Display location of forms

hi there
i have created a swing application and i want all my forms shold open
exactly at the center of the screen irrespective of the screen resolution,
i.e. by changing screen resolution location of forms should not change
i have tried setBounds() but that seems to work for one particular resolution, is there any way to get the screen resolution.
please help me find a way
thank u

Dimension d1=Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
int xPos=((int)d1.getWidth()-frame.getWidth())/2;
int yPos=((int)d1.getHeight()-frame.getHeight())/2;
System.out.println("Screen Resolution "+di.getWidth()+"X"+d1.getHeight());

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    <p>The Enhanced HTML browser bean allows showing amost everything in its window. See this screen shot</p>
    So you could download your stored document onto the AS or the client with the Webutil FILE_TRANSFERT package, or you could envisage top develop
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    You don;t select Run to Run the report with
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    /           <B><B><B>&REGUH-STRAS&<B></></></></>
    /           <B><B><B><B><B>&REGUH-ORT01&<B></></></></></></>
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    /           <B><B><B><B><B><B><B><B><B>&LV_REGIO&<B></></></></></></></></></></>
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    Use Condence symbol 'C' in the respective fields.

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    v_report_id report_object;
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    In Your code there is a line:
    which actually disables the report parameter form.
    The line:
    WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT ('/reports/rwservlet/getjobid'|| vjob_id||
    displays the report to which vjob_id refers. At this point the report is competed so the parameters userid and paramform are useless.
    Hope this helps.
    Bekcic Aleksandar

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    From your question, I take it you have Photoshop Elements 5.0.
    You should ask over in the Photoshop Elements forum how to restore catalogs. I hope you have back ups of your images because the organizer doesn't physically store your images.
    Link to Photoshop Elements forum:

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    for Web Dynpro Java, see
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    Regards, Heidi

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    // code
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    No problem. You can base your database block on the new table. The BFILE column will be used as the Image Item as well as a BLOB one ;o)

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    Josué Cruz

    Hi Josué Cruz,
    Insert the 'Interactive Form' UI element in the desired view.
    And bind its 'pdfSource' property to the context atribute pdf source. Optionally, you can set height and width of the form.

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    E-Business File System Maintenance - Tech Stack Log and Temporary Files [ID 972440.1]

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    Regions enclose items. You can set the Display in Form Layout, Display in Table Layout and Include in Advanced Search properties on the items within the regions, but you are probably asking how to also hide the region title and line for items that are not displayed on the table/search page.
    Although there may be a better way to handle this, we've created a custom template for the Regions node under the group. The template is attached to the VERTICAL_REGION_CONTAINER template on that node. The template has code that turns off generation of the region if the region name is a certain string,
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    #if (((($subRegion.title=="Title1") || ($subRegion.title=="Title2")) && (${JHS.current.pageComponent.processingAdvancedSearchArea}))
              || (($subRegion.title=="SearchTitle") && !${JHS.current.pageComponent.processingAdvancedSearchArea}))
           ## do nothing
    ## the usual stuff in this template
    #endIn this example, the Title1 and Title2 regions are not being displayed on the search form (Advanced search)/table page but are displayed on the Form (Insert/update) page. The SearchTitle region is displayed on the Advanced Search/ table page but not on the Form (insert/update) page. Something like that may work in your case.
    If you want some fields to appear on both, but in different regions, copy the items and drop them under the appropriate regions.
    Peter Koletzke

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    table. For whatever reason whenever I did that InfoPath prohibited the data source from returning multiple order details.
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    hi kathy,
    What you have to do is after the commands to display the data, you give the builtin SYNCHRONIZE; then give message statement. It should work.

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