I find the values from pricing procedure for conditions in CRM Billing?

    you may want to post that last question in a CRM forum... in ECC it would be table KONV

  • For the first time, I downloaded a podcast in the podcast app by clicking on the cloud icon. Now, every single play button for all of my podcast episodes is grayed out. Why can't I play any of my podcasts any more?

    For the first time, I downloaded a podcast in the podcast app by clicking on the cloud icon. Now, every single play button for all of my podcast episodes is grayed out. Why can't I play any of my podcasts any more?

    Greetings Heather,
    After reading your post, it sounds like you are experiencing an error with the Podcasts app. You may want to consider restarting the device first, and then resetting if that does not work. This article provides detailed instructions for Restarting, and Reseting:
    Turn your iOS device off and on (restart) and reset
    How to restart
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button on the top of your device until the red slider appears. Then drag the slider to turn your device completely off.
    After the device turns off, press and hold the Sleep/Wake button again until you see the Apple logo.
    How to reset
    You should reset your device as a last resort and only if you can't restart it.
    To reset, press and hold both the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons for at least 10 seconds, until you see the Apple logo.
    Thank you for contributing to Apple Support Communities,

  • New Discussions: for day time use only? (-: A darker blue, please!

    Thanks a lot Mods for your efforts.
    I spend some time on these boards every day, so I can see things are going better and better.
    I like the new Discussions better than the previous, especially everything that comes with this new ability to put much more on one page (like being able to see A LOT (not only five) of "Recent topics in this category", or that the topic's titles can be longuer than before, or being able to read the whole thread without jumping to "the next 15 posts" like before. I set "My Posts" to "50", this too was not possible before. Etc.)
    Now my request:
    At first I thought, like many others, that the "blue dot" and the "blue half-dot" were too small, and that we couldn't see the small grey "New!" because it was not red.
    Now after all this time since Nov14, I finally understood what was wrong, because
    (1) the new kind of eye fatigue I didn't experienced before, and
    (2) a change in my computer's room lighting configuration.
    The real problem is not the blue dot size (altough I'm sure if it was a square it would work better), it is its environment.
    We have a white line after a light blue line, and this is a great feature to differenciate between topics. Works great within a thread too, to differenciate posts.
    But one side effect of this is that the whole page "feels" slightly blue.
    I'm not sure, but a human eye physicist could perhaps explain another kind of (more insidious?) side effect caused by the alternance of lines. Perhaps depending on which color are chosen for them?
    Anyway, there is no problem with a page that "feels" blue, when the text is black.
    The problem starts when the text ALSO is blue. Especially light blue...
    I find the text blue color too light. Even the "visited link" purple is too light.
    Given that the background is blueish, I mean. Otherwise it'd be fine.
    This was not easy to understand, because the [defect/effect] is not obvious: the overall picture is nice.
    But it became obvious to me when I saw that I have no problem IF I set my screen's brightess to "very bright".
    New Discussions: for day time use only?
    ==> Please, would it be a problem (or too difficult to set perhaps?), to try a darker blue text for two or three weeks, see if we like it better? (along with a slightly darker purple for the visited links).
    Thanks again for all the great work!

    Hi Axl,
    Some one had posted this about color,I do not remember who,sorry.
    I thought it was interesting.Hopeful this color issue can be alter but deepening the colors as you & many have requested.
    Good luck, Eme

  • All music and other things on itouch GONE except for one series of podcasts

    I need help!
    My computer is low on memory, but I didn't think that would mess up me connecting my iPod touch to my computer. After connecting it, I did not look at my library, but later when I went to listen to something ALL my music, playlists, proof of purchases, were gone, except for one series of podcasts. I decided to connect my iPod to the computer again to see if I could igure out what was going on, and I got a thing that said I was using the iPod on a different account! confused it asked me if I wanted to get my purchased music switched over, so my sister suggested doing that, and so they are back on Itunes, but my computer is having problems because of low memory, so I haven't been able to get it to sync. (I have not tried a lot yet)
    can anyone help me? All my apps are there. It's just the music.

    When it asked if I wanted to transfer or erase or sync, I chose to transfer purchases, and ALL my music, including not purchased (CD's I had put on there) came back. ALL my music is back! Problem solved!

Maybe you are looking for

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