DMP 4310 v5.4: HTML site not responsive to touch

I am using a 4310 DMP with an ECO display. So far, I have succesfully verified touch interaction works with a flash application on the DMP. Therefore, I can rule out faulty hardware or misconfiguration as the problem. The problem occurs when going to a URL such as htttp:// on the DMP. When the DMP is pointed to an html site I am unable to interact with it. At the moment, the browser renders the html sites fine, but I am unable to interact with it via the touchscreen. Any thoughts on how to get the html site to respond through the DMP and touchscreen?
I have tried three ways of pointing the DMP to an html site to verify touch works with it.
1.(Go To) URL - Tasks with a URL entry to startup: file:///tmp/ftproot/usb_1/simpleLink.html
3.Media Playlist with a URL entry to http:///

My understanding of the 4310g ver 5.4 is that the web browser is embedded in a flash pane. Consequently, there is limited functionality on any web page with the exception of three HTML 5 tags, these being audio, video, and canvas.
As such, it would make sense that any external website that you request via the 4310 would not have basic interactive capabilities that you'd get with a regular computer. I'd suggest trying to set up a basic HTML page using the canvas tag to see if you can achieve touch interactivity.
Flash is handled differently by the DMP, so I'm not suprised to hear that flash works without a problem.
Just my thoughts.
Good luck.

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    See Printed Documentation on my site.
    If that doesn't help, maybe some screenshots would help.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

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    5px; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0e0 1px solid; MARGIN-TOP: -5px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; FONT-SIZE: 1.2em; PADDING-BOTTOM: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0e0 1px solid; PADDING-TOP: 5px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f0f0e0 1px solid; FONT-FAMILY: Courier New; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e5e5cc}.heading1{MARGIN-TOP:
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    Service</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><DIV id=\"content\"><P class=\"head'."}
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    Firstly I would not use the frameset.
    In HTML5, which you are not using, framesets have been deprecated, hence will be removed some time into the future.
    Secondly, when I view the site in a mobile, all I see is a miniature version of the desktop site. This is not what responsive design is about.
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    Hi Jackob,
    I have just done a quick test with 3 playlists containing your hello page. I actually don't see the issue at all in the preview, all is white with no borders; however, I do indeed see the black borders on the DMP screen when deploying the presentation.
    The only workaround I could find is as per previous suggestion, if you overlap the border of two media playlists, then that black border does not appear anymore.
    An alternative, probably quicker option could be to create a container web page with inside your widget pages (inside frames components), then display that container web page full screen, so you would avoid the borders completely.
    If you want to pursue further if those black border are actually expected or not and look for other potential workarounds, I would recommend you to raise a TAC Service Request so that this can be tested further.
    Best Regards,

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    Suddenly that code in the following gives me some error
    var langPath = root.LoaderInfo.parameters["xmlFilePath"]+root.LoaderInfo.parameters["lang"];
    my_ssp.xmlFilePath = langPath;
    var fileType = root.LoaderInfo.parameters["xmlFileType"];
    my_ssp.xmlFileType = fileType;
    Access of possibly undefined property LoaderInfo through a reference with static type flash.display:DisplayObject.
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    var paramObj:Object = LoaderInfo(this.root.loaderInfo).parameters;
    for (var param in paramObj) {
       if (param == "xmlFilePath") {
          my_ssp.xmlFilePath = paramObj[param];
       if (param == "xmlFileType") {
          my_ssp.xmlFileType = paramObj[param];

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    Macbook Pro Retina 15 inch late 2014
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    It's not responsive.  It's not optimized to work well in anything other than a desktop display.  iPhones and iPads use their built-in zoom out feature to make an ordinary web site "fit" in the display area which works well most of the time.  But it's not optimal.  The only way to make your site work well in all devices is to rebuild it with a Responsive Web Design approach.
    Responsive Web Design
    Introduction to CSS Media Queries
    CS6 Fluid Grid layouts (17 min video)
    Foundation Zurb
    Skeleton Boilerplate
    Initializr (HTML5 Boilerplate, Responsive or Bootstrap)
    DMX Zone's Bootstrap FREE extension for DW
    Nancy O.

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    Batch processing server the with Central Administration
    Web Front End Sever 1 (http://wfe01)
    Web Front End Sever 2 (http://wfe02)
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    In AAM i have mapped the URLs as below for the web application in Central Administration portal: - Default Zone
    http://wfe01 - Intranet Zone
    http://wfe02 - Internet Zone
    I was able to browse the site via the load balance URL :, but couldn't open the site using the Share Point Designer 2013. It always says the site not found.
    please advise,

    What do the wfe01 and wfe02 aams do?
    Are you browsing to the SharePoint site and using SPD on the same computer, is it part of the farm or a seperate client computer?
    thanks Alex a lot for your response and appreciate the same.
    WFE01, WFE01 is connected to the one central admin on Batch Processing Server (central admin URL is http://SharepointCA:5555 and the SharePoint Web Application is hosted under port 80 on the same server). So the AAM configured on the batch processing server
    central admin.
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    Hi Arend,
    Thank you for posting in MSDN forum.
    Since this forum is to discuss: Visual Studio WPF/SL Designer, Visual Studio Guidance
    Automation Toolkit, Developer Documentation and Help System, and Visual Studio Editor. Based on your issue, I think that the issue is more related to the programming. So I’m afraid that it is not the correct forum for this issue.
    To help you find the correct forum for this issue, could you please tell
    me which kind of app you want to create? Is it winform app or others?
    If you want to code for a winform app using c# language, I suggest you
    can consult your question on specific
    WinForm forum so that they can share you something for you to start.
    Thanks for your understanding.
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Help with html code. not running properly once on server

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    I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on what is going on with the code that it does not work on the server?
    Thank you!!!!!

    Hello Sue. It's very easy actually.
    If you have the lastest update of Muse CC from Nov 2013, there is a FREE Muse Library by that you can download from the Adobe Muse Exchange page that does this specifically using Google Analytics.  Here is the direct link should you like to check it out:
    Start by "Right Clicking" on the "Master Page Icon" in the "Plan View" and choose "Page Properties" from the list of menu options available. 
    This will open up the "Page Properties Dialog Box" for the entire site. Once that dialog box is open, paste your code into the "Metadata" tab section (I believe that tab is displayed at default - at least on the Mac it is - I'm pretty sure it's the same on the Windows platform).
    All anaytics embed code goes in the <head> tag of an html page (note: it actually says "HTML for <head>" at the top of the embed window area - making it helpful to know you're in the right area). This is also where you would add any <meta> tags too like facebook's OpenGraph code etc.
    If using more than one master, included it to all masters.  If just using it on a specific page - say like a landing page, just go to that particular page in your site's "Plan View" and paste it there instead.
    Incase i get too "wordy" i've attached screen shots of what these should look like. 
    Good luck Sue!
    And congratulations on a nice new computer too - its got "juice".

  • Creating a Javascript Preloader for my HTML sites... wont work..

    Hey all,
    I am creating a Javascript Preloader for my html site (, I have scripted all actions and have come away with a bar that does not load. Can someone please direct me as to where the error may be.
    Thanks in advance!
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <script type="text/javascript">
    <!-- begin hiding
    // You may modify the following:
    var locationAfterPreload = "index2.html" // URL of the page after preload finishes
    var lengthOfPreloadBar = 450 // Length of preload bar (in pixels)
    var heightOfPreloadBar = 10 // Height of preload bar (in pixels)
    // Put the URLs of images that you want to preload below (as many as you want)
    var yourImages = new Array(
    // Do not modify anything beyond this point!
    if (document.images) {
    var dots = new Array()
    dots[0] = new Image(1,1)
    dots[0].src = "images/black.gif" // default preloadbar color (note: You can substitute it with your image, but it has to be 1x1 size)
    dots[1] = new Image(1,1)
    dots[1].src = "images/red.gif" // color of bar as preloading progresses (same note as above)
    var preImages = new Array(),coverage = Math.floor(lengthOfPreloadBar/yourImages.length),currCount = 0
    var loaded = new Array(),i,covered,timerID
    var leftOverWidth = lengthOfPreloadBar%coverage
    function loadImages() {
    for (i = 0; i < yourImages.length; i++) {
    preImages = new Image()
    preImages.src = yourImages
    for (i = 0; i < preImages.length; i++) {
    loaded = false
    function checkLoad() {
    if (currCount == preImages.length) {
    for (i = 0; i <= preImages.length; i++) {
    if (loaded == false && preImages.complete) {
    loaded = true
    eval("document.img" + currCount + ".src=dots[1].src")
    timerID = setTimeout("checkLoad()",10)
    // end hiding -->
    <style type="text/css">
    body p {
        color: #333;
    <div align="center">
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    <!-- begin hiding
    if (document.images) {
    var preloadBar = ''
    for (i = 0; i < yourImages.length-1; i++) {
    preloadBar += '<img src="' + dots[0].src + '" width="' + coverage + '" height="' + heightOfPreloadBar + '" name="img' + i + '" align="absmiddle">'
    preloadBar += '<img src="' + dots[0].src + '" width="' + (leftOverWidth+coverage) + '" height="' + heightOfPreloadBar + '" name="img' + (yourImages.length-1) + '" align="absmiddle">'
    // end hiding -->
    <p><font size="2" face="Helvetica Neue">Welcome to Rockspire...</font></p>

    I see an pdf and flv file in the image list, remove them.
    Rewrite the code of your loading bar into one solid procedure which can be called from image loaded so you end up with three functions:
    Maybe it's simpler not to display a progressbar but to display a text like XX loaded from XX images.
    I can't possibly write all the code for you but to adjust the loading bar use the image object instead of html code....
    preloadingImg = new Image();
    preloadingImg.src = "img/dot.jpg"   //whatever your preloader img is
    //To place your loading bar somewhere in the document:
    parentElement.addChildNode(preloadingImg);   //where parentElement is the container of the preloader image ( a DIV tag or whatever)
    //to adjust the width and height
    preloadingImg.height = someHeight + 'px';
    preloadingImg.width = someWidth + 'px'
    Another alternative is indeed use jQuery.

Maybe you are looking for