Does prepareSession() fire before activateState()?

In an Application Module Impl class I have some session variables that I store in the getSession().getUserData() HashMap. I have written passivateState() and activateState() code to store/restore these values which seems to be working fine.
I have also overridden prepareSession in order to set some Oracle context values and to set some fields in v$session via dbms_application_info. This uses the variables stored in the session User Data.
I have set AM pooling to false in order to test passivation/activation as recommended by the documentation. On each request I get the activation and passivation as expected, however my problem is that the prepareSession call happens before the User Data variables have been restored by the activation phase.
Is this the order these are supposed to happen?
I can call the same code to prepare the session at the end of the activateState method but I just thought I'd check to see if there is any way to have prepareSession happen after state activation. Also, I'm implementing dynamic JDBC connections in case that might have affected things.
Many thanks,

if I remember correctly, prepareSession is called first and sets up the hash map containing userdata. Check . There you find a description of the activation cycle, which might help you to solve your problem.

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    Edited by: user12240205 on Oct 15, 2012 4:52 AM

    Michael Ferrante (Oracle) wrote:
    If you need to open another form you should use CALL_FORM, OPEN_FORM, or NEW_FORM. In these cases, ON-LOGON will not automatically fire because the connect info is passed from the calling form. If you need to login from the called form then you need to need to programatically cause that to occur. Refer to the LOGON and LOGON_SCREEN built-ins in the Builder help for more info. You can fire these from almost any trigger you like, for example in a WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE trigger or where ever is appropriate for you application.Michael, we tried using the CALL_FORM, OPEN_FORM & NEW_FORM.
    Also, there is NO connection to the DB, when B is called from A since we don't login to the DB in A (ON-LOGON has NULL;).
    So, if there is no DB connection when B is called, shouldn't the ON-LOGON in B fire?
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            private const SERVER_ADDRESS:String="rtmfp://";
            private const DEVELOPER_KEY:String="a9fb14e5b040800e8327ab51-37f33907d0c1/";
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            private var farPeerID:String;
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            private var recvStream:NetStream;
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                VidDisplay=new Sprite();
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                if (MY_peerIDText.text) {
                nc=new NetConnection();
            private function ncStatus(event:NetStatusEvent):void {
                INF.appendText("ncStatus: ""\n");
            private function initSendStream(e:MouseEvent){
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                var sendStreamClient:Object=new Object();
                    farPeerID = callerns.farID;
                    trace("onPeerConnect "+farPeerID);
                    INF.appendText("onPeerConnect "+farPeerID+"\n");
                    return true;
                //VideoDisplay=new MyVideoDisplay(VidDisplay);
                //var camera:Camera=Camera.getCamera();
            private function initRecvStream(e:MouseEvent){
                recvStream=new NetStream(nc,farPeerID);
                INF.appendText("start receiving from "+farPeerID+"\n");
                //FAR_PeerVideoDisplay=new farPeerVideoDisplay(VidDisplay);
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            private function sendDataBTNPressed(e:MouseEvent){
            private function netStatusHandler(event:NetStatusEvent):void {
                trace("netStatusHandler: ";
                INF.appendText("netStatusHandler: ""\n");
    i have 3 input texts: MY_peerIDText, txtSendData, txtReceiveData
    When i press connectToStratusBTN i get ID after than i open another
    browser window with the same swf and paste this ID into MY_peerIDText
    After connection i press initSendStreamBTN in first swf (it is 1st browser page)
    and i press initReceiveStreamBTN in 2nd swf
    After that iwrite down some text in txtSendData TextField (in 1st browser page) and press sendDataBTN
    Nothing happens

    this function doesn't work correctly:
    private function sendDataBTNPressed(e:MouseEvent){
    because you send not String, but link to the txtSendData.text, which is empty in another peer.
    So, solution is following (not the one, but for example):
    private function sendDataBTNPressed(e:MouseEvent){
             var sendString:String = "";

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    romex wrote:
    Removing touchesBegan and touchesEnded methods from custom cell class resolved the problem.
    When we were working on this last June, do you remember if the methods you removed had been passing the events to super? I thought we covered that, but I don't see it anywhere in the thread. In other words, did the methods look like the example below?
    - (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
    [super touchesBegan:touches withEvent:event]; //<-- pass to UITableViewCell
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    Or, was anything like the following tried?:
    - (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
    [[self superview] touchesBegan:touches withEvent:event]; //<-- pass to super view
    // cell does something else here
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    - (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
    [[self nextResponder] touchesBegan:touches withEvent:event]; //<-- pass to next responder
    // add extra sanity check
    NSLog(@"superview=%@ nextResponder=%@", [self superview], [self nextResponder]);
    // cell does something else here
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    "justria" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gnkhoe$sk4$[email protected]..
    > Hi,
    > in a class CSampleEntity, which gets instantaiated
    dynamically using
    > public function createEntity( anObjClass:Class
    ):TAAbstractEntity {
    > var obj:TAAbstractEntity = null;
    > obj = new anObjClass();
    > return obj;
    > }
    > the setter function
    > public function set title( aValue:String ):void {
    > this.setKV( CSampleEntity.PROP_TITLE, aValue );
    > }
    > does not fire.
    > Could someone provide insights, why this call
    > var sample:CSampleEntity = stm.createEntity(
    CSampleEntity ) as
    > CSampleEntity;
    > sample.title = 'Hello World'; // << THIS does not
    > does not fire the 'set title' setter?
    > Actually, the Flex AIR debugger show an object of class
    CSampleEntity with
    > a
    > property 'title' - but the setter does not set this
    So, if you have
    public function set title( aValue:String ):void {
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    Boeing737 wrote:
    If I build an annotation processor and include it in my eclipse project, does it run before the code is compiled by javac or after?
    Using the annotation processor, I wish to do a very basic code change on a method that is annotated.
    ThanksI belive APT is processing during compile time, but you cannot change code with it, only add stuff.
    A good start could be AspectJ:
    edit: i just found this statement here:
    As a general rule I’d break down APT and AspectJ usage as follows:
    Use AspectJ if you need to add a functional requirement to existing entities. Examples include: monitoring, architecture enforcement, transactional functionality.
    Use APT if you need to generate bye products for framework integration. Examples include: schema generation, source code generation tools (e.g. JAXB, JAXWS)
    APT is not designed to be updating code to meet a functional requirement, AspectJ is. Instead APT provides a compiler extension that allows you to generate bye products driven by meta data on a class.
    Edited by: ryan on 27.06.2011 07:34
    Edited by: ryan on 27.06.2011 07:35

  • Selectonechoice:validation fires before valueChangeListener

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    or something else causes that go awry?
    <af:selectOneChoice value="#{row.bindings.AddrTypeId.inputValue}"
    id="soc1" autoSubmit="false" immediate="false"
    that order makes validation useless, i think in terms of oracle forms.

    According to this:
    Validator should fire first unless you use immediate true where you skip *[edit: as the documentation says: delivery of valueChangeEvents events are done earlier in the lifecycle, during the Apply Request Values phase, instead of after the Process Validations phase. No lifecycle phases are skipped.*
    *Using the word skip, is misleading and I should rephrase to "execute ValueChangeEvent first" ]* the validation and process to ValueChangeEvent immediatelly.
    At least, this is my understanding..
    Edited by: Dimitris Stasinopoulos on Dec 13, 2011 12:36 PM

  • With both ApplyMRU and ApplyMRD, does one commit before the other runs?

    This is related to another thread at How to stop insert of new row in tabular form if it's also being deleted I wanted to ask this question separately, however, for broader understanding.
    I have a tabular form configured so that if a user clicks on "Delete Checked Rows", it fires the ApplyMRU process and then the ApplyMRD process. (This is mainly so that other edits are not lost when deleting some rows -- see the other thread for more on this use case.)
    Both processes run, as I can see edits and deletions happening when the page returns. But it appears as though the ApplyMRU process doesn't actually commit its changes to the session before ApplyMRD runs, because it won't operate on the same record. Is that true?
    Here's why I think that:
    1) User clicks "Add Another Row" to insert a new row.
    2) User enters some information in that row.
    3) User then checks that row (say they changed their mind and don't want to enter it after all), and clicks on "Delete Checked Names".
    The new row gets inserted (when ApplyMRU fires), but not deleted (when ApplyMRD fires). Other checked rows, however, do delete. This reproduces in both ApEx 3.2 and in ApEx 4.0, with the new, client-side addRow() replacing the old implementation.
    Is this expected behavior?

    Nicolette - ah, I think you nailed it. The PK is being created in the trigger. So it's not in the form when it is submitted, but is created after ApplyMRU runs. There doesn't appear to be any way to return that information back to the session state, since it could span multiple rows.
    It hadn't occurred to me that the delete would be using the PK, but of course, that now seems obvious in hindsight.
    I've found a fix for this -- it seems a bit circuitous, and if anyone knows of a better way, I'd be interested in hearing it.
    Here's what I did:
    1) Create a validation that looks for rows that are checked (marked for deletion) AND do not have a PK set (just added to form), and override the value of some other, non-PK field to some dummy value. You can't override the PK field, or it results in a "Current version of data in database has changed" error. This also handles the case where some non-nullable field is null.
    2) Add a process that runs after ApplyMRD (when MRD button is pressed), and deletes all records with this dummy value, as well as any auditing table entries with that dummy value, if applicable.
    Ironically, this solution is almost identical to the one I described in the other thread, and I might not have even run into this issue, had I not mistakenly coded my validation to fire when the request is MUTLIROWDELETE. Oops. :)
    Thanks for the help!

  • 2 Create bindings in 1 page, second Create event does not fire (ADF)

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    Is there a way round this other than having to have my detail page on a seperate page?
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    JDeveloper Version (Build 1811)
    Oracle IDE
    Business Components Version
    UML Modelers Version
    Versioning Support
    WebDAV Support Version
    Struts Modeler Version
    Designer Generators Framework
    ADF UIX     2.2.16
    java.version     1.4.2_04

    Can you do something like this?
    1. Look at the uimodel for your page and find the Create that is the action binding for the detail. Name it something like: CreateDetail
    2. Change the button on the page to create a detail to be named: event_CreateDetail.
    3. Change the forward from Master/Detail browser page to: CreateDetail
    Can you provide more details on:
    1. What are the names of the create bindings for master, then detail?
    2. What is the name of the forwards, that is the struts-config.xml action definition for this page?
    I hope this helps!

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    Tangosol, Inc.
    Tangosol Coherence: Clustered Replicated Cache for Weblogic
    "patrick" <[email protected]> wrote in message
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    the message before said in weblogic 6.1
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