Diskwarrior4.1 and techtool4.6.1 and leopard 10.5.2

I have used both of these utilities with Tiger and had no problems. I upgraded DW4 and TT4 for
Leopard. This description is for both utilities. Inserted the software, clicked on restart, waited for the
start up sound, pressed and held the C key until the spinning gear appeared on the screen. Instead
of having to await several minutes for the software to launch, the screen went black and another
start up cycle began. then a third. Finally the log in window appeared. I logged in and tried again without
success. With Tiger 10.4x the utilities always launched. What am I missing? I contacted Alsoft with the
same query, but their response time is soooo slow (past experience...). Haven't contacted Micromat yet. Do I need another build version since I updated Leopard to 10.5.2?

As an alternative you can create a 15GB partition and install a stripped version of Leo on it and install DW on the new Leo installation. Run it from there.

Similar Messages

  • I have a MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2008) and am currently running Snow Leopard 10.6.8. I would like to know which is the most stable upgrade for my model. I have read some reviews of Maverick and Yosemite making the older macs slower. Is this true?

    I have a MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2008), Intel Core 2 Duo 2.53 GHz, 4GB Memory. and am currently running Snow Leopard 10.6.8.
    I would like to know which is the most stable upgrade for my model? Mountain Lion, Mavericks or Yosemite?
    When I had gone to the apple care centre in India a few months ago to upgrade my OSX to Mountain Lion, I was told that considering my macbook pro's specs, upgrading it would just make it less efficient, and that I should stick to Snow Leopard unless I consider buying a newer mac that would benefit from it. Is this true? I find it a bit hard to believe. Which update is most recommended?
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    Any advice is appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    Mavericks is no longer available from the App Store, so your choice is Yosemite. One option is to create a new partition (~30- 50 GB), install the new OS, and ‘test drive’ it. If you like/don’t like it it, you can then remove the partition. Do a backup before you do anything. By doing this, if you don’t like it you won't have to go though the revert process.
    Check to make sure your applications are compatible.
    Application Compatibility
    Applications Compatibility (2)

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    I just restored my 13" MBP i5 at the apple store to the newest version of Lion after issues with a previous Time Machine backup from Snow Leopard- this time I created a new account and just ported files and folders, and now MS Office doesn't work.
    ^^ that's the main problem. Here's the full history.
    I bought a new 13" i5 MBP, early 2011 edition. I had an old white Macbook 2.14 ghz core2duo on Snow Leopard. I attempted to port over my time machine backup, but encountered problems in that my User was inaccessible from the new computer after the import finished, and I had to go in and change the root password, etc, and for some reason or another, I couldn't install any programs at all from that administrator's account. By "couldn't" I mean I could install them, but upon installation they would never boot. So, I took it to the apple store and did a clean install from the most up to date Lion OSX. Then, I created a brand new admin account, instead of trying to import the old one, and things seemed great. Then, I just imported my old files from the TM backup, but not any system settings, permissions, or user data. Just my Docs, pics, vids, apps, and itunes stuff.
    Here's where things get weird again. I imported this stuff under the name "old", but all of these folders have a red negative sign on them, marking them as restricted. So, from my main admin account, I cannot even peruse these folders. Since I didn't import user data, I can't sign in to the "old" account to change permissions. I already tried to change the permissions from system preferences, but that didn't change anything. And now, for whatever reason, of all the apps that were imported then, MS Office is the only set of apps that does not work. When I click on it, it just says there was a problem and asks if I'd like to send a report to apple. I tried reinstalling it to no avail. I'm an English student, so i really need access to Word. Can anyone help? The Apple store is a major detour for me and would like to fix this issue myself.

    Most likely you have Office 2004 which are PPC-only applications and will not work in Lion. Upgrade to Office 2011. Other alternatives are:
    Apple's iWork suite (Pages, Numbers, and Keynote.)
    Open Office (Office 2007-like suite compatible with OS X.)
    NeoOffice (similar to Open Office.)
    LibreOffice (a new direction for the Open Office suite.)

  • I am new to mac's and have upgrade from Snow Leopard to Lion but......

    I am new to mac's and have upgrade from Snow Leopard to Lion but not all my application will work. Is it save to reinstall using original snow leopard dvd and does it wipe all my other application like apature? I am in a panic over this, any help!!
    I came across this online and i want to know is it safe to do this:
    Backup your User folders to an external drive. This should preserve your documents, photos, music, etc. If you store those things in locations not in the User folder, make sure to copy those over too.
    Insert the Snow Leopard disc. Restart your Mac and hold down C to boot to your DVD drive.
    Go to Utilities in the menu bar once the installer pops up and select “Disk Utility.”
    Find the drive in the sidebar where Lion is installed, select it and navigate to the Partition tab.
    Click on the drop down menu under Partition Layout and select “1 Partition.” Hit Apply.
    Now navigate to the Erase tab and make sure “Mac OS Extended (Journaled)” is selected, then hit Erase to delete all data on the drive.
    Quit Disk Utility to get back to the Snow Leopard installer and proceed with the install.
    Restore your User folder and documents from your backup.
    Run Software Update to get everything current, install your apps from your original install media and update those as well.
    if any one can help me that would be great, thanks Mike

    Before you do that why not do this first:
    Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions
    Boot from your Lion Recovery HD. When the recovery menu appears select Disk Utility. After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list.  In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive.  If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the main menu.
    To boot from the Recovery HD restart the computer. After the chime hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    If this doesn't help, then you can proceed to reinstall Snow Leopard as follows:
    Downgrade Lion to Snow Leopard
    1.  Boot from your Snow Leopard Installer Disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button.  When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu.
    2. After DU loads select your hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Note the SMART status of the drive in DU's status area.  If it does not say "Verified" then the drive is failing or has failed and will need replacing.  SMART info will not be reported  on external drives. Otherwise, click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
    3. Under the Volume Scheme heading set the number of partitions from the drop down menu to one. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Options button, set the partition scheme to GUID then click on the OK button. Click on the Partition button and wait until the process has completed.
    4. Quit DU and return to the installer. Install Snow Leopard.
    This will erase the whole drive so be sure to backup your files if you don't have a backup already. If you have performed a TM backup using Lion be aware that you cannot restore from that backup in Snow Leopard. I suggest you make a separate backup using Carbon Copy Cloner 3.4.1.
    This will erase the drive so be sure to backup your files before doing this.

  • Changes made to recurrent events in ical and/or iphone 4 will not sync since upgrading phone to iOS 5. I have an old macbook pro and it is running snow leopard OS 10.6.8. I have a minimum of 40 recurring events per week, several of which change.

    since upgrading phone to iOS 5. I have an old macbook pro and it is running snow leopard OS 10.6.8. I have a minimum of 40 recurring events per week, several of which change. I use the information to schedule future appointments based on those changes and it's causeing a major problem to not have the changes sync. Any help would be very much appreciated.

    Did you try to replace the calendar info on the phone with the one on your Mac? You can find this option in iTunes/Info pane, Advanced section.

  • Why is searching so much slower in both Lion and Mountain Lion than Snow Leopard?

    Hi, I use Snow Leopard run on several Mac Pros to perform multidimensional time-lapse-imaging in our lab. Snow Leopard provides instantaneous (seconds) searching for folders containing the image sequences I require for analysis (distributed across 4 x 2TB hard drives- images are saved under the structure Time\Position, and for analysis I need to retrieve all folders with the same Position label). Lion and Mountain Lion either fail to search or are painfully slow. For analysis I use internal hard drives connected as external volumes via USB and I suspect this might be part of the problem, however the same setup works flawlessly with Snow Leopard.
    This problem is becoming very frustrating as I can’t figure out what has changed, or whether I am overlooking something obvious. I installed Lion on my MacBook Pro over 6 months ago which is when I discovered this problem and had to reinstall Snow Leopard. At that time I had hoped that the next OS might provide a better search function for our use, but after some testing it seems the same. To search through folders manually takes over 10 x as long as using a simple search in Snow Leopard. Can anyone provide me any advice as to what might be causing this problem and whether there might be a solution? I’ve tried a few free searching tools from the app store, but these do not perform any better than searching in Finder. I would obviously prefer to be able to invest in new Macs in the future which run the most current OS without having to install Snow Leopard on them all (if this is even possible without future models without causing compatibility problems).
    Many thanks for reading and for any advice you can give me.

    Hi Linc,
    mdworker (user: _spotlight) was top of the list with about 5.4% CPU (this was every now and then knocked down by Safari Web Content. The other values you asked abou weret: % User - 3.5, % System - 3.35, % Idle 93.5.
    Under the Memory tab -
    Page outs were 0 bytes and Swap used was 19.1 MB
    Disk Activity - Data read/sec - 29.3 MB/s and Data written/sec - 16 KB/s.
    Copied from All Messages in Console:
    01/08/2012 09:42:06.811 SecurityAgent[120]: MacBuddy was run = 0
    01/08/2012 09:42:06.836 SecurityAgent[120]: User info context values set for USER
    01/08/2012 09:42:06.953 coreaudiod[122]: 2012-08-01 09:42:06.952319 AM [AirPlay] Started browsing for _airplay._tcp.
    01/08/2012 09:42:06.953 coreaudiod[122]: 2012-08-01 09:42:06.952750 AM [AirPlay] Started browsing for _raop._tcp.
    01/08/2012 09:42:07.090 loginwindow[46]: Login Window - Returned from Security Agent
    01/08/2012 09:42:07.109 loginwindow[46]: USER_PROCESS: 46 console
    01/08/2012 09:42:07.450 UserEventAgent[112]: cannot find useragent 1102
    01/08/2012 09:42:07.506 fseventsd[52]: Logging disabled completely for device:1: /Volumes/Recovery HD
    01/08/2012 09:42:07.551 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[128]: (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
    01/08/2012 09:42:07.554 loginwindow[46]: Connection with distnoted server was invalidated
    01/08/2012 09:42:07.560 distnoted[132]: # distnote server agent  absolute time: 22.799204385   civil time: Wed Aug  1 09:42:07 2012   pid: 132 uid: 501  root: no
    01/08/2012 09:42:08.106 com.apple.SecurityServer[15]: Session 100005 created
    01/08/2012 09:42:08.507 WindowServer[69]: **DMPROXY** (2) Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
    01/08/2012 09:42:08.617 WindowServer[69]: Display 0x04280300: MappedDisplay Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "iMac"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
    01/08/2012 09:42:08.620 BezelServices 235.55[46]: -[DriverServices sendPreferencesToDevice:resetDefaults:] error: classPrefID (null), classPrefs (null)
    01/08/2012 09:42:08.797 NetworkBrowserAgent[155]: Starting NetworkBrowserAgent
    01/08/2012 09:42:08.835 WindowServer[69]: kCGErrorNotImplemented: receive_notification: CPXSetEventFilter failed
    01/08/2012 09:42:11.335 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[128]: ([email protected][184]) Exited with code: 2
    01/08/2012 09:42:11.000 kernel[0]: CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page(0x1000): p=183[GoogleSoftwareUp] clearing CS_VALID
    01/08/2012 09:42:11.349 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[128]: (com.apple.afpstat-qfa[181]) Exited with code: 2
    01/08/2012 09:42:11.403 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[128]: (com.apple.mrt.uiagent[172]) Exited with code: 255
    01/08/2012 09:42:11.488 blued[60]: kBTXPCUpdateUserPreferences gConsoleUserUID = 501
    01/08/2012 09:42:11.578 UserEventAgent[168]: cannot find fw daemon port 1102
    01/08/2012 09:42:18.000 kernel[0]: USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 39574D35314C474C20202020 0x13fd 0x1340 0x210
    01/08/2012 09:42:18.186 CalendarAgent[178]: [com.apple.calendar.store.log.caldav.queue] [Account refresh failed with error: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1009 "The Internet connection appears to be offline." UserInfo=0x7fc53b932360 {NSUnderlyingError=0x7fc53b8e9cf0 "The Internet connection appears to be offline.", NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=https://oUSER%[email protected]/principals///oUSER%[email protected]/principals/, NSErrorFailingURLKey=https://oUSER%[email protected]/principals///oUSER%[email protected]/principals/, AccountName=iCloud, CalDAVErrFromRefresh=YES, NSLocalizedDescription=The Internet connection appears to be offline.}]
    01/08/2012 09:42:19.000 kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to b8:c7:5d:08:46:4a
    01/08/2012 09:42:19.000 kernel[0]: en1::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
    01/08/2012 09:42:19.000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en1
    01/08/2012 09:42:19.000 kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to b8:c7:5d:08:46:4a
    01/08/2012 09:42:19.000 kernel[0]: en1::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
    01/08/2012 09:42:19.000 kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
    01/08/2012 09:42:20.550 airportd[25]: _doAutoJoin: Already associated to “Oli Network”. Bailing on auto-join.
    01/08/2012 09:42:20.567 airportd[25]: _doAutoJoin: Already associated to “Oli Network”. Bailing on auto-join.
    01/08/2012 09:42:20.583 airportd[25]: _doAutoJoin: Already associated to “Oli Network”. Bailing on auto-join.
    01/08/2012 09:42:20.598 airportd[25]: _doAutoJoin: Already associated to “Oli Network”. Bailing on auto-join.
    01/08/2012 09:42:20.613 airportd[25]: _doAutoJoin: Already associated to “Oli Network”. Bailing on auto-join.
    01/08/2012 09:42:20.928 awacsd[61]: Exiting
    01/08/2012 09:42:25.207 configd[18]: network changed: v4(en1+: DNS+ Proxy+ SMB
    01/08/2012 09:42:25.247 UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: en1: Not probing 'Oli Network' (protected network)
    01/08/2012 09:42:25.250 configd[18]: network changed: v4(en1!: DNS Proxy SMB
    01/08/2012 09:42:24.300 ntpd[99]: proto: precision = 1.000 usec
    01/08/2012 09:42:25.760 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.coreservices.appleid.authentication[116]) Exit timeout elapsed (20 seconds). Killing
    01/08/2012 09:42:28.187 LKDCHelper[214]: Starting (uid=501)
    01/08/2012 09:42:31.229 CalendarAgent[178]: [com.apple.calendar.store.log.exchange.queue] [error = Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1013 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -1013.)" UserInfo=0x7fc53acaa530 {NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=DELETEDEWS/Exchange.asmx, CalFailedOperationKey=<CalExchangeSyncAccountOperation: 0x7fc53bc188e0>, NSErrorFailingURLKey=DEKETEDEWS/Exchange.asmx}]
    01/08/2012 09:42:31.965 CalendarAgent[178]: [com.apple.calendar.store.log.exchange.queue] [error = Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1013 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -1013.)" UserInfo=0x7fc53b971ad0 {NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=DELETED/EWS/Exchange.asmx, CalFailedOperationKey=<CalExchangeSyncAccountOperation: 0x7fc53bc188e0>, NSErrorFailingURLKey=DELETED/EWS/Exchange.asmx}]
    01/08/2012 09:42:33.929 com.apple.SecurityServer[15]: Session 100003 created
    01/08/2012 09:44:34.000 kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: ps_allocate_cluster - send HI_WAT_ALERT
    01/08/2012 09:44:34.000 kernel[0]: macx_swapon SUCCESS
    01/08/2012 09:45:18.123 WindowServer[69]: CGXSetWindowBackgroundBlurRadius: Invalid window 0xffffffff
    01/08/2012 09:45:18.249 WindowServer[69]: CGXSetWindowBackgroundBlurRadius: Invalid window 0xffffffff
    01/08/2012 09:48:17.000 kernel[0]: considerRebuildOfPrelinkedKernel prebuild rebuild has expired
    01/08/2012 09:48:17.000 kernel[0]: USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 801130168383 0x152d 0x2329 0x100
    01/08/2012 09:48:28.027 WindowServer[69]: CGXDisableUpdate: UI updates were forcibly disabled by application "Safari" for over 1.00 seconds. Server has re-enabled them.
    01/08/2012 09:48:28.109 WindowServer[69]: reenable_update_for_connection: UI updates were finally reenabled by application "Safari" after 1.10 seconds (server forcibly re-enabled them after 1.00 seconds)
    01/08/2012 09:48:28.129 CVMServer[78]: Check-in to the service com.apple.cvmsCompAgent_x86_64 failed. This is likely because you have either unloaded the job or the MachService has the ResetAtClose attribute specified in the launchd.plist. If present, this attribute should be removed.
    01/08/2012 09:48:31.539 CVMServer[78]: Check-in to the service com.apple.cvmsCompAgent_x86_64 failed. This is likely because you have either unloaded the job or the MachService has the ResetAtClose attribute specified in the launchd.plist. If present, this attribute should be removed.
    01/08/2012 09:52:39.174 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[128]: (com.apple.KerberosHelper.LKDCHelper[214]) Exited with code: 1
    01/08/2012 09:57:17.113 CalendarAgent[178]: [com.apple.calendar.store.log.exchange.queue] [error = Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1013 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -1013.)" UserInfo=0x7fc53b933a50 {NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=https:/[email protected]/EWS/Exchange.asmx//[email protected]/EWS/Exchange.asmx, CalFailedOperationKey=<CalExchangeSyncAccountOperation: 0x7fc53bc188e0>, NSErrorFailingURLKey=https://[email protected]/EWS/Exchange.asmx//[email protected]/EWS/Exchange.asmx}] 

  • Can I keep BootCamp as is and upgrade from Tiger to Leopard?

    Just about to move to Leopard, and wondering if I can just leave my BootCamp as is and will it work with Leopard. I've got BootCamp 1.3 and will upgrade to 1.4 - but then want to install Leopard. OK I'm guessing I can leave it and then install the version of BootCamp which (I believe) comes with Leopard-- and which (I believe) is no longer a "Beta", rather a standard issue version.
    Any comments appreciated.
    Friday 26 October 2007

    I have a problem after upgrading to Leopard.
    I was using BC 1.2 as I forgot to update the drivers to the latest version then, before 26th Oct.
    I bought and upgraded to Leopard today and whenever I boot into Windows XP, 10 seconds into the XP desktop a small (it doesnt fill up the whole screen) "blue screen of death" pops up in the middle for a split second (not enough time for me to tell what the error msg was) and the system restarts itself.
    I have tried thrice so fast and still am not successful in performing tasks in XP. I play games mostly in XP.
    Anyone has encountered this?

  • I upgraded my iBook G4 from 384MBytes to 640Mbytes and upgraded from Tiger to Leopard. After a few weeks the HDD failed. New Leopard install reports: "insufficient memory". I need Tiger install disks so I can install

    I upgraded my iBook G4 from 384MBytes to 640Mbytes and upgraded from Tiger to Leopard.
    After a few weeks the HDD failed. I bought a new disk, installed it and trued to install Leopard, but the  install fails reporting "insufficient memory".
    I assume the installation requires more memory than the OS actually needs to be able to run.
    I need Tiger install CD/DVD so I can install Tiger first and then upgrade to Leopard.

    Call Apple Customer Support 1-800-767-2775, provide the Serial Number and specifications of the Mac, and for a reasonable fee, they will supply a replacement set of system discs (if available).
    The discs will be for the original version of the OS that was pre-installed when the Mac was manufactured.
    You need much more RAM than that.
    Leopard system requirements:

  • I am ready to dump mountain lion and go back to snow leopard

    Can someone stop me? I am so frustrated with lion and now mountain lion that I am actually looking at dumping the OS X 10.8 and reverting back to snow leopard.
    I have a small office with three mac machines. I have been a fan of the macs for many years, even though we have software for enigineering that requires a windows versions. I have several issues that will not go away on each machine. I have a table below that describes a few of the problems. These problems have left me and my staff with no trust that our work is safe (yes, we do backups and TM). Our work flow is no longer fluid or fun with mountain lion.
    OS X issues
    Macbook 2009 5,0 running 10.7.3
    Graphics problems, extremely slow performance opening and closing files.
    Macbook Pro mid 2009, 5,1 now testing 10.8.3 beta
    Graphics problems, dropped WIFI, time machine corruption, very slow finder performance, CUDA performance issues, loads of lsboxd issues, spotlite runs indexing alot, Sync services still broken in mountain lion. Cannot keep the Adobe licensing for Creative Suite 4 activated. Fresh install of 10.8.2
    Macbook Pro Late 2011, running 10.8.2
    Graphics problems, flash problems, kernel panics after sleep, Kernel panics with VM Ware fusion 5.0.2, Memory relase issues after software quits, Very slow finder performance, Safari causes kernel panics. Any panic causes multiple versions of Office for mac 2011 autosaved files from one original file., spotlite indexing issues. Sync services still broken in mountain lion. Fresh install of 10.8.2
    I am normally a good troubleshooter and have resolved many issues so far. But they just cntiue and I am spending a lot of time resolving problems with the machine's OS that I could be using for productivity. I guess I feel like the old days as an engineer in an office where windows requires a near constant windows administrator.
    Is this just me whining? Is anyone else suffering through the OS X 10.7 and 10.8 issues?
    Somebady tell me I am crazy... I just want to get back to work.

    Some troubleshooting information.
    Isolating Issues
    Isolating an issue by using another user account
    Isolating issues in Mac OS X
    Safe Mode
    Safe Mode - About
    Basic Maintenance:
    Disk Utility
    Disk Utility Repair Permissions You Can Safely Ignore
    Reset NVRAM/PRAM
    Reset SMC
    General Maintenance Recommendations
    Safari Problems

  • Time machine and backward compatibility to Snow Leopard

    Please bear with a long background explanation but I am not sure what is relevant. I have two Mac notebooks both backed up using Time machine to separate USB Hard drives.  I upgraded to Lion on both machines but decided to revert to Snow Leopard on the MBAir (instability in one application that I use a lot).  I backed up the MBA using time machine to the USB drive and did a second backup to the NAS.  I then erased the MBA hard drive using Disk Utility and tried to reinstall Snow Leopard using the "MBA Software Reinstall Drive" (a USB flash drive).  Following the instructions that came with the drive didn't work and neither did the (different) instructions in the user guide.  I then tried using the Recovery drive on the MBA and Disk Utility to install SL.   I did some thing wrong (but I am not sure what) and it told me I could not install SL to the same drive. Eventually I got the OS installed from the USB flash drive.
    Perhaps foolishly I  left the USB backup drive connected to the MBA during this process.  When I had fininshed the OS installation I looked for the Backup drive and couldn't see it.  I checked Disk Utility and it showed the drive but did not recognise the name of the partiton and said the partion was not mounted.  It would not mount the drive and  had no options to repair or verify disk.  There was some other information but I did not make a note of it.  I tried to read the drive on the MBP and it opened for about a mintue and I could see the files but then it disappeared from the MBA - same story.  I tried to repair disk in Disk Utility but it said there was no problem with the disk.
    This morning, I connected the drive to the MBP (NB running 10.7.2) again to see if I could see what the problem might be and the backup files were back and presumably accessible. 
    OH! I just reconnected the USB drive to the MBA (running 10.6.8) and got a message saying (the dialogue box has disappeared) something like: it could not read the disk because it was written in 10.7.2.  I guess that is the explanation but where do I go from here?  It is not at all helpful to do all the backups and then find they are not backward compatible. 
    Is there a way for me to get the MBA to access the Time machine backup via another computer?  Or can I do use a different method to access the data?
    NOPE.  Its happened again. I just reconnected the Backup Drive to the MBP (running 10.7.2) and now I can't see the disk.  Disk Utility shows the partiton as unmounted and once again it won't mount.  This time there was a repair option and I clicked it and got the following error messages:  "Disk Utility stopped repairing 'disk3'" (it seems to have given it this name)  In the 'Details" it said
    Invalid Volume Header @ 0: incorrect block type
    Invalid Volume Header @ 999539297792: I/O error
    disk3 is not a CoreStorage volume
    Error: Storage system verify or repair failed.
    I don't know if this is an OS problem or a disk problem or both.  Any thoughts?

    I would say disk problem.
    If it were mine, I would reformat it and see if that corrects the problems.
    If not, it is time to send it to recycle.

  • I am on a MAC PPC G5 with OSX 10.5.8 and can't get the Leopard disk to stay in the drive, although " Woodstock - The Director's Cut plays fine " HELP !!

    I am on a MAC PPC G5 with OSX 10.5.8 and can't get the Leopard disk to stay in the drive, although " Woodstock - The Director's Cut " plays fine, HELP !!

    Yes it is the right Disc...
    2Z691-6040-A  (OEM) Drop-in DVD...
    System Requirements 
Mac computer with an Intel, PowerPC G5, or PowerPC G4 (867MHz or faster) processor. User must already have 10.4 or above to install this 10.5 upgrade.
eMac (2005), iBook G4 (Mid 2005), iMac G5 17-inch (ALS), iMac G5 20-inch (ALS), iMac G5 (17-inch iSight), iMac G5 (20-inch iSight), iMac (Early 2006 17-inch), iMac (Early 2006 20-inch), iMac (Mid 2006 17-inch), iMac (17-inch Late 2006 CD), iMac (17-inch Late 2006), iMac (20-inch Late 2006), iMac (24-inch Late 2006), iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), iMac (24-inch Mid 2007), Mac mini, Mac mini (Late 2005), Mac mini (Early 2006), Mac mini (Late 2006), Mac mini (Mid 2007), Mac Pro, Mac Pro (8-core), MacBook (13-inch), MacBook (13-inch Late 2006), MacBook (13-inch Mid 2007), MacBook (13-inch Late 2007), MacBook (13-inch Early 2008), MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, MacBook Pro (17-inch), MacBook Pro (15-inch Glossy), MacBook Pro (15-inch Core 2 Duo), MacBook Pro (17-inch Core 2 Duo), MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2GHz), MacBook Pro (17-inch 2.4GHz), MacBook Pro (Early 2008), Power Mac G5 (Early 2005), Power Mac G5 (Late 2005), PowerBook G4 (15-inch Double-Layer SD), PowerBook G4 (17-inch Double-Layer SD), Xserve (Late 2006)
    I'd try to find another Mac to make a DMG of it & burn a copy to see if that works better.

  • Is it possible to install Lion on the second hard disk on my Mini (2010) Snow Leopard Server, and switch between Lion and Snow Leopard? I like those voices Lion has in speech.

    Is it possible to install Lion on the second hard disk on my Mini (2010) Snow Leopard Server, and switch between Lion and Snow Leopard? I like those voices Lion has in speech.

    When baltwosaid NO emphatically, that was described as CORRECT ANSWER. Ditto in the caeses of the radically different answers from  Camelotand Matt Clifton
    Could it be that CORRECT ANSWER needs better defining by Apple?
    That apart, yes, switching might involve rebooting. About the voices, well, I was the other day adding voice to a commentary in a video I was working on. There's only American English accent in SL — Lion I believe has British ones as well.
    Why not, I wondered, try to install Lion purely for academic interest, maybe with an SD card (Sandisk Ultra II, 16GB) as Tom Nelson says is possible at http://macs.about.com/od/macoperatingsystems/ss/Perform-A-Clean-Install-Of-Os-X- Lion-On-Your-Mac.htm

  • How do I disable Lion and go back to snow leopard

    I up graded to Lion. Now my wireless router can't connect because it doesn't support Lion. I don't want to have to buy a new router.
    Can I disable lion and go back to snow leopard?
    P.S. I am new at computers so be easy on the terminology please.

    It would help if you gave some information on WHY the router isn't working. Start with the basics:
    -What brand and model is the router? If you can get a version number, that is also sometimes helpful. This info is generally printed somewhere on the router, usually a label on the back or bottom.
    -What do you mean by "doesn't support" - did you get this info from the manufacturer, or is this based on you not being able to connect? Routers use standard wireless protocols (called 802.11a/b, g, or n). The network cards in Mac computers also use these same protocols.I can't think of a reason why it shouldn't work.
    -Does your router have a wired connection? If so, can you connect with an Ethernet cable? You may need to be able to connect to the router directly to change settings.
    -How old is your router? And have you ever tried to upgrade the firmware settings on it?
    -Can you connect to ANY wireless routers anywhere else with your Lion computer?
    -Do you have any OTHER computers (Windows or Mac) that can successfully connect to your wireless router?

  • How do I remove Lion and go back to Snow Leopard?

    I spent half a day downloading and installing Lion today.
    All my Microsoft Office applications are now unusable.  This is unacceptable!!!  It is more important to be functional with my apps than to have a fancy new OS that doesn't allow me to work!!!
    So, please, how do I uninstall/remove and go back to Snow Leopard?

    MacIntouch Lion comments:
    The Office for Mac team recently posted a blog post concerning Lion compatibility. You can find that blog post by following the link below:
    You can find more information concerning Lion (10.7) compatibility on the following KB article:

  • How do I remove Lion and go back to Snow Leopard OS?

    How do I remove Lion and go back to Snow Leopard?

    If you have the white upgrade disk (originally, you had Leopard and bought SL later), easy. I'm not sure if you have the grey disks (you bought the machine with SL).
    If you have the white disk, the first thing you do is get a USB external HD. Format it to GUID with disk utility.
    Insert the white SL disk and restart. Follow the instructions to install SL on the external disk.
    Have a look here for a step by step tutorial for setting up the external HD: http://www.maciverse.com/installing-snow-leopard-onto-an-external-hard-drive.htm l
    From here on in you have two choices:
    1. You can run SL off the external disk and keep Lion and all your files/data on the internal disk.
    This is the easiset thing to do. You can open files from your Internal Lion disk by navigating through to it in Finder when you're booted in to SL on your external disk. Practical if you have a desktop machine, maybe not if you have a laptop that you need to carry everywhere (you'd have carry the external HD with you all the time).
    Any non-Lion only (i.e., not Safari, Preview, Terminal and Mail Lion upgrades) apps should also run off your Lion disk when you're booted into SL, but if you have any problems, just drag them from the Lion Apps folder to the SL apps folder.
    2. Move everything over to the external disk if you plan to install SL back to your internal disk.
    Start copying over all your apps and files manually by dragging them from the internal disk Apps and Folders to the external disk Apps and Folders. If you have Time Machine, you can also copy your files by navigating to Time Machine through the Finder rather than trying to use the Time machine interface.
    You might spend some days doing this, but it's worth doing it manually. When you're done and sure you have everything, google 'Carbon Copy Cloner'. Download it (its free), and clone your external HD to your internal HD. SL restored!

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