Does Nokia Recomend Users To Do These?

Does Nokia Recomend Users To:
-Install Phone Cleaning (Temp File Cleaning) Utilities,
-Install untrusted apps,
-Patch Phone (I know nokia doesn't recomend this but why?)
Go to Solution.

1. if you look after your phone, and backup periodiically and do a spring clean every so often, then your phone will be in tip top shape. Obviously, if you let your phone remain with 5000 messages, of course the phone will slow down lol.
2. To protect you, the user. untrusted apps can cause harm to the hardware of the phone, such as viruses, steal personal data and information, send data to unauthorised entities etc. Makes perfect sense.
3. Voids warranty and again, exposes the phone to threats such as the installation of untrusted apps, malicious attacks, viruses etc etc.

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    If I remember correctly, the last update was supposed to be an "interim" update until the next version/release came out. For what it's worth, since nothing has been forthcoming from Nokia, I've installed N-Desk which installs a much improved desktop application, similar to the I-phone's, and Maze Lock which provides an easier to use locking application. With both of these installed, you have a more consistent, easier to use interface. Enough so my wife has stopped complaining about how long it takes to get something done on the phone.
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    I hope this helps.

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    "What phone do you have in mind to replace the E63,  that would help us users alot more then telling us what is wrong with your phone.  Although over all I like my e63."
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    ..and you are getting charged for using the Internet (Packet data) by your service provider and not by Nokia /OVI..
    --------------------------------------------------​--------------------------------------------------​--------------------------------------------------​--If you find this helpful, pl. hit the White Star in Green Box...

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    Go to Solution.

    paulheu wrote:
    Guess what, all these apps are created for iPhone, a device which does not support flash. So it should be obvious to anyone that supporting flash is not a prerequisite to developing these apps. There are apps in Microsoft store which allow you to view iPlayer, TV catchup and most online TV channels just fine on a Windows Phone 7.5 device.
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    Again, it's the BBC and others who simply choose not to support Windows Phone and not any technical reason which would make it impossible.
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    Hey Nokia, suite yourself but stop being so distant from your customers.

    As WP is developed by Microsoft, it is their choice to release a developer preview. Nokia have never released preview versions of their software, this might change in future with the new owner.
    There was a very clear announcement that the official WP8.1+Cyan update will reach all WP8 Lumias within Q3 of 2014 - which only started less than two weeks ago.
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    Hi there,
    usually if the values are not kept in form after saving and re-opening the form, it would be because of your code... or because it is not Reader Extended PDF...
    If your code has a function which is to return a value to your field without it to be working based on your Design, it will reset any data..(variables)
    Which means...
    e.g.: You have an array/var/JSONobject which you populate varying on the data entered in the design, as long as you are in the actual form, without closing and re-opening the form, it will keep all values inside that array / variables / JSONobject. But, once the form closed and re-opened, if you have a function that returns a value to your field, whatever the field, from any variable in the script it will return nothing because every variables are reset. To avoid such a thing, you must repopulate all variables that were assigned previously before closing the PDF Form. To do so, I recommend to have a page(hidden) which contains every important values according to that function and you must repopulate those variables according to the values in the keepVar page...
    If you do not have any function that returns a value to a field based on your variables, this is not the solution you are looking for and I am not aware of the reason why it behaves like this... Maybe more information on the behaviour of your form would help locate the issue...
    Hope this help

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    3G is supported on the 5230.
    ‡Thank you for hitting the Blue/Green Star button‡
    N8-00 RM 596 V:111.030.0609; E71-1(05) RM 346 V: 500.21.009

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    *) if noo thx alot?

    Why does the Malaysian Nokia website say that a 6300 supports wma when the uk one says it doesn't?
    Nokia Music Manager doesn't have support for WMA. So how then do you copy wma music to the phone?
    My version of Nokia Music Manager has an option to search my PC for music, but doesn't find anything! I have some MP3 and mostly WMA. With MP3 selected it still doesn't find anything.
    My experience with Nokia Suite over the past 6 years is less than favourable. Any free alternatives out there?
    Do I have to get a Micro SD to SD converter and copy the files to the Micro SD card to get it to work?
    Software supplied is not exactly slick!

  • Does Nokia Asha 306 support Skype?

    Does nokia asha 306 support Skype ? and if it does how can i get it ?
    Moderator's notes: The post was edited. A more appropriate subject is provided.

    Hi MrBluetooth
    Welcome to Nokia forum! 
    Skype application is not compatible with Nokia Asha 306. If you wish to know what are the applications that you can download to your phone check Nokia Store. Set the model of your phone on the upper left part of the page and make sure that you have Nokia account so you can enjoy using different Nokia services. If you don't have any Nokia account you can create one for free, see this link.
    If my post helped you, please don't forget to click on the "White Star" and if it resolved your issue click on "Accept as Solution"

  • Does Nokia Asha 501 comes with USB cable?

    Does Nokia Asha 501 comes with USB cable?
    Go to Solution.

    No it doesn't, scroll to the bottom of this link "What's in the box"
    Happy to have helped forum in a small way with a Support Ratio = 37.0

  • IM34, IMCCP1, IMCCP3 . How to block user not run these tcodes twice

    Hi All,
    I have plan value from cjr2 (cost element and activity type)
    Normally we use IM34 (to roll up) the plan value then to copy plan value to investment management (imccp1) and copy plan to project budget (imccp3).
    How to block user to run these tcodes twice. It seems that if user run it twice, the total plan and budget will be double. Is there any way to reverse?
    PLz help...


  • Does nokia Lumia 630 support denim update

    respected sir myself Amol I want to know that does Nokia Lumia 630 support denim update I am from India if not then when it will be available.
    thank you.
    best regards,

    you can check here ([1]) which release is available for your device. For the Lumia 630 in India that is the Cyan release.
    [2] reads "For all other Lumia Windows Phone 8 smartphones, the update will start rolling out during Q4 2014, following partner testing and approvals", so I think
    it is only a matter of time when the update is deployed to the Lumia 630 in India.
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